Leaked Sentence Examples
More magic leaked into his body, warming him.
These enzymes are leaked into the blood stream when muscles become inflamed.
It also leaked out during the investigation that he had received in 1868, as a campaign contribution, a gift of $4000 from a contractor who had supplied the government with envelopes while Colfax was chairman of the post office committee of the House.
Rumours of his confinement at Kholmogory having leaked out, he was secretly transferred to the fortress of Schliisselburg (1756), where he was still more rigorously guarded, the very commandant of the fortress not knowing who "a certain arrestant" committed to his care really was.
The plot leaked out; the rest of the monks were induced to elect John de Gray, and he too was despatched to Rome.
It sounds like someone very, very close to them, someone they trusted, leaked the photos thereby betraying them.
There we sat together under that part of the roof which leaked the least, while it showered and thundered without.
So far, few details about the interview have been leaked.
She latched onto the nipple, sucking so hard that air leaked between her lips and the nipple with a squeaky sound.
Today's leaked memo on inward investment is therefore a grotesque distortion of Britain's inward investment success.
AdvertisementThe most spectacular failure was a power supply glitch, all the magic smoke leaked out, luckily it didn't incite anything else.
The most spectacular failure was a power supply glitch, all the magic smoke leaked out, luckily it did n't incite anything else.
Over 40 tons of highly poisonous methyl isocyanate gas leaked out of the pesticide factory of Union Carbide in Bhopal.
Seems to be the individual named in Michael Rubin's leaked CPA memorandum from March 2004, alleged to be taking kickbacks.
The risk of leaked LPG entering the interior of the hull from cylinder lockers is minimized.
AdvertisementDetails of the schemes emerged in a leaked memo last night, causing anger among MPs.
The Mirror cited a secret memo leaked from the British government.
We have seen evidence of low staff morale in the leaked survey.
Go see this motion picture, but first put the book out of your head along with those early scripts that leaked out.
I just saw the ' leaked ' footage of the plane hitting the pentagon.
AdvertisementIn 1943 agents kept tabs on him after he married a prostitute who leaked " sensitive " information to her mother in Ireland.
Confidential documents have been leaked which spell out Labor 's sell-off plans.
The gutters leaked, water oozed into the dairy, the cars got stuck in the mud, the children would not go outside.
The attorney general 's office has leaked every prosecution document to the press, contrary to Colombian sub judice laws.
Unsurprisingly, the track proprietors kept tight-lipped about the incident, but now the news has leaked out.
AdvertisementWhether the leaked sale ads are from the retailers themselves or from third parties is speculation.
With the extended hours, the store is looking to lure in as many bargain hunters as possible and one look at the company's leaked circular indicates that that's exactly what will happen.
I've had cats before, but none ever "leaked" on me.Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
They don't realize the cat will get into antifreeze that has leaked onto the ground.
Cracks in the cement, failure of the pipe system, which brings in clean water and other systems failures can lead to dangerous amounts of radiation being leaked into nearby communities.
The manual sliding cover eliminates the electronic version, which had a tendency to jam when sand and water leaked in.
Make use of any nutrients that have leaked into the boiling water by using the water as a base for vegetable stock or soup.
Just before The Simple Life premiered, a sex tape Paris had made with her ex, Rick Salomon, was leaked to the Internet in 2003.
No matter how they get leaked, celebrity sex tapes spread across the Internet at lightning speed.
Actor Eric Dane, who is one of the stars of Grey's Anatomy, and his wife actress Rebecca Gayheart, were the subjects of a leaked tape that featured them along with former Miss Teen U.S.A. and Playboy model Kari Ann Peniche.
Dane and Gayheart sued Gawker Media for releasing the tape, though no one has ever publicly confirmed how it was leaked.
Shrider leaked the tape to gossip website TMZ, and clips were posted online.
One of these was a musical guest slot on Saturday Night Live, which became almost scandalous when it was leaked that Simpson had attempted to lip-synch to a recording.
She's also well-known for some seedier things, such as a leaked sex tape and several arrests.
Survivor contestant Jenna Lewis and her new husband may or may not have wanted their sex tape to be leaked.
Baldwin's attorneys are looking into how the personal voicemail message was actually leaked to the public.
The source is said to have leaked the photos in an attempt to help Lindsay get back on track, telling the British tabloid, "The world can know what Lindsay has been doing and she can't lie about it to herself or anyone else."
Inevitably, the tape is somehow "leaked" to the press and posted on websites like YouTube, before the celebrity involved has his or her clothes back on.
The gossip site quickly removed the clips, only to put them back up when Shrider admitted that she was the one who purposely leaked the parts of the home video.
In January 2007, Kardashian was thrown into the media spotlight after a 2004 sex video made with then-boyfriend Ray J, was leaked on the Internet.
These were personal pictures that were meant to be shared only with Zac Efron, but somehow they were leaked.
The assault trial of Chris Brown is in jeopardy of getting dismissed due to the leaked photos of Rihanna after the incident.
The photo was leaked to the press just days after the attack and was published on TMZ.com.
Terms of the contract have been leaked, as they had to be filed in a Los Angeles court for a judge's approval and thus became public record.
Like many other celebrities before her, Kardashian dealt with the repercussions of a leaked sex tape and has moved on, not letting it interfere with her celebrity status.
In 2007, fans were surprised to learn that a sex tape featuring socialite Kim Kardashian and her then-boyfriend Ray J had been leaked.
The Eric Dane tape is a video that was somehow leaked to the online tabloids, in which actor Eric Dane, his wife and one of their friends hangs around an apartment in the nude, apparently high on drugs.
In 1988, someone leaked a sex tape featuring Lowe being intimate with two women, one an underage girl.
Photos of Rihanna with visible injuries were leaked, and Brown admitted that he had beaten her.
In July 2010, an audio tape was leaked of Gibson admitting to assaulting then-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, the second of a series of foul-language-filled tirades made by the actor.
Sources close the pair leaked stories about their troubles, but the most convincing evidence that the separation was old news came in the timing of a Vanity Fair cover story featuring Lopez.
Two phones have been leaked in pictures.
Whenever you spot mushy vegetables, consider the fact that much of the vitamin C has probably leaked out of the food.
The decision was made to keep this information from the public, but the story supposedly leaked out from an "official" source.
The very fact that Star Wars did as well as it did even after it was leaked on the internet stands as an argument that illegal download movies really don't hurt the industry all that much.
A couple of weeks after this news leaked, the studio seemed to have a working script and released a statement saying they were very happy with Rosenberg.
The movie has been announced, but very little has leaked yet about the plot, and only the aforementioned fan-created trailers are available.
Days before the movie's theatrical release, a workprint of the film was leaked on the Internet through numerous Bittorrent websites.
Unfortunately, not much has been leaked about the script other than hints of high action dynamics.
Storylines that are leaked may be changed or misinterpreted, especially if a source only has a portion of the script or information.
When these spoilers leaked they were denied by actors at fan events (including Steve Burton and Rebecca Herbst), but were later confirmed when Livingston's Emily was indeed murdered during the Black and White Ball.
When secrets about upcoming episodes have leaked in the past, rumors suggest that the writers and producers actually changed storyline directions on the popular ABC medical drama.
In fact, so opposed that when some spoilers leaked in the second season, Rimes reportedly altered the leaked storyline in order to change it.
However, a leaked document was posted online that states the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation concludes that the multiple shots aggravated Hannah's brain disorder.
Metallica also launched a legal challenge against Napster, when unreleased tracks were leaked online.
At the same time, they leaked her new single, Me and U online.
The trouble started for Napster when Metallica got wind of the fact that one of their unreleased tracks, I Disappear, was leaked to Napster.
Tracks from OK Computer were leaked on Napster weeks before the release and were downloaded over and over again.
Weeks before the release of the album, all of the tracks from OK Computer were leaked to Napster (when Napster was not a fee based service).
Since then, copies of it have leaked on the internet.
The song was slated for release in mid-August of 2008, but was leaked on the Internet a week prior to it's release and began getting a lot of radio air time.
The 911 call her friend made prior to the hospitalization was leaked later, and it revealed that he called 911 and requested an exorcist.
News of the split had leaked beforehand, and rumors swirled that the couple had split months before.
It all started going south when photos of Jon Gosselin and a woman rumored to be his girlfriend (and rumored to the woman he was cheating on Kate with) leaked to the press.
The biography of Ray J took a sudden turn in 2007, when a pornographic video featuring Ray J and his then girlfriend Kim Kardashian was leaked.
The tape, which leaked during the run up to the release of his fourth album, became something of a sensation and brought both Ray J and Kim an unprecedented level of success.
Soon, however, rumors about Ray J's relationship with Tila Tequila leaked out, and Cocktail and Ray J split.
A series of e-mails between Rycroft and Mesnick were leaked shortly after the special aired, which seemed to hint that she had suspicions of Mesnick's feelings for Malaney before the show.
Wood canteens were heavy and tin dented easily and often leaked badly.
A comfortable bed replaced the cot utilized in Peabody and absolute darkness proved more conducive to sleep than the leaked light that often snuck into our old quarters.
He'd not had to work too hard for confessions in the past thousand years, not after word of his cold, methodological skills leaked to the Guardians.
The whereabouts of this moon on which you claim exile have been leaked off-planet.
Innovative locals, resting in the doldrums of off-season winter, noticed that when the large, ancient pipe leaked, escaping water coated the high walls of the gorge in spectacular ice.
They also showed me in another place what they thought was a "leach-hole," through which the pond leaked out under a hill into a neighboring meadow, pushing me out on a cake of ice to see it.