Leaflets Sentence Examples
Advice leaflets are available which you can download in pdf format.
Vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation to the Diocesan priesthood.
Are there any service guides or leaflets available regarding the new wheelie bins service?
It has wrinkled, dark green leaves of three to five leaflets, the mid-ribs having a few scattered bristles.
Leaflets are ovate and have serreate margins.
From black roots spring healthy tufts of leaves with two or three pairs of shining leaflets; the flower-buds appearing soon afterwards, almost covering the plant with beautiful purple and blue blooms in April.
Its leaves are palmately compound with 3-5 leaflets, the middle one being the largest.
It has slender-stalked leaves, broad leaflets, and in early summer dense erect clusters of pinkish fragrant flowers; a valuable hardy tree.
The foliage is very handsome, the great leaves, often 2 feet in length, being divided into many deep green leaflets.
Eastern Cork Tree (Phellodendron) - Hardy summer-leafing trees about 50 feet high, from China and Japan, spreading in habit, and with large leaves cut into many leaflets.
AdvertisementThe leaves are made up of about eleven ovate leaflets, the larger ones exceeding 5 inches in length and 2 1/2 inches in width.
Ground Nut (Apios Tuberosa) - A graceful tuberous-rooted perennial of twining habit, with leaves cut into five lance-shaped leaflets, and fragrant brown flowers in dense clusters from July to September.
The foliage is thick, with three or five leaflets of a deep shining green.
Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis Comosa) - A small prostrate British plant, with pretty little deep-yellow flowers, in coronilla-like crowns, the upper petal faintly veined with brown, the pinnate leaves small and leaflets smooth.
Lardizabala - L. biternata is a handsome evergreen climber from Chili, hardy enough for walls in the south and coast districts; the foliage a deep green, the leaflets thick.
AdvertisementIt is a tall herbaceous climber, 10 to 20 feet high, with pinnate leaves, terminating in branched tendrils, the leaflets being covered on the under side with a fine silky down.
Sophora Secundiflora - A low dense tree or leafy shrub, with ornamental foliage composed of neat rounded leaflets with a glossy surface, and strongly fragrant violet-blue flowers borne in a dense spike.
It has silvery leaves divided into a number of small leaflets, and clusters of white flowers like the Hawthorn, followed by red-brown berries.
In this the leaflets are arranged in pairs.
The grey-green leaves have seven leaflets, and are scented when young.
AdvertisementThe leaflets are small and numerous, not unlike those of the Scotch Rose, and in one variety the young stems are quite red.
Its leaves are very deeply-cut, frequently into several leaflets, which are a gain deeply lobed.
Var. laciniata is very distinct, the leaflets longer and of much greater breadth than in R. glabra itself, but they are cut up into narrow pinnate segments.
America. T. rhombifolia is dwarfer and with rounded leaflets, growing well even in the driest places.
America. In appearance they are unlike other shrubs, often with handsome leaves cut into leaflets, and small white or greenish flowers followed in some kinds by ornamental fruits.
AdvertisementThe deep green leaves are cut into five leaflets, threaded by silvery ribs and veins, the effect being particularly rich in autumn when they turn a deep crimson-purple.
They are cut into many widely-spread leaflets, measure 18 by 12 inches at the base, their upper, surface a dark green changing to grey-green on the under side.
This encompasses a large assortment of posters, leaflets, meetings and even "newspapers" that you can use to promote your new business.
Ebstein's anomaly is a rare congenital syndrome that causes malformed tricuspid valve leaflets, which allow blood to leak between the right ventricle and the right atrium.
Subsidiary clubs affiliated to the central administration were formed throughout the length and breadth of the coilntry, and millions of leaflets and pamphlets were distributed broadcast to explain the importance of the movement.
When the pinnate leaf of a Mimosa pudica, the so-called sensitive plant, is pinched or struck, the leaf droops rapidly and the leaflets become approximated together, so that their upper surfaces are in contact.
The extent to which the disturbance spreads depends on the violence of the stimulationit may be confined to a few leaflets or it may extend to all the leaves of the plant.
The small pulvini of the leaflets, by similar changes of the distribution of turgidity, take up their respective position.s after receiving the stimulus.
Newspapers, as the term is understood in the West, did not exist in old Japan, though block-printed leaflets were occasionally issued to describe some specially stirring event.
In former years the "Vegetarian Society" was the most active in producing literature, but since about 1901 the Order of the Golden Age has come to the front with new and up-to-date books, booklets and leaflets, and the Ideal Publishing Union has reprinted much of the earlier literature.
The plant is an annual herb with flexuose branches, and alternately arranged pinnately compound leaves, with small, oval, serrated leaflets and small eared stipules.
Abietic acid can be extracted from colophony by means of hot alcohol; it crystallizes in leaflets, and on oxidation yields trimellitic, isophthalic and terebic acid.
In this way two marked forms of leaf are produced - (I) Simple form, in which the segmentation, however deeply it extends into the lamina, does not separate portions of the lamina which become articulated with the midrib or petiole; and (2) Compound form, where portions of the lamina are separated as detached leaflets, which become articulated with the midrib or petiole.
Compound leaves are those in which the divisions extend to the midrib or petiole, and the sepa rated portions become each arti culated with it, and receive the name of leaflets.
There are nine pairs of shortly-stalked leaflets (foliola, pinnae), and an odd one at the extremity.
Some petioles are long, slender and sensitive to contact, and function as tendrils by means of which the plant climbs; as in the l,' nasturtiums (Tropaeolum), clematis and c in others; and in compound leaves the midrib and some of the leaflets may similarly be transformed into tendrils, as in the pea and vetch.
At the base of the leaflets of a compound leaf, small stipules (stipels) are occasionally produced.
In Utricularia bladder-like sacs are formed by a modification of leaflets on the submerged leaves.
Each leaf has a slender stem-like axis, which twines round a support and bears leaflets at intervals; it goes on growing indefinitely.
In some instances, however, more especially in the Australian species, the leaflets are suppressed and the leaf-stalks become vertically flattened, and serve the purpose of leaves.
A director of agriculture was appointed in 1896, and leaflets are issued pointing out improvements within the means of the villager, and how to deal with plant diseases and insect pests.
Of Phanerogams, only the Dryas octopetala covers small areas of the debris, interspersed with isolated Cochlearia, &c., and, where a layer of thinner clay has been deposited in sheltered places, the surface is covered with saxifrages, &c.; and a carpet of mosses allows the arctic willow (Salix polaris) to develop. Where a thin sheet of humus, fertilized by lemmings, has accumulated, a few flowering plants appear, but even so their brilliant flowers spring direct from the soil, concealing the developed leaflets, while their horizontally spread roots grow out of proportion; only the Salix lanata rises to 7 or 8 in., sending out roots I in.
The leaves are composed of seven radiating leaflets (long-wedge-shaped); when young they are downy and drooping.
The tree bears large compound leaves with two to four pairs of leathery lanceolate pointed leaflets about 3 in.
A series of bibliographical leaflets for the use of teachers is issued by the Historical Association.
The results of these experiments are issued in the form of leaflets and distributed widely among farmers.
The Tariff Reform League was founded in order to further Mr Chamberlain's policy, holding its inaugural meeting on July 21st; and it began to take an active part in issuing leaflets and in work at by-elections.
This involucre is frequently composed of several rows of leaflets, which are either of the same or of different forms and lengths, and often lie over each other in an imbricated manner.
The leaves are highly compound, dividing dichotomously into several leaflets, each of which is deeply pinnatifid, with fine segments.
It is, however, probable that a considerable group of true Ferns, allied to Marattiaceae, existed in Palaeozoic times, side by side with simpler forms. In one respect the fronds of many Palaeozoic Ferns and Pteridosperms were peculiar, namely, in the presence on their rachis, and at the base of their pinnae, of anomalous leaflets, often totally different in form and venation from the ordinary pinnules.
The seed was stalked, and there is an exact agreement in structure between the vascular strands of the stalk and cupule of the seed, and those of the rachis and leaflets of Lyginodendron, thus confirming the evidence from the glands.
Fertile leaflets, day, while fern like in habit bearing sporangia, and sterile, were Cycadean in structure.
Seed, attached to a branch of the rachis bearing two vegetative leaflets.
This genus, from the Permo-Carboniferous of Autun, is represented by large, fleshy, reniform leaves or leaflets, with radiating dichotomous venation; the vascular bundles have in all respects the structure of those in the leaves of Cycads or Cordaiteae.
Others split readily into fine leaflets or laminae parallel to their bedding, and this structure is accentuated by the presence of films of other materials, such as sand or vegetable debris.
In the first year, The Sun flew a model airplane over the compound dropping leaflets exposing the double dealing of Nick Bateman.
So, look out for lots of well-crafted leaflets, press releases and other bumf.
A stout relative of R. excelsa with a rather stronger look, thicker canes and broader leaflets.
I began to build a business, printed leaflets, advertised, and slowly but surely, began to build clientele.
As a finale, they turned the leaflets into paper planes and fired then across the terminal concourse!
Protesters, including a pantomime cow, handed out warning leaflets to shoppers.
In 1975 several PPU members faced a ten-week trial for distributing leaflets telling soldiers disillusioned with Northern Ireland duties how they might leave.
The day's activism lasted for a couple of hours with over 500 leaflets distributed.
The unit then distributes information handbills or leaflets in the native language.
By the way, these leaflets being produced by the BNP are particularly hateful.
With these partners we have issued leaflets and posters to poultry keepers on how they can protect their flocks.
The compound pinnate leaf has 5 - 7 leaflets although some authorities state up to eleven.
Once the research was complete, the schools produced 5000 trail leaflets, which were tested by the Camden older peoples group.
Keep it simple, and make sure that it looks ok when reduced for A5 leaflets.
Resources Here you can find links to other useful websites and downloadable information leaflets for you and for young people.
A section about honeybee diseases includes information about diagnosing and several downloadable advisory leaflets.
The Boro Council has also produced a range of general guidance leaflets on specific subject matters.
Each bears three pairs of lateral leaflets and a terminal one, all supported on rather long sub- petioles.
We can insert leaflets into the pages of the paper, or distribute posters and flyers direct to students.
We produce local information leaflets and contacts sheets dealing with different types of work, e.g. retail or catering, for young job seekers.
The leaflets to be distributed to tsunami survivors tell them to prepare for death.
The leaves - on long stalks - are each divided into three small leaflets with finely toothed edges.
The project has developed and distributed posters and leaflets on How to check for and treat trypanosomiasis.
The team hit the streets last Friday to give out leaflets on the dangers of leaving cars running unattended.
These leaflets would be extremely useful to distribute to staff.
It has broader leaflets (to increase photosynthesis in shady conditions) than the tufted vetch.
Vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation to the Diocesan priesthood.
Garbage littered streets that were scattered with leaflets dropped by American warplanes warning the resistance to give up or face death.
I showed them leaflets and explain about the condition to them and they will only understand wat they want to.
A study of the development of the pitcher, especially in the young pitchers of seedling plants, shows that the inflated portion is a development of the midrib of the leaf, while the wings, which are especially well represented in the terrestrial type of pitcher, represent the upper portion of the leaf-blade which has become separated from the lower portion by the tendril; the lid is regarded as representing two leaflets which have become fused.
The footman, who was distributing leaflets with Kutuzov's cantata, laid one before Pierre as one of the principal guests.
A set of 5 identification leaflets to the common saxicolous lichens in lowland England is available from Ivan Pedley (cost £ 3.00).
Which is why some people are handing out leaflets at showings of the film telling people where to go to find out more.
His campaign in Village ward used leaflets full of lies in a bid to stoke up fear and resentment in the community.
Planes flown from the US bombed sugar mills, strafed trains and dropped incendiary devices and leaflets on Havana.
Every month all the members of the community leaflet the village, giving out 360 leaflets inviting residents to a tranquility zone.
It has broader leaflets (to increase photosynthesis in shady conditions) than the Tufted vetch.
It has large compound leaves composed of four or five pairs, with a terminal odd one, of short-stalked, oblong, blunt, leathery leaflets, and inconspicuous green flowers.
Senna has separate leaves attached to it, but it is considered properly as one leaf, because in its earliest state it arises from the axis as a single piece, and its subsequent divisions in the form of leaflets are all in one plane.
In leaflets on the rachis of the same the case of Medullosa anglica we leaf.
The leaves of hemp have five to seven leaflets, the form of which is lanceolate-acuminate, with a serrate margin.