Leads Sentence Examples
I have no leads on anyone else, Jule replied.
Rhyn leads the Council.
It is possible to suppose that this condition is derived from the astelic condition already referred to, but the evidence on the whole leads to the conclusion that it has ansen byan increase in the number of the bundles within the stele, the individuality of the bundle asserting itself after its escape from the original bundle-ring of the primitive cylinder.
Queen Street, the principal thoroughfare, leads inland from the main dock, and contains the majority of the public buildings.
A spiral stairway leads from the base of this pedestal to the torch.
The direct action of changed conditions leads to definite or indefinite results.
The whole business with Annie Quincy leads up to a similar suicide.
Haeckel regards it as the equivalent of the manubrium, and as it is implanted on the blind end of the pneumatophore, such a view leads necessarily to the air-sack and gland being a development on the ex-umbral surface of the medusa-person.
The FBI had put out a statement they were handling the Wasserman case and pursuing strong leads out of state.
The result, if considered alone, inevitably leads to an underestimate of the average amplitude of the regular diurnal variation.
AdvertisementCuvier on anatomical, and Von Baer on embryological grounds, made the further step of proving that, even in this limited sense, animals cannot be arranged in a single series, but that there are several distinct plans of organization to be observed among them, no one of which, in its highest and most complicated modification, leads to any of the others.
The Woman Soul leads us upward and on!
There were leads, but few.
Here, at the highest level, there are a number of " upper reception lines " converging to a single line which leads to a group of " sorting sidings " at a lower level.
But what about a reasoned belief based on a balanced look at both history and current reality that leads you to be optimistic?
AdvertisementThis is one of the few areas in which government taxation actually leads to a more efficient outcome.
This leads to the proverbial "lean years" and "fat years."
More information leads to more peace, unless you want to argue that ignorance is more peaceful.
This all leads to more peaceful states.
As often happens in early youth, especially to one who leads a lonely life, he felt an unaccountable tenderness for this young man and made up his mind that they would be friends.
AdvertisementStill, there were more false leads than successes before the hall clocked tolled eleven and Cynthia announced it was beyond everyone's bedtime.
From Bordeaux there is also a direct line to Bayonne and Irun (for Madrid), and at the other end of the Pyrenees a line leads from Narbonne to Perpignan and Barcelona.
A further gentle rise in the high steppes leads to the mountains of the West Australian coast, and another strip of low-lying coastal land to the sea.
They often end in a cul-de-sac. The principal street is the rue de la Kasbah, which leads up to the citadel by 497 steps.
The presence of more than a small percentage of resin in the latex leads to the production of rubber containing much resin, which seriously depreciates its commercial value for most purposes.
AdvertisementUncombined sulphur is injurious, and often leads to the decay of vulcanized goods, but an excess of sulphur is generally required in order to ensure perfect vulcanization.
The mouth, which is quite devoid of armature, leads imperceptibly into a short and dorsally directed oesophagus.
Just as cogrediency leads to a theory of covariants, so contragrediency leads to a theory of contravariants.
Hence a beautiful road, immortalized by Goethe in Dichtung and Wahrheit, leads across the Vosges to Pfalzburg.
The intervening kettles contain leads with silver contents ranging from above market to below cupelling lead.
A road also leads northward, by Sinjar, to Mosul, crossing the river on a stone bridge, built in 1897, the only permanent bridge over the Euphrates south of Asia Minor.
Abelard also perceived that Realism, by separating the universal substance from the forms which individualize it, makes the universal indifferent to these forms, and leads directly to the doctrine of the identity of all beings in one universal substance or matter - a pantheism which might take either an Averroistic or a Spinozistic form.
What Abelard combats is the substantiation of these resembling qualities, which leads to their being regarded as identical in all the separate individuals, and thus paves the way for the gradual undermining of the individual, the only true and indivisible substance.
Evolution and involution are usually regarded as operations of ordinary algebra; this leads to a notation for powers and roots, and a theory of irrational algebraic quantities analogous to that of irrational numbers.
In consequence of this excess of births there is a struggle for existence and a survival of the fittest, and consequently an ever-present necessarily acting selection, which either maintains accurately the form of the species from generation to generation or leads to its modification in correspondence with changes in the surrounding circumstances which have relation to its fitness for success in the struggle for life.
But it must not be forgotten that the problems presented by human communities are extremely complex, and that the absence of any selection of healthy or desirable stock in the breeding of human communities leads to undesirable consequences.
A diminution of X thus leads to a simple proportional shrinkage of the diffraction pattern, attended by an augmentation of brilliancy in proportion to A-2.
The conception of the lamina leads immediately to two schemes, according to which a primary wave may be supposed to be broken up. In the first of these the element dS, the effect of which is to be estimated, is supposed to execute its actual motion, while every other element of the plane lamina is maintained at rest.
Oxford Street, with its handsome shops, bounds the borough on the south, crossing Regent Street at Oxford Circus; Edgware Road on the west; Marylebone Road crosses from east to west, .and from this Upper Baker Street gives access to Park, Wellington, and Finchley Roads; and Baker Street leads southward.
It lies on the navigable Przemsa, across which an iron bridge leads to the Polish town of Modrzejow, 120 m.
His restlessness leads us at times to a comparison with Skelton, not in respect of any parallelism of idea or literary craftsmanship, but in his experimental zeal in turning the diction and tuning the rhythms of the chaotic English which only Chaucer's genius had reduced to order.
A study of the changes going on in the rif tvalley in which the lakes lie leads, however, to the belief that the Albert Edward and Albert Nyanzas are drying up, a process which the nature of the drainage areas is helping to bring about.
His own special "leads" were few, owing to the personal reasons given above; his declaration at the Queen's Hall, London, early in 1907, in favour of drastic land reform, served only to encourage a number of extremists; and the Liberal enthusiasm against the House of Lords, violently excited in 1 9 06 by the fate of the Education Bill and Plural Voting Bill, was rather damped than otherwise, when his method of procedure by resolution of the House of Commons was disclosed in 1907.
The evidence afforded by the poem rather leads to the conclusion that the tradition contains some germ of fact.
For many centuries this district between London and Westminster was a kind of " no man's land " having certain archaic customs. Gomme in his Governance of London (1907) gives an account of the connexion of this with the old village of Aldwich, a name that survived in Wych Street, and has been revived by the London County Council in Aldwych, the crescent which leads to Kingsway.
This leads to the adoption of the room and pillar system so common in coal-mining.
The Dorah, however, is not the only pass which leads into the Chitral valley from the Oxus.
The Mandal pass, a few miles south of the Dorah, is the connecting link between the Oxus and the Bashgol valley of Kafiristan; and the Bashgol valley leads directly to the Chitral valley at Arnawai, about 50 m.
The presence in a metal of even small proportions of arsenide generally leads to considerable deterioration in mechanical qualities.
Most metals when molten are capable of dissolving at least small proportions of carbon, which, in general, leads to a deterioration in metallicity, except in the case of iron, which by the addition of small percentages of carbon gains in elasticity and tensile strength with little loss of plasticity.
In the absolute path in space cos Ili = (2 - 3 sin 2 6)/1/ (4-sin 2 6), and sin 3 B = (y 3 -c 2 y)/a 3, (19) which leads to no simple relation.
This leads on one side to the recognition of private authorities - the father's in his family, the master's as to servants, the lord's as to his personal or territorial dependents.
In the former passage of Jubilees the subject-matter leads to this identification, as well as the fact that Noah is represented as speaking in the first person, although throughout Jubilees it is the angel that speaks.
In the case of limestones the carbon dioxide of the air in association with rain and dew eats into them and leads to their disintegration.
Too rapid drying of the outer tissue of the leaf leads to the formation of " white veins," which injure leaves required for wrapper purposes, otherwise it is not important.
The Egyptian pilgrim road crosses the peninsula from Suez to Akaba, passing the post of An Nakhl, with a reservoir and a little cultivation, about half way; a steep descent leads down from the edge of the Tih plateau to Akaba.
In short, this kind of relativity leads straight to what is generally known as the abyss of solipsism."
Yahweh leads Israel through the desert in a pillar of cloud and fire; he kindles Elijah's altar by lightning, and translates the prophet in a chariot of fire.
The ovary (a) leads into (bb) the oviduct, which is joined at (g) by the duct of the yolk-glands (h).
A canal (Laurer's canal) leads from the oviduct or yolk-duct to the dorsal surface.
A very picturesque battlemented bridge leads from it to the other shore, sloping down over three arches of different sizes, the fortifica- largest next to the castle and the smallest at the other boas.
The particular site of Immingham was chosen because the deep-water channel of the Humber, which lower down runs midway between the shores, here makes an inward sweep and leads right to the dock gates, thus obviating much initial dredging, providing ingress and egress at any state of the tide, and rendering the towage of the vessels unnecessary.
In this group is the famous Semmering Pass, which leads from Lower Austria into Styria and is crossed by the Semmering railway.
At the same time, the diffusion of these compounds into contact with the cathode leads to a partial reduction to chloride, by the removal of combined oxygen by the instrumentality of the hydrogen there evolved.
The hole leads into a canal, which opens as a semi-canal towards the end of the tooth.
South from them is the pass (8351 ft.) which leads from Baalbek to Tripoli; the great mountain amphitheatre on the west side of its summit is remarkable.
The almost total absence from Homer not only of "Dorians " but of " Ionians " and even of " Hellenes "leads to the conclusion that the diagrammatic genealogy of the " sons of Hellen " is of post-Homeric date; and that it originated as an attempt to classify the Doric, Ionic and Aeolic groups of Hellenic settlements on the west coast of Asia Minor, for here alone do the three names correspond to territorial, linguistic and political divisions.
Hence the diminished oxidation of the tissues, which leads to the accumulation of unused fat and so to the obesity which is so often seen in those who habitually take much alcohol.
The application of the first law leads immediately to the equation, II=E - E,+W, .
The influence of the physical environment leads to the adoption of the same mode of life.
Pirminius, who was far from being an original writer, made great use of a treatise by Martin of Braga, but substituted a Roman form of Renunciation, and refers to the Roman rite of Unction in a way which leads us to suppose that the form of creed which he substituted for Martin's form was also Roman.
Cotton manufactures first, and later paper products were chief in importance, and Holyoke now leads all the cities in the United States in the manufacture of fine paper.
Nor do we find that his interest in special studies leads him to assign them a disproportionate place in his general view of the literature of a period.
The valley leads to a group of passes across the Paropamisus into Turkestan, of which the Zirmast is perhaps the best known.
The gullet leads into a moderate-sized crop, and several pairs of salivary glands open into the mouth.
The acid gland consists of one, two or more tubes, with a cellular coat of several layers, opening into a reservoir whence the duct leads to the exterior.
Reference has been already made to the various methods of feeding practised by Hymenoptera in the larval stage, and the care taken of or for the young throughout the order leads in many cases to the gathering of such food by the mother or nurse.
From the bottom there leads P another fine tube, bent upwards, and then at right angles so as to be at the same level as the capillary branch.
A fine bridge leads north over the Rhine to one suburb, Petershausen, while to the south the town gradually merges into the Swiss suburb of Kreuzlingen.
Verse II, with the exception of the words" which was and is not,"leads to the identification of the eighth with Nero redivivus.
The northern part of the Marianne Trench leads to a wave-like configuration of the ocean floor, the depth to the east of Saipan being over 4300 fathoms, followed by a rise to 1089 fathoms and then a descent to 3167 fathoms.
Various devices have consequently been attached to leads intended to catch and hold the material when soft enough to be penetrated.
It can be kept unaltered in dry air, but the smallest trace of moisture in the atmosphere leads to the evolution of minute quantities of acetylene and gives it a distinctive odour.
How this act of op-positing is possible and necessary, only becomes clear in the practical philosophy, and even there the inherent difficulty leads to a higher view.
Thus the molecular theory of matter, as we have now pictured it, leads us to identify heat-energy in a body with the energy of motion of the molecules of the body relatively to one another.
This leads to an interpretation of the fact that a change of dimensions usually attends a change in the temperature of a substance.
A military road leads from Bannu town towards Dera Ismail Khan.
From it a road, provided with watering stations, leads north-west across the desert to the Nile at Coptos.
The mouth, situated at the opposite end and armed with a pair of stylets, leads into an oesophagus, into which the ducts of a pair of so-called salivary glands open.
Shin-sai Bashi Suji, the principal thoroughfare, leads from Kitahama, the district lying on the south side of the Tosabori, to the iron suspension bridge (Shin-sai Bashi) over the Dotom-bori.
From the landing stage a short street leads into the broad Avenue Jules Ferry or de la Marine running east to west and ending in the Place de la Residence, on the north side of which is the Roman Catholic cathedral and on the south side the palace of the French resident-general, with a large garden.
The main thoroughfare is continued westwards by the Avenue de France, which leads to the Porte de France.
The southern road, the Rue-es-Sadikia, leads to the Gare du Sud, the station for Susa, Kairawan, &c., and also for Algiers.
That to the left leads to the chief mosque of the city, the Jamaa-al-Zeituna (mosque of the Olive Tree), founded in A.D.
The literary skill of Amos leads one to suppose that he had prepared in advance for this, perhaps we may say, not altogether unfortunate necessity.
This involves the use of Cartesian co-ordinates, and leads to important general formulae, such as Simpson's formula.
The result of treating this area as if it were the ordinate of a trapezette leads to special formulae, when the data are of the kind mentioned in § 44.
The application of the methods of §§ 75-79 to calculation of the volume of a briquette leads to complicated formulae.
Each slot leads into a separate compartment and the coins are consequently sorted into three classes, light, correct weight and heavy.
A low gap also leads northward from the Hudson to the Champlain Valley across a pass only 147 ft.
This was of much importance in early wars; but it is of only minor importance as a commercial highway since it leads to Canada through a region of little economic importance.
Their capital, Ma'in, lay in the heart of the Sabaean country, forming a sort of enclave on the right hand of the road that leads northward from Ma'rib.
On the other hand, it readily leads to a limited power of election by the magnates, and in fact good Arabian sources speak of seven electoral princes.
It is pleasantly situated, in a hilly and well-wooded country, on both sides of the river Fulda, over which a stone bridge leads to the lower new town, 12 4 m.
A staircase of 900 steps leads to the top. On one of the landings is a huge rudely-carved stone figure of the giant Enceladus, and at the top is an octagon building called the Riesenschloss, surmounted by a colossal copper figure of the Farnese Hercules, 31 ft.
A closer examination of those parts of Ezra and Nehemiah which are not extracted from earlier documents or original memoirs leads to the conclusion that Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah was originally one work, displaying throughout the peculiarities of language and thought of a single editor, who, however, cannot be Ezra himself as tradition would have it.
Chateau-Thierry is built on rising ground on the right bank of the Marne, over which a fine stone bridge leads to the suburb of Marne.
This ignorance of the very nature of science leads to under-estimation of the elemental force which science possesses; for only thus can we explain the pertinacity with which Ultramontanism, even at the present day, strives to subject her work to its own censorship and control.
One of these leads out on to the rocks above the southern ravine; the other leads to a long staircase, completely concealed in the wall and the rocks, leading down to a subterranean well or spring.
The first equation leads, as before, to t=C{T (V)-T(v)}, (29) x=C{S(V)-S(v)}.
This pass which leads from the Gastein valley to Carinthia is the oldest bridle-path over the Hoher Tauern.
A path through the last Klamm leads to the magnificent fall (174 ft.) of the Gross-Arle river, which discharges itself in a series of cascades into the Salzach.
Contempt for reason and science leads in the end to barbarism - its necessary consequence being the rudest superstition.
This is accomplished by the practice of virtue, which aims at likeness to God, and leads up to God.
This doctrine is that all our moral sentiments arise from sympathy, that is, from the principle of our nature "which leads us to enter into the situations of other men and to partake with them in the passions which those situations have a tendency to excite."
Vertebrate palaeontologists were slow to grasp this principle; while the early speculative phylogenies of the horse of Huxley and Marsh, for example, were mostly displayed monophyletically, or in single lines of descent, it is now recognized that the horses which were placed by Marsh in a single series are really to be ranged in a great number of contemporaneous but separate series, each but partially known, and that the direct phylum which leads to the modern horse has become a matter of far more difficult search.
C. Osburn a summary of those modifications of form to which aquatic life invariably leads.
The mouth leads at once into the true digestive cavity, divisible into an oesophageal region in the manubrium and a more dilated cavity, the stomach (st.), occupying the centre of the umbrella.
The extraing to foot of rotifers; at, median blastoporic opening of antenna, united by a nerve to br, brain the cloaca leads us to a (letter omitted in B); bl, bladder, re ver y different view, which ceiving ramified kidney in B, C, D; finds negative support f, foot, and f.g, its cement-gland;.
Potatoes, however, are grown in large quantities north and west of the White Mountains; and this district leads in the number of cattle and sheep, and in the production of all the cereals except Indian corn.
The incessant change which experience brings before us, taken in conjunction with the thought of unity in productive force of nature, leads to the all-important conception of the duality, the polar opposition through which nature expresses itself in its varied products.
Agglomeration consists in the grouping or union together of several Trypanosomes around a common centre; this leads to the formation of rosette-like clusters, or even of large masses composed of several rosettes.
The kinetonucleus more often leads the way, but sometimes either kinetonucleus or trophonucleus may do so indifferently.
An inland extension from the coastal plain in north-central Texas leads to a large cuesta known as Grand Prairie (not structurally included in the coastal plain), upheld at altitudes of 1200 or 1300 ft.
In the yield of gypsum, phosphate rock and salt the United States leads the world.
His right of recommending measures to the legislature (which does not formally include that of framing and presenting bills, but practically permits him to have a bill prepared and use all his influence on its behalf) is of greater value according to the extent to which he leads the public opinion of his state.
The court leads to an inner porch of twenty-two pillars, two stories in height.
A passage at the other end leads to the "necessarium" (I), a portion of the monastic buildings always planned with extreme care.
A passage under the dormitory leads eastwards to the smaller or infirmary cloister, appropriated to the sick and infirm monks.
Vorarlberg is composed of the hilly region of the Bregenzerwald, and, to its south, of the mountain valley of Montafon or of the upper Ill, through which an easy pass, the Zeinisjoch (6076 ft.), leads to the Tirolese valley of Paznaun, and so to Landeck.
As the St Lawrence invited the earliest settlers to Canada and gave the easiest communication with the Old World, it is not surprising to find the wealthiest and most populous part of the country on its shores and near the Great Lakes which it leads up to; and this early development was greatly helped by the flat and fertile plain which follows it inland for over 600 m.
This leads us to consider Intrinsic Probability.
The first of these, starting from the Stora Bommenshamn, where the sea-going passenger-steamers lie, leads past the museum to the Gustaf-Adolfs-Torg.
The apex leads into the canal of the cervix, but between the two there is a slight constriction known as the os uteri internum.
The vagina is a dilatable muscular passage, lined with mucous membrane, which leads from the uterus to the external generative organs; its direction is, from the uterus, downward and forward, and its anterior and posterior walls are in contact, so that in a horizontal section it appears as a transverse slit.
In common with all other Coelomata, the Mollusca have the mouth and first part of the alimentary canal which leads into the met-enteron formed by a special invagination of the outer layer of the primitive body-wall, not to be confounded with that which often, but not always, accompanies the antecedent formation of the archenteron; this invagination is termed the stomodaeum.
Just as in Anglo-Saxon lands a national ideal is gradually materializing in the principle of the equalization of chances for all citizens, so in continental Europe, along with this equalization of chances, has still more rapidly developed the ideal of an equalization of obligations, which in turn leads to the claim for an enlargement of political rights co-extensive with the obligations.
The photographs taken by Royds show the separate oscillations of each spark discharge even when the circuit only contained the unavoidable capacity of the leads.
From such beginnings the evolution of the Turbellaria leads first through the Acoelous forms in which the central syncytium is partly differentiated into digestive, muscular and skeletotrophic tissue, then to the more specialized Rhabdocoela, and so through the Alloeocoela to the Triclads and finally to the Polyclads.
At the same time, in spite of his sympathy with the whole development of idealism since Kant, which leads him to reject the thing in itself, to modify a priorism, and to stop at transcendent " ideals," without postulates of practical reason, he nevertheless has so much sympathy with Kant's Kritik as on its theories of sense and understanding to build up a system of phenomenalism, according to which knowledge begins and ends with ideas, and finally on its theory of pure reason to accord to reason a power of logically forming an " ideal " of God as ground of the moral " ideal " of humanity - though without any power of logically inferring any corresponding reality.
What Hume called repeated sequence Pearson calls " routine " of perceptions, and, like his master, holds that cause is an antecedent stage in a routine of perceptions; while he also acknowledges that his account of matter leads him very near to John Stuart Mill's definition of matter as " a permanent possibility of sensations."
At the same time, while the independence of metaphysics leads us to metaphysical realism, this is not to deny the value of psychology, still less of logic. Besides the duty of determining what we know, there is the duty of determining how we know it.
It is approached in a very circuitous way, either by a passage (Xaupn) leading from a side door in the main propylaeum or by another long passage which winds round the back cf the chief hall, and so leads by a long flight of steps, cut in the rock, to the little postern door in the semicircular bastion.
It leads into a straight alimentary canal whose walls consist of a layer of ciliated cells ensheathed in a thin layer of peritoneal cells.
From this point it leads to Riwoche, and then through Gyade or Chinese province to Nagchuka and Lhasa.
The Shipki road from Simla, which strikes the Sutlej at Totling (where there is a bridge), leads up to Manasarowar, coinciding with the great high-road (Changlam) after passing Totling.
A good carriage-road leads to the coast at Trebizond, the journey being made in five or six days.
And this leads to the inquiry as to whether albinoes ever exhibit evidence that they carry the pattern determinants in the absence of those for pigmentation.
The savage conception of a future state is one that involves no real break in the continuity of life as he leads it.
Assuming the materials to be of equal tensile strength per unit of area - hard-drawn copper is stronger, but has a lower conductivity - the adoption of aluminium thus leads to a reduction of 52% in the weight, a gain of 60% in the strength, and an increase of 26% in the diameter of the conductor.
Thence the Via Bollo leads to the Piazza della Rosa, in which is situated the renowned Biblioteca Ambrosiana, erected in1603-1609by Fabio Manzone, to whom the Palazzo del Senato is also due, rich in MSS.
In some of the older streets European shops have replaced the picturesque native cupboards; drinking dens have sprung up at many of the corners, while telephones and electric light have been introduced by private companies, and European machinery is used in many of the corn-mills, &c. The main thoroughfare leads from Bab el Marsa (Gate of the Port) to the Bab el Sok (Gate of the Market-place) known to the English as Port Catherine.
Indeed, an analysis of the composition of the alpine flora as a whole leads to the conclusion that the chief bond of union between its members consists in the treeless character of their habitat.
On the west of the city a pretty road planted with trees and grass plots leads from the Zoological Gardens (1857), on the north to the small park overlooking the river.
The mouth leads into the buccal cavity, on the ventral side of which opens the radular caecum.
The ventricle leads into a single anterior median aorta.
The oxygenated blood is carried from each gill by an efferent vessel on the external or pallial side of the axis to another longitudinal vessel which leads to the auricle on each side.
The oesophagus is short and leads into a long, straight stomach, provided with numerous symmetrical lateral caeca.
The main street leads up a slope from the river to the fine Perpendicular church of All Saints.
A still steeper one not only gives less available room, but actually leads to irregular working, perhaps because it unduly favours the passage of the rising gas along the walls instead of up and through the charge, and thus causes the deoxidation of the central core to lag behind that of the periphery of the column, with the consequence that this central core arrives at the bottom incompletely deoxidized.
Further objections to the presence of silicon are that the resultant silica (1) corrodes the lining of the converter, (2) makes the slag froth so that it both throws much of the charge out and blocks up the nose of the converter, and (3) leads to rephosphorization.
Indeed this high carbon-content, 3 to 4%, in practice actually leads to less brittleness than can readily be had with somewhat less carbon, because with it much of the carbon can easily be thrown into the relatively harmless state of graphite, whereas if the carbon amounts to less than 3% it can be brought to this state only with difficulty.
Aeolotachic contraction further leads to the " pipes " or contraction cavities already described in § 121, and the procedure must be carefully planned first so as to reduce these to a minimum, and second so as to induce them to form either in those parts of the casting which are going to be cut off and re-melted, or where they will do little harm.
From this point the Raadhusgade leads north-west to the combined Nytorv-og-Gammeltorv, where is the old townhall (Raadhus, 1815), and continues as the NBrregade to the Vor Frue Kirke (Church of our Lady), the cathedral church of Copenhagen.
The Norrevold Gade leads through the N6rretor y past the Folketeatre and the technical school to the Orsteds park, and from its southern end the Vestervold Gade continues through the Raadhus Plads, a centre of tramways, flanked by the modern Renaissance town hall (190,), ornamented with bronze figures, with a tower at the eastern angle.
The final perplexity, concealed by various forms of expression, comes forward at the close of the Treatise as absolutely unsolved, and leads Hume, as will be pointed out, to a truly remarkable confession of the weakness of his own system.
The identical relation between the ideas of space and time and the impressions corresponding to them apparently leads him to regard judgments of continuous and discrete quantity as standing on the same footing, while the ideal character of the data gives a certain colour to his inexact statements regarding the extent and truth of the judgments founded on them.
If, therefore, a present perception leads us to assert the existence of some other, this can only be interpreted as meaning that in some natural, i.e.
It leads to spiritual worship; for external ceremony is merely for our advantage, not for His glory.
Between this and the direct route to Peshin is a road which leads through Maruf to the Kundar river and the Guleri pass into the plains of Hindustan at Dera Ismail Khan.
The entrance, a door in a false arcade of black and white marble, leads into a court whose arches support an upper colonnade.
Queen Street, the main thoroughfare of Brisbane, crosses Albert Street midway between the two parks and leads across the Victoria Bridge (named for Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom) to the separate city of South Brisbane on the other side of the river.
In the general case the distribution of temperature is observed by means of a number of potential leads.
Between this temple and the basilica the Via Marina leads off direct to the Porta Marina.
This points to a date about the last quarter of the 3rd century; and the prevailing doctrinal tone of the contents, as known to us, leads to the same result.
From this a canoe route over small rivers and lakes leads to the Lake-of-the-Woods, which lies between Ontario, Minnesota and Manitoba; and English and Albany rivers with various lakes carry the boundary to James Bay.
The Palazzo Municipale, built by Rocco Lurago at the end of the 16th century, once the property of the dukes of Turin, has a beautiful entrance court and a hanging terraced garden fronting a noble staircase of marble which leads to the spacious council chamber.
The Via Roma, another important centre of traffic which gives on to the Via Carlo Felice near the Piazza Ferrari, leads to the Piazza Corvetto, in the centre of which stands the colossal equestrian statue of Victor Emmanuel II.
Among other modern thoroughfares, the Via di Circonvallazione a Monte, laid out since 1876 on the hills at the back of the town, leads by many curves from the Piazza Manin along the hill-tops westward, and finally descends into the Piazza Acquaverde; its entire length is traversed by an electric tramway, and it commands magnificent views of the town.
And the close connexion between Sicily and England leads to many occasional references to Sicilian matters in English writers.
Another road leads east from Niu-chwang to Fung-hwang-chung, now a station on the Mukden-Korea railway.
His descriptions, particularly of military operations, are clear, and his especial fondness for this part of the subject seldom leads him into unnecessary minuteness.
But the Greek race before Alexander had not its later prestige, and we must consider such a sentiment as leads the Eurasian to-day to cling to his Western parentage, so that the instance of the Branchidae cannot be used straight away for the time after Alexander.
Another street leads S.W.
A winding passage leads through the ornamental doorway into the court, in the centre of which is a fountain shaded with palm-trees.
A broad, tree-bordered, macadamized road, along which run electric trams, leads S.S.W.
The same root kar leads through something like kar-kar-ta, glakarta (glazard in Breton), to lacerta and to "lizard."
The opening of the glands is slit-like and leads into a pocket, which is filled with a smeary, strongly scented matter.
This leads to deterioration of agriculture and lessens the production.
Now such testing, though it varies greatly in different departments of knowledge, is always effected by the consequences to which the claim leads when acted on.
A steep ascent leads past the Pillar of Charles V., a fountain erected in 1554, to the main entrance of the Alhambra.
There is a Middle Path discovered by the Tathagata' - a path which opens the eyes, and bestows understanding, which leads to peace, to insight, to the higher wisdom, to Nirvana.
It inevitably leads careless writers to take for granted that we have, historically, two Buddhisms - one manufactured in Ceylon, the other in Nepal.
The valley of the Kokcha leads directly from the Oxus to Faizabad, the capital of Badakshan, and its head is close above Ishkashim at the southern elbow of the great Oxus bend, a low pass of only 95 00 ft.
A steep paved road leads to it in about twenty minutes from the port of Scala.
The present system merely leads to the transmission of the sterile art of passing examinations.
His Hebrew instinct leads him to begin with a table of genealogy, artificially constructed in groups of fourteen generations - from Abraham to David, from David to the Captivity, and from the Captivity to the Christ.
This teaching leads to a conflict with certain Judaeans who seem to have come from Jerusalem, and it proves a severe test even to the faith of disciples.
But all forms by which thought holds sensations in unity (the formative or synthetic elements of language) had their place assigned in a system where one leads up to and passes over into another.
These centuries represent an age which the Jewish historians have partly ignored (as regards Samaria) and partly obscured (as regards the return from exile and the reconstruction of Judah); but since this age stands at the head of an historical development which leads on to Christianity and Rabbinical Judaism, it is necessary to turn from Palestine as a land in order to notice more particularly certain features of the Old Testament upon which the foregoing evidence directly bears.
The principal impurities of crude vat-liquor are sodium hydrate and sulphide, the latter of which always leads to the formation of soluble double sulphur salts of sodium and iron.
The highlands which shut off the Turkestan provinces from Southern Afghanistan have afforded the best opportunities for geological investigation, and as might be expected from their geographical position, the general result of the examination of exposed sections leads to the identification of geological affinity with Himalayan, Indian and Persian regions.
Between the Oxus and the hills there has already been formed a rise or flexure in the ground, which extends more or less parallel to the northern edge of the hills, and, shutting in the cultivated area of the plains, arrests all tributaries seeking to effect a junction with the Oxus from the south, and leads to the formation of marshes and swamps.
From the `Araba travellers approach by a track which leads round Jebel Harun (Mt Hor) and enters the plain of Petra from the south; it is just possible to find a way in from the high plateau on the north; but the most impressive entrance is from the east, down a dark and narrow gorge, in places only to or 12 ft.
The northern leads by a comparatively easy ascent to Yejju, the more southern follows the valley of the Hawash.
Proper Motions of Stars.-The work of cataloguing the stars and determining their exact positions, which is being pursued on so large a scale, naturally leads to the determination of their proper motions.
The great boundary rivers flow through low-lying valleys fertilized by their overflow or percolation, while a high bank leads up to the central upland, which, though naturally dry and unproductive except where irrigated by wells, has been transformed by various canal systems. This favoured region may be regarded as the granary of upper India.
Now, as an inductive combination of premises does not necessarily involve the inductive conclusion, induction normally leads, not to a necessary, but to a probable conclusion; and whenever its probable conclusions become deductive premises, the deduction only involves a probable conclusion.
Incessant questioning leads to answers.
Hairsplitting, even when mischievous in intent, leads to distinctions of value.
A pipe from the top of A leads to the working cylinder (B).
This leads immediately to the simple formula loge (p/po) = (t/90t/6)L/R,.
The attempt to develop and use them without regard to the higher purpose is spoken of as practising the arts of "black magic," the exercise of which invariably leads to disaster.
The supremacy of the state is established in the growth of oranges, lemons, citrons, olives, figs, almonds, Persian (or English) walnuts, plums and prunes, grapes and raisins, nectarines, apricots and pomegranates; it also leads in pears and peaches, but here its primacy is not so assured.
An elegant portal leads from the church into the small cloister, which has a pretty garden in the centre; the terra-cotta ornaments surmounting the slender marble pillars are the work of Rinaldo de Stauris (1463-1478), who executed similar decorations in the great cloister.
Further concentration leads to decomposition, with evolution of oxygen and formation of perchloric acid.
The trend of recent historical research leads one even to doubt the validity of the very conception of any definite medieval period.
Its success or failure in this respect can only be judged a postenon, by comparison of the results to which it leads with the facts.
The graphical method leads at once to the detection of such cases.
This leads to a determinantal equation in X whose 2n roots are either real and negative, or complex with negative real parts, on the present hypothesis that the functions T, V, F are all essentially positive.
His attempt to test the temper of the army nearly leads to their return.
The difference of subject between the two poems is so great that it leads to the most striking differences of detail, especially in the vocabulary.
A long flight of steps leads up the eastern height to the abbey, the ruins of which gain a wonderful dignity from their commanding position.
The upper town is built on high ground along the left bank of the Exe, and a bridge leads to the lower town, named West Exe.
But in one family (Sminthuridae) a spiracle, opening on either side between the head and the prothorax, leads to a branching system of air-tubes.
Their privileged position, moreover, leads everywhere to a certain amount of friction between them and the secular clergy.
This, of course, naturally leads to the production of a wine somewhat different in character to that produced before the epidemic, but this difficulty may be overcome to some extent, as it was in the Bordeaux vineyards, by grafting ancient stock on the roots of new and resistant vines.
A regular gentle slope leads from these hills to the Gulf of Bothnia (Osterbotten), forming vast prairie tracts in its lower parts.
These noble truths were about sorrow, its cause, its cessation and the path which leads to that cessation.
Once they are grasped the craving for existence is rooted out, that which leads to renewed existence iz destroyed, and there is no more birth.
Its origin is the thirst for being which leads from birth to birth, together with lust and desire, which find gratification here and there; the thirst for pleasures, for being, for power.
No let ers of this period of his life are extant, which leads to the infere ce that his imprisonment was severe.
The declaring hand has the first lead, and the first card he leads makes the trump suit.
Through the dream the living was put into communication with the dead, which sometimes embodied itself in peculiar and pathetic literary forms, such as the Icelandic dream-verses imparted by the spirits of those who had been lost at sea or overwhelmed by the snow; and a whole series of steps leads up from necromancy to prophecy and oracle, .?
The insistence on the validity of personal experience leads Renouvier to a yet more important divergence from Kant in his treatment of volition.
At its foot passes the great road which leads from Babylonia (Bagdad) to the highlands of Media (Ecbatana, Hamadan).
More than others he leads a second life in the spirit or intellect alongside of his life in the flesh - the life of knowledge beside the life of will.
Only one waggon road leads northwards from Hu-peh, and that is to Nan-yang Fu in Ho-nan, where it forks, one branch going to Peking by way of K`ai-feng Fu, and the other into Shan-si by Ho-nan Fu.
The custom of dividing receipts and expenditures into ordinary and extraordinary, of treating the receipts from loans as revenue, of adding six months to the fiscal year for closing up accounts, and of dividing receipts and expenditures into separate gold and currency accounts, leads to much confusion and complication in the returns, and is the cause of unavoidable discrepancies and contradictions.
But with the Indians this speculation leads to the complete abolition of all barriers between God and man, to a mystic pantheism, and to absorption in the universal Ego, in contrast with which the world becomes an unsubstantial phantasm and sinks into nothingness.
For on the one hand knowledge of the fact that nitrite of amyl lessens blood pressure has led to the successful employment of other nitrites and bodies having a similar action, and on the other the knowledge that increased blood pressure tends to cause anginal pain leads to the prohibition of any strain, any food, any exposure to cold, and also of any medicines which would unduly raise the blood pressure.
The irritation of the conjunctiva caused by dust leads to winking of the eyelids, lachrymation and rubbing, which tend to remove it; but after the dust has been removed violent rubbing tends rather to keep up the irritation; and sometimes, if the particle of dust remains under the eyelid and is sharp and angular, the process of rubbing may cause it to injure the conjunctiva much more than if it were left alone.
When this continues for a length of time it tends by itself to cause deterioration of the blood-vessels and leads to death either by cerebral apoplexy or by cardiac failure.
Deficient nervous action also leads to defective secretion and movement in the intestine, sometimes with flatulent accumula tion and sometimes with constipation.
This is of octagonal form, with very numerous parallel hedges and paths, and "six different entrances, whereof there is but one that leads to the centre, and that is attended with some difficulties and a great many stops."
Its central motive is to prove that all the objections raised against revealed or supernatural religion apply with equal force to the whole constitution of nature, and that the general analogy between the principles of divine government, as set forth by the biblical revelation, and those observable in the course of nature, leads us to the warrantable conclusion that there is one Author of both.
Butler, on the other hand, seeks to show that analogy leads us to believe that our future state will depend upon our present conduct.
The river is rendered navigable by a large dam and crossed by a fine bridge which leads to the suburb of La Madeleine.
Fenelon is on firmer ground when he leads a reaction against the "mercantile system" of Colbert, with its crushing restrictions on trade; or when he sings the praises of agriculture, in the hope of bringing back labour to the land, and thereby ensuring the physical efficiency of the race.
The Quetta and Pishin plateau to which it leads is the central dominant water-divide of Baluchistan and the base of the Kandahar highway.
A flight of stone steps leads the way down to a narrow passage, through which the air rushes with violence, outward in summer and inward in winter.
Within the area of the transIndus mountains we have beds of hard limestone or sandstone alternating with soft shales, which leads to the scooping out by erosion of long narrow valleys where the tion.
In that city all is ordained by reason working intelligently, and the members exist for the sake of one another; there is an intimate connexion (avp raeaa) between them which makes all the wise and virtuous friends, even if personally .unknown, and leads them to contribute to one another's good.
In consequence of the transformation being in a more advanced stage at the forward than at the hinder end, the ligament remains for a moment connected with the mass behind, when it has freed itself from the mass in front, and thus the resulting spherule acquires a backwards relative velocity, which of necessity leads to a collision.
The addition of minute traces of acids, poisons, &c., leads to this change in some forms; high temperature has also been used successfully.
It may be stated that the introduction of a particular bacterium into the tissues of the body leads to certain properties appearing in the serum, which are chiefly exerted towards this particular bacterium.
In the light of all the facts, however, especially those contains an opsonin which leads to phagocytosis of the bacillus, and the latter is then destroyed by the leucocytes.
On July 7 the Greek right reached the Salonika-Drama railway, and their left from Gevgeli carried the pass over the Belashitsa which leads to Strumitsa.
This arises from Panurge's determination to marry - a determination, however, which is very half-hearted, and which leads him to consult a vast number of authorities, each giving occasion for satire of a more or less complicated kind.
Each cylinder has a platinum wire fused to the upper circumference to connect with a clamp from which a wire leads to the proper pole of the battery.
In other cases his desire to give a vividness and point to what he doubtless considered the rather bald and dry style of Polybius leads him into absurdities and inaccuracies.
This leads to results which would in a loose and popular sense be called materialist.
Hence King's Road leads west, a wholly commercial highway, named in honour of Charles II., and recalling the king's private road from St James's Palace to Fulham, which was maintained until the reign of George IV.
The Dyfi, here a mile broad, is crossed by a ferry to Borth sands, whence a road leads to Aberystwyth.
The mouth leads into the (From Gegenbaur.) spacious stomach containing a, Marginal lappets hiding tenthe four conspicuous horse taculocysts.
Deep leads beneath the basalts occur at Kiandra.
The parasitic habit is most common among the Copepoda and Isopoda, where it leads to complex modifications of structure and life-history.
The cavity within the head leads into a true buccal cavity situated within the body at the base of the foot.
The former leads to a protrusible pharynx (B), from which the oesophagus opens into a wide intestinal chamber with branching lateral diverticula.
Cleavage leads to the formation of an epibolic gastrula and ciliated embryo which hatches as a free-swimming larva remarkably like that of a Polychaete worm (D).
Lewiston leads in the manufacture of cotton goods; Auburn, Bangor and Augusta, in the manufacture of boots and shoes; Bath, in ship and boat building; Eastport and Lubec, in canning " sardines."
One important pass (the Beyik, 15,100 ft.) leads from the Russian Pamirs into Sarikol across its northern border.
His theory is in consonance with the interpretation of the structure of protoplasm as having behind it a long historical architecture and leads to the obvious conclusion that if protoplasm be constructed artificially it will be by a series of stages and that the product will be simpler than any of the existing animals or plants.
Upon her male favourites (Paris, Theseus) she bestows the fatal gift of seductive beauty, which generally leads to disastrous results in the case of the woman (Helen, Ariadne).
The new building, the shell of which was completed in 1906, faces the Rettifilo, a new wide street which leads from the Borsa in a straight line to the railway station; at the back it joins the former building, which is at a higher level.
The confusion of these two points of view has led, and still leads, to serious philosophical misconception.
A comparison with other documentary evidence, however, leads to the identification of Holland with the forestum Merweda, or the bush-grown fenland lying between the Waal, the old Meuse and the Merwe.
At its west end Beagle Channel takes the name of Darwin Sound, which leads to the Pacific at the Londonderry and Stewart Islands.
Northward from Parliament Square a broad, slightly curving thoroughfare leads to Trafalgar Square.
From the road over the fine Llanberis pass towards Capel Curig, a turn to the right leads to Beddgelert, through Nant Gwynnant ("white" or "happy valley," or "stream"), where Pembroke and Ieuan ap Robert (for the Lancastrians)had many skirmishes in the time of Edward IV.
The Celetna ulice, which leads from the town hall to the limits of the old town contains at its extremity the so-called powder tower (prasna brcina).
The continuous spectrum leads to no inference, except that of the temperature of the central globe; but the multitude of dark lines by which it is crossed reveal the elements composing pe ct rum o the truly gaseous cloaks which enclose it.
The equation of light is the time taken by light to traverse the sun's mean distance from the earth; it can be found by the acceleration or retardation of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites according as Jupiter is approaching opposition or conjunction with the sun; a recent analysis shows that its value is 498.6", which leads to the same value of the parallax as above, but the internal discrepancies of the material put its authority upon a much lower level.
Farther up is Alland, whence a road leads to the old and well-preserved abbey of Heiligenkreuz.
This use of the word "prince" - which has in England so lofty a connotation - to translate foreign titles of such varying importance and significance naturally leads to a good deal of confusion in the public mind.
A short branch of the Midland railway leads to the town of Hayfield (pop. 2614).
A suspension bridge leads over the river to Villeneuveles-Avignon, and a little higher up, a picturesque ruined bridge of the 12th century, the Pont Saint-Benezet, projects into the stream.
The life of the town is almost confined to the Place de l'Hotel de Ville and the Cours de la Republique, which leads out of it and extends to the ramparts.
A chest in the corner to the left of one entering contained Korans, and at the Irak corner a space was cut off enclosing the stair that leads to the roof.
It leads through the straggling village of Mina, occupying a long narrow valley (Wadi Mina), two to three hours from Mecca, and thence by the mosque of Mozdalifa over a narrow pass opening out into the plain of Arafa,which is an expansion of the great Wadi Naman,through which the Taif road descends from Mount Kara.
Although chiefly arboreal, many of the iguanas take readily to the water; and there is at least one species, Amblyrhynchus cristatus, which leads for the most part an aquatic life.
A narrow channel, partly masked by islands, leads into Kavirondo Gulf, which, with an average width of 6 m., extends 45 m.
This, however, leads to a troublesome numerical solution.
This Alpine pass is in some sort the pendant of the Brenner Pass, but leads from the upper valley of the Inn or Engadine to the upper valley of the Adige.
Finger-counting is of course natural to children, and leads to grouping into fives, and ultimately to an understanding of the denary system of notation.
The failure to observe the distinction between an identity and an equality often leads to loose reasoning; and in order to prevent this it is important that definite meanings should be attached to all symbols of operation, and especially to those which represent elementary operations.
This is a more advanced method, which leads easily to the idea of negative quantities, if the subtraction is such that we have to go behind the o of the standard series.
The converting factor mentioned under (i) therefore represents a rate; and partition, applied to concrete cases, leads to a rate.
Division in the sense of measuring leads to such a result as 935 d.= 3, 17s.
Sensation might arise, for aught we know, so far as causality leads us, not from a world of forces at all, but from a will like our own, though infinitely more powerful, acting upon us, partly furthering and partly thwarting us.
The argument from embryology leads further back.
This leads almost without a break to the Protoblastoidea.
Beyond this is the Alexander Veld, used as a military drill ground, and close by is the entrance to the beautiful road called the Scheveningensche Weg, which leads through the "little woods" to Scheveningen.
This position both leads to vagueness of thought and explains why Jainism has had so little influence over other schools of philosophy in India.
The effect of this arrangement is that the great body of coal reaches a higher temperature than in an ordinary fireplace, and this, together with the reduction of the carbon dioxide formed immediately above the grate by the red-hot coal in the upper part of the furnace, leads to the formation of carbon monoxide which later on, on the spot where the greatest heat is required, is burned into dioxide by admitting fresh air, preferably pre-heated.
The first book is devoted to an inquiry as to the origin of the Saturnalia and the festivals of Janus, which leads to a history and discussion of the Roman calendar, and to an attempt to derive all forms of worship from that of the sun.
Ferric nitrate, Fe(NO3) 3, is obtained by dissolving iron in nitric acid (the cold dilute acid leads to the formation of ferrous and ammonium nitrates) and crystallizing, when cubes of Fe(NO3)3.6H20 or monoclinic crystals of Fe(N03)3.9H20 are obtained.
To this latter indulgence is to be attributed the apparent indifferentism which leads to their joining Moslems in prayers and ablutions, or sprinkling themselves with holy water in Maronite churches.
From Hami other routes proceed to Barkul and to the main caravan road which skirts the southern edge of the Dzungarian valley and leads to Vyernyi in the Russian province of Semiryechensk.
It may be obtained synthetically by Fittig and Tollens's method (above); by Friedel and Craft's process, devised in 1877, of acting with aluminium chloride on a mixture of benzene and methyl chloride; this reaction leads to the production of higher homologues which may, however, break down under the continued action of the aluminium chloride; or by heating the toluene carboxylic acids obtained by oxidizing the higher homologues of benzene.
But the attempt to conceive what it is leads me into mere verbal subtleties.
A magnificent flight of nearly 200 granite steps leads from the Richelieu monument down to the harbours.
It may even be regarded as an open question whether some of them may not have arisen independently and represent parallel lines of evolution from Bryophytic or Algal forms. This leads us to consider the question whether any indications exist as to the manner in which the Pteridophyta arose.
Locke's book about Ideas leads naturally to his Third Book which is concerned with Words, or the sensible signs of ideas.
But, as has been already suggested, the libertarian argument by no means necessarily leads to such extreme conclusions.
Catching a single deer and belling it, he drives it through the wood; the other deer, whose instinct leads them to gather into herds for mutual protection against the mosquitoes, are attracted by the sound.
The defender at all events of the supremacy of moral intuitions must be prepared to follow whither the argument leads, into whatever strange quarters it may direct him.
In the Philebus, however, though a more careful psychological analysis leads him to soften down the exaggerations of this attack on sensual pleasure, the antithesis of knowledge and pleasure is again sharpened, and a desire to depreciate even good pleasures is more strongly shown; still even here pleasure is recognized as a constituent of that philosophic life which is the highest human good, while in the Laws, where the subject is more popularly treated, it is admitted that we cannot convince man that the just life is the best unless we can also prove it to be the pleasantest.
He first leads us by an induction to the fundamental notion of ultimate end or good for man.
As regards both his analysis leads him to diverge considerably from Plato.
But the search of origins frequently leads them into theories of the nature of that moral conduct whose origin they are anxious to find quite at variance with current and accepted beliefs concerning its nature.
The second principle leads to alcohols of three distinct types, known as primary, secondary and tertiary.
The latter motion leads to the use, in astronomical practice, of time instead of angle, as the unit in which the right ascensions are to be expressed.
The jealousy with which the hereditary antiquaries guarded the tribal genealogies naturally leads us to hope that the records whichhave come down to us may shed some light on the difficult problems connected with the early inhabitants of these islands and the west of Europe.
A modification in this proposition which may hereafter be accepted involves an extension of our ideas of temperature, and leads us to regard the interior heat of the heavenly bodies as due to a form of molecular activity similar to that of which radium affords so remarkable an instance.
This way of thinking about the gods leads naturally in the direction of a pantheistic monotheism in which each divine being may be regarded as a manifestation of the one divine essence.
Keeping fast hold of this idea of absolute position, Herbart leads us next to the quality of the real.
This would necessitate chemical action at the junction when a current passed through it, as in an electrolytic cell, whereas the action appears to be purely thermal, and leads to a consistent theory on that hypothesis.
The combination of the two postulates leads to a complication.
The amount of the precipitation, including rain and snow, is much greater in the western than in the eastern Pyrenees, which leads to a marked contrast between these sections of the chain in more than one respect.
Persecution usually begets hysteria in its victims; and the more extravagant members of the party were far advanced on the road which leads to apocalyptic prophecy and "speaking with tongues."
The mouth is anterior and slightly ventral; it leads into a protrusible pharynx armed with recurved teeth that can be everted.
Alexandretta is still the main port for the Aleppo district, to which a good chaussee leads over the Beilan Pass, and it has a considerable export trade in tobacco, silk, cereals, liquorice, textiles.
The segmentation is peculiar, and leads to the formation of a solid gastrula, consisting of a cortex of ectoderm nuclei surrounding a central endodermal mass, which is exposed at one point - the blastopore.
The fact that the light widens out toward the sun leads to the inference that it entirely surrounds the sun.
A tendency towards the simplification and organization of the evil as of the good forces, leads towards belief in outstanding leaders among the forces of evil.
Chapter xi., where he leads Israel and Judah to the rescue of their kinsmen of Jabesh-Gilead, rebuilding the temple, Hag.
The mention of Burr leads us to the fatal end of another great political antipathy of Hamilton's life.
Apart from causes inherent in the particular case of each company, which necessitates their being examined separately, recent experience leads us to lay down certain general principles regarding them.
In the case of those seeds which contain more than 40% of oil, such as arachis nuts and sesame seed, the first expression in pressbags leads to difficulty, as the meal causes "spueing," i.e.
The entrance is usually by a low door, and through a narrow winding passage which leads to the outer court, where the master has his reception room.
From this another winding passage leads to the harem, which is the principal part of the house.
He next gives by aid of these projective rows and pencils a new generation of conics and ruled quadric surfaces, "which leads quicker and more directly than former methods into the inner nature of conics and reveals to us the organic connexion of their innumerable properties and mysteries."
This plan of structure, apparently evolved out of the rhachitomous type by suppression of the pleurocentra and the downward extension of the neural arch, leads to that characteristic of frogs in which, as development shows, the vertebra is formed wholly or for the greater part by the neural arch (14).
At one time it was held that the constellation names and myths were of Greek origin; this view has now been disproved, and an examination of the Hellenic myths associated with the stars and star-groups in the light of the records revealed by the decipherment of Euphratean cuneiforms leads to the conclusion that in many, if not all, cases the Greek myth has a Euphratean parallel, and so renders it probable that the Greek constellation system and the cognate legends are primarily of Semitic or even pre-Semitic origin.
Prolonged or excessive stimulation invariably leads to depression or paralysis, the tissues becoming fatigued, and from this condition they may recover or they may not.
A clinical or therapeutical classification into such divisions as anaesthetics, expectorants, bitters, and so on, according to their practical applications, also leads to difficulties, as many drugs are employed for numerous purposes.
The very notion of relation between mind and things leads at once to the counter notion of the absolute restriction of mind to its own subjective nature.
The systematic application of the doctrine that conscious experience consists only of isolated objects of knowledge, impressions or ideas, leads Hume to distinguish between truths reached by analysis and truths which involve real connexion of the objects of knowledge.
Thus, on the one hand, the individualist conception, when carried out to its full extent, leads to the total negation of all real cognition.
The transcendent employment of the categories leads to antinomy, or equally balanced statements of apparently contradictory results.
For the analysis of the teleological judgment and of the consequences flowing from it leads to the final statement of the nature of experience as conceived by Kant.
With the sheer number of demons Darkyn had assigned to watching Deidre over the years and all the leads he'd personally pursued, he should have stumbled upon it by now.
Dean and Andy Sackler, his partner on the variety store hold up, methodically checked leads until they arrested two youths ages 14 and 12 who admitted to the robbery.
Smoking leads to reduced productivity due to smoking breaks, or increased absenteeism due to ill health.
Effective leadership among ward managers leads to fewer drug errors, higher patient satisfaction and lower staff absenteeism and turnover.
Some enzymes whose deficiency leads to glycogen accumulation are part of the interconnected pathways shown at right.
Many types of smooth muscle also contain gap junctions and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, but here acetylcholine normally leads to contraction.
The group elicited admiration, which leads me to believe that the general level of marksmanship in Norway is no better than elsewhere.
A boardwalk leads from a small meteorological station to the hilltop observatories of the royal albatross.
This leads to increased vulnerability to both major and minor aliments.
Such a policy makes finding willing Directors of Studies difficult and naturally leads Colleges to feel less altruistic toward the University.
Second, God's abhorrence of sin leads to fierce anger.
The large angular momentum in this massive disk leads to turbulence and increased interaction of the constituents.
A small arboretum leads into the woodland area with a non-alkaline soil.
Four-centred arch at west end leads back to tower.
An inner stone archway leads into the dining room with twin doors opening to the poolside terraces.
Rarely, however, an epileptic seizure may induce a cardiac arrhythmia which in turn leads to syncope.
This leads to nuclear power, and also atomic weapons.
Heading right leads across two blind pitches before terminating below several inlet avens.
To the left, the passage, avens Passage, leads to two large avens.
A climb over leads to two blind avens with water dripping in.
Lover's Lane leads toward the Beaulieu River, flanked on both sides with banks of the Solent deciduous azaleas.
Its four-year curriculum leads to the degree of bachelor of arts or bachelor of science.
If you have a backstay which leads to a single point on the mast, the answer is obvious.
He is currently principal bassoon with The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and leads The Carnival Band.
A choked bedding plane leads off from here at -1 m depth and this could possibly be dug.
Back in the main passage, a low gravelly bedding plane, oval in section, leads out of the chamber.
To the right of the chamber above a large block leads to a very wide bedding plane which is choked after 40m.
A narrow staircase leads up to an attractive bedroom with an antique style bedstead.
A traverse forward on ledges round a few bends leads to a good place to hang a rope from.
This leads to a patchy distribution of littoral biotopes.
Across the road from the highest point of the mountain, a narrow footpath leads down into a small sphagnum moss bog.
But a low rate leads to unsustainable booms and inflations in countries already expanding.
Finally, the MSSM parameters must also be consistent with a minimum in the Higgs potential which leads to the observed electroweak boson masses.
At the bottom, an incline past once loose boulders leads to a second 50 foot shaft.
It has an exposed brick wall with shipâs timbers and leads to a bathroom with sloping ceiling.
A small wooden bridge leads from the orchard to the large carp lake.
Is it the constant bustle of cities that leads to obsession?
A locked gate at the front leads to a passage by the side of the house where there are two rainwater butts.
The role involves the outbound calling of warm leads to help create new business.
This leads to the production of radical molecular cations and anions of large biomolecules.
This unlocks the door on 3F that leads to Dandelion's bat cave, complete with trot Batmobile.
The Council also finds that the exhibition of captive cetaceans leads to distress living conditions for these animals.
The Palm lined Pedestrian Boulevard leads to the sizeable Swimming Pool and adjacent Terrace of deck chair and sun beds.
A powerful build up throughout the song leads to a rousing climax.
Thus starts the events that leads to the film's violent climax.
This leads us on to another common form of cryptic clue, in which a word is hidden in the letters of a phrase.
Secure, 24 hour concierge entry from Park Lane leads to three lifts.
The lowest frequency leads to the chair conformation, and the second lowest to the twist boat.
This leads to gross errors in size constancy, particularly at far viewing distances.
An exposed traverse around a corner leads to a minor constriction followed immediately to the left by Glorious Leader.
From these, FAO conclude, " it cannot be concluded organic farming leads to an increased risk of mycotoxin contamination " .
At the southwest corner of the shaft an arch leads from the base of the shaft into a high rift.
Hanging an inmate and injecting them leads to never ending corporal punishment.
Sir John Henderson leads a counterattack from within the town that drives Major-General Ballard's forces away.
The private patio leads to a shared lawn, overlooking countryside.
Outside there is a graveled courtyard which leads to a sunny spacious grassed garden with meadow views, perfect for a barbecue.
A door leads out onto the paved rear courtyard.
A sandy crawl leads off left for about 50 meters to a low excavated section.
This gives way to a quieter passage but which leads to the most thrilling gradual crescendo.
Using our estimate of 0.9m for leg-length, this leads to the estimate v q crit = Ö 10.
This release combines gentle synths with dramatic piano leads to create an indie pop crossover.
Hall A short set of steps from the main hall leads up to a further hall area with a large recessed cloaks cupboard.
This climbing up the PES leads to the decreased slope of the caloric curve at higher energies.
The combination of all these factors is very demanding on our hands and leads to dry, cracked skin and tough white cuticles.
After three rounds of diamonds declarer leads a spade from the table, and defensive communications are broken beyond repair.
This leads Anakin down a dark path to commit terrible deeds.
In osteoarthritis these cells behave abnormally and this behavior leads to cartilage degeneration.
A small passage on the right leads to another entrance, in a wooded dell on the hillside below the Pozo.
Alan urges the detective to follow up certain leads he perceives.
The increase in support for the SSP sometimes leads people on the Left to believe that Labor has a history entirely devoid of radicalism.
How differential gene expression leads to organ formation and cellular differentiation.
This temporarily reduced blood flow leads to chest discomfort.
That all leads to a general disinclination on the part of the traveling public to use the service.
When shear force is decreased this leads to a decrease in anterior tibial displacement.
The chemical dopamine is then released in the brain, which leads to feelings of contentment.
Maria cautiously leads Liz and Simon into what appears to be a girls ' dormitory.
Which leads on to the most obvious bit of all, the ref was absolutely dreadful.
Outside The property is accessed via a tarmac driveway to the side which provides ample parking leads to the detached garage / workshop.
A gravel driveway leads past the rear of the cottages to a parking area to the side of which is a single garage.
The tumble dryer is housed in the integral garage which leads directly from the kitchen.
The rigorism of baptist ecclesiology leads to the exclusion of many genuine believers.
He leads the department with access to all modern invasive and non-invasive imaging including advanced echocardiography.
The aerial walkway leads to the top of the seating area for the Edinburgh Military Tattoo on the castle esplanade.
He leads the UK farm-scale evaluations of genetically modified crops.
He no doubt talked about the inevitable end of sin and where it leads when he first evangelized them.
For example, deforestation can mean smaller evapotranspiration which leads to reduced rainfall.
The approach is down an attractive farm lane which leads into the old farmyard with plenty of parking space.
The concerto's dramatic slow movement shows piano and orchestra in stark opposition to each other and leads directly into the exhilarating finale.
The dining area leads through an arch to the newly fitted kitchen.
Do not run electrical flex or leads to appliances under carpets.
Not, of course, like a modern school teacher, but as the shepherd who leads and feeds the flock.
Climb the difficult wall passed a hole to reach a slot, further hard moves leads to good flutings and the top.
Cyclists and horseriders can of course cross a footway to reach a route which leads off the road.
A further flight of sixteen steps leads down to the stalls foyer.
Diabetes yourself a leads spare fuses or just to.
A path leads around to the front of the house where there is lawned garden on two levels.
Perhaps there are so few Adelphiasophists because they are the few that find the strait gate that leads to life.
A path leads through grassy glades to the wetlands, which are the main feature of the Torbay Road site.
Increasing cellular glutathione leads directly to increases in muscle mass and strength.
Police are now encouraging festival goers to check their website and supply them with any appropriate leads.
Beneath the dovecote a weighty wooden door with wrought iron steel grille leads into the lobby.
Here a ramp leads down to the original station entrance subway with its white glazed brick walls now looking very grimy.
Right at the Junction leads via a squeeze past a fallen slab to a finely decorated grotto.
Lack of sleep not only makes you feel grotty, it leads to a suppression of the immune system.
Follow the turf right then step back left into a shallow gully which leads to the top.
The hallway leads back to the main dining hall.
From the entrance hall a door leads onto a covered terrace, the design of which has clearly been aimed at outdoor catering.
With me want of prayer always leads to undue haste.
Catching in this way leads to dislocated hips in some meat chickens.
He leads it to within meters of the trumpeter hornbill.
Deforestation leads to more landslides during heavy rains - which in the case of Caribbean hurricanes kill more people than the wind itself.
Diseases affecting the hypothalamus In contrast, damage to the hypothalamus often leads to frank obesity.
Further growth then leads to the next Mackay icosahedron.
In between waging class war and fighting imperialism, Ms German leads a rather touching crusade on behalf of the Routemaster bus.
Nowadays, any sexual impropriety or any association with scandal usually leads to the resignation of the minister involved.
Because corporate law generally regulates corporations but not executives, it leads executives to become inattentive to justice.
But this seemingly inauspicious start to a day leads to an evening of champagne celebration, a winning silver salver and rapturous applause.
Mention of Sir Walter leads me to acknowledge the indebtedness of the Church to Scott.
With the light top the rod retains the delicate bite indication and presentation required when using lighter leads.
The dialog generally consisting of macho posturing, and when this is coming from the female leads its really inexcusable.
A handsome drifter and the unhappy wife of a boorish innkeeper conduct an affair which leads them to murder.
Such personal introspection leads to remembrance of the Creator and inspires a commitment to spiritual improvement over the next twelve months.
Our two leads are totally at odds with one another, Carey a quiet, shy introvert and Winslet almost the complete opposite.
Evidence from Holland demonstrates that voluntary euthanasia leads to non-voluntary and even involuntary euthanasia.
Indeed, for many, the increasingly itinerant nature of work leads us into several different careers during our working lives.
And only a comedy could make total jackasses of its two leads.
This severe, prolonged jaundice is usually the feature that leads to the diagnosis.
It sometimes leads to the offer of a permanent job.
A fixed metal ladder leads up to a small rooftop terrace with lovely estuary views.
Because this leads to insupportable coherency strains, dislocations form in two directions at right angles on the surface of the albite lamellae.
This in turn leads to inflammatory substances being released into the blood, which supplies the sensitive laminae of the cow's feet.
The extra large lanai, which leads onto the extensive decking area benefits from a summer kitchen with a BBQ and a pool bathroom.
Isolde leads us through a park to a street where a number of horse-drawn landaus are plying their trade.
Follow the thin vertical crack above until forced left into a wider crack, which leads to a vegetated ledge.
Take the 1st exit at the roundabout and then the immediate turn left which leads onto Oxford Street.
Increased lignin leads to a build-up of undigested plant material in the soil.
In practice the steps are not exactly equal, which leads to non- linearity in a plot of D-A output against output signal.
An open doorway with feature timber lintel over leads to the dining room.
The desquamation of such cells into the intestinal lumen leads to the excretion of the copper.
This acts as a signal which leads to the enzymes eventually entering the lysosomes.
His human side leads to fall for the elusive Elektra who by proxy is wrapped up in the evil machinations of the Kingpin.
A sweeping driveway with beautifully manicured grounds leads to the entrance.
At the bottom of the traverse a phreatic maze leads back to the junction.
The plot leads the viewer through the intricate maze of the circumstances that lead to a major food poisoning outbreak.
Lower down, the trek leads through verdant alpine valleys with cascading streams, pretty hamlets and flower-strewn meadows.
To capture analog video using the media 100 you will use the break out leads.
Synopsis Andrew Largeman leads a numb and highly medicated existance.
Jenny participates in the Teacher Training Program at Heruka Center, where she also leads many of the chanted meditations.