Laziness Sentence Examples
Nor did the laziness which made him unwilling to sit down to his desk prevent him from giving instruction or entertainment orally.
I think a lot of it comes down to laziness.
Pure laziness is one of the most common reasons for going to bed with remnants still lingering on the eyes and lips.
There was a time when baking cake from a mix was considered laziness.
Don't allow carelessness or laziness to force you to replace items sooner than what is truly necessary.
We leave the same cd in the cd player for days on end out of laziness.
She also misspells from as form, which may have shown a sign of rushing or laziness.
I could do it but it's just sheer bloody laziness on my part I'm afraid.
Leslie appears to have intended a surprise, as at Philiphaugh, but " through our own laziness," he confesses, the surprise came from Cromwell's side, and few of the Scots except the mounted gentry escaped from the crushing defeat at Dunbar (3rd of September).
I could do it but it 's just sheer bloody laziness on my part I 'm afraid.
AdvertisementI can't believe you dared to impute my work to yourself to cover up for your laziness!
What was once seen as laziness and lack of motivation on the child's part has begun in the early 2000s to be recognized as a medical condition that can be corrected or modified through psychotherapy.
In each episode, Sportacus must help the citizens of Lazy Town overcome the desire for laziness and junk food.
In fact, a large percentage of blogs fail for many reasons, including laziness by the owner to update, lack of topic ideas and the blog itself not having personality.
Owing to their gay and lively disposition the Burmese have been called " the Irish of the East," and like the Irish they are somewhat inclined to laziness.
AdvertisementYes, deciding not to don ones winter gear and head out into the blizzard is laziness.
It would just be attributed to laziness if the console maker didn't allow this to happen.
A weekly allowance for doing chores around the house is one thing, but simply giving money away might promote laziness.
Many women avoid this step simply due to pure laziness, but a couple of minute is all it takes if you have this handy tool in your arsenal!
Brown - Any shade of brown will do, just be sure not to use too much brown as it can lead to procrastination, laziness or ambivalence.