Law court Sentence Examples
Its churches, of which the largest is San Giovanni Battista, are florid in decoration, as are the law-court, the theatre and the hotel-de-ville.
The town has remains of old fortifications, among them the Tour Marguerite, and a chateau, now used as a law-court, dating from the 15th century.
Other buildings of note are the town hall, dating from about 1550; and the old castle of Hradschin, now used as a law court.
The town also possesses a town hall situate on the market square and dating from 1737, a fine block of law-court buildings, several high-grade schools and a theatre.
An ordinance of 1880 determined that henceforward all business which had been brought before any government office or law court should be dealt with, within the office, in the language in which it was introduced; this applied to the whole of Bohemia and Moravia, and meant that Czech would henceforward have a position within the government service.
After three or four years, fortified with the certificates of his various professors, he seeks a place in a law-court or as a teacher, preacher, cadi, or mufti of a village or minor town, or else one of the innumerable posts of confidence for which the complicated ceremonial of Mahommedanism demands a theologian, and which are generally paid out of pious foundations.
It was his business to preside three times a year over the chief law-court, the so-called echte or ungebotene Ding, under the cognizance of which fell all cases relating to real property, personal freedom, bloodshed and robbery.
The former bishop's palace, parts of which are of great age though the main building is of the 28th century, serves as law-court and hotel de ville.
The political assembly and the law-court were consecrated to ZEUs 'A-yopc os, 2 and being the eternal source of justice he might be invoked as AucacoQvvos " The Just."
In 1675 he initiated the works for draining the foul tidal swamps; and, failing the consent of the Company to the erection of a regular hospital, he turned the law court into an infirmary.
AdvertisementThe old law-court contains the museum, with a collection of antiquities and paintings, and a library.
The hotel de Tulle, containing a museum of paintings, the law-court and the theatre are modern buildings.
In this way the exchequer grew into a law court of primary importance, instead of remaining merely a court of receipt.
The supreme law court Consul In the Republic, there were two officials who were appointed each year to the role of consul.