Launch Sentence Examples
He'd gone still, like a panther about to launch itself.
When close to he was detected, but he had time to drive the steam launch over the baulks and to explode the torpedo against the "Albemarle" with such success that a hole was made in her and she sank.
She hugged her knees, ready to launch the next question.
Lieutenant Bligh, approaching them in the launch of the "Bounty," 1789, had a hostile encounter with natives.
It was not into this gap, which had no military significance, but upon the isolated divisions of the 1st Army that the Russian general proposed to launch his counterstroke.
I believe your regular launch sites have been well covered by the enemy.
There is a small slipway to launch small boats.
Venice not only paid the costs of the war to the two chief belligerents, but her naval resources also helped to launch the young general on his career of eastern adventure.
We are pleased to announce the launch of this exciting venture.
When the Indiana visited Halifax, we were invited to go on board, and she sent her own launch for us.
AdvertisementAs in the case of Navarre, he was too wise to launch into perilous adventures.
The launch took place on January 28, 1986, killing all 7 astronauts.
The commander, Lieutenant William Bligh, was set adrift in the launch with part of the crew, but managed to make his way to Timor in the Malay Archipelago.
Dusty and Talon rose, Talon taking the chance to launch himself at Dusty.
She watched him pace, his long, muscular legs drawing her eyes. A familiar ache filled her, one that made her want to launch herself into his arms and never leave the dream world.
AdvertisementWhen Don John of Austria, after the battle of Lepanto in 1571, began to launch on a policy of self-seeking adventure, Escovedo was appointed as his secretary with the intention that he should act as a check on these follies.
Police are set to launch a major crackdown on speeding pedal cyclists.
It is a shipping and transfer point and has paper mills, machine shops, flour mills, sash, door and blind factories, a launch and pleasure-boat factory, and knitting works, cheese factories and dairies, brick yards and grain elevators.
An artist must launch a multimedia blitzkrieg to boost sales.
Sensing the level of tension in the room, Rhyn didn.t sit but leaned with his back against the wall, ready to launch across the table at whoever snapped first.
AdvertisementCan't we just launch a nuclear bomb at ' em?
Per cent of begs the question also launch a phil Gordon co-host.
Lieutenant Cushing undertook the attack on her with a steam launch carrying a spar-torpedo and towing an armed cutter.
The excitement started by a seal launch from the two foot high bank and running the flood swollen beck down into the sea.
I'm guessing it's the launch site, because earth berms for blast protection were located at the southeastern part of the site.
AdvertisementA launch is coming down, shooting the weir.
Blitz Communications Solutions is set to launch its web callback service.
But no company has bigger cojones when a launch fails to go straight into orbit.
Why not re-launch your local compact, a new action plan or launch a Local Code of good practice?
Launch latest issue Privacy Your email address will be kept confidential.
Nonetheless a win at Ashton Gate is a must for City to launch themselves into play-off contention.
Accessing materials on line Users can launch web-based courseware, networked CBT and multimedia through their browser.
The economic dimension of the European Union Project reached a certain culmination with the launch of the Euro on 31st December.
We are delighted to see the successful culmination of those efforts with the launch of ICRA filter.
The second half saw the launch of an exciting new Scottish dance band, the New Harry Roberts Band.
Initial versions of Code Red, released in July 2001 attempted to launch a denial of service attack on the Website.
There's going to be a launch event for Three Things About Me on Thursday 20th July at Barnstaple Library (north Devon ).
The campaign site will launch in Q3 and be supported by direct mail and possibly email marketing initiatives to current and prospective customers.
Making espresso coffee at home has never been easier with the launch of Lyons espresso pods.
Those of us who do launch ourselves into the bigger gene pool soon reap the benefits and become much better fencers.
Fade Launch of actnow flex project First step toward making Cornwall the flexible working capital of the UK.
Wheel helps launch charity flip-flops Save the Children have teamed up with Wheel to help drive sales of this summer's must-have flip-flops.
The launch of wheels forklift truck Mobilevision signals the impending Industries arrival of several major sports brands to the mobile video medium.
We aim to launch a new training directory in the autumn, which will link our educational activities to the national competency framework.
The aft fuselage, at the back, houses the main engines that provide the other 29 per cent of thrust required for launch.
They are currently working on their next series of projects that will launch the company into next-generation gaming.
The launch lineup is solid, without being spectacular.
There is a public slipway to launch your own boats.
Our friendly space cadets will help you build and launch - a flying rocket!
Fame for Dane Cook came via the Internet in 2000 when, in a bold move, he spent $25,000 to launch
The name and launch date of the company have not yet been released.
Paris Hilton has been in Berlin, Germany to promote the European launch of Rich Prosecco.
Just two short years later, Bacon made his first major film debut in a movie that would launch his career, Footloose.
No charging gamers, stampeding past the burly bouncers GAME had employed just for the launch.
The BBC is looking for the best amateur gardener in the British Isles with the launch of BBC Gardener of the Year 2006.
Please join us to celebrate the launch of Debbie Taylor's new novel, hungry ghosts, set on the Greek island of Crete.
We were the first to successfully launch the digital jukebox in 1998.
Citizen launch its latest compact barcode label printer which prints at up to 4 ips.
Come and celebrate the launch of the Awareness Week, at a party where everyone's welcome!
Monday 2nd December sees the official launch of this new group to bring local people together to promote healthy hearts.
Lewis Lite gains weight 4 th October 2005 Following the successful launch of Lewis Lite, the service has now been expanded.
Press the buttons to launch the rocket toy rocket launcher trucks and hear exciting electronic sounds toy rocket launcher trucks and phrases.
Finally, space launch vehicle noise if uncontrolled can cause serious structural damage to the spacecraft and payload.
There would be no time to launch the lifeboats, call for help of even say goodbye.
An emergency call from a member of the public alerted the Coastguard, who immediately requested the Torbay inshore and all-weather lifeboats to launch.
Read More Guardian to launch monthly mag The Guardian is launching a new monthly international magazine from the end of the year.
Proskills has issued a news release with regard to its recent launch in Scotland.
The space-based observatory LISA is scheduled to launch in 2011.
Until Royal Caribbean's Oasis-class ships launch at the end of 2009, the cruise line's Freedom class will continue to sail the biggest cruise ship in the world.
This has led Woolwich to launch its new range focusing heavily on tracker mortgages.
Orange County Romance Writers steinbock pallet stacker launch a monthly Podcast to keep their members up-to-date with steinbock pallet stacker launch a monthly Podcast to keep their members up-to-date with steinbock pallet stacker the industry.
Orange County Romance Writers steinbock pallet stacker launch a monthly Podcast to keep their members up-to-date with steinbock pallet stacker the industry.
The car received a " soft " launch, to use modern parlance, in late 1967.
The history of the ESF went slightly pear-shaped in 1995, with the launch of a CD-ROM version from Grolier.
Sherwood appointed Fen Digital to handle their online marketing for the launch of a new range of clinical photometers.
Tesco has beaten other UK supermarkets to the post with the launch of the first whole organic pineapples.
The stick is inserted into a launch tube which is normally a piece of plastic piping or conduit.
Why not re-launch your Local Compact, a new action plan or launch a Local Code of good practice?
After opening with a half-decent comedy song, the two launch straight into a double-pronged, yet playful assault on the audience.
Orange County Romance Writers launch a monthly podcast to keep their members up-to-date with the industry.
The institution finally became a polytechnic in 1991, the formal launch occurring on 1 May that year.
After each lake there was a short portage over a boulder pile and then launch again.
At its most dramatic, this automation was assumed in the nuclear deterrence posture of launch on warning.
So far so good, but they took the prank one step further by arranging a launch and a tasting this morning.
Reports of large Yugoslav troop movements around Kosova have created a further pretext for NATO to repeat its threat to launch military action.
He is involved in a study exploring prosody in schizophrenia and plan to launch an fMRI study in Japan.
To launch the venue with a highly publicized grand opening event in the summer of 2001.
The launch follows an appeal from the UN for a country ravaged by 20 years of bitter conflict.
Campaign which will launch an 18-month recycling roadshow in June to promote kerbside collections.
However, suppose an alien civilization somehow finds a way to launch the aggressive colonization of other planetary systems while avoiding self-destruction.
June 2004 will see the launch of web-based self-service to reserve and renew books over the Internet.
On the previous night 600 Brownies were at a giant sleepover at the Science Museum celebrating the launch!
There is no intention at this stage to allow slippage on the staff portal launch.
Gorgeous Nicola T, Neval and Becky proved they were real smashers by turning up to help launch Sega's Virtua Tennis at GAME.
At our launch event we had a very snazzy kind of ' Who Wants to be a Millionaire ' voting system.
At this historic launch Mrs Rosemary Kennedy, Chief Nursing Officer for Wales, will make a keynote speech to launch the Academy.
The Yugoslav revolution can become the springboard from which the Fourth will launch itself on its conquest of the masses ' .
The growth in distributors also reflects the anticipated launch of the new ClearStream drug eluting stent, the Intrepide.
President Armando Guebuza administered the first doses of the vaccine in the Maputo suburb of Mavalane as the symbolic launch of the campaign.
The new generation of 65-nanometer desktop and laptop chips under the brand name Core 2 Duo will launch this summer, the company says.
Media interest in the petition has been overwhelming and within a few hours of its launch the petition had gathered almost 7,000 supporters.
Queen's established the Alumni Fund in May 1999 with the launch of the first telethon.
On clicking the thumbnail a small window will launch.
Probably the most useful was the idea to incorporate an inactivity timeout into the " auto launch " facility.
Low-cost flying goes transatlantic The first transatlantic low-cost flights are to launch between the UK and Canada.
At the launch reading she looked stylish, as always, in a silk turban.
Coupled with a tight deadline for an internal launch the pressure was on to deliver a truly unbeatable design within a very tight timeframe.
Once you have defined the input areas, you can launch the form in the built-in viewer, fill it and print.
Part of its testing involved vigorous shaking, designed to ensure it will survive the violent launch.
We also provide some students with start-up toolkits to launch their chosen vocation.
Vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation to the Diocesan priesthood.
The pack includes a personalized voucher, launch site details, flight information and joining instructions.
I hereby launch a campaign to redistribute the wealth of meaning.
What is more, he selected the Cato Street Conspiracy to launch the idea of using woodcuts to illustrate stories in newspapers.
Penguin or Pingu launch the rules are simple you simply batter the poor defenseless creature with a club and attempt to gain maximum yardage.
Cushing's own launch was destroyed.
It helped launch 18 companies in recent years, and corporate-sponsored research at the medical school has nearly quadrupled in the past decade.
From total beginner, to experts who want to learn pro-level tricks, Launch Kiteboarding has qualified instructors for your skill level.
National launch of the Job Transition Service, which provides tailored help for communities facing large-scale redundancies.
Powered by a rocket motor it can seek and destroy targets many kilometers from launch point.
This year has seen the launch of his famous and highly controversial C5 a battery-powered, three-wheeled, single-seater runabout car.
Swansea Coastguard immediately requested the launch of the Penarth lifeboat and also scrambled a rescue helicopter.
This may change after the initial launch as the use of the building settles into a regular pattern.
Once you have saved the download run the setup program to launch configuration options.
A book launch in London is preceded by a widely advertised action that involves shouting slogans outside McDonalds for half an hour.
I saw that it was the simian creature who had met the launch upon the beach.
On the previous night 600 Brownies were at a giant sleepover at the Science Museum celebrating the launch !
Gorgeous Nicola T, Neval and Becky proved they were real smashers by turning up to help launch Sega 's Virtua Tennis at GAME.
However, aside from a smattering of applause from child protection lobbyists, the response to the launch has been critical.
Build a solid fuel rocket and launch and recover it successfully.
Our friendly space cadets will help you build and launch - a flying rocket !
The rod strained against the surreal backdrop of the space shuttle launch pads.
The move would also allow TVNZ to launch spinoff channels for the first time.
Helping to launch Integral Solutions Ltd (ISL), a spinoff company from SD founded by Alan Montgomery.
An Israeli army spokeswoman said no rocket launch or impact had been identified whatsoever in the last few hours.
The crew run special breakfast and sundowner trips and the launch can be booked for private events.
Queen 's established the Alumni Fund in May 1999 with the launch of the first telethon.
Her main purpose was to launch smaller torpedo boats against enemy shipping.
Medieval Trebuchets could launch missiles hundreds of yards at, or even over, a castle, fortress or city wall.
It is expected that a Presidential Decree will launch officially the work of a tripartite committee to implement this initiative.
The familiar tripod legs have been totally revamped for the launch of the new model.
Only the umpire 's launch followed the race to the finish.
An album launch was held on Sunday morning at the unearthly hour of 7.30.
TeD April 16 Sony announces the launch of the Betamax videocassette recorder format in Japan.
Although there have been certain overheads for SML, the decision to launch the SSA has been vindicated by events.
Vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation to the Diocesan priesthood.
Radio whetted regional interest and 24 interviews took place around the launch.
Scientists at a famous UK aircraft manufacturer built a gun specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners and military jets.
As I already have quite a bit of material on wormy games, expect a launch soon... either next week or the week after.
Murdoch to launch two boys is y'all oughta call a mobile internet.
The team spent over a decade making sure the rocket was ready to launch into space.
Any glitch during the launch can make an investor hesitant to give you money, so it's best to raise as much money as possible as soon as possible.
When this product was finally released, it was too late for a number of reasons, including timing-the financial crisis and bond debacle in 2008 coincided with its launch.
Some people need all the facts and figures before they act; they require certitude about everything from trends to markets before they launch a product.
The Nintendo Gamecube was released in 2001 with a launch lineup that was slightly more impressive than the Playstation 2.
Since the launch of the DS Lite, original DS units are slowly being phased out.
Since its launch, demand has often out-stripped supply and customers sometimes find it difficult to track one down.
Stiffer shafts will launch a ball further, but not as high, and tend to send the ball curving slightly right.
Started in 1996, Bizrate is an early leader in the online comparison shopping landscape with the launch of the first-ever online customer ratings platform.
Other times, the theme motto is just used as a catchy theme to launch a summer program to encourage youngsters to spend their summer reading, reading, and reading some more!
Wondering how to launch your own "Catch the Reading Bug" reading program?
Every summer reading program needs a launch party.
What better way to launch your party than with a buggy circus?
This is also where the company helps partners launch their program.
Even with Parlux's strong background in the perfume marketplace, they were pleasantly surprised at the success of the Paris Hilton perfume launch.
To support the launch of Vera Wang Princess, a new web site was introduced in August 2006.
A natural stylist with a random launch into makeup and modeling, she knew she could help others find style without spending a fortune.
These academies launch the next generation of hopefuls into the right places at the right times, giving them a chance to be "discovered" as an artist and professional.
Whether it is to promote the launch of a new fragrance or to market a well-known scent of perfume, free sample size testers are normally packaged in a small plastic or glass vial, holding a minute amount of the scent.
Soon after the launch of the Toronto company, Estee Lauder bought the line and has since expanded to offer a professional-only grade of cosmetics.
Launched by the creators of SimCity in 2000, the game has over seven expansions, a sequel and a second sequel expected to launch in June, 2009.
Sony Pictures offers what most fans would definitely consider the best website filled with high-quality Spiderman 3 games that you can play online for free, including the Venom Ultimate Challenge, Spider Launch, and The Battle Within.
Some programs launch every time the computer starts, other applications work only when the screensaver kicks in, and still other programs only launch when you feel like playing with your virtual pet.
Puppy Luv from Game Mill Entertainment installs as a regular game that you can launch whenever you feel like playing with your virtual puppy.
When Polaroid announced its launch of the PoGo Instant Digital Camera in January 2009, it expected to have the product in retail outlets by March.
You simply launch the installer by double clicking on the file that you downloaded to your computer.
It will automatically extract the necessary files and launch an installation utility.
These types of jobs are often used to launch a real small business after graduation from high school.
If you decide to launch your own business, either work for a pro or consult an adult who can be a mentor to you, such as a member of the Small Business Administration.
In 2006, Melissa worked with the Kaiser Family Foundation assisting with their Entertainment Media Partnership outreach, and launch of Fox Broadcasting's PAUSE campaign.
You recently took part in the launch of an online campaign to raise awareness about cough medicine abuse.
In addition to getting the quantity of material you need, you'll be able to get it for a price that can help you launch your business with ease.
Entertainment. The two Carter brothers and their three sisters, one of whom is trying to launch a singing career, will live together in a house for the eight part series.
According to Perez Hilton, The Hoff himself will star in a musical about his life set to launch in Australia.
Dr. Phil found himself in hot water again after the launch of his Shape Up! line of diet shakes, energy bars, and nutritional supplements.
In addition to her popular JLO by Jennifer Lopez clothing line, she also has plans to launch a collection of jewelry, scarves, hats, and other accessories.
With the launch of Sarah Jessica's new clothing line Bitten, Kim apparently sent her a congratulatory bouquet of flowers to which Parker sent Catrall a few items from her new clothing line.
The Hills Heidi Montag is set to launch a clothing line some time this spring.
She has created a scholarship program for the Philadelphia Freedom Theatre, giving back to the organization that helped launch her career.
In 2007, Royal Caribbean International followed up on its title as creator and owner of the world's largest cruise ships with the launch of Liberty of the Seas, weighing around 154,407 tons.
Carnival has plans to launch a sister ship, and its next great masterpiece of cruise showmanship, the Carnival Magic, is scheduled for its maiden voyage in June 2011.
The launch ceremony was held in front of the original company headquarters in Rotterdam.
We are going to launch two new green/organic ones shortly and will be introducing a whole new line soon.
Starting with its May 2007 launch, LivingXL ( has been a huge hit and the demand for these lifestyle products has been increasing every day.
ShoesXL has also been a success since its September 2007 launch, giving our customers a more comprehensive array of designer styles and sizes to choose from than before.
There were plans to launch products for body care, but it was necessary to wait until the right time to purchase our own technology and to create these products with organic and natural ingredients.
As the only child of legendary African American model, Beverly Johnson, the first Black model to make the cover of American Vogue in 1974, Anansa struggled to lose 40 pounds before moving to New York to launch a modeling career.
Torrid plus size clothing has grown into a well-known fashion brand and retail chain since its launch in 2001.
Throughout the years following the launch of the Amber Alert in Texas, there have been many changes and legislative actions leading to the growth and development of this important early warning system.
The attorney can also provide assistance and advice if the client wants to launch an appeal.
The horse won, and the couple used their winnings to launch Escada, the world-famous company of today.
Kate Spade's newest launch is called Paper.
Kate Spade, a native of Kansas City, Missouri, took the fashion world by storm with her launch of "Kate Spade Handbags" in January 1993.
Kingda Ka is a fearsome ride, designed by Intamin AG and powered by an intense hydraulic launch system that propels riders from a stop to 128 miles per hour in less than four seconds.
From the loading platforms - Kingda Ka is equipped with dual platforms for both loading and unloading to speed up the ride cycle - the coaster enters a brief staging area as riders stare down the launch straightaway.
After the launch, shuttle coasters go through a series of elements that add excitement and thrills to the ride.
The Lumas want to help Mario rescue Peach so they transform themselves into Launch Stars to Mario can jet to various worlds in order to get to Bowser's fortress.
That changed dramatically to 3D platforming with this launch title on the Nintendo 64.
Whether consumers like it or not, hype sells games, especially in the first days or weeks of launch.
As launch day gets closer, you may even see in-game clips showing you more of the game.
In fact, the launch price was a hefy $699.95 USD.
One of Nintendo's promises with the launch of the Wii was to provide the best games as quickly as possible.
But, which of the launch titles do you need to go with it?
Perfect Dark Zero is exclusive to the Xbox 360; this first person shooter by Rare is probably the most highly anticipated launch title for Microsoft's new box.
From the Wii launch titles right up to the latest releases, Nintendo and third-party developers have done a fantastic job with creating video games for kids.
The launch was plagued with problems due to the massive number of players accessing Blizzard's servers.
Often video game prices fall shortly after launch, sometimes as little as a few weeks.
The early Nintendo Wii launch game by Konami utilizes the motion sensitive Wii Remote remarkably well.
Excite Truck is one of the launch titles for the Nintendo Wii that fully embraces this new take on video game controls.
Bertram and Stewie go through different scenarios where Bertram kidnaps Rupert (Stewie's stuffed toy) and attempts to launch a rocket.
The tense peace is about to be tested, however, as an evil empire has begun to launch campaigns against each faction, threatening to plunge the entire landscape into a violent war.
Using the L2 button summon one of your characters to launch a team attack.
Once completely full, your team can launch a powerful "Team Attack" that can do a massive amount of damage.
Third party covers have been available since the launch of the Wii, but they have been basic covers showcasing aesthetics rather than safety and protection.
Streaming lets customers play the game while download progresses, this drastically reduces perceived delivery time since only a portion of the data is needed to launch the game.
For instance, the Elf has a Continental Assault that will launch many magical arrows towards his enemies.
At launch, there will be a special 2-CD set that will likely come with bonus materials.
However, many retailers will likely offer discounts at launch to entice buyers.
It had a color screen, a lower launch price, and the benefit of a well-known company representing it.
It had a good set of launch games, but soon the system phased out because its promise of eventually becoming a home computer wasn't happening.
One of the more unique launch titles for the Wii, Rayman Raving Rabbids puts the motion-sensitive Wii Remote to good use and provides a wacky gaming experience.
A Wii launch title from Nintendo themselves, Excite Truck puts you in control of a vehicle and lets you race by tilting and turning your controller.
Fall of Man is flagship launch title for the Sony PlayStation 3.
This wasn't completely the case with the launch titles, but the system still sold like hotcakes.
For example, Nintendo proclaimed that 600,000 consoles were sold within the first eight days of the American launch.
A secondary option is to launch the built-in media player.
At launch, it was not possible to play the Scenario Campaign Mode with more than one human player.
This will give you a chance to launch some power moves on them.
In preparation for the launch of the newest Madden game, EA has created a Madden 06 website.
Well, as we look toward the pending launch of another major game, BIOME is meant to be a prototype or trial version of one aspect of that game.
This will be the first full version of the game and it will launch initially in Europe and Brazil.
Because several team uniforms were not announced until very close to the NHL 08 for PS3 launch date, EA Sports was not able to include all of the RBK Edge Uniforms for the 2007-08 season.
If you get your tachometer into the blue right when the race starts, you'll get a perfect launch and jump ahead of the other cars.
At launch, there was only one version of the system available, and it retailed for $650.
To accompany the launch of the slimmer, smaller and brighter DS Lite, Shigeru Miyamoto and crew over at Nintendo let us go retro while looking to the future at the same time with New Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo DS.
However, if you manage to launch yourself and land on the top of the flagpole, you can actually get a free life!
Nintendo's third home gaming console hit the streets of Japan on June 23, 1996, with a North American launch date of June 1, 1997.
Perhaps the most memorable title to ever hit the N64 was also one of the only two games available at launch (Pilotwings 64 being the other).
Crystal White, Ice Blue, and Enamel Navy were supposed to released at the same time, but only Crystal White made it to launch.
In Australia, white (or Polar White) was the only color available at that country's launch.
North America had a similar launch like Australia.
Once again, white was not problem at launch, but a Smart Black color emerged, which was a special color for Europe.
Shortly after the launch of the NES, Sega entered into the picture with its Master System in June 1986; however, it wasn't until the 16-bit era that Nintendo faced any real competition.
Information seems to be pointing toward a Q2 or Q3 2006 launch.
Most experts are predicting a June launch, if not later.
Nothing set in stone yet, but if this holds true, Nintendo is once again last to the party (The PS3 is rumoured to launch in March).
This is well below the current price of the Xbox 360 and the apparent launch price of the PS3.
Just shy of one year after its initial launch, the Nintendo DS goes online and prepares to initiate Nintendo's online efforts that will continue into their next generation of console gaming, the Nintendo Revolution.
Joining the launch of the wireless network is Mario Kart DS, a hotly anticipated game that features four-player Wi-Fi races and battles.
How many people have used Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection since its launch?
Tetris DS and Metroid Prime Hunters launch on March 20 and many more games with Wi-Fi compatibility are in the works.
Even though it was one of the first Wii launch titles, gamers are still very interested in Nintendo Wii cheats for Zelda Twilight Princess.
Unlike the first Wii Fit, Nintendo is offering two different bundles for Wii Fit Plus at launch.
Along with the launch of their new console the Wii, Nintendo unveiled its first online video game download service called the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console.
GameAccess keeps their library of games very up to date, even posting up new titles well in advance of their official launch dates so that you can add them to your queue ahead of time.
According to an unnamed spokesman for the electronics giant, as quoted in the BBC News, "the launch could be pushed back if [the specifications are] not decided soon."
So, we're either looking at a Spring 2006 launch... or not.
When the system actually does become available, it will launch simultaneously in North America, Europe, and Japan.
The only way that you can guarantee you'll get a copy on launch day is to preorder Nintendo Wii games that you really want to play.
After successfully completing three of the four events, you are offered a "boss" event, which is typically first-person-shooter type game where you launch plungers at the rabbids.
Thankfully, although it is not without its shortcomings, Resistance is absolutely a top-notch offering and easily the best launch title available for the PlayStation 3.
Every Sony system has had a Ridge Racer game at launch.
Out of the PSP launch gates, Ridge Racer is the most beautiful game you'll see.
The Game Gear hit Japanese stores on October 6, 1990, with the North American and European launch coming the following year.
Another interesting development involved wouldn't be fully revealed until the launch of Sonic and Knuckles later that year (1994).
The Japanese and U.S. launch were only months apart at the end of 2004, but the European launch was delayed until September 2005 due to product shortages.
For the American launch, Sony implemented an interesting advertising campaign utilizing the slogan "URNOTE", with the final "E" in red.
This paved the way to its modern success with the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable, as well as the high anticipated launch of the next-generation PlayStation 3.
At launch, the price was set at $300 USD and as such, was one of the most expensive home gaming machines.
The PS3 is scheduled for a "Spring 2006" release, which some have postulated means a worldwide March 2006 launch.
On the day of the PlayStation 3 launch, the entry-level model contained a 20 gigabyte hard drive.
The higher-end PlayStation 3 at launch had a 60GB hard drive and was priced at $599 in the United States.
Quite possibly the best title to ever grace the Nintendo 64 was one of the two launch titles.
The Nintendo Wii has had excellent video game sales, with 5 million units sold since the launch.
The launch of the Xbox 360 shows some promise, but not enough to break even.
The company ported their Windows CE to the Sega Dreamcast, which quickly lost steam after its September 1999 launch.
The official launch of the Wii Internet Channel, powered by Opera, will be in March 2007, but a trial version is already available for consumers to enjoy.
But what games are there going to be at launch?
Keep reading and find out what hot titles Nintendo will likely have for us when they launch the Wii next-generation video game machine.
There are rumors that Wii Sports may be bundled in with the Wii machine at launch in an attempt to help people adjust to the "intuitive" motion-sensitive controller, its incredibly intricacy and precision.
By the looks of things, this follow-up to Excitebike from the NES probably won't be ready in time for a November launch, but one can hope.
As with many other popular Nintendo games, Wii Sports Resort was initially an exclusive launch in Japan.
Ready and waiting for the Nintendo Wii launch, a number of start-up websites were rolled out promising to integrate the Wii experience with the internet.
When the Virtual Console first launched, had a featured article listing the pros and cons of the new download system with a short discussion of the launch games.
Hold on to your joysticks, kiddies, 'cuz it's launch time!
A launch title, it features online play, instant updates when track records are broken around the world, and Gotham TV, a mode that allows anyone to watch you race - wherever they happen to be.
Following the Nokia 3250's launch in March 2006, it started selling like hotcakes, not only for its music-centric functionality, but perhaps more so for its unique rotating bottom half.
Based on the buzz surrounding its launch (and even before it was officially announced), many people are asking whether the Apple iPhone will be a success.
The iPhone has certainly come a long way since its original launch in June 2007!
Ever since its initial launch in the United States in 2007, the Apple iPhone has been available exclusively through AT&T.
We have no reason to believe that pricing will not be similar to the launch pricing of the first generation, though existing iPhone models will likely receive a rather major price cut prior to the second generation launch.
Launch AnySIM and follow the instructions.
The launch of 1700MHz AWS (Advanced Wireless Services) 3G network offered faster data transmission, but coverage remained about the same.
Sprint is working hard on the launch of their XOHM WiMAX network as well.
Seeing how the T-Mobile G1 will launch initially through T-Mobile and seeing how it has such a similar form factor, there have been many comparisons drawn between it and the Sidekick line of mobile phones.
They will likely launch these handsets in 2009.
For now, the developers are looking toward an LTE launch some time in 2011.
Talk about getting more out of your music phone.In a nutshell, you launch Shazam and allow the iPhone's microphone to pick up on the music around you.
By contrast, the Palm Pre should launch in Canada very soon.
Further still, you know that Bell will have the exclusive launch, but you don't know how long this exclusivity will last.
In all likelihood, you could expect a Pre launch with Bell Mobility toward the beginning of fall 2009, possibly coinciding with some sort of "back to school" promotion.
If it doesn't, you can launch the program yourself.
After the launch of the Motorola Droid, Verizon continued to expand its Droid lineup with other smartphones also powered by the increasingly popular Google Android platform.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, prior to the launch of the infant HBV immunization program, about 33,000 American children of non-infected mothers acquired hepatitis B by the age of ten.
This may be the earliest of what is considered a modern country line dance since it happened a couple of decades prior to the launch of 1970s pop, swing and modernized country western music.
After the successful launch of hair products for people with thin hair, Frieda began working on a product line for people with frizzy hair.
In the hopes of further pursuing his dream, he moved to New York at 25 and helped launch the Bruno Dessange Salon on Madison Avenue.
Keep this in mind if your idea is to launch a business there.
Acquirent offers full-time sales and client acquisition as well as new product launch sales, geography-specific sales, sales and development strategy, sales consulting, new market penetration and more.
The monokini might have been disregarded for decades after its initial launch, but it has clearly been revived in ultra sexy swimsuit designs like the sling and the slingshot suspender bikini.
While ANARES currently offers runway style fashions, it will soon launch a lingerie line and with any luck, Serena William's swimsuits will be added to this collection.
Bridget is currently searching for just the right vehicle to launch an acting career, and in her down-time she enjoys spending time snow boarding and wake boarding.
Born out of a 1991 snow boarding trip, Woolcott and Hall decided that they wanted to launch a clothing company that embodied the concept of "youth against the establishment".
Push down a lever to release the shuttle from the launch pad.
Some of the first accessories to launch for these pets were the Zhu Zhu Pet Fun House and the car and garage.
Aware of the great need for a line that focused on the unique shape of a woman, the unlikely mastermind collaborated with his cousin Yomi Martin and friend Ian Kelly to launch the collection.
Just months after the website's launch in November 2009, had over 20,000 subscribers to the service.
Be honest and upfront, laying down the rules before you launch into a game.
Originally this product was designed to be sold through home parties and the company has really taken off since its launch in July 2003.
You can even order a party pack if you plan on having a launch event.
Loneliness can be a powerful motivator to launch you into a relationship, but try to make it a compatible one.
Once you've entered a title and a descriptive paragraph of at least two sentences, click the button at the bottom of the screen to launch your ad. Note that you must check your email to get your password so that you can log in.
The desire for Sims virtual dating began with the initial launch of the game The Sims.
Finding freelance writing jobs can be a difficult task when you're just trying to launch your career.
One year after the official product launch, the company had sold one million bars, and the demand for a whole foods snack bar was only growing.
Check out their recent launch in InStyle, Vogue, Lucky, Elle or visit their website for the complete selection.
That same year Fossil became one of the first online retailers with the launch of
In 2004, Baby Phat teamed up with Vida Shoes to launch the first Baby Phat Diva sneaker.
I started to realize that my passion was helping others launch their companies and products.
Then in 1990, he left Bongo to launch Lucky Brand and asked Barry to become his business partner.
The bottom line here is that you should launch your new romantic plans during the new moon.
Whether kids want to take a virtual tour through the rain forest or explore the laws of physics while trying to launch a ball into a basket online, there is literally an entire world from which one can learn.
Perhaps one of the actors is choosing this film to launch a comeback in their career.