Laugh Sentence Examples
Don't laugh at me!
It felt good to laugh after the events of the past week.
His laugh was short and humorless.
The realization made her want to laugh and cringe at the same time.
I had to laugh at Quinn.
His laugh was soft and low.
He closed the door behind him with a cold laugh, not bothering to bind her.
His laugh was short and harsh.
Petya badly wanted to laugh, but noticed that they all refrained from laughing.
His laugh was sudden and short, engaging the dimple.
AdvertisementHe makes me laugh.
His laugh was insidious.
Suppressing the urge to laugh wasn't easy, but she managed it.
Funny makes us laugh.
As the saying goes, we laugh because it is true.
AdvertisementYou have the most wonderful laugh I have ever heard.
Megan looked ready to laugh but smiled widely instead.
The husky laugh made her stomach flutter.
Darkyn's laugh was sinister.
A soft laugh escaped his throat.
AdvertisementOh, you petisenfans, allay cushay dormir! he exclaimed, imitating his Russian nurse's French, at which he and Boris used to laugh long ago.
He laughed at that, and his laugh was merry and frank.
Then she looked at Zeb, whose face was blue and whose hair was pink, and gave a little laugh that sounded a bit nervous.
My teacher and I had a good laugh over the girls' frolic.
A laugh bubbled up.
AdvertisementKatie's laugh was short and humorless.
She bit back a laugh as he reddened.
She stifled a laugh, and he gave her a sidelong glance.
The masculine voice gave a surprised laugh, and he pressed his face to the bars.
Give it a couple of days and we'll laugh about it over a beer.
Jackson could always make her laugh regardless of her misery.
Not many people can make me laugh.
It hobbled, and that made me laugh; but it is wrong to laugh at the poor animals!
Sometimes I saw him at his work in the woods, felling trees, and he would greet me with a laugh of inexpressible satisfaction, and a salutation in Canadian French, though he spoke English as well.
He gave a husky laugh at her words.
A smile touched the corners of his mouth and played in the laugh lines beside his eyes.
He stared down at her for a moment and then started to laugh.
She choked back something between a laugh and a sob.
She willed herself not to laugh at his joke, but it was hard.
After he influenced her he would ask her to laugh again…and again.
The laugh they shared cemented their solidarity.
She added a snap of her fingers that pulled a quiet laugh from him.
He began to laugh.
But what was most amusing," he continued, with a sudden, good-natured laugh, "was that we could not think how to address the reply!
She looked at him with her beautiful radiant eyes and seemed to say, "I like you very much, but please don't laugh at my people."
Some people began to laugh, others continued to watch in dismay the executioner who was undressing the other man.
He was evidently afraid the prisoners looking on would laugh at him, and thrust his head into the shirt hurriedly.
And I'll be there to laugh at you when you do.
I like having the last laugh.
How is that for her having the last laugh?
Kiera bounded away from him and flung her arms around Evelyn, who gave a startled laugh and hugged her back.
I don't want to laugh.
Her laugh sounded nervous.
The next day, the laugh was the other way.
Well, if you are in love, marry him! said the countess, with a laugh of annoyance.
Prince Andrew had never before heard Speranski's famous laugh, and this ringing, high-pitched laughter from a statesman made a strange impression on him.
I can make all my friends laugh because I even bathe my large dogs by having them stand as though they are in what we horse people would call cross ties, but without the ties.
That produced a laugh from both of them and put the question to rest.
Sometimes that same look fell on Pierre, and that funny lively little girl's look made him inclined to laugh without knowing why.
I was wrong to laugh at Mack, we're getting it still worse, said Nesvitski.
He seldom laughed, but when he did he abandoned himself entirely to his laughter, and after such a laugh she always felt nearer to him.
I want to meet that man whom I despise, so as to give him a chance to kill and laugh at me!
They laughed and were gay not because there was any reason to laugh, but because gaiety and mirth were in their hearts and so everything that happened was a cause for gaiety and laughter to them.
They gave him some more porridge and Morel with a laugh set to work on his third bowl.
If he is a humorous guy, he will try really hard to make you laugh, often too hard.
A laugh bubbled from within her, along with tears.
She cleared her throat, trying hard not to laugh.
Her startled laugh surprised her.
They laugh at his stinginess and disappear.
His irritated honesty startled her enough that she started to laugh.
She coughed to cover her startled laugh.
It's rough, he said and gave a surprised laugh.
The sound was rough, as if he didn't laugh often.
Wynn was brilliant at small talk, distracting her and making her laugh with his dry, morbid humor.
Deidre took some solace from the fact he didn't laugh or throw her out.
Jackson twisted his face in a mock laugh and slapped his knee.
She pushed his hand away and her laugh sounded nervous.
Mary's laugh was more a snort.
I didn't mean to laugh at you.
Gerry was covering up a laugh while Toni appeared startled.
She gave a breathless laugh.
She wanted to laugh but didn't, aware he was as vulnerable as he'd ever get right now.
I laugh at her ignorance and she'll suffer for it.
Laugh your head off, maybe even blink back a tear.
Message I am as they say ' an open book. ' I value honesty, and love to laugh.
If I was more of a musical snob or NME hack I'd laugh at this and give it a virtual kicking.
Her vocal powers also include a wonderfully wicked laugh.
There sat the thorny Sorcerer in his chair of state, and when the Wizard saw him he began to laugh, uttering comical little chuckles.
This made Zeb laugh, in turn, and the boy felt comforted to find that Ozma laughed as merrily at her weeping subject as she had at him.
It comes over me that in the last two or three pages of this chapter I have used figures which will turn the laugh against me.
It made me laugh quite hard, for I know my father is Arthur Keller.
Pierre suddenly exclaimed with a laugh, and shifting the baby he gave him to the nurse.
Pierre smiled, Natasha began to laugh, but Nicholas knitted his brows still more and began proving to Pierre that there was no prospect of any great change and that all the danger he spoke of existed only in his imagination.
I want to laugh with you, cry with you, and spend forever with you, so I take you, [name], as my [wife/husband] today.
The idea here is have a good laugh, not to do anything that will involve getting law enforcement involved.
Jule said with a laugh.
She smiled, and Traci covered her mouth to keep him from hearing her laugh.
To her surprise, he barked a laugh of half-pain from their fall and half-triumph.
Dean made a move toward her, but she scurried out the door with a loud laugh, still naked, dragging her white dress behind her.
She continued to laugh, "Don't you worry that news will spread, and the townspeople will come after you with torches and stakes?"
His bronze features were smooth except for the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes.
She choked back another laugh then turned her attention to the photographer.
By Darian's occasional laugh and the hungry fire in Xander's features, they enjoyed killing.
A form leapt in between them, and she recognized the laugh as that of the crazy Grey God.
She had to stifle a laugh."Okay honey, let's take a breath here."
Jenn hid a sudden laugh behind a cough while Sofi smiled.
They can make you laugh, lust or cry with lyrical dexterity such as I have genuinely never found anywhere else.
In the workplace men, and women now, are expected to laugh at dirty jokes, and even tell dirty jokes, and even tell dirty jokes.
He had the best quips... " She said, a small laugh sliding out from her last word.
Spiritual death is their goal and their cackling laugh now resounds in the echoing emptiness of human souls.
Had a really good laugh, was a decent track - the karts were pretty speedy and it was a good group of people.
It even started with some suitably spirited singing, and drew many a laugh from the enthusiastic audience.
I think she will laugh when I tell her she is a vertebrate, a mammal, a quadruped; and I shall be very sorry to tell her that she belongs to the order Carnivora.
Mr. Clemens told us many entertaining stories, and made us laugh till we cried.
Katie played with Miss Rhoades's rings and took them away, saying with a merry laugh, "You shall not have them again!"
The princess as usual spoke smilingly and listened with a laugh.
This very sentence about Countess Zubova and this same laugh Prince Andrew had already heard from his wife in the presence of others some five times.
Nesvitski with a laugh threw his arms round Prince Andrew, but Bolkonski, turning still paler, pushed him away with an angry look and turned to Zherkov.
We laugh to scorn the very idea of exam revision.
I mean to shew her that I only laugh at her uncivil behavior.
Some funny pacifiers are even designed to look like your baby has a full set of crooked teeth, big red lips and other such gags to make you laugh.
You can also just act silly with your loved ones; the key is to laugh and have fun.
Sometimes situations are just so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh.
So just laugh and ignore the friend who keeps teasing you!
Fix what you can, laugh it off and have fun!
We would be embarrassed for a minute and then laugh about it.
Will Ferrell has been making people laugh since his first appearance on Saturday Night Live and continues to entertain now that he has a film career and a popular viral video website.
If you continue to laugh at his jokes, it will further encourage him to keep you laughing.
Giving her a genuine compliment or making her laugh will be the best method.
Aries will shout and follow you (the first time); Sagittarius will laugh and walk with you, but Virgo?
The twin sign loves to laugh and let the inner child out to play.
Perhaps even better is the fact that Sagittarius helps Aquarius laugh and enjoy the lighter side of life.
Try to laugh when you want to scream, and find the innocence in his questions and actions.
They love to giggle and laugh and are easily entertained by situations where silly gestures and movements naturally happen.
I told them I had a reputation to uphold and they’ll laugh me out of the place.
It's nice to hear you laugh.
I had to laugh.
The vamp barked a laugh and continued down the hall.
Dusty's not allowed out of his room without her—" "Darian!" she said with a laugh.
Bianca coughed to cover her laugh, and Pierre seconded the vamp with a quiet amen.
He'll be inconsolable, Linda said with a delighted laugh.
He's got a great sense of style, Linda said with a laugh.
She gave a startled laugh.
Deidre gave an unsettled laugh.
This time, Gabriel did laugh.
Cora coughed to cover up her laugh.
Gabriel asked with a bitter laugh.
Deidre stared at her then gave a startled laugh.
She laughed that laugh again.
He started to laugh hysterically.
Even Connor had to laugh.
Please share, I could use a laugh.
He gave her an engaging grin and winked, eliciting a sexy laugh.
She gave a harsh laugh and relaxed once more, her head falling back again.
It made her want to laugh and squirm uncomfortably.
Jule, the regional commander of the eastern hemisphere, demanded with a laugh.
His friends looked indignant, which only caused him to laugh even harder.
She looked at it and coughed, tho it could have been a stifled laugh.
However, funny love poems can be good for a laugh.
It's down to you to decide whether you're up for a laugh or want to get raunchy.
I have vivid memories of being severely reprimanded by my head teacher for making my class laugh too much.
She had great scorn for the notion that one should be able to laugh at oneself.
I laugh at any poor sucker who decides to waste their time on this map.
She was sitting bolt upright with her jaw set in a tight line, desperately trying not to laugh.
Just laugh at yourself, then try to remember why you do yoga in the first place.
I work as well as I sleep, he added, with a laugh.
And as he waved his arms to impersonate the policeman, his portly form again shook with a deep ringing laugh, the laugh of one who always eats well and, in particular, drinks well.
You may laugh as much as you like, but all the same Bonaparte is a great general!
He had the best quips... She said, a small laugh sliding out from her last word.
It 's down to you to decide whether you 're up for a laugh or want to get raunchy.
Dave is one of the funniest people I know. He always makes me laugh.
The professor was disappointed that his students did not laugh at his clever pun.
She let out a short, derisive laugh when she heard the latest news from her gossiping friends.
Being able to laugh at yourself is a great gift that promotes compassion, communication and understanding.
If something goes wrong on your date, try to laugh it off.
Do you laugh at how much your style has changed?
Don't think you can laugh away your cares?
Having friends who laugh and try to make the best out of things will spread this attitude along to you.
One day he even made me laugh so hard I cried.
Not to mention he can make me laugh until I cry.
When a smile isn't enough, send a hearty laugh.
We started to find humor in our situation and laugh at the craziness of it.
This will give the bride and groom a good laugh when they open it.
Whether it is his mild manner, inquisitive ways or infectious laugh, toddlers are attracted to Elmo.
So, it's no wonder we get a laugh out of seeing them in "human" situations.
However, the men who do so in the parades usually only dress that way for a laugh once a year.
Dilbert of the eponymous comic strip first popularized them (or not) and they have gained new laugh power as the wardrobe of uber-dweeb Dwight on the TV show The Office.
When you wear cool designs on T shirts, you can make people laugh, inspire a stranger to strike up a conversation with you, or just get a nod of approval in response to the art you've chosen or the witty quip across your chest.
The guy who does these things i.e., made her laugh, looked her in the eyes and opened doors for her, almost always wins the girl.
If he says something funny, lightly slap his shoulder as you laugh.
They might try to make you laugh or give clues to their attraction by what they try to make you think about when you're talking together.
In some cases, the funny lines may make her laugh so hard you get a date despite feeding her a line.
Try complimenting something unique about her, such as if she has cute freckles or a great laugh.
Guys who are immature might try to hurt your feelings, but better yet, they will try to make you laugh.
Make sure that she will laugh at the jokes too and not get insulted by anything.
Show genuine compassion for others, particularly when they are in need or distress, and try not to laugh at their misfortunes because this will only provoke a strong rebuke from Scorpio.
In love, Gemini needs a partner that is curious, intellectually stimulating, and loves to laugh.
Everyone can enjoy a good laugh and one of the best places to get your fix is through the Netflix Comedy section.
If you're looking to laugh your socks off on YouTube, ask your friends for help.
Hopefully one day soon, they will have the last laugh.
It was something they had done all their lives, sleepovers that two best friends would do together as they whisper important secrets, laugh, and eventually grow up together.
My first reaction was to laugh, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings."
We laugh and cry - we are happy and sad - we just so happen to process information and communicate our responses to these emotions in a very unique way.
Want to show off more of the animal inside and get a big laugh?
If you are looking for a laugh, you might want to listen to Weird Al songs.
Her favorite quote is John Adams' "I cannot contemplate human affairs without laughing to crying; I choose to laugh."
Do you pull your face when you're deep in thought, or just laugh a lot?
Rhyn growled a painful laugh, appreciative of the death dealer's dark humor.
Probably just some bum, the brunette driver said with a forced laugh.
There was a moment of silence, then a child's gleeful laugh.
Rhyn asked with a laugh.
He cut off the conversation with a hearty laugh.
They all had a good laugh over that too, all but Dean.
Randy has been so good about it—so encouraging, but even so—I feel like it's a sin to smile, or laugh.
Someone would laugh and it would remind him of her laugh, turn their head to the side and it would be the way she always moved.
Alex's laugh was short and humorless.
His laugh was short and strained.
Katie's laugh followed her.
Katie's laugh was humorless.
His short laugh was more a snort.
Never again would she be startled by his sudden appearance in the garden, nor laugh at his gentle frolicking with the twins.
They all had their laugh, but to Carmen it wasn't that funny.
Gerald's eyes reflected humor and his breath came out in a sudden rush that barely resembled a laugh.
She started to laugh and then realized it wasn't Alex who had caught her.
Denton's laugh was harsh.
He barked a laugh.
Darian asked with a laugh.
Xander asked with a laugh.
She soon heard Toni's high-pitched laugh as the woman started the interview with Xander.
Jessi started to laugh then realized the handsome man was serious.
Jessi stifled a laugh.
It was almost as arresting as her sweet scent and the shocked look on her face that made him want to laugh.
In public he maintained a bearing of rigid solemnity, and was seen to laugh only three times in the course of his life.
Voltaire never dwells too long on this point, stays to laugh at what he has said, elucidates or comments on his own jokes, guffaws over them or exaggerates their form.
And his popular works, the Adagia, and the Colloquia (1524), had established themselves as standard books in the more easy going age, when power, secure in its unchallenged strength, could afford to laugh with the laughers at itself.
His vanity, however, as has been admirably remarked, is essentially that of " the peacock, not of the gander," and is redeemed by his willingness to raise a laugh at his own expense (Strachan-Davidson, p. 192).
The officers were called to meet at Newburgh, and it was the avowed purpose of the leaders of the movement to march the army westward, appropriate vacant public lands as part compensation for arrears of pay, leave Congress to negotiate for peace without an army, and "mock at their calamity and laugh when their fear cometh."
The Muses carried off the second prize in 405, Aristophanes being first with the Frogs, in which he accuses Phrynichus of employing vulgar tricks to raise a laugh, of plagiarism and bad versification.
Malatesta could afford to laugh at this farce, but he nevertheless prepared in haste for a desperate defence (1462).
Bianca stifled a laugh, genuinely liking the subtle yet feisty Oracle.
Talon stood and threw his head back in a booming laugh of triumph, until Dusty launched at him and knocked him off his feet.
Dusty's not allowed out of his room without her—" "Darian!" she said with a laugh.
Past-Death gave a startled laugh.
Laugh all you will, Rhyn, but this is my home, and the refuge of our Immortal brethren.
Then there were voices, Gladys with a shrill laugh, than hushed giggling, a stumble on the steps, a grunt and finally silence.
Her laugh echoed down the rocky canyons of Zzz as the essence of abomination breathed his bloody last below her.
After he influenced her he would ask her to laugh again…and again.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone. Slaughtered by Rhyn, who had taken her head the same way his brothers took the head of Rhyn's demoness mother.
Randy has been so good about it—so encouraging, but even so—I feel like it's a sin to smile, or laugh.
Toni's face lit up, and she thrust out her chest in a way that made Jessi want to laugh in embarrassment on the oblivious model's behalf.
He would not even condescend to make a baby laugh if nobody else laughed, or even listened.
Both he and Suleymân appeared to think that atheism was a subject to make angels laugh.
Just like Dr. Evil and other baddies, he gets yes men around him who will laugh at his mocking.
They laugh when we pick the legs and heads off the prawns, instead just chomping them down whole.
He would laugh at the thought of an ancient curse controlling his destiny.
Even the most deluded of deluded optimistic naïve fools on LSD would laugh at that suggestion.
With Leicester getting desperate, we could finally laugh at them.
In the workplace men, and women now, are expected to laugh at dirty jokes, and even tell dirty jokes.
Post the latest funny SMS jokes here for all to laugh at.
Aye no problem " [laugh] and I'm like " No, I'll have a latte please, actually.
John's infectious laugh made everyone feel that he was nothing more than a mate playing a few tunes for you.
I hide away and I hear a hollow laugh.
A woman in tonight's audience had a laugh like a hyena and she laugh like a hyena and she laughed all the time.
With an insane laugh, TIM released the girl from his grip and she fell lifeless to the ground at Liz ' feet.
Meanwhile Mrs Urquhart arrived for our missing luggage and we all had a good laugh!
The kids get a good laugh at Samantha's old mom struggling to reach down and grab the block for a good start.
All you can do is laugh and there are some cracking one-liners, delivered by actors who don't understand comic timing.
And it makes me laugh especially that somebody like you with all your patriotic piffle likes a film like Braveheart.
Sending him breakfast was intended as a gentle ribbing, the sort of thing two friends who knew each other well could laugh about.
It shows in your way of frying sausages, don't laugh.
They do not laugh so much and seem more sinister.
There were scenes in there that were pure slapstick, that made me laugh harder and harder as the scene developed.
I can still see that evil smirk setting his whiskers a-quiver; I can almost hear that snide little kitty laugh.
Marvel as they brave a thunderstorm for your listening pleasure, and laugh as they run out of things to say at the end.
Suddenly, Joanna's ladylike features, which have been looking benignly tranquil, wrestle heroically and hilariously with the urge to laugh.
Mouse makes you laugh, he's so vicious.
For a laugh, I did buy a red, curly wig which Andy remembers being orange.
But why, after displaying so much cunning, did he invariably betray himself the moment he came up by that loud laugh?
Escaping from her father she ran to hide her flushed face in the lace of her mother's mantilla--not paying the least attention to her severe remark--and began to laugh.
Boris did not laugh.
She smiled, hid her face in her handkerchief, and remained with it hidden for awhile; then looking up and seeing Pierre she again began to laugh.
The prince again laughed his frigid laugh.
He signed with a flourish and suddenly turning to his son began to laugh.
He seized his son by the hand with small bony fingers, shook it, looked straight into his son's face with keen eyes which seemed to see through him, and again laughed his frigid laugh.
Denisov began to laugh.
Eh? said Anatole, with a good-humored laugh.
He lifted his head high and gazed at Denisov as if repressing a laugh.
She just rants away at him and the situation is so bizarre nobody can do anything but laugh.
A short pause is followed by a raucous laugh.
You heard their ribald laugh as they clutched the moving bag that the Count threw to them.
Love sarah P.s. My Pc name is even Howl MC which makes the people at aol laugh when I have to call up !
It made him laugh, and he scoffed at the people and called them cowards and old women.
All comments are welcome, gives me something to laugh at while im skiving at work !
Women Do you ever pass urine when you sneeze, cough or laugh?
If I was more of a musical snob or NME hack I 'd laugh at this and give it a virtual kicking.
Sometimes people sound like they 're sobbing when they try to laugh.
Maddy made me laugh (with gritted teeth) today.
Gary Little made a triumphant return to the Just Laugh stage.
Mouse makes you laugh, he 's so vicious.
Just sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh out loud at all of Stephanie 's wacky adventures !
Remembering their youthful attempts at playing songs in waltz time, McLennan ca n't suppress a laugh.
Stewart 's school yearbook entry paid tribute to his ability to make other pupils laugh.
She didn't know whether to laugh or cry when the baby covered himself with his lunch.
With reference to an old story, Tessa was able to make the whole room laugh.
A coquettish laugh escaped the mouth of the young girl trying to earn the attention of Matt.
Christy would feign a laugh every time her boyfriend made a joke, no matter how funny it was.
Don't take it personally when you get called a noob by the more experienced players, just try to laugh it off.
The Fisher-Price classic Corn Popper is perfect for kids ages 1 to 3, as is the Laugh and Learn Learning Mower.
Laugh together with him when the baby just can't seem to get it.
We know the meaning behind every burp and sigh, laugh and cry.
When she is a teen, you'll laugh about it together!
Play and laugh together, taking the opportunity to learn about your baby's new arrangement, thus relieving your fears and ensuring the child will build trust with the new caregiver.
In Mary Had a Little Lamb, what made the children laugh and play?
And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy.
Don't be afraid to be silly and laugh with your children.
Simple personalized pacifiers can bear your baby's name or nickname, a word or phrase that makes you laugh, or they may even be part of a personalized gift set that includes a personalized onesie and pacifier.
By six months, he should gurgle, laugh, babble repetitive sounds and attempt to imitate them, look for the source of sounds such as a parent's voice and begin to pay attention to music.
Laugh & Learn Learning About Opposites - Help your child understand the concept of opposites.
While some of these items may not be practical for every day use, they can be good for a laugh and some entertainment.
His goal was to create a book that made people laugh.
Impress your friends by imparting the 150-year history of Cointreau over drinks, and laugh at them when they pronounce it "coin-TRUE".
Laugh - Teach kids the importance of humor by poking gentle fun at them and encourage them to do the same to you.
Try some of these home activities and games that keep hands busy and provide the opportunity to talk, share and laugh.
Perfect if you are looking to include a quote like Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often in your home.
When you ask an emo how to get the "emo look," chances are they will laugh at you and tell you that anyone who is "trying" to be emo is not a genuine member of this elite group of social dramatics.
An increase in laugh lines and crows feet can also cause concern when applying makeup.
You done left your fingerprints." It wasn't so much what Dodson said, but the hilariously exaggerated manner in which he said it that made people laugh.
It's also a good time to talk about all of the ridiculous things you've dealt with and be able to laugh about it, and you may be able to share tips for ways to relieve stress you all feel.
The point is that it's important to set aside time to laugh and to enjoy one's self and the best part about it is that it doesn't have to cost any money.
When it seems like you are constantly challenged in life by your computer and can't seem to get anywhere, the desktop games can be just the ticket you need to relax and laugh off problems.
People from Asia will laugh or smile when they are embarrassed.
If you want the recipient to laugh, you can send one that has cartoons and has a funny but still romantic message.
Relaxing activities in which you can play games, laugh and enjoy each other promotes an opportunity for future dates.
A comedy club, for example, is a lot more fun on a double date because you can laugh, share the experience and enjoy camaraderie together.
Most people know how to roller skate and even if you feel silly, laugh it off.
The entire goal of a silly poem is to elicit a laugh or a chuckle.
If you are searching for corny pick up lines, you are most likely looking for a way to make someone laugh.
The person will either laugh and start a conversation, or the person will laugh and walk away.
The only thing you can do is laugh it off and tell yourself that if the person doesn't see the humor in it as much as you do, then the person isn't right for you.
If you are in a bar or partying in a club, you may have had a couple of drinks and want to get a good laugh from someone in order to start a conversation.
It's a simple, elegant line that will earn a laugh and a smile.
After looking at the advice on one site titled How to Date a Doctor, a PhD at the University of Pittsburgh commented "I'd be tempted to laugh, if I wasn't positive the person that wrote that was serious."
Though some couples love giving silly gifts to make each other laugh no matter how long they've been together, cute and funny Valentine's gifts come in handy when you're not sure where you stand in a relationship.
Sip wine, laugh, and dance the evening away.
Shots of the players show some of them trying not to laugh.
Some engaged couples turn to poetry as a romantic way to celebrate their wedding while others use humorous poems to laugh together over engagement memories.
If you have a knack for making children laugh, you might consider learning how to write a joke book for kids.
Getting strangers to laugh requires a set of shared experiences or common perspectives.