Lattice Sentence Examples
It was a bridge for two lines of railway with lattice girders continuous over three spans.
The arch is formed by two lattice ribs hinged at the abutments.
The roadway girders are lattice, 17 ft.
Studies of vortices in other superconductors indicate that they can form a sort of " lattice " configuration.
I proved, for example, a generalized coverage theorem that specialized to both the known complete lattice and preframe versions.
Use the hot skewer to brand a lattice pattern into the icing sugar mixture on the surface of the pie.
The temples on the east side of the Otolum are distinguished by tall narrow vaults, perforated by numerous square openings giving the appearance of coarse lattice work.
The Howe truss had timber chords and a lattice of timber struts, with vertical iron ties.
An internal viaduct of lattice girders carries a double line of rails.
As fluid is absorbed, the pore size of the lattice increases, releasing iodine.
AdvertisementCombining the primitive lattice vectors with spacegroup symmetry will effectively generate the crystal lattice.
The set of all K vectors defines the reciprocal lattice.
For the simple cubic lattice, all values of n will give Bragg peaks.
Therefore this example builds only a partial subgroup lattice.
However, the dry solid still contains a significant quantity of solvent trapped in the crystal lattice.
AdvertisementThus there is no vortex lattice, indeed no vortices at all.
The iron lattice carriage bridge below the museum was erected in 1881.
The size at which this happens is strongly dependent upon the cooling rate and lattice mismatch of the alloy.
The main problems which affect growth of GaN on Si are those of thermal expansion mismatch, and of lattice mismatch.
The picture shows the crystallographic lattice orientation of the germanium FFC crystals.
AdvertisementThe above two reasons are most plausible explanation for the a -phase observed with different ' c ' lattice parameters.
It has been shown that convoluted elements offer a substantial reduction in band gap frequency of 42% for a given lattice periodicity.
Figure 1. A diagram showing the Ewald Sphere intersecting the series of lattice rods lying perpendicular to the plane of the sample.
Each region or ' grain ' has a different orientation with respect to some arbitrary axis perpendicular to the plane of the lattice.
To allow oil drainage we use a plastic lattice type separator which meant vacuum pick-up was out of the question.
AdvertisementSolute atoms of similar size to those in the host lattice may substitute for host atoms - these are known as substitutional solute atoms of similar size to those in the host lattice may substitute for host atoms - these are known as substitutional solutes.
This section outlines how to find the basis vectors for the reciprocal lattice from the basis vectors of the real space lattice.
What is the largest wavelength of radiation that will be diffracted by a lattice plane of the interplanar spacing d?
Our B results cover a range in lattice spacings of more than a factor of two.
The lattice footbridge now just crosses a single line, having been severely truncated on singling of the route in 1967.
Tudor style with lattice leaded lights.
Any real lattice vector may be expressed in terms of the lattice basis vectors, a 1, a 2, a 3.
These are effective in reducing phonon conduction, i.e. heat transfer by lattice vibrations.
The arcades in front of the Mecca niche were sometimes of considerable depth, and constituted the prayer chamber (maksura), portions of which were occasionally enclosed with lattice work.
Solute atoms of similar size to those in the host lattice may substitute for host atoms - these are known as substitutional solutes.
The handle is made from natural stag horn and the sheath is made from leather which has been embossed with a lattice design.
The project features the world 's largest lattice Boltzmann simulation of its kind, to study defect dynamics in liquid crystalline surfactant systems.
Ice is usually composed of a lattice of water molecules arranged with perfect tetrahedral geometry.
The building is in tudor style with lattice leaded lights.
H Integer Height of the two-dimensional lattice used in the cellular automata.
Diamond color is affected by chemical impurities or structural defects in its crystal lattice.
A bold pattern such as a lattice design can be too much in other rooms, but a guest bath that people only visit for short periods can be a great place to try this look.
Bold rich colors, exposed dark beams, cross lattice on the walls, and high-pitched ceilings mark Tudor architectural features.
White columns in a lattice style can make your room look like you just entered a beautiful garden especially with rose vines around it.
Country Creations and similar rental places offer plenty of background choices, from grecian columns to lattice fences.
Rent lattice or wrought-iron fencing to set up around the ceremony area.
Say your vows beneath a painted lattice arch.
Wind real or silk ivy through the lattice holes to really highlight the garden idea in a venue that isn't an actual garden.
Choose from lattice work, wood look and even slate and shingle design options.
Many people find that it's very beneficial to section off the area they want to compost with picket fencing or lattice.
Lattice pies and apple slices are other fun options.
Sapphires are a semi precious gemstone composed of aluminum oxide in a crystalline lattice structure.
The actual tint is determined by the concentration of the atoms in the carbon lattice within the stone itself.
In blue diamonds, this boron takes the place of some of the carbon within the crystal lattice that makes up all diamonds.
This boron in the diamond lattice gives the stone a beautiful blue color, but this impurity occurs in less than 0.1% of all diamonds.
Over the river these are lattice girders, with transverse girders 12 ft.
On the other hand a framed or braced web afforded opportunity for much better arrangement of material, and it very soon became apparent that open web or lattice or braced girders were more economical of material than solid web girders, except for small spans.
The lattice girders of the side spans were first rolled into place, so as to project some distance beyond the piers, and then the arch ribs were built out, being partly supported by wire-rope cables from (3) Draw or Bascule Bridges.
When Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, having injured himself by falling through a lattice, sent to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether he should recover, the prophet was commanded to appear to the messengers and tell them that, for this resort to a false god, the king should die.
Columns are generally built of riveted work of zedbars, channels, angles, plates, or lattice, of such form as will make the simplest and most easily constructed framing in the particular position in which the column is placed.
Lattice bars, fillers, brackets, &c., add just so much more weight without increasing the section, and must be allowed for; the method of riveting the sections together must also be taken into account.
Truss rods, portals, or lattice or plate girders constitute the more definite types of wind-bracing ordinarily employed; the bracing must reach to some solid connexion at the ground.
Their houses, of which the framework is timber and the rest lattice and thatch, are ingeniously constructed, with great taste in ornamentation, and are well furnished with mats, mosquito-curtains, baskets, fans, nets and cooking and other utensils.
There's a colorful Bohemian vibe, thanks to gorgeous Rajasthani furniture, velvet day beds, hand carved lattice doors and intriguing bric-a-brac.
The car benefits from an extremely lightweight chassis, which incorporates an aluminum shell ' stretched ' over a lattice frame.
Summary At room temperature, solid aluminum chloride has an ionic lattice with a lot of covalent character.
Imagine the effect of training your favorite scented climber through the lattice - heaven!
Grain boundaries in polycrystals can be considered as two-dimensional defects in the perfect crystal lattice.
The small area of lattice degeneration in the superior temporal quadrant OS remained free of retinal breaks.
Our recent work on GaInNAs has provided an understanding of these effects (related to the lattice distortion associated with N atoms ).
The hydration enthalpy offsets the enthalpy change in breaking up the lattice.
The first is the comparatively very high lattice enthalpy of the solid fluoride.
The term we are using here should more accurately be called the " lattice dissociation enthalpy " .
The second section involves learning about the vibrational excitations of the crystal lattice - phonons.
The lattice footbridge, a later addition by the SER, is evident in the background.
An 1876 drawing of the River Avon Bridge, showing the original ornate lattice girders.
No; one faint red glimmer cheered us from a window where the lattice was in good repair.
In order to display this blue color, the diamond structure must include trace amounts of boron within the carbon lattice.
This sweet bed features lattice work and arches, making it a beautiful focal point of a girls' room.
We may therefore regard the nitrogen atoms as occupying the centres of a cubic space lattice composed of iodine atoms, between which the hydrogen atoms are distributed on the tetrahedron face normals.
The reason given for this change of form was that it more conveniently allowed the lower the lattice girders above.
It is formed by a crescent-shaped arch, continued on one side by four, on the other side by two lattice girder spans, on iron piers.
In Frankfort the women were allowed to open their lattice windows in the synagogue in honour of the deliverance brought about by Esther.
In some cases there is only a network of filament-like cells, the spaces between which are not filled with parenchyma, giving a skeleton appearance to the leaf, as in Ouvirandra fenestralis (Lattice plant).
The west front is filled with remarkable figures and designs, including the lattice work common in Uxmal.
The cancelli, the lattice or bar, which in the civil tribunal had divided the court from the litigants and the public, now served to separate clergy and laity.
The church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche) is a fine Gothic building of the 15th century, and has a beautifully sculptured doorway and a lattice spire 240 ft.
The class of simple frames includes many of the frameworks used in the construction of roofs, lattice girders and suspension bridges; a number of examples will be found in the article BRIDGES.
Subsequently this antenna was enlarged, and four wooden lattice towers were built, 215 ft.