Latrobe Sentence Examples
At Melbourne there was a deputy governor, Mr Latrobe, under Sir George Gipps at Sydney.
The socalled Upper Connellsville (or Latrobe) district, near Latrobe, produced in 1907, 1,030, 260 tons of coke.
Latrobe were ministers.
His father, Christian Ignatius Latrobe (1758-1836), a musician of some note, did good service in the direction of popularizing classical music in England by his Selection of Sacred Music from the Works of the most Eminent Composers of Germany and Italy (6 vols., 1806-1825).
Latrobe was an excellent mountaineer, and made some important ascents in Switzerland in 1824-1826.
When Port Philip was erected into a separate colony as Victoria in 1851, Latrobe became lieutenant-governor.
Latrobe discharged the difficult duties of government at this critical period with tact and success.
See Brief Notices of the Latrobe Family (1864), a privately printed translation of an article revised by members of the family in the Moravian Briederbote (November 1864).
The Lower Palaeozoic systems begin with the Cambrian, which are found in northern Tasmania near Latrobe, and contain Cambrian fossils as Dikelocephalus Tasmanicus and Conocephalites stephensi.
The colony of Victoria was constituted a separate province in July 1851, Mr Latrobe being appointed governor, followed by Sir Charles Hotham and Sir Henry Barkly in succession.