Lateran council Sentence Examples
During these two or three years of incessant political intrigue and warfare it was not to be expected that the Lateran council should accomplish much.
The year which marked the close of the Lateran council was also signalized by Leo's unholy war against the duke of Urbino.
The Lateran council of 1139 restored peace to the Church, excommunicating Roger of Sicily, against whom Innocent undertook an expedition which proved unsuccessful.
The doctrine of transubstantiation was defined by the Lateran Council in 1215, and shortly afterwards the elevation and adoration of the Host were formally enjoined.
This treaty, made possible by concessions on either side, settled the investiture controversy, and was confirmed by the Lateran council of March 1123.
In the fourth Lateran council of 1215 Innocent found his opportunity to rekindle the flickering fires.
Unhappily Frederick preferred to put his Sicilian house in order, and the legate preferred to listen to the Italians, who had their own 3 A canon of the third Lateran council (1179) forbade traffic with the Saracens in munitions of war; and this canon had been renewed by Innocent in the beginning of his pontificate.
On the one hand he repeated the provisions of the Fourth Lateran council on behalf of the Crusade to the Holy Land; on the other hand he preached a Crusade against Frederick II., and promised to all who would join the full benefits of absolution and remission of sins.
The canons of 1200 are based in large measure on recommendations of the Lateran Council of 1179.
He was nominated as one of the English prelates for the Lateran council (1512), but did not attend.
AdvertisementThe last is perhaps the work which was condemned by the Lateran council in 1215 as containing an erroneous xv.
The practice was suppressed by the Lateran Council of 1139.
The first Lateran council (the ninth ecumenical) was opened by Pope Calixtus II.
At the third Lateran council (eleventh ecumenical), which met in March 1179 under Pope Alexander III., the clergy present again numbered about one thousand.
The fourth Lateran council (twelfth ecumenical), convened by Pope Innocent III.
AdvertisementThe fifth Lateran council (eighteenth ecumenical) was convened by Pope Julius II.
Map's career was an active and varied one; he was clerk of the royal household and justice itinerant; in 1179 he was present at the Lateran council at Rome, on his way thither being enter tained by the count of Champagne; at this time he apparentm held a plurality of ecclesiastical benefices, being a prebend of St Paul's, canon and precentor of Lincoln and parson of Westbury, Gloucestershire.
By a decree of the Lateran council of 1215, which was enforced in England, no clerk can hold two benefices with cure of souls, and if a beneficed clerk shall take a second benefice with cure of souls, he vacates ipso facto his first benefice.
Their appeal was not successful, for they were formally condemned by the Lateran council of 1215.
For various reasons it became more and more common, until the fourth Lateran council (1215) ordered all Christians of the Roman obedience to make a confession once a year at least.
AdvertisementWhen the universal Church assembled at the second Lateran Council (1139), this leader of religion declared to the bishops that he was the absolute master of Christendom.
The third Lateran Council (1179) was a triumph for the leader of the Church.
His bull of the 14th of January 1505 against simony in papal elections was re-enacted by the Lateran council (February 16, 1513).
As bishop of Nebbio in Corsica, he took part in some of the earlier sittings of the Lateran council (1516-1517), but, in consequence of party complications, withdrew to his diocese, and ultimately to France, where he became a pensioner of Francis I., and was the first to occupy a chair of Hebrew and Arabic in the university of Paris.
The Hildebrandine party was aroused to action, however; a Lateran council of March 1112 declared null and void the concessions extorted by violence; a council held at Vienna in October actually excommunicated the emperor, and Paschal sanctioned the proceeding.
AdvertisementSoon after the issue of the charter the archbishop left England to attend the Fourth Lateran Council.
The doctrines of his followers, known as the Amalricians, were formally condemned by the fourth Lateran Council in 1215.
He seems to have taught in the schools of Paris, and he attended the Lateran Council in 1179.
In the following year, however, a Lateran council repudiated this compact as due to violence, and a synod held at Vienne with papal approval declared lay investiture to be heresy and placed Henry under the ban.
At length in 1122 the struggle was brought to an end by the concordat of Worms, the provisions of which were incorporated in the eighth and ninth canons of the general Lateran council of 1123.
The famous quarrel between the priesthood and the Empire, which had culminated at Canossa under Gregory VII., in the apotheosis of Philip the the Lateran council under Innocent III., and again Fair and in the fall of the house of Hohenstaufen under Innocent the IV., was reopened with the king of France by Boniface Papacy.
The persistent decisions of the councils against the heretics at this period - in particular, those of the council of Tours (1163) and of the oecumenical Lateran council (1179) - had scarcely more effect.
He must restore the French Church to Catholic unity, abolish the pragmatic sanction of Bourges, and bring to a successful close the Lateran council convoked by his predecessor.