Lat Sentence Examples
The Mexico-American sub-region has as its northern boundary the parallel of lat.
Whether his declaration was based on stories told by the Indians of the interior, or upon reports of Spanish sailors, or had no basis at all, is not known; its chief importance lies in the fact that Carver called this undiscovered stream the Oregon, and that 1 Some early writers assert that Drake even reached the lat.
The word itself comes from the Lat.
The word "duke," which is derived from the Lat.
From this peak northward there is a gradual decline, until at the point where the Central Pacific crosses in lat.
The farthest point reached was lat.
Eleven men left the ship in April 1914 in lat.
It was surveyed on the east, where a landing was made in lat.
The pack was entered in lat.
This was in lat.
AdvertisementA new island was discovered in lat.
Snakes, which are so abundant in warm countries, diminish rapidly as we go north, and wholly cease at lat.
The western slopes of the Andes, with its spurs and lateral ranges, cover a broad zone on the eastern side of the republic, and the Cordillera Maritima covers another broad zone on its western side from about lat.
It has likewise been determined, since the boundary dispute with Argentina called attention to these territories and led to their careful exploration at the points in dispute, that Skyring Water, in lat.
The Aisen also has its source in Argentine territory near the 46th parallel, and drains a mountainous region as far north as the 45th parallel, receiving numerous tributaries, and discharging a large volume of water into the Moraleda channel in about lat.
AdvertisementBaker Inlet also receives the waters of still another large ArgentineChilean lake, San Martin, whose far-reaching fjord-like arms extend from lat.
After a short north-westerly course the Toro discharges into Baker Inlet in lat.
In the extreme south are Lagoa Blanca, a large fresh-water lake in lat.
According to observations made by the Swedish Antarctic Expedition (1901-1903), at Orange Bay, Hoste Island, in lat.
Beginning at the outlet of Bahia Negra into the Paraguay river, lat.
AdvertisementThe treaty of 1867 changed this startingpoint to the mouth of the Beni, in lat.
The Indo-European root is seen in Lat.
The Cordillera de Baudo, which becomes the coast range above lat.
Its general elevation is below that of the Central Cordillera, and it has few summits rising above the line of perpetual snow, the highest being the Sierra Nevada de Cocui, in lat.
It rises in the angle between the Western Cordillera and a low transverse ridge connecting it with the Baudo coast range, and flows westward down to the valley between the two ranges, and then southward through this valley to about lat.
AdvertisementIn the following year Bruno Heceta landed off what is now called Point Grenville and took formal possession of the country, and later, in lat.
Captain James Cook in March 17 78 sighted the coast of Oregon in the lat.
But even before these agreements had been reached, Alexander Mackenzie, in the service of the North-west Company, in 1793 had explored through Canada to the Pacific coast in lat.
It is derived undoubtedly from the Lat.
It has been often referred to the Lat.
Voting by head, and the double representation of the third estate (tiers lat); this was the great revolution; voting by order meant the continued domination of privilege, and the lesser revolution.
N mouillhe (n) corresponds to the Lat.
Passing to the dentals, except as an initial, tin words that are popularly current and belong to the old stock of the language, can only be derived from Lat.
Fragments of a Jurassic flora have recently been discovered by Dr Andersson, a member of Nordenskiold's Antarctic expedition, in Louis Philippe Land in lat.
The Tertiary flora of Greenland is of great interest, from the extremely high latitude at which the plants flourished, thirty of the species having been collected so far north as lat.
His front double biceps and lat spread shots are just majestic, and he was a great winner.
Grey-crowned Crocias This Vietnamese endemic is classified as Endangered and restricted to the Da lat plateau.
For weill she kent that the wee fowk war back an she wesna gaun ti be the ane ti lat thaim owre the dure.
The hotel owners maybe he'll balance lat pulldowns triceps.
Ah tell ye whit it is, Pompitie, sum fowk wad juist hae keepit it ti thairsells, an never lat on.
The word is taken from one of the French words which derived ultimately from the Late Lat.
Leaving Yewin, a small settlement about lat.
Though known in England, where it is the only indigenous species, as the British oak, it is a native of most of the milder parts of Europe, extending from the shores of the Atlantic to the Ural; its most northern limit is attained in Norway, where it is found wild up to lat.
In western Russia it flourishes in lat.
In marked contrast to this, the South Atlantic is distinguished by great simplicity of coast-line; inland seas there are none, and it attains its greatest breadth as it merges with the Southern Ocean; in lat.
The dominant feature of the relief of the Atlantic basin is a submarine ridge running from north to south from about lat.
These are generally regarded as mere archaisms, and unfortunately the majority of them are in words of whose origin and meaning very little is known, so that (for all we can tell) in many the -s- may represent -ss- or -psas in osatu = Lat.
The early use of the word is for a twig, shoot, cutting or sapling, which was the meaniiig of Lat.
Lyell points out that the eye of an observer placed above a point between Pembroke and Wexford, lat.
Manses = Lat.
A range of mountains, called Stanovoi, rising to heights of 4000 or 5000 ft., follows the southern coast of the eastern extremity of Asia from Kamchatka to the borders of Manchuria, as far Man- as the 135th meridian, in lat.
Then it follows an irregular course southwards to a position south-east of Bhamo in lat.
It next defines the northern edge of the Shan States, and finally strikes the Mekong river in lat.
It is an adaptation of the Lat.
These intervals were mistaken by the Portuguese occasionally for degrees, which account for Malacca, which is in lat.
This is a common song-bird, frequenting almost the whole of Europe south of lat.
Musk-oxen at the present day are confined to the most northern parts of North America, where they range over the rocky Barren Grounds between lat.
He sent a brig home with despatches; on the 10th of June, in lat.
The true derivation is from the French coe, an old form of queue, a tail, from Lat.
The chief applications are due to its use as the equivalent of Lat.
It is the chief port of Queensland for the New Guinea trade; and is also the seat of a Roman Catholic vicariate apostolic whose bishop has jurisdiction over the whole of Queensland north of lat.
The derivation is therefore from Lat.
The usual prefix of address of a parson was "sir," representing Lat.
The first white man certainly known to have approached the region from the east was Alexander Mackenzie of the Northwest Fur Company, who reached the coast at about lat.
It is probably cognate with the Lat.
Lehm; the ultimate origin is the root lai-, meaning "to be sticky," which is seen in the cognate "lime," Lat.
Strang, and meant that which is strongly or tightly twisted; it is related to " strong," and is to be referred to the root seen also in Lat.
Its northern boundary line was fixed by the Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty of 1848 and the Gadsden treaty of 1853; it follows the Rio Grande del Norte from its mouth north-westward to lat.
The term Mass, which has the same connotation, is derived from the Lat.
The Mackenzie forms a large but little-known delta in lat.
If placed upon Europe it would extend from Rome to the North Cape, but latitude is of course only one of the factors influencing climate, the arrangement of the ocean currents and of the areas of high and low pressure making a very wide difference between the climates of the two sides of the Atlantic. In reality the Pacific coast of Canada, rather than the Atlantic coast, should be compared with western Europe, the south-west corner of British Columbia, in lat.
It is cognate with Lat.
From this point he followed the valley of the Dre chu till about lat.
For further bibliographical details, see Mayor, Lat.
If this be so the word is the same as "lynx," from the popular Lat.
C. Butler) - these works are to be found in Latin in Rosweyd's Vitae Patrum (Migne, Patrol Lat.
Some idea of this influence can be derived from figures obtained by the Swedish International Expedition of 1882-1883 at Cape Thorsden, Spitsbergen, lat.
The name Paezigni may belong to the NO-class of Ethnica (see Sabini), but the difference that it has no vowel before the suffix suggests that it may rather be parallel with the suffix of Lat.
Latham suggested that it was taken from the syllables quedil, of the Lat.
The coast of Ecuador extends from about lat.
The next is La Plata, in lat.
Tag; according to the New English Dictionary, " in no way related to the Lat.
Edgar Evans, made an extensive geological survey and study of the ice phenomenon of the lower valleys of the Western Mountains, from Butter Point southward to the Koettlitz glacier in lat.
Depots with stores were provided for the returning parties at Mount Hooper in lat.
The " Deutschland " proceeded along the new coast, named Luitpold Land, to lat.
The return journey was commenced on March 4 1912, but four days later the ship was beset by young ice in lat.
Stenhouse, who was in command, rigged a new rudder, and when she was released on March 16 1916 in lat.
Stefansson, with two companions and a dog team, left Martin Point, Alaska, on March 22 1914, reached lat.
The vessel was beset in the ice in the Kara Sea in lat.
Sverdrup passed through the Kara Sea searching the coast eastward to Taimir Land where he wintered in lat.
Nikolas Land extends from lat.
The word "mentor" is now used in the sense of a wise and trustworthy adviser, a meaning probably connected with the etymology of the name, from the root mon-, seen, in Lat.
The combinations act, ect, oct, uct gave aeth, aith, oeth, wyth, respectively; as in doeth, " wise," from Lat.
The more important of these are La Mocha, off the southern coast of Arauco, in lat.
Some of the larger tributaries of these rivers, whose economic value has been equally great, are the Mapocho, which flows through Santiago and enters the Maipo from the north; the turbulent Cachapoal, which joins the Rapel from the north; the Claro, which waters an extensive part of the province of Talca and enters the Maule from the north; the Nuble, which rises in the higher Andes north of the peaks of Chillan and flows entirely across the province of Nuble to join the Itata on its western frontier; the Laja, which rises in a lake of the same name near the Argentine frontier in about lat.
The Argentine colony of the 16th of October, settled principally by Welshmen from Chubut, is located on some of the upper tributaries of this river, in about lat.
The Chilean peon, however, comes from a hardy stock, and has borne ail strip of territory west of the Andes, but also a large piece of the Patagonian mainland, south of lat.
The line follows the Verde, Guapore, 1Vlamore and Madeira rivers down to the mouth of the Abuna, in about lat.
This was finally settled in 1903 by the treaty of Petropolis, which provided that the line should ascend the Abuna river to lat.
The first includes the rivers flowing directly and indirectly into the Madeira, one of the great tributaries of the Amazon, together with some small tributaries of the Acre and Purus in the north, all of which form a drainage basin covering more than one-half of the republic. The two principal rivers of this system are the Mamore and Beni, which unite in lat.
On the homeward voyage he accidentally discovered an island in lat.
The line decided upon, and accepted by Colombia, starts from the north shore of Calabozo Bay on the west side of the Gulf of Maracaibo, and runs west and south-west to and along the water-parting (Sierra de Perija) between the drainage basins of the Magdalena and Lake Maracaibo as far as the source in lat.
Colombia holds possession as far south as the Napo in lat.
The provisional line starts from the Japura river (known as the Caqueta in Colombia) in lat.
The largest branch of the Cauca on its western side, however, is the San Jorge, which, though rising in the Western Cordillera on the northern slopes of the Alto del Viento, in about lat.
The Meta rises on the opposite side of the Cordillera from Bogota, and flows with a sluggish current east-north-east across the llanos to the Orinoco, into which it discharges below the Atures rapids, in lat.
In botanical collections there exist, it is stated, herbarium specimens or other evidences of plants grown in Norway as far north as lat.
The earliest form was probably Iveriyo or Iveriyu, genitive Iveryonos, from which come Lat.
Sassanid, king of Persia, on the east bank of the Euphrates, just south of the Nahr Isa, or Sakhlawieh canal, the northernmost of the canals connecting that river with the Tigris, in lat.
There is no guttural spirant,j, but, according to circumstances, y or x (C); thus Lat.
One of the most notable differences between normal Portugiiese and Gahician is the substitution of the surd spirant in place of the sonant spirant for the Lat.
The ornamental braiding is also more probably due to "frock," Lat.
These fossil Arctic plants have now been found as far south as Bovey Tracey in Devonshire, where Pengelly and Heer discovered the bear-berry and dwarf birch; London, where also Betula nana occurs; and at Deuben in Saxony, which lies nearly as far south as lat.
However, like most travel bargains, lat minute cruise deals come with several pros and cons.
There is a work bench for free weights as well as other additions for exercises such lat pulldowns.
Be sure to balance your bench presses and chest flys by performing an ample number of lat pulldowns As in all things related to exercise, balance is the name of the game.
The lat pulldown exercise can create a "V' shape in the torso, which will create the appearance of a smaller waistline.
When performing the lat pulldown exercise, pay special attention to the bicep flex movement, which occurs as you pull the bar down towards your chest.
Then, during the competition, you will remember how to simultaneously contract your biceps and lat muscles.
For example, you will be able to lift considerably more weight doing chest presses than you will doing lat raises.
It is a basic exercise using a lat machine which you will likely find at your gym or health club.
To do the triceps pressdown, you will begin facing the lat machine with your feet hip distance apart.
Tuleplan is in about lat.
The word is derived from Lat.
Arche, adapted from the Lat.
The republic lies between lat.
The only port in the province is Los Vilos, in lat.
It was generally distributed in wooded districts throughout the greater part of North America, as far north as Great Slave Lake, lat.
The Lat Masjid, or Pillar Mosque, was built by Dilawar Khan in 1405 out of the remains of Jain temples.
At the close of the century Dilawar Khan, the builder of the Lat Masjid, who had been appointed governor in 1399, practically established his independence, his son Hoshang Shah being the first Mahommedan king of Malwa.
See also bibliography in Hubner and Mayor's Lat.
Its name is derived from 'the Lat.
First principles - speculative or practical - are Soyµara, Lat.
In these senses the word has frequently been referred to Lat.
Estimated revenue, £70,000; tribute to Sindhia paid through the 1 Lat.
X 67rapSos) was given by the ancients to an animal supposed to have been a cross between a lion (Lat.
Speaking generally, the four seasons are clearly marked north of lat.
For a time he nominally held sway over about two-thirds of the country - roughly, from lat.
From this eastward to the state of Maine the boundary is an artificial line nearly corresponding to lat.
In a country like Canada ranging from lat.
This bird, which ranges over the North Atlantic, is seldom seen on the European side below lat.
The capital is Curico, on the Mataquito river, in lat.
The last point of departure was at a point called G in lat.
The word is derived from the Lat.
The botanical name is from Lat.
A1TVrt, from a'19cw, burn; Lat.
Both words are to be referred to Lat.
If it has any connexion with Lat.
The first of these is Salango, in lat.
Land, and thus forming the southern boundary of the great flat Barrier surface, which apparently did not extend far beyond lat.
This tract, called " The Devil's Ball Room," proved the worst travelling of the whole trip. Next day in lat.
Ten days later Three Degree depot was formed in lat.
Evans - made one more depot in lat.
The last camp was made in lat.
Just beyond this point Mr. Frank Wild was landed on a new coast called Queen Mary Land in lat.
Thereafter the drift was eastward and northward until she broke out of the pack in lat.
But when, in the crusading age, the Greek Church and state were alike in danger from Lat n encroachments, Photius became a national hero, and is at pres nt regarded as little short of a saint.
The word is Celtic, appearing in Welsh (very frequently) as afon, in Manx as aon, and in Gaelic as abhuinn (pronounced avain), and is radically identical with the Sanskrit ap, water, and the Lat.
Lign-aloe is a corruption of the Lat.
Of their language as distinct from that of the Latins no articulate memorial has survived, but we have a large number of single words attributed to them by Latin writers, among which such forms as (I) fircus, Lat.