Las Sentence Examples
Moratin's crowning triumph in original comedy was El Si las Ninas (1806), which was performed night after night to crowded.
At another general assembly, his fourth, he gave new and more stringent rules, which are found in the Compilation de las instrucciones del officio de la Santa Inquisition.
The city proper is almost entirely enclosed by the remains of a great granite wall (built in 1673, when the new city was established), on the top of which on the side facing the sea is Las Bovedas promenade.
It crosses a section that is mostly desert, but is connected with the Bullfrog District by the Las Vegas & Tonopah, which runs from Goldfield through Beatty and Rhyolite, and meets the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake at Las Vegas.
His counsellor, Las Cases, strongly urged that step and made overtures to Captain Maitland of H.M.S.
It was on this understanding (which Las Cases afterwards misrepresented) that Napoleon on the 15th of July mounted the deck of the "Bellerophon."
Nevertheless, during his last voyage he enjoyed excellent health even in the tropics, and seemed less depressed than his associates, Bertrand, Gourgaud, Las Cases and Montholon.
On a lower level as regards credibility stands the Memorial de SainteHelene, compiled by Las Cases from Napoleon's conversations with the obvious aim of creating a Napoleonic legend.
But in the works edited by Montholon and Las Cases, where the political aim constantly obtrudes itself, the emperor is made again and again to embroider on the theme that he had always been the true champion of ordered freedom.
The folly of the monarchs of the Holy Alliance in Europe gained for the writings of Montholon and Las Cases (that of Gourgaud was not published till 1899) a ready reception, with the result that Napoleon reappeared in the literature of the ensuing decades wielding an influence scarcely less potent than that of the grey-coated figure into whose arms France flung herself on his return from Elba.
AdvertisementThe works of Las Cases and Montholon should also be read with great caution.
Of Herrera's writings, the most valuable is his Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del Mar Oceano (Madrid, 1601-1615, 4 vols.), a work which relates the history of the Spanish-American colonies from 1492 to 1554.
The author's official position gave him access to the state papers and to other authentic sources not attainable by other writers, while he did not scruple to borrow largely from other MSS., especially from that of Bartolome de Las Casas.
Eastwards the mountain system, the Jebel Sangeli, maintains the same general character as far as Bandar Gori (Las Korai), where the precipitous northern cliffs approach within 200 or 300 yards of the gulf, their bare brown rocks and clays presenting the same uninviting appearance as the light brown hills skirting the Red Sea.
East of Berbera are Las Korai, Karam, Hais and other small seaports.
AdvertisementHis last work was the Memorias de las reynas Catolicas, 2 vols.
A central agricultural experiment station (founded 1904) is maintained by the government at Santiago de las Vegas; but there is no agricultural college, nor any special school for the scientific teaching and improvement of sugar and tobacco farming or manufacture.
The tobacco industries are very largely concentrated in Havana, and there are factories in Santiago de las Vegas and Bejucal.
In Havana, also, there is a school of painting and sculpture, a school of arts and trades, and a national library, all of which are supported or subventioned by the national government, as are also a public library in Matanzas, and the Agricultural Experiment Station at Santiago de las Vegas.
Under a succession of liberal governors (especially Luis de las Casas, 1790-1796, and the marques de Someruelos, 1799-1813), at the end of the 18th century and the first part of the 19th, when the wars in Europe cut off Spain almost entirely from the colony, Cuba was practically independent.
AdvertisementGeneral Las Casas, in particular, left behind him in Cuba an undying memory of good efforts.
For such purposes, as also for use as mirrors, masks and labrets, it was extensively employed, under the name, of itztli, by the ancient Mexicans, who quarried it at the Cerro de las Navajas, or "Hill of Knives," near Timapan.
The most important towns, besides Sparta and Gythium, were Bryseae, Amyclae and Pharis in the Eurotas plain, Pellana and Belbina on the upper Eurotas, Sellasia on the Oenus, Caryae on the Arcadian frontier, Prasiae, Zarax and Epidaurus Limera on the east coast, Geronthrae on the slopes of Parnon, Boeae, Asopus, Helos, Las and Teuthrone on the Laconian Gulf, and Hippola, Messa and Oetylus on the Messenian Gulf.
Aquilino Padran, a priest of Las Palmas, that anything about the inscription on the island Hierro has been brought to light.
Verneau discovered in the ravines of Las Balos some genuine Libyan inscriptions.
AdvertisementMany of the factories derive their motive power from the falls of a mountain torrent known as the Salto de las Aguas.
Early in 1878 Alphonso married his cousin, Princess Maria de las Mercedes, daughter of the duc de Montpensier, but she died within six months of her marriage.
The instrument, described by Oviedo (Historia de las Indias Occidentales, Salamanca, 1535), consisted of a small hollow wooden tube, shaped like a Y, the two points of which being inserted in the nose of the smoker, the other end was held into the smoke of burning tobacco, and thus the fumes were inhaled.
Lope de Vega dedicated to him a celebrated play entitled Las Almenas de Toro (1619), and when Castro's Comedias were published in 1618-1621 he dedicated the first volume to Lope de Vega's daughter.
The drama that has made Castro's reputation is Las Mocedades del Cid (1 599 ?), to the first part of which Corneille was largely indebted for the materials of his tragedy.
An interview took place at Mala, on the sea-coast, on the 13th of November 1537, which led to no result, and Almagro was finally defeated in the battle of Las Salinas near Cuzco on the 26th of April 1538.
The city stands on a plain at the foot of the Cerro de las Campanas, 6168 ft.
In the 19th century were Variedades de ciencias, literatura, y artes (1803-1805), among whose contributors have been the distinguished names of Quintana, Moratin and Antillon; Misceldnea de comercio (1819); and Diario general de las ciencias medicas.
Las Casas 12 reports a story that before creation the creator-god had a bad son who sought, after creation, to undo all that his father had done.
Its citadel was founded as a Christian fortress after the defeat of the Moors at Las Navas de Tolosa (1212).
Soon after 1540 he entered the household of the famous Cortes, who supplied him with most of the material for his Historia de las Indias (1552), and Cronica de la conquista de Nueva Espana (1552).
In former times Mexico was overrun with mendicants (pordioseros), vagrants and criminals (rateros), and the " Portales de las Flores " on the east of the Plaza Mayor was a favourite " hunting-ground " for them because of its proximity to the cathedral; but modern conditions have largely reduced this evil.
Hence he spoke of the "Indies," and "las Indies" continued to be the official name given to their American possessions by the Spaniards for many generations.
On the south, east and west, these ranges, though wild and rugged, are of no great elevation, but on the north the Pyrenees attain their greatest altitude in the peaks of Aneto (11,168 ft.) and Monte Perdido (10,998 ft.) - also known as Las Tres Sorores, and, in French, as Mont Perdu.
With the consent of his partner he resolved to go to Spain on behalf of the oppressed natives, and the result of his representations was that in 1516 Cardinal Jimenes caused a commission to be sent out for the reform of abuses, Las Casas himself, with the title of "protector of the Indians," being appointed to advise and report on them.
The emigration movement proved a failure, and Las Casas lived long enough to express his shame for having been so slow to see that Africans were as much entitled to freedom as were the natives of the New World.
In 1539 Las Casas was sent to Spain to obtain Dominican recruits, and through Loaysa, general of the order, and confessor of Charles V., he was successful in obtaining royal orders and letters favouring his enterprise.
During this stay in Europe, which lasted more than four years, he visited Germany to see the emperor; he also (1542) wrote his Veynte Razones, in defence of the liberties of the Indians and the Brevisima Relation de la Destruycion des las Indias occidentales, the latter of which was published some twelve years later.
In 1565 Las Casas successfully remonstrated with Philip II.
His Historia de las Indias was not published till 1875-1876.
The town surrendered on the 7th of September, but disease and the defeat of the fleet by the Aragonese navy at Las Farmiguas Islands led to a retreat, during which, on the 5th of October, the king died.
The development of the Basque mining industry is fully described in Las Minas de hierro de la provincia de Vizcaya, progressos realizados en esta region derde 1870 hast y 1899 (Bilbao, 1900).
South of that parallel they merge in the estacion de las Aguas, or rainy season, from May to October, and the estacion seca, or dry season, which prevails for the rest of the year.
Pio Perez (in Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan) and in the remarkable 16th century Relation de las cocas de Yucatan by Diego de Landa, published by Brasseur de Bourbourg (Paris, 1864).
It is known near Guatemala city as the Sierra de las Nubes, and enters Mexico as the Sierra de Istatan.
A range called the Sierra de Chama, which, however, changes its name frequently from place to place, strikes eastward towards British Honduras, and is connected by low hills with the Cockscomb Mountains; another similar range, the Sierra de Santa Cruz, continues east to Cape Cocoli between the Polochic and the Sarstoon; and a third, the Sierra de las Minas or, in its eastern portion, Sierra del Mico, stretches between the Polochic and the Motagua.
Gold is obtained at Las Quebradas near Izabal, silver in the departments of Santa Rosa and Chiquimula, salt in those of Santa Rosa and Alta Vera Paz.
The city is regularly laid out on a hilly site, on both sides of the Purgatory (or Las Animas) river, near a picturesque canyon and mountain district, including the Stonewall Valley, and at the foot of the Raton Mountains, of which the highest peak, Fisher's (or Raton) Peak (9586 ft.), is 10 m.
It Will Be Remarked, That As L 1 Cannot Either Be O Or Negative, We Must Add 7 To Las Often As May Be Necessary, In Order That L 1 May Be A Positive Whole Number.
His treatise De natura novi orbis libri duo (Salamanca, 1588-1589) may be regarded as the preliminary draft of his celebrated Historia natural y moral de las Indias (Seville, 1590) which was speedily translated into Italian (1596), French (1597), Dutch (1598), German (1601), Latin (1602) and English (1604).
Llorente also wrote Memorias Para la historia de la revolution espanola (Paris, 1814-1816), translated into French (Paris, 1815-1819); Noticias historicas sobre las tres provincial va congadas (Madrid, 1806-1808); an autobiography, Noticia biografica (Paris, 1818), and other works.
For the history, see in addition to the works cited under Spain (section History), Cronicas de los reyes de Castilla, by C. Rosell (Madrid, 1875-1877, 2 vols.); Coleccion de las cronicas y memorias de los reyes de Castilla (Madrid, 1 7791787, 7 vols.); and Historia de las communidades de Castilla (Madrid, 1897).
Latterly the word fuero came to be used in Castile in a wider sense than before, as meaning a general code of laws; thus about the time of Saint Ferdinand the old Lex Visigothorum, then translated for the first time into the vernacular, was called the Fuero Juzgo, a name which was soon retranslated into the barbarous Latin of the period as Forum Judicum; 4 and among the compilations of Alphonso the Learned in like manner were an Espejo de Fueros and also the Fuero de las leyes, better known perhaps as the Fuero Real.
The Virgin Islands were discovered by Columbus in his second voyage, in 1494, and named Las Virgenes, in honour of St Ursula and her companions.
The turkey, so far as we know, was first described by Oviedo in his Sumario de la natural historic de las Indias 2 (cap. xxxvi.), said to have been published in 1527.
The most important suburbs are Gracia, Las Corts de Sarria, Horta, San Andres de Palomar, San Gervasio de Cassolas, San Martin de Provensals and Sans.
Santa Maria del Mar, Santa Ana, Santos Justo y Pastor, San Pedro de las Puellas, and San Pablo del Campo are all churches worthy of mention.
Las Casas has drawn a terrible picture of the oppression he strove in vain to prevent.
Near Valencia on the Puerto Cabello railway are the Las Trincheras thermal springs.
Access from the city to the Alhambra Park is afforded by the Puerta de las Granadas (Gate of Pomegranates), a massive triumphal arch dating from the i 5th century.
Opposite to this hall is the Sala de las dos Hermanas (Hall of the two Sisters), so-called from two very beautiful white marble slabs laid as part of the pavement.
The other district includes Grand Canary, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and has at its head a sub-governor, residing in Las Palmas, on Grand Canary, who is independent of the governor except in regard to elections and municipal administration.
The court of appeal, created in 1526, is in Las Palmas.
The captaingeneral and second commandant of the archipelago reside in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and there is a brigadier-governor of Grand Canary, residing in Las Palmas, besides eight inferior military commandants.
Laguna and Las Palmas are episcopal sees, in the archbishopric of Seville.
Its commanding position gained it in 1634, by royal decree, the title of "Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Antemural de las Indias Occidentales" (Key of the New World and Bulwark of the West Indies), in reference to which it bears on its coat of arms a symbolic key and representations of the Morro, Punta and Fuerza.
In the sailing directions, issued in 1561, for the use of this expedition the phrase " las Islas Filipinas " was used as applying to the entire archipelago.
The name " California " was taken from Ordonez de Montalvo's romance of chivalry Las Sergas de Esplandian (Madrid, 15 ro), in which is told of black Amazons ruling an island of this name " to the right of the Indies, very near the quarter of the terrestrial paradise."
For conduct at Las Guasimas and San Juan Hill, Wood was promoted brigadier-general July 1898 and in Dec. major-general of volunteers.
In 190t about a third and in 1907 nearly two-fifths of the state's output came from Las Animas county.
Thus, at Santa Fe, in the north central part of the state, the elevation is 7013 ft.; at Raton, in the N.E., 6400 ft.; at Las Cruces, in the extreme S., 3570 ft.; and at Red Bluff, in the extreme S.E., 2876 ft.
Other systems contemplated by the government were the Las Vegas project for reclaiming 10,000 acres near Las Vegas, the Urton Lake project for reclaiming 60,000 acres in the Pecos Valley, and the La Plata Valley project for irrigating about 40,000 acres in the northwestern part of New Mexico, 35 m.
The chief cities were Albuquerque (6238), Santa Fe (5603), Las Vegas (3552) and Raton (3540).
The state maintains an insane asylum at Las Vegas, a deaf and dumb asylum and penitentiary at Santa Fe, an institute for the blind at Almagordo, a reform school at El Rito and a miners' hospital at Raton.
Kearny reached Las Vegas on the 15th of August, assured the people of protection if they remained peaceable, and three days later entered Santa Fe without opposition.
The Andes, however, present an unbroken barrier on the east, except at a few points in the south where the general elevation is not over 5000 to 6000 ft., and where some of the Chilean rivers, as the Palena and Las Heras, have their sources on its eastern side.
The next large river is the Las Heras, or Baker, through which the waters of Lakes Buenos Aires and Pueyrredon, or Cochrane, find their way to the Pacific. Both of these large lakes are crossed by the boundary line.
The Las Heras discharges into Martinez Inlet, the northern part of a large estuary called Baker or Calen Inlet which penetrates the mainland about 75 m.
The course of the Las Heras from Lake Buenos Aires is south and southwest, the short range of mountains in which are found the Cerros San Valentin and Arenales forcing it southward for an outlet.
The Hab river, which forms the boundary west of Karachi; the Purali (the ancient Arabus), which drains the low-lying flats of Las Bela; the Hingol (the ancient Tomerus) and the Dasht, which drain Makran, are all considerable streams, draining into the Arabian Sea and forming important arteries in the network of internal communication.
Secondly, to the west of this mountain wilderness, stretching upwards from the sea in a wedge form between the Brahui highlands and the group of towering peaks which enclose the Hingol river and abut on the sea at Malan, are the alluvial flats and delta of the Purali, forming the little province of Las Bela, the home of the Las Rajput.
These two dialects are separated by the belt of Brahui and Sindhi speakers who occupy the Sarawan and Jalawan hills, and Las Bela.
After this there is a drop to 80,000 mixed Baluchis and less than 40,000 Lasis (Lumris) of Las Bela.
After this the chiefs of Las and Wad, the Marris and Bugtis, Kej and Makran all threw off their allegiance, and anarchy became so widespread that the British government again interfered.
Among general critical studies are Costa e Silva's Ensaio biographico-critico and the masterly work of Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de las ideas estaticas Espana.
Of the rulers of Bohemia the most famous at thiseriod was a ences- p las.
Otto's rule was very unpopular, las I!
It occupies a small but fertile and beautiful valley, shut in by mountains on every side except towards the sea, and containing the fortified haven of Portugalete, the industrial town of Baracaldo, and the villages of Santurce and Las Arenas, where the Nervion broadens to form the Bay of Bilbao at its mouth.
Before the conquest of South America, the Rio de las Amazonas had no general name; for, according to a common custom, each savage tribe gave a name only to the section of the river which it occupied - such as Paranaguazu, Guyerma, Solimoes and others.
Next follows a marshy tract at the mouth of the Guadalquivir known as Las Marismas, after which the coast-line becomes more varied, and includes the fine Bay of Cadix.
The Guadalquivir basin is likewise divided by the configuration of the ground into a small upper portion of considerable elevation and a much larger lower portion mainly lowland, the latter composed from Seville downwards of a perfectly level and to a large extent unhealthy alluvium (Las Marismas).
Inflexion.The Portuguese article, now reduced to the vocalic form o, a, os, as, was to (exceptionally also el, which still survives in the expression El-Rei), la, los, las in the old language.
Returning to Spain in 1798, he published his famous Catdlogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas (6 vols., 1800-1805), in which he collected the philological peculiarities of three hundred languages and drew up grammars of forty languages.
A third example of Roman architecture - the remains of a white marble portico supposed to have formed the entrance to the hippodrome - is known by the Judaeo-Spanish designation of Las Incantadas, from the eight Caryatides in the upper part of the structure.
During this period he published his two best works - an historical novel, Las Campanas de Huesca, and the history of the decay of Spain from Philip III.
The marriage of John Carr to Alex Murphy took place in Las Vegas in July and was an Elvis themed wedding.
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The island's capital, Las Palmas, also plays host to a lively nightspot called Playa de las Canteras.
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With a talented cast and 15-piece orchestra, take a trip back to the glamorous, hot, glitzy nights of Las Vegas.
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Las Vegas Elvis Weddings got a yen for Elvis?
In 1212 Mahommed III., "En-Nasir" (1199-1214), the successor of El Mansur, was utterly defeated by the allied five Christian princes of Spain, Navarre and Portugal, at Las Navas de Tolosa in the Sierra Morena.
The fanaticism of the Muwahhadis did not prevent them from encouraging the establishment of Christians even in Fez, and after the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa they occasionally entered into alliances with the kings of Castile.
His "epic canto" on the destruction of his ships by Cortes (Las Naves de Cortes destruidas) failed to win a prize offered by the Academy in 1777, and was published posthumously (1785).
But a better idea of Moratin's talent is afforded by his anacreontic verses and by his Carta histOrica sobre el origen y progresos de las fiestas de toros en Espana.
Kubary, Ethno- graphische Beitrdge zur Kentniss des Karolinen-Archipel (Leiden, 1889-1892); De Abrade, Historia del conflicto de las Carolinas, &c. (Madrid, 1886).
The children of this marriage were Maria de las Mercedes, titular queen from the death of her father until the birth of her brother, born on the 11th of September 1880, married on the 14th of February 1901 to Prince Carlos of Bourbon, died on the 17th of October 1904; Maria Teresa, born on the 12th of November 1882, married to Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria on the 12th of January 1906; and Alphonso (see below).
The excesses of the earliest Spanish settlers have become a commonplace, largely through the passionate eloquence of Bartolome de Las Casas (see LAS Casas).
Shipbuilding is carried on at Las Palmas; and the minor industries include the manufacture of cloth, drawn-linen (calado) work, silk, baskets, hats, &c. A group of Indian merchants, who employ coolie labour, produce silken, jute and cotton goods, Oriental embroideries, wrought silver, brass-ware, porcelain, carved sandal-wood, &c. The United Kingdom heads the import trade in coal, textiles, hardware, iron, soap, candles and colonial products.
The chief ports are Las Palmas and Santa Cruz, which annually accommodate about 7000 vessels of over 8,000,000 tons.
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The attraction is located in Las Vegas, but you can also buy Star Trek patches from the online store.
Las Vegas Outlet Mall is a part of the Premium Outlets ® portfolio owned and operated by the Simon Property Group.
Las Vegas Outlet Mall is located about three minutes south of Las Vegas Boulevard South (also known as the Strip).
The Las Vegas mall is an exceptional one-stop shopping venue, as one can even book show, golf, or restaurant reservations without leaving the mall.
The Las Vegas Outlet Mall website offers a wealth of resource information to help you figure out how to get there, identify the best bargains, and enhance your trip with a relaxing stay at a nearby hotel.
The Belz Outlet mall in Las Vegas' full address is 7400 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89123.
It's easy to reach this mall, especially from the Las Vegas strip.
The outlet center is about 2.5 miles south of the Strip; just follow Las Vegas Boulevard South until you reach Warm Springs Road.
This is, of course, in addition to the numerous casinos on the Las Vegas Strip.
A nice excursion to experience deep discounts at various stores might be the ticket to recharge your Las Vegas batteries.
These tournaments are held regionally three or four times a year and culminate in an annual tournament of the best players, both individuals and teams, held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Las Vegas interior design reflects the city's desert location and frontier past.
Las Vegas, set in the middle of the Nevada desert, has one of the fastest growing housing markets in the United States and consequently, the demand for skilled interior designers is great.
Many a Las Vegas home boasts a patio, porch, or swimming pool on which to enjoy the hot, arid climate.
The best place to start your search for a Las Vegas interior design professional is at the local chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).
The city of Las Vegas and the surrounding area are home to scores of design professionals.
Oquendo Rd., Las Vegas Nevada 898118; (702) 220-5320 - Bella Vita Interiors specializes in residential interior design, turn-key design projects, tenant improvements, and commercial office design.
These are the next generation of slot games as you know them from Las Vegas casinos.
Local competitions will be held April 12, 2008 with the final, national competition being held May 17, 2008 at the Art Institute of Las Vegas.
While Paris, New York City, and Venice are popular for romantic themes, more unusual choices could include Egypt, Shanghai, Las Vegas, a tropical island, London, or Africa.
Las Vegas is the most popular wedding destination in the country.
Before you pack up your best white dress to catch the next flight to Sin City, there's something you should know about getting married in Las Vegas.
You'll first need to obtain a Las Vegas marriage license.
There's no waiting period when it comes to obtaining a marriage license in Las Vegas.
To get the license, visit the Las Vegas Marriage Bureau at 201 E Clark Ave. Otherwise, visit one of the other locations for the Clerk of Clark County that have marriage license services.
There are also some restrictions on licenses in Las Vegas.
A Las Vegas wedding can be whatever you want it to be.
Everywhere you look, there are convenient Las Vegas wedding chapels.
If you're planning on getting married in Las Vegas, you'll want to explore your options in Las Vegas wedding chapels.
Las Vegas is famed for its weddings and the proof is everywhere you look.
One place to book a helicopter wedding is Chapels of Las Vegas.
For virtually any theme you desire, from Harley to Gangster to Intergalatic, check out Viva Las Vegas Weddings Chapel.
The Little White Wedding Chapel on the Las Vegas Strip provides a Tunnel of Vows complete with cherubs overhead.
If you'll be getting married in Las Vegas wedding, there are things you'll need to keep in mind.
If this is a destination wedding, you may want to hire a Las Vegas wedding planner to help out with some of the little details.
Las Vegas wedding chapels are quirky and romantic.
Complete with food, drink, dancing, cabin accommodations, and often dozens of onboard activities to choose, from yoga classes to Las Vegas style shows to pools and waterslides, cruises are some of the most popular options for newlyweds.
Some of the top honeymoon choices include Hawaii, Italy, Tahiti, Mexico, France and Las Vegas.
If you're thinking about a destination wedding, a Las Vegas wedding package might just be perfect for you and your fiancee.
There are so many wonderful wedding chapels to visit in Las Vegas that planning a quaint wedding might be a daunting task.
You'll need to begin planning way ahead, however, since over 144,000 weddings are held each year in Las Vegas.
You can begin your search for the perfect Las Vegas wedding package by checking with your local travel agent, but don't overlook some of the great deals that you can find on the Internet.
Places like Trip Advisor can help you find information on the various packages available, and you can also visit an online forum and read what other couples have to say about their Las Vegas weddings.
Weddings Las Vegas-Weddings Las Vegas offers a variety of wedding package choices to choose from.
Keep in mind that you can get married for a little or a lot in Las Vegas.
Most Las Vegas wedding packages don't include a reception, although you may be able to add a reception from a selection of add-on amenities and services.
A Las Vegas wedding might use a cake shaped like one of the famous Strip hotels or the Mirage volcano, while a winter wedding cake might be best accented with a stunning snowflake motif.
Finding Las Vegas wedding favors for your themed or destination wedding is easier than you may think.
A shot glass from the Bellagio or a trinket from the Luxor would make excellent Las Vegas wedding favors.
Just because you have a Las Vegas themed wedding does not mean you are stuck to choosing only favors that related to betting.
Chocolate NASCAR Lollipop-Share your love of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway by giving out NASCAR chocolate cars.
Las Vegas is known as "sin city" for a reason.
The Las Vegas wedding favors that feature chocolate and other foods are sure to please everyone young and old.
A red shirt paired with a black tuxedo will look stunning at an evening wedding, holiday wedding, or even a Las Vegas destination wedding.
Planning a Las Vegas outdoor wedding is not as complicated as it might seem - even if you're planning from a distance.
Since Las Vegas is a popular wedding destination, there are a variety of venues to choose from for that perfect, picturesque destination wedding you've always dreamed of.
Whether you want the picture of fairy tale beauty or something more simple, there is a venue in Las Vegas for your outdoor wedding.
The Grand Lakeside Garden is perfect for those wanting to get married by the water in Las Vegas.
The Valley of Fire provides a unique backdrop for a romantic Las Vegas wedding.
The Tropical Bali Hai Resort is located on the Las Vegas strip and can accommodate weddings of up to 130 guests.
If that's the case then the Las Vegas Botanical Gardens might be just what you're looking for.
Planning a wedding can be exhilarating, and exhausting -- but these packages and venues in Las Vegas provide the best when it comes to advanced planning.
With a small amount of planning, you can make your Las Vegas outdoor wedding dream come true!
If you're heading out for a Las Vegas wedding, choose a shirt with dice or cards.
If you are hosting a themed wedding, look for an image that reflects your theme, such as a pair of dice at a Las Vegas themed wedding.
Informal Las Vegas weddings are a great way for couples to get married without all the expense and fuss of a typical wedding.
For these individuals, informal Las Vegas weddings are absolutely perfect.
Beyond the fact that Las Vegas is a wedding and honeymoon destination in its own right, the city offers many informal options that allow for holding a wedding on short notice.
Las Vegas is the Mecca of informal wedding chapels.
Las Vegas is also one of the few places in the world that offer both walk-in and drive-through services at many chapels on and off the Strip.
Near the Las Vegas Strip, you will find a plethora of venues to hold your informal wedding.
Las Vegas offers some of the most unique options in the world for those looking to have a fantastic, yet informal wedding.
In Las Vegas, it is completely reasonable and quite easy to have your favorite celebrity impersonator officiate your wedding.
No request is too outrageous in Las Vegas.
The reason Las Vegas has become such a wedding destination is due to a few rather practical reasons.
One of the most common phrases people throw around when it comes to Las Vegas is "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
With so many places to go and things to do, informal Las Vegas weddings make a lot of sense for those looking to combine both the wedding and the honeymoon into one big vacation.
Couples who plan a Las Vegas wedding are often looking for a unique way to elope.
Getting married in Las Vegas is a choice many couples make for the glamour and money saving options the city offers.
Las Vegas helicopter weddings, while unique, are not for everyone.
Many couples choose to wed in a helicopter above the Las Vegas Strip or as they tour above nearby locations like the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon or Valley of Fire.
Helicopter wedding packages in Las Vegas vary from company to company.
The cost of the helicopter wedding in Las Vegas depends on the company and the package chosen.
Finally, couples will often need to obtain their own Las Vegas marriage license and pay the related fees.
Wedding planning companies in Las Vegas, chapels and helicopter services are all companies that offer Las Vegas helicopter weddings.
After the ceremony, a tour of downtown Las Vegas, including Freemont Street and the Strip, completes the evening.
Las Vegas Concierge has Las Vegas Strip by Helicopter Wedding that includes saying "I do" over the Strip.
Having a wedding in the skies of Las Vegas is a great way for daring brides and grooms to make memories on their wedding day.
The pair were wed in Las Vegas, but once again the relationship didn't last.
The following month in Las Vegas, she was arrested on suspicion of cocaine, and her defense was that the purse containing the cocaine wasn't expensive enough to be hers.
Donald Trump told Variety a seventh season is in the bag and he's hoping it will be shot in Las Vegas or Miami.
His Las Vegas, Nevada, death was attributed to a possible gang rivalry as well as an East Coast-West Coast record label feud.
While you're in L.A., should you decide to do anything besides celeb hunt, Starline also offers transportation to many other destinations of choice, such as Disneyland, Venice Beach, Las Vegas, and along the California coast.
Hollywood Tours can also take you to other California hot spots like Universal Studios, Sea World, and Six Flags, as well as Las Vegas tours.
Lance and Sheryl met at the Grand Slam for Children charity event in Las Vegas in October 2003.
Every May, in Las Vegas, several Chers and Elvises, a few Marilyn Monroes, and the Pope, to name a few, gather to swap stories and network at the annual Celebrity Impersonator Convention.
Tom made several appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show and became a somewhat regular fixture in Las Vegas.
Tom continues to tour, perform in Las Vegas, and work on new music.
They married in September 2004, just eight months after Spears had a quickie Las Vegas wedding to childhood friend Jason Alexander.
Duhamel had been a regular fixture on All My Children and one of the stars of Las Vegas.
Winners of each competition stay on the "A-list" side of their Las Vegas house, enjoying top amenities, while the losers are demoted to the "B-list" side.
The next acting gig for Dane was as Leo Broder on the television show Las Vegas.
On May 1, 1996, they eloped in Las Vegas and now have three children -- Michael Joseph, Lola Grace and Joaquin Antonio.
One of Planet Hollywood's prime locations is in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Right now, officials are focusing their efforts on the Las Vegas location.
After completing the substance abuse treatment program, she was spotted at a club in Las Vegas and at various parties wearing an alcohol monitoring bracelet.
Her hot tub escapades on the series made the Las Vegas season one of the most memorable and kept her in the limelight when the series wrapped.
Following the breakup with Timberlake, Diaz was briefly linked to Las Vegas magician Criss Angel and actor Jude Law.
Sweetin married set designer Cody Herpin on July 14, 2007 in Las Vegas.
He claimed that she had proposed to him, he said yes and the two ran off to a Las Vegas wedding chapel and got hitched vowing to stay together…forever.
Nicholas Cage owns an Oscar for his work in the film Leaving Las Vegas.
Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but sources say the couple plan to go to Las Vegas on February 8.
Paris Hilton's birthday bash was a night to remember, as the heiress took to a Las Vegas stage where she donned skimpy lingerie to perform with the Pussycat Dolls.
Patterson asked for Carmen's hand in marriage while the two were in Las Vegas celebrating her 36th birthday.
At that time, his family relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada.
Even with such a busy schedule of television and radio shows, Dr. Drew keeps up his own private practice, and is part of the staff at both Las Encinas and Huntington Memorial hospitals.
Reportedly, he and his girlfriend Melissa Isaac were leaving a club in Las Vegas when an argument began.
In the latest Joaquin news, apparently, he tried testing his skills as an MC at a Las Vegas nightclub and it seems that the reviews by witnesses weren't that favorable.
A brief time after confirming their togetherness, Holly moved into Angel's Las Vegas home.
Angel's career is in Las Vegas and Madison needed to be in Los Angeles for her career.
Madison has since moved back to Los Angeles to continue working on her career, while Angel remains in Las Vegas, working his show Criss Angel Believe at the Luxor hotel.
The Siegfried and Roy show ran in Las Vegas for 13 years and is considered one of the most successful acts in Vegas history.
The pair still reside in Las Vegas so they can be close to their animals' home - "The Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat" - inside the Mirage.
As a teen, Post was a cheerleader for Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, California.
She also ran several shows in Las Vegas, entertaining crowds with her singing and dancing.
This is because, other than some small film parts and a few opening act gigs in Las Vegas, her star power quickly faded.
She garnered a lot of attention there with her skills and energy, and she signed on to perform in country guitarist Joe Maphis' Las Vegas show.
He was accused along with three co-defendants with the crime of breaking into a Las Vegas hotel room and taking sports memorabilia at gunpoint.
Simpson and a small group of men entered the Palace Station hotel in Las Vegas and looted a variety of sports memorabilia.
Shortly after the death of her son, Marie Osmond went back to work with her brother, Donny, performing at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Today, Marie Osmond is single and living in Las Vegas, Nevada, with her family.
This led to a similar job as a guard at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.
While working in Las Vegas, Walker was encouraged to return to California and pursue a career in acting.
Rapper and musician Tupac Shakur was shot after attending a boxing match in Las Vegas.
Aboard Carnival "fun ships," you'll discover Las Vegas-style décor and live entertainment.
The email was from the German Shepherd Rescue Group in Las Vegas.
The Center's founder is Dr. John K Bixby who is a Fellow of the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, the world-renowned dental training center.Dr.
Sleep apnea Las Vegas may seem like an odd combination for Sin City.
Sleep apnea may not top of concerns for visitors, but Las Vegas' population has the same day-to-day concerns as any other city.
Channel 8 Las Vegas discussed studies that sleep apnea, if left untreated can lead to an earlier death.
Dentists in Las Vegas offer alternative therapies for sleep apnea.
Health Grades lists ten different sleep specialists in Las Vegas and their clinics.
Dr. Patel, DDS at the Center of Cosmetic & General Dentistry studied at the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies to receive special training on oral appliances for sleep apnea.
The Ella look has a slight Las Vegas feel to them.
In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas he steps it up a notch and wears very large aviator styled frames with a retro feel.
This was the case with Miracle Strip Amusement Park in Panama City, Florida, which closed in 2004 due to declining attendance, and the MGM Amusement Park in Las Vegas, which gradually shrank and closed as attendance dwindled.
Rockstar has released another addition to the GTA series and this time you're taking it to the mean gangsta streets in places that resemble L.A., Las Vegas, and San Francisco.
The glittery, sin-filled Las Vegas serves as a great backdrop for your missions.
But gradually, video games with their blaring audio and costumed aliens burst from the booths in the Las Vegas Convention Center and...
Play a gold prospector on a quest to go to Las Vegas.
Reportedly a resident of Las Vegas, he was banned from professional boxing for injuring his opponents, later joining the evil Shadoloo organization.
However, unlike the underground boxer from Las vegas, Dudley's moves are performed with "command motions" rather than "charge motions".
When it was unveiled to the world in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show, the Palm Pre release date was tentatively set as some time in 2009.
When the Palm Pre was initially revealed at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, many industry pundits and analysts said that it could be the first real "iPhone killer."
The Consumer Electronics Show is the largest technology trade show in North America and it takes place each year in Las Vegas.
After the first season, the episode format was changed so now the dancers who make it to callbacks in Las Vegas dance for the judges and the top 20 dancers are selected right then and there.
A wide variety of nonprofit jobs in Las Vegas, NV are available to qualified applicants.
There is much more to this thriving city than the glitz and glamour of the Las Vegas Strip.
Las Vegas is a large community that has many thriving neighboring communities including Henderson, Summerlin, and Nellis Air Force Base.
Nonprofit jobs in Las Vegas can be found by specifying the city and the industry.
Be sure to also review the jobs posted within the Las Vegas Review Journal, which is Las Vegas' major newspaper.
People who have never lived in Las Vegas may be surprised by the vast numbers of nonprofit organizations that call this city home.
Whether you want to teach interpretive dance to children, work with hospice patients, or help facilitate a support group, you can find a nonprofit organization in Las Vegas or the surrounding areas to suit your career aspirations.
When they encountered the Rock they named it, Isla de las Alcatraces because of the large pelican population covering the island.
Not surprising the Eros-Guide Las Vegas probably has the most escort listings than any other.
Recently, I have received orders from some new stores like Jatem in Boca Raton, FL, Oxygen in Key West and Astoria in Las Vegas.
In 1997, an FAO Schwarz store opened in the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
Both the New York and the Las Vegas locations aim to offer a lot for guests to see and do while they shop.
Fitting the Roman Forum theme of Caesar's Palace, the first thing visitors to the Las Vegas location see is a 47-foot tall Trojan Horse.
In addition to the amazing assortment of toys, the Las Vegas store includes two special areas.
Recognizing that kids love sweets almost as much as they love toys, the Las Vegas store includes an FAO Schweetz candy shop.
There are also plans to bring the Muppet Whatnot Workshop to the Las Vegas location.
If you're a kid, or just a kid at heart, FAO Schwarz toy store is definitely worth a visit if you're in New York or Las Vegas.
Wits and Wagers is a fast paced, fun filled Las Vegas style game.
There are still the striking pieces in bold colors like red and black, like the Viva Las Vegas ensembles found in the kids' section of Kelle Company's website.
Discount airfare to popular tourist destinations like Las Vegas or New York can put many other cities within your reach and budget.
Harry Winston pieces are available at only the finest jewelers, with exclusive Harry Winston retail stores in Las Vegas, Paris, Geneva, Tokyo, Osaka, Taipei, Beverly Hills, and New York.
In October 2004, the company unveiled the first Juicy Couture boutique in Las Vegas, and today more than a dozen boutiques are scattered across the country.
Look at the lesson learned by Roy Horn a couple of years ago in my hometown of Las Vegas.
Las Vegas coupons are a great way to stick to a budget while still taking in all the sights in this fabulous city.
If you have a printer, getting those great Las Vegas coupons is just a click away.
While there are plenty of coupons to be found on the Internet, some can be purchased prior to your visit and, if you know where to look, in Las Vegas.
The are plenty of coupons and deals for your Las Vegas trip on this popular auction site.
You can have a lot of fun, even on a budget, with Las Vegas coupons.
Use promo codes for free Las Vegas hotel rooms to keep your vacation under your travel budget.
Traveling to Las Vegas can be a fun trip, so make sure you have plenty of money for exciting activities by saving money on your accommodations.
Las Vegas is a popular tourist destination, so it usually does not take much to find some great discount hotel room coupons.
Sometimes you may need to enter or mention promo codes for free Las Vegas hotel rooms when you book your hotel; other times, you may just need to mention the name of the particular offer you wish to use.
The travel websites where you book your vacation to Las Vegas often have special deals and promotions for getting a free night in a hotel room.
Additionally, plenty of websites cater exclusively to Las Vegas tourists.
Finally, don't forget to check out the standard deal tracking websites for some great Las Vegas freebies and coupon codes.
Thompson book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas invariably remember the "bat country" scene.
Let us share a few Las Vegas trip ideas for families.
In the old days, a Las Vegas trip was known as a destination for gamblers and fast weddings.
In addition, Las Vegas features marvelous resorts and many exciting attractions for families to enjoy.
Whenever possible, it's always more fun to obtain lodging on the Las Vegas Strip when planning a trip to this incredible city.
The best strategy for a successful Las Vegas trip, however, is to divide time and activities up equally.
A Las Vegas trip would not be complete without enjoying the rides.
Every hotel in Las Vegas has major shopping malls.
Just window shopping in Las Vegas is a great experience.
Even during a Las Vegas trip, it is a good idea to spend a few hours by the water.
The best Las Vegas trip ideas for families, however, includes spending time together, relaxing, and having fun.
Las Vegas is a legendary city and the vacation will certainly be memorable for every member of the family.
These are the true winnings that Las Vegas can offer.
Las Vegas is a great place for tennis fans.
Let us offer some Las Vegas tour tips for families.
In Las Vegas, tour options are plentiful.
In addition, arrangements can be made for Las Vegas tours from the hotels, in the street, and at the airport.
Virtually every corner of the city offers someone who is selling Las Vegas tours to eager visitors.
Choosing the right Las Vegas tour really comes down to budget, available time, and family interest.
Just remember that Las Vegas is an amazing city worth exploring in every detail.
One of the easiest and most affordable Las Vegas tour tips for families is to take advantage of walking through the city's many hotels.
The simplest way to take a Las Vegas hotel tour is to simply start with the first hotel and walk up and down the Strip.
These Las Vegas tours help make it possible for visitors to experience some of the greatest light shows ever.
In addition, night tour busses generally take visitors to every major spot in the city, including the Stratosphere, which is Las Vegas' tallest building.
The Las Vegas helicopter tours offered at night are also breathtaking, though these tours are more expensive for an entire family.
It is also a good idea to check on restrictions beforehand because some Las Vegas tours do not allow children younger than 13 to participate.
Las Vegas bus tours don't provide the same amazing views of the Canyon as the plane tours, but driving does allow families to discover the natural beauty of the American West.
Both tours are worth the money and, therefore, it should be on the top-ten list of things for a family to do while visiting Las Vegas.
Finding Las Vegas hotel discount options for families need not need be difficult.
This is particularly true for families planning to share the same room or who travel to Las Vegas on weekdays rather than weekends.
The best place to find a Las Vegas hotel discount is to look on the Internet.
It's simply not possible to find a better resource, unless the family has a friend or a relative living in Las Vegas that can provide advice or help make lodging arrangements.
The time spent researching Las Vegas hotel discount options will be well spent, as it can help land a great deal at a fabulous Las Vegas resort.
This puts more money into the pockets of the family, making it possible to enjoy more of what Las Vegas has to offer.
When making plans to visit Las Vegas, there are many factors that need to be considered in order to improve the chances of locating a great Las Vegas hotel discount.
Even the time of year can have a dramatic impact on the final price of a Las Vegas hotel.
Therefore, families should carefully plan the timing of their Las Vegas vacation in order to increase the likelihood of getting a great deal.,,,,, and are among the best Internet sites to visit when searching for a Las Vegas hotel discount.
If a family does not have access to the Internet or if the family is making a road trip through Las Vegas, there are many local agencies available to help find a great Las Vegas hotel discount options for families.
Most of the available Las Vegas hotels can be found listed in these publications.
Price ranges can, however, be vastly different at Las Vegas hotels.
Just off the Las Vegas Strip, a family can find comfortable accommodations in one of the non-themed hotels.
Even if staying in one of these hotels, it's still possible to visit the other resorts and attractions without losing any of the Las Vegas glamour.
After all, Las Vegas is really just a big theme park where all doors are open 24 hours a day and everybody is always welcome.
Las Vegas package deals for families are highly popular.
The Internet is the most convenient and economical way to search for one of many excellent Las Vegas package deals for families.
The most popular type of Las Vegas package is one that combines lodging with air flight.
Some of the more family-oriented Las Vegas hotels also offer some fabulous packages.
If a family plans a three-night weekday stay and is planning to fly in to Las Vegas from New York, it is possible to get a package deal with Excalibur for around $2,400.
Circus Circus, which is located off the Las Vega Strip, will cost around $2,200.
For families with a little more money to spend, the same Las Vegas package would cost about $3,000 at Aladdin or at Bellagio.
In general, hotel packages also include a multitude of coupons that can be used at special Las Vegas attractions and events.
On the other hand, there are plenty of "all you can eat" buffet restaurants available in Las Vegas.
The Internet is the best place to shop for Las Vegas package deals.
Once in Las Vegas, however, there are also several mini-packages available to tourists.
Las Vegas entertainment for elementary aged children is plentiful.
The times of Las Vegas entertainment being for "adults only" are long gone.
In fact, kids are now very welcome in the city, which makes it possible for parents to feel comfortable bringing their young ones along on a vacation to Las Vegas.
Hotel hopping is an excellent form of Las Vegas entertainment for elementary aged children.
When hotel hopping in Las Vegas, the first stop families with elementary aged children should make is Circus Circus.
Across the Las Vegas strip, the whole family can experience a fantastic rollercoaster at New York, New York.
Every hotel has huge rooms dedicated to videogames, including all of the latest technology expected with Las Vegas entertainment.
Every resort in Las Vegas has state-of-the-art water facilities, from basic swimming pools, to slides, and to running rivers.
Although kids will most likely enjoy the improvised shows of magicians, dancers, and musician foung throughout the streets, some shows can also be enjoyed at the Las Vegas theaters.
These forms of Las Vegas entertainment are offered quite often, so families need to be sure to keep an eye open for times.
Let us offer a few Las Vegas wedding ideas for families.
The ease of obtaining a license, the colorful ceremonies, and the pure fun Las Vegas has to offer all make a Las Vegas wedding truly unforgettable.
A Las Vegas wedding can be as wild and wacky or as sweet and romantic as the couple desires.
Some of the fun and exciting Las Vegas wedding ideas for families are to include such things as Elvis impersonators, pastors with pink hair, or drive through window weddings and adorableLas Vegas wedding chapels.
Many people associate getting married in Las Vegas with eloping couples, but this isn't necessarily the case.
In fact, many couples choose to get married in Las Vegas every day in a more traditional sense.
Las Vegas provides couples with the unique opportunity to do just that.
By renewing their vows in Las Vegas, the couple can allow the kids to have fun while still keeping the wedding romantic.
In addition, Las Vegas makes it possible for the couple to have this special ceremony while turning it into a major family event.
A Las Vegas wedding provides the perfect relaxed atmosphere that guarantees a great time for everyone involved.
Las Vegas can be very helpful in making this time easier for the new family.
By having a Las Vegas wedding, much of the pressure of planning a wedding can be taken away from the family.
A Las Vegas wedding can help tremendously with lessening the emotional impact the merging of two families can have upon the kids.
In a sense, Las Vegas provides a honeymoon for the entire family, where any differences separating the families can melt under the hot summer sun in the Nevada desert.
A Las Vegas wedding alleviates the boredom and provides opportunities for everyone to have fun.
A Las Vegas wedding provides a great excuse for having a vacation in which the whole family participates.
Even great entertainers, such as Elvis himself, may stop by a Las Vegas wedding celebration at any time.
The Las Vegas Guggenheim Hermitage Museum is housed within the impressive Venetian Hotel on Las Vegas Boulevard.
With such prestige backing the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum of Las Vegas, it is gaining an excellent reputation among art aficionados around the world.
The Guggenheim Hermitage Museum in Las Vegas is housed within a specially designed section of the Venetian Hotel.
Rubens, Picasso, Titian, Renoir, Lichtenstein, and Warhol have all had pieces featured in one or more of the amazing exhibits created at the Las Vegas Guggenheim.
Each exhibit at the Las Vegas Guggenheim usually runs for around 6 months.
For guests planning to visit the Las Vegas Guggenheim Hermitage Museum more than once, these passes can save a significant amount of money.
Las Vegas makes an affordable and fun vacation for families and honeymooners as well as those just looking to escape for a couple of days.
Where else, but Las Vegas can you visit Egypt, Italy, France, and New York - all within a one mile walk.
Downtown Las Vegas, just a ten-minute drive from the Strip, is where serious gamblers come to play.
Families with kids will find plenty to interest them in Las Vegas.
You'll find family-friendly entertainment in Las Vegas, also, with shows featuring such entertainers as the illusionist David Copperfield and the universally popular Cirque de Soleil.
Just outside of Las Vegas, the natural beauty of Nevada entices visitors.
Red Rock Canyon and its fantastic rock formations, the forbidding yet fascinating Death Valley, and Hoover Dam and adjacent Lake Mead are all within a short drive from Las Vegas.
Whatever your interests, Las Vegas is sure to intrigue you.
It is conveniently connected to the Las Vegas Monorail and offers some of the most affordable accommodations given its great location.
They continue to be mostly dated and budget-oriented in nature, but they offer all the basics for a happy stay in Las Vegas.
The Quad, just like the Imperial Palace before it, is not a high-end resort with high-end amenities, but it may be one of the best hotels on a budget for those visiting the Las Vegas Strip.
Love to Know Travel is a collection of travel articles, on large topics, such as Paris France Travel to smaller topics, such as the Lied Discovery Children's Museum in Las Vegas.
The premier Texas spa is the 400-acre Four Seasons Resort and Club at Las Colinas (a planned community in Irving, Texas).
Area 51, officially the Air Force Flight Test Site Detachment 3, located northwest of Las Vegas, doesn't exist on any aeronautical or geological map.
Area 51 is a 8000-square mile government facility, located 75 miles northwest of Las Vegas, in the Nellis Mountains.
Rachel, dubbed the "UFO Capital of the World," is about a three-hour drive from Las Vegas.
Las Vegas is known for its elaborate shows, luxury shopping, and fabulous dining options, but did you know that there are many options for free entertainment in Las Vegas?
From the spectacular Bellagio fountain to touring the Ethel M Chocolate candy factory, just outside of town, Las Vegas will keep you amused without unloading your wallet.
One of the most popular sites for free entertainment in Las Vegas are the fountains in front of the Bellagio Hotel at the south end of the Strip.
Another popular free attraction in Las Vegas is the Volcano that sits in front of the Mirage Las Vegas.
Free Entertainment in Las Vegas is not limited to the Las Vegas Strip.
Downtown Las Vegas has its attractions, too.
About ten miles outside of Las Vegas, in Henderson, the Ethel M Gourmet Chocolate Factory wows visitors with a tour of how they make their delicious confections.
Finding discount Las Vegas family travel packages can help to cut the cost of your family vacation.
Las Vegas is a great destination for families.
Free Entertainment in Las Vegas - Las Vegas has a variety of free family-friendly entertainment options.
Chocolate candy factory, just outside of town, Las Vegas will keep your family amused without unloading your wallet.
Hoover Dam - Just 30 minutes from Las Vegas, Hoover Dam is one of the largest and most widely-recognized manmade wonders in the world.
Finding discount Las Vegas family travel packages is easy if you know where to look.
Go Direct - Many Las Vegas hotels offer specials for off-peak times, such as mid-week, the summer months, and early December.
Combine these with a charter flight for maximum savings - or drive to Las Vegas.
Book the Package - Another strategy for saving money on a Las Vegas vacation is to book a package that includes airfare, hotel accommodations, and usually one other feature, such as transfers from the airport or a sightseeing tour.
Charters are your Friends - Charter flights and packages can be a great way to save money on your Las Vegas family vacation.
These flights, offered by tour operators such as Funjet, are designed just for Las Vegas vacationers and usually fly non-stop.
General travel planning strategies apply when booking discount Las Vegas family travel packages.
Although Las Vegas has thousands and thousands of hotel rooms, the city is a popular convention destination.Enlisting the aid of a travel agent who is well-versed in Las Vegas Travel is another smart idea.
Looking for the best deals for Mirage Las Vegas vacation packages?
There are many reasons to choose the Mirage for your Las Vegas vacation.
With a little effort, you will easily discover the best available pricing for your Las Vegas getaway.
Las Vegas is a very seasonal tourist town; rates are highest over certain holidays, such as New Year's Eve, and are general lowest during mid-summer when the hot weather discourages some travelers from heading to Nevada.
Also, Las Vegas hotel rates tend to spike when there are large trade shows in town or events such as big name heavyweight boxing matches.
There are a number of great online travel sites that feature special rates for travel to and from Las Vegas as well as information about special rates at the Mirage.
When searching for the best deals for Mirage Las Vegas, check out the Las Vegas Tourism Bureau and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.
Travel agents who have earned this distinction have completed special Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority training, and are knowledgeable about all things related to Vegas travel.
If you plan to return to the Mirage Las Vegas again and again, it is a good idea to check out a travel rewards program that enables you to earn points toward your trips.
By doing your homework and planning ahead, you will be able to enjoy traveling to Las Vegas knowing that you have gotten the best deal possible on your Mirage accommodations.
Don't take the first fare that is offered as fares from Las Angeles to Osaka can vary from $900 to $5000 on any given day.
Las Tortugas Restaurant overlooks picturesque tiered pools and offers a wonderful Mexican fusion cuisine which uses live music and entertainment to enhance the dining experience.
Open for dinner seven nights a week, Las Tortugas Restaurant is one of the most respected restaurants in Los Cabos.
Las Palmas is an exquisite oceanfront restaurant with an open window into the heart of paradise, exposing the greatest vision on the planet.
Las Palmas is the most ethereal beach restaurant in Los Cabos.
Ceremonies take place on the island of Las Caletas, which is accessible only by sea.
Southwest offers great package deals to Las Vegas and Reno, so if you're feeling lucky, give one of these trips a try.
Chicago, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Nashville, Los Angeles, Orlando, and Seattle are all available destinations for those looking to get away but not necessarily to relax.
Starting up a business in Las Vegas takes more than an idea, location, and financial backing; it also requires a Las Vegas City Business License.
Operating a business without a Las Vegas City Business License and all required documents and inspections can lead to fines, or even to your business being shut down.
Therefore, it is essential to do your research on obtaining a business license before opening a business in the city of Las Vegas.
A Las Vegas City Business license is your means of being granted permission by the city of Las Vegas to engage in your particular business.
In order for you to establish and develop any business venture whether temporary or permanent within the borders of the City of Las Vegas, you are required to hold a valid license.
To determine if you are within the boundaries of the city of Las Vegas, simply use a map available online to check your business location lies within the city limits.
Business licenses in Las Vegas are typically issued within 30 days of application.
Furthermore, all revenue collected from the fees collected goes to the city's funds which finance the ongoing improvement of Las Vegas' services, infrastructures and other facilities.
The official website of the government of Las Vegas displays the complete list of business categories arranged alphabetically along with corresponding instructions for the application of a business license within the category.
Located in sin city, Las Vegas, this very sexy website has something for everyone.
Hipwear is a well known online vendor that has a boutique in Las Vegas across the street from the Hard Rock Hotel.
In Las Vegas, they introduced the Black Eyed Peas at a concert.
Shortly after their breakup, Spears married her childhood friend, Jason Alexander, in Las Vegas, Nevada, only to have it annulled fifty-five hours later.
The band released 'Ooh Las Vegas' in September 1990, but, although the fans approved, the media saw it as milking their previous successes.
Auditions were held in St. Louis, New Orleans, Washington D.C., Cleveland, Orlando, Las Vegas, and San Francisco.
In the fall of 2005, season 5 auditions were held in Chicago, Denver, Greensboro, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Boston.