Large-scale Sentence Examples
Indian corn (maize) is an important field crop, and tobacco is cultivated on a large scale.
Most of the southern part of the county is occupied by Keuper marls and sandstones, the latter yield good building stone; and at Chellaston the gypsum beds in the former are excavated on a large scale.
An ambitious attempt to produce in England a general series of coloured plates on a large scale was Louis Fraser's Zoologia Typica, .
Cotton cultivation was now attempted on a large scale.
The Wagner Power Painter is a revolutionary, power paint sprayer that's designed to take the hard work out of virtually every large-scale painting job, inside the home and out.
Iron ore is found in the state in the coal hills (especially Laurel Hills and Beaver Lick Mountain), but the deposits have not been worked on a large scale.
The higher regions produce cork trees, oaks, pines, chestnuts, &c., but the forests have been largely destroyed by speculators, who burned the trees for charcoal and potash, purchasing them on a large scale from the state.
Laws to secure this object have been passed, but funds are lacking for their execution on a sufficiently large scale.
Cobalt occurs in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, and efforts have been made in the former state to treat the ore, the metal having a high commercial value; but the market is small, and no attempt has been made up to 1907 to produce it on any large scale.
It may be said that exploration on a large scale is now at an end; there remain only the spaces, nowhere very extensive, between the tracks of the old explorers yet to be examined, and these are chiefly in the Northern Territory and in Western Australia north of the tropic of Capricorn.
AdvertisementThey are to be found mainly in the fertile plains of north Italy, where they enjoy considerable success, removing the cause of labor troubles and strikes, and providing for cultivation on a sufficiently large scale.
There is an unlimited variety of work for the labouring convicts, and some of the establishments are on a large scale.
Small fragments, formerly thrown away or used only for varnish, are now utilized on a large scale in the formation of "ambroid" or "pressed amber."
Frost-cracks, scorching of bark by sun and fire, &c., anc wounds due to plants which entwine, pierce or otherwise materially injure trees, &c., on a large scale.
The peculiar feature of Russian industry is the development out of the domestic petty handicrafts of central Russia of a semifactory on a large scale.
AdvertisementThey had also much skill in the construction of works for the supply of drinking water on a large scale and for irrigation.
German stamps were introduced from Berlin; the occupied towns were garrisoned by the Landwehr; and requisitions on a large scale were demanded, and paid for in cheques which, at the close of the war, were to be honoured by whichever side should stand in the unpleasant position of the conquered.
They carry on agriculture wheat-growing on a large scale - with the aid of modern agricultural machines, and breed cattle and horses.
Galena and other lead ores are abundant in veins in the limestone, but they are now only worked on a large scale at Mill Close, near Winster; calamine, zinc blende, barytes, calcite and fluor-spar are common.
Galena and other lead ores are abundant in veins in the limestone, but they are now only worked on a large scale at Mill Close, near Winster; calamine, zinc, blende, barytes, calcite and fluor-spar are common.
AdvertisementThere was evidently oliveand vine-culture on a large scale in Crete at any rate.
But it may perhaps be considered improbable that organs like the wings, having once been lost, should have been reacquired on the large scale suggested by the theory just put forward.
They are used on a very large scale in the vicinity of oil mills in southern cities like Memphis, New Orleans, Houston, and Little Rock, from Soo to s000 cattle being often collected in a single yard for this purpose.
Many large-scale operations are entered into, not because prices are relatively high or low, but to make them high or low for ulterior purposes; i.e.
It is made on a large scale from lime or lemon juice, and also by the fermentation of glucose under the influence of Citromycetes pfefferianus, C. glaber and other ferments.
AdvertisementIranian troops seem to have been employed on a large scale by the earlier Seleucids.
The experiment of arming the native Egyptians on a large scale does not seem to have been made before the campaign of 217, when Ptolemy IV.
If specially designed to meet the requirements of seamen it is called a chart, if on an exceptionally large scale a plan.
The map produced on this large scale numbers over 5000 sheets, and is used as a basis for the geological surveys carried on in several of the states of Germany.
Besides the coloni there were on a great estate - and those of the 4th century were on a specially large scale - a number of praedial slaves, who worked collectively under overseers on the part of the property which the owner himself cultivated.
Eyde, which is being worked on a large scale at Notodden, Norway.
Whatever be the historical worth of this story, it may safely be said that it cannot be disproved by deductive reasoning from the premisses of abstract logic. The most we can do is to assert that a universe in which such things are liable to happen on a large scale is unfitted for the practical application of the theory of cardinal numbers.
The construction of carriage-roads, wholly neglected by the Turks, was carried, out on a large scale by the Austrians.
On the northern frontier border raids on a large scale were frequent.
Advantage was taken of the occasion to make photographic measures for parallax at various points of the earth on a very large scale.
In 1855, ignorant of what Wailer had done ten years previously, he succeeded in obtaining metallic aluminium, and ultimately he devised a method by which the metal could be prepared on a large scale by the aid of sodium, the manufacture of which he also developed.
They projected a scheme of conquest and colonization upon a large scale.
This method originated in the Pennsylvania anthracite mines in 1887, but has been employed in recent years on a large scale in Silesia, Westphalia and other European coalfields.
In mining operations explosives are used on a large scale and the powder gases contain large quantities of the very poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, a small percentage of which may cause death, and even a minute percentage of which in the air will seriously affect the health.
Yet tons of caustic soda are fused daily in chemical works in iron pots without thereby suffering contamination, which seems to show that (clean) iron, like gold and silver, is attacked only by the joint action of fused alkali and air, the influence of the latter being of course minimized in large-scale operations.
At Gunde-Shapur in this region " sugar was prepared with art " about the time of the Arab conquest, 3 and manufacture on a large scale was carried on at Shuster, Sus and Askar-Mokram throughout the middle ages.4 It has been plausibly conjectured that the art of sugar refining, which the farther East learned from the Arabs, was developed by the famous physicians of this region, in whose pharmacopoeia sugar had an important place.
This was first done on a large scale in 1803, when by a recess of the imperial diet many of the smaller fiefs were mediatized, in order to compensate those German princes who had been forced to cede their territories on the left bank of the Rhine to France.
Some brassfounders break from a single ingot the quantity of zinc required to produce the amount of brass they wish to compound in one crucible, but when perfect uniformity is desired the importance of remelting the zinc on a large scale cannot be too strongly emphasized.
Perhaps their most common use is in ploughing on a large scale in conjunction with steam power.
In Nejd the number of horses is, comparatively speaking, very small; the want of water in the Nafud where alone forage is obtainable, and the absence of forage in the neighbourhood of the towns makes horse-breeding on a large scale impracticable there.
The arc furnaces now widely used in the manufacture of calcium carbide on a large scale are chiefly developments of the Siemens furnace.
Its use was proposed as early as 1818 and 1819 by Hare and Henry; Percy advocated it in 1869, and Davis adopted it on the large scale at a works in Carolina in 1880.
Refining by sulphuric acid, the process usually adopted for separating gold from silver, was first employed on the large scale by d'Arcet in Paris in 1802, and was introduced into the Mint refinery, London, by Mathison in 1829.
The result of this failure was the renewal of war on a large scale.
Rawlinson then proposed to undertake an operation on a large scale with the object of capturing the outer defences of the Hindenburg line along the whole front of the Fourth Army.
These peculiarities of structure may vary very considerably within small areas; and the position of the divisional planes or cleats with reference to the mass, and the proportion of small coal or slack to the larger fragments when the coal is broken up by cutting-tools, are points of great importance in the working of coal on a large scale.
They were formerly used on a very large scale in Belgium and South Wales, but the great weight of the moving parts makes it impossible to drive them at the high speed called for by modern requirements, so that centrifugal fans are now generally adopted instead.
It was therefore predicted that the introduction of acetylene on a large scale would be followed by numerous accidents unless copper and its alloys were rigidly excluded from contact with the gas.
It is clear that acetylene, if it is to be used on a large scale as a domestic illuminant, must undergo such processes of purification as will render it harmless and innocuous to health and property, and the sooner it is recognized as absolutely essential to purify acetylene before consuming it the sooner will the gas acquire the popularity it deserves.
Dr P. Wolff has found that when this is used on the large scale there is a risk of the ammonia present in the acetylene forming traces of chloride of nitrogen in the purifying-boxes, and as this is a compound which detonates with considerable local force, it occasionally gives rise to explosions in the purifying apparatus.
His father, Vincenzo, a tenant farmer on a large scale at La Manziana, had taken part in the defence of the Roman Republic under Garibaldi in 1849, was exiled by Pius IX., and reentered Rome in 1870 through the breach of Porta Pia.
In addition to other iron and engineering works, Douai has a large cannon foundry and an arsenal; coal-mining and the manufacture of glass and bottles and chemicals are carried on on a large scale in the environs; among the other industries are flax-spinning, rope-making, brewing and the manufacture of farm implements, oil, sugar, soap and leather.
Foodstuffs could not be grown in the United Kingdom at sufficiently low prices, nor in sufficient quantities, to produce alcohol commercially and on a large scale.
Important deposits of mineral phosphates are now worked on a large scale in the United States, the annual yield far surpassing that of any other part of the world.
Military operations to this end were undertaken on a large scale during 1911; but again without definite success.
Hitherto there had only been skirmishing on a large scale on the side of Hai-cheng.
The remainder of the war on land, although it included two battles on a large scale and numerous minor operations, was principally a test of endurance.
Wrought iron was used on a large scale in the suspension road bridges of the early part of the 19th century.
But it is soon learned that a similar physical state can be produced artificially, and at the Canaanite sanctuaries this was done on a large scale.
In short, there is the greatest difficulty in freeing milk on a large scale from germs without at the same time seriously prejudicing its flavour and nutritive value.
In 1775 he investigated arsenic acid and its reactions, discovering arseniuretted hydrogen and "Scheele's green" (copper arsenite), a process for preparing which on a large scale he published in 1778.
He was the first to carry out on a large scale those plans of transmarine colonization whose inception was due to the Gracchi.
Charities on a large scale and unbounded nepotism exhausted the papal treasury.
Sheep-farming on a large scale was next introduced, and the crofters were thrust into villages or barren corners of the land.
Volcanic activity and faulting on a large scale attended the deforijiation of the closing stages of the Miocene.
To turn from Ethics to Politics, the good of the individual on a small scale becomes on a large scale the good of the citizen and the state, whose end should be no far-off form of good, and no mere guarantee of rights, but the happiness of virtuous action, the life according to virtue, which is the general good of the citizen.
In Montana, sapphires were discovered as far back as 1865, and have been worked on a large scale.
The only drawback to these good qualities is a certain liability to warp and bend, unless very carefully seasoned; for this purpose it is recommended to be left floating in water for a year after felling, and then allowed some months to dry slowly and completely before sawing up the logs; barking the trunk in winter while the tree is standing, and leaving it in that state till the next year, has been often advised with the larch as with other timber, but the practical inconveniences of the plan have prevented its adoption on any large scale.
The artificial causes of famine have mostly ceased to be operative on any large scale.
Sacrifices on an exceptionally large scale were held at Upsala and Leire every nine years, at the former place about the time of the spring equinox, at the latter in the early part of January.
The volume actually weighed was 163 c.c. Subsequently large-scale operations with the same apparatus as had been used for the principal gases gave an almost identical result (19.940) for argon prepared with oxygen.
It has several factories for ginning and pressing cotton - some on a large scale.
On the large scale it is obtained by distilling Chile saltpetre with concentrated sulphuric acid in horizontal cast iron stills, the vapours being condensed in a series of stoneware Woulfe's bottles.
Early in 1855 he conducted large-scale experiments at Javel in a factory lent him for the purpose, where he produced sufficient to show at the French Exhibition of 1855.
About 1897 the Bernard factory at St Michel passed into the hands of Messrs Pechiney, the machinery soon being increased, and there, under the control of a firm that has been concerned in the industry almost from its inception, aluminium is being manufactured by the Hall process on a large scale.
Machine-making on a large scale is carried on by firms widely celebrated for the construction of locomotives, railway trucks and carriages, steamboilers and motors, turbines, pumps, metal bridges and roofs.
Their preparation is carried on on a large scale in Bosnia and Servia, as well as in Spain, Portugal and southern France.
Salt is obtained on a large scale partly from brine springs and partly from mines, the principal centres being Halle, Berchtesgaden, Traunstein and Rosenheirn.
Impoldering for its own sake or on a large scale was impossible as long as the means of drainage were restricted.
In the Bessemer process, and indeed in most high-temperature processes, to operate on a large scale has, in addition to the usual economies which it offers in other industries, a special one, arising from the fact that from a large hot furnace or hot mass in general a very much smaller proportion of its heat dissipates through radiation and like causes than from a smaller body, just as a thin red-hot wire cools in the air much faster than a thick bar equally hot.
The first silk mill was erected about 1755, and silk manufacture on a large scale was introduced about 1790.
Since the introduction of deep-level electric railways in London and elsewhere, hydraulic passenger lifts on a large scale have been brought into use for conveying passengers up and down from the street level to the underground stations.
Both grasses and climate are against sheep-farming on a large scale.
In 1906 it was being worked as a shallow open mine; but the description of the Kimberley methods given above is applicable to the washing plant at that time being introduced into the Premier mine upona very large scale.
Another establishment on a large scale was a fullonica (fuller's shop), where all the details of the business were illustrated by paintings still visible on the walls.
Until the r9th century irrigation in Egypt on a large scale was practised merely during the Nile flood.
Though the carrying out of this policy on a large scale was hampered by many difficulties, the subject was made definitely one of national importance.
It was not until May 1889 that an invasion of the frontier on a large scale was attempted.
Seeing that regular and perfect slaking is more easily attained when working systematically on a large scale and by storing the material for a long period, the French method is the better and more rational.
The figure was doubled by 1895 and trebled in 1897; in spite of prohibitions, imports into Persia continued on a large scale.
When compared with the history of the ecclesiastical historian Socrates, it is plainly seen to be a plagiarism from that work, and that on a large scale.
The abundance in which iron is found in so many places, its great strength, its remarkable ductility and malleability in a red-hot state, and the ease with which two heated surfaces of iron can be welded together under the hammer combine to make it specially suitable for works on a large scale where strength with lightness are required - things such as screens, window-grills, ornamental hinges and the like.
The description of the great gold lions of Solomon's throne, and the laver of cast bronze supported on figures of oxen, shows that the artificers of that time had overcome the difficulties of metal-working and founding on a large scale.
From an early period bronze and latten (a variety of brass) were much used in England for the smaller objects both of ecclesiastical and domestic use, but except for tombs and lecterns were but little used on a large scale till the r6th century.
On a small scale it is possible to push the decomposition as far as 90% of the hydrochloric acid, but on the large scale only at most 60% is reached.
A number of organic chlorinated products are also produced on a large scale.
The first application of this machine for the present purpose seems to have been made in 1875 and the number of patents soon rapidly increased; but although a large amount of capital was invested and many very ingenious inventions made their appearance, it took nearly another twenty years before the manufacture of alkali in this way was carried out in a continuous way on a large scale and with profitable results.
We shall here give merely an outline of those more important processes which are known to be at present working profitably on a large scale.
Coal and iron are found in conjunction in the Central Provinces, and the Tata Company has recently been formed to work them on a large scale.
India retains association as the system most suitable for its criminal classes, with other methods generally abandoned in Great Britain, such as the employment of wellconducted prisoners as auxiliaries in prison discipline and service; deportation is still the penalty for the worst offences and is carried out on a large scale and with satisfactory results in the Andaman Islands.
Such attempts as have been made to design air-engines on a large scale have been practical failures, and are now interesting only as steps in the historical development of applied thermodynamics.
Japan itself has had a certain amount of imported plague, but not on a large scale.
The composition of this fluid was subjected to a searching inquiry by the Indian Plague Commission, who pronounced its employment to be free from danger, and it was used on a large scale in various parts of India without producing injurious effects.
La Valette, superior of the Jesuit missions in Martinique, had set up as a West-India merchant on a large scale.
It is clear from Guicciardini's autobiographical memoirs that he was ambitious, calculating, avaricious and power-loving from his earliest years; and in Spain he had no more than an opportunity of studying on a large scale those political vices which already ruled the minor potentates of Italy.
If carefully prepared there is no objection to these basis wines from a hygienic point of view, although they have not the delicate qualities and stimulating effects of natural wines; unfortunately, however, these wines have in the past been vended on a large scale in a manner calculated to deceive the consumer as to their real nature, but energetic measures, which have of late been taken in most countries affected by this trade, have done much to mitigate the evil.
Wines Of France It may be safely said that there is no other country in which the general conditions are so favourable for the production of wine of high quality and on a large scale as is the case in France.
To check the increase of the rabbit, stoats, weasels and polecats (the last in the form of the domesticated ferret) were introduced into New Zealand on a very large scale in the last quarter of the 19th century.
This tree yields an abundant supply of tar and turpentine of good quality, which products are collected and manufactured in the " pine-barrens " on a large scale.
There is still a considerable export of cattle, hides and skins, but no effort is made to develop the production of jerked beef on a large scale.
Barium hydroxide, Ba(OH) 2, is a white powder that can be obtained by slaking the monoxide with the requisite quantity of water, but it is usually made on the large scale by heating heavy spar with small coal whereby a crude barium sulphide is obtained.
The soil is everywhere rich, but the lack of perennial water and the absence of irrigation works on a large scale retards agriculture.
Society in 1663; and not much more than a century has elapsed since its cultivation on a large scale became general.
The energy and money devoted to hatching operations should be diverted to the serious attempt to discover a means of rearing on a large scale the just-hatched fry of the more sedentary species to a sturdy adolescence.
Initiated on July 2, and developed on a large scale on the 3rd, the counter-attack of the Serbian III.
On the large scale it is prepared by the dry distillation of calcium acetate (CH3C02)2Ca= CaCO3 +CH3COCH3.
The manufacture of cutlery is carried on on a large scale in villages on the banks of the Clain, south of the town.
From the commencement of mining operations on a large scale in 1885 to the end of 1905 the value of silver and lead ore won was £40,000,000.
He has left dated notes and drawings made at most of the stations we have named, besides a set of six large-scale maps drawn minutely with his own hand, and including nearly the whole territory of the Maremma, Tuscany and Umbria between the Apennines and the Tyrrhene Sea.
Small tuberous shoots, comparable on a large scale with the bulbils of Lycopodium Selago, are occasionally produced in the axils of some of the persistent leaf-bases; these are characteristic of sickly plants, and serve as a means of vegetative reproduction.
At Leighton Buzzard they are dug on a large scale for various purposes.
The opening, in November 1863, of the railway from Cape Town to Wellington, begun in 1859, and the construction in 1860 of the great breakwater in Table Bay, long needed on that perilous coast, marked the beginning in the colony of public works on a large scale.
This article is confined to the collection and storage of water for domestic and industrial uses and irrigation, and its purification on a large scale.
In 1830 there were only three slaves in the state, and the danger of the establishment of slavery as an institution on a large scale was long past.
In his later military career he was the first general who showed on a large scale how the national English weapon, the bow, could win fights when properly combined with the charge of the mailed cavalry.
Illuminating Gas.-The first practical application of gas distilled from coal as an illuminating agent is generally as cribed to William Murdoch, who between the years of 1792 and 1802 demonstrated the possibility of making gas from coal and using it as a lighting agent on a large scale.
Turks have little if anything to do with trade on a large scale.
Oil of Turpentine, or Turps, as a commercial product is obtained from all or any of these oleo-resins, but on a large scale only from crude or common turpentine.
On a large scale it is treated by destructive distillation for the production of rosin spirit, pinoline and rosin oil.
The fine atmosphere of the Lick observatory was well adapted to this work, and a complete photographic map of the moon on a large scale was prepared which exceeded in precision of detail any before produced.
The department has also endeavoured to encourage the fruit-growing industry in Ireland by the establishment of a horticultural school at Glasnevin, by efforts to secure uniformity in the packing and grading of fruit, by the establishment of experimental fruit-preserving factories, by the planting of orchards on a large scale in a few districts, and by pioneer lectures.
A year or two later, however, machinery was introduced on a large scale on the river Bann.
Rice is cultivated on a large scale only in the swampy lowlands of Valencia.
The delimitation (1903-1904) of the frontier between the Sudan and Abyssinia enabled order to be restored in a particularly lawless region, and slave-raiding on a large scale ended in that quarter with the capture and execution of a notorious offender in 1904.
We cannot doubt that the sacrificing of children was practised on a large scale among the Canaanites.
She was also engaged in pressing the other European powers to join with her in the suppression of the slave trade which the Barbary states practised on a large scale and at the expense of Europe.
In 1828 the Van Diemen's Land Company commenced sheep-farming on a large scale in the north-west district of the island under a charter granted three years before, and in 1829 the Van Diemen's Land Establishment obtained a grant of 40,000 acres at Norfolk Plains for agriculture and grazing.
The rendering process is, however, applied on a very large scale to the production of animal oils and fats.
The apparatus employed on a large scale depends on the temperature at which the extraction is carried out.
Wool fat is now being purified on a large scale and brought into commerce, under the name of lanolin, as an I.
Previous to the close of the Civil War (1865) mining had been carried on upon a comparatively small scale, but immediately thereafter attention was attracted to the extensive and valuable deposits of coal and iron ore, and their development was begun on a large scale.
The opening, in 1869, of a railway passing directly through the mining territory, made it possible to work the mines more profitably, and operations were developed on a large scale.
A military rising on a large scale in the south was only averted by the news of the failure of the mutiny at St Petersburg; and at Moscow there were many arrests, including that of Colonel Paul Pestel, the chief of the revolutionary southern league.
Their political unhappiness will undoubtedly take the form of large-scale abstention at the general election.
The Trost bands are taken from large-scale research into young people's exercise (whilst wearing accelerometers ).
There is little doubt that between 1800 and 1850 food adulteration was practiced on a large scale.
Mandy can produce large scale artwork from your child's own drawing.
So says bassist and composer Simon H. Fell of his latest work, Compilation III, a large scale work for 42 musicians.
The futility of sinking hundreds of millions in large scale biofuel plants can be demonstrated quite simply.
Well it is a large scale biplane, what did you expect?
Created audit and this by bringing large-scale brokers so.
The tests range from small scale charring tests (cone calorimeter) to large scale furnace tests.
These ensure that manufacturers can enjoy the advantages of lower fuel bills and reduced environmental emissions without having to make any large-scale capital expenditure.
In addition to the usual church repertoire Neil has accompanied many large scale choral works to great acclaim.
Therefore, thicker clumps have much higher damping rates of waves [13] which support clumps against collapse along the large-scale magnetic field.
Several large-scale mining and logging concessions exist or are being awarded close to the boundaries of the nominated site.
The first large-scale plant to produce copperas in England was in Parkstone, Poole, in around 1564.
There will be large-scale models of his inventions; his flying machine, tank and giant crossbow.
A theoretical proposal is outlined for large scale solar desalination using multi effect humidification.
Thereafter, British ships with Chinese crews which called at US ports faced large-scale desertions.
The growth in China of large scale urban centers encouraged the development of mass markets in manufactured goods produced by specialist artisans.
Feychting and Ahlbom's large scale 1992 Swedish study did not measure electric fields at all.
Despite controversial proposals in the 1980s, the academic case for further large-scale excavation on the southern part of the amphitheater is not overwhelming.
In addition, it is not clear how such formalisms can cope in the development of large scale real-time systems.
Customs officers use large-scale gamma ray and x-ray imaging systems to safely and efficiently screen conveyances for contraband, including weapons of mass destruction.
Monks established medieval granges on the limestone uplands of the Peak where they carried out large-scale sheep farming.
The government currently has no plans to replace existing nuclear generation capacity, nor for large-scale hydro or tidal power schemes.
Due to environmental constraints it is unlikely that we will see any further large scale hydropower sites developed in the UK.
Is it really worth all the hassle of large-scale immigration just for that?
They know that large scale immigration is against their interests and they are very tired of it.
In this instance plasma convection appeares to play the dominant role in forming the large-scale spatial structure of the nightside auroral ionosphere.
To date, the resolution of this problem has been hampered by a lack of reliable experimental data at a large scale.
A large scale map is where the RF is relatively large.
Decrypting the DVD involves mounting a fairly large-scale computational effort to recover the key.
I have a non-executive position within the Royal Navy and we have recently undergone a very large-scale merger.
This process constantly extends the sphere of economy in which not blind market laws but conscious decisions and even large-scale co-operation prevail.
In the area of counterfeiting, infringements are often large-scale with many trademarks infringed.
As anticipated, the majority of guarantors are ISPs, but also large-scale brand owners have taken a role.
However, it has yet to result in any really large-scale programs of this type.
You will need to have previously managed large-scale Corporate / Commercial AV permanent installation.. .
In short, this is definitely the threads package to use under Linux for developing large-scale threaded programs.
More work remains to be done on vaccine efficacy and stability, which would include large-scale field-testing.
Rapide language and toolset, for building large-scale distributed multi-language systems.
Genomic infrastructure All the research at the Sanger Institute is underpinned by world-class core facilities that support large-scale sequencing and analysis.
He had always dreamed of growing lavender on a large scale.
Glasgow Harbor Glasgow Harbor is a large-scale mixed-use development containing high quality residential, retail, leisure and commercial facilities.
The official title plan is based on the large-scale maps of the Ordnance Survey.
From the childrenâs initial research I produced four maquettes for a large-scale suspended artwork.
The Middlebridge area was once surrounded by marshland, which made any large-scale settlement impossible here.
This means good agriculture land becomes diverted from food crops to large-scale monocultures of cash crops.
Prior to the large scale ordnance maps, there was a careful survey of the parish for the 1841 Tithe Award.
On the other hand, tight labor markets and large-scale job creation indicate a growing, or even overheated, economy.
Use of bovine pericardium allows production of valves and pericardial patches on a large scale with availability in all the necessary sizes.
Digital Art Projects make large scale photomontages of many images.
This site offered the monks greater scope for the laying out of a monastic precinct on a large scale.
The results of this analysis are placed in the context of the large scale cusp precipitation.
Although these clays were fine, they were also limited and could not have been used for large-scale pottery production.
Like all previous large scale anti-capitalist protests, Barcelona was made up of a very local crowd.
Our findings are consistent with a large-scale neural network centered in frontal and parietal cortex that supports comprehension of generalized quantifiers.
The term ' e-Science ' commonly refers to large-scale scientific collaborations carried out over t.. .
He also has worked on large-scale fraud related asset recovery cases, which has included obtaining emergency injunctive relief in the United States.
Easily digestible facts about tiny garden creatures with large-scale color illustrations to encourage self-discovery.
Try 3D drawing with wire or drawing large-scale with ropes or string Get everyone to draw a self-portrait on a ' post-it ' note.
These DVDs are often smuggled by criminal networks involved in large scale piracy.
Sol-gel processes are used in industry for the large-scale preparation of silica gels and colloidal sol-gel processes are used in industry for the large-scale preparation of silica gels and colloidal sols.
Particularly under the present circum- stances, weapons causing casualties on a large scale and mass destruction have appeared in use.
Substantial experience has been accumulated in solving large-scale linear, integer programming problems, and recently stochastic integer programming.
Detailed topography is largely controlled by a succession of Tertiary basalt lava flows that define successive, large-scale steps within the landscape.
From the introductory bars, it is evident that this is going to be a large-scale, truly symphonic work.
The publication of CUT IT OUT will be accompanied by the public unveiling of Banksy's latest large scale street sculpture.
This requires a large-scale genotyping and bioinformatics program, in crop and model systems, that relates allelic variants to gene function.
This is the first study that has looked at hybrid vigor in any crop on such a large scale.
The futuristic military shooter offers up large-scale team-based combat with a range of high and low tech weaponry and vehicles.
Secondly, the creations also whet the appetite for further large-scale works from the composer.
General Mariano Vallejo, former commander of the presidio of Sonoma, became the first large-scale winegrower in the valley.
Taxes are not sufficiently proportioned to what the land may reasonably be expected to produce, nor sufficient allowance made for the exceptional conditions of a southern climate, in which a few hours bad weather may destroy a whole crop. The Italian agriculturist has come to look (and often in vain) for action on a large scale from the state, for irrigation, drainage of uncultivated low-lying land, which may be made fertile, river regulation, &c.; while to the small proprietor the state often appears only as a hard and inconsiderate tax-gatherer.
Systematic dredging on a large scale was at one time carried on in the Kurisches Haff by Messrs Stantien and Becker, the great amber merchants of Konigsberg.
On large-scale maps it is necessary to show two coast-lines, one for the highest, the other for the lowest tide; but in small-scale maps a single line is usually wider than is required to Coast- represent the whole breadth of the inter-tidal zone.
The results of the enterprise of Mehemet Ali and Jumel in Egypt prove such an idea to be not altogether fanciful, and warn us also against hastily arguing that the plan is too artificial to succeed on a large scale.
Lord Milner cherished the ideal of racial fusion by the establishment of British settlers on a large scale.
Probably to cheer the men by a semblance of activity, Marshal Bazaine attempted a sortie on a large scale on the 1st of October in the direction of Ladorchamps,, and fighting continued into the 2nd, but without prospect of success, and the profound depression following on defeat sent up the sick list rapidly.
Beside the political and commercial pre-eminence which he conferred upon Samos, Polycrates adorned the city with public works on a large scale - an aqueduct, a mole and a temple of Hera (see SAMOS; AQUEDUCTS).
The first illustration of this movement on a large scale was given in the Socratic reaction against the pantheistic conclusions of early Greek philosophy (see Ionian School).
The situation as regards the further progress of irrigation on a large scale was however dominated in the early years of the 20th century by the new Conservation policy.
It may be prepared by the direct union of its constituents (see Burgess and Chapman, J.C.S., 1906, 8 9, p. 1 399), but on the large scale and also for the preparation of small quantities it is made by the decomposition of salt by means of concentrated sulphuric acid, NaC1-j-H 2 SO 4 =NaHSO 4 +HC1.
Electrolytic methods, in which a solution of antimony sulphide in sodium sulphide is used as the electrolyte, have been proposed (see German Patent 67973, and also Borcher's Electro-Metallurgie), but do not yet appear to have been used on the large scale.
Another natural calamity on a large scale occurred at Darjeeling in October 1899.
It may be distinguished from the draining of land on a large scale which is exemplified in the reclamation of the English Fens (see Fens).
These burners, or modifications of them, have also been applied to muffle furnaces, which are convenient when only a few assays have to be made - the furnace being a mere clay shell and soon brought to a working temperature; but the fuel is too expensive to allow of their being used habitually or on a large scale.
If NATO is responsible for the bulk of the world's military spending and NATO no longer has the stomach for full-on war with modern states, then large-scale war seems less likely.
The study will consist of a large scale questionnaire survey.
National launch of the Job Transition Service, which provides tailored help for communities facing large-scale redundancies.
Where large scale redundancies are planned, this can be a significant liability.
The term ' e-Science ' commonly refers to large-scale scientific collaborations carried out over t...
By 1960s the need for large scale sanatoria had ceased.
Sol-gel processes are used in industry for the large-scale preparation of silica gels and colloidal sols.
Given the limited data size, the findings need however be substantiated by more large scale research.
The instrument will be used to follow large-scale unfolding of a short protein triggered by breaking a disulfide bond.
The publication of CUT IT OUT will be accompanied by the public unveiling of Banksy 's latest large scale street sculpture.
Cities are not the only sites of large-scale, human-caused water vapor emission.
More Burton Latimer A large scale watching brief, prior to a wind farm development, has just been completed near Burton...
A large scale bank fraud is going to draw more investigation on the part of law enforcement than if one person has his or her identity stolen, simply because the loss is so much greater and the crime more severe when the amounts are high.
While these facts are certainly cause for concern, there have simply not been enough large scale studies performed yet to implicate BPA as a definite health risk.
Alternative energies are becoming more and more effective, but they are still years away from being truly useful on a large scale.
These are similar to the large-scale wind turbines that are often seen in wind farms like in California's Altamont Pass except for the fact that they are much, much smaller.
Large-scale pottery and stone pieces can make a bold statement without creating clutter.
The Industrial Revolution ushered in a whole new age of furniture manufacturing, allowing it to be produced on a large scale and driving the prices of pieces down.
Sturdy, large scale wooden furniture is ideal for this provincial design style.
Most modern art pieces were created at a very large scale.
Often working with other health officials, they focus on large scale community efforts toward prevention and control of dental problems.
For those working on scrapbook pages or other large-scale projects, creating a border adds elegance and visual appeal to your project.
If you aren't sure where to begin, then take it step by step . A shower curtain is a large scale design piece; yet it's usually not so overwhelming that it will steal the spotlight away from the overall mood of your bathroom décor.
For large scale production they are grown in long, mounded rows, and replanted every two to three years.
People use pole barns for storage of vehicles, large-scale toys and wood shops among other things.
You may decide to do small-scale remodeling yourself but large scale remodeling projects, such as remodeling an entire house, often require a contractor due to the demands of the required work.
The group, which debuted in the late 1940s, opened several stores under the Charming name before securing a retail space in a large-scale shopping center in Audubon, New Jersey during the 1960s.
If you want to pull off large-scale pranks, you'll need to enlist a group of willing participants.
If you don't have time to plan for large scale office pranks for April Fool's Day, just grab a pad of sticky notes or a pricing gun.
Ancient Wars is heavy on large scale battles filled with complex tactical maneuvering.
The battle is large-scale and continuous.
Even though I met the minimum settings for playability, I found there was still quite a bit of lag, especially in large scale battles like that of Pearl Harbor.
While many are largely innocuous and appear cute or cartoon-like, video games have earned a large-scale reputation for violence.
At low settings, a 1.1Ghz - 512MB RAM PC2700 - Geforce 4 4200 ran smooth at around 35 fps, but large scale battles took a tremendous amount of time to render.
The extent of the problem is not known as of the early 2000s because no large-scale analyses have been done.
Large-scale studies have helped to clarify how various mutations affect the ability of patients to process phenylalanine.
Juste Debout is another large scale competition, as it features new school hip hop on an international level.
Finally, training at a well-known, large-scale studio will possibly open more doors for you if your hopes lie in a career in dance.
Large-scale studios also tend to charge more in certain instances.
The USGenWeb Project is a large-scale effort run by a group of volunteers with a passion for history and genealogical research.
Traditionally, buying wholesale meant buying in bulk, but you can find wholesale prices without buying on a large scale.
Chase Mortgage is a large-scale lender that offers a variety of mortgage options for individuals.
Creating large-scale versions of origami for use in plays or as part of a Halloween costume may require practice with smaller papers.
If this is the case, complex designs may not be feasible on a large scale.
Some states have large scale alliances for pharmaceuticals and may have an agreement with Barr Laboratories through this alliance.
In 1939, the Philips company planned a large-scale ad campaign to debut its new electric razor.
Services are available to victims of single-family fires and those affected by large-scale disasters in Hennepin and Anoka counties.
A nonprofit capital campaign can help your organization raise a substantial amount of money for a large scale project.
Any type of event, from a bake sale to a large-scale concert, will benefit from a raffle.
These events can be done on a very large scale with a minimum of up-front cost, and have the potential for huge returns.
Unfortunately, they do - and on a fairly large scale.
By the late 1800s DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. had begun large scale mining in South Africa.
These topics can include anything that is even remotely technical, from building architecture to large-scale bank databases.
It features that friendly crocodile in large scale print right on the front of this handy little cotton bag.
You can keep track of these public appearances or schedule them for your own large scale event by visiting the Colts' official website.
If you live too far away from any large scale crafting stores, don't despair.
Until then, commercially manufacturing soap on a large scale was very difficult and the resulting product was inferior to what an experienced soap maker could create at home.
If you do decide to attempt a large-scale project using this technique, speed up the process by creating your cards in an "assembly line" fashion.
In 1971, he planned The Concert for Bangladesh, a large-scale benefit effort featuring performers as diverse as Ravi Shankar and Eric Clapton.
Shindigz stands out from other party retailers by providing large-scale decorations and banners for the most popular themes and occasions.
While a Flash game may be more involved than the typical brochure-ware website, we also handle a lot of large scale projects, especially web applications, that are as easily as big or bigger than your average Flash game.
The company is capable of personalizing a small website for any local company, but the skill set of 3030 Interactive is such that creating a large scale website for a major corporation is also possible.
I had grand plans to build and run a large-scale horse ranch.
Cyprus has a soil and climate suited to cotton, which was formerly grown here on a large scale.
In practice, tangent sights were graduated graphically from large scale drawings.
Keep in mind that bakeries and large-scale operations may receive bulk discounts on items for which you'll have to pay the full sticker price, so plan accordingly.
Prior the effective immunization program used in the early 2000s, large-scale measles outbreaks occurred on a two to three-year cycle, usually in the winter and spring.
While this will help protect your engagement ring against theft or home-related damage, such as a fire or tornado, these large-scale policies typically do not cover damage related to household chores or other incidents.
Instead, some insurance companies include war exclusions in their policies because they do not want to be financially responsible if a large-scale bombing wipes out an entire marina of yachts and other ships.
Many large-scale employers opt for reinsurance policies in addition to their regular insurance policies due to the sheer number of people they employ and the potential that at least one or more may need reinsurance benefits.
Working for years in a real government research lab, with real scientists on large-scale projects gave me an understanding for big science in ways I had not imagined.