Laos Sentence Examples
In the Laos country to the north, however, much more has been done, and a healthy type of Christian community established.
Farther north the country is peopled by Laos, scattered in villages along all the river banks, and by numerous communities of Shan, Karen, Kamoo and other tribes living in the uplands and on the hilltops.
Of this total about 3,000,000 are Siamese, about 2,000,000 Laos, about 400,000 Chinese, 115,000 Malay, 80,000 Cambodian and the rest Burmese, Indian, Mohn, Karen, Annamite, Kache, Lawa and others.
The Laos predominate in northern and eastern Siam, Malays mingle with the Siamese in southern Siam, and the Chinese are found scattered all over, but keeping mostly to the towns.
Almost every province has its special patterns and processes, the most elaborate being those of Nakhon Sri Tammarat (Ligore), Chantabun and the Laos country.
From this condition, however, it was raised a few years later by the great conqueror and national hero Phra Naret, who after subduing Laos and Cambodia invaded Pegu, which was utterly overthrown in the next century by his successors.
Laos and F ra (Davus, Geta) were common as names of slaves in Attic comedy and in the adaptations of Plautus and Terence.
The Sheng-li or Li proper, called also La, Le or Lauy, are probably connected with the Laos of Siam and the Lobos of China.
We took shelter from the sun and drank green tea with a local who spoke of cave about 2 days walk south near Laos.
Of the 90 million cluster munitions dropped on tiny Laos from 1964 to 1973, 30% failed to explode.
AdvertisementWe went on a boat ride on the Mekong River to visit a Laos island to sample ginseng schnapps.
In disposition the Laos are an apathetic, peace-loving, pleasantmannered race.
Warington Smyth, Notes of a Journey on the Upper Mekong (1895); Five Years in Siam (1898); Harmand, Le Laos et les populations sauvages de l'Indo-Chine (1880).
Because of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Laos was subjected to saturation bombing by aerial raids launched from Thailand and from within Laos.
At first glance, the silver Mazda seen trundling down a dirt track toward the Laos border seemed like just another lost traveler.
AdvertisementThis can range from the mountains in Turkey through Pakistan and Laos.
It takes place during the Cold War with campaigns in the Ural Mountains, Laos, Cuba and Vietnam.
The Church now has, besides these missions, others in India (1834), Siam (1840), China (1846),(1846), Colombia (1856), Brazil (1859),(1859), Japan (1859), Laos (1867),(1867), Mexico (transferred in 1872 by the American and Foreign Christian Union), Chile (transferred in 1873 by the same Union; first established in 1845), Guatemala (1882),(1882), Korea (1884)(1884) and the Philippine Islands (1899).
France the pauper, as such, has no legal Tongking claim to help from the community, which Laos.
In 1867 a treaty between France and Siam was signed, whereby Siam renounced its right to tribute and recognized the French protectorate over Cambodia in return for the provinces of Battambang and Angkor, and the Laos territory as far as the Mekong.
AdvertisementThere are two main divisions, the Lao Pong Dam ("Black Paunch Laos"), so-called from their habit of tattooing the body from the waist to the knees, and the Lao Pong Kao ("White Paunch Laos") who do not tattoo.
After 1828 the Laos became entirely subject to Siam, and were governed partly by khiao, or native hereditary princes, partly by mandarins directly nominated by the Bangkok authorities.
Nearly all the Laos country is now divided between France and Siam, and only a few tribes retain a nominal independence.
The many contradictory accounts of the Laos are due to the fact that the race has become much mixed with the aboriginal inhabitants.
But the pure Laos are still distinguished by the high cheek-bones, small flat nose, oblique eyes, wide mouth, black lank hair, sparse beard, and yellow complexion of the Thai and other branches of the Mongol family.
AdvertisementThe Laos are very superstitious, believe in wer-wolves, and that all diseases are.
The civilized Laos were long addicted to slave-hunting, not only with the sanction but even with the co-operation of their rulers, the Lao mandarins heading regular expeditions against the wilder tribes.
Laos was granted self-government within the French Union on 19 July 1949.