Lantanas Sentence Examples
The growing and care of lantanas does not need to be difficult.
Once lantanas are in, they will produce flowers all season.
What makes lantanas so distinctive is their numerous heads of smaller flowers, rather than one large bud at the top of the stem.
Also important to note is that lantanas come in a multitude of colors.
There are numerous varieties of lantanas.
For example, in the southern portion of the United States, the warm weather makes for the ideal climate for the lantanas to grow well outdoors.
However, most other areas can take lantanas indoors as houseplants.
Most commonly, lantanas are planted outdoors.
The following tips will help you plant lantanas outdoors this spring.
Begin planting lantanas during the spring months, when the soil has warmed up.
AdvertisementMost mature lantanas will grow as high as six feet tall and just as wide.
Lantanas need to be planted in seedling form.
Growing and care of lantanas is easy after you have them planted.
One problem some have with lantanas is that they do grow quickly and can outgrow a flowerbed easily.