Lansing Sentence Examples
During the summer America gave a lead to the Allies by accepting the Yugoslav programme, and after Austria's failure on the Piave there was a growing disposition on the part of the western Powers to fall into line with Mr. Lansing's very clear pronouncements.
But this ultimatum was rendered invalid by a wire from Lansing, protesting against any settlement without the participation of America.
The ten leading manufacturing centres are, in the order of the value of their products in 1904 Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Saginaw, Jackson, Lansing, Muskegon, Bay City and Port Huron, all in the south half of the lower peninsula.
The legislature, consisting of a Senate of 32 members, and a House of Representatives of ioo members (according to the constitution not less than 64 and not more than ioo), meets biennially, in odd-numbered years, at Lansing.
The state supports the Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1859), at Kalamazoo; the Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1878), at Pontiac; the Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1885), at Traverse City; the Michigan Asylum for the Dangerous and Criminal Insane (established 1885), at Ionia; the Upper Peninsula Hospital for the Insane, at Newberry; a Psychopathic Hospital (established 1907), at Ann Arbor; a State Sanatorium (established 1905), at Howell; the Michigan State Prison (established 1839), at Jackson; the Michigan Reformatory (established 1887), at Ionia; the State House of Correction and Branch Prison (established 1885), at Marquette; the Industrial School for Boys, at Lansing; the Industrial Home for Girls (established 1879), near Adrian; the State Public School (opened 1874), at Coldwater, a temporary home for dependent children until homes in families can be found for them; the School for the Deaf (established 1854), at Flint; the School for the Blind, at Lansing; an Employment Institution for the Blind (established 1903), at Saginaw; the Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic (established 1893), at Lapeer; and the Michigan Soldiers' Home (established 1885), at Grand Rapids.
Wheeler, Michigan Flora (Lansing, 1892), contains the results of an extensive study of the subject.
Bryan resigned (June 8 1915) because of unwillingness to sign the second " Lusitania " note, Mr. Lansing was appointed Secretary of State ad interim, and his first official action was to sign that note.
In a book issued in 1921 in justification of his own actions, Mr. Lansing explained that he disagreed with Mr. Wilson on various points, including that of incorporation of the League of Nations in the Peace Treaty; but he was overtly responsible with him for signing the Treaty, and on his return to Washington he urged that the Treaty as formulated be adopted by the Senate.
Lansing's conduct at this juncture showed dignity and self-possession, and the action of the President was generally regarded as that of a sick and worried man.
Lansing, The Great Lakes (New York, 1909).
AdvertisementLansing by President Wilson, to whose administration he had given his support.
Among the state charitable and reformatory institutions are state hospitals for the insane at Topeka and Osawatomie and a hospital for epileptics at Parsons; industrial reform schools for girls at Beloit, for boys at Topeka, and for criminals under twenty-five at Hutchinson; a penitentiary at Lansing; a soldiers' orphans' home at Atchison and a soldiers' home at Dodge City; and schools for feeble-minded youth at Winfield, for the deaf at Olathe, and for the blind at Kansas City.
The Wisconsin-based vessel offers overnight cruises to Winona, Minnesota; Lansing, Iowa; and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, with passengers spending nights at hotels on shore.
Vital Records Requests, PO Box 30721, Lansing MI 48909 (517) 335-8666.
Another handsome hunk on General Hospital was Rick Hearst, who played Ric Lansing from 2002 to 2009.
AdvertisementThe Corinthos family - Sonny Corinthos is joined by his brother Ric Lansing, his father Michael Corinthos, Sr. his ex-wives Lily (now deceased) and Carly, sons Michael and Morgan and daughter Kristina.
Leslie Kay (ex-Molly McKinnon, As the World Turns) - Kay played Tracy Lansing, Gina's business acquaintance and potential love interest.
Lake Hubbard is an easy drive from Detroit, Saginaw, East Lansing, Flint, and other Michigan cities.
The Steven Seagal biography begins with the knowledge that he is an American actor born to an Irish mother and a Jewish father in Lansing, Michigan in 1962.