Lane Sentence Examples
At one point the road became one lane and curved around the face of a cliff.
I see only what is in my narrow lane.
Most of their friends were local to Maid Marian Lane where they had lived for nine years.
Dean was halfway out to 156 Maid Marian Lane before it dawned on him he'd neglected to pick up his just-in-case change of clothes.
This beautiful street, with its northward branches, Park Lane, from which splendid houses overlook Hyde Park, and Bond Street, lined with handsome shops, may be said to focus the fashionable life of London.
He took it to London and submitted it to Garrick for representation at Drury Lane, but it was rejected as unsuitable for the stage.
Having entered the church he became rector of Ripple, Worcestershire, and later of St Vedast, Foster Lane, London, and it was probably when he was chaplain to John de Vere, earl of Oxford, that he made the acquaintance of Elizabeth Woodville, afterwards the queen of Edward IV.
This church crowns the Fontebranda hill above the famous fountain of that name immortalized by Dante, and in a steep lane below stands the house of St Catherine, now converted into a church and oratory, and maintained at the expense of the inhabitants of the Contrada dell' Oca.
Among these are the Corn Exchange in Mark Lane, where the privilege of a fair was originally granted by Edward I.; the Wool Exchange, Coleman Street; the Coal Exchange, Lower Thames Street; the Shipping Exchange, Billiter Street; and the auction mart for landed property in Tokenhouse Yard.
The city has a fine public square and the Lane free library (1866); the court house is its most prominent public building.
AdvertisementStill, the car weaved as he guided it back into the right lane.
Jeffrey Byrne, age 38, of 156 Maid Marian Lane, Parkside, apparently drowned in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May fourth while on a business trip in Norfolk, Virginia.
Jonathan had named her Destiny Lane.
She became the great protectress of the Jansenists; it was in her house that Arnauld, Nicole and De Lane were protected; and to her influence must be in great part attributed the release of Lemaistre De Sacy from the Bastille, the introduction of Pomponne into the ministry and of Arnauld to the king.
Sacheverell was among its rectors (1713-1724), and Thomas Chatterton (1770) was interred in the adjacent burial ground, no longer extant, of Shoe Lane Workhouse; the register recording his Christian name as William.
AdvertisementTo the Theological Seminary, opened in 1835, there came in the same year forty students from Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, after the discussion of slavery there had been forbidden by its board of trustees.
In Mincing Lane are the commercial salerooms. Besides the Bank of England there are many banking houses; and the name of Lombard Street, commemorating the former money dealers of Lombardy, is especially associated with them.
After about half a mile (at the third mini roundabout), turn right into Pepper Lane.
Moisture clung to her skin as she started down the familiar path to Lover's Lane.
They must have followed you to Maid Marian Lane and thought Vinnie might be stashed there.
AdvertisementCome on; let's go take a stroll down memory lane.
More or less closely connected with the Northern Church are the theological seminaries at Princeton, Auburn, Pittsburg (formerly Allegheny - the Western Seminary), Cincinnati (Lane), New York (Union) and Chicago (McCormick), already named, and San Francisco Seminary (1871) since 1892 at San Anselmo, Cal., a theological seminary (1891) at Omaha, Nebraska, a German theological seminary (1869) at Bloomfield, New Jersey, the German Presbyterian Theological School of the North-west (1852) at Dubuque, Iowa, and the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky, which is under the control and supervision of the northern and southern churches.
It has a station on the Cambrian line between Moat Lane and Brecon, and two others (high and low levels) at Builth Road about 14 m.
Grave disorders had arisen in the society at Fetter Lane, and on the 25th of July 1740 Wesley withdrew from it.
That was probably help in the Fetter Lane Society, for Wesley then had no preaching place of his own.
AdvertisementThe Society of Apothecaries is in Water Lane, City.
Ralph Lane, the first governor of Virginia, and Sir Francis Drake brought with them in 1586, from that first American possession of the English crown, the implements and materials of tobacco smoking, which they handed over to Sir Walter Raleigh.
Garrick practically ceased to act in 1766, but he continued the management of Drury Lane, and in 1769 organized the Shakespeare celebrations at Stratford-on-Avon, an undertaking which ended in dismal failure, though he composed an " Ode upon dedicating a building and erecting a Statue to Shakespeare " on the occasion.
The Browns Lane solution was to make the long wheelbase option the standard choice across the range.
He needed her insight, for when he wasn't able to see outside his narrow lane.
Of the first the Tudor gateway opens upon Chancery Lane.
His lyrical poems are wanting in spontaneity and individuality, but many of them possess a simple, orderly charm, as of an English country lane.
Parliament voted her £ 20,000 in 1660 for the payment of her debts, but Elizabeth did not receive the money, and on the 19th of May 1661 she left the Hague for England, in spite of the king's attempts to hinder her journey, receiving no official welcome on her arrival in London and being lodged at Lord Craven's house in Drury Lane.
On New Year's Day, 1739, the Wesleys, Whitefield and other friends had a Love Feast at Fetter Lane.
It no longer forms an entrance to the park, as in 1908 a corner of the park was cut off and a roadway was formed to give additional accommodation for the heavy traffic between Oxford Street, Edgware Road and Park Lane.
Other offices are the New Record Office, the repository of State papers and other records, and the Patent Office in Chancery Lane.
The ground was originally a Roman Cemetery, and about the year 1576 bricks were largely made from the clayey earth, the recollection of which is kept alive in the name of Brick Lane.
The plague was scarcely stayed before the whole city was in flames, a calamity of the first magnitude, but one which in the end caused much good, as the seeds of disease were destroyed, and London has never since been visited by such an epidemic. On the 2nd of September 1666 the fire broke out at one o'clock in the morning at a house in Pudding Lane.
It was instituted in 1755 at the White Bear Inn (now St Bride's Tavern), Fleet Street, moved about 1850 to Discussion Hall, Shoe Lane, and in 1871 finally migrated to the Barley Mow Inn, Salisbury Square, E.C., its present quarters.
For Egypt, see Lane's Modern Egyptians, and the Journal of Sir Walter Scott, xi.
His fortune was now made, and while the managers of Covent Garden and Drury Lane resorted to the law to make Giffard, the manager of Goodman's Fields, close his little theatre, Garrick was engaged by Fleetwood for Drury Lane for the season of 1742.
With the close of that season Fleetwood's patent for the management of Drury Lane expired, and Garrick, in conjunction with Lacy, purchased the property of the theatre, together with the renewal of the patent; contributing 8000 as two-thirds of the purchase-money.
As a manager, though he committed some grievous blunders, he did good service to the theatre and signally advanced the popularity of Shakespeare's plays, of which not less than twenty-four were produced at Drury Lane under his management.
On the other hand, Tate Wilkinson says that Garrick's production of Hamlet in 1773 was well received at Drury Lane even by the galleries, " though without their favourite acquaintances the gravediggers."
After a visit to England, in 1842, he started with two English associates, Charles Lane and Henry C. Wright, at "Fruitlands," in the town of Harvard, Massachusetts, a communistic experiment at farm-living and nature-meditation as tending to develop the best powers of body and soul.
The act establishing a territorial government for Oregon was approved on the 14th of August 1848, and the first governor, Joseph Lane (1801-1881), assumed the government on the 3rd of March 1849.
Nell Gwyn, who sold oranges in the precincts of Drury Lane Theatre, passed, at the age of fifteen, to the boards, through the influence of the actor Charles Hart and of Robert Duncan or Dungan, an officer of the guards who had interest with the management.
Her success brought her other leading roles - Bellario, in Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster; Flora, in Rhodes's Flora's Vagaries; Samira, in Sir Robert Howard's Surprisal; and she remained a member of the Drury Lane company until 1669, playing continuously save for a brief absence in the summer of 1667 when she lived at Epsom as the mistress of Lord Buckhurst, afterwards 6th earl of Dorset (q.v.).
Lane Theological Seminary is situated in Walnut Hills, in the north-eastern part of the city; it was endowed by Ebenezer Lane and the Kemper family; was founded in 1829 for the training of Presbyterian ministers; had for its first president (1832-1852) Lyman Beecher; and in 1834 was the scene of a bitter contest between abolitionists in the faculty and among the students, led by Theodore Dwight Weld, and the board of trustees, who forbade the discussion of slavery in the seminary and so caused about four-fifths of the students to leave, most of them going to Oberlin College.
In 1834 came the Lane Seminary controversies over slavery previously referred to.
Lane were prominent American classical scholars.
Lane, of Harvard, that a reformed pronunciation of Latin was adopted in all the colleges and schools of the United States.
The living of St Gabriel he exchanged for that of St Martin, Ironmonger Lane; and, as rector of that parish, he in 1648 subscribed the Remonstrance against putting Charles I.
For a brief description of the Blue Grass Region, see James Lane Allen's The Blue Grass Region of Kentucky and other Kentucky Articles (New York, 1900).
Little Flinders Street, in which the great importers' warehouses are mainly situated, is locally known as " the Lane."
In 1904 the formation of a municipally supported gallery of modern art (mainly due to the initiative and generosity of Mr Hugh Lane) was signalized by an exhibition including the pictures intended to constitute the nucleus of the gallery.
He supported in 1860 the ultra-Democratic ticket of Breckinridge and Lane, but he did not identify the election of Lincoln with the ruin of the South, though he thought the North should give renewed guarantees to slavery.
Neville's residence in London was a palace in the street opposite the Temple, which from this association obtained the name of Chancery Lane, by which it is still known; while the palace itself, after passing into the hands of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, was called Lincoln's Inn after that nobleman when it became the abode of students of law.
Neville bequeathed this property to the see of Chichester, and the memory of his connexion with the locality is further preserved in the name of a passage leading from Chancery Lane to Lincoln's Inn which still bears the name of Chichester Rents.
Lane, and he served to the end of President Wilson's term.
Their attack on the Niagara peninsula led to hot fighting at Chippewa (July 5) and Lundy's Lane (July 25), the first a success for the Americans, the second a drawn battle.
Taking up his abode in Fetter Lane, London, on his return, and continuing to reside there for the sake of intellectual society, even after renewing his old ties with the earl of Devonshire, who lived in the country till the Restoration,4 he worked so steadily as to be printing the De corpore in the year 1654.
But in general he dined, and thought that he dined well, on sixpennyworth of meat and a pennyworth of bread at an alehouse near Drury Lane.
A few days after the publication of this poem, his tragedy of Irene, begun many years before, was brought on the stage by his old pupil, David Garrick, now manager of Drury Lane Theatre.
Her opinion of his writings was more important to him than the voice of the pit of Drury Lane Theatre, or the judgment of the Monthly Review.
He had been weak enough to pay serious attention to a story about a ghost which haunted a house in Cock Lane, and had actually gone himself, with some of his friends, at one in the morning, to St John's Church, Clerkenwell, in the hope of receiving a communication from the perturbed spirit.
Churchill, who, confident in his powers, drunk with popularity, and burning with party spirit, was looking for some man of established fame and Tory politics to insult, celebrated the Cock Lane ghost in three cantos, nicknamed Johnson Pomposo, asked where the book was which had been so long promised and so liberally paid for, and directly accused the great moralist of cheating.
The Dominican church is approached by a sloping flagged lane, having on one side a beautifully ornamented balustrade of the 18th century.
Lane (1811-1881), the governor, resigned, on the 16th of January 1861, Morton became governor.
He had been so announced, for the last time, at the first great meeting in Drury Lane theatre on 15th March 1843; henceforth his name was enough.
He was instructor (1888-1890) and professor (1890-1893) of church history at Lane theological seminary, and in 1893 became Washburn professor of church history in Union theological seminary, succeeding Dr Philip Schaff.
There is a Jewish cemetery in Willesden Lane.
It was shown by Homer Lane that a mass of gas held in equilibrium by the mutual gravitation of its parts actually grows hotter through radiating heat; the heat gained by the resulting contraction more than counterbalances that lost by radiation.
It is, however, important to bear in mind that Lane's theory is concerned with the temperature of the body of the star; the temperature of the photosphere and absorbing layers, with which we are chiefly concerned, does not necessarily follow the same law.
In Egypt not only are there serpents of the houses, but each quarter in Cairo had a serpent-guardian (Lane).
In the national elections of 1860 Virginia returned a majority of unionist electors as against the secession candidates, Breckinridge and Lane, many of the large planters voting for the continuance of the Union, and many of the smaller slave-owners supporting the secessionists.
In 1840 she married Henry Brewster Stanton (1805-1887), a lawyer and journalist, who had been a prominent abolitionist since his student days (1832-1834) in Lane Theological Seminary, and who took her on a wedding journey to London, where he was a delegate to the World's Anti-Slavery Convention.
At Wigan Lane on the 25th of August a fierce battle took place between the Royalist forces under Lord Derby and Sir Thomas Tyldesley and the Parliamentarians under Colonel Lilburne, in which the Royalists were defeated, Tyldesley was killed and Lord Derby wounded.
The house where they lived at Rhijnsburg is still standing, and the road bears the name of Spinoza Lane.
Lane Poole, who points out that they did not use the title on their coins.
The tragedy of Remorse was produced at Drury Lane in 1813, and met with considerable success.
The name was derived from that of Christopher Cat, the keeper of the piehouse in which the club met in Shire Lane, near Temple Bar.
He reached London on the 29th, his thirtieth birthday, arriving with the procession, amidst general rejoicings and " through a lane of happy faces," at seven in the evening at Whitehall, where the houses of parliament awaited his coming, to offer in the name of the nation their congratulations and allegiance.
His SOH, David Schley Schaff (1852-), was professor of church history in Lane Theological Seminary in 1897-1903, and after 1903 in Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pa.
In 1875 he married Lucy, daughter of John Lane of Barbados.
Thus in the earlier part of the period named, Atterbury and Swift lived in Church Lane, Steele and Smollett in Monmouth House.
It is defined by the act to include any highway and any public bridge (not being a county bridge), and any road, lane, footway, square, court, alley or passage, whether a thoroughfare or not.
Gladstone, who rewarded him with the living of St George's, Botolph Lane, in 1871, and with a canonry of Ripon in 1884.
In 1610 Donne formed the acquaintance of a wealthy gentleman, Sir Robert Drury of Hawsted, who offered him and his wife an apartment in his large house in Drury Lane.
The town hall is a fine building in Grecian style, well placed in a square between Park Lane and Great George Street.
The Royal Exchange (1872) in Boar Lane is an excellent Perpendicular building.
An Early English crypt remains beneath the neighbouring parish church of St John, where the notorious deception of the "Cock Lane Ghost," in which Johnson took great interest, was exposed.
The arguments against the marriage were first marshalled by Monck Mason in his History of St Patrick's, and the conjecture, though plausible, has failed to convince Forster, Stephen, Aitken, Hill, Lane Poole and Churton Collins.
On the morning of the 2nd of July, however, Rupert's attack on their rearguard forced them to halt and deploy on rising ground on the south edge of the moor, their position being defined on the right and left by Long Marston and Tockwith and divided from the Royalist army on the moor by a lane connecting these two villages.
The lane along the front was held by skirmishers.
His dragoons drove away the skirmishers along the lane, and the line cavalry crossed into the moor.
In Rupert's momentary absence, the surprised Royalist cavalry could make no head against Cromwell's charge, although the latter was only made piecemeal as each unit crossed the lane and formed to the front.
At the same time the Parliamentary infantry had mostly crossed the lane and was fighting at close quarters and suffering severely, Newcastle's north-country "White-Coat" brigade driving back and finally penetrating their centre.
Relics of the Roman occupation have been excavated in the former island, and it is supposed that traffic on the Watling Street, from Dover to Chester, crossed the Thames and the marshes by way of Thorney before the construction of London Bridge; the road continuing north-west in the line of the modern Park Lane (partly) and Edgware Road.
In 1837 he graduated from Lane Theological Seminary in Ohio, of which his father was president, and entered upon his work as pastor of a missionary Presbyterian church at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, a village on the Ohio, about 20 m.
The new state was at first Democratic in politics, and the southern faction of the Democratic party in 1860 made a bid for its support by nominating as their candidate for vice-president, on the ticket with John C. Breckinridge, Joseph Lane (1801-1881), then a senator from Oregon and previously its territorial governor.
Lane was another radical, and always favoured force.
His partisans say that he saved Kansas, and regard Lane as a fomenter of trouble who accomplished nothing.
Lane, with an undisciplined brigade, had crossed the border, sacking, burning and killing in his progress, Missouri " bushrangers " retaliated in kind.
And occasional fasts are more See Fink's article " Fasten " in Ersch and Gruber's Encyclopddie; Lane, Modern Egyptians; and Rycaut, Present State of the Armenian Church.
On the 25th of July, with General Winfield Scott, he fought a hotly contested, but indecisive, battle with the British under General Gordon Drummond (1 7 7 1-18 J4) at Lundy's Lane, where he was twice wounded.
For a collection of legends about the roc, see Lane's Arabian Nights, chap. xx.
Next the skin came a shirt (lane) of fine texture often richly embroidered.
Lane, in his preface to the Arabian Nights, says that the Arabs have an advantage over us as story-tellers.
Lane spent considerable time in the south-eastern counties, and across these an " underground railroad " ran, by which slaves were conducted from Kansas to Iowa and freedom.
But against this notion, which has been entertained by some scholars, Lane has remarked with justice that, much as MSS.
Some points, as De Sacy and Lane have shown, forbid us to place the book earlier than the second half of the 15th century.
Lane accordingly dates the work from the close of the 15th century or the beginning of the 16th, but this date appears to be too late.
De Sacy and Lane suppose that the original title of the Arabic translation of the Hezar Afsane was The Thousand Nights.
For the nature and causes of the variations between different copies the reader may consult Lane, iii.
Many of the tales in the Nights have an historical basis, as Lane has shown in his notes.
Some tales are mere compounds of different stories put together without any art, but these perhaps are, as Lane conjectures, later additions to the book; yet the collector himself was no great literary artist.
Lane's translation omits the tales which he deemed uninteresting or unfit for a European public. Sir Richard Burton's unexpurgated English translation, with elaborate notes, was issued in to vols., 1885--1886, with six supplementary vols., 1887-1888.
The drive to Maid Marian Lane was becoming more familiar with each passing trip—no more need to count the blocks.
He attributed his pleasant disposition to memories of the prior evening with Cynthia Byrne, the sweetheart of Maid Marian Lane.
Even better, Lane Fox refuses to be shy about his own predilections.
The College was obliged to build eight new almshouses in Queens ' Lane.
Bryan's 52 lane autobahn painted a extreme scenario of the outcome of Knighton's masterplan.
Her family ran a bakery at the bottom of Welcome Lane in Swansea.
In addition, he moved the foundry to a new site near the Exeter canal basin at Water Lane.
Spring comes early in Cornwall and in March the lane is studded with primroses followed by bluebells, campion and foxgloves.
The center also boasts a 6 lane 10 pin bowling alley, featuring state of the art technology.
The National Maritime Museum and a 12 lane bowling alley are always worth a visit.
The one I liked most last year was on a map in a glossy brochure which was labeled with " Spoon Lane Locks " .
The golf course access bridge crosses the brook at the end of the lane at the far side of the BNFL sports ground.
The villa also has a private cabana on Sandy Lane beach.
There is a visitors ' car park off of Ferrers Lane.
The line of of the lane can still be identified today by the slightly raised causeway both sides of the railroad line.
Several households of royal officials lay in the Strand, and the chancery rolls were stored in chancery rolls were stored in Chancery Lane.
The road, or lane, as it had now become, crossed a low ridge by way of a shallow col.
Secure, 24 hour concierge entry from Park Lane leads to three lifts.
Walk to the far right corner and pass through a small coppice to meet a lane.
Not far from the thatched cottages, a lane runs between trees down to the church.
The entrance to this lane was situated roughly where the gate to the new courthouse is now.
Crab Lane The road from London Road to Sun Street, possibilities Shaped like a crabs claw, crab Lane The road from London Road to Sun Street, possibilities Shaped like a crabs claw, Crab Apple trees grew there.
A wayside cross is located at the junction of Potter Lane.
This lane encourages cyclists to put themselves in the prime position not to be seen.
Lane End Day Center £ 4,000.00 The organization offers day care for the frail, older people of Lane End and surrounding villages.
Now Nathan Lane (on his west End debut) has stepped into the breach, tickets are like gold dust.
A second jury deliberated for nine hours and three minutes before reaching a majority decision that Lane was guilty.
Thoughts from the people resisting the demolition in the roof of Dalston Lane theater.
These sessions provide an opportunity for both lane swimmers and a leisurely dip.
The path eventually disgorges into the narrow, steep lane that runs down into Withypool from Comer's Cross.
The slightly higher numbers of Branta geese from Blue Bridge Lane might be considered distinctive, as might the woodcock bones.
Go straight across crossroads (slight dogleg) into Priory Lane.
A short right-left dogleg brings you into the short lane to the pretty locality of Woodford.
A prolonged downturn in sales is to blame for the reduced working hours at the Banner Lane factory.
Further down the lane, note the somewhat eerie gothic Houghton Manor.
Denis attended Bell Lane school, Hendon where his father captained the old boys cricket eleven and naturally Denis was taken to matches.
Whiston Grange and Lane End House belonged to Frederick Parker Rhodes, local solicitor and his brother Charles a mining engineer.
The late great Ronnie Lane did it with his traveling entourage back in 1975.
He tours the pit lane asking competitors what they think needs to be done to attract more entrants.
The Oast is peacefully situated overlooking the farmyard at the end of a long private farm lane.
The approach is down an attractive farm lane which leads into the old farmyard with plenty of parking space.
It's now festooned with a merry looking garland of traffic lights, with broad three or four lane approaches from all directions.
The school operates on two sites, separated by playing fields, along a quiet lane.
Lane raises his left fist, then his right.
The traffic flow works only on a courtesy system down Foster lane.
He heard footsteps running off toward Rosemary Lane, which is now Royal Mint Street.
The Cycle Lane will be segregated from vehicles and will share the existing footway.
You might ask why a cycle lane was not put on this side of the road as well, instead of a shared-use footway.
The red brick frontage onto Bayley Lane formerly contained the house of the governor of the jail which stood on an adjacent site.
At the top of the lane, near the boro boundary, we see the town gallows where convicted thieves end their lives.
We also spent a day erecting the gantry with the help of another friend, a neighbor from down the lane.
Work starts on Edge Lane project 19 April 2006 £ 350m regeneration project will transform key eastern gateway to Liverpool.
Rather a pretty girl returned to her flat opposite St Dennis Lane.
Lane was a firm believer in the innate goodness of children.
The lane was probably built to give access to Lune Mill in the first half of the 13th century, or earlier.
Yellowhammers & Reed Buntings - Barley Lane A patch of winter heliotrope is in flower along barley lane.
Toward the right of the image is an early middle lane hog.
Joel Lane's Against My Ruins is the tale of two people attempting intimacy as they scavenge through a post holocaust city.
Neachells Hall was a moated homestead which stood for many years on the Wolverhampton side of the road near its junction with Strawberry Lane.
Sheffield United travel to the Capital to face Millwall at the New Den after beating promotion hopeful 's Wolves 1-0 at Bramall Lane.
Mayfair and Park Lane are home to some of London's most expensive and luxurious hotels.
The trees fell across the lane toward the north and northwest, so that the road was rendered totally impassable for some weeks.
The dedicated Gatwick fleet were allocated to Stewarts Lane Depot, which had been the home to all Class 73s since their initial inception.
The work would have included removing the infill above Valley Aqueduct and carrying out repairs to that Aqueduct and the one over Crime Lane.
They both stopped in sight down the lane, where the third man lay insensible.
From what I was told, Lane was quite insistent on not having a big deal made of his death.
News Press releases Don't let disputed invoices damage your cash flow C/o Polhill Communications, 48 Artillery Lane, London.
Imagine driving on a dual five lane section of the M1 at a maximum of 50 mph sandwiched on all sides by massive Juggernauts.
I often collect my grandchildren from school and feel frightened taking them across Westbury Lane, even when the brave lollipop lady is there.
Devlin refers to Serpent Lane, which led from the dragon's lair in the hills down to its drinking place at the river.
The road then descends slightly to where a narrow lane joins from the left.
Huge picture windows opening on to the quiet village lane.
Stay in the left-hand lane signposted Frimley Park Hospital, then get into the right hand lane to the roundabout.
As soon as a commercial vehicle is on the road a three lane motorway becomes little more than a two lane motorway becomes little more than a two lane dual carriage way.
Explore the exit of the pit lane to give just a little more room on approach.
Kent beaches suffer from all the usual form of litter but the area is also a major shipping lane.
We turned left at the country lane, ignoring the first path right.
A story about an elderly couple who take a trip down memory lane with the aid of a swimming pool.
There was an open air Chinese laundry located near the junction of this lane.
Through traffic lights, take left lane over railroad bridge.
Two first-floor two-bed Edwardian conversion maisonettes on Nightingale Lane have distinctly different layouts.
Divers installed some of the essential lane cable anchor points in the finish area - a pretty mammoth project all round!
On the other side of the lane was Earls Hall, a medieval manor house and farm.
Police are pushing marchers into a very narrow lane and trying to stop anyone from joining them.
Attorney Mark Lane, former member of the N.Y. State Legislature, has been the leading advocate of a real investigation.
The postmill was bought by millwright, Robert Gilbert, who quite possibly was responsible for building the new towermill for the Lane family.
So, as a Middle lane moron should, he slowly but surely accelerated and then overtook, at an excruciatingly slow pace.
You cannot use the outside lane on a three (or four) lane motorway.
Bury Mount, the castle motte in Moat Lane, was probably built by the Normans in the 11th century.
There were drunks going down the Lane yelling Glory Glory Man United rather off-key.
Crossing the road, we went along the country lane opposite.
We crossed the country lane and walked uphill along the field edge along the signed path opposite.
The coast path to Looe heads directly away from the harbor to the east, initially along a narrow lane heading fairly smartly uphill.
More important, the vital shipping lane into London became infinitely less perilous.
Both examples come from Blue Bridge Lane which is known to occupy the periphery of the precinct of St Andrew's.
The main employer is now pharmaceutical giant Glaxo Wellcome, with other industries located in the Crane Mead, Broadmeads and Marsh Lane areas.
Further along the lane, set now deep among trees, was a concrete pillbox, its embrasures facing inwards toward the airfield.
Take a stroll along the country lane into the nearby hamlet for lunch or dinner at the local pizzeria which even does takeaway pizzas.
A Serious Collection These slightly portentous thoughts were provoked by a recent visit to Mr Don Baker's museum in Mill Lane.
Above we see the station on an undated postcard from fields adjoining Pelham Lane.
Saunders reported deep potholes to School Lane by light BSAS 35.
I drive through the deep puddles to the end of Green Lane near the motorway.
A protest rally is being planned to defend the Payne's Lane site.
The main streets of interest are Upper Street, Canonbury Lane and the rather raunchy Essex Road.
In January 2004 he gave his Purcell Room debut with a solo recital for the Park Lane Group Young Artists New Year Series.
A visit to Fulmer Plant Park in Cherry Lane, Fulmer used to prove very rewarding in a variety of ways.
Facilities include pool, Olympic ice rink, tennis courts, 18 hole golf course, six lane bowling alley and two cinemas.
The ditch alongside the footpath known as Gypsy Lane has become a rivulet in its own right.
After about half a mile (at the third mini roundabout ), turn right into Pepper Lane.
Continue for 2 miles and get in lane for A141, exit roundabout onto the A141 signposted March.
The product at Blue Bridge Lane appears to have been beads, which would have been an easily saleable commodity.
A stock of empty sandbags are stored at the Stanley Lane Depot.
A sketch map by Barbara Nuttall of medieval Thornhill shows Deadman's Lane climbing the fault scarp of the Edge.
It is situated at the end of a small lane offering seclusion in its own grounds of approximately half an acre.
Still fronting the lane, this is a very shady corner with some tall sheltering trees.
In reply High Lane fell just short on 125 all out.
My samples were growing out of cracks in the concrete sidewalk beside a busy four lane highway.
The window sills of the cook house are still there in the wall across the lane, left.
Synopsis Agnes Meadowes is cook to the Blanchards of Foster Lane, the renowned silversmiths.
This is generously wide but only marked two lane - overtaking can thus be hairy, especially southbound, up the hill.
However Park Lane will be closed southbound between 0830 and approx 1300 for a parade at 1200.
The land is fronting Lodge lane and has a southerly facing rear aspect.
At the west end of Senate House Passage turn left and head southward down Trinity Hall Lane.
As you gradually wind down the tree-lined lane from Stavros your expectations of having found something very special begin to rise.
Unfortunatly, some drivers got a little too eager, resulting in 2 pit lane speeding penalties being handed out.
Within Blue Bridge Lane, Trench D exposed subsoil at a depth of 0.35m below the present ground surface.
West of Bishops Castle it headed straight for Moat Hill and became a deeply sunken lane.
The North Circular was reduced to 1 lane from 3, causing a huge tailback.
A special cycle lane has been built in red tarmac alongside the footpath.
She lived in a shop on Angel Lane, which was a busy thoroughfare.
Just a row of tiny little cones, no higher than 6 inches, separating you from oncoming traffic in the other lane.
At the grass triangle we turned left along another country lane.
If you miss the turning into Flag lane South then turn right at the traffic lights and then first right after about 200 yards.
They will use one lane whilst the other lane becomes two-way, with vehicle flow controlled by traffic signals.
When you get to the third underpass get in the left hand lane at the traffic lights and turn left.
Continue along country lane into Campton continue through the village to the cycle underpass.
Situated away from the country lane, south facing, the house is surrounded by vineyards.
As you walk up Ash Lane don't take the first gate signposted Tara Center or you'll end up on the woodland walk.
The SSSI extends westwards beyond Barton Lane to the County Boundary.
Rob and John, for example, are planning the wizard wheeze of jumping from the roof of London's Park Lane Hilton.
The thin scatter of commoner migrants included 12 whinchats between the Bill and Barleycrates Lane and a Pied Flycatcher at Reap Lane.
Defender's witness No 2 ROBERT L. STEVENSON, Aged 35, part-time factory worker, c/o 5 Glen Lane, Paisley.
Up to 1834 The first Leeds parish workhouse was opened in 1638 on North Street at the top of Lady Lane.
J., founded in 1812 by the General Assembly; the Auburn Theological Seminary at Auburn, N.Y., founded in 1819 by the synod of Geneva, and afterwards associated with the New School; a school at Hampden Sidney, Virginia, founded by the synod of Virginia in 1824, named Union Theological Seminary in Virginia after 1826, supported after 1828 by the synods of Virginia and North Carolina, and in 1898 removed to Richmond, Va.; the Western Theological Seminary, founded at Allegheny (Pittsburg), Pa., in 1827 by the General Assembly; the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Columbia, South Carolina, founded in 1828 by the synod of South Carolina; Lane Theological Seminary, founded independently in 1829 by the New School at Cincinnati, Ohio; and Union Theological Seminary, founded in 1836 by independent action of New School men, in New York City.
Henry Preserved Smith, professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis in Lane Seminary, for a pamphlet published in 1891 denying the inerrancy but affirming the inspiration of the Scriptures, was suspended in 1892 by the presbytery of Cincinnati, and was unsuccessful in his appeal to the synod and to the General Assembly.
He was present again with Fairfax at the capitulation of Oxford on the 24th of June, which practically terminated the Civil War, when he used his influence in favour of granting lenient terms. He then removed with his family from Ely to Drury Lane, London, and about a year later to King Street, Westminster.
About the 25th of September it moved to Fetter Lane.
A protest rally is being planned to defend the Payne 's Lane site.
Then retrace your steps to the stile leading off the lane to the east.
It then becomes a ridable green lane just below the summit of Whernside over to our right.
Here the lane just stops and cyclists are invited to make a right-angled turn onto a path off to the left.
Continue up this lane past the community center then turn down the small unmade roadway on the left hand side.
At the next mini roundabout turn left by the Tower Arms Pub into Thorney Lane.
Roves Farm is at the end of the mile long gravel lane - it is exactly a mile, although sometimes it feels longer !
He steered for the open country, abandoning the tow-path, and swinging his steed down a rutty lane.
I could not remain in the house, but sauntered round the croft and down the lane.
A sketch map by Barbara Nuttall of medieval Thornhill shows Deadman 's Lane climbing the fault scarp of the Edge.
The delightful Severn Valley from MOAT LANE through NEWTOWN and WELSHPOOL to SHREWSBURY where semaphore signaling abounds.
The passage is at right angles to the shipping lane.
Councilor Donnell said he welcomed the sightline improvements planned for Donagheady Road, Bready, but thought a climbing lane was needed.
Need to Know The approach is down a long, single-track lane.
Now, several ' pinch point crossing spaces ' serve to slow traffic by reducing flow to a single lane.
He moved his car into the southbound lane where he collided with an oncoming vehicle.
Swimming & Swim School Swimming Stoke Mandeville Stadium offers a fully accessible 25m, 6 lane swimming pool with spectator seating for 150.
He was astonished to see the lane empty save for three men sprawling absurdly on the ground.
The Red Lion Inn, a good country pub is a 200 yard stroll down the lane.
Councilors also argued the junction of the former Guilden Sutton Lane and the diversion was substandard in visibility terms.
In 1878 the congregation moved to an iron hall in Finchley Lane, built by Stephen Shirley as a temperance hall.
The steep cobbled lane to the right of the tenement building is Gloucester Street.
Allen Lane, who had founded Penguin just prior to World War II, asked Hoggart to testify on behalf of the press.
Continue past even more delightful thatches cottages, continuing along Common Lane at the end of the High Street.
The school was the half timbered building at the end of Pound Lane.
The gable end of a timbered house is on the right hand side of the lane leading up to the church.
And it was a tip-off from a member of the public which led to the discovery on Park Farm, Ox Lane.
The traction motor bolts which caused the Chancery Lane accident were a known problem.
The police believe they may have traced a white transit van seen by her brother driving away down a country lane.
These trolley busses, among the last of their breed, are at Park Lane Depot.
The listed building is tucked away down a quiet lane in the oldest part of Constantine village.
Driver follows you for some time on a twisty lane, unable to overtake.
The mill was apparently run by an undershot wheel in the stream crossing under the lane 40 yards south of the house.
Further, plans are underway to establish the first dedicated pedestrian lane at the San Ysidro port of entry.
At Monks Cottage, an unmade lane leads to several 20 th century bungalows sited in substantial plots.
Lane describes how recently a women 's council upbraided the men for plowing sacred land.
As you walk up Ash Lane do n't take the first gate signposted Tara Center or you'll end up on the woodland walk.
Further down Barras Lane is Florence Terrace which dates from about 1890 and consists of former watchmakers houses.
In a fancy dress wheelbarrow race along Marsh Lane, spectators will throw water bombs at the contestants.
Rob and John, for example, are planning the wizard wheeze of jumping from the roof of London 's Park Lane Hilton.
The thin scatter of commoner migrants included 12 Whinchats between the Bill and Barleycrates Lane and a Pied Flycatcher at Reap Lane.
Defender 's witness No 2 ROBERT L. STEVENSON, Aged 35, part-time factory worker, c/o 5 Glen Lane, Paisley.
One benefit of carpooling is bypassing the traffic by using the carpool lane.
You'll be able to waltz down memory lane with just a glance at your hand!
Generally, bowling balls with soft finishes grip the lane better than bowling balls with hard finishes, but this may also depend on how exuberantly the bowling alley oils the lanes.
This is one of the more high-tech models, complete with advanced lane guidance, photo viewing, built-in microphone, speed limit information, audio recording, emergency services, live help, and more.
Dual-cores contain "two-lanes" of data; as one lane gets clogged with information, there's only one more lane to pass the data through.
The best way to explain what cores are is to have you think of one core as a two lane highway.
Information passes by on these lanes and as one lane being to clog with data, the remaining lanes attempts to take up the slack.
You can exit on Katy Fort Bend Road and turn on Katy Mills Drive or Star Lane, or you can exit on Pin Oak Road and turn on Kingsland Boulevard to find the mall.
Located at 2420 Lynx Lane in Orlando, Office Liquidation, Inc. is a great place to shop when you are in the market to purchase used office furniture.
After that owner's death in 1922, the home remained empty throughout the Depression and WWII, with the grounds becoming the 1940s equivalent of a lover's lane for Little Rock's courting youth.
Savvy Interior Design -- 3323 Mistflower Lane; Naperville IL 60564; 630 904-7033 - Savvy Interior Design, founded in 2001 by ASID allied Donna Hall, specializes in interior design services for unique and innovative interior space planning.
Registration is required if you want to browse what One Kings Lane has to offer, but access to wall décor and other home accents from some of the top brands around at up to 70% off list price is a fine reward for free membership.
Whether it's a trip to the shore that sends you down memory lane or a relaxing shower that eases your nerves, there's something to inspire everyone in Bobbi Brown's small but sweet collection of fragrances.
For some, the urge to take a trip down memory lane hits a decade or two after graduation.
She may want to display all of her pictures and memories in her dorm room or just store items and take them out when she wants a trip down memory lane.
Mills Lane - The toughest judge on television, he's the Celebrity Deathmatch referee.
Hudson's breakout role was in the 2000 movie Almost Famous, in which she played Penny Lane, the leader of a gang of rock band groupies.
According to ET, the police report stated that, "The officers also noted that the driver of the Cadillac was unable to maintain lane position as they traveled eastbound."
Lane Garrison plead guilty and was sentenced to 40 months in prison.
Police were called to the home he shares with wife Diane Lane on a domestic disturbance complaint.
Lane didn't press charges and both actors claim that they were "embarrassed" by the whole situation.
Famous jeweler Neal Lane provided the baubles.
Earlier this summer, DeGeneres presented her girlfriend with a three carat pink diamond engagement ring from high-end jeweler Neil Lane.
The couple exchanged their own written vows and Neil Lane rings, at the home they share in Los Angeles.
This left Dallas native Melissa holding the final rose and the nearly two carat Neil Lane engagement ring presented to her by Jason.
Wolfgang's Vault, which has an enormous selection of retro and even vintage shirts for the whole family, as well as posters, photography and tickets so you can really trip down memory lane, is serious about its kids' shirts.
You can also get a shirt with a little picture of a red Corvette, or a gray shirt that says "Headed for the Fast Lane".
The Lane University Center is an organization that works toward the mission of building a strong community at the university and bringing students together through activities and events.
One place to check out, if you are already in Florida, is Last Minute Cruise Line Deals, a business specializing in last-minute cruise bookings located at 16555 White Orchid Lane in Delray Beach.
They are available for $28.00.Ruby Lane has a different style of sand dollar earrings with pearls.
Ruby Lane--Ruby Lane sells vintage jewelry and often offers Tiffany necklaces.
Bonanzle and Ruby Lane - These are both websites that also specialize in collectible items.
Ruby Lane is a good source for antique or vintage jewelry boxes featuring birdseye maple.
Hillside Lane Farm has a mousse base that is easily adaptable for vegan recipes.