Landscape Sentence Examples
He looked over his shoulder again at the dark landscape behind him.
In the winter the landscape is bleak and the house is drafty.
The landscape was open and flat, the heat making the ground shimmer.
I have seen our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were almost as green as grass.
The spacious kitchen reminded her of Ully.s lab with its landscape of stainless steel.
A gray brick house dominated the landscape, its ranch style sprawling in a U shape with a garage on one end.
This little nook of Berri, this unknown Vallee Noire, this quiet and unpretentious landscape, which must be sought to find it and loved to be admired, was the sanctuary of my first and latest reveries.
The forest habit in this region is close association of species, and there are " palmares," " algarrobales," " chanarales," &c., and among these open pasture lands, giving to a distant landscape a park-like appearance.
The proportion of evergreens is large, and has a marked effect on the landscape in winter.
The landscape around them was desolate.
AdvertisementThe parish church, effectively situated on an eminence by the side of the lake, was the scene of the ministration of the Rev. John Thomson (1778-1840), the landscape painter, who numbered Sir Walter Scott among his elders.
Gladys Turnbull was walking the town, trying to glean inspiration from the towering mountains to better describe some celestial landscape.
Bordeaux dismounted, surveying the camp, landscape and men in one rolling glance.
The landscape became dimmer, and then she realized she was falling.
As they neared the ranch, the landscape was gorgeous, with rolling hills and scattered trees.
AdvertisementThe landscape around them was bleak, almost as devoid of plant life as the white sands had been.
He'd hitchhiked between towns and walked cross-country, admiring the Irish landscape as he went and cursing the cold, incessant rain of late autumn.
Autumn had begun to creep over New England, promising to transform the landscape into the backdrop that Jackson Parrish so loved.
At the mouth of the Arno, joined to the city by a steam tramway, is the seaside resort of Marina di Pisa, also known as Bocca d'Arno, a well-known centre for landscape painters.
Shadows and reflections were ignored, and perspective, approximately correct for landscape distances, was isometrical for near objects, while the introduction of a symbolic sun or moon lent the sole distinction between a day and a night scene.
AdvertisementAs with other plants growing near water it keeps its leaves longer than do trees in drier situations, and the glossy green foliage lasting after other trees have put on the red or brown of autumn renders it valuable for landscape effect.
His delight in landscape gardening is exemplified in the neighbouring estate of the Leasowes, which was his property.
On the southern it mostly consists of lofty, bleak moorland, affording subsistence for sheep and cattle, and rugged glens and ravines, while on the northern there are many stretches of fertile soil, especially in the valleys and dales, and the landscape is often romantic and beautiful.
Another familiar feature in the landscape is the chain of peel towers crossing the country from coast to coast.
The shepherds, rudely clad in a sleeveless sheepskin jacket, the wool outside, and leather breeches, and loosely wrapped in a woollen mantle or blanket, are among the most striking objects in a Spanish landscape, especially on the table-land.
AdvertisementHis father, Wulbern, originally a landscape painter and subsequently recorder of Gliickstadt, was killed at the siege of that fortress by the Imperialists in 1628.
Hundreds of small tributaries to the greater streams (especially along the Republican and the Logan) complicate and beautify the landscape.
Formerly they were allowed to burn to waste at the mouth of a short chimney place above the furnace top, forming a huge body of flame, which was one of the most striking features of the Black Country landscape at night.
It preceded by over 1300 years what the West has belatedly come to adopt as part of the landscape.
The average user is strangely absent, like the laborer in eighteenth century landscape painting.
For them, the landscape is brought into knowledge and representation in terms of the cultural centrality of the court.
You can also go horseback riding in the beautiful landscape!
There is a landscape oriented color display that also happens to be a touchscreen with stylus support.
Its contrasts are like those of an architectural scheme, not those of a landscape or a drama.
Lycabettus, the most prominent feature in the Athenian landscape, directly overhung the ancient city, but was not included in its walls; its peculiar shape rendered it unsuitable for fortification.
On his return to Berlin he studied art under the sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch and the painter and architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841), proving himself in the end a good draughtsman, a born architect and an excellent landscape gardener.
While the resulting momentary glow wasn't much, it gave a different dimension to the landscape around him.
New South Wales Government - Ministry for the Arts Book here for The Landscape of Childhood Season including acrobat.
Thus the ' landscape ' can be simplified by only including the ' closest ' most appropriate metadata aggregation matching the user's definition.
I believe that the two Bills, taken together can fundamentally alter the landscape of domestic energy for the better " .
Across the landscape are spheres that look like giant anthills.
It's just nonsensical to refuse well-researched planning applications for Wind Farms, in order to protect " landscape value " .
On the basis of comments received, the landscape architect drew up conceptual sketches which formed the basis of the outline design.
Key areas include architecture, planning, landscape architecture, art and design disciplines, geography, interior design and marketing.
Those artworks chosen cover a wide array of disciplines, including examples of traditional landscape painting set against computer based interactive artwork.
Over time, further areas will become available through the natural succession of land-use change in the landscape.
This landscape display has white backlight and a touchscreen for easy use.
The glen provides a good barometer for the extent of native woodland in the landscape.
Below, the landscape is a patchwork bedspread of vineyards and red roofed houses.
The Regeneration Framework provides the 30-year blueprint for dynamic and sustainable change in the landscape and fortunes of Corby.
The age of rpm giving a. bought a house rovers ever went landscape anytime soon.
The remains of prehistoric cairns, ancient raths, souterrains and medieval mottes are all visible across the landscape.
A report on historic landscape characterization in the Elan Valley will appear on the CPAT website in due course.
Wide folding doors open into a spacious uPVC conservatory which overlooks the gardens, grounds and landscape view beyond.
The landscape is one of rolling hills, pasture, small streams, woods and numerous fox coverts.
The second emerging feature of the electoral landscape on which I want to focus is the declining turnout at elections.
The available scene modes are twilight, Twilight portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape, Snow, Beach, Fireworks, Candle.
If your landscape looks bleak during the winter months, consider adding a few winter blooming plants to perk things up.
If your landscape is gray and bleak during the winter, consider planting one or several of the following trees to add a splash of color during the coolest months of the year.
Maple trees can truly add beauty and interest to any landscape design, and their changing leaf colors are highly prized in autumn.
Landscape fabric may be used if you want to kill grass or weeds over a large area, and keep them from growing back.
In your landscape, keep in mind that most bugs are beneficial.
Catch it in landscape view on your iPhone.
This takes on the typical BlackBerry form factor with a smaller landscape oriented display mated with a terrific hardware-based QWERTY keyboard.
Having received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Landscape Management, Ms. Robertson does landscape design consulting working from a perspective that is energy based.
Incorporating a pond into your garden or backyard landscape creates a lovely water feature that allows you to be creative in its design.
Remembering a few simple tips for landscape painting can help you take your skills as an artist to the next level.
Let's go get my landscape off the wall.
The evidences of this travel (which are really incontestable, though a small minority of critics still decline to admit them) consist of (1) some fine drawings, three of them dated 1494 and others undated, but plainly of the same time, in which Diirer has copied, or rather boldly translated into his own Gothic and German style, two famous engravings by Mantegna, a number of the "Tarocchi" prints of single figures which pass erroneously under that master's name, and one by yet another minor master of the North-Italian school; with another drawing dated 1495 and plainly copied from a lost original by Antonio Pollaiuolo, and yet another of an infant Christ copied in 1495 from Lorenzo di Credi, from whom also Diirer took a motive for the composition of one of his earliest Madonnas; (2) several landscape drawings done in the passes of Tirol and the Trentino, which technically will not fit in with any other period of his work, and furnish a clear record of his having crossed the Alps about this date; (3) two or three drawings of the costumes of Venetian courtesans, which he could not have made anywhere but in Venice itself, and one of which is used in his great woodcut Apocalypse series of 1498 (4) a general preoccupation which he shows for some years from this date with the problems of the female nude, treated in a manner for which Italy only could have set him the example; and (5) the clear implication contained in a letter written from Venice in 1506 that he had been there already eleven years before; when things, he says, pleased him much which at the time of writing please him no more.
The quartz takes the shape of long serrated ridges, which are in many places a characteristic feature of the landscape.
But they are eminently sincere, and they have the great merit of illustrating the local aspects of landscape and temperament and manners.
The middle belt is gently undulating; viewed from rare eminences the landscape over the boundless forests resembles a dark green sea, through which the great rivers flow straight between steep, flat-topped banks, with long quiet reaches broken by occasional rapids.
Though Courbet's realistic work is not devoid of importance, it is as a landscape and sea painter that he will be most honoured by posterity.
P. Pinea is the stone pine of "Italy; its spreading rounded canopy of light green foliage, supported on a tall and often branchless trunk, forms a striking feature of the landscape in that country, as well as in some other Mediterranean lands.
The setting sun cast a golden light on the sand, and sharp dune crests wove their languid path across the lunar landscape.
Amateur photographers were free to experiment with landscape photography and some early daguerreotypes and calotypes showing views of Sussex have survived.
Alston & North Pennines A landscape of high moorland, cut through by green dales and impressive natural features.
Then he stood still patiently waiting with his back to the door and looked out on the slowly darkening landscape.
The subject matter is the much derided coastal landscape of Essex.
This guidance has been developed from a review of local landscape designations initiated in 2003.
They therefore represent a finite scientific and economic resource and are a notable determinant of landscape character.
This note of a dreamy, almost a sleepy devilry, was no mere fancy from the landscape.
The hotel could have been finished and the wild and glorious landscape disfigured by a gleaming white testament to rampant tourism.
Like many places in the Sierra Nevada, this is a landscape of dramatic granite domes.
Only when dichotomic relationships between the visually dominant and the invisible are broken down will it be possible to attempt to recontextualise the landscape.
But there are also poor patches of grass and a few small pools to brighten an otherwise drab landscape.
Evidence of this flow pattern is demonstrated by the numerous drumlins that compose much of the landscape.
The passage of this ice is indicated by the many drumlins that typify the landscape.
Farms and villages are concentrated on shallow drumlins, which often form prominent 'islands ' with a relatively diverse, well treed landscape pattern.
The designation of RIGS is one way of recognizing and thereby protecting important earth science and landscape features for the future.
Many people find wind turbines elegant and a pleasing part of the landscape.
It is a film that plays across a hugely emotional landscape which inevitably polarizes people.
There will be sixteen unframed landscape etchings on display from 2nd November 2002 until 28th February 2003.
Every bend of the road reveals new facets of an ancient landscape which has been inhabited for at least 5,000 years.
This distinct landscape feature is internationally recognized for its breathtaking natural beauty.
The landscape during the safari is outstanding and the views of the stunning white fells seem to go on forever!
This golden dematerialized light replaces the starry firmament or the picturesque landscape.
Most of it consists of fertile flatlands that are perfect for farming, with Ridges and gentle hills forming much of its landscape.
Complex tectonic and volcanic forces involving icy viscous fluids combined to develop the deformed pattern of this landscape.
Now advanced planning systems are beginning to enable foresters to blend entire woodlands 'naturally ' into the landscape.
A landscape gardener working on a private garden can not use a sprinkler or hose pipe from the private property's supply.
The conservation of stone walls, hedgerows and traditional stone gateposts would reinforce landscape pattern and character.
Landserf allows students not only to explore a landscape visually, but also to investigate the geomorphology of a region by performing terrain analysis.
The Dynamic Avon The single cable forms a graceful curve to support bridge girders without blocking the view creating a gorgeous landscape.
Along with the Himalayas only the Andes offers the scale of landscape and sheer mountain grandeur.
Water and landscape elements are symbolized by fifteen rocks set in raked gravel.
Through common life, through a certain culture, such a landscape is made habitable.
This study investigated bird distributions in relation to local habitat and landscape pattern and the implications which habitat fragmentation may have for woodland birds.
This is the magical landscape of nature uncluttered by human handiwork.
The relatively wooded character of the thorn hedges gives the landscape a well vegetated appearance.
The known elements of this landscape include henges, barrows, cursuses, and pit alignments.
Its landscape comprises forested hills with rivers cutting through them.
Peaceful wooded valleys, a dramatic coastal landscape and remote windswept hilltops give the Blackdowns a contrasting coastal and upland character.
It can be argued that an equally important component of any'drumlin landscape ' are the similarly numerous inter-drumlin hollows.
Landscape Key Characteristics Rolling drumlins with broad areas of wetland and bog in inter-drumlin hollows; small rounded loughs are fringed by moss.
Again we have a medieval landscape from which science has withdrawn, following a nuclear holocaust which has left humanity genetically damaged.
The European hornbeam is a very common nursery grown landscape tree.
One resident felt that this whole project was a blot on the landscape; the black humps reminded others of German helmets!
Anchored by the already iconic Selfridges building, Bullring is now established as a familiar and much loved part of the cityâs landscape.
The design places great emphasis on minimizing intrusion on the landscape.
These spectacular ruins dominate the landscape, with the remains of the rose window towering above the inn opposite.
The actual surrounding landscape may also be included in these virtual models.
Activity was made more arduous by a rugged landscape and frequent poor weather.
The positive press coverage has helped to promote a new image of rural landscape to a wider audience.
When you first arrive you feel like you have entered a strange world, with an almost lunar landscape.
Fifty percent of the unique prehistoric landscape surrounding the Thornborough Henges has already been denied to posterity for short-term economic gain.
Weathering of the limestone surface created a karst landscape with sinkholes and caves present.
We visit villages and markets driving tho the desert landscape and experiencing the way of life of the Rajputs.
Its central theme is that of the mystical landscape of megaliths, burial mounds and Celtic legend.
Help protect the snow leopards in Nepal's Sacred Himalayan Landscape by taking part in the WWF Walk for Wildlife!
Developed with reference to the Stonehenge Landscape means that they are equally likely to have utility and application elsewhere.
Landscape Key Characteristics Farmed ridges enclosing a lough with tidal mudflats.
The Dromore Lowlands is a relatively low-lying landscape to the south of the Kilwarlin Plateau.
Its generally low-lying landscape is interrupted only where it rises to a height of nearly five hundred feet at its very western end.
The lights of the southern sky bath the landscape in an eerie luminescence, making this camping experience truly remarkable.
The material outlines the underlying causal mechanisms of mass wasting with particular reference to the Australian landscape.
The evidence suggests that the earliest sacred landscape comprised long mounds and decorated menhirs.
In the first part of the trilogy Reggio mapped the natural landscape onto the computer microchip.
With the river ahead the route passes the hanging garden which forms a lovely landscape feature and was built by unemployed miners in 1830.
The landscape is much modified by human activities, with abandoned metalliferous mining and rock quarries a prominent feature of the site.
Here, a much older stylistic tradition of geometric motifs becomes distributed across the landscape in a new pattern.
This dark electric netherworld has become a vast flowering electronic landscape.
It's about a young man's Odyssey, with football the landscape against which his journey unfolds.
Crumbling Roman ruins, glittering Byzantine palaces and mighty Ottoman mosques pepper the landscape and serve as glorious reminders of Turkey's colorful history.
The lowland English farming landscape is a rich palimpsest of settlement and exploitation.
It contains within its borders no less than 83 pre-Reformation catholic parishes, a sign of how the ecclesiastical landscape has changes.
The lovely pergola is ideal to sit outside admiring the surrounding landscape.
Alan undertakes commissions, usually of topographic subjects and enjoys the physicality of working in the landscape.
To be found in landscape pictorial glazed boards are 80 printed pages of 87 all color photographs, the majority being full page.
This therefore precludes most areas of coniferous plantings which are a ' modern ' introduction to the landscape.
The historic landscape area of the Rhondda is located within the dissected plateau of the upland region of Glamorgan, the Blaenau Morgannwg.
The reverse is also attractively painted, showing a truly poetic landscape.
The scene modes you can choose from are twilight, Twilight portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape and Beach.
You can expect to see prefabs become part of the housing landscape of tomorrow as more people realize the benefits.
Constructs of teacher professionalism within a changing literacy landscape.
To include reclamation of land south west of the existing grass sports ground for open recreational uses in an informal landscape setting.
Areas of study include regionalism; East Anglian History and Landscape; Parks and Gardens; Churches and Monasteries; Medieval and Post-Medieval Archeology.
You see a stone plaza, in a landscape vaguely reminiscent of Big Sur.
Identifying drivers for urban renewal using 3d landscape models.
The landscape is also very well suited to outdoor activities such as climbing, horse riding, kayaking, cycling and many water sports.
This previously run-down area is now part of a very attractive landscape.
At the north of Lake Mead is the Valley of Fire State Park, with its fascinating landscape of naturally carved red sandstone.
Additionally the scale of SRC has to be considered to avoid saturation of the landscape by monotonous planting.
Spice plantations of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla punctuate the landscape and tinge the atmosphere with a pleasant spicy scent.
Lakeland Flora Cumbria embraces a rich variety of vegetation in a landscape that ranges from sandy seashore to rocky mountainsides.
Bordered by beautiful seashore and protected by a long ribbon of rolling dunes, the Aquitaine coastline unfolds a superb and varied landscape.
Through the work of key landscape, genre, history and figure painters the evolution of national visual signifiers is analyzed and discussed.
Bradford Center Regeneration is hosting a VIP Marquee in the square, now sold-out, celebrating the city's changing landscape.
Pools are more like little sparklers in a desert landscape.
Most of the villages in the area have strong connections to the days of lead and old mine chimneys still stipple the landscape.
But a small minority remain stubborn in their belief that without The Beatles the musical landscape would be a very different place.
Instead it covers the predominantly suburban and agrarian landscape that separates Bolton and Wigan.
The last poem, LOCAL APATHY, has an endearing quality of slightly subversive collusion with the landscape's secret dreams.
Detailed topography is largely controlled by a succession of Tertiary basalt lava flows that define successive, large-scale steps within the landscape.
They can be used for good or evil, creating a wide swath across the human landscape.
The undulating tablelands are remnants of an elevated and warped landscape.
Much of the infilling probably occurred early in the Holocene, as the landscape adjusted to increasingly temperate conditions.
Tall red mounds of earth, the work of voracious subterranean termites, pepper the landscape as far as the eye can see.
The metaphor of the park, or more generally of landscape, is an important touchstone here.
The landscape is dominated by Glastonbury's conical hill, the Tor, surmounted by a church tower.
Today in Moidart, there are visible traces all over the landscape from the period 1750 - 1850.
Calum is suddenly transfixed; there is a landscape that doesn't look Hungarian.
Out and About From mid summer, the flora and fauna comes alive with the landscape transformed into a lush green paradise.
Along with extensive landscape photography we will also make an excursion onto the open tundra of Dovrefjell to photograph the truly impressive Musk Ox.
If you turn your back on the interpretative panel the landscape contains the unconformity - with Quinag looming above.
The backdrop to the hole with an old stone wall underling the Huddersfield Town center landscape makes you feel on top of the world.
The gentle undulations of Capability Brown's landscape lie beyond.
Elsewhere, the landscape's sensitivity to change is increased by views from the surrounding uplands.
Unenclosed upland forming part of Clwydian hills toward the northern end of the landscape area.
Furthermore, these threads have somewhat diverging ideas of how landscape urbanism might be made manifest.
Both strike a discordant note in the typical Dartmoor landscape of steep-sided wooded valleys carrying rivers and streams down from the moors.
The future appearance and quality of the landscape will reflect how the land and its semi-natural vegetation is utilized and managed.
It was all laid out into lovely lawns and gardens, with pebble paths leading through them and groves of beautiful and stately trees dotting the landscape here and there.
A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature.
When the ponds were firmly frozen, they afforded not only new and shorter routes to many points, but new views from their surfaces of the familiar landscape around them.
Let us together reshape the business landscape of Britain.
Some people regard wind turbines or wind power farms as an eye sore and a blot on the landscape.
They will help you conserve water while providing irrigation to your landscape.
Position the head table so the landscape provides a natural backdrop.
This may be managed so that they come into the garden landscape, so to say, and are seen at a considerable distance from certain points of view.
The austere look of Zen gardens can be achieved at larger scales in the home landscape.
When added on top of landscape fabric, rubber mulch creates a barrier that's almost impervious to weed seeds.
Novice game builders should stick with the normal size and just choose "Landscape" or "Portrait".
When painting a landscape, you don't need to paint everything exactly as it appears.
As with any painting, a landscape should be a balance of both positive and negative space.
Generally, it's best to give preference to the foreground when painting your landscape.
If you have a favorite landscape, consider painting a series that showcases the beauty of this area under different conditions.
A landscape can have a dramatically different look when the seasons change.
One of the most important lessons this episode taught the world is that the Internet has completely transformed the landscape of Information warfare.
While British soldiers in dress uniforms make a great photo op, many soldiers lay their lives on the line in active service wearing uniforms than help them blend in with the landscape.
She stared out the window at the colorless winter landscape.
The golds and reds of the leaves produced a different landscape each day.
When they entered Jackson's bedroom, she noticed the landscape and smiled.
The flight steadied out, and they flew for an hour over the Appalachian landscape.
Turning her attention to the rain-soaked landscape in front of them, she gasped.
The landscape consists for the most part of waste stretches of heath, occasionally slightly overlaid with high fen.
Watch-towers with wooden clappers and the beacons which flashed the alarm along the whole frontier in a few hours are still features in the landscape.
In Warriston cemetery (opened in 1843) in the New Town, were buried Sir James Young Simpson, Alexander Smith the poet, Horatio McCulloch, R.S.A., the landscape painter, the Rev. James Millar, the last Presbyterian chaplain of the castle, and the Rev. James Peddie, the pastor of Bristo Street church.
A mile and a half from the town, on the Lochy, stands the grand old ruin of Inverlochy Castle, a massive quadrangular pile with a round tower at each corner, a favourite subject with landscape painters.
Among the residents have been Edwin Thomas Booth, John Henry Twachtman, the landscape painter, and Henry Osborne Havemeyer (1847-1907), founder of the American Sugar Company.
In contrast with the splendid fertility of Valencia or the south of France, the landscape of this region, like the rest of central Spain, seems almost a continuation of the north African desert area.
During spring, autumn, and winter in particular, the blue-grass (Poa compressa and Poa pratensis) spreads a mat, green, thick, fine and soft, over much of the country, and it is a good winter pasture; about the middle of June it blooms, and, owing to the hue of its seed vessels, gives the landscape a bluish hue.
Caymans, water-hogs (capinchos), several kinds of deer (Cervus paludosus the largest), ounces, opossums, armadillos, vampires, the American ostrich, the ibis, the jabiru, various species popularly called partridges, the pato real or royal duck, the Palamedea cornuta, parrots and parakeets, are among the more notable forms. Insect life is peculiarly abundant; the red stump-like ant-hills are a feature in every landscape, and bees used to be kept in all the mission villages.
A conspicuous feature of the New Mexican landscape is the mesa, a flat-topped hill created by differential erosion and projecting above the surrounding country like a table.
Intrusive dikes - locally known as ironstone - by preventing erosion are often the cause of the flat-topped hills which are a common feature of the landscape.
Until comparatively recent times the surrounding district was in a state of nature with merely a thin coating of turf interspersed with tufts of heath and dwarf thistles, but bare of trees and shrubs and altogether devoid of the works of man, with the exception of a series of prehistoric barrows of the Bronze Age which, singly and in groups, studded the landscape.
The Canzoniere is therefore one long melodious monody poured from the poet's soul, with the indefinite form of a beautiful woman seated in a lovely landscape, a perpetual object of delightful contemplation.
Scattered through the islands are some fifty villages, each possessing its own date groves and cultivation, forming features in the landscape of great fertility and beauty.
The general character of the landscape in the Eastern Division is a succession of steep escarpments formed by the edges of the outcropping beds of harder rock, and long gentle slopes or plains on the dip-slopes, or on the softer layers; clay and hard rock alternating throughout the series.
The most competent opinion inclines to acknowledge the hand of Leonardo, not only in the face of the angel, but also in parts of the drapery and of the landscape background.
The landscape, with its mysterious spiry mountains and winding waters, is very Leonardesque both in this picture and in another contemporary product of the workshop, or as some think of Leonardo's hand, namely a very highly and coldly finished small "Madonna with a Pink" at Munich.
Of many brilliant early drawings by him, the first that can be dated is a study of landscape done in 1473.
The chamber is seen in a perfectly symmetrical perspective, its rear wall pierced by three plain openings which admit the sense of quiet distance and mystery from the open landscape beyond; by the central of these openings, which is the widest of the three, the head and.
Wide areas are often exclusively occupied by conifers, which give the landscape a sombre aspect, suggesting a comparison with the forest vegetation of the Coal period.
Another tree found only in the islands is the capucin (Northea sechellarum), whose massive dead trunks are a striking feature in the landscape.
The flat and round-topped hills (kopjes), which are very numerous on the various plateaus, scarcely afford relief to the eye, which searches the sun-scorched landscape, usually in vain, for running water.
In the summer the dry bed is smooth and very hard, and when the skies are clear the monotony of the landscape is sometimes broken by a mirage.
East of the Cascades the valleys are usually treeless, save for a few willows and cottonwoods in the vicinity of streams. Over the greater part of this region the sage-brush is the most common plant, and by its ubiquity it imparts to the landscape the monotonous greyish tint so characteristic of the arid regions of the western United States.
The artistic taste of the landscape gardening is excellent, and the mountain scenery is not unworthy of Kashmir.
The Haverhill homestead, memorized in Snow-Bound, is also held by trustees " to preserve the natural features of the landscape," and to keep the buildings and furniture somewhat as they were in their minstrel's boyhood.
The landscape here is typical habitat for dwarf birch.
Use landscape orientation when printing the document, then fold to create the A5 booklet.
The landscape has an undulating ridge and valley form.
She recently visited Iceland, drawn by its unique frozen landscape that is still volcanic.
This area also offers one chance of finding the crimson-winged wallcreeper - no mean feat in a landscape so vast.
My view is heightened with a gentle lope by car across the calming, almost whimsical, landscape.
Kilpatrick and Lima (1999) investigated the effects of archery hunting on movement and activity of female white-tailed deer in an urban landscape.
Because of its varied natural landscape you can ride along paths and roads as well as into untouched wilderness.
Mankind's impact on the landscape has been such that no vestige of the original wildwood remains.
The ghost of the ancient wildwood is still very apparent in the landscape.
The game is set in the landscape of the human imagination, and I find the creative possibilities it offers utterly wonderful.
However, she also came to believe that these landscape effigies formed part of a larger design, and very possibly a terrestrial zodiac.
Throughout the 19th century so fatal was the hold obtained on the popular mind by the technical expert's view of instrumentation, that it was impossible to hear the works of Handel and Bach without "additional accompaniments" conceived in terms of art as irrelevant to those of 18th-century polyphonys as the terms of Turnerian landscape are irrelevant to the decoration of the outside walls of a cathedral.
From the 1 0th century onwards the art of landscape gardening steadily grew into a science, with esoteric as well as exoteric aspects, and with a special vocabulary.
On the landward side, the long walls running from the town to the castle of San Giovanni, far above, form a striking feature in the landscape; and the heights of the Krivoscie or Crevoscia (Krvvosije), a group of barren mountains between Montenegro, Herzegovina and the sea, are crowned by small forts.
A snowy night closed upon the world, and in the morning one could scarcely recognize a feature of the landscape.
Miss Sullivan, who knows her pupil's mind, selects from the passing landscape essential elements, which give a certain clearness to Miss Keller's imagined view of an outer world that to our eyes is confused and overloaded with particulars.
Whichever way we turned, it seemed that the heavens and the earth had met together, since he enhanced the beauty of the landscape.
Early in May, the oaks, hickories, maples, and other trees, just putting out amidst the pine woods around the pond, imparted a brightness like sunshine to the landscape, especially in cloudy days, as if the sun were breaking through mists and shining faintly on the hillsides here and there.
Beside that the surrounding landscape is quite spectacular and the dry puna vegetation is home to some interesting birds.
Borrow a receiver and map to explore the streets alongside the road and discover this invisible layer of speech and music reanimating the landscape.
Traditional Japanese landscape and architecture are recreated in rich detail.
Elgar 's music was redolent of the English landscape, and another composer who was equally influenced by this was Vaughan Williams.
Areas of study include Regionalism; East Anglian History and Landscape; Parks and Gardens; Churches and Monasteries; Medieval and Post-Medieval Archeology.
Part of this success is down to the reshaping of the research landscape.
See how great rumps of vivid horses rise like landscape in the foreground !
Enjoy a warm welcome, a superb traditional English breakfast and the peace and serenity of an ancient landscape unspoiled by the twentieth century.
Joseph Paxton and Thomas Smith were employed to landscape the demesne with serpentine walks and formal gardens.
Higher Walton A small village located in the west of the boro nestling in the attractive landscape of the valley of the River Darwen.
Bradford Center Regeneration is hosting a VIP Marquee in the square, now sold-out, celebrating the city 's changing landscape.
And many of her own dawn visits were clearly heightened experiences in the midst of the beauty and solitude of an ancient landscape.
The landscape was once littered with horrific factories spewing out filthy black smoke into the atmosphere, leaving it permanently enveloped in black gloom.
In the early phase the barrow had bare chalk sides, and would have stood stark against the landscape.
The drama unfolds over a landscape under threat from a dam, which will submerge the area forever.
The last poem, LOCAL APATHY, has an endearing quality of slightly subversive collusion with the landscape 's secret dreams.
Results Rapid developments in ceramic typologies and methods of dating have now made it possible to map with confidence landscape activity over time.
However, typographical errors and inaccurate information are unavoidable with a project this size and with an ever changing medical landscape.
The drift geology map for this LCA shows a landscape that is largely underlain by Late Midlandian till.
Some of these barrows are difficult to see as many of them are just undulations in the landscape.
The gentle undulations of Capability Brown 's landscape lie beyond.
Elsewhere, the landscape 's sensitivity to change is increased by views from the surrounding uplands.
The wall paintings are vibrant with color and bring to life the country and its natural landscape.
This area also offers one chance of finding the crimson-winged Wallcreeper - no mean feat in a landscape so vast.
Mankind 's impact on the landscape has been such that no vestige of the original wildwood remains.
Pollard Willows Old pollard willows are one of the most characteristic features of Cambridgeshire 's wetland landscape.
Tessa was absolutely beguiled by the beauty of the New Zealand landscape.
They offer pants for hiking, skiing, rainy conditions or simply making across the urban landscape.
Started in 1996, Bizrate is an early leader in the online comparison shopping landscape with the launch of the first-ever online customer ratings platform.
Debt management is a big issue because the financial landscape in the United States has changed drastically over the past 75 years.
You want to landscape as close to nature as possible so as to be less intrusive.
You may choose to construct your own bin, which allows you to better integrate it into your landscape.
Some individuals may find wind turbines an obtrusive feature to the landscape that can detract from the scenic quality of a neighborhood or area, perhaps even affecting property values.
However, after surveying the landscape of reviews it seems that customers had more positive experiences with this company as compared to others, such as Acai Berry Supreme.
For example, if you've chosen a large water color landscape for your walls, study all aspects of it, including the colors used in the paint, the background, the matt and the frame.
Accessories include rows of leather books, delicate porcelain figures and landscape paintings.
The gardens at Lyndhurst are an excellent example of 19th century landscape design.
Colors taken from the Tuscan landscape make up the typical interior color scheme.
The pattern of a mosaic can be random, or the fragmented pieces can recreate the imagery of a landscape, still-life, or portrait.
He believed in designing to the scale of the human and integrating buildings gracefully within the landscape.
The rich, warm color palette of a Tuscan kitchen is found naturally in the Italian landscape, which means the décor will blend with nature.
The desert lends itself to many design concepts that mimic the russets and golds of the natural landscape. abstract representations of desert sunsets.
Most virtual life games are found online, over the vast landscape of the Internet, but you do have a couple of options to play one of these kinds of games on your console or as a separate PC program.
Check to see whether cameras offer widescreen angle shots to be taken in landscape mode.
Film cameras may also modes to choose from, such as portrait or landscape.
For example, if you are looking to hit it big in the wedding photography market, it doesn’t pay to read a book that addresses sports or landscape genres.
There are sixteen countries that border the Mediterranean Sea and this culinary landscape yields many common characteristics.
Or consider using a landscape sticker, such as a winding road, beach scene or mountain landscape, as your border, even if you don't use it on all four sides of the page.
Note whether the mats are situated for a landscape or portrait orientation.
These snapshots of the Disney landscape along with shapes cut from Disney Cricut cartridges will accentuate your layouts just like they add to the magic of the "Happiest Place on Earth".
Enlarge a portion of a pretty landscape photo; then adjust the opacity to make a subtle background.
From babysitting to doing lawn and landscape work, there is a job for just about any teen that wants one.
Let the stunning beauty of the landscape shine through by choosing a palette with neutral tones.
Change the page orientation so that it is "landscape" or "horizontal."
Patterns based on these themes reflect the natural beauty of the Asian landscape.
He is heralded for his landscape painting, including the popular Water Lily Pond.
It's no surprise that silicone "improvements" pepper the Hollywood landscape, but some of these celebrity implants may surprise you.
With the ever-changing landscape of Tinseltown, new names are sure to be added to the list of richest stars.
Developing your niche skills differs from enhancing your current business skills because the business landscape is ever evolving with new rules, regulations, business models and environments.
Once you've done all you can to tidy up the landscape, you may choose to apply tick control dust or spray to the remaining plant life.
Be sure to check your dog for ticks periodically, and if you live in an area known to have high tick traffic, take precautions to make your landscape inhospitable for the little buggers.
With so many varieties to choose from, there's almost surely a dogwood that will fit your climate and landscape design.
A number of kinds have of recent years come to us from China and Japan and other northern regions, but as yet we have little evidence of their value in the home landscape.
Its broad silvery foliage makes it show in the landscape, and it is a valuable park tree.
A tree of such beauty should be grouped wherever water enters into the home landscape, the fresh green of the leaves being a welcome gain.
With so many varieties to choose from, there's bound to be a vine that will thrive in your climate and add interest to your landscape.
Whether you are creating a new landscape or just looking for a bright annual for a porch color bowl, you can find the information you need as well as people just like you.
The type of garden known today as a Zen Garden is called in Japanese kare san-sui, or dry landscape.
The landscape outside the garden that can be seen from within it was considered an extension of the garden.
Expanses of white gravel are seen in other types of spaces in Japanese landscape design, such as entrances to palaces; in the Shinto tradition it symbolizes purified space.
A formal dry garden could be the focal point of your landscape, or the style of the garden could be conveyed through the use of areas of sand and gravel.
Landscape lighting will increase both the beauty and the safety of your house and garden.
Well-designed landscape lighting increases the beauty of the garden at night.
Most traditional landscape lighting systems were line voltage systems.
This is the most popular landscape lighting for homeowners today.
Use them as part of the overall landscape.
These boxes or barrels can be placed anywhere in the landscape, from a single planter on the patio to a series of terraced beds on a hillside.
This allows you to see different ideas and helps you to view how they will work with your current landscape.
Another option is to hire a landscape designer.
Having a fall garden planting schedule is a great way to extend your growing season as well as make necessary improvements to your landscape.
They can range from small landscape plant to majestic, towering trees reaching 100 feet tall or more.
While palm trees make an amazing addition to the landscape, you should be aware that they can have problems as well.
The best course of action is to avoid using disease prone varieties in your landscape.