Lampreys Sentence Examples
The kinds of greatest economic value are sturgeon, shad, salmon, lampreys, eels, pike and whiting.
The lampreys are readily recognized by their long, eel-like, scaleless body, terminating anteriorly in the circular, suctorial mouth characteristic of the whole sub-class.
Owing to the long line of coast and the numerous lakes, fishing forms an important industry, and large quantities of herrings, eels and lampreys are sent from Pomerania to other parts of Germany.
Vedius Pollio, in the time of Augustus, was said to have thrown his slaves, condemned sometimes for trivial mistakes or even accidents, to the lampreys in his fishpond.
Lampreys, especially the sea-lamprey, are esteemed as food, formerly more so than at present; but their flesh is not easy of digestion.
The development of lampreys has received much attention on the part of naturalists, since Aug.
Celebrated are its lampreys, Luneburger Bricken.
Salmon, lampreys and eels are caught in some of the larger rivers; trout abound in the streams of the northern provinces; but many fresh-water fish common elsewhere in Europe, including pike, perch, tench and chub, are not found.
Lampreys, sticklebacks, cattoids, sturgeons - the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) is commonly known as the "Oregon sturgeon" - trout and salmon are the principal anadromous fish, the salmon and trout being the most important economically.
The Douro yields an abundance of fish, especially trout, shad and lampreys.
AdvertisementThe rivers yield abundant fish, salmon (in the Elbe), sturgeon and lampreys.
Filming opportunities can also be organized at the river Usk, with surveyors demonstrating the electrofishing technique used to catch lampreys.
One sample collected near Hay-on-Wye contained 310 juvenile sea lampreys.
At Bauli, Pompey and Hortensius possessed villas, the former on the hills, while that of the latter, on the shores of the Lacus Lucrinus, was remarkable for its tame lampreys and as the scene of the dialogue in the second book of Cicero's Academica Priora; it afterwards became imperial property and was the scene of Agrippina's murder by Nero.
They are similar to those found in rivers; but as there are no suckers nor lampreys here, I know not by what fish they could be made.
AdvertisementWhy do they ALWAYS describe it as " a surfeit of lampreys " all posh and Olde English so nobody can understand?