Ladies Sentence Examples
Did you ladies have a nice visit?
Many ladies and gentlemen came to see us.
Gentlemen don't stare at ladies' unmentionables.
Next morning Marya Dmitrievna took the young ladies to the Iberian shrine of the Mother of God and to Madame Suppert-Roguet, who was so afraid of Marya Dmitrievna that she always let her have costumes at a loss merely to get rid of her.
The ladies were crawling all over the ice park for a peek at him.
An attendant deferentially and quickly slipped before the ladies and opened the door of their box.
Dolokhov and Anatole Kuragin have turned all our ladies' heads.
One must wonder if the young ladies realize the ordeal that lies before them.
Used for ladies' coats, stoles, muffs, hats and trimmings.
It was decided that the count must not go, but that if Louisa Ivanovna (Madame Schoss) would go with them, the young ladies might go to the Melyukovs', Sonya, generally so timid and shy, more urgently than anyone begging Louisa Ivanovna not to refuse.
AdvertisementPelageya Danilovna began to recognize the mummers, admired their cleverly contrived costumes, and particularly how they suited the young ladies, and she thanked them all for having entertained her so well.
Young ladies, married and unmarried, liked him because without making love to any of them, he was equally amiable to all, especially after supper.
The music sounded louder and through the door rows of brightly lit boxes in which ladies sat with bare arms and shoulders, and noisy stalls brilliant with uniforms, glittered before their eyes.
As Shinshin had remarked, from the time of his arrival Anatole had turned the heads of the Moscow ladies, especially by the fact that he slighted them and plainly preferred the gypsy girls and French actresses--with the chief of whom, Mademoiselle George, he was said to be on intimate relations.
Countess Bezukhova was present among other Russian ladies who had followed the sovereign from Petersburg to Vilna and eclipsed the refined Polish ladies by her massive, so-called Russian type of beauty.
AdvertisementFrom all the windows of the streets through which he rode, rugs, flags, and his monogram were displayed, and the Polish ladies, welcoming him, waved their handkerchiefs to him.
From habit she scrutinized the ladies' dresses, condemned the bearing of a lady standing close by who was not crossing herself properly but in a cramped manner, and again she thought with vexation that she was herself being judged and was judging others, and suddenly, at the sound of the service, she felt horrified at her own vileness, horrified that the former purity of her soul was again lost to her.
The first people to go away were the rich educated people who knew quite well that Vienna and Berlin had remained intact and that during Napoleon's occupation the inhabitants had spent their time pleasantly in the company of the charming Frenchmen whom the Russians, and especially the Russian ladies, then liked so much.
They knew that it was for the army to fight, and that if it could not succeed it would not do to take young ladies and house serfs to the Three Hills quarter of Moscow to fight Napoleon, and that they must go away, sorry as they were to abandon their property to destruction.
I opened the door to the questioning looks of the ladies.
AdvertisementI served my time, all twelve years, three months and sixteen days of it, but it pales in the face of suffering I poured on these young ladies.
Gladly. Come with me, ladies.
Smiling Acting Sheriff Fitzgerald, dressed in his uniform, greeted Dean graciously as he poured charm on the ladies.
Miss Worthington was the one that actually found them ladies.
I best make an inventory of this stuff before I turn it over to the ladies.
AdvertisementAnd I need to be top-alert today, with all the research stuff I have to do before them Boston ladies get here.
I'd try to smooth over the missing picture with Miss Worthington by telling her about this here notebook, but I can't be sure she'd keep her mouth shut and not blab about it to the Quincy ladies.
After further travels on the continent he returned to London, where he posed as the founder of a new system of freemasonry, and was well received in the best society, being adored by the ladies.
America can claim a list of over twenty specialist clubs, and in both countries women exhibitors have their independent associations, Queen Alexandra having become one of the chief supporters of the Ladies' Kennel Association (England).
Among his most satisfactory productions are some of his earlier ones, such as the full-length of the duke of Argyll, and the numerous bust-portraits of Scottish gentlemen and their ladies which he executed before settling in London.
One of the earliest and best-known private schools is the orphanage at Serajevo, founded in 1869 by two English ladies, Miss Irby and Miss Mackenzie.
This root-and-branch policy proved enormously successful, and George Watson's college, Stewart's college, Queen Street ladies' college, George Square ladies' college, Gillespie's school, and others, rapidly took a high place among the educational institutions of the city.
White Ladies was a Cistercian nunnery; and the slight remains are Norman.
Polite Danes were wont to say that a man wrote Latin to his friends, talked French to the ladies, called his dogs in German, and only used Danish to swear at his servants.
As good text-books, for which the so-called " Ladies' Prize " was awarded by the academy, we may mention the Termeszettan (Physics) and Termeszettani foldrajz (Physical Geography) of Julius Greguss.
He went to Berlin as major and military attaché, and there, from 1909 to 1911, he pursued his military studies and enjoyed a social career as a ladies' favourite.
From before his election he had been in high favour with the Roman aristocracy, and especially with the great ladies.
He was largely instrumental in the inauguration of the House of Laymen in the province of Canterbury (1886); he made diligent inquiries as to the internal order of the sisterhoods of which he was visitor; from 1884 onwards he gave regular Bible readings for ladies in Lambeth Palace chapel.
Mrs Pepys went on one occasion specially to observe the fashions of the ladies because she was then "making some clothes."
He had retired to enjoy the company of the ladies ZEthelgifu (perhaps his foster-mother) and her daughter iElfgifu, whom the king intended to marry.
In 357 Constantius, at the urgent request of an influential deputation of Roman ladies, agreed to the release of Liberius on condition that he signed the semi-Arian creed.
Both are highly valued for the sake of the shell, which has always been a favorite material for ladies combs and hairpins.
There happened to be among the court ladies one Hiyeda no Are, who was gifted with an extraordinary memory.
The proper feminine form is sahiba; but the hybrid term memsahib (from madam and sahib) is universally used in India for European ladies.
Godey's Lady's Book was long popular, and the Ladies Home Journal (1883) and the-Woman's Home Companion (1893) are now current.
The election was marked by an amazing outflow of caricatures and squibs, by weeks of rioting in which Lord Hood's sailors fought pitched battles in St James's Street with Fox's hackney coachmen, and by the intrepid canvassing of Whig ladies.
In the rebellion of 1857 the troops stationed at Aligarh mutinied, but abstained from murdering their officers, who, with the other residents and ladies and children, succeeded in reaching Hathras.
His name first appears in the Ladies' Diary (a poetical and mathematical almanac which was begun in 1704, and lasted till 1871) in 1764; ten years later he was appointed editor of the almanac, a post which he retained till 1817.
Tortrix scytale, one of the "coral-snakes" of tropical South America, is beautiful coral-red with black rings, grows to nearly a yard in length, and is said sometimes to be worn as a necklace by native ladies.
He was a zealous defender of that monastic life which was beginning to take such a large place in the church of the 4th century, and he found enthusiastic disciples among the Roman ladies.
There he was joined by two wealthy Roman ladies, Paula, a widow, and Eustochium, her daughter, one of Jerome's Hebrew students.
Accompanied by these ladies Jerome made the tour of Palestine, carefully noting with a scholar's keenness the various places mentioned in Holy Scripture.
In June she followed the king to England (after distributing all her effects in Edinburgh among her ladies) with the prince and the coffin containing the body of her dead infant, and reached Windsor on the 2nd of July, where amidst other forms of good fortune she entered into the possession of Queen Elizabeth's 6000 dresses.
Thus for the benefit of Madame de Lamballe the queen revived the superfluous and expensive office of superintendent of her household, which led constant disagreements and jealousies among her ladies and offended many important families.
From this date, by a succession of royal charters and private gifts, the nunnery amassed vast wealth and privileges, and became a fashionable retreat for ladies of high rank, among whose number were Eleanor, widow of Henry III., and Mary, daughter of Edward I.
He was first known as a mathematician by his essays in the Ladies' Diary for 1744.
After this we find him at the head of a convent near Arnesi in Pontus, in which his mother Emilia, now a widow, his sister Macrina and several other ladies, gave themselves to a pious life of prayer and charitable works.
Its plumes are those most generally used as ornaments for ladies' head-dresses.
In Paris, too, at this time he made a whimsical but pleasant friendship. Marie de Jars de Gournay (1565-1645), one of the most learned ladies of the 16th and 17th centuries, had conceived such a veneration for the author of the Essays that, though a very young girl and connected with many noble families, she travelled to the capital on purpose to make his acquaintance.
The In February 1839 this young lady, a daughter of the "Bed- marquis of Hastings, and a maid of honour to the chamber duchess of Kent, was accused by certain ladies of Plat' the bedchamber of immoral conduct.
Sir Robert was ready to form a cabinet in which the duke of Wellington, Lords Lyndhurst, Aberdeen and Stanley, and Sir James Graham would have served; but he stipulated that the mistress of the robes and the ladies of the bedchamber appointed by the Whig administration should be removed, and to this the queen would not consent.
The ladies of the bedchamber were so unpopular in consequence of their behaviour to Lady Flora Hastings that the public took alarm at the notion that the queen had fallen into the hands of an intriguing coterie; and Lord Melbourne, who was accused of wishing to rule on the strength of court favour, resumed office with diminished prestige.
Going in state to Ascot the queen was hissed by some ladies as her carriage drove on to the course, and two peeresses, one of them a Tory duchess, were openly accused of this unseemly act.
It was an untoward coincidence that Lady Flora Hastings died on the 5th of July, for though, she repeated on her deathbed, and wished it to be published, that the queen had taken no part whatever in the proceedings which had shortened her life, it was remarked that the ladies who were believed to have persecuted her still retained the sovereign's favour.
Her majesty personally superintended the committees of ladies who organized relief for the wounded; she helped Florence Nightin War.
It was religion which first induced ladies, in the earlier centuries of Christianity, to take up the care of the sick as a charitable duty.
Among them the Baden Ladies' Society, founded in 1859 by the Grand Duchess Luise, deserves mention.
The township had important herring fisheries in early times and manufactured straw hats (from 1828) and ladies' dress goods.
Yakub erected his orda or palace on the site of the amban's residence, and two hundred ladies of his harem occupied a commodious enclosure hard by.
There are, besides, a theological academy, founded in 1615; a society of church archaeology, which possesses a museum built in 1900, very rich in old ikons, crosses, &c., both Russian and Oriental; an imperial academy of music; university courses for ladies; a polytechnic, with 1300 students - the building was completed in 190o and stands on the other side of Old Kiev, away from the river.
The city has three well-equipped hospitals, the beautiful Pentucket club house, a children's home, an old ladies' home and numerous charitable organizations.
Three years later he married (21st of December 1546) Mildred, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, who was ranked by Ascham with Lady Jane Grey as one of the two most learned ladies in the kingdom, and whose sister, Anne, became the wife of Sir Nicholas, and the mother of Sir Francis, Bacon.
She was educated at Cheltenham Ladies' College and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and afterwards for some years did settlement work in Liverpool.
Ladies generally have the aid of a block or a groom's or escort's hand beneath the left foot.
We find that at Arthur's birth (according to Layamon, who here differs from Wace), three ladies appeared and prophesied his future greatness.
Like her daughter-in-law Theophano and other exalted ladies of this period, Adelaide possessed considerable literary attainments (literatissima erat), and her knowledge of Latin was of use to Otto I., who only learned the language late in life and remained to the end a poor scholar.
In 1917 she was appointed chairman of the woman's committee of the Council of National Defense, and in 1918 edited for this committee a department in the Ladies' Home Journal.
The sudden death of the duchess, attributed on dubious evidence to poison, left her unprovided for, but the king placed her among the ladies in waiting of his own queen.
Even Gautier, while he contends that chivalry did much to refine morality, is compelled to admit the prevailing immorality to which medieval romances testify, and the extraordinary free behaviour of the unmarried ladies.
Although, as Sir Harris Nicolas observes, nothing is now known of the form of admitting ladies into the order, the description applied to them in the records during the 14th and 15th centuries leaves no doubt that they were regularly received into it.
Startling as such words are, it is perhaps still more startling to find how frequently and naturally, in the highest society, ladies were degraded by personal violence.
Smyth's record of this great family shows that, from the middle of the r3th century onwards, the lords were not only statesmen and warriors, but still more distinguished as gentlemen-farmers on a great scale, even selling fruit from the castle gardens, while their ladies would go round on tours of inspection from dairy to dairy.
In addition to the above, there are two British orders confined to ladies.
Its primary object is to recognize the services of ladies connected with the court of India.
The Order of the Starry Cross, for high-born ladies of the Roman Catholic faith who devote themselves to good works, spiritual and temporal, was founded in 1668 by the empress -Eleanor, widow of the emperor Ferdinand III.
The Order of Elizabeth, also for ladies, was founded in 1898.
There are also the two illustrious orders for ladies, the Order of Elizabeth.
The foundations of St Anne of Munich and of St Anne of Wiirzburg for ladies are not properly orders.
There are also for ladies the Order of Service, founded in 1814 by Frederick William III., in one class, but enlarged in 1850 and in 1865.
The decoration of merit for ladies (Verdienst-kreuz), founded in 1870, was raised to an order in 1907.
For ladies there are the Order of Sidonia, 1870, in memory of the wife of Albert the Bold, the mother (Stamm-Mutter) of the Albertine line; and the Maria Anna Order, 1906.
Besides the military Order of Merit founded in 1759, and the silver cross of merit, 1900, Wurttemberg has also the Order of Frederick, 1830, and the Order of Olga, 1871, which is granted to ladies as well as men.
There are also the Order of Our Lady of Villa Vicosa (1819), for both sexes, and the Order of St Isabella, 1801, for ladies.
The grand cross is only for members of the imperial house and ladies of the highest nobility.
Other Spanish orders are the Maria Louisa, 1792, for noble ladies; the military and naval orders of merit of St Ferdinand, founded by the Cortes in 1811.
There is also an order for ladies, that of the Crown, founded in five classes in 1888.
There is also the Nischan-i-Aftab, for ladies, founded in 1873.
During his residence in Kendal, Dalton had contributed solutions of problems and questions on various subjects to the Gentlemen's and Ladies' Diaries, and in 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which during the succeeding fifty-seven VII.
The Society for Promoting Female Education in the East (now absorbed by others, chiefly by the Church Missionary Society) was founded in 1834; the Scottish Ladies' Association for the Advancement of Female Education in India (which subsequently became two associations, for more general work, in connexion with the Established and Free Churches of Scotland respectively) in 1837; the Indian Female Normal School Society (now the Zenana Bible and Medical Mission) in 1861 (taking over an association dating from 1852); the Wesleyan Ladies' Auxiliary in 1859; the Women's Association of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and the Baptist Zenana Mission, in 1867; The London Society's Female Branch, in 1875; the Church of England Zenana Society (an offshoot from the Indian Female Society) in 1880.
The city has a public library and a library owned by the Ladies' Library Association, and is the seat of the Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1885).
They are excellent for linings of ladies' coats, being of light weight and fairly strong in the pelt.
The best are the pale bluish greys, and are chiefly used for ladies' coats, stoles, muffs and hats.
They are used principally for linings of good evening wraps for ladies.
It is a very useful fur for men's coat linings and ladies' driving or motoring coats, being warm, durable and not too heavy.
They are excellent for men's coat linings and the outside of ladies' coats, for stoles, muffs, collars and cuffs.
Formerly the fur was only used for hatters' felt, but with the rise in prices of furs these skins have been more carefully removed and-with improved dressing, unhairing and silvering processes-the best provides a very effective and suitable fur for ladies' coats, capes, stoles, muffs, hats and gloves, while the lower qualities make very useful, light-weighted and inexpensive linings for men's or women's driving coats.
The pelts, although very light, are tough and durable, hence their good reputation for linings for ladies' walking or driving coats.
The "Paris Model" figure is the basis of these estimates for ladies' garments, the standard measurements being height 5 ft.
Sable gills, the strongest fur suited for ladies' linings, is taken as the standard.
In a playful letter to Dr Clephane, he describes his satisfaction at his appointment, and attributes it in some measure to the support of " the ladies."
The river furnishes good water-power, and among the manufactures are wood-working machinery, ploughs, steam pumps, windmills, gas engines, paper-mill machinery, cutlery, flour, ladies' shoes, cyclometers and paper; the total value of the factory product in 1905 was $4,485,224, being 60.2% more than in 1900.
During the 14th century, indeed, numerous new beguinages were established; but ladies of rank and wealth ceased to enter them, and they tended to'become more and more mere almshouses for poor women.
They are now chiefly valued for the hair, that of the European badger being used in the manufacture of the best shaving-brushes while the softer hair of the American species is employed for the same purpose, and also for painters' pencils, and the fur is used for articles of ladies' apparel and trimmings.
Ladies were generally included in the first organization of the League, but subsequently a separate Ladies' Branch and Grand Council were formed.
The founder of the Ladies' Grand Council was Lady Borthwick (afterwards Lady Glenesk), and the first meeting of the committee took place at her house in Piccadilly on the 2nd of March 1885.
It has an academy of practical medicine, a commercial high school, a theological seminary, four Gymnasia (classical schools), numerous lower-grade schools, a conservatory of music and several high-grade ladies' colleges.
The Anglican church of St Collen, Norman and Early English, has a monument in the churchyard to the "Ladies of Llangollen," Lady Eleanor Butler and Hon.
He received Johnson's homage with the most winning affability, and requited it with a few guineas, bestowed doubtless in a very graceful manner, but was by no means desirous to see all his carpets blackened with the London mud, and his soups and wines thrown to right and left over the gowns of fine ladies and the waistcoats of fine gentlemen, by an absent, awkward scholar, who gave strange starts and uttered strange growls, who dressed like a scarecrow and ate like a cormorant.
Johnson, not content with turning filthy savages, ignorant of their letters, and gorged with raw steaks cut from living cows, into philosophers as eloquent and enlightened as himself or his friend Burke, and into ladies as highly accomplished as Mrs Lennox or Mrs Sheridan, transferred the whole domestic system of England to Egypt.
Huggens College, with residences for impoverished ladies, was established in 1847 by John Huggens of Sittingbourne.
The leaves of the henna plant are used to impart a bright red color to the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the nails of both hands and feet, of women and children, the hair of old ladies and the tails of horses.
Many ladies of the upper classes now dress in European style, with certain modifications, such as the head-veil.
In going abroad the ladies wear above their indoor dress a loose robe of colored silk without sleeves, and nearly open at the sides, and above it a large enveloping piece of black silk, which is brought over the head, and gathered round the person by the arms and hands on each side.
Ladies use slippers of yellow morocco, and abroad, inner boots of the same material, above which they wear, in either case, thick shoes, having only toes.
Ladies of the upper or middle classes lead a life of extreme inactivity, spending their time at the bath, which is the general place of gossip, or in receiving visits, embroidering, and the like, and in absolute dolce far niente.
Ladies ride asses and sit astride.
Women could also hold priestly rank, though apparently in early times only in the service of goddesses; priestess of Hathor is a frequent title of well-born ladies in the Old Kingdom.
We know nothing of the authors of these poems, which treat of the heroic adventures of the great warriors and lovely ladies of the chivalric age in strains of artless but often exquisite beauty.
At Frederick's court ladies were seldom seen, a circumstance that gave occasion to much scandal for which there seems to have been no foundation.
An appeal to Austria met with little success, for the offences of the Uskoks were outweighed by their services against the Turks; while, if Minucci may be trusted, a share of their spoils, in silk, velvet and jewels, went to the ladies of the Archducal Court of Graz, where the matter was negotiated.
It has also important and growing manufactures of ladies' mantles, boots and shoes, machines, furniture, woollen goods, musical instruments, agricultural machinery and implements, leather, tobacco, chemicals, &c. Brewing, bleaching and dyeing are also carried on on a large scale, and there are extensive railway works and a government rifle factory.
Their resentment was inflamed by a powerful party, embracing the magistrates, the ministers, the favourite eunuchs, the ladies of the court, and Eudoxia the empress herself, against whom the preacher thundered daily from the pulpit of St Sophia.
Hegel the tourist - recalling happy days spent together; confessing that, were it not because of his sense of duty as a traveller, he would rather be at home, dividing his time between his books and his wife; commenting on the shop windows at Vienna; describing the straw hats of the Parisian ladies - is a contrast to the professor of a profound philosophical system.
She had been a Cistercian nun in the convent of Nimtzch near Grimma - a convent reserved for ladies of noble birth.
Women enjoyed a high position, and some of the most beautiful hymns were composed by ladies and queens.
Ladies usually wear shoes of this fashion, known as phiri juti.
But perhaps the most singular scene is the council of three great ladies presided over by Servilia at Antium, which decides the movements of Brutus and Cassius in June 44 B.C., when Cassius " looking very fierce - you would say that he was breathing fire and sword " - blustered concerning what he considered an insult, viz.
Moqtadir, though not devoid of noble qualities, allowed himself to be governed by his mother and her ladies and eunuchs.
Upon the arrival of the procession at the house of the bride the gentlemen gallantly remain outside, leaving room for the ladies to enter the house as the escort of the bridegroom.
Ladies gorgeously clad, and knights, showing by their dress and bearing their anxiety to revive the glories and the follies of the age of chivalry, jostled mountebanks, mendicants and vendors of all kinds.
In Madison are a King's Daughters' Hospital, a children's home, and the Drusilla home for old ladies, and immediately north of the city are the buildings of the Indiana South-eastern Insane Hospital.
But lords, ladies and burghers also crowded around his bed, and his colleague and his servant have severally transmitted to us the words in which his weakness daily strove with pain, rising on the day before his death into a solemn exultation - yet characteristically, not so much on his own account as for "the troubled Church of God."
The face on important occasions is usually much painted, save by young ladies in the heyday of beauty.
The Persian ladies hair is very luxuriant and never cut; it is nearly always dyed red with henna, or with indigo to a blue-black tinge; it is naturally a glossy black.
In winter a pair of very short white cotton socks are used, and tiny slippers with a high heel; in summer, in the house ladies go often barefoot.
It is a strange custom with the Persian ladies to dress little girls as boys, and little boys as girls, till they reach the age of seven or eight years; this is often done for fun, or on account of some vowoftenQr to avert the evil eye.
It provided especially against a recurrence of the proved causes of war, such as extorting taxes from Persian travellers or pilgrims, disrespect to the ladies of the royal harem and other ladies of rank proceeding to Mecca or Karbala (Kerbela), irregular levies of custom-duties, non-punishment of Kurdish depredators transgressing the boundary, and the like.
Meantime (in April 1898) the Mendi tribes rose, and massacred several British and American missionaries, including four ladies, at Rotifunk and Taiama, some native officials (Sierra Leonis) in the Imperri district, and a large number of police throughout the country.
Fenelon remained at Saint Sulpice till 1679, when he was made "superior" of a "New Catholic" sisterhood in Paris - an institution devoted to the conversion of Huguenot ladies.
At the same time as the invasion of Italy they had made fresh descents into the Danube valley and the upper Balkan, and perhaps may have pushed into southern Russia, but at this time they never made their way into Greece, though the Athenian ladies copied the style of hair and dress of the Cimbrian women.
By his second wife, Mary Fleming, one of Queen Mary's ladies, whom he married in 1567, he had a son and daughter.
Equestrian seals of barons and knights; the seals of ladies of rank; the armorial seals of the gentry; and the endless examples, chiefly of private seals, with devices of all kinds, sacred and profane, ranging from the finely engraved work of art down to the roughly cut merchant's mark of the trader and the simple initial letfer of the yeoman, typical of the time when everybody had his seal.
Ladies' seals and some classes of ecclesiastical and monastic seals are of pointed oval form, which is Shapes.
On ladies' seals the owner is often gracefully depicted standing and holding flower or bird, or with shields of arms. After the 14th century, the figures of ladies, other than queens, vanish from seals.
It is to be remarked that the standing figure of the bishop in episcopal seals, of the abbot in monastic seals and of the lady in ladies' seals, which was so persistent from the 12th century onwards, proved to be the happy cause of the maintenance of the elegant oval shape in examples of these classes, wherein some of the best balanced designs are to be found.
Dame Christina and many other noble Swedish ladies were sent prisoners to Denmark.
Immediately after graduation he became an assistant in his brother William's school for young ladies in Boston, and continued teaching, with much inward reluctance and discomfort, for three years.
The Yorkshire Ladies' Council of Education has as its object the promotion of female education, and the instruction of girls and women of the artisan class in domestic economy, &c. The general infirmary in Great George Street is a Gothic building of brick with stone dressings with a highly ornamental exterior by Sir Gilbert Scott, of whose work this is by no means the only good example in Leeds.
Both before and after his elevation to the deanery of St Patrick's these ladies continued to reside near him, and superintended his household during his absence in London.
It was a vain story, a mere romance, about giants, and lions, and goblins, and warriors, sometimes fighting with monsters, and sometimes regaled by fair ladies in stately palaces.
She interceded in 1331 with the king for some carpenters whose careless work on a platform resulted in an accident to herself and her ladies, and on 'a more famous occasion her prayers saved the citizens of Calais from Edward's vengeance.
On the 30th of January 1862, at the Zambezi mouth, Livingstone welcomed his wife and the ladies.
When the mission ladies reached the mouth of the Ruo tributary of the Shire, they were stunned to hear of the death of the bishop and one of his companions.
These are the South African College at Cape Town (founded in 1829), the Victoria College at Stellenbosch, the Diocesan College at Rondebosch, Rhodes University College, Graham's Town, Gill College at Somerset East, the School of Mines at Kimberley and the Huguenot Ladies' College at Wellington.
It is enclosed in a fine garden, well planted with trees, where the harem serai (or ladies' apartments) occupies a considerable space.
Then the proceedings became festive, queens and great ladies taking part.
Suspicion was easily aroused that a deep plot existed, of which Laud was believed to be the centre, for carrying the nation over to the Church of Rome, a suspicion which seemed to be converted into a certainty when it was known that Panzani and Conn, two agents of the pope, had access to Charles, and that in 1637 there was a sudden accession to the number of converts to the Roman Catholic Church amongst the lords and ladies of the court.
In the course of the negotiations, however, he stated that it would be necessary to make certain changes in the household, which contained some great ladies closely connected d with the leaders of the Whig party.
The queen shrank from separating herself from ladies who had question, surrounded her since she came to the throne, and Sir Robert thereupon declined the task of forming a ministry.
She was, therefore, no longer dependent on the Whig ladies, to whose presence in her court she had attached so much importance in 1839.
By the management of the princewho later in the reign was known as the prince consortthe great ladies of the household voluntarily tendered their resignations; and every obstacle to the formation of the new government was in this way removed.
Soon afterwards he became head master of the Presbyterian Ladies' College, and in this position practically organized the whole system of higher education for women in Victoria.
Red Wing is the seat of the Lutheran Ladies' Seminary (1894) and the Red Wing Theological Seminary (Lutheran, 1885), and in the vicinity is the State Training School for Boys and Girls, originally the Minnesota State Reform School.
Among its chief features are the Virgin Martyrs' Memorial, representing in white marble a guardian angel and the figures of Margaret M`Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson, who were drowned by the rising tide in Wigtown Bay for their fidelity to the Covenant (1685);(1685); the large pyramid to the memory of the Covenanters, and the Ladies' Rock, from which ladies viewed the jousts in the Valley.
Bede, Autob., " about 12 Protestant ladies of gentle birth and considerable means " founded a shortlived convent, with Sancroft, then Dean of St Paul's, for director.
Otherwise the chief articles of Constantinople's export trade consist of refuse and waste materials, sheep's wool (called Kassab bashi) and skins from the slaughter-houses (in 1903 about 3,coo,000 skins were exported, mostly to America), horns, hoofs, goat and horse hair, guts, bones, rags, bran, old iron, &c., and finally dogs' excrements, called in trade ` pure,' a Constantinople speciality, which is used in preparing leather for ladies' gloves.
In 1860 the mansion-house and 200 acres of the original estate, fast falling into decay, were bought for $200,000 (much of which had been raised through the efforts of Edward Everett) by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union.
Its heroine Gudrun is the most famous of all Icelandic ladies.
Bianca's accommodating husband was given court employment, and consoled himself with other ladies; in 157 2 he was murdered in the streets of Florence in consequence of some amorous intrigue, though possibly Bianca and Francesco were privy to the deed.
The Ladies' Land League tried to carry on the work of the suppressed organization and there was even an attempt at a Children's League.
The reduction of the royal revenues did not suffice to fill the treasury; while the establishment of a chamber of justice (March 1716) had no other result than that of demoralizing the great lords and ladies already mad for pleasure, by bringing them into contact with the farmers of the revenue who purchased impunity from them.
Among Chattanooga's educational institutions are two commercial colleges, the Chattanooga College for Young Ladies (nonsectarian), the Chattanooga Normal University, and the University of Chattanooga, until June 1907, United States Grant University (whose preparatory department, "The Athens School," is at Athens, Tenn.), a co-educational institution under Methodist Episcopal control, established in 1867; it has a school of law (1899), a medical school (1889), and a school of theology (1888).
Immediately north of Poughkeepsie is the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane (1871); in the city are the Vassar Brothers' Hospital (1878), with which a nurses' training school is connected; the Vassar Brothers' Home (1881) for aged and infirm men; the Poughkeepsie Orphan House and Home for the Friendless (1847); the Old Ladies' Home (1870); the Pringle Memorial Home (1899), for aged and indigent men, and the Adriance Memorial Library (45,000 volumes in 1909).
The League of Cambrai is the name given to the alliance of Pope Julius II., Louis XII., Maximilian I., and Ferdinand the Catholic against the Venetians in 1508; and the peace of Cambrai, or as it is also called, the Ladies' Peace, was concluded in the town in 1529 by Louise of Savoy, mother of Francis I., and Margaret of Austria, aunt of Charles V., in the name of these monarchs.
Intermarriages had not been uncommon between Frank and Visigoth, but they had rarely led to any other result than to subjct the Arian ladies who were sent from Spain, or the Catholic ladies who came from France, to blows and murder by their husbands and their husbands families.
But Mozaffar lasted for a short time, and then died, poisoned, as it was said, by his brother Abdurrahman, called Sanchol, the son of Mansur by one of the Christian ladies whom he extorted for his harem from the fears of the Christian princes.
The town is of Saracenic origin, as its name Kalat-al-Nisa, the "Ladies' Castle," indicates, and some ruins of the old castle (called Pietrarossa) still exist.
In the introduction (c. 1240) to his Vie Seint Edmund le Rey Denis Pyramus says she was one of the most popular of authors with counts, barons and knights, but especially with ladies.
Having in vain attempted to keep a school for girls at Treguier, she left her native place and went to Paris as teacher in a young ladies' boarding-school.
He took an arm of each of the fashionable ladies and paraded one block uptown to Main Street, nodding to potential voters and ignoring the comments Fred muttered behind him that he looked like the crinkled cousin from Hicksville.
In spite of the dreary weather, Pumpkin's enthusiastic description sold the venture to all but Joseph Dawkins and two senior ladies.
Dean was introduced—as the new sheriff— while Fred winked and the ladies laughed and clapped.
The sale was to take place just walking distance away, but the Indiana ladies claimed the altitude exhausted them, so gallant Fred volunteered Dean.
While these endeavors had produced zero income, the activities endeared him to the local ladies of the historical society who fluttered around the dapper gentleman like chicks at feed time.
The "other items" proved to be a notebook with hundreds of practiced letters and numbers, a pen and dried ink bottle, a white dress with a thrift store smell that had aged to yellow, a comb, hair brush, some ancient under things and a pair of ladies shoes.
Ghostly, veiled ladies of exceptional height passed in somber silence past an empty bier while a shadowy figure looking like a cross between Hercule Poirot and Fred O'Connor lurked behind a pillar, watching.
The amiable, radical ladies of Newport had set up a tea meeting for me.
There are many ladies on Jo's who have had adenocarcinoma.
Another source of endless amusement to us greenkeeping folk is the quality of ladies ' golf.
I should entirely exclude poor Milicent in my general animadversions against the ladies of my acquaintance.
Both ladies were very attentive to all our needs.
Poly HC Pontypridd Ladies We are a club looking to explore new avenues in Europe.
Top couples change back, ladies back-to-back (2 bars ).
There are 144 different species of flowering plant growing on the hill, including small balsam, lords and ladies and climbing corydalis.
As well as marram grass there are a lot of flowering plants such as ladies bedstraw, northern marsh orchid and cowslip.
This blend which is suitable for ladies or gentlemen includes bergamot which is an excellent oil for treating over-work related problems.
At a formal dinner Ladies should wear tartan skirt and white blouse with optional navy blazer.
Top bald bloke on the sleeve for the ladies too!
For ladies - choose a well-fitting supportive sports bra for comfort.
A favorite hobby of many older ladies is to brew their own apricot or plum brandy.
Ladies fight for my delight, and I don't take no bullshit all you gotta do is submit.
Known suitably to all as the Ladies Man, Leon hosts a popular late-night radio call-in show dispensing advice on affairs of the heart.
Yes, the ladies ' and gentlemen's cloakrooms immediately inside The Savoy's River Entrance are very well appointed.
Eles clothing Suppliers of men's, ladies ' and children's ex-chainstore clothing.
Will and I then set off to brave the Fierce Ladies, storm clouds gathered and a deluge poured down upon the mountains.
Ladies ' night commemorative are not limited can now enjoy.
Then all the ladies had been handed a cone of rose petal confetti on the way out.
Ladies wore tightly laced corsets to give them the narrow waists which were thought to be attractive.
Hannah Shields won the ladies ' event last year and, to judge from the senior cross-country on Saturday, is in flying form.
With habitual diffidence she handed a new manuscript to me and took (to the Ladies) momentary leave.
The English ladies were more easily dispensable Henry was a tyrant and a despot.
This was open six mornings a week when the old could read newspapers, play dominoes and the ladies could knit and sew.
Ladies can wear long dresses or smart trousers with top.
A maid to wait upon a lady and young ladies, good dressmaker and hair dresser, age not under 25 years.
Coventry City Ladies hit rock bottom with a 7-1 home drubbing by Blackburn Rovers.
The Pink Ladies are a unique funny camp comedy duo that are based in the Norfolk region... .
After dinner, we all relaxed until... Nigel was summoned into ladies underwear and Lynda's knicker elastic snapped.
In the year 1931 I believe that the " active " membership of the Church was around 7 ladies in the rather elderly bracket.
Sunday came, off we went, my daughter seemed excited at the prospects of these two ladies being able to help her.
The company retails ladies fashion clothing split approximately 60% teenage market, 20% adult and between 15-20% children's wear.
The little feelers at the front of this ladies silver jewelry item round-off a delightful brooch.
Emma Barclay had a great race to finish first lady, and Ilkley ladies were first team again.
But she too regarded monogamy as the natural state of grace, while hoping that even flighty ladies might attain it.
The cinema foyer was full of little old ladies who looked like they hadn't been to the cinema for thirty years.
Rachel I must also admit, however, no ladies swam the 50m freestyle.
So get those posh frocks out ladies and gentlemen, buy a new bow tie!
You must have at least 2 years previous experience in garment technology working on ladies woven garments.
Further access off front left restaurant and rear bar to fully fitted trade kitchen, premises have internal gents / Ladies WCs.
Is he a buff looking gent, popular with the ladies?
The ladies team won the gold medal in the team event.
So thank you ladies & gentleman & have a good evening.
There was a ladies hairdresser upstairs at some time too.
He was also a ladies ' hairdresser for six years.
The Court Steward and his Ladies of the Court entertain you in song accompanied by the harpist.
That, Ladies & Gentlemen, was the dress code of the urban cool hipster 1983-1988.
Interests include playing and umpiring hockey and she co-founded the Phoenix Blues Ladies Hockey Club.
The little dance hostess embarrassedly sidled across the room and into the ladies room.
The protagonist is the court instructress who guides the ladies of the imperial harem on correct behavior.
We could ladies and gents, be on the forefront of a massive insurgence by Apple.
The ladies in the company of these gentlemen displayed in dress, bearing and manner alike, less emphasis and more intricacy.
I can give you the works on physical jerks, Private lessons to ladies in slimming.
The full six yard kilt should be worn when ladies are taking part in Highland Dancing or playing in Pipe Bands.
Ladies, she also reveals the answer to the question - Is Orlando Bloom a good kisser?
Inspirations include Gustav Dore, Egon Schiele, bottoms and people who make, wear or appreciate ladies knickers.
The Ladies draw was reduced to four after Falmouth withdrew from the leagues, they continued with their ' double knockout ' draw.
On all accounts harrah's adjacent lakefront the wpt ladies.
Baby changing may be done in the ladies lavatory.
We also have sexy lingerie for the larger ladies!
Lingerie Company, The - Supply a stylish and elegant range of ladies lingerie Company, The - Supply a stylish and elegant range of ladies lingerie which is of good quality and price.
Sorry, gents, we only have a ladies locker room (shower, sauna, etc.) in our London location.
They know where to find unscrupulous locksmiths and ladies of the night.
Like any party, the place to be is the ladies ' loo.
Open the door of the ladies loo for a confused girl.
I rose at eight o'clock, some ladies having won a few louis, all the others were dried up.
The ladies rushed into the smoking room saying a madman was in the Pullman.
Flt Lt Ann Gibson won the ladies master-at-arms with a consistently high performance throughout the weekend.
Churchyards are often the only place where traditional meadow plants such as ladies ' bedstraw and meadow saxifrage can still flourish.
Today there is a more pleasing deli, a few antique shops and a rather good milliner, selling some interesting ladies hats.
You'd think the ladies would have a little more modesty.
The ladies ' skirt protectors on the back mudguard have been restrung with cord from the fishing tackle shop.
As you would expect from such an all-encompassing category our range of ladies silver neckwear offers something for every woman.
Pastimes for ladies included needlework, drying and pressing flowers, reading, keeping a diary or journal and music.
These Roman ladies and their slaves have been making a sacrifice to the god Oceanus.
Then there was the General Post Office and next to the Grand were some shops, a ladies outfitters and a sweet shop.
His father works in TV and his mother works in a ladies ' outfitters in Harrogate.
Sam was charmed to find that scented flower petals covered the water in the bath in the ladies ' room.
Calving is still a few weeks away, but the ladies are looking rather plump.
You must always be very polite to the ladies.
One oft saw ladies gently prodding their better half who'd fell to nodding.
The gents compound and ladies recurve teams came first, and the ladies compound and gents recurve teams came first, and the ladies compound and gents recurve teams came second.
I've seen more appealing things than you in the trash can of a ladies restroom.
He definitely prefers the ladies pairs... The official word from the right reverend Rock Parfait is " Lovely!
Two ladies (Mrs Burgess and Mrs Hall) were employed to sew up and mend the Hessian sacks - quite a messy job.
They were often played as ladies men, or slightly sardonic and rather witty.
Despite her parents ' opposition, Jess joins a ladies football team and gets spotted by a talent scout.
The ladies will love the wine stopper, and the gents the cork screw.
The high standard set at the trials for Ladies ' football meant the squad selection was very tough.
On damper grasslands surrounding the lower pond cowslip, ladies smock & ragged robin occur.
In 1999 overall victory was almost snatched by the ladies winner A Reid, who was just 3 seconds behind male N Davenport.
But to end my little sojourn through the Ladies ' Section may I end on a positive note.
It's not too soppy for a man, yet it's sweet enough for the most ladylike of ladies!
A first class sportsman, he likes to have a good time, especially with the ladies!
The Marple Methodist Ladies Association ran a cake stall, the proceeds of which were donated to the ` Friends of NH ` .
I remembered the very strong-minded captain of the two Chinese ladies teams for her appearance in Brighton a few years back.
The quintessential ladies man, welsh superstar Tom Jones has enjoyed a successful music career spanning five decades.
That would have been enough to make delicate ladies swoon.
But it is completely unlike the popular picture of an old orthodox synagogue which ladies segregated behind an iron grid.
Including resort teepee ladies quot sometimes off a telephone call of the stage.
Katri Saavalainen somehow became tentative at this point, handing over free balls to Cardiff Ladies.
The site also includes many rare plants including pennyroyal, and the Irish ladies ' tresses.
The specific method of pollen transfer from flower to flower in creeping ladies tresses is unknown.
I really had enough tutus or thinly clad young ladies for one night and I really wanted something more serious.
However, Thompson has proved unbeatable in the ladies game.
Ladies pass back R to R, give R hands to partners, and turn underarm into ceili hold.
Sara Lee has its eye on the company's range of ladies ' underwear.
No less than two items of ladies underwear were thrown onto the stage.
Fella's there's nothing more us ladies like that to be suddenly treated to some sexy undies.
He also got a chance to check out potential hiding places, sneak back later, and watch the neighbor ladies undress.
Non Safety A range of mens and ladies Wellingtons and shoes to complement our safety footwear range.
In his latter years Ivan cultivated friendly relations with England, in the hope of securing some share in the benefits of civilization from the friendship of Queen Elizabeth, one of whose ladies, Mary Hastings, he wished to marry, though his fifth wife, Martha Nagaya, was still alive.
Cabot's colony at San Espiritu did not long survive his departure; an attempt of the chief of the Timbus to gain possession of one of the Spanish ladies of the settlement led to a treacherous massacre of the garrison.
With him ended the earldom of Norwich, while the representation of the Mowbrays and Segraves passed to his nieces, the Ladies Stourton and Petre, the abeyance of the two baronies being determined in 1878 in favour of Lord Stourton.
Street, is a fine example of modern Gothic. Among the principal buildings and institutions are the town-hall, museum of the natural history society, theatre and opera-house (1880), market, schools of art and science, the Torbay infirmary and dispensary, the Western hospital for consumption, Crypt House institution for invalid ladies and the Mildmay home for incurable consumptives.
The kohl or black powder with which the modern, like the ancient, Egyptian ladies paint their languishing eyelids, is nothing but the smeeth of charred frankincense, or other odoriferous resin brought with frankincense, and phials of water, from the well of Zem-zem, by the pilgrims returning from Mecca.
After being for a short time apprentice to a ladies' tailor, he became tutor to an innkeeper's son.
His influence over these ladies alarmed their relatives and excited the suspicions of the regular priesthood and of the populace, but while Pope Damasus lived Jerome remained secure.
It may be true that, in the comparative scarcity of historical evidence, 12 th-century romances present a more favourable picture o£ chivalry at that earlier time; but even such historical evidence as we possess, when carefully scrutinized, is enough to dispel the illusion that there was any period of the middle ages in which the unselfish championship of " God and the ladies " was anything but a rare exception.
The Nischan-i-Schefakat of Compassion or Benevolence, was instituted for ladies, in three classes, in 1878 by the sultan in honour of the work done for the non-combatant victims of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877 in connexion with the Turkish Compassionate Fund started by the late Baroness Burdett-Coutts.
It contains flour, woollen and grist-mills, piano, farm implement and carriage factories, foundries, tanneries, canning factories, &c. There are a ladies' college and good schools.
Sarah Churchill became Anne's lady of the bedchamber, and, by the latter's desire to mark their mutual intimacy and affection, all deference due to her rank was abandoned and the two ladies called each other Mrs Morley and Mrs Freeman.
Most Persians wear a shah kulah, or night hat, a loose baggy cap of shawl or quilted material, often embroidered by the ladies.
They made a brief stay at Mantua, where Leonardo was graciously received by the duchess Isabella Gonzaga, the most cultured of the many cultured great ladies of her time, whose portrait he promised to paint on a future day; meantime he made the fine chalk drawing of her now at the Louvre.
Thus he rewarded the patriotism of the Danish ladies who sacrificed all their jewels to pay the heavy ransom exacted from him by his captors, the Jomsborg pirates, by enacting a law whereby women were henceforth to inherit landed property in the same way as their male relatives.
At the same time he cultivated literature, entertaining poets and writers both at the Luxembourg and at his château of Brunoy (see Dubois-Corneau, Le Comte de Provence a Brunoy, 2909), and gaining a reputation for wit by his verses and mots in the salon of the charming and witty comtesse de Balbi, one of Madame's ladies, who had become his mistress, 4 and till 1793 exerted considerable influence over him.
From the use of the material to expand ladies' skirts the term was applied, during the third quarter of the 19th century, when the fashion of wearing greatly expanded skirts was at its height, to the whalebone and steel hoops employed to support the skirts thus worn (see Costume).
In the midst of the service the voices of the priests suddenly ceased, they whispered to one another, and the old servant who was holding the count's hand got up and said something to the ladies.
I don't want to have you like our silly ladies.
Anatole returned smiling to the ladies.
It's well that the charitable Prussian ladies send us two pounds of coffee and some lint each month or we should be lost! he laughed.
Next morning, having taken leave of no one but the count, and not waiting for the ladies to appear, Prince Andrew set off for home.
Just look how he treats the ladies!
I'd give it to him if he treated me as he does those ladies.
More than half the ladies already had partners and were taking up, or preparing to take up, their positions for the polonaise.
Nastasya Ivanovna the buffoon sat with a sad face at the window with two old ladies.
Hussars, ladies, witches, clowns, and bears, after clearing their throats and wiping the hoarfrost from their faces in the vestibule, came into the ballroom where candles were hurriedly lighted.
The latter was very attentive to Anna Pavlovna because he wanted to be appointed director of one of the educational establishments for young ladies.
To return to your ladies--I hear they are lovely.
In Petersburg and in the provinces at a distance from Moscow, ladies, and gentlemen in militia uniforms, wept for Russia and its ancient capital and talked of self-sacrifice and so on; but in the army which retired beyond Moscow there was little talk or thought of Moscow, and when they caught sight of its burned ruins no one swore to be avenged on the French, but they thought about their next pay, their next quarters, of Matreshka the vivandiere, and like matters.
The doctor who attended Pierre and visited him every day, though he considered it his duty as a doctor to pose as a man whose every moment was of value to suffering humanity, would sit for hours with Pierre telling him his favorite anecdotes and his observations on the characters of his patients in general, and especially of the ladies.
The old ladies were pleased with the presents he brought them, and especially that Natasha would now be herself again.
A third class of historians--the so-called historians of culture-- following the path laid down by the universal historians who sometimes accept writers and ladies as forces producing events--again take that force to be something quite different.
Is the movement of the peoples at the time of the Crusades explained by the life and activity of the Godfreys and the Louis-es and their ladies?
The gents compound and ladies recurve teams came first, and the ladies compound and gents recurve teams came second.
The ladies of Gaunt House called Lady Bareacres in to their aid, in order to repulse the common enemy.
I 've seen more appealing things than you in the trash can of a ladies restroom.
He definitely prefers the ladies pairs... The official word from the right reverend Rock Parfait is Lovely !
Two ladies (Mrs Burgess and Mrs Hall) were employed to sew up and mend the hessian sacks - quite a messy job.
They 've both done maths and latterly played scarf ladies in the scarves Hannah donated.
By all accounts these were not photos of young ladies in schoolgirl outfits but involved what were unambiguously very young children.
There were in St Andrews young ladies ' seminaries but these did not offer much intellectual challenge to the pupils.
John proves himself to be a cad, a bounder and a rotter, bedding whichever ladies his eye settles upon.
We presented our sheaves of documents to the ladies at the desk.
American ladies could jump through skylights, let off smoke bombs, and shimmy down walls, SAS style.
Do n't wear a coat, even if there is snow on the ground, and ladies, shoestring straps are de rigeur.
The first 500 ladies through the turnstiles get a free glass of Buck 's Fizz to start what promises to be a smashing day.
Barenaked Ladies have a huge army of fans in the U.K. and tonight they were seats away from a sold-out venue.
It 's not too soppy for a man, yet it 's sweet enough for the most ladylike of ladies !
Three spinster ladies lived in the house next door to us.
A first class sportsman, he likes to have a good time, especially with the ladies !
The quintessential ladies man, Welsh superstar Tom Jones has enjoyed a successful music career spanning five decades.
The opposite is the swimsuit designed for moslem ladies.
If you ask me the kilt wearing singer was wearing a tartan skirt - meant for ladies.
Steve Jones is the criminally attractive Welsh television presenter who certainly has an eye for the ladies.
Sara Lee has its eye on the company 's range of ladies ' underwear.
Cite their best moment as having ladies underwear thrown at them on stage at Bar Blu.
Fella 's there 's nothing more us ladies like that to be suddenly treated to some sexy undies.
Sri Krishna had indeed uttered falsehoods so many times, had broken his pledges, had wives and even ` married ' 16,000 ladies !
The ladies ' task was to valet a luxury car each day.
While our ladies drank coffee we walked a little bit back on the track were we had violaceous euphonia.
Now, please, ladies - no wailing, no flailing, no suicides, no tears.
Non Safety A range of mens and ladies wellingtons and shoes to complement our safety footwear range.
Recently at the airport I sat between two middle-aged and evidently well-to-do ladies waiting for our flight to be called.
I have to be honest that some of us do everything possible to woo the ladies.
The famous actor considered himself to be quite the casanova with the ladies.
My grandfather got a new lease of life when he moved into the retirement community, he became quite thecasanova with the older ladies.
The ladies appeared at the top of the staircase, resplendent in their colorful ball gowns.
Guessing can also utilize the other senses, such as melting different types of candy bars into diapers and challenging all of the ladies to guess the brand of candy bar by smell and feel.
Both ladies and men love diamonds, but nothing pleases a spouse more than a gift of diamonds.
Some ladies prefer to do makeup application in the bathroom, however, others prefer a vanity in the bedroom.
Kiss Me Mascara has long been a favorite of ladies looking for flirtatiously full lashes.
As men's fragrances stack the shelves, it is obvious fragrance isn't just for the ladies anymore.
Women associate scents to memories stronger than men, which is why so many ladies purchase colognes for their boyfriends and husbands.
Just like the ladies, men have favorites they tend to stick to.
Try this out if you want to attract the high class, albeit adventurous ladies.
Some ladies like to put a touch of the dark shade beneath their eyes as well, acting sort of as eyeliner.
Already a hit with the older generation, younger ladies have also caught on to this trend.
Truly, for me, the biggest thrill has been hearing from ladies all over the world who have read the book, tried some of the tips, and have enjoyed the results.
The company's fragrance collection is modest, with a sampling of scents available to suit the differing personalities and moods of Liz ladies and the men in their lives.
Some mineral lines do not have the perfect shade for everyone and mineral makeup can make ladies of color look ashy.
They can work well with darker skin as well as with ladies with lighter skin tones.
Dramatic, fire engine red can be worn for an intense display of color for ladies with brown skin and golden undertones.
Ladies with darker complexions should opt for earth tones, browns, and dark greens bring out brown eyes.
Ladies with lighter complexions can also use neutral brown tones for eye makeup.
Why not pay attention to the eye makeup colors these lovely ladies wear as well?
While the cosmetics world has no official rule-book, some guidelines simply work, as these top 5 gothic eye makeup tips will prove for the dark lords and ladies out there.
Ladies, modest is good--one or two buttons undone on that shirt is alluring, but your bikini shot is probably going to make you look a bit wilder than you really are.
In the Smithsonian, visit the hall of Presidents, First Ladies, and tour Julia Child's kitchen.
For ladies, select styles come in petite and tall, ranging in size from 1 to 26.
Ladies, play with heel heights (but don't forget to buy one really comfortable pair of flats) and guys, feel free to purchase a cool-looking pair of sandals as well.
Many middle schools have found their labs to be "testosterone driven", making them unappealing and downright intimidating to many young ladies.
Tiffany design prom dresses continue to be popular choices for many young ladies.
Young ladies love to be pampered, and this is a birthday party fit for a queen.
Some brides pick out two-piece bridesmaid dresses, allowing the ladies to pick out their own top.
Often, the ladies will get a discount on their dresses for buying them in the same place.
With all the excitement, it's easy to see how the ladies might forget about accessorizing their wedding ensembles.
While you may not make everyone happy with your final choice, the ladies will be happy you took the time to listen to their opinions.
Ladies may find jewelry and an emergency sewing kit useful.
The third guest will give her own stats and then repeat the information from the first two ladies, and so on.
Many brides choose to give wedding jewelry to her ladies before the wedding (usually at the rehearsal dinner), so that the bridesmaids have the option of wearing them when they are up at the altar with you.
Never flashy and always at the height of elegance, pearls add that special touch to an ensemble that your ladies will love.
Your favorite ladies will love the rare opportunity to wear something different, and in a style and shade that actually flatters their body, rather than squeezing into a cookie cutter dress design.
While this is your wedding, you still want these cherished ladies to be comfortable.
Later they got into a three-watch match with Jerry, who was ripped in half like a wishbone by the two ladies.
Hudson was known as a ladies' man during his 30-year career, but when he came down with AIDs in the early 80's, he was treated like a walking plague while he searched the world for a cure.
After leading the trio to top-selling status and several American Music Awards, Beyonce struck out on her own with a string of award-winning albums and singles including the monster hit Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It).
Born on January 17, 1964, Michelle Obama has made a name for herself as one of the most popular first ladies in United States history.
Readers were asked to look beyond the celebrity's sex appeal and beauty to choose ladies who had characteristics they valued in a potential partner, including ambition, humor, intelligence and charisma.
Readers were also asked to "weed out" some of the "lesser-achieving ladies of the year."
Her label and line of t-shirts, called Mblem, is geared toward young ladies who are taller like Moore, who is five-feet, 10-inches tall.
It's not just the famous ladies who are designing trendy looks.
Adding spice and sizzle to every silver screen on which she appears, Eva Mendes is on the fast track to becoming one of Hollywood's most prized leading ladies.
These ladies seem to have it all -- beauty, money, talent and fame -- but don't have a clue how to handle it.
It's time to grow up ladies, you aren't kids anymore.
Both ladies were taken to Cedars Sinai Hospital for treatment and were later released.
Hefner, the notorious ladies man and editor of Playboy magazine, was well-known for his entourage of girlfriends.
The two ladies played the best of friends on the show, but off-set it was rumored that they were anything but.
It took a couple of years, but it seems that the two ladies have decided to make nice.
It seems that the ladies of Hollywood, upon learning they are pregnant, do everything possible to keep the pregnancy under wraps.
Pictures of gorgeous female celebrities without makeup is (admit it ladies) a guilty pleasure for non-celeb ladies around the globe.
Not that both situations aren't embarrassing for both ladies involved, but reality show stars' minds seem to work a bit differently when the lights and cameras are on them.
Cate Blanchett began acting while she was attending the Methodist Ladies College in Melbourne, Australia, appearing in many productions including The Odyssey of Runyon Jones.
Cate Blanchett ended up dropping out of the Methodist Ladies College in favor of travelling the world to get an education through life experiences in hopes that her travels would help her decide on a career.
As the alliance between the three ladies grew stronger, apparent leader of the pack Parvati gave the group the moniker "The Black Widow Alliance."
Obviously, this simplistic game plan worked as the three ladies charmed their way to the top three spots.
No one can really say why someone like Brody Jenner who, although a little smarmy with the ladies, seems like a pretty okay guy, would ever be friends with a guy like Spencer.
Lopez is well-known for his flirtatious ways with the ladies, so, is he going the way of perennial bachelor George Clooney?
Like the ladies that served time before her, Khole Kardashian will probably only end up seeing the inside of a jail cell for about an hour and a half.
Both ladies were arrested and charged with assault and Mr. Blonsky has been slapped with the much more serious charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm.
The two ladies, who already had a past history of butting heads, exchanged words - then Stevens, a former Atlanta Falcons cheerleader, walked away.
As everyone knows by now, Hef and his three ladies, Kendra Wilkinson, Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt have called it quits.
Well, it seems that since leaving the Playboy Mansion, all three former Girls Next Door ladies have taken a decidedly different life path than being one of Hugh Hefner's infamous girlfriends.
There is no doubt that ladies (and some gentlemen) love Hugh Jackman.
Oh how young ladies of the Kevin Federline fanclub's hearts must be breaking.
Paris then hoofed her size 11 feet into the nearest ladies restroom, where she camped out for about 15 minutes in a sad attempt to shake security off her scent.
Both girls seemed like just lovely ladies and they got on famously with The Bachelor Jason Mesnick's son Ty as well as with his family.
The ladies denied it until the bitter end, but alas, the romance is gone and Sam said "see ya" to Lindsay.
Both ladies were making statements, but probably not the ones they intended.
It's not just the ladies who feel the pressure to stay young in Hollywood.
From young tomboys to romantic leading ladies to legendary rockers, Kristen Stewart's acting roles have shown that she has incredible range.
His character is loosely based on himself, poking fun at his reputation for being a ladies' man.
It was created in 2003 by a group of ladies across the country who were "obsessed" with celebrity gossip.
The natural next step in her career was acting, and she took to the big screen with a flourish.Day became a Hollywood sweetheart, and gained an innocent, virginal image by playing coy, sweet leading ladies.
The pressure to be thin and fit certainly affects the men, but it's the ladies who fight off the most gossip and criticism about their added pounds.
As Taylor Swift accepted her VMA Award for Best Music Video, singer Kanye West barged in and declared that Beyonce's video for Single Ladies was one of the best videos of all time.
These ladies can have that trophy they've been working towards their whole career, but they pay the ultimate price.
Some little girls' pageants are not as fancy as ladies beauty pageants, and therefore do not require such a high level of dressiness for the pageant.
The cotton wide-leg pants are similar to the "sailor" variety that became popular when young ladies first began wearing trousers.
The pink girls Dinosaur Roar tee is a great choice for young ladies.
I am so excited to have the opportunity to design with these talented young ladies and the chance to give back.
Ladies are requested to don cocktail dresses, evening gowns, elegant skirts or dressy pantsuits.
All the ladies loved Spuds, and no party would be complete without this charming and successful English Bull Terrier.
The element of bare flesh was introduced around the turn of the century at the tea parties of socialite ladies.
Duncan performed at ladies' matinees in bare feet and without tights, dressed only in a classical gown (made at first of her mother's muslin curtains).
The quintessential English garden makes one think of quaint English villages and gardens tended by little old ladies that resemble Agatha Christie's Miss Marple.
Lia sophia jewelry is top quality fashion jewelry for ladies who love to wear the hottest trends.
The Chanel suit, with its strong styling or the little black dress that ladies the world over know and love, are very much a part of the fashion culture.
In an era when men routinely wore hats and ladies wore hats and gloves, ties were part of a man's daily wardrobe, as much as a pressed suit.
Ladies, what better gift to give that special man in your life than a pair of silk pajamas?
While remaining true to their Scottish heritage, they have also taken large steps into the 21st century by branching into ladies wear, corporate wear, and expanding their retail presence to the web.
In 2004 Slaters expanded to include a line of ladies wear and also features a very thorough line of clothing for big and tall men.
Kate Quinn Organics has a line of baby clothes and bedding, children's clothes, ladies and maternity clothes made from organic materials.
Fashion designers and clothing manufacturers have finally got the picture -- plus size women want and need to feel just as sexy as smaller-sized ladies!
Some favorite picks for convertible bras for plus size ladies follow.
Delta Burke swimwear does more for full-figured ladies than most bathing suits -- they not only help masquerade a body's imperfections, but also enhance its positive features.
Make sure you find one with a built-in soft or underwire bra; shelf bras do not offer much support for larger-chested ladies.
From lacy boyshorts to satiny chemises, this line of intimates is geared toward ladies who want something comfortable and flattering, but aren't interested in spending large amounts of money on it.
Dress-up dress - Okay, so maybe you don't do tea parties, but you most certainly go shopping with the ladies and have a few frequent breaks outdoors.
Fabulous floral dresses in lightweight fabrics and small prints are perfect for plus size ladies who want a romantic summer dress option.
The majority of curvy ladies probably would not go for the "Daisy Duke" style, but would opt for denim or stretch cotton walking or Bermuda shorts that fall just inches above the knees.
Full figured women want affordable clothing that flatters their bodies, but for tall ladies, finding clothes that don't look as if their garments have shrunk is a major concern.
While tall women can wear many fashions that shorter women are advised to steer away from, plus size ladies may wonder how the fashion rules apply to them.
Despite some beliefs that plus size ladies cannot be tall or petite because they are full-figured, designers are finally coming around and realizing that even women of size come in different heights.
Sexy Secrets is a line of women's seamless shapewear made exclusively by Avenue for plus-sized ladies.
A full figured woman will show off her curves and enjoy the feeling of seductive sexiness every time she wears her evening bustier for plus size ladies.
Women of all shapes and sizes love to shake and shimmy, and plus size dance skirts allow even the curviest ladies to feel comfortable on the dance floor.
Gone are the days when full-figured ladies had limited choices in beautiful clothes.
With fashionable plus size ladies golf apparel, your look is always up to par, regardless of your skills on the green.
After all, plus size ladies golf apparel is so much more expensive than a regular top and a pair of capris.
Even better, this site is devoted to plus sizes, with plus size ladies golf apparel in sizes 14W to 24W.
Unfortunately, it's not always simple to find the trendy styles that young ladies love when you wear size 14 and up.
Pear-shaped ladies who want a blouse that will show off their figure to best advantage should look to this Lane Bryant print poncho top.
A bib-front blouse is a great top for apple-shaped ladies who know that the most flattering garments don't hug them around the waist.
If you work a 9 to 5, ladies plus size business suits can make a valuable contribution to your proper business attire selection.
When buying ladies plus size business suits, fit is important.
Roaman's motto is "Your Style, Your Size" and they live up to it in their large selection of ladies plus size business suits.
Being able to find extra large women's swimwear is important for full figured ladies who want to swim for fun and for fitness.
With the same affordable quality and trendsetting designs, ladies with curves can buy from this brand favorite.
With its large variety of styles and sizes, ladies of any age or body type can find exactly what they need -- and want!
If you think curvy ladies can't fit into this category, think again.
For full-figured ladies who like walking trails and getting back to nature, women's plus size hiking shorts are an essential part of the hiker's wardrobe.