Lacuna Sentence Examples
A scribe again who scrupulously records the presence of a lacuna or illegibility in what he is copying, inspires us with confidence in the rest of his work.
He starts from the creation and endeavours to fill up the lacuna from 1662 to his own time, 1714.
This is a major lacuna that needs to be addressed.
The median lacuna no longer exists, but is represented by a dorsal and ventral sinus.
The Bill deals with a single issue of principle in the field of valuation for rating by way of correcting a lacuna.
By exploring the role of language in the constitution of social relations, the project seeks to address a lacuna in contemporary anthropological theory.
In short, England is a gaping lacuna in this rapidly developing field.
I just wonder whether the OFT Review Team will look at this potentially serious lacuna in the regulations.
Yet the implications of her work extend beyond filling in a significant lacuna in the existing scholarship.
In addition to the median lacuna there are two lateral lacunae, one upon each side.
AdvertisementThere then follows a lacuna.
Besides this there is usually a living conducting tissue, sometimes differentiated as leptom, forming a mantle round the hydrom, and bounded externally by a more or less well-differentiated endodermis, abutting on an irregularly cylindrical lacuna; the latter separates the central conducting cylinder from the cortex of the seta, which, like the cortex of the gametophyte stem, is usually differentiated into an outer thick-walled stereom and an inner starchy parenchyma.