Lactose-intolerance Sentence Examples
The symptoms are similar to lactose intolerance but can also include bronchospasm, itching, hives, shock or hypertension.
The usual symptoms of lactose intolerance include loose stools, intermittent abdominal distention, colic and excessive flatus after lactose ingestion.
Milk intolerance in breastfed babies lactose intolerance can mean your baby reacts badly to formula or breast milk.
Persons with lactose intolerance should never use goat's milk.
This is what is known as lactose intolerance.
Silk is also used by omnivores who have a lactose intolerance.
Scientists continue to study the benefits of probiotics on the human body, but preliminary research shows that probiotics may aid digestion, reduce inflammation and bloating, and even ease symptoms of lactose intolerance and other maladies.
While not usually a dangerous condition, lactose intolerance can cause severe discomfort.
From 30 to 50 million Americans suffer from the symptoms of lactose intolerance by the age of 20.
However, individuals who are mildly or moderately deficient in the production of the lactase enzyme may not exhibit symptoms of lactose intolerance.
AdvertisementSymptoms of lactose intolerance include nausea, cramps, diarrhea, floating and foul-smelling stools, bloating, and intestinal gas.
A diagnosis of lactose intolerance is confirmed when blood glucose level does not rise.
Some parents may try to self-diagnose lactose intolerance in their child by using an elimination diet, a diet that eliminates obvious milk and milk products.
A simpler way to self-diagnose lactose intolerance is by a milk challenge.
Most children affected by lactose intolerance do well if they limit their intake of lactose-containing food and drinks.
AdvertisementMany children who suffer with lactose intolerance are able to continue eating some milk products.
Often lactose intolerance is a natural occurrence that cannot be avoided.
About 10 percent of all adults and older children have lactose intolerance.
Children with lactose intolerance have a lactase deficiency that keeps them from processing milk and milk products.
Some children with lactose intolerance cannot drink whole milk, but can eat cheese or drink low-fat buttermilk in small quantities.
AdvertisementIn children, more common causes of chronic diarrhea are food allergy and lactose intolerance.
People with celiac disease may also experience lactose intolerance because they do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the sugar in milk into a form the body can absorb.
People who have experienced lactose intolerance related to their celiac disease usually see those symptoms subside as well.
The doctor may recommend a lactose-free diet for two or three weeks to determine if lactose intolerance is causing the symptoms.
The diagnosis of carbohydrate or lactose intolerance is supported by the presence of symptoms related to the condition.
AdvertisementTo identify lactose intolerance in children and adults, the hydrogen breath test is used to measure the amount of hydrogen in the breath.
When lactose intolerance is suspected in infants and young children, many pediatricians recommend simply changing from cow's milk to soy formula and watching for improvement.
Milk products should be avoided in young children who have signs of lactose intolerance.
If lactose intolerance is a problem, the child may need to take calcium supplements or choose other foods high in calcium to meet the recommended daily requirement.
If lactose intolerance is not a problem, the child can still have milk or milk products.
So if you are allergic to lactose or suffer from lactose intolerance you could very well develop allergic reaction from it.
People who have lactose intolerance or are allergic to yeast or wheat often take probiotic supplements to maintain a proper balance of microflora in their bodies.
The HealthMaster also has the ability to make soymilk from soybeans, which is beneficial for anyone with lactose intolerance.
Because your body is not absorbing lactose, you may develop lactose intolerance.
It can be difficult to digest as one gets older as well as for people with lactose intolerance.
Other health problems arose, including stomach issues that were credited to a lactose intolerance.