Kuwait Sentence Examples
Hello again,We looked around to find more veterinarian hospitals in Kuwait, and we finally found one.
Kuwait is connected by land line with Basra; Jask is connected by a land line to Karachi.
Kuwait is Sunni, with Wahabi leanings.
Up to 1913 the Turks exercised the right of suzerainty over the maritime districts of El Hasa and Hofuf, and claimed it in Qatar and Kuwait.
The principal shipbuilding centres in the Persian Gulf are now Kuwait, Sur in Oman and Lingeh.
We fought a war to support democracy in Kuwait.
But they are more common in Qatar and Kuwait.
In recent months, Kuwait has seen several deadly shootouts with Islamist dissidents.
Yes, the pressure is serious; it is just outside, in Kuwait; it is the armed forces.
Kuwait, which provided a launchpad for US troops heading to Baghdad, also borders Iraq.
AdvertisementHe served as governor of Kuwait during Iraq's seven-month occupation of the emirate in 1990-1991.
Strategic bombing did not oust the Iraqis from Kuwait or the Serbs from Kosovo.
Around US$200 billion is outstanding as claimed reparations resulting from the invasion in 1990 - some 40 per cent is claimed by Kuwait.
Baghdad is under United Nations ' trade sanctions following its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
As early as 1863 the British representative to the Gulf reported that Kuwait was " practically independent despite recognizing Turkish suzerainty.
AdvertisementDespite the memories of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, there are strong undercurrents of anger in the Gulf.
Iraq, for instance, recently moved new surface-to-surface missiles into the southern zone to threaten Kuwait, he said.
As early as 1863 the British representative to the Gulf reported that Kuwait was practically independent despite recognizing Turkish suzerainty.
All this because of 88 rounds of DU bullets, a trifle compared to the 600,000 pounds of DU in Iraq and Kuwait.
Despite the memories of Saddam Hussein 's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, there are strong undercurrents of anger in the Gulf.
AdvertisementThe entire Arab world was united in condemnation of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
A major groundwater aquifer, two fifths of Kuwait's entire freshwater reserve, remains contaminated to this day.
Travelers from as far away as Kuwait have called on PPL to help them realize their dreams of traveling in an RV.
Members of the squad have also toured some of the military bases in Iraq and Kuwait, visiting with United States soldiers and spreading some good old Eagles pep.
This one was recommended by the USA Veterinary Care Association in Kuwait.
AdvertisementI really do not trust the vets here in Kuwait, and that is why I am calling for your help.