Kr Sentence Examples
According to (18), the effect of the force acting at dS parallel to OZ, and of amount equal to 2b2kD dS cos nt, will be a disturbance - dS sin cos (nt - kr) (20), regard being had to (12).
At B there is no displacement, but at K there is displacement towards B represented by KR, i.e.
These are of the value of 10, 50, loo and Soo kr.
Thus by equation (18) of § II of the article Diffraction Of Light, the secondary disturbance is expressed by D' - D n 2 Tsin sin (nt - kr) D 47rb2 r _ D' - D irTsin O sin (nt - kr) (3)1 The preceding investigation is based upon the assumption that in passing from one medium to another the rigidity of the aether does not change.
The speed at which a circuit can be worked depends upon what is known as the " KR " of the line, i.e.
By dividing a line into two halves the working speed will be dependent upon the KR of the longest half, and as both K and R are directly proportional to the length of the line, the KR product for the half of a circuit is but one quarter that of the whole length of the circuit, and the retardation is correspondingly small.
The actual speed or rate of signalling is given approximately by the formula, S = 120/ (KR), where S is the number of words per minute, R the total resistance of the conductor in ohms, and K the total capacity in farads.
In differentiating e ikr/r with respect to r, we may neglect the term divided by r 2 as altogether insensible, kr being an exceedingly great quantity at any moderate distance from the origin of disturbance.
Thus the "w," though constantly represented in French by "ou," is continually changed by them into "v" when they transcribe foreign languages, just as the Greek x and the German and Scottish "ch" is almost invariably rendered by the French in Algeria and Tunis as "kr."
Saints were runners-up in the league, finishing three points behind Hull KR.
AdvertisementThe Raman spectroscopic facility consists of both low and high powered Ar + and Kr + as well as tunable dye lasers.
Its connexion with a is expressed by a =c4'/dr; so that TZ sin 05 e'(at - kr) 47b 2 where the factor e int is restored.
Retaining only the real part of (16), we find, as the result of a local application of force equal to DTZ cos nt (17), the disturbance expressed by TZ sin 4, cos(nt - kr) ?