Knight Sentence Examples
You were my knight in shining armor.
The king made him a knight and gave him a pension.
After he saved her life, Alex was her knight in shining armor.
Guy was a brave if not a particularly able knight; and his instant attack on Acre after his release by Saladin shows that he had the sentiment de ses devoirs.
A knight of the Garter, he was in 1621 created earl marshal for life, and revived the jurisdiction belonging to the office.
In 1403 the Spanish king sent a knight of Madrid, Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, to the distant court of Timur, at Samarkand.
In 1639 he was made a knight.
He also appeared on a 1984 episode of Knight Rider.
The knight showed reverence to the king by bowing before him.
Sandra Knight plays his opposite and Boris Karloff appears as the Baron.
AdvertisementIt is further stated that his daughter married a Roman knight.
This is Knight's third marriage and Curry's first.
Knight-The knight is the only piece that can jump other pieces.
I'll be her knight in shining armor, he said.
The sequel, The Dark Knight, is set for release on July 18, 2008.
AdvertisementThe show became syndicated in 2008 and was hosted by Christopher Knight.
In 1869 he was created a Knight of the Garter.
Munoz was created duke of Riansares and made a knight of the Golden Fleece.
There was no knight of the shire in any Spanish Cortes.
The tunica was precisely like the Greek chiton; that of the senator had two broad stripes of purple (latus clavus) down the centre, that of the knight two narrow stripes (angustus clavus).
AdvertisementStill, Alex was her knight in shining armor.
Yes I was the only gallant knight of our mob.
The second kingdom had 20 knights, and each knight had 10 squires.
He was made a knight commander of the order of the Saviour by the king of Greece, and also received an order from the prince of Montenegro.
A knights suit of armor had to be tailor-made to fit the knight exactly.
AdvertisementThe knight showedreverenceto the king by bowing before him.
Knight Furniture has been in business for more than four decades.
The Dark Knight - Set to be released in 2008.
Knight stopped the SUV, Isaac jumped out in an attempt to run away from Knight (who had already punched her while in the vehicle).
Ledger's acting was indeed at its finest in The Dark Knight.
The more important a knight was, the finer the armor.
His successor Maharao Pragmalji in recognition of his excellent administration was in 1871 honoured with the title of knight grand commander of the Star of India.
Ideally regarded, feudalism covered Europe with a network of these fiefs, rising in graded ranks one above the other from the smallest, the knight's fee, at the bottom, to the king at the top, who was the supreme landowner, or who held the kingdom from God.
A knight might hold directly of the king, a count of a viscount, a bishop of an abbot, or the king himself of one of his own vassals, or even of a vassal's vassal, and in return his vassal's vassal might hold another fief directly of him.
He is at once the gigantic eater of Turpin, the huge warrior eight feet high, who could lift the armed knight standing on his open hand to a level with his head, the crusading conqueror of Jerusalem in days before the crusades, and yet with all this the temperate drinker and admirer of St Augustine, as his character had filtered down through various channels from the historical pages of Einhard.
He slays a foe of Arthur's, the Red Knight, who has insulted the king, and challenged the knights of the court, who, for some mysterious reason, are unable to respond to the challenge.
The baronial seal bears the armed and mounted knight.
For cold and late situations, Thomas Andrew Knight recommended the encouragement of spurs on the young wood, as such spurs, when close to the wall, generate the best organized and most vigorous blossoms, and generally ensure a crop of fruit.
A Knight Harbinger was an officer in the royal household till 1846.
Among less important, but still conspicuous, figures may be mentioned Kay (the Kai of the Mabinogion), Arthur's foster-brother and sensechal, the type of the bluff and boastful warrior, and Bedivere (Bedwyr), the type of brave knight and faithful retainer, who alone is with Arthur at his passing, and afterwards becomes " a hermit and a holy man."
He is the ideal yeoman as Arthur is the ideal knight.
At one time a captain of the coast-guard, at another the protege of Benavente, viceroy of Naples, who appointed him governor of Scigliano, patronized by Osuna and Olivares, Castro was nominated a knight of the order of Santiago in 1623.
Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father.
Here the hero is nephew to Arthur on the mother's side, and his father, of the same name as himself, is a valiant knight of the court.
A noticeable feature of the story is the uncertainty as to the hero's parentage; the mother is always a lady of rank, a queen in her own right, or sister of kings (as a rule of the Grail kings); but the father's rank varies, he is never a king, more often merely a valiant knight, and in no instance does he appear to be of equal rank with his wife.
In the interior is the tomb of the German king Gunther of Schwarzburg, who died in Frankfort in 1349, and that of Rudolph, the last knight of Sachsenhausen, who died in 1371.
He was elected an associate of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours in 1876, and a full member in 1880; an associate of the Royal Academy in 1885, and an academician in 1893; and at Paris, in 1887, where he exhibited "The Newhaven Packet" and "The Clearness after Rain," he received a grand prix and was made a knight of the Legion of Honour.
The specially antiquarian, biographical and historical features, which make this magazine so valuable a store-house for information for the period it covers, were dropped in 1868, when an " entirely new series," a miscellany of light literature was successively edited by Gowing, Joseph Hatton and Joseph Knight.
Knight secured the best authors and artists of the day to write for and illustrate his magazine, which, though at first a commercial success, may have had the reason of its subsequent discontinuance in its literary excellence.
It came to an end in 1845 and was succeeded by Knight's Penny Magazine (1845), which was stopped after six monthly parts.
Charles I., at his coronation, made Hopton a Knight of the Bath.
But shortly afterwards they were all received into favour; "one became a colonel, another a knight, a third a peer."
He was a Knight of the Coburg Order, "Dem Verdienste," and of the Prussian Order, "Pour le Merite," and a member of at least ten foreign Academies.
Morris, in The Defence of Guinevere, speaks of "gloomy Gawain"; perhaps the most absurdly misleading epithet which could possibly have been applied to the "gay, gratious, and gude" knight of early English tradition.
It seems probable that it was this connexion which won for Gawain the title of the "Maidens' Knight," a title for which no satisfactory explanation is ever given.
Chaucer, when he spoke of Gawain coming "again out of faerie," spoke better than he knew; the home of that very gallant and courteous knight is indeed Fairy-land, and the true Gawain-tradition is informed with fairy glamour and grace.
He won a reputation as a bold knight in the fields of chivalry and in the crusades, and he inaugurated a new policy for his house by devoting more attention to his Italian possessions than to those on the French side of the Alps and in Switzerland.
The African Arabs under Selim Pasha in 1551 ravaged Gozo, after an unsuccessful attempt on Malta, repulsed by cavalry under Upton, an English knight.
Edward's martial exploits during the next years were those of a gallant knight rather than those of a responsible general.
He was, however, an admirable tactician, a consummate knight, and he possessed extraordinary vigour and energy of temperament.
The earlier biographies of Garrick are by Arthur Murphy (2 vols., 1801) and by the bookseller Tom Davies (2 vols., 4th ed., 1805), the latter a work of some merit, but occasionally inaccurate and confused as to dates; and a searching if not altogether sympathetic survey of his verses is furnished by Joseph Knight's valuable Life (1894).
According to the Scandinavian version he was slain by his brother-in-law Guttorm, according to the German version by the knight Hagen.
From the time of Alexander Severus the post was open to senators also, and if a knight was appointed he was at the same time raised to the senate.
In 1836 he entered Marischal College, and came under the influence of John Cruickshank, professor of mathematics, Thomas Clark, professor of chemistry, and William Knight, professor of natural philosophy.
In 1738 he was made a knight of the Thistle, and for several years lived in retirement in Bute, engaged in agricultural and botanical pursuits.
The emperor did not return, and since there was no one to settle the religious question in Germany, the diet of Spires (1526) determined that, pending the meeting of the proposed general council, each prince, and each knight and.
The forget-me-not, a favourite with poets, and the symbol of constancy, is a frequent ornament of brooks, rivers and ditches, and, according to an old German tradition, received its name from the last words of a knight who was drowned in the attempt to procure the flower for his lady.
In 1354, having shortly before been made a knight, he was sent into England with the lords of Brittany to treat for the ransom of Charles of Blois, who had been defeated and captured by the English in 1347.
It was in 1455 during this war that the knight Kunz von Kaufungen carried into execution his daring plan of stealing the two sons of the elector Frederick, Ernest and Albert, but he was only momentarily successful, the princes soon escaping from his hands.
In May 1670 he received the titles of excellency and privy councillor; in July of the same year he was ennobled under the name of Griffenfeldt, deriving his title from the gold griffin with outspread wings which surmounted his escutcheon; in November 1673 he was created a count, a knight of the Elephant and, finally, imperial chancellor.
When about 1439 Queen Jane was married to Sir James Stewart, the knight of Lorne, Livingstone obtained the custody of the young king, whose minority was marked by fierce hostility between the Douglases and the Crichtons, with Livingstone first on one side and then on the other.
In 1906 an international celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his invention of mauve was held in London, and in the same year he was made a knight.
Ultimately, while assisting his brother-in-law in an intrigue with the wife of a neighbouring knight, Tristan is wounded by a poisoned arrow; unable to find healing, and being near to death, he sends a messenger to bring Queen Iseult to his aid; if successful the ship which brings her is to have a white sail, if she refuses to come, a black.
In 1799 an Englishman, Thomas Andrew Knight, after experiments on the cross-fertilization of cultivated plants, formulated the conclusion that no plant fertilizes itself through many generations.
In the versions more closely connected with the Grail story the name of the chosen knight appears on his seat, and there is one vacant place, the Siege perilous, eventually to be filled by the Grail winner.
He was also returned to parliament at a by-election in 1576 as knight of the shire for Surrey in succession to Charles Howard, who had become Lord Howard of Effingham, and he was re-elected for Surrey in 1584, 1586 and 1588.
In the garden of the château are two ancient towers, probably the remains of the Benedictine convent, but ascribed by local tradition to the knight Kolostuj, the legendary discoverer of the springs.
A story is told that de Courci when imprisoned in the Tower volunteered to act as champion for King John in single combat against a knight representing Philip Augustus of France; that when he appeared in the lists his French opponent fled in panic; whereupon de Courci, to gratify the French king's desire to witness his prowess, "cleft a massive helmet in twain at a single blow," a feat for which he was rewarded by a grant of the privilege for himself and his heirs to remain covered in the presence of the king and all future sovereigns of England.
Knight also came out of the closet and announced that he was gay.
Knight and sparred with Patrick Dempsey, she was an advocate for Knight.
Knight was once the next huge thing in the hip hop industry.
Knight jumped out of the truck in pursuit of Isaac, caught up to her, pushed her down, pulled a knife and began kicking her in the head.
The police were called to the scene and arrested Knight on suspicion of assault, also finding hydrocodone and ecstasy on the violence prone former music mogul.
Knight is currently charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and two felony counts of possession of a controlled substance.
Turns out that Nas didn't even witness the birth of his son, Knight, on account that the staff members refused to let him into the room because he was drunk.
Knight versus Isaiah Washington debacle happened, in which Katherine Heigl placed herself smack dab in the middle of the controversy.
The David Hasselhoff biography really takes off in 1982, when he left The Young and the Restless to star in a prime time drama called Knight Rider.
Knight Rider, which ran from 1982 to 1986, starred Hasselhoff as Michael Knight.
As The Dark Knight was being edited and readied for release, Ledger was found dead in his apartment on January 28, 2008.
After graduating college, Keshia Knight Pulliam is back in the entertainment world with stints on reality TV shows, and co-stars on the sitcom Tyler Perry's House of Payne.
Lassie was originally written by Eric Knight back in 1938 as a short story for the Saturday Evening Post.
Warner Brothers purchased the studios that have played home to The Dark Knight, Inception, Sherlock Holmes and the Harry Potter films.
How did the Dark Knight become the paragon of all that is good in Gotham?
Complete the game (on any difficulty level) and you will be able to unlock several additional bat-suits including the Caped Crusader Suit, the Dark Knight Suit and the World's Greatest Detective Suit.
Tactical assault is not prominently felt, but if you're a fan of the Batman, it really doesn't matter how good the game is, you'll want to play it anyway, if only to control the Dark Knight himself.
My favorite character is the Dark Elf Shadow Knight because they have excellent fighting skills and use magic well.
The roster of enemies has been updated as well with plenty of new baddies, including a ferocious looking green imp called the Vulgar and another monster that's an enhanced version of the original Hell Knight.
Really, the writing is a perfect balance, equally parts fresh and poignant while also maintaining a healthy sense of both nostalgia and humor.The plot, for those unfamiliar with the game, revolves around a dark knight named Cecil.
Choose to play as a Fighter, Wizard, Ninja, Vampire Slayer, Rogue, Knight, Mage, Paladin or Dragonslayer.
Do you remember playing those 3D adventure games from Sierra like Gabriel Knight?
The Jedi Knight series continues through 2005, while the Xbox RPG Knights of the Old Republic won "Game of the Year" from the Game Developers Choice Awards in 2004.
Don't let his tiny stature deceive you, because Meta Knight has no qualms about cutting you up with his crazy sword.
Since Bill Bowerman founded the company with Phil Knight in the mid 1960s, they have based their motivation upon the idea of inspiring others.
With six articulated legs and a fiery red body, this dragon has the same movable parts as the Adventures Deluxe model as well as a knight on its back with a protective helmet and a sturdy staff to ward off foes.
Other pieces on the board were known as the general or counselor, the chariot (rook in modern chess), elephant, horse (knight in modern chess) and foot soldier (pawn in modern chess).
The knight can capture any opponent's piece that lies in the final square of the L move.
The knight is a special piece and is allowed to move in the shape of an 'L' the equivalent of three squares.
First row - Rook, Knight, Bishop, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight and Rook.
Use a Rook to dominate a Knight - Move the Rook to "surround" a Knight that the opponent has positioned in the corner of the chess board.
By positioning the Rook a few squares out into the board from the Knight, the Rook is positioned to attack any move by the Knight.
Place Knights in the center - From the middle of the board, the Knight can move into any of eight squares.
Place Knights within the opponent's pawns - The pawns will be unable to capture the Knight, but the Knight will be able to control multiple squares on the board.
Position a Knight to attack two pieces at once - This is called a "Knight Fork."
Develop the positioning of each Knight before developing the positioning of each Knight's neighboring Bishop.
The knight is the most noticeable piece on the entire board, so examine the curves and fine details.
Also, make sure to check the fine details of the king and knight to determine quality.
The object of The Great Dalmuti is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible as each player is 'assigned' a lot in life such as a peasant or a knight.
Even though the pieces are easily recognizable, it's not so easy to remember which piece the character represents in terms of a Bishop, Knight, or Rook.
If a player gets a pawn all the way to the opposite end of the board, he can exchange it for another piece, either bishop, rook, queen or knight.
Many cite Nolan's interviews of the process behind The Dark Knight to indicate a willingness to continue with the Batman saga.
The Dark Knight Rises will use high definition cameras and a plot written by Christopher Nolan to advance the last saga in this section of the Batman plot.
However, the death of actor Heath Ledger after The Dark Knight wrapped is enough to place this film franchise in jeopardy.
Want to know how to make Vampire Knight uniforms?
The Templars were founded about the year 1118 by a Burgundian knight, Hugh de Paganis; the Hospitallers sprang from a foundation in Jerusalem erected by merchants of Amalfi before the First Crusade, and were reorganized under Gerard le Puy, master until 1120.
Charles the Bold maintained the traditions of his house as a patron of literature, and showed special favour to Chastellain, who, after being constituted indiciaire or chronicler of the order of the Golden Fleece, was himself made a knight of the order on the 2nd of May 1473.
In a temperate and learned speech, based on Fox's declaration against constitution-mongering, he supported both the enfranchising and the disfranchising clauses, and easily disposed of the cries of "corporation robbery," "nabob representation," "opening for young men of talent," &c. The following year (1832) found Campbell solicitor-general, a knight and member for Dudley, which he represented till 1834.
The substance of that knight's alleged travels in India and Cathay is stolen from Odoric, though amplified with fables from other sources and from his own invention, and garnished with his own unusually clear astronomical notions.
The fighting men of the defenders are variously recorded between 6100 and 9121; the roll comprises one English knight, Oliver Starkey.
He is also identified with the devil; thus, in accordance with old German tradition, he is dressed as a nobleman (ein edler Junker), all in red, with a little cape of stiff silk, a cock's feather in his hat, and a long pointed sword; at the witches' Sabbath on the Brocken he is hailed as "the knight with the horse's hoof," and Sybel in Auerbach's Keller is not too drunk not to notice that he limps.
Otto, who is sometimes called the "Red," was a man of small stature, by nature brave and impulsive, and by training an accomplished knight.
The first relates the adventures of a knight who married the young duchess of Calabria, niece of King Meleager of Sicily, but was loved by Medea, the king's wife.
On the death of the "Wolf of Badenoch" the earldom of Buchan passed to his brother Robert, duke of Albany, also earl of Fife and earl of Menteith, but these earldoms were forfeited on the execution of his son Murdoch in 1425, the earldom of Buchan again, however, coming to the house of Stewart in the person of James, second son of Sir James Stewart, the black knight of Lorn, by Joan or Joanna, widow of King James I.
Thus "to do chivalry" was a medieval phrase for "to act the knight."
The words knight and knighthood are merely the modern forms of the Anglo-Saxon or Old English cniht and cnihthdd.
Assuming, however, that knight was originally used to describe the military tenant of a noble person, as cniht had sometimes been used to describe the thegn of a noble person, it would, to begin with, have defined rather his social status than the nature of his services.
And at first chevalier in its general and honorary signification seems to have been rendered not by knight but by rider, as may be inferred from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, wherein it is recorded under the year 1085 that William the Conqueror " dubbade his sunu Henric to ridere."
Yet the fact that Harold received knighthood from William of Normandy makes it clear either that Harold was not yet a knight, which in the case of so tried a warrior would imply that " dubbing to knighthood " was not yet known in England even under Edward the Confessor, or, as Freeman thinks, that in the middle of the iith century the custom had grown in Normandy into " something of a more special meaning " than it bore in England.
But the banner of the banneret always implied a more or less extensive command, while every knight was entitled to bear a pennon and every squire a pencel.
It was his function also to display and guard in battle the banner of the baron or banneret or the pennon of the knight he served, to raise him from the ground if he were unhorsed, to supply him with another or his own horse if his was disabled or killed, to receive and keep any prisoners he might take, to fight by his side if he was unequally matched, to rescue him if captured, to bear him to a place of safety if wounded, and to bury him honourably when dead.
And after he had worthily and bravely, borne himself for six or seven years as a squire, the time came when it was fitting that he should be made a knight.
And when the knight rises the prince sayeth `Avencez.'
So, too, in the Empire a dubbed knight is " ritter geschlagen."
Very different were the solemnities which attended the creation of a knight when the complete procedure was observed.
At daybreak he confessed to the priest, heard matins, and communicated in the mass, offering a taper and a piece of money stuck in it as near the lighted end as possible, the first " to the honour of God" and the second " to the honour of the person that makes him a knight."
And when everything was prepared the prince or subject who was to knight him came into the hall, and, the candidate's sword and spurs having been presented to him, he delivered the right spur to the " most noble and gentle " knight present, and directed him to fasten it on the candidate's right heel, which he kneeling on one knee and putting the candidate's right foot on his knee accordingly did, signing the candidate's knee with the cross, and in like manner by another " noble and gentle " knight the left spur was fastened to his left heel.
And then he who was to create the knight took the sword and girded him with it, and then embracing him he lifted his right hand and smote him on the neck or shoulder, saying, " Be thou a good knight," a.nd kissed him.
When this was done they all went to the chapel with much music, and the new knight laying his right hand on the altar promised to support and defend the church, and ungirding his sword offered it on the altar.
The good knight is bound to endless fantastic courtesies towards men and still more towards women of a certain rank; he may treat all below that rank with any decree of scorn and cruelty.
In theory, the knight was the defender of widows and orphans; but in practice wardships and marriages were bought and sold as a matter of everyday routine like stocks and shares in the modern market.
Moreover, after the knight's liability to personal service in war had been modified in the 12th century by the scutage system, it became necessary in the first quarter of the r3th to compel landowners to take up the knighthood which in theory they should have coveted as an honour - a compulsion which was soon systematically enforced (Distraint of Knighthood, 1278), and became a recognized source of royal income.
Ashmole cites authorities for the contention that knighthood ennobles, insomuch that whosoever is a knight it necessarily follows that he is also a gentleman; " for, when a king gives the dignity to an ignoble person whose merit he would thereby recompense, he is understood to have conferred whatsoever is requisite for the completing of that which he bestows."
By the common law, if a villein were made a knight he was thereby enfranchised and accounted a gentleman, and if a person under age and in wardship were knighted both his minority and wardship terminated.
To the class of orders without the titular appellation " knight " belongs the Order of Merit, founded by King Edward VII.
Did not the Lamb of God, suspended at each knight's heart, symbolize at once the woollen fabrics to which so much of Flemish wealth and Burgundian power was owing, and the gentle humility of Christ which was ever to characterize the order?
The sovereign undertook to consult the knights before embarking on a war, all disputes between the knights were to be settled by the order, at each chapter the deeds of each knight were held in review, and punishments and admonitions were dealt out to offenders; to this the sovereign was expressly subject.
It now consists of three classes - grand cross, commander (two grades), knight, and of one rank of ordinary members (Dannebrogs maender).
The order consists of the five classes of grand cross (limited to 80), grand officer (200), commander (1000), officers (4000), and chevalier or knight, in which the number is unlimited.
On the 24th of April 1540 he was made a knight of the Garter, and subsequently managed the attainder of Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex, and the dissolution of Henry's marriage with Anne of Cleves.
Others of the same order evangelized Paraguay in 1582, while the Huguenots sent forth under a French knight of Malta a body of devoted men to attempt the formation of a Christian colony at Rio Janeiro.
Abd-ul-Aziz visited Europe in 1867, being the first Ottoman sultan to do so, and was made a Knight of the Garter by Queen Victoria.
John was neither a great soldier nor a statesman, but he was a chivalrous knight and loyal to what he believed were the interests of his family.
During 1663 he was made duke of Orkney, duke of Monmouth and knight of the Garter, and received honorary degrees at both universities; and on his marriage he and his wife were created duke and duchess of Buccleuch, and he took the surname of Scott.
In 1493 he had gone as a pilgrim to Jerusalem, and had been made a knight of the Holy Sepulchre; but, although he remained throughout life an adherent of the older faith, he seems to have been drawn into sympathy with the reformers, probably through his connexion with the university of Wittenberg.
After some half - dozen miscellaneous single prints - "Samson and the Lion," the "Annunciation," the "Ten Thousand Martyrs," the "Knight and Men-at-arms," the "Men's Bath," &c. - he undertook and by 1498 completed his famous series of sixteen great designs for the Apocalypse.
In 1513 and 1514 appeared the three most famous of Darer's works in copper-engraving, "The Knight and Death" (or simply "The Knight," as he himself calls it, 1513), the "Melancolia" and the "St Jerome in his Study" (both 1514).
He died (7th of July 1307) at Burgh-on-Sands, leaving his incompetent son to ruin himself by his own follies, while ferocious hangings and dragging of men to death at horses' heels roused the Scottish Commons, and the men of Ettrick and Tweeddale, renouncing their new lord, de Valence, came over to the wandering knight who stood for Scotland.
His rupture with France in October 1337, caused by his claims to the French crown, tended to withdraw his attention from Scotland, where, though the staunch Sir Andrew Murray died, Black Agnes drove the English besiegers from Dunbar (1338), while the Knight of Liddesdale recovered Perth.
By 1342 Roxburgh, Stirling and Edinburgh castles were again in Scottish hands, though the Knight of Liddesdale captured and starved to death, in Hermitage castle, his gallant companion in arms, Sir Alexander Ramsay, who had relieved the garrison of Dunbar.
With this Douglas, Knight of Liddesdale, a ruffian and a traitor, may be said to begin the long struggle between his too powerful house and the crown.
Ramsay, as we have seen, and though David was obliged to overlook the crime, the Knight of Liddesdale henceforth was not to be trusted as loyal against England.
The more loyal William Douglas, in 1353, slew his kinsman, the shifty Knight of Liddesdale, on the braes of Yarrow, and a fragment of one of the oldest Scottish ballads deplores his fall.
In May came the letter and ring of the French queen ordering James, as her knight, to strike a blow on English ground.
In the 13th century a knight with two squires, one groom, and the requisite horses, had to disburse 82 marks of silver for his passage; while for a single pilgrim the rate was rather less than r mark.
Duke William was able, restless and adventurous, an ideal knight of the palmy days of chivalry.
George's Chapel, Windsor, are the stalls of the Knights of the Garter, in Henry VII.'s Chapel in Westminster Abbey are those of the Knights of the Bath, adorned with the stall plates emblazoned with the arms of the knight occupying the stall, above which is suspended his banner.
Associated with Flacius was a knight, William of Grumbach, who, not satisfied with words only, made inroads into electoral Saxony and sought the aid of foreign powers in his plan to depose Augustus.
His father was by some said to have been descended from Attius Tullius, the Volscian host of Coriolanus, while spiteful persons declared him to have been a fuller; in any case he was a Roman knight with property at Arpinum and a house in Rome.
His widow, Jane, married Sir James Stewart, the "black knight of Lorne," and died on the 15th of July 1445.
Curtis (1813-1889), known by her pen name, " Mina Myrtle," and by Harriet Farley (1817-1907), who became manager and proprietor, and published selections from the Offering under the titles Shells from the Strand of the Sea of Genius (1847) and Mind among the Spindles (1849), with an introduction by Charles Knight.
These preceptors included the German priest Bruno, the Czech priest Radla, and an Italian knight, Theodate of San Severino, who taught him arms and letters (a holograph epistle by Stephen existed in the Vatican Library as late as 1513).
The tales of Lancelot and Tristram, the lives of the troubadours and the Wachtlieder of the minnesingers, sufficiently prove with what sensual freedom a knight loved the lady whom custom and art made him profess to worship as a saint.
An aged paladin, somewhat uxorious and always penniless, he was a typical knight errant, whose wanderings led him all over Europe, and planted him successively on the thrones of Jerusalem and Constantinople.
A brilliant and pathetic relic of the close of the medieval period exists in the Love Letters addressed in 1498 by Ingrid Persdotter, a nun of Vadstena, to the young knight Axel Nilsson.
After some unspecified secular employment, Wykeham became "under-notary (vice tabellio) to a certain squire, constable of Winchester Castle," probably Robert of Popham, sheriff of Hampshire, appointed constable on the 25th of April 1340, not as commonly asserted Sir John Scures, the lord of Wykeham, who was not a squire but a knight, and had held the office from 1321, though, from Scures being named as second of his benefactors, Wykeham perhaps owed this appointment to his influence.
He fought also at Stoke against the insurgents with Lambert Simnel, was made a knight banneret, governor of Calais, and lord chamberlain.
In 1751 he became lord-lieutenant of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire and a lord of the bedchamber, and in 1760 was made a knight of the Garter.
Extremely articulate and instantly engaging, Knight threw in material that this trade audience had clearly not heard before.
Knight then missed another blatant handball on 74 minutes, with Arber risking becoming the second Peterboro player to be sent off.
A 240-page hardcover continuing DC's look at Neal Adams ' evolutionary and revolutionary take on the Dark Knight.
A legend attached to the castle tells of a supernatural knight who abducts a young heiress to the castle.
An appendix reconstructs Knight's library, principally consisting of books concerning heraldry, topography and history.
It comes with an envelope inscribed in Matthew Knight's hand ` Ball.
In 1799 Scott translated Goethe's play Götz von Berlichingen, the tale of a chivalrous medieval German knight.
The spear end could apply significant injury to a knight in armor, or a knight in armor, or a knights horse.
In 1653 Knight was appointed a deputy lieutenant for the West Riding.
Aaron Knight lister Petter, Dursley For my work experience I worked at lister petter in Dursley.
Working in conjunction with Knight Frank's network of regional offices, we cover the entire UK market.
A director for renowned fashion photographer Nick Knight, his work is now archived in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Abel Ridley, an English knight, spares his life for the promise of a huge ransom.
To begin with there are the great models of the knight and his opponents, Paul being particularly resplendent in his Templar outfit.
White Knight The business transfer franchise Property Services Blazes - Your own High Street retail fireplace showroom for only £ 15,000 cash.
Alex trans to be a knight in order to rescue Laura from the clutches of an evil sorcerer.
London office space shrinks 18 July 2006 London office space is becoming increasingly sparse, according to new research by estate agent Frank Knight.
The movie tie-in also means that Jedi Knight has some of the best sound effects ever.
Stan had words with Knight that subsequently brought about a two match touchline ban.
His garment, which includes an outer, sleeveless tunic, suggests a knight in repose.
Knight is the one here who appears unfamiliar with the literature on this issue.
At the same time Knight would turn vicious the minute any artist tried to take their music elsewhere.
It forms part of the cycle of the chansons de geste dealing with the Crusade, and relates how Helyas, knight of the swan, is guided by the swan to the help of the duchess of Bouillon and marries her daughter Ida or Beatrix in circumstances exactly parallel to the adventures of Lohengrin and Elsa of Brabant, and with the like result.
He was a skilled knight and a daring huntsman, and although not a great general, was intrepid on the field of battle.
Greatly needing money for his campaign, John ordered another scutage to be taken from his tenants; this, moreover, was to be at the unprecedented rate of three marks on the knight's fee, not as on previous occasions of two marks, although this latter sum had hitherto been regarded as a very high rate.
He frees her from imprisonment in the castle of Meleagant, who has carried her off against her will - (a similar adventure is related in Lanzelet, where the abductor is Valerin, and Lanzelet is not the rescuer) - and, although he recovers his kingdom from Claudas, he prefers to remain a simple knight of Arthur's court, bestowing the lands on his cousins and half-brother Hector.
In Le Chevalier de la Charrette, however, which followed Cliges, we find Lancelot alike as leading knight of the court and lover of the queen, in fact, precisely in the position he occupies in the prose romance, where, indeed, the section dealing with this adventure is, as Gaston Paris clearly proved, an almost literal adaptation of Chretien's poem.
A conflict of interest and of bias led to contradictory action, and this conflict was increased in his case by his father's residence in England, his own upbringing at the English court, his family feud with Baliol and the Comyns, and the jealousy common to his class of Wallace, the mere knight, who had rallied the commons against the invader and taught the nobles what was required in a leader of the people.
After having served with the army in Thrace and been quaestor in Crete and Cyrene, Vespasian rose to be aedile and praetor, having meanwhile married Flavia Domitilla, the daughter of a Roman knight, by whom he had two sons, Titus and Domitian, afterwards emperors.
It has a fine doorway with a bas-relief by Andrea della Robbia over it; but the most striking external feature is the lovely open-air pulpit at an angle of the building, erected by Donatello and Michelozzo for displaying to the people without risk the Virgin's girdle, brought from the Holy Land by a knight of Prato in 1130.
In the garden of the château are two ancient towers, probably the remains of the Benedictine convent, but ascribed by local tradition to the knight Kolostuj, the legendary discoverer of the springs.
In 1750 Dr Gowan Knight found that the needles of merchant-ships were made of two pieces of steel bent in the middle and united in the shape of a rhombus, and proposed to substitute straight steel bars of small breadth, suspended edgewise and hardened throughout.
The cases in which a knight has been formally degraded in England are exceedingly few, so few indeed that two only are mentioned by Segar, writing in 1602, and Dallaway 1 Orders of Knighthood, vol.
Knight Rider was an instant hit, with Hasselhoff playing the lead character, Michael Knight.
Ledger won the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe Award for his role in The Dark Knight in 2009.
It is a role-playing/adventure game that offers a variety of characters and classes to play- Iskar Shaman, Vah Shir Berserker, Barbarian Warrior, Wood Elf Ranger, High Elf Cleric, Erudite Wizard, and the Dark Elf Shadow Knight.
When Cecil openly questions his king, the monarch strips him of his command and asks him to commit an act so heinous that it ultimately sends the knight on his own personal quest for redemption.
Use a Bishop to dominate a Knight - A Knight can be unable to move if the Bishop is placed three squares away from the Knight.
Hasselhoff went on to star on the prime time show Knight Rider and later Baywatch.
A great example of this is the anticipation that precedes the release of a highly anticipated book, such as Harry Potter, or the great hubbub that surrounds the opening of a buzzed-about film, such as The Dark Knight.
Knight plays George O'Malley, the shy, but lovable intern who's nursed many bad relationships during his run on Grey's.
Prior to his casting as O'Malley, Knight enjoyed guest-starring roles on Law & Order, Sesame Street and CSI.
Knight possesses a long list of credits on Broadway, off-Broadway and in the theater.
Off-screen, Heigl and Knight are very close friends.
Knight won a Screen Actors Guild award for his role as George O'Malley.
His co-star Heigl defended Knight and criticized Washington.
For example, when Michael Knight returned to All My Children after a several year absence, fans knew that his character Tad Martin would be resurrected somehow.
Knight and Ray MacDonnell would be reduced as part of a cost-cutting policy being applied to all three of ABC's soaps, including One Life to Live and General Hospital.
Knight and his Grey's original character George began with a blind item in an Ausiello column that had fans putting one and seven together to come up with three.
Knight left the show when his character George O'Malley was involved in an accident.
Knight, as his character George passed away.
Knight seemed dramatically underused throughout the season and behind the scenes rumors of Heigl's dissatisfaction coupled with rumors about Knight's desire to leave the series came to fruition in the final episode of the season.
An equestrian knight flying a banner with the word "Prorsum", which means "forwards" in Latin.
The medals on this watch are created to represent Burberry logos and designs, such as their waterproof logo, and the equestrian knight.
Batman metamorphosed from a campy 1960s television show into a modern gritty hero as depicted in the latest movie version, Dark Knight.
A last ditch attempt in the mid-90s with the album Face the Music was met with a lukewarm reception, and once Jonathan Knight began experiencing panic attacks before performing, the group officially called it a day.
Knight masks are fitted over the face with a rubber band that goes around the back of the head.
Adrianne Curry, who won the first-ever America's Next Top Model, also appeared on VH1's The Surreal Life, where she met future husband Christopher Knight (Peter Brady from The Brady Bunch), as well as her own reality show, My Fair Brady.
Christopher Knight's Controversial Relationship - In season four, Adrianne Curry became enamored with Christopher Knight, who was 25 years older than her.
Luke makes a more frontal assault, declaring himself at the door and claiming the title of Jedi Knight.
He is already a Jedi Knight, he learns, and no further training is required.
They were usually symbols of adversity - something a knight would have to overcome to prevail.
Yet at night, the knight and the hawk vanish under spooky circumstances, and a lovely lady, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, appears.
The next day, the lady and wolf are gone, and the knight and hawk have returned.
The knight was once a Captain of the Guard, Etienne Navarre.
While Dutch actor Rutger Hauer is primarily known for playing villains and crazies, he had both the looks and the physique to carry off the heroic knight role in Ladyhawke; the guy just looks great on a horse.
In Batman Begins, the Dark Knight returns to the screen after a seven year hiatus, but instead of moving forward with new foes to fight, we travel back to the roots of Batman and take a look into the man behind the mask.
Previous movies have always portrayed the Dark Knight in a stoic fashion, flashing back to the moment the pearls drop and the roses fall, returning to the present to a stone-faced Bruce staring expressionless into the air.
Combined with a killer soundtrack, seeing the Dark Knight stand against a background of the setting sun as the camera turns a circle around him is simply breath-taking.
Not since Batman the Movie, made in 1966, has the Dark Knight graced the silver screen, and Gotham City has never seen such bleakness.
The final draft for film included Luke's mentor Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi and the hero's name as Luke Skywalker.
Medieval Arthurian tales visit the topic of Sir Lanval, a knight who falls in love with a spectacular fairy of surpassing beauty with the stipulation that their love must be kept a secret.
A Knight Templar uniform clearly identified the religious soldier on the battlefield.
The chain-mail hauberk of a Knight Templar was long-sleeved with chain-mail hand coverings.
The Templar Knight's shoes were also covered with chain-mail.
Over his armor, a Knight Templar wore a white surcoat adorned with the red cross to let everyone know he was part of the Order of the Knight Templar.
The Vampire Knight manga (and cartoon) has been a very popular storyline for enthusiasts all over the world.
While the storyline does go much deeper than that, one relevant fact is that Vampire Knight uniforms are modeled after the school uniforms worn by Japanese students.
One of the great things about so many fans of Vampire Knight is that they can share their cosplay solutions with each other online.
With silver points and very detailed piping, the outfit is a fan's delight, and a wonderful project to aspire to create for any Vampire Knight fan.
The best part of figuring out how to make a Vampire Knight costume is choosing the method that works for you.
It is true that he is severe towards infidels; and his approval of the knight who, finding a Jew likely to get the better of a theological argument, resorted to the baculine variety of logic, does not meet the views of the 10th century.
The French legend of the knight of the swan is attached to the house of Bouillon, and although William of Tyre refers to it about 1170 as fable, it was incorporated without question by later annalists.
He inspired the production of The Dangers and Adventures of the Famous Hero and Knight Sir Teuerdank, an allegorical poem describing his adventures on his journey to marry Mary of Burgundy.
It contains some fine tapestry and portraits, and the Lee Pennyfamiliar to readers of Sir Walter Scott's Talisman-which was brought from Palestine in the 14th century by the Crusading knight, Sir Simon Lockhart.
That he was capable of better work than is suggested by his average accomplishment is shown by two allegorical poems - the Complaint of the Black Knight and the Temple of Glass (once attributed to Hawes).
Henceforward he who inherits a barony must pay r¦o, he who inherits a knight's fee too shillings or less, and for smaller holdings less "according to the ancient custom of fiefs."
Prospering by the law, William Howard of Wiggenhall rose to knight's rank and acquired by purchase Grancourt's manor in East Winch, near Lynn, where he had his seat in a moated house whose ruins remain.
Before his death his eldest son, John Howard, was a knight and already advanced by his marriage with Joan of Cornwall, one of the bastard line founded by Richard of Cornwall, king of the Romans.
Sir John Howard, only son of the match between Howard and Mowbray, took service with his cousin the third duke of Norfolk, who had him returned as knight of the shire for Norfolk, where, according to the Paston Letters, this Howard of the Essex branch was regarded by the gentry as a strange man.
The second duke, twice married, was father of at least eleven sons and six daughters, the sons including Edward the lord high admiral, killed in boarding Pregent's galleys at Brest, Edmund the knight marshal of the army at Flodden, and William the first Lord Howard of Effingham.
With Thomas Dekker he wrote The Fairy Knight and The Bristowe Merchant (licensed in 1624, but both unpublished), with John Webster A late Murther of the Sonne upon the Mother (licensed in 1624).
He is also said to have written, at dates unknown, The London Merchant (which, however, was an earlier name for Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle) and The Royal Combat; a tragedy by him, Beauty in a Trance, was entered in the Stationers' Register in 1653, but never printed.
Henry meanwhile, however, had sent William Knight, his secretary, on a separate mission to Rome to obtain facilities for his marriage with Anne; and on the cardinal's return in August he found her installed as the king's companion and proposed successor to Catherine of Aragon.
After his grandfather, George I., became king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714, Frederick was known as duke of Gloucester and made a knight of the Garter, having previously been betrothed to Wilhelmina Sophia Dorothea (1709-1758), daughter of Frederick William I., king of Prussia, and sister of Frederick the Great.
To the great majority of English readers the name of no knight of King Arthur's court -is so familiar as is that of Sir Lancelot.
The knight who joined the Crusades might thus still indulge the bellicose side of his genius - under the aegis and at the bidding of the Church; and in so doing he would also attain what the spiritual side of his nature ardently sought - a perfect salvation and remission of sins.
While the body of the noblesse formed the high court, the court of the burgesses was composed of twelve legists (probably named by the king) under the presidency of the vicomte - a knight also named by the king, who was a great financial as well as a judicial officer.
Robert de Clary, a knight from Picardy, who presents the nonofficial view of the Crusade, as it appeared to an ordinary soldier.
In 1833 he became a fellow of the Linnean Society, and in 1844 he was made a knight of the order of St Vladimir by the emperor of Russia.
It was Thomas who organized the Toulouse campaign of 1159; even in the field he made himself conspicuous by commanding a company of knights, directing the work of devastation, and superintending the conduct of the war after the king had withdrawn his presence from the camp. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engaged in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of reputation.
In 1534 Jean de La Foret, a knight of St John of Jerusalem, came to Constantinople as first permanent French ambassador to the Porte, and in February 1 535 were signed the first Capitulations (q.v.) with France.
After he had minutely arranged the Eastern Detachment in a series of rearguard positions, so that each fraction of it could contribute a little to the game of delaying the enemy before retiring on the positions next in rear, the commander of the detachment, Zasulich, told him that " it was not the custom of a knight of the order of St George to retreat," and Kuropatkin did not use his authority to recall the general, who, whether competent or not, obviously misunderstood his mission.
It was by means of their horsemen that the Austrasian Franks established their superiority over their neighbours, and in time created the Western Empire anew, while from the word caballarius, which occurs in the Capitularies in the reign of Charlemagne, came the words for knight in all the Romance languages.
In our days when a knight is personally made he kneels before the sovereign, who lays a sword drawn, ordinarily the sword of state, on either of his shoulders and says, " Rise," calling him by his Christian name with the addition of " Sir " before it.
The knight bachelor whose services and landed possessions entitled him to promotion would apply formally to the commander in the field for the title of banneret.
On the continent of Europe the degree of knight bachelor disappeared with the military system which had given rise to it.
In modern times, however, by certain regulations, made in 1823, and repeated and enlarged in 1855, not only is it provided that the sovereign's permission by royal warrant shall be necessary for the reception by a British subject of any foreign order of knighthood, but further that such permission shall not authorize " the assumption of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege appertaining to a knight bachelor of the United Kingdom."
The Knight of La Tour-Landry (1372) relates, by way of warning to his daughters, a tale of a lady who so irritated her husband by scolding him in company, that he struck her to the earth with his fist and kicked her in the face, breaking her nose.
The play, which is written in blank verse, is too obviously a continuation of Lessing's theological controversy to rank high as poetry, but the representatives of the three religions - the Mahommedan Saladin, the Jew Nathan and the Christian Knight Templar - are finely conceived, and show that Lessing's dramatic instinct had, in spite of other interests, not deserted him.
His rule in Jersey was severe, but profitable to the island; he developed its resources and made it a refuge for Royalists, among whom in 1646 and again in1649-1650was Prince Charles, who created Carteret a knight and baronet.
Another version is the medieval romance in The Seven Wise Masters of In the edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde it is told by "the first master" - a knight had one son, a greyhound and a falcon; the knight went to a tourney, a snake attacked the son, the falcon roused the hound, which killed the serpent, lay down by the cradle, and was killed by the knight, who discovered his error, like Llewelyn, and similarly repented (Villon Society, British Museum reprint, by Gomme and Wheatley).
The title of Knight Harbinger was taken from an office no longer existing in the Royal Household, and a regular gradation was instituted for the honorific titles and decorations assigned to members.
The idea at the bottom of the "Knight and Death" seems to be a combination of the Christian knight of Erasmus's Enchiridion militis Christiani with the type, traditional in medieval imagery, of the pilgrim on his way through the world.
Destined originally for the Church, he had preferred to become a knight, and in forty years of tournaments and fights he had won himself a considerable reputation, when in 1208 envoys came from the Holy Land to ask Philip Augustus, king of France, to select one of his barons as husband to the heiress, and ruler of the kingdom, of Jerusalem.
The distinction of a knight commander of the Indian Empire was conferred upon him by Queen Victoria in 1897, and he received like recognition for his public services from the German emperor, the sultan of Turkey, the shah of Persia and other potentates.
It suffered much during the Hussite Wars, and in 1437 was captured by the celebrated robber knight Kolda of 2ampach, and retaken by George of Podebrad in 1456 and included in his estates.
In 1627 Cats came to England on a mission to Charles I., who made him a knight.
Ferdinand, who died in 1188, left the reputation of a good knight and hard fighter, but did not display political or organizing faculty.
He continued for some years in favour with the king, who made him a knight of the Garter; but, having killed a man in a passion, he fled abroad and was entertained at the court of the emperor Maximilian, and afterwards at that of Philip, king of Castile, when resident in the Low Countries before his departure for Spain.
Finally, we read the full story in the original draft of Giles Tschudi's chronicle, where the hero is described as "a man of Unterwalden, of the Winkelried family," this being expanded in the final recension of the chronicle (1564) into "a man of Unterwalden, Arnold von Winckelried by name, a brave knight," while he is entered (in the same book, on the authority of the "Anniversary Book" of Stans, now lost) on the list of those who fell at Sempach at the head of the Nidwalden (or Stans) men as "Herr Arnold von Winckelriet, Ritter," this being in the first draft "Arnold Winckelriet."
Herr Burkli confines his criticism to the first struggle, in which alone mention is made of the driving back of the Swiss, pointing out also that the chronicle of 1476 and other later accounts attribute to the Austrians the manner of attack and the long spears which were the special characteristics of Swiss warriors, and that if Winkelried were a knight (as is asserted by Tschudi) he would have been clad in a coat of mail, or at least had a breastplate, neither of which could have been pierced by hostile lances.
Local antiquaries even identify the knight with Don Rodrigo de Pacheco, whose portrait adorns the parish church; and the same authorities hold that part of the romance was written while Cervantes was a prisoner in their town.
He was for a year employed by a Portuguese knight whom he described as having only one eye, and whom he names Vacz de Cogna (Vaz da Cunha ?).
Lancelot, as lover of Guinevere, could not be permitted to achieve so spiritual an emprise, yet as leading knight of Arthur's court it was impossible to allow him to be surpassed by another.
Aware that the resources of his own duchy were inadequate to the conquest of England, he sent all over Europe to hire mercenaries, promising every knight who would join him broad lands beyond the Channel in the event of victory.
To the French or Norman knight all peasants on his manor seemed to be villeins, and he failed to understand the distinction between freemen who had personally commended themselves to his English predecessor but still owned their land, and the mass of ordinary servile tenants.
Robert was thriftless, volatile and easy-going, a good knight but a most incompetent sovereign.
It is true that sometimes he kept his oaths or carried out his pledges with the literal punctuality of a lawyer, rather than with the chivalrous generosity of a knight.
Its first leader was none of the great barons, but a Renfrewshire knight, Sir William Wallace; but ere long more important persons, including Robert Bruce, earl of Carrick (grandson of Robert Bruce of Annandale, one of the competitors for the crown of Scotland), and the bishop of Glasgow, were found to be in communication with the rebels.
Wallace went to France to seek aid from King Philip, and his place was taken by John Comyn, lord of Badenoch, a nephew of Baliol, who was a more acceptable leader to the Scottish nobles than the vanquished knight of Falkirk.
But his most offensive act was to promote to the position of chief councillor of the crown, and disperser of the royal favors, a clever but vain and ostentatious Gascon knight, one Piers Gaveston, who had been the companion of his boyhood, and had been banished by Edward I.
The poet Chaucer may serve as a humbler example of the rise of the burgher class the son of a vintner, he became the father of a knight, and the ancestor, through female descents, of many baronial families.
Later in the same year the duke of Normandy granted to Robert fitz Harding Berkeley manor and the appurtenant district called "Berkelaihernesse," to hold in fee by the service of one knight or at a rent of loo s.
His son and heir-apparent, Maurice of Berkeley, was the hero of a misadventure recorded by Froissart, who tells how a young English knight, displaying his banner for the first time on the day of Poitiers, rode after a flying Picard squire, by whom he was grievously wounded and held to ransom.
Froissart errs in describing this knight as Thomas, lord of Berkeley, for the covenant made in 1360 for the release of Maurice is still among the Berkeley muniments, the ransom being stated at 1080.
James, the 3rd earl, an active sea captain who was all but lost in company with Sir Cloudesley Shovel, became knight of the Garter and lord high admiral and commander-in-chief in the Channel, he and his house being loyal supporters of the Hanoverian dynasty.
He also wrote biographies of Sir Isaac Newton and Edmund Halley for Knight's British Worthies, various notices of scientific men for the [[Gallery]] of Portraits, and for the uncompleted Biographical Dictionary of the Useful Knowledge Society, and at least seven articles in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography.
After the victory, the prince inquired for Sir James, who was brought to the royal tent, where Edward told him he had been the bravest knight on his side, and granted him an annuity of five hundred marks.
In still other ways was the figure of Godfrey idealized by the grateful tradition of later days; but in reality he would seem to have been a quiet, pious, hard-fighting knight, who was chosen to rule in Jerusalem because he had no dangerous qualities, and no obvious defects.
His grandfather was said to be Helias, knight of the Swan, one of the brothers whose adventures are well known, though with some variation, in the familiar fairy tale of "The Seven Swans."
In recognition of his merits, the emperor of Austria made him a knight of the Iron Crown and a councillor of state at Milan, where he died on the 17th of January 1834.
The sultan was killed by the Serb knight or voyvode Milosh Obilich (otherwise Kobilovich).
The justices were also ordered to try proprietary actions commenced by the king's writ for the recovery of land held by the service of half a knight's fee or less.
Next year Maurice Fitzgerald was made earl of Desmond, and from his three brethren descended the historic houses of the White Knight, the knight of Glin, and the knight of Kerry.
In 1808 he was made a Hofrath by the king of Saxony, and in 1820 a knight of the civil order of merit.
Madagascar (Paris, 1894); Rentier, Les droits de la France sur Madagascar (1895) Corlay, Notre campagne a Madagascar(Paris, 1896); Knight,Madagas- car in Wa'-time (London, 1896); Carol, Chez les Hovas (Paris, 1898); Gallieni, Neuf ans a Madagascar (Paris, 1908).
Pocahontas, perhaps the most remarkable mare in the Stud-Book, never won a race on the turf, but threw Stockwell and Rataplan to the Baron, son of Birdcatcher, King Tom to Harkaway, Knight of St Patrick to Knight of St George, and Knight of Kars to Nutwith-all these horses being 16 hands high and upwards, while Pocahontas was a long low mare of about 15 hands or a trifle more.
In 1820 he was elected a corresponding member of the Institute of France, the only distinction of the kind which he valued, and early in 1832 he was created a knight.
In Yonec a mysterious bird visits the lady kept in durance by an old husband, and is turned into a valiant knight.
The title of knight banneret, with the right to display the private banner, came to be granted for distinguished service in the field.
The last authentic instance of the creation of a knight banneret was that of John Smith, created banneret at the battle of Edgehill by Charles I.
I thought all adopted children yearn to meet the white knight father of their imagination.
It forced him to forge ahead like some naive knight doing battle with a windmill to satisfy his curiosity and meet this fool who'd toss away a life with this woman for a few measly millions.
He was so lithe and sure-footed – her knight in shining armor.
It was won by Jonny Knight, the senior graphic designer, who did a picture of Kev with a big Afro.
In the chancel is a 14th century alabaster statue of a knight, the only example of its kind in Hertfordshire.
The height of Knight's Peak is not given by the OS, so the SMC measured it with a " precision altimeter " .
The Knights Shield displayed an heraldic blazon which identified the Knight.
Mark Knight has also published his own cadenzas for violin concertos by Mozart and viola concertos by Stamitz and Hoffmeister.
Who said chivalry was dead, not the dashing red knight with the feather in his helmet!
His most eminent highness cannot, however, bestow this commandery on any knight who is not of the grand-priory of Russia.
Today, we are reviewing their latest product, Black knight copper cooler AK-688.
Hudibras, a poem written in rhyming octosyllabic couplets, concerns the exploits of a Presbyterian knight called Sir Hudibras.
They were often expressions of amorous dalliance, votive images given by a knight to his lady in pledge of devotion.
Knight was the former Director of Intelligence of the British fascists.
Flowers and fashion Botanist Sandy Knapp and fashion photographer Nick Knight explore the merging of nature and fashion in the beauty of flowers.
Less a Viking, really, than an Arthurian knight, Borg was embraced by England.
I had a copy of the Black Knight Returns on my shelf for over a year, sitting there unread.
As a conscious effort to bring religion into daily life, chivalry was less successful than later puritanism; while the educated classes of our own day far surpass the average medieval knight in discipline, self-control and outward or inward refinement.
The knight Walter Tyrrell, who was persistently accused of being the author of his masters death, as persistently denied his responsibility for it; and whether the arrow was his or no, it was not alleged that malice guided it.
Perhaps she 'd never quite gotten over a schoolgirl crush on the Dark Knight.
The knight screamed for mercy and promised to confess his crime.
Distraught, Himeno finds comfort with her stepsister Mawata and solace in the arms of the knight Hayate.
Apparently, the Black Knight is programmed to terrorize the village whenever anyone enters the library.
Furniture Hoo is the online store of the Knight Furniture Company of Florence, South Carolina.
Battle axes were part of a knight's standard arsenal, and their long handles made them useful in confrontations on foot and horseback.
Although subsequent films saw a decline at the box office, by the time The Dark Knight film was released in 2008, moviegoers were once again flocking to the theaters to see their favorite dark hero fighting crime.
The following websites offer free access to online games where you play the part of your favorite knight in black - Batman.
A guy who is going to a medieval themed prom might want to forgo the classic tuxedo for a more Shakespearean look, he could try a costume shop to find a knight outfit, or if he is the class clown, why not look for a jester's costume?
A young man going to a medieval prom could dress as a jester, peasant, or even become his date's knight in shining armor, minus the horse of course.
A knight on a horse beneath the castle may reflect some of the fairy tales about princesses and knights in shining armor.
Christopher Knight waxed poetic about pork chops and apple sauce on The Brady Bunch.
Peter Brady himself, Christopher Knight, and Top Model Adrienne Curry tied the knot on May 29.
In other celebrity wedding news, Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry, stars of VH1 Celebreality gem My Fair Brady have tied the knot.
Knight (aka, Peter Brady) and Curry (winner of America's Next Top Model) found love on another VH1 show - The Surreal Life 4.
But just in case you thought it was all over, no need to fear…Curry is writing a book about her life, which she hopes will be made into a film, and Knight is proffering his own line of hair care products.
One in particular is a television movie called Christmas at Water's Edge starring Keshia Knight Pullium (from The Cosby Show) and Tom Bosley (from Happy Days).
She also landed a plum role in the 2012 Batman film The Dark Knight Rises, playing Catwoman.
From Flava Flav, Brigitte Nielsen, Adrianne Curry, and Christopher Knight (all of whom got their own VH1 series), to Charo and Vanilla Ice, there has been no shortage of personality.
My Fair Brady began as well, a spin-off from The Surreal Life that showed the budding relationship of Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry.
Though Bale might be best known for his role as Batman in the films Batman Returns and The Dark Knight, he won his first Academy Award, for Best Supporting Actor, for 2010's The Fighter.
Knight. Reports swirled that he would be fired from the cast of the hit medical drama, Grey's Anatomy, but the cast and producers moved beyond the incident and all seemed well again.
As a result of the incident coming to the forefront, Knight, who was allegedly the recipient of Washington's comment, told People magazine that he was, in fact, gay.
She defended Knight, calling him her best friend and saying "I will use every ounce of energy I have to take you down if you hurt his feelings."
With his incredible talent and striking good looks, it wasn't long before he was landing starring roles in films such as Brokeback Mountain, Monster's Ball, and A Knight's Tale.
Later that year his final complete film was released, The Dark Knight, in which he played The Joker.
Knight. The 43-year-old star was also said to have "behavioral issues," according to TV Guide.
Knight. A few months later at the 2006 Golden Globe Awards, Washington denied ever making the comment and eventually the dust settled -- or so everyone thought.
Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry will air their adventures in Russia on the WE television network in December.
Christopher Knight is best known for his role as Peter Brady on The Brady Bunch.
According to Knight, "This was, for us, about the first place we traveled to of significance, where neither of us have had any experience previously."
From his first film role in the Steven Spielberg movie Empire of the Sun, to his high profile role as the Dark Knight in the Batman films, Christian Bale has established himself as a serious actor in a number of impressive movies.
Kevin Federline - Federline has turned out to be a knight in shining armor…for Sean and Jayden that is, not so much for Britney.
Winning with fans though doesn't always guarantee a win at the end, as fan favorite in Season Three, Michael Knight, won the $10,000 and the adoration of fans, but was beat out by Jeffery Sebelia in the end.
Mrs. Brady stated that she believed VH1 was pressuring Knight and Curry to tie the knot to boost ratings.
Maybe Mrs. Henderson saw Knight's other two marriages crash and burn and was simply advising him to take his time with this marriage and not let the cameras pressure him into rushing it?
Yes, one time CEO of Death Row Records, Suge Knight still loves trouble.
In the meantime, Knight was in and out of prison on a multitude of criminal charges and now, it seems he's headed that way again.
Knight was arrested in connection with an assault that occurred back in August of 2008.
There was a spin-off movie in 1991 called Knight Rider 2000, which also starred Hasselhoff, and he made an appearance in the made-for-TV remake movie in 2008.
A knight is on board to help with the fight and shoot cannons at the enemy.
From the outside left corner square (which is a dark square) moving to the right for white, the pieces line up as Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight and Rook.
Despite starting with such lowly movements, the pawn is the only piece that can be promoted; that is, when a pawn reaches the last row, you can switch it out to a Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight.
Luke, Leia and Han's costumes can be very simple and inexpensive to construct, as are any of the Jedi knight costumes, with the exception of props like Han's blaster and of course the light saber.
The knight in shining armor may come from a time period well before Henry VIII, but it fits right in with the medieval time period and the popular sport of jousting.
The covered buckle tab closure features Burberry's signature embroidered equestrian knight logo and, when bought from a reliable seller, the bag will come in a Burberry dust cover, making for nice storage.
It's a symbol as renowned as Lacoste's crocodile and Burberry's knight.
Burberry itself defines the bag as a celebration of the fashion house's most memorable fashion creations, including the check print, gabardine fabric, trench coat, quilted leather, signature D-ring buckles and equestrian knight logo.
In fact, if he'd been born in a different time, he'd have been a knight in shining armor and the king.
The knight in shining honor persona is the perfect Sagittarius profile.
Each suit has a King, Queen, Knight, Page, and cards numbered ten to two with the last card being an Ace.
The object that he is holding is a knight's sword, which is representative of the crusading spirit of the motion picture industry.
Fans of both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are buzzing about who the new Batman/Bruce Wayne will be and what characters will be involved.
The still-untitled new Batman is the follow up film to Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
Returning to Gotham City, Wayne builds a lair (the Batcave) in his mansion and begins to fight crime, starting with the Scarecrow and continuing with the Joker in The Dark Knight.
After the release of The Dark Knight and the ensuing hype based around Heath Ledger's posthumous Academy Award win, the new Batman movie cast members have become a popular topic.
After the success of The Dark Knight, the question on everyone's mind is if there's a new Batman movie coming out soon.
Christopher Nolan, the writer and director of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, is the guy responsible for bringing life to the Batman franchise again.
Nolan made the decision to title the third film The Dark Knight Rises.
Christian Bale had starred as Batman/Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins and returned to the role again in The Dark Knight.
Because of all the controversy, The Dark Knight did very well, becoming the second highest grossing film of all time.
A sports apparel and shoe brand that formed with a partnership between two running geeks at the University of Oregon, Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman.
Knight, upon finishing his graduate education at the Stanford Business School, headed for Japan to seek his fortune with Tiger Shoes.
Though he had no product behind him, Knight gave the president of this company the impression that he was an American athletic equipment distributor.
Knight's clever ploy soon had him selling shoes, labeled "Blue Ribbon Sports", out of the back of his truck at sporting events.
The awards show was hosted by Catherine Hickland and her then husband Knight Rider and former Young and the Restless star David Hasselhoff.
For the fans, he can be the bad boy they want to turn good, the white knight on the silver charger or the dark and mysterious man whose personal tragedy keeps him from love.
Adam West plays a better Dark Knight than Clooney, more justice-oriented, and if you've seen the original movie and series you know how comical in nature they were.
There were 24 books planned with 12 of those being based on an individual knight and a virtue that the specific knight exemplified in private.
He must train as a Knight under a wizened elder, losing first one guide and then another before he confronts his destiny, and the dark reality that his greatest enemy is his father.
Note the wooden castle on a mound, and the knight handing over the keys on his lance tip.
He was the third son, and according to Tallemant des Reaux was made a knight of Malta on the very day of his birth.
This last word is the regular French for "knight," and is chiefly used in English for a member of certain foreign military or other orders, particularly of the Legion of Honour.
It is to the marriage of this young knight that the house of Howard owes the tragedy of its greatness.
The house of Bouillon was not alone in claiming the knight of the swan as an ancestor, and the tradition probably originally belonged to the house of Cleves.
In June 1797 he was made a knight of the Garter.
He was so lithe and sure-footed – her knight in shining armor.
He did not want to be an hussar or a Knight of St. George like his uncle Nicholas; he wanted to be learned, wise, and kind like Pierre.