Kinetic-energy Sentence Examples
Available kinetic energy is possessed by a system of two or more bodies in virtue of the relative motion of its parts.
There is probably but little transformation of one form of kinetic energy into another in the plant.
The latter may be called the internal kinetic energy of the system.
It is much more probable that heat is really the kinetic energy of motion of the molecules, and is passed on from one to another by collisions.
If we assume that there is no loss of apparent kinetic energy we have also miuii +miuf2 = miui2 +mfuzi.
The increase of the kinetic energy of a rigid body in any interval of time is equal to the work done by the extraneous forces acting on the body.
The kinetic energy T of the motion relative to 0 will be constant.
This equation expresses that the kinetic energy is increasing at a rate equal to that at which work is being done by the forces.
Viscid silk also needs to absorb the kinetic energy of the fly, corresponding to a high value.
Aluminum bats are more popular these days because of the fact that aluminum is more elastic than wood-this means that when the ball hits the bat, it retains more of its kinetic energy (i.e. it will go farther outward into the field).
AdvertisementWind power involves harnessing the kinetic energy in wind and converting it to electricity via a wind turbine.
Blades attached to wind turbines collect the kinetic energy of wind, causing the blades to turn.
This is probably due to the fact that the younger athlete has a lower ratio of kinetic energy to body mass, which means the more immature the physical body, the lower the speed and power.
Built to function forever and made to last with kinetic energy powered by your body's natural movements.
Defensive upgrades include a few hundred kinetic energy turrets and a few prized nukes.
AdvertisementThese theorems, which hold for the motion of a single rigid body, are true generally for a flexible system, such as considered here for a liquid, with one or more rigid bodies swimming in it; and they express the statement that the work done by an impulse is the product of the impulse and the arithmetic mean of the initial and final velocity; so that the kinetic energy is the work done by the impulse in starting the motion from rest.
If we consider any short length of the stream bounded by two imaginary cross-sections A and B on either side of the plug, unit mass of the fluid in passing A has work, p'v', done on it by the fluid behind and carries its energy, E'+ U', with it into the space AB, where U' is the kinetic energy of flow.
If mechanical work or kinetic energy is directly converted into heat by friction, reversal of the motion does not restore the energy so converted.
In this case the work of expansion, pdv, is expended in the first instance in producing kinetic energy of motion of parts of the gas.
The kinetic energy of the molecules of these gases must contain two terms in addition to those representing translational energy.
AdvertisementFor a rigid body the kinetic energy will, in general, consist of three terms (AW1 2 +BW2 2 +CW3 2) in addition to the translational energy.
We shall show that if we sum these up for a whole wave the potential energy is equal to the kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy per cubic centimetre is 2 pu t, where is the density and u is the velocity of disturbance due to the passage of the wave.
If r is of the order of A, n is of the order of y; and the kinetic energy of the radial motion is of the same order as that of the longitudinal motion.
During the quarter swing ending with greatest nodal pressure, the kinetic energy is changed to potential energy manifested in the increase of pressure.
AdvertisementBut if the heat is given at the instant of greatest rarefaction, the increase of pressure lessens the difference from the undisturbed pressure, and lessens the potential energy, so that during the return less kinetic energy is formed and the vibration tends to die away.
If we rest on the synthesis here described, the energy of the matter, even the thermal part, appears largely as potential energy of strain in the aether which interacts with the kinetic energy associated with disturbances involving finite velocity of matter.
After a certain discount for friction and the recoil of the gun, the net work realized by the powder-gas as the shot advances AM is represented by the area Acpm, and this is equated to the kinetic energy e of the shot, in foot-tons, (I) e d2 I + p, a in which the factor 4(k 2 /d 2)tan 2 S represents the fraction due to the rotation of the shot, of diameter d and axial radius of gyration k, and S represents the angle of the rifling; this factor may be ignored in the subsequent calculations as small, less than I %.
The energy of a system is the measure of its capacity for doing work, on the assumption of suitable connexions with other systems. When the motion of a body is checked by a spring, its kinetic energy being destroyed, the spring, if perfectly elastic, is capable of restoring the motion; but if it is checked by friction no such restoration can be immediately effected.
According To The Elementary Kinetic Theory Of An Ideal Gas, The Molecules Of Which Are So Small And So Far Apart That Their Mutual Actions May Be Neglected, The Kinetic Energy Of Translation Of The Molecules Is Proportional To The Absolute Temperature, And Is Equal To 3/2 Of Pv, The Product Of The Pressure And The Volume, Per Unit Mass.
The product 4muf is called the kinetic energy of the particle, and the equation.
The unit of work on the same principles is ML2T2, and itis to be noticed that this is identical with the unit of kinetic energy.
In this case the kinetic energy is given by 2T = M0 (u1 +v2+w1) +AP2 +Bq2 +Cr2 2Fqr 2Grp 2Hpq, (13) where M0 is the mass, and A, B, C, F, G, H are the moments and products of inertia with respect to the mass-centre; cf.
The turning blades connect to a main drive shaft that spins a generator, converting the kinetic energy to electrical energy.
Wind turbines harness the power of the wind and convert its kinetic energy into electricity.
Conversely, if the kinetic energy T is expressed as a quadratic function of x, x x3, y1, y2, y3, the components of momentum, the partial differential coefficient with respect to a momentum component will give the component of velocity to correspond.
There will be more kinetic energy formed in the return journey and the vibration tends to grow.
Let E be the effective elasticity of the aether; then E = pc t, where p is its density, and c the velocity of light which is 3 X 10 10 cm./sec. If = A cos" (t - x/c) is the linear vibration, the stress is E dE/dx; and the total energy, which is twice the kinetic energy Zp(d/dt) 2 dx, is 2pn2A2 per cm., which is thus equal to 1.8 ergs as above.
If The Molecules Are Supposed To Be Like Smooth, Hard, Elastic Spheres, Incapable Of Receiving Any Other Kind Of Energy Except That Of Translation, The Specific Heat At Constant Volume Would Be The Increase Per Degree Of The Kinetic Energy Namely 3Pv/20=3R/2, That At Constant Pressure Would Be 5R/2, And The Ratio Of The Specific Heats Would Be 5/3 Or 1.666.
If steam or vapour is " wire-drawn " or expanded through a porous plug or throttling aperture without external loss or gain of heat, the total heat (E+pv) remains constant (Thermodynamics, § I I), provided that the experiment is arranged so that the kinetic energy of flow is the same on either side of the throttle.
It follows from the formula 15 (10) for the internal kinetic energy of a system of particles that as a result of the impact this energy is diminished by the amount i m1mi 2(1 _ei)m+m(ui_uf)1.
Hamiltonian matrix is then calculated using the discrete Fast Fourier Transform method to compute the kinetic energy part of the operator.
The energy in a train of waves carried forward with the waves is partly strain or potential energy due to change of volume of the air, partly kinetic energy due to the motion of the air as the waves pass.
But v/V =u/U from equation (2) and w =Eu/U from equation (3) Then 2wv/V = ZEu 2 /U 2 = 2 pu t from equation (6) Then in the whole wave the potential energy equals the kinetic energy and the total energy in a complete wave in a column 1 sq.
The kinetic energy released by supernova explosions is more than enough to account for the Galactic cosmic rays up to 10 15 eV.
If a body whose mass is m grammes be moving with a velocity of v centimetres per second relative to the earth, the available kinetic energy possessed by the system is Zmv 2 ergs if m be small relative to the earth.
Besides this most important contribution to the general fabric of dynamical science, we owe to Lagrange several minor theorems of great elegance, - among which may be mentioned his theorem that the kinetic energy imparted by given impulses to a material system under given constraints is a maximum.
The energy is less than that of an ideal gas by the term npc. If we imagine that the defect of volume c is due to the formation of molecular aggregates consisting of two or more single molecules, and if the kinetic energy of translation of any one of these aggregates is equal to that of one of the single molecules, it is clear that some energy must be lost in co-aggregating, but that the proportion lost will be different for different types of molecules and also for different types of co-aggregation.
This means that you already have 108 thousand joules of kinetic energy for every kg.
A high temperature from a match or spark etc., gives the reactant molecules enough kinetic energy to overcome the activation energy * .
Air from the atmosphere enters the eye of the first impeller it then acquires kinetic energy from the rotating impellers.
Mecca simply wanted what they eventually got - pure raw, kinetic energy dispersed under a geometric ceiling that resembled an inverted space station.
It slows down, losing kinetic energy as its potential energy, of electrical repulsion, increases in compensation.
When the stresses acting between the parts of a system depend only on the relative positions of those parts, the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system is always the same, provided the system be not acted upon by anything outside it.
In some cases, as when heat is converted into the kinetic energy of moving machinery or the potential energy of raised weights, there is an ascent of energy from the less available form of heat to the more available form of mechanical energy, but in all cases this is accompanied by the transfer of other heat from a body at a high temperature to one at a lower temperature, thus losing availability to an extent that more than compensates for the rise.
The assumption usually made is that the total kinetic energy of the molecules, including possible energy of rotation or vibration if the molecules consist of more than one atom, is proportional to the energy of translation in the case of an ideal gas.
If this could be co-ordinated and utilized without dissipation, the gas might conceivably be restored to its initial state; but in practice violent local differences of pressure and temperature are produced, the kinetic energy is rapidly converted into heat by viscous eddy friction, and residual differences of temperature are equalized by diffusion throughout the mass.
As the section of the tube varies, the change of kinetic energy of flow, dU, is represented by The flow in this case is reversible, and the state of the fluid is the same at points where the section of the tube is the same.
It is known, however, that when two bodies impinge, the kinetic energy which appears to be lost from the mass-motion of the bodies is in reality transformed into heat-energy.
In this expression the first line may be supposed to represent the energy (or part of the energy) of s similar molecules of a kind which we shall call the first kind, the terms 2 (mu 2 +mv 2 +mw 2) being the kinetic energy of translation, and the remaining terms arising from energy of rotation or of internal motion, or from the energy, kinetic and potential, of small vibrations.
For instance, if the system is composed of a gas and a solid boundary, some of the terms in expression (2) may be supposed to represent the kinetic energy of the molecules of the boundary, so that equations (7) show that in the normal state the gas has the same temperature as the boundary.
Photovoltaic cells draw in heat from the sun, as a form of kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy with which the moving mass.
Thus the estimation of kinetic energy is intimately affected by the choice of our base of measurement.
A simple example of the transformation of kinetic energy into potential energy, and vice versa, is afforded by the pendulum.
Next consider the kinetic energy of the system.