Kindness Sentence Examples
He didn't do so out of the kindness of his heart.
I've shown you what kindness I possess.
Some show their kindness to the poor by employing them in their kitchens.
There he cared for them with love and kindness; but no word did he speak in their hearing.
I am not a man, that I should repay kindness with ingratitude!
Then think how much kindness you are sure of as long as you live.
As to his honesty and kindness of heart there were never two opinions.
I remember with deepest gratitude the kindness of these dear friends and the happy days I spent with them.
She couldn't help but feel surprised by the kindness and careful planning of the refugees who'd lost everything but electricity in one building.
Bitter in his hatred of heresy, he yet displayed great kindness to the poor.
AdvertisementMen say, practically, Begin where you are and such as you are, without aiming mainly to become of more worth, and with kindness aforethought go about doing good.
I couldn't do it without your kindness.
He was the son of a tailor, and was left an orphan in his eighth year; but, through the kindness of a friend, admission was gained for him into the military school of his native town, which was then under the direction of the Benedictines of Saint-Maur.
Frances Burney, whom the old man had cherished with fatherly kindness, stood weeping at the door; while Langton, whose piety eminently qualified him to be an adviser and comforter at such a,time, received the last pressure of his friend's hand within.
She has showed kindness to someone who was upset.
AdvertisementIn February the same year (1575), the university of Leiden had been founded, and thither, by the kindness of friends, Arminius was sent to study theology.
The Beguines wear the old Flemish head-dress and a dark costume, and are conspicuous for their kindness among the poor and their sick nursing.
She noticed this and attributed it to his general kindness and shyness, which she imagined must be the same toward everyone as it was to her.
In May 1535 he was betrayed by Henry Phillips, to whom he had shown much kindness, as a professing student of the new faith.
The thought of their gentle courtesy and genuine kindness brings a warm glow of joy and gratitude to my heart.
AdvertisementThe White God didn't invite the Original Vamp into his home out of a sense of kindness or moral obligation.
Under more favourable conditions Louis would have gained a name for kindness and philanthropy, proofs of which did indeed appear during his reign in Holland and gained him the esteem of his subjects; but his morbid sensitiveness served to embitter his relations both of a domestic and of,'a political nature and to sour his own disposition.
As Paley says, he loves " to record their fidelity to their masters, their sympathy in the trials of life, their gratitude for kindness and considerate treatment, and their pride in bearing the character of honourable men..
In 1754 he became deputy librarian for the Faculty of Advocates, by the kindness of Hume.
There were exceptions even to her personal kindness to those about her.
AdvertisementThe Latin word was used in the early Christian ages for the reward that is given in heaven to those who have shown kindness without hope of return.
The kindness of friends, however, supplied provision for his children, and enabled him to carry out the long-cherished wish of visiting some of his philosophical allies.
Saxony established a penitentiary at Zwickau in 1850 and in its earlier management exhibited exaggerated kindness to its inmates.
In all this it was the position and rights of the clergy that were assailed; and James showed kindness to the church in seeking to secure that stipends should be paid and that new churches should be provided where required.
Paul, however, refused to accept his resignation and would have sent him abroad for the benefit of his health, had not a sudden stroke of paralysis prevented Bezborodko from taking advantage of his master's kindness.
In fact, however, the evidence goes to show that the empress, who was at all times very fond of children, treated Paul with kindness.
Towards her parents her conduct was uniformly exemplary, and the charm of her unselfish kindness made her a favourite in the village.
He was generous and charitable, of "a solid and masculine kindness," and of a temper hot, but completely under control.
Neither did he have any difficulty encouraging his students to repay the kindness of their parents.
But, as I came to your palace this morning, I kept saying to myself, 'When our lord Al Mansour learns just how it was that I borrowed the gold, I have no doubt that in his kindness of heart he will forgive me the debt.'
What he has taught we have seen beautifully expressed in his own life--love of country, kindness to the least of his brethren, and a sincere desire to live upward and onward.
You have uprooted an old kindness, sir, with an unsparing hand.
Out of kindness, he spares you, but makes you one of his kind.
According to Charm School producers, this season's show will focus on self-development through random acts of kindness and charity work.
During his absence from England Whitefield found that a divergence of doctrine from Calvinism had been introduced by Wesley; and notwithstanding Wesley's exhortations to brotherly kindness and forbearance he withdrew from the Wesleyan connexion.
Aristotle goes somewhat further in recognizing the moral value of friendship (c1xAia); and though he considers that in its highest form it can be realized only by the fellowship of the wise and good, he yet extends the notion so as to include the domestic affections, and takes notice of the importance of mutual kindness in binding together all human societies.
Doa Christina, apart from the dictates of gratitude towards the head of her Church for the kindness shown to her son and government, was a zealous Catholic. She proved all thfough her regency that she not only relied upon the support of the Vatican and of the prelates, but that she was determined to favor the Church and the religious foundations in every possible way.
By the kindness of a friend named Richter, he was enabled to resume his university career, and in the autumn of that year he graduated as doctor and qualified as privatdocent.
The girl eventually repays his kindness by looking after him when he falls ill and is promptly disowned by his employers.
Val McDermid has contributed a foreword out of the kindness of her heart.
Intimate kindness navigating between forces catching the gleam, the sadness.
But when they found that instead of being killed they were treated with kindness, they became exceedingly joyful.
We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and support from family and friends.
This continuity of translation, and support, their attention to detail, and unfailing kindness were much appreciated by us both.
Unhappily the insolence which, while it was defensive, was pardonable, and in some sense respectable, accompanied him into societies where he was treated with courtesy and kindness.
Their kindness to me was the seed from which many pleasant memories have since grown.
And I should so like to thank Uncle once for all his kindness to me and Boris.
His father had never conferred a favor or shewn a kindness more to his satisfaction.
Jack has a proclivity to show kindness to people even when they don't show it back.
Remember to acknowledge birthdays and occasions like Mother's Day and Father's Day with cards, small gifts or other celebratory gestures to instill thoughtfulness in the child and demonstrate caring and kindness.
They only offer cards that express real values like honesty, love, kindness and friendship.
A strong faith and loving kindness can be a stronger message of a teen's Christian beliefs than any t shirt.
Now we can decorate our home with your kindness in mind, making it an even warmer place for us to live.
The Miss USA winner, who just turned 21, had a tearful apology at the press conference and expressed her gratitude for Trump's kindness.
You want to make it a wonderful experience, full of love and kindness.
Your dog cannot help his physical state of being at this time, and this is one of the last acts of kindness you can perform for your pet.
The Chinese saw the moon as representing the Yin or feminine principle of Yin and Yang, symbolizing purity and kindness.
After searching the website, you can ask a global volunteer to perform a Random Act of Genealogical Kindness to take photos of headstones or research records in the area they have volunteered to work.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness offers free look-ups of information for those with Texas ancestry.
Many see the importance of carrying out this generous, yet incredibly simple act of kindness.
Don't sweat the small stuff, and do include everyone who wants to participate, following Jesus' example of love, leadership, and kindness.
Her beauty is found in her ethereal grace and her absolute kindness to the visitors to her kingdom.
For example, to demonstrate kindness, I look for ways to assist others.
Let him know that you appreciated his time and would like to reciprocate the kindness.
That's because some people mistake kindness for weakness.
I think your girlfriend has mistaken you kindness, your patience, and your generosity (buying her gifts, taking her to dinner, and not ending the relationship) for weakness.
Sweet Cancer does best when he or she is giving of their time and their feelings; giving kindness from a good place, not fear or anxiety, keeps your spirit strong!
If you're ever in need, you can trust Aquarius to respond with kindness and understanding.
Some of the things that will quickly get Gemini to warm up to you are a sense of humor and kindness.
Little acts of kindness are always noticed by Gemini, who doesn't miss any of the tiny details, but can often be oblivious to a train wreck in front of her.
While its true that the crab might change his or her mind on a whim or lash out in anger when confronted, it's also true that Cancer's well known traits of kindness and generosity are the real deal.
He has a limitless capacity to love, yet he won't tolerate being taken for granted or having his kindness to go unreciprocated.
From her visions, neither of them was capable of any measure of kindness.
He had nearly forgotten the young lady, the recipient of Jeffrey Byrne's kindness.
Charles, however, subsequently granted her a pension and treated her with kindness.
There is not a trace of human kindness in his satires, which were directed against the corruption of the times, the Reformation, and especially against Luther.
Hume's cheerful temper, his equanimity, his kindness to literary aspirants and to those whose views differed from his own won him universal respect and affection.
In 1687 a project of settling the crown on the princess, to the exclusion of Mary, on the condition of Anne's embracing Roman Catholicism, was rendered futile by her pronounced attachment to the Church of England, and beyond sending her books and papers James appears to have made no attempt to coerce his daughter into a change of faith,' and to have treated her with kindness, while the birth of his son on the 10th of June 1688 made the religion of his daughters a matter of less political importance.
Allon was a man of sound judgment, strong will, great moral courage and personal kindness.
Nor did his kindness cease there; before sailing on the expedition to Cadiz, in the beginning of 1596, he addressed letters to Buckhurst, Fortescue and Egerton, earnestly requesting them to use their influence towards procuring for Bacon the vacant office of master of the rolls.
The same writer greatly praises him for his kindness to Christian missionaries.
The character of the people is marked by simplicity of manners, kindness and hospitality.
Lord Cadogan became lord-lieutenant of Ireland, and Mr Gerald Balfour - who announced a policy of " killing Home Rule by kindness " - chief secretary.
Surely if it be blessed with even a fraction of the goodness and kindness of its father, the child deserves all the blessings of life; far more than might be offered by this wretch of a woman God may deem to mother it into the world.
Records were nearly non-existent but the kindness of the Ouray school personnel allowed Martha's attendance until matters were straightened out.
Only Jackson could turn a kindness into an insult.
Despite looking like a little bruiser, he's incredibly needy, pathetically grateful for any kindness or attention shown him.
We would like to appreciate the kindness and hospitality you showed us during our four day experience of fishing.
And then he says to godliness, verse 7, add brotherly kindness.
She was kindness itself and when we arrive d a clean nightie and pjamas were laid on the bed.
Heaven is where God will show us kindness out of the surpassing riches of His grace forever.
Lord Berkeley of Stratton, the viceroy, showed him much kindness and allowed him to establish a Jesuit school in Dublin.
Diogo Lopes escaped through the gratitude of a beggar to whom he had formerly done a kindness; but Coelho and Gonzales were executed, with horrible tortures, in the very presence of the king.
This is what I expected from you--I knew your kindness!
It is your responsibility to teach your child to treat your pet with kindness and respect.
You can ask a global volunteer to perform a Random Act of Genealogical Kindness by searching cemeteries and records where they live.
Maybe he cares about others and treats them with respect and kindness.
Expressing kindness towards animals is of paramount importance when you are trying to snag a Sag.
He can appreciate this approach and responds to kindness with kindness.
The movies and television show incorporate a lesson for the characters, including friendship and kindness.
Dr. Hardy would guide many of the young physicians over the years with his wisdom and kindness.
These gentle, family-oriented creatures are also symbols for kindness, energy, prosperity and the abundance of the Earth.
Not only was he willing to move from New York to Texas to be with her, but he also shows her how much he loves her with small gestures such as surprise dinners, affectionate phone calls and random acts of kindness.
These little creatures have a reputation for kindness to humans.
Deidre wasn't expecting his version of kindness.
Cynthia and her husband were appreciative of his efforts, which Dean knew came as much from nerves over his pending jury duty as early morning kindness.
Deidre glared at the phone, comparing Logan's unconcerned response with Dr. Wynn's kindness.
Andre alone has ever shown me any kindness.
Your father showed me mercy and you showed me kindness.
The table on the following page, for which the writer is indebted to the kindness of Carolidi Effendi, formerly professor of history in the university of Athens, and in 1910 deputy for Smyrna in the Turkish parliament, shows the various races of the Ottoman Empire, the regions which they inhabit, and the religions which they profess.
He was conveyed to Newgate gaol, where by the kindness of Lord Clare he was visited by two of his relatives, and where he died of his wound on the 4th of June 1798.
A reference to Jerusalem, which we procured through the kindness of Mr Walter Besant, shows that the Abyssinians no longer have a chapel or privileges in the Church of the Sepulchre.
Walton illustrates Herbert's kindness to the poor by many touching anecdotes, but he had not been three years in Bemerton when he succumbed to consumption.
The novice is classified according as his destination is the priesthood or lay brotherhood, while a third class of "indifferents" receives such as are reserved for further inquiry before a decision of this kind a strict retreat, practically in solitary confinement, during which he receives from a director, yet relying on Thine infinite kindness and mercy and impelled by the desire of serving Thee, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary and all Thy heavenly host, I, N., vow to Thy divine Majesty Poverty, Chastity and Perpetual Obedience to the Society of Jesus, and promise that I will enter the same Society to live in it perpetually, understanding all things according to the Constitutions of the Society.
To the minority of strict Jews he was therefore " the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not "; but the majority he carried with him and, when he was dying (165 B.C.) during his eastern campaigns, he wrote to the loyal Jews as their fellow citizen and general, exhorting them to preserve their present goodwill towards him and his son, on the ground that his son would continue his policy in gentleness and kindness, and so maintain friendly relations with them (2 Macc. ix.).
In a letter to her brother, drawn up by Gardiner by the king's direction, she acknowledged the unreality of the marriage and the king's kindness and generosity.
Though this kindness towards the Germanic tribes was resented by the Romans, and in some cases ill requited, yet it may be said that it not only averted a great danger to the empire, but considerably strengthened Theodosius' army.
And he spoke to them at some length on the kindness of Ananda.
He is sent back in disgrace, punished by solitude and plain bread, presently repents, reforms and is killed by kindness.
At an inn in the Orient he cured a sick monk, who later on, as bishop of Olmiitz, returned the kindness by saving the Jews from massacre.
All the acts of kindness which he did for the poor during the six years he was stationed at Gravesend will never be fully known.
His anxiety to be believed is very great, and I must say his personal promises I am inclined to believe; then his feelings are very strong; he feels kindness deeply..
All the while, Vara treated him with as much kindness as the abused son of a madman could.
The questioner, in the kindness of his heart, appears a little discomposed, and changes the subject.
He was a man whose unassuming character belied his extraordinary erudition and unfailing kindness.
If they initially appear generous, we might continue to see acts of kindness.
Her kindness and warmth endeared her to the Protectorate court, where she often interceded for Royalist prisoners.
Abusing a partner's kindness will bring back heavy karma and will be paid in full.
We have been very touched by the kindness and very generous support.
They help us to fill our minds with loving kindness toward all living beings.
These directions are always given with the utmost kindness.
As ye show kindness, so shall kindness be showed unto you.
While visiting her at home and in the hospice she radiated a great warmth and kindness.
It rests on the perennial and unfailing kindness of the poor to the rich.
When they saw the chain reaction of helping others out, they realized that kindness is contagious.
Many crafters are generous with their time and resources and that's part of what fuels RAK Scraps (RAK=Random Acts of Kindness).
The colonists, if mistaken in their general policy of leaving the natives in a condition of mitigated barbarism, had behaved towards them with uniform kindness and justice.
In short, his kindness of heart rose above all social, religious or political differences, and nothing destroyed his confidence in men and his sanguine views of life.
Shamash the sun-god was invested with justice as his chief trait, Marduk is portrayed as full of mercy and kindness, Ea is the protector of mankind who is grieved when, through a deception practised upon Adapa, humanity is deprived of immortality.
He accompanied his uncle Marcus to Cilicia, and, in the hope of obtaining a reward, repaid his kindness by informing Caesar of his intention of leaving Italy.
To repel these attacks he employed the talents of a number of court poets and artists, who in public recitation and pageant, in emblematic picture and banner and device, proclaimed the wisdom and kindness of his guardianship and the wickedness of his assailants.
But she was not even grateful to him for it; nothing good on Pierre's part seemed to her to be an effort, it seemed so natural for him to be kind to everyone that there was no merit in his kindness.
What's important is the act of kindness that these three men, with families of their own to support, have done for this child that will grow up without her dad around.
In return we offer love, kindness, food, shelter and protection.
Parents should monitor leadership behavior to make sure these children learn to lead with kindness while respecting other people's feelings.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness, or RAOGK, is a volunteer website that connects genealogist in different areas.
These works may regard the birth of Jesus or simply about the wonder and kindness of others during the holiday season.
Father Braun, to whose kindness the writer is indebted for the above account of the causes of the ritual changes in the Carolingian epoch, adds that the papacy was never narrowminded in its attitude towards local rites, and that it was not until the close of the middle ages, when diversity had become confusion and worse, that it began to insist upon uniformity.
His fascinating manners, his witty sayings, and his ever-ready kindness and beneficence won for him a secure place in the respect and love of his fellow-citizens.
His early correspondence with Shelley, which began in 1811, is remarkable for its genuine good sense and kindness; but when Shelley carried out the principles of the author of Political Justice in eloping with Mary Godwin, Godwin assumed a hostile attitude that would have been unjustifiable in a man of ordinary views, and was ridiculous in the light of his professions.
There were at first murmurings among his clergy against what they deemed his harsh control, but his real kindness soon made itself felt, and, during the sixteen years of his tenure of the see, his sound and vigorous rule dissipated the prejudices against him, so that when, on the death of Dr John Jackson in 1885, he was translated to London, the appointment gave general satisfaction.
Henry received the proffered assistance gratefully, and in return for the king's kindness subsequently left by his will certain British crown jewels in his possession to the prince regent.
His kindness then made her stomach flutter.
Wherever you find the word grace in most Bibles you will find the term " undeserved kindness " in their Bible.
A Master Healer, it promotes love kindness and understanding.
And we praise you for the incomparable riches of your grace expressed to us in your kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
Treasured memories of my very dearly loved son-in-law, with thanks for your help and kindness.
I usually went alone and in spite of the kindness of the hospital staff, I felt very wretched and isolated by my deafness.
Nothing in the form of a root word indicates the grammatical category to which it belongs; thus, kasih, kindness, affectionate, to love; ganti, a proxy, to exchange, instead of.
The life of a recluse is held to be the most conducive to that state of sweet serenity at which the more ardent disciples aim; but that of a layman, of a believing householder, is held in high honour; and a believer who does not as yet feel himself able or willing to cast off the ties of home or of business, may yet "enter the paths," and by a life of rectitude and kindness ensure for himself a rebirth under more favourable conditions for his growth in holiness.
Some individuals demonstrate their love through acts of kindness, while others are comfortable verbalizing their feelings.
If you know the person taking your place, you may want to say something nice about him or her.Next, you need to thank the people you have been working with for their support and kindness.
The name was soon discovered; and Pope, with great kindness, exerted himself to obtain an academical degree and the mastership of a grammar school for the poor young poet.
The youth was resentful of what he regarded as curmudgeonly treatment, a bitterness became ingrained and began to corrode his whole nature; and although lie came in time to grasp the real state of the case he never mentioned his uncle with kindness or regard.
All the ordinary social virtues such as truthfulness, honesty, kindness, chastity are emphasized and a great stress is laid on care for the poor (a social necessity at a tine when there were no well organized public charities).
On the other hand, when the god was received hospitably he repaid the kindness by the gift of the vine, as in the case of Icarius of Attica (see Erigone).
Lord Berkeley of Stratton, who was the viceroy, showed him much kindness and allowed him to establish a Jesuit school in Dublin.
Johnson, of whose various and often merely churlish remarks on Garrick and his doings many are scattered through the pages of Boswell, spoke warmly of the elegance and sprightliness of his friend's conversation, as well as of his liberality and kindness of heart; while to the great actor's art he paid the exquisite tribute of describing Garrick's sudden death as having " eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure."
In 1810 he was about to enter upon his new post of governor of Rome when he was, unexpectedly, elected successor to the Swedish throne, partly because a large part of the Swedish army, in view of future complications with Russia, were in favour of electing a soldier, and partly because Bernadotte was very popular in Sweden, owing to the kindness he had shown to the Swedish prisoners during the late war with Denmark.
Lord Chesterfield well knew the value of such a compliment; and therefore, when the day of publication drew near, he exerted himself to soothe, by a show of zealous and at the same time of delicate and judicious kindness, the pride which he had so cruelly wounded.
In return for her kindness, being entrusted with foreknowledge by the visitation of God, they prophesied that God had decreed an end of rule for Herod and his line and that the sovereignty devolved upon her and Pheroras and their children.
Through the kindness of Henry Salt, the traveller and antiquarian, who was ever afterwards his patron, he was engaged at Astley's amphitheatre, and his circumstances soon began to improve.
Though he was not a good teacher, his influence both on his pupils and on those few intimate friends for whom alone he relaxed the gravity of his manner was profound, and, little as he-was known to the white inhabitants of Lexington, he was revered by the slaves, to whom he showed uniform kindness, and for whose moral instruction he worked unceasingly.
The emigrants were treated with great kindness by Moroko, the chief of that tribe, and with the Barolong the Boers maintained uniformly friendly relations.