Kindle Sentence Examples
As a teacher he was able not only to impart knowledge, but to kindle enthusiasm.
The stormcloud had come upon them, and in every face the fire which Pierre had watched kindle burned up brightly.
Both the Kindle and Nook allow readers to share books with other users.
They carried their flaming brands toward the north, as it were ready to kindle a conflagration.
Who art thou, miserable man, who would smother and extinguish in others the fire of God's Spirit which it has pleased him to kindle in them ?
They are skilful with the bow and in throwing stones, and they can easily kindle a fire, even in the wet season, by rubbing together two pieces of dry bamboo.
The IPad, Reader, and Nook have touch-screens and the iPad, Reader, and the Kindle DX have screens that rotate.
The Kindle 2 has manual rotation and the Nook has none.
With the Wi-Fi turned off, the battery on the basic Kindle lasts for one month.
The chief had lately become a member of the Institute, and did his utmost to inflame in France that love of art and science which he had helped to kindle by enriching the museums of Paris with the treasures of Italy.
AdvertisementThe Kindle device operates much like a cell phone-so you never have to find a WiFi "hotspot" to have access to your books.
There are also many different offerings out there, but perhaps the best and most well known are the Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, the Apple iPad and the Sony Readers.
Kindle 2 has 2 GB and it is not expandable, Kindle DX has 4 GB and is not expandable.
The iPad accesses the iBookstore and the two Kindles have available from the Kindle Store over 400,000 books, 130 newspapers and magazines, and 8,000 blogs.
Consider these comparisons to see how the Kindle and Nook stack up to each other.
AdvertisementReviewers give Kindle the edge for readability, thanks to higher contrast and darker eInk.
The smallest Kindle weighs 8.5 ounces, while the smallest Nook weighs 11.5 ounces.
The Kindle's light weight is considered a boon by some, but others find that it feels too flimsy.
Both versions of the Kindle can store 4GB, which translates into approximately 3,500 books.
Both the Kindle and Nook offer access to bookstores with hundreds of thousands of titles, though Amazon's Kindle store has the slight edge in terms of numbers.
AdvertisementOf course, you can go right to the source and buy your Kindle from Amazon or Nook from Barnes and Noble.
When it comes to picking a Kindle or Nook, it all comes down to personal preference.
Whether you prefer the sturdier feel of the Nook or the speedier, lighter Kindle, both of these eReaders will let you indulge your literary obsessions on the go.
Some back issues of Galaxy are available electronically for the Kindle.
The book Socialnomics is available at any major bookstore in the country and there's also a Kindle version on Amazon as well.
AdvertisementThere fresh proofs of his prowess only served to kindle against him the rancour of his enemies and the jealousy of the king.
Do not kindle the coals of a sinner, lest you be burned in his flaming fire.
Meanwhile newly-conquered England had its own problems to solve; and Germany, torn by civil war, and not naturally quick to kindle, could only deride the "delirium" of the crusader.'
In November 1492 a party sent out by Columbus from the vessels of his first expedition to explore the island of Cuba brought back information that they had seen people who carried a lighted firebrand to kindle fire, and perfumed themselves with certain herbs which they carried along with them.
There is also a Kindle version of most books, which is an electronic version.
For instance, Kindle owners can shop from Amazon's vast selection of eBooks, Nook owners buy direct from Barnes and Noble and Kobo users have access to eBooks sold by Borders Books.
In addition, eBooks are not currently transferable which means if you've filled a Kindle up with your favorite books for three years and now want to give the Nook a try, none of your previously purchased eBooks can be read on the Nook.
E-readers are another hot ticket item this year with Amazon's Kindle boasting thousands of books priced under five dollars available for download and faster 3G speeds.
The Kindle 2 and Nook will run from $179 to $259 depending on its wireless capabilities.
There is a big variation in weight as well, as the iPad is the heaviest at 1.5 pounds, the Kindle DX is 18.9 ounces, the Reader is 12.75 ounces, the Nook is 12.1 ounces, and the Kindle 2 is 10.2 ounces.
High end e-book readers are the Kindle 2 and the iPad, and of course they offer more versatility.
You can get a Kindle with a 6 inch screen that is only 8.7 oz. The Sony Reader Daily Edition has a 7inch screen and weighs 9.6 oz. To have a large screen, you will need a Kindle or iPad and both weigh over a pound.
Amazon's Kindle and Barnes and Noble's Nook both offer readers easy access to a huge library of books on the run, but different features and construction mean that each has its pros and cons.
Many people who enjoy reading books in electronic format purchase a Kindle or some other eBook reader, but if you like to read whole books online, there are plenty of free resources where you can do so right on your computer or laptop.
If you have an iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, a Blackberry, an Android phone or a Kindle, then you can have access to the expansive Merriam Webster's Dictionary by downloading the applications.
For that price you get a print-out of the guitar tab along with a sheet music file that can be used with a variety of media including the Kindle Fire, iPad, and Android.
It's guaranteed to make you laugh, learn a bit more about your partner and perhaps kindle a few flames.
E-books can be offered in many different formats, ranging from downloadable PDFs to manuscripts intended for reading on Amazon's Kindle.
There are also links to fun downloads like free Kindle books, free mp3 children's music, or free online videos for your family to watch together.
Fortunately, offers an impressive assortment of free books for the Kindle that includes several current bestsellers in the romance, mystery, and science fiction categories.
And, if you don't have a Kindle, you'll need to download one of the free Kindle apps to read the books on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, or Android.
Most experts agree that you should spend a little more than that, though, and get at least an entry Kindle or Nook that runs between $139 and $149.
Additional storage is not available for the Kindle.
For engineers who love to read, but want to use the latest technology, consider the Amazon Kindle, iPad, or the Nook.
At the rare moments when the old fire did kindle in her handsome, fully developed body she was even more attractive than in former days.
He has retreated and ordered the rearguard to kindle fires and make a noise to deceive us.
His connexion with the fall of Troy indicates that the fire-god himself set fire to the city; in like manner no other than the fire-god was thought worthy to kindle the pyre of Heracles.
It is in its essence, and it is a main condition of its success, to kindle into fierce exercise among great masses of men the destructive and combative passions - passions as fierce and as malevolent as that with which the hound hunts the fox to its death or the tiger springs upon its prey.
The rush of the pilgrims to kindle their lights at it is so great, that order is maintained with difficulty by Mahommedan soldiers.
Preller inclines to a connexion with +Oat, to kindle fire, but Max Miller differs from this theory.
In vain Charles tried to kindle anew the embers of former feudal intrigues; the execution of the duke of Nemours and the count of Saint P01 cooled all enthusiasm.