Keystroke Sentence Examples
Proxies can also be used to gather information - from as basic a fact as the IP address where the server request came from to information as complete as every keystroke sent to the web browser.
Unlike a paper calendar that often is just one more thing around the house that you have to keep track of, the site is always there at the click of a keystroke or two.
The sacred rule of applying for a free online grant is to remember you are a keystroke away from submitting for good any information you are not 110% positive about.
On some applications this character is essential to make the characters actually look like a face, whereas in others it is simply another keystroke that can even detract from the overall look.
The hin show wagerworks finalized its blasting the tv through keystroke cadence.
Tools can now be selected with a single keystroke, saving your mouse a trip to the Tools palette.
It takes a couple of minutes to attach a tiny keystroke logger onto someone's keyboard.
Unchecked, these IM worms can install spyware, adware, keystroke loggers, and root kits on victims ' PCs.