Keynote Sentence Examples
Its keynote is sovereignty.
Its keynote is to be found in the Protagorean " man is the measure."
The subordination of reason to a sense of superstitious fanaticism is the keynote of his character, and largely the explanation of his life.
Jevons arrived quite early in his career at the doctrines that constituted his most characteristic and original contributions to economics and logic. The theory of utility, which became the keynote of his general theory of political economy, was practically formulated in a letter written in 1860; and the germ of his logical principles of the substitution of similars may be found in the view which he propounded in another letter written in 1861, that "philosophy would be found to consist solely in pointing out the likeness of things."
The idea of re-birth was in the air; it was the very keynote of all the solemn initiations and mysteries - Mythraic, Orphic, Eleusinian - through which repentant pagans secured pardon and eternal bliss.
The keynote of this tendency had been struck by Hobbes, in whose philosophy man was regarded as a mere selfish sensitive machine, moved solely by pleasures and pains.
Everything was placed at the service of this national "ea"'aspiration, which is the keynote of the poems of Bolinti neanu (1826-1873).
But he made the attempt, and resistance to that attempt supplies the keynote to the first twenty-five years of Burke's political life.
The keynote of his thought was that public ethics has a utilitarian basis, and he insisted strongly on the importance of culture in national development.
Revolt against the whole civilized environment in which he was brought up is the keynote of Nietzsche's literary career.
AdvertisementSir Jeremy Issacs will give a keynote address on the evening of 7 November 2003.
World class speakers included Jeffrey Zeldman (keynote speaker ), accessibility guru Joe Clark and designer extraordinaire Douglas Bowman.
Through his many articles, books and keynote speeches, John has become a highly respected business futurist and a renowned global thought leader.
Prof Luke O'Neill provided a keynote talk on the functioning of innate immunity at the mucosal barrier.
The Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University, Professor Peter Scott, will deliver the final keynote of the conference.
AdvertisementSteven Pemberton gives a keynote at Interact 2005 on 16 September in Rome, Italy.
We should suggest him for an opening keynote speech, shouldn't we?
The closing keynote address was given by Erno Lehtinen, from the University of Turku, Finland.
The conference keynote will be given by Professor Phil Candy of the NHS University.
Friday morning keynote is by Elisabet Sahtouris, evolutionary biologist.
AdvertisementThis year promises to build on this success, with high profile keynote addresses and an excellent variety of Study Sessions.
The day started with a lively keynote lecture by Professor John Gaffney.
While the votes were being counted, design luminary Michael Wolff and keynote speaker at the event praised the teams.
The event will be divided into panel discussion and keynote plenary lectures.
He gave our ' Creating Young Leaders of The Future " keynote presentation.
AdvertisementRobin Cook was due to be the keynote speaker.
At this historic launch Mrs Rosemary Kennedy, Chief Nursing Officer for Wales, will make a keynote speech to launch the Academy.
He is informed that the people to whom he is sent are rebellious and stiff-necked (this indicates his opinion of the people, and gives the keynote of the following discourses); he is appointed watchman to warn men when they sin, and is to be held responsible for the consequences if he fail in this duty.
Richard could only stand on the defensive; the keynote of his later policy is given by the building of the famous Château Gaillard at Les Andelys (1196) to protect the lower courses of the Seine against invasion from the side of France.
In this respect Descartes' dictum - cogito ergo sum - may be said to have struck the keynote of modern philosophy, and all subsequent speculation to have been merely a prolonged commentary upon it.
Which is why I was pleased to discover that he 's to be the keynote speaker at NATE conference 2005.
The conference was headline by keynote speaker Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Kevin O'Connor, host of This Old House, Tedd Benson, founder of woodworking company Bensonwood, and Steve Kieran, founding partner of architectural firm Kieran Timberlake Associates, LLP, gave the keynote address.
Each year, the fair hosts a keynote speaker prominent in the energy field.
Brenda Brathwaite, game designer and chair of the International Game Developers Association's Sexuality SIG will chair the event and deliver a keynote address as well.
Although it is not described on the official Apple Web site, Apple CEO Steve Jobs did mention in a keynote speech than the Apple iPhone will come with the highly popular A2DP Bluetooth profile.
For a touch of intrigue, Brighton offers the Viola straw handbag with a sweeping open scroll keynote design in croco.
The keynote speaker for SXSW music festival will be Neil Young, who will be joined by Jonathan Demme, director of a new Neil Young documentary, "Neil Young/Heart of Gold."
The keynote address will take place March 16.
As of 2009, FUBU has generated over six billion dollars in sales.John has expanded into other business ventures, including keynote speaking and authoring a book based on his experiences.
He is also a popular keynote speaker, and recipient of prestigious awards, including the coveted Eli Whitney Award.
This enthusiastic love of poverty is certainly the keynote of St Francis's spirit; and so one of his disciples in an allegorical poem (translated into English as The Lady of Poverty by Montgomery Carmichael, 1901), and Giotto in one of the frescoes at Assisi, celebrated the "holy nuptials of Francis with Lady Poverty."
Richard could only stand on the defensive; the keynote of his later policy is given by the building of the famous Château Gaillard at Les Andelys (1196) to protect the lower courses of the Seine against invasion from the side of France.
The keynote of his History is contained in his assertion that the Reformation was "the root and source of the expansive force which has spread the Anglo-Saxon race over the globe."
His uncompromising opposition to the institution of slavery furnished the keynote of his earlier senatorial career, and he soon took rank as one of the ablest and most effective anti-slavery orators in the United States.
Indolence was supposed to be the keynote of his character - a refined indolence, not, however, without cleverness of a somewhat cynical and superior order.
The keynote of the counter Reformation had been struck by the popes who immediately preceded this period.
In 1163 Henry returned to England, and almost immediately embarked on that quarrel with the Church which is the keynote to the middle period of the reign.
The difficulty of reconciling the two views is that which gives rise to much of the obscurity in Locke's treatment of the theory of knowledge; in Hume the effort to identify them, and to explain the synthesis which is essential to cognition as merely the accidental result of external relations among the elements of conscious experience, appears with the utmost clearness, and gives the keynote of all his philosophical work.
These stirring pieces, termed by him Messeniennes, sounded a keynote which found an echo in the hearts of all.
The meeting between the amir Shere Ali and the viceroy of India (Lord Mayo) at Umballa in 1869 drew nearer the relations between the two governments; the amir consolidated and began to centralize his power; and the establishment of a strong, friendly and united Afghanistan became again the keynote of British policy beyond the north-western frontier of India.
The keynote of Buddhist asceticism is deliverance from life and its inevitable suffering.
President Montt then took in hand the question of a reform of the currency, the abolition of inconvertible paper money, and the re-establishment of a gold basis as the monetary standard of the republic. This reform of the currency became the keynote of the president's policy during the remainder of his term of office.
The long vault has a certain keynote of its own, which, when firmly struck, excites harmonics, including tones of incredible depth and sweetness.
His idealistic scheme of history, which makes religion the keynote of progress, and describes the function of each - Judaism to typify duty, Confucianism order, Mahommedanism justice, Buddhism patience, and Christianity love - does not account for the facts of the history enacted by the devotees.
A passage in Emerson's Diary, written on his homeward voyage, strikes the keynote of his remaining life.
This principle of association is to be the keynote of the social development of the future.
This gives the keynote to the fourth book.
The keynote presenter for this is James Clay, Director, Western Colleges Consortium.
Whatever may be said of the original creation of the Constitution, whether by the states or by the people, its development under the influences of a growing nationalism was a strong support to Webster's argument, and no other speech so strengthened Union sentiment throughout the North; its keynote was "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
The perception of relations, which, according to him, is the essence of cognition, the demonstrative character which he thinks attaches to our inference of God's existence, the intuitive knowledge of self, are doctrines incapable of being brought into harmony with the view of mind and its development which is the keynote of his general theory.