Keyed Sentence Examples
The samson-post, which supports the walking beam, and the jack-posts, are dove-tailed and keyed into the sills.
Next the ratchet wheel is a disk which is keyed on to the shaft.
In fact, she was so keyed up when she reached her apartment that she decided to call her best friend with the news.
To meet this exigency, Zarlino proposed that for the lute the octave should be divided into twelve equal semitones; and after centuries of discussion this system of "equal temperament" has, within the last thirty-five years, been universally adopted as the best attainable for keyed instruments of every description.3 Again, Zarlino was in advance of his age in his classification of the ecclesiastical modes.
The lift is effected by cams acting on the under surface of tappets, and formed by cylindrical boxes keyed on to the stems of the lifter about onefourth of their length from the top. As, however, the cams, unlike those of European stamp mills, are placed to one side of the stamp, the latter is not only lifted but turned partly round on its own axis, whereby the shoes are worn down uniformly.
Toxins may thus become so closely keyed into their corresponding atom groups, as for instance in tetanus, that they are no longer free to combine with the antitoxin; or, again, an antitoxin injected before a toxin may anticipate it and, preventing its mischievous adhesion, dismiss it for excretion.
If, for a twocompartment shaft, a pair of drums (or a single wide drum) be keyed to the engine shaft, with the ropes wound in opposite directions, the hoisting is " in balance," that is, the cages and cars counterbalance each other, so that the engine has to raise only the useful load of mineral, plus the rope.
The torque required to hold the casing still against the action of the disk measures the torque exerted by the shaft to which the disk is keyed.
Houses are keyed up with " shaps," " face plates " and " bolts," and only kept from falling by leaning on one another.
The drum-shaft is connected by a friction clutch with a shaft in the same line, on which are keyed a sprocket wheel and a ratchet wheel.
AdvertisementThe sprocket wheel is connected by a chain with a similar sprocket wheel which is keyed on the same shaft as that of the left-hand pulley.
The soprano instrument was the keyed bugle, whose ancestor is the Renaissance cornetto.
The most complicated sets seen today have 5 drones with a switch for easy key changing, and up to 21 keyed chanters.
A model with a keyed chuck holds the bits without slippage.
It should have sufficient resources to cope with a full organ situation when many notes are keyed with many stops drawn, including couplers.
AdvertisementThe buttons marked P and T are used to provide the facilities of 10 telephone number storage and repeat last manually keyed number.
The Milwaukee Hole Shooter is a good drill. warren weber replied to Jay on 28 Feb 2003 I have both keyed and keyless.
A volume might be written on Orlando di Lasso's art of so crossing the voices as to render possible successions of chords which, on a keyed instrument where such crossing cannot be expressed, would be a horrible series of consecutive fifths; the beauty of the device consisting in the extreme simplicity of the chords, combined with the novelty due to the fact that these chords cannot be produced by any ordinary means without incorrectness.
Those instruments of which the tones and compass are most suitable for polyphonic melody are for the most part high in pitch; a circumstance which, in conjunction with the practice (initiated by the monodists and ratified by science and common sense) of reckoning chords upwards from the bass, leads to the conclusion that the instruments which hold the main threads in the design shall be supported where necessary by a simple harmonic filling-out on some keyed instrument capable of forming an unobtrusive background.
However, for the sword to be fully keyed to its owner it needs to be quenched in the blood of a victim.
AdvertisementMay be keyed in Netscape 's OPEN or Netscape 's LOCATION / GO TO box to retrieve a document.
Smooth surfaces should be keyed using a spatter coat of plaster slurry or a brushed on primer mixed with sand.
Only 25 percent of sales need keyed, with the other 75 percent processing through swipes.
While many of the games released today have a broader appeal and are less keyed to a single gender, there are still games being created specifically for women.
Buy separate keyed locks and use these instead.
AdvertisementFor keyed or fretted instruments a compromise is indispensable.
On the same axle as the drum and behind it is a small pulley which is keyed upon the axle and is connected with the small pulley (which runs idle on its shaft) at the left-hand side of the machine by a crossed belt.