Keep Sentence Examples
They can't keep her temperature down.
Keep to the left!
I can see why you wanted to keep this a secret.
We must keep at least one cart.
If he wants to keep this estate in the family, he'll have to leave it to his daughters.
I also keep a diary.
If they weren't, we would keep the money.
The officers don't keep them in hand.
Keep your rifles ready and stay close to each other.
Between my studies and work, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.
AdvertisementAll the other men will take off their hats, but the king will keep his on.
Keep your eyes on the future.
It must be difficult for Alex to keep you happy.
Would you kill me to keep me silent?
After all, it was the doctor's job to keep you healthy, not to make money when you were sick.
AdvertisementKeep a sharp eye out.
We didn't mean to keep all of you waiting.
Carmen was so tired that the icy wind failed to keep her awake.
Bordeaux stood and moved around the fire, careful to keep outside the circle of light.
I don't want to keep you from anything.
AdvertisementBut, we can try to keep him asleep.
She grabbed Brandon's shoulder to keep from falling.
You shouldn't keep him waiting.
I think I shall keep this Wizard until a new Sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us.
Some have suggested that doing crossword puzzles helps keep the mind active.
AdvertisementYou're gonna keep me in the dark?
If you throw Sasha out, can you keep him from entering?
Every day she worked in a frenzy, trying to keep him out of her mind.
She rose to keep the altar between them.
From what Romas said, every household on his planet had at least one or two of the critters to keep things clean.
She'd keep an eye on her friend to make sure nothing else happened.
You keep your privacy.
Kris had managed to create a barrier around the chamber to keep Immortals from trespassing via the shadow world.
I.ll have this Lankha keep the Ancient in a deep sleep until you return.
He did say something about the Sanctuary, Jade said, seeking some lie to keep Kris.s suspicions from turning to him.
It.s the only way to keep you and the other Immortals from treating her like shit.
But, I.ll keep the Council together to protect Katie and our hatchling.
Crushed, she realized she had six hours to keep Jade busy in the hopes he didn.t kill her.
For the first time in his life, he felt and thought too much, and he wanted to keep himself occupied with the world around him rather than the pain within him.
There had to be a way to get the vial and keep the girl.
Keep them busy for a while.
Evelyn scrambled after him, jogging to keep pace with his long legs.
She hesitated, then looked at what capability the pod did have to keep her from smashing into the planet, even if she made it through the atmosphere.
Please bear with me and keep your mind open for a minute longer.
I graduated two years ahead of her and didn't keep in touch.
She tried to keep up with him, but her legs ached from the unfamiliar exercise.
Alas, I couldn't keep her long as I wished.
For once, I had the sense to keep my mouth shut.
It's unfair to keep them in the dark on this matter.
You can't keep her.
More anger stirred as Jade bit his lip to keep from defending Kris.
She tried to keep her breathing steady even as she wanted to run screaming and hide behind Rhyn.
I gotta keep looking for demons or any other Immortal survivors.
There are monsters and big men with funny … At that point her talking became too quick for the translator hooked on Evelyn's ear to keep up.
Kiera tossed the thoughts around in her head, guilty at the thought of ditching Evelyn yet offended that Evey thought to keep her here without telling her.
You can keep both, she said, confused.
Irritated at the sudden break of warmth and intimacy, she sighed as she trotted to keep up.
His woman was speaking too quickly for the translator to keep up.
I won't keep you.
She turned a few more pages, until he rested a hand on hers to keep her from turning.
Two slowed to keep pace with her while the other three went on ahead.
At such times Dorothy, Zeb and the Wizard all pushed behind, and lifted the wheels over the roughest places; so they managed, by dint of hard work, to keep going.
Carry this cat away to prison, and keep her in safe confinement until she is tried by law for the crime of murder.
Linda thinks about this and decides she wants to keep it ad-free for now.
And maybe he wasn't trying to keep her from seeing the barn.
This was the same man who treated her so coldly earlier today, and she'd do best to keep that picture in her mind.
The site is helpful in tracking the status of our tips because they keep asking questions until they get answers.
While we couldn't keep up with the ambulance but we held our own and kept the emergency vehicle in sight.
Cold fury replaced the regret, and he knew he'd do anything to keep her from danger.
So you sapped us to keep her from absorbing our power.
She had to keep thinking positively.
He restrained himself as much as possible to keep from injuring Ully.s test subject.
She stumbled but pressed herself to keep up, in case he left her there and she was trapped.
He had a feeling Kisolm, the crown prince of Qatwal, would not even hear him out but would view his attempt to barter peace as a sign of weakness and keep him as a trophy.
His movements were smooth and controlled, his emotions hidden, his dark, dark eyes alone enough to keep her immobile.
I don't want to keep you from your meeting.
When concentrating on the weapons, it was also easier to keep from concentrating on him.
She stiffened at the reality and couldn't decide if it were good to keep the distance between them or if she really wanted more.
But Anna Mikhaylovna went forward a step or two to keep her hold on the portfolio, and changed her grip.
Did my crazy husband's experiments keep you up all night?
If we can show them it's in their best interests to work with us and let us keep our privacy we're far better off.
You won't know if the source is male or female, old or young, from the east or west or how long the tips will keep coming.
I'm saddened I can't keep her with me very long.
He agreed to keep our conversation limited to the two of us and is willing to listen to you.
It's is warm here in the south and I fear I can't keep my tiny trophy in my auto another day.
Both felt we should keep our hands off the matter.
I'll have to find a way to keep her for a week or two I've been lonely so long now.
She's such a little fraidy cat but I shan't be able to keep her much longer.
It can keep company with what we just learned at this end.
Watch your back and keep your fake papers handy, just in case.
Please keep me posted.
While I hadn't formulated in my mind how to tackle the problem, I resolved to attack it one on one and keep animosity at bay.
You keep saying you don't care about your past anymore; you want to move ahead.
Do you honestly think you can keep a secret that's a major part of your life from someone who's sharing a bed with you?
It allows me to keep my treasures and move forward at the same time.
If you ask me to keep it off the record, I will.
I've just been paddling to keep my head above water my whole life long and sinking down further with every stroke.
Nope, and I keep my doors and windows locked.
Martha wasn't doing well staying alone so she asked a bottle of Beefeater to keep her company.
I don't want to place anyone in harm's way by holding back information but Julie is part of this nightmare and I want to keep peace if possible.
She can take Martha's place, trying to calm Howie down enough so he can nod off but keep beating on her the importance of keeping her mouth shut.
Did you keep any copies of what came in?
We'll keep on top of it and make sure they follow up.
Before he signed off, he added, "Keep your eyes peeled for a Pace Arrow Motor home with California plates."
I was basically told to keep off your back but no one mentioned I should run errands for you.
He claimed to keep his victims, sometimes for weeks.
I'll ship it back and safe keep it, but I don't want anything else to do with it.
I'll keep my mouth shut and my attorney thinks in time it will all go away.
John Luke Grasso, his name was so much bile on my tongue I gagged to keep it down.
The woman is a feisty one but her daughter is such a beauty I'm obliged to keep mommy alive for at least a short time until we are locked in the privacy of my refuge.
What's more, I felt if I had said I was the tipster, there was no reason for him to keep me alive.
Not with standing this, I resolved not to do all in my power to keep Molly from suffering his abuse.
I had made a promise to her and I intended to keep it, regardless of the outcome.
You must keep this promise no matter what, or your brother will get sick and die.
You must promise to keep it a secret and to make Jonny keep it a secret.
You want us to keep him or cut him loose?
Keep the door locked at all times, okay?
You need to keep him safe.
Why do you keep saying that?
I keep thinking, if I'd been in Miami instead of California, he wouldn't have, Bianca said, looking down.
The safest thing for both of them was for him to keep his distance and remain objective.
Dusty's wards keep him out.
Dusty, we found out why he wants to keep her close.
Whatever you found, keep it to yourself.
The air was heavy and fragrant, the wet, solid sand near the ocean welcome after her initial attempt to keep up in the sugary sand higher up the beach.
Keep that in mind, shithead.
Jenn, keep Jonny away from that place and safe.
She shoved the phone and her hands in her pockets to keep them warm as she picked her way through the littered alley.
She'll have a protector to keep him from killing her, but anyone else you'd send wouldn't last the week.
Keep it in the backyard and give it a doghouse?
His shoulder didn't move as it should, and he switched the sword to his other hand, trusting his instincts to keep his head on his shoulders.
His body rippled with angry power that made her keep her distance.
I never met a vamp who tried to keep a Guardian alive.
You keep giving it.
You gotta keep her alive while Damian figures out what to do.
There is no other way to keep the Other from destroying everything.
You must focus on controlling your breathing and keep your eye on the target.
Yully cleared her mind to keep him from seeing that thought and nodded.
The minute he sets foot in Ireland, there will be no way to keep things quiet.
Two rolled from his place on the concrete floor in the corner and unwrapped the ratty blanket he used to keep himself warm.
Jilian grabbed her again, and she grated her teeth against the visions, staggering as she tried to keep upright.
It took every ounce of her willpower to keep from devouring his body with her eyes.
I think I can teach myself how to keep from seeing deaths whenever I touch someone.
Sofia looked down at the beautiful woman on the bed before jerry-rigging the IV over a lamp to keep it elevated.
Sofia sat down on the bed, careful to keep the blood from her gown, and touched the woman's face, bracing herself.
We'll keep it that way.
I'll help you keep your woman in line.
You keep telling me who I am.
It was all Sofia could do to keep from springing out of her seat.
You keep saying 'guy.'
Time to earn your keep.
He was left feeling dirty, like he was leading her on with enough encouragement to keep her from taking matters into her own hands but not so much that her tumor grew.
Because they wanted to keep her alive long enough to extract it then walk away?
It will require a great deal of effort on my part to keep this painless.
Keep in mind, you're not supposed to be anywhere near the Oracle.
I'm violating Immortal Code by serving you, by locking Rhyn in Hell to keep Kris from killing him.
You keep his number on the fridge.
Keep an eye on her and stay my execution order for now.
Do we return her and pretend we don't know or keep her where they can't get her?
She moved along, foot-by-foot, focusing on the next stone and on her anger to keep from sobbing and falling to her doom.
That doesn't explain why you keep me around.
Instead, she tried to keep her trembling body upright and her vision from growing tunneled.
Uneasy, she started to move away, but he grabbed her arm to keep her wrist in place and tore into it.
Invest it well and it might get her a couple of years, the way prices keep going up.
Figured it'd keep my mind off things, Rourk replied.
Figured it'd keep me busy 'til Jule brings in someone else.
I'll send Dusty out to keep an eye on Ireland.
Keep quiet, and do as you're told.
She was soon soaked by a light drizzle and stretched to keep her stiffening muscles warm.
He wanted to keep it that way.
You couldn't keep your hands off—" "You two know each other?"
I can't keep such horrible things to myself.
Jule's going crazy trying to keep up.
He dropped his arm, and she picked her way through the bodies, covering her mouth to keep from vomiting.
She smiled, and Traci covered her mouth to keep him from hearing her laugh.
She was trying hard to keep her fear away so she could figure out this new world.
She controlled her breathing to keep her frantic emotions from consuming her.
She swallowed hard to keep tears from forming.
She fell into his trance last night; she needed to keep her head clear to deal with him this time.
Darkyn was always too far ahead of her, twisting her into knots to keep her in place.
Keep talking to him.
She still didn't quite trust he'd keep his word, but she prayed with every ounce of her soul that he did.
My … spies report that you can't keep dealers and have no idea what's going on in the underworld.
I … I guess I keep hoping when I walk out of my apartment next time, things will be normal.
If you keep it, hide it somewhere safe until you need to make a deal.
Deidre put her hands over her mouth to keep from squealing and stepped back to give Wynn room.
She seemed unable to keep secrets from anyone.
She had forgotten not to smile and to keep her lips closed together.
She nudged his chin, partially to keep him from seeing her smile.
When I make a promise, I keep it.
The least we can offer Martha is to keep trying.
Dean cautioned Pumpkin to keep his hand on his wallet, but the young hiker dismissed the advice with a wave of his hand.
I can't tell you to break or keep promises, but I can sense you want to talk about this problem.
Dean promised himself to keep driving past the building if the deputy Larkin's car was in evidence, but only the sheriff's vehicle was present.
I keep looking up, expecting to see her standing there.
He wanted to warn the young man to wear a bulletproof vest and keep his hands in his lap for protection.
Even David Dean, although he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut in front of his wife, was forced to cross every finger of both hands.
He'd have all he could do to keep his own screaming nerves in line.
I keep trying to tell myself that her not telephoning is a good sign.
Keep the hell out and stop snooping.
I just had to promise not to discuss the matter and keep an open mind—which I always maintain anyhow.
I'm just trying to run an inn and keep the guests from killing each other.
He thanked her and she promised to keep the file on her desk, just in case.
Keep your fingers crossed it was a local and not one of the tourists passing through.
While Dean could have officially requested Fitzgerald to pursue the matter, his past experience was beginning to teach Dean when to keep his mouth shut.
At the very least, keep them away from the car keys—and teach responsible sex.
Just keep it beautiful so others can see it as Paul did.
I'll keep an open mind.
They keep waiting for what they call real important stuff.
You keep your distance and speak in a civil tongue in my house!
Then Fred added, Keep your fingers crossed.
Like I said, keep your fingers crossed—both hands.
How would you like working with a slug who couldn't keep his hands off your boobs every time no one was looking and grabbed your ass whenever he damned well pleased?
There was nothing they could say or do about Martha's situation except to keep their telephone nearby and pray for the best.
The Deans knew they couldn't simply keep Martha without reporting her arrival to the Midwest authorities that were searching for the girl as a kidnapping victim, and her mother as a fleeing fugitive.
Keep the finger as a souvenir.
How I plan to keep her is not your concern.
It's the oldest bond there is, old enough to keep the mating bond from shifting when she wins her deal.
If I decide not to keep her, I'll kill her, Darkyn finished.
She wasn't willing to lose him already, not after all she'd gone through to keep him.
She had to say something to keep him from leaving her, but she was too stunned.
He'd pushed her away in order to keep the tumor from growing.
He might've been bluffing to keep me off guard.
Keep them alive until I can go through their minds.
Keep that quiet, though.
By now, he's found a way to keep her there, even if she wins our deal.
If nothing else, keep an eye on your brothers, I'd say.
Keep in mind there's more to the story than what there appears to be, Andre added.
She didn't want to keep secrets from Gabriel.
Deidre bit her tongue to keep from taking the bait.
I'm under strict orders to keep you safe.
This very building was the one Gabriel dived off of in an attempt to keep the terrified human from trying to kill herself.
Why did Darkyn choose to keep the human over the deity?
We'll keep you safe until we can return home.
It was something to keep in mind.
It's something to keep in mind.
Well, it's all something to keep in mind.
They would have to keep an eye on her.
So you intend to keep her from me.
As Alex had said, though, it gave them a legal right to keep her at bay.
Well, keep an eye on her.
They couldn't keep the foal as a stud, but she might be able to trade it for a mare when it was older.
Jonathan would stay with Katie for the night and the Reynolds would keep Destiny.
Sometimes it takes more courage to give a child up than it does to keep it when you don't want it.
I can't imagine why you wanted to keep him a secret.
His amused gaze rested on Carmen as he tried to keep from smiling.
No, only often enough to keep things interesting.
She gave them her sister's address and telephone number and promised to keep in touch.
How did you manage to keep all that a secret... and why?
I didn't intentionally keep it a secret.
I suppose it helps keep the carrier from getting attached to the baby.
I keep forgetting you are now.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to keep a secret.
She moved to face him, distracted by the fact he shifted his body to keep from breaking their physical contact.
Keep her, until she's normal again, Rhyn growled.
Who better to keep a secret?
The past few months, I've come close to breaking it hundreds of times to keep the underworld from shutting down.
But even I can't keep up with the demons.
She passed the halfway point and forced herself to keep going.
Do you need the original, or can I keep it?
I prefer to keep under the radar.
Keep at it until I send orders otherwise and change locations daily.
Her insides quaked, but she breathed deeply to keep calm and focus her mind.
She pressed the meat of her hands to her eyes to keep from crying again.
It was getting more difficult to keep his distance from his mate, and he hated knowing he'd have to hurt her emotionally to prevent the tumor from growing too fast.
It was too chilly for her to want to keep her distance from the incredibly attractive man.
Deidre bit her tongue to keep from saying what she wanted to, mainly that a relationship consisted of two people, and she was not about to be one of them.
Hard to keep track of what's going on.
Keep telling yourself that.
Did he kill someone here recently and decide it was a nice place to keep?
There was a traitor among the fifty-odd death-dealers he had above ground, and he'd assigned twelve-hour shifts to keep an eye on the apartment where he sent Deidre.
I'll keep working on it.
And out of his reach, because he was unable to keep the distance between them without her spearheading the effort.
Gabriel sensed her emotions, even if she tried to keep her face impassive.
Or about pushing Deidre away when she needed to be by his side to keep her safe.
Deidre clenched her jaw to keep from speaking.
She buried her feet in the sand to keep them warm.
The light returned to her eyes, and she bit her tongue to keep from griping.
He wanted to keep Sasha talking, to find out what it was about this woman that was so special that both Sasha and Kris wanted her.
She braided her hair to keep the stiff sea breeze from tossing curls in her face and squinted upward again.
Sweating already from the effort, she braided her hair to keep it out of her face and then leaned her full weight on the rope.
Even so, his own conviction to keep what was his made him uneasy.
I mean, you don't have what it takes to keep a mate alive, let alone safe.
At least he'd thought enough of his blood monkey to bring her here, if only to keep her healthy so he had a food source.
She hadn't been able to keep a job or a boyfriend for more than a few months, let alone an eternity!
If I didn't keep learning how insane this world is every second of the day, I wouldn't have to drink!
She willed herself there, concentrating hard to keep from losing the connection.
He propped her up, and she sagged against him, unable to keep from crying at the thought of one sworn to protect humanity nearly killing her!
To keep her, he'd go to them.
She can't keep secrets like that.
If he's making the offer, he'll keep his word, she said.
She.d lose her sister, her only family, and Rhyn hadn.t yet proven he could keep her safe.
He.d come to keep an eye on her and, allegedly, to help his brothers on the Council, though not even he believed he had a decent bone in his body. sealed off the crypt with magic to keep Immortals from entering through the shadow world, and installed locks for those who wander where they shouldn.t be, Kris said.
He hadn.t even been able to keep her safe when they were together, and he had nothing—not even a home—to give her.
At least before, Kris had a reason to keep her around, because he wanted something from her.
As she fell asleep, she couldn.t help thinking Rhyn was the only Immortal on the Council she.d trust to keep humans safe.
She can keep what she.s got, and I.ll face her barehanded.
My reinforcements aren't here yet; you'll need to keep moving until I can neutralize the newest threat.
It is not like you to keep the truth from me.
Their pace out of the dwelling and toward the hills was brutal, too fast for her to keep up, and Leyon ended up swinging her into his arms like a child to keep the fast pace into the rocky hills.
He watched as Mansr expertly organized the evacuations and aligned the space battle to keep the Yirkins' attention off the ships fleeing the planet's surface for the nearest moon, Kiera.
Keep them out of the galaxy.
Keep them out of the galaxy!
I have some work to do to keep the Council out of your way.
His quick pace forced her to trot to keep up, and the two warriors behind her let her go to pursue their leader.
She'd forced herself to walk daily, if for no other reason than to keep her mind off the paintings and memories.
She tugged the top of the kitchen table to block the doorway, hoping it would keep the creature in the kitchen.
She sat across from Evelyn, who continued to give her the odd look, and clasped her hands together hard to keep them from shaking as they took off.
There was barely room to maneuver, and she found herself standing on her tiptoes to keep track of Evelyn, who had no trouble with the people around her parting the seas for her.
If you keep buying 'opportunities' like Mr. Stanislaw's Salvation Army box, you'll be too broke to answer the door if a real opportunity does come knocking.
We try to keep water in the base but the tree drinks it as fast as a sailor on a twelve hour leave.
Keep dilly-dallying with lunch and winter will be over!
And I think you best keep your thoughts to yourself.
It's enough to make Victoria really keep a secret.
She managed to keep her pregnancy secret until an abortion was out of the question and Donnie was born.
And we both know if Shipton is a beater, chances are good she'll just keep on taking it, until he kills her or gets what he wants.
The trio was far more comfortable now, six months later, with enough money in the bank to keep the wolves away, and expectations, if not of prosperity, of at least a reasonably comfortable coming season.
It was all he could do to keep his eyes on the road.
And maybe keep his own life less complicated in the process.
You just need someone to keep reminding you.
I'll keep the comb and brush.
If we keep saying that enough times, perhaps we'll believe it.
I'd try to smooth over the missing picture with Miss Worthington by telling her about this here notebook, but I can't be sure she'd keep her mouth shut and not blab about it to the Quincy ladies.
This will keep him busy for weeks!
I keep hearing the name 'Miss Worthington' a lot lately.
The only person who can keep him away is Edith herself and it doesn't look to me as if she has the sense to do so.
He then added, "But when your sister was so snooty about the coins and other items and short changed Fred O'Connor, we decided to keep the notebook."
Then he added, Won't it be uncomfortable for you to keep a secret from her?
Do you think it's possible to keep the truth from Claire?
I been casting my ballot that way since Roosevelt and I'll keep doing so—even if you do cancel out my vote every dang election.
Go in there and keep Gladys company.
He used to beat the shit out of his shack full of kids just to keep in shape.
He can't expect to keep sneaking up to visit her indefinitely and hope to get away with it.
She could hardly keep from sticking a butcher knife in his belly the other night in the kitchen!
I guess they'll keep her overnight.
Everyone was pretty damn busy wrapping him up to haul him out of there, just trying to keep him alive.
This is an inn and someone has to keep it cleaned.
Maybe she decided to snuff him out, to keep him quiet.
I'll keep you posted on what I hear.
And keep an eye out for Cynthia, too.
She won't answer, but just in case the law's got a tap on the line it'll keep 'em off base.
I'll be a good little girl and keep it quiet.
He was limping and hurting, but not in bad enough shape to keep him hospitalized.
Otherwise, he'd never be able to keep it all straight!
You can't keep blaming yourself for that, David.
Janet says I got to earn my keep.
Then she added, "His mother took it away from him, saying she'd keep it, and stick it in his stepfather if he dared come near them."
Keep trying to locate Weller.