Keen Sentence Examples
He continued to take a keen interest in art and science.
He wasn't too keen on the idea when she first told him about it.
He was a fine horseman and keen hunter.
She kept a keen eye out for the same kind of weed and was surprised at how much they found.
It's a nice house, a keen house, complete with a front porch and swing.
New friends gathered round him who took a keen interest in his researches.
But through all situations of his life he preserved his equanimity, his keen interest in science, and his indefatigable zeal for the instruction of others.
They took a keen interest in all the political vicissitudes of the Oriental world.
Latterly certain Catholics have questioned this equality of the concordatory obligation, and have aroused keen discussion.
When her fingers were too tired to spell another word, I had for the first time a keen sense of my deprivations.
AdvertisementThese last articles show a keen analysis and interpretation of facts.
Throughout life Carteret not only showed a keen love of the classics, but a taste for, and a knowledge of, modern languages and literatures.
There was in his character a peculiar mixture of conservatism and a keen sense of the requirements of the day.
It is a keen but not always fair criticism of the Pelagian position from that of Augustine.
The Watchers aren't too keen about Darian's idea.
AdvertisementThough he took a keen interest in the personal side of politics he has no claim to be considered a judge of character.
In the younger ranks of the educated classes this state of things produced keen dissatisfaction, which soon found vent in revolutionary agitation.
I am keen on the reportage style of pictures.
The latter work was attacked by Burnet and others, but the author showed himself as keen a controversialist as ever.
These affirmations provoked very keen protests in the ecclesiastical world.
AdvertisementI'm not too keen on that part.
Younger children will be keen to search for Santa, maybe going on a reindeer safari to get there.
For keen shoppers, the designer malls are nearby.
But he also took a keen interest and frequently an active part in the political and social movements of the day; and so highly did the students of Aberdeen rate his practical ability, that, after his retirement from the chair of logic, they twice in succession elected him lord rector of the university, each term of office extending over three years.
He was a keen musician and a good handyman.
AdvertisementMoreover, the keen artistic instincts of Matthias led him to embellish his cities as well as fortify them.
A crude system, based on the external appearance of plants and their uses to man, was gradually evolved, and is well illustrated in the Herbal, issued in 1597 by John Gerard (1545-1612), a barber-surgeon, who had a garden in Holborn, and was a keen student of British plants.
They are mainly agriculturists, though some are keen traders (see NUBIA).
The title address was an epigrammatic confession of political faith as hopeful as it was wise and keen.
We arrived a little late at the rendezvous point, the North lakes Hotel near Penrith, did n't want to look too keen.
The organizers are keen to see company sponsored poetry residencies continue, but so far none have emerged.
She is a lovely girl, who is so keen to learn and an asset to the shop stewards committee.
Her usually keen judgment and her diplomatic tact again and again recall Peter the Great.
Ben Adret, with the approval of other prominent Spanish rabbis, sent a letter to the community at Montpellier proposing to forbid the study of philosophy to those who were less than thirty years of age, and, in spite of keen opposition from the liberal section, a decree in this sense was issued by ben Adret in 1305.
He was reporter of the committee which drew up the constitution of the year III., and his report shows keen apprehension of a return of the Reign of Terror, and presents reactionary measures as precautions against the re-establishment of "tyranny and anarchy."
As he was keen at his books and fond of music he was destined for the Church, and when eight years old was sent to school at Wesen, where he lived with his uncle, the dean.
The text of Hosea may be in a much worse condition, but a keen scrutiny discloses many an uncertainty, not to say impossibility, in the traditional form of Amos.
Golf he did not take up till comparatively late in life; and, though he became keen on the game, he never attained more than a moderate proficiency.
A more plausible theory is that the author is an honest thinker, a keen observer and critic of life, who sees that the world is full of miseries and unsolved problems, regards as futile the attempts of his time to demonstrate an ethically active future life, and, recognizing a divine author of all, holds that the only wise course for men is to abandon the attempt to get full satisfaction out of the struggle for pleasure, riches and wisdom, and to content themselves with making the best of what they have.
At this time, in association with the keen humanists Conrad Mutian, Crotus Rubeanus and Eoban Hess, he was of sceptical tendency; moving to Wittenberg in 1519, he became evangelical under the teaching of Melanchthon and the preaching of Luther.
From early times George Fox and many others had taken a keen interest in education, and in 1779 there was founded at Ackworth, near Pontefract, a school for boys and girls; this was followed by the reconstitution, in 1808, of a school at Sidcot in the Mendips, and in 1811, of one in Islington Road, London; it was afterwards removed to Croydon, and, later, to Saffron Walden.
His knowledge of human nature is keen and ample, and his sermons are a remarkable reflection of the manners and customs of his age.
He was as keen in his resentments as he was ardent in his friendships; fondly attached to his family, he yet disliked a deserving son; he gave full praise to Leibnitz and Leonhard Euler, yet was blind to the excellence of Sir Isaac Newton.
The public appetite, however, for " mysticism " was not keen.
The Berbers are keen traders too, and, after the harvest, hawk small goods, travelling great distances.
All the eight boys were brought up to be keen cricketers, the cricket-ground at Hagley, Worcs., their home, being close to the house; all went to Eton, and six were in the Eton eleven.
He came into touch with advanced methods of scientific research, acquired great ability as a writer, keen perception of truth and an unflinching realization of the defects of his own people, and the unpleasant but essential fact that to have better government they must first deserve it.
He worked actively against the sweating system, pleaded for European intervention in Macedonia, and was a keen supporter of the Licensing Bill of 1908.
The faintest stars visible to the naked eye on clear nights are of about the sixth magnitude; exceptionally keen, well-trained eyes and clear moonless nights are necessary for the perception of stars of the seventh magnitude.
He finds traces of a keen conflict of parties in the post-apostolic age.
He took a keen interest in all the work of the college, presented to it the Marmor Homericum, and finally bequeathed the reversion of £6000 for the endowment of a chair of philosophy of mind and logic. The emoluments of this sum were, however, to be held over and added to the principal if at any time the holder of the chair should be "a minister of the Church of England or of any other religious persuasion."
Another and little-known instance of Rhodes's keen insight in dealing with native affairs - an action which had lasting results on the history of the colony - may be given.
But the authenticity of the passages describing the altar of incense in the tabernacle, and the historicity of the corresponding altar in Solomon's temple, are matters of keen dispute among critics.
His personal beauty, his keen intelligence, his scholarship, his love of music and the arts, his kingly ambition, were all obvious enough.
In comparing the Irish tales with the saga, there will be felt deep divergencies in matter, style and taste, the richness of one contrasting with the chastened simplicity of the other; the one's half-comic, half-earnest bombast is wholly unlike the other's grim humour; the marvellous, so unearthly in the one, is almost credible in the other; but in both are the keen grasp of character, the biting phrase, the love of action and the delight in blood which almost assumes the garb of a religious passion.
Having studied botany, Neil has always been a keen gardener.
Techniques to farm alternative species such as halibut and cod are now reaching commercial fruition and the industry is keen to diversify.
Ritchie has a keen eye for goal and has impressed the gaffer with his strike rate in youth football.
The booklet is full of tips and I would urge every keen gardener to get a copy.
I'm a keen gardener; how will the trees affect me?
Read by keen gardeners and hobby gardeners, Garden News contains news, views and expert opinions.
The BSG are keen to provide a fora where pediatric research can be seen alongside research in adult gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition.
In that period he issued about twenty separate publications, most of them speeches and pamphlets, but one of them, that against Schulze-Delitzsch, a considerable treatise, and all full of keen and vigorous thought.
As in the case of the casket letters, it is alleged that forgery was employed to interpolate sufficient evidence of Mary's complicity in a design of which it is thought credible that she was kept in ignorance by the traitors and murderers who had enrolled themselves in her service, - that one who pensioned the actual murderer of Murray and a would-be murderer of Elizabeth was incapable of approving what her keen and practised intelligence was too blunt and torpid to anticipate as inevitable and inseparable from the general design.
John had kindled very keen animosity, not only among the upholders of the independence of the lay power, but also among the upholders of absolute religious poverty, the exalted Franciscans.
Later authoritative pronouncements on the part of the Roman Catholic Church favour Thomism and disown the Occamites; though the keen hostile criticism of Harnack affirms that the Church had need of both systems - of Thomism, to champion its cause in the arena of thought, and of the Nominalist theology to aggrandize the Church as the ruling power in practice.
His keen intuition of truth, his vigour and yet sobriety of argument, his fertility of illustration and acuteness of sarcasm, made him irresistible to his antagonists; and the evanescent triumphs of scornful controversy have given place to the sedate applause of a long-lived posterity.
The Turkish Tourist Board in the UK is also keen to qualm fears.
My rickshaw driver was keen to get away from them, nearly running over my foot in the process.
He also holds an instrument rated commercial pilot 's license and has keen interest and experience flying sailplanes and hang-gliders.
From the start she was keen to tell me of an incident that preceded the loss of a valuable sapphire ring.
He was a scholastic theologian who was keen to claim Aristotle for the Christian faith.
This seems slightly shortsighted of Nick JR as there are obviously a lot of parents keen to part with cash !
Up to 200 people, keen to get a good view, had made their way to a temporary slipway ' bridge '.
Check if your neighbors use slug bait especially if they are keen gardeners to be sure.
A keen sense of lyrical content is merged with soaring vocals and acoustic guitar.
He was a naturalist, but absolutely devoid of the pedantry of science; a keen observer, but no retailer of disjointed facts.
There is much keen analysis and original investigation in his two essays Der jiidische Stamm (1869) and Der jiidische Stamm in nicht jiidischen Spriich-wortern (1881-1882).
After a keen contest between the rival Slovene and Pan-German propagandists, voting took place in Oct.
The Letters are brilliantly written - full of elegant wisdom, of keen wit, of admirable portrait-painting, of exquisite observation and deduction.
But much the greater mass of the illustrations of his philosophy indicate that, while engaged on his poem he must have passed much of his time in the open air, exercising at once the keen observation of a naturalist and the contemplative vision of a poet.
Giry took a keen interest in politics, joining the republican party and writing numerous articles in the republican newspapers, mainly on historical subjects.
C. aandberg's Primeurs arabes, 1, aeiden, 1886), and Jarwal ibn Aus, known as al-IIutai`a, a wandering poet whose keen satires led to his imprisonment by Omar (Poems, ed.
The keen eye of Aurangzeb saw in this conjuncture of events a favourable opportunity for realising his own ambitious schemes.
In reply to a question in the House of Commons, Lord Palmerston accepted and adopted Gladstone's statement, expressed keen sympathy with the cause which he had espoused, and sent a copy of his letter to the queen's representative at every court of Europe.
He was a man happy in his ancestry; he inherited the dignity, the reserve, the keen and vivid intellect, and the picturesque imagination of the French Huguenot, though they came to him chastened and purified by generations of Puritan discipline exercised under the gravest ecclesiastical disabilities, and of culture maintained in the face of exclusion from academic privileges.
As his share in the controversy, Martineau published five discourses, in which he discussed " the Bible as the great autobiography of human nature from its infancy to its perfection," " the Deity of Christ," " Vicarious Redemption," " Evil," and " Christianity without Priest and without Ritual."' He remained to the end a keen and vigilant apologist of the school in which he had been nursed.
Their literary and speculative qualities are indeed exceptionally brilliant; they are splendid in diction, elaborate in argument, cogent yet reverent, keen while fearless in criticism.
Very soon the Asahi had a keen competitor in the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun (Osaka Daily News) and these papers ultimately crushed all rivals in Osaka.
Their sight is very bad; but they are quick of hearing, and their scent is very keen; they are, too, often accompanied by rhinoceros birds, which, by running about their heads, flapping their wings, and screeching at the same time, frequently give them notice of the approach of danger.
Chenier attacked the censorship in three pamphlets, and the commotion aroused by the controversy raised keen interest in the piece.
The Admirable Crichton of his day, he was keen alike on field sports and the arts, the friend and admirer equally of Cecil Rhodes and of Rodin, a railway director and a yeomanry colonel.
Kennedy retired from office in 1854, but continued to take keen interest in political affairs, and up to his death in 1879 took a great part in both county and parish business.
A keen and positive political intelligence emerged in the Italian race.
Keen on " New Sweden, or the Swedes on the Delaware," to which a bibliographical chapter is appended.
No longer leading his armies in person he entrusted the direction of campaigns in various parts of his empire to his sons and other lieutenants, and from his favourite residence at Aix watched their progress with a keen and sustained interest.
Nevertheless his interest in thought, and his desire to complete the scheme of work mapped out in earlier years, remained as keen as ever.
His pictures are magnificent in their composition and their draughtsmanship; and his keen observation and insight into character are evident, especially in his portraits, notably of Madame Recamier, of the Conventional Gerard and of Boissy d'Anglas.
On the death of Arminius shortly after this time, Konrad Vorstius (1569-1622), who sympathized with his views, was appointed to succeed him, in spite of the keen opposition of Gomarus and his friends; and Gomarus took his defeat so ill that he resigned his post, and went to Middleburg in 1611, where he became preacher at the Reformed church, and taught theology and Hebrew in the newly founded Illustre Schule.
He was a man of ability, enthusiasm and learning, a considerable Oriental scholar, and also a keen controversialist.
He is keen, positive, logical, combining with curious dashes of scepticism many genuine moral convictions and a good knowledge of the various national religions and mythologies whose relative value he is able to appreciate.
Indeed so severe a stress is laid upon the explicitly Christian life and its specific means, that orthodoxy itself interprets the rebirth by water and spirit, and the eating the flesh and drinking the blood to which entrance into the Kingdom and possession of interior life are here exclusively attached, as often represented by a simple sincere desire and will for spiritual purification and a keen hunger and thirst for God's aid, together with such cultual acts as such souls can know or find, even without any knowledge of the Christian rites.
The coarser kinds only are now made, owing to the keen English competition in the finer varieties.
The old monk's keen observation makes the book a far more valuable contribution to history than his professed chronicle.
Administrative reform and an advanced railway policy have made of Siam a market for the trade of Europe, which has become an object of keen competition.
In their society he would talk well and showed a keen sense of humour.
With wide learning and keen critical insight he wrote a number of historical works of which the most important is his Institutiones Hist.
More celebrated than any of the above was Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), whose scepticism lay more in his keen negative criticism of all systems and doctrines which came before him as literary historian than in any theoretic views of his own as to the possibility of knowledge.
He was not so much a scientific scholar as a keen and brilliant man of letters and a widely influential apostle of humanism.
The Ghadamsi merchants have been known for centuries as keen and adventurous traders, and their agents are to be found in the more important places of the western and central Sudan, such as Kano, Katsena, Kanem, Bornu, Timbuktu, as well as at Ghat and Tripoli.
During the first years of the new regime a keen reaction was produced against the political system of the imperial government in Africa.
Cheyne (in Critica Biblica, 1903), whose restorations resting on a dubious theory of Hebrew history have met with little approval, though his negative criticism of the text is often keen and suggestive.
Much of the voluminous detailed work in this and other works is naturally enough provisional, but in the Introduction there emerge most of the broad conclusions of literary criticism (sometimes incomplete) which, after more than a century of keen examination by scholars unwilling to admit them, have passed by more or less general consent into the number of historical certainties or high probabilities.
And it is interesting to observe how, e.g., St Augustine, though desperately combating the dualism of the Manichaeans, yet afterwards introduced a number of dualistic ideas into Christianity, which are distinguishable from those of Manichaeism only by a very keen eye, and even then with difficulty.
The result was to make Denison a keen champion of the ritualistic school.
Until the end of his life he remained a protagonist in theological controversy and a keen fighter against latitudinarianism and liberalism; but the sharpest religious or political differences never broke his personal friendships and his Christian charity.
A man of great force of character and much ability, of keen ambitions and unusual shrewdness, though not remarkable for breadth of mind, he attained to great influence in the executive government and was soon the leading spirit in that dominant group known in Upper Canadian history as the Family Compact.
There was a keen rivalry between church and state for dominance in this new empire.
That small colony, which had been represented at the Quebec conference, also rejected the proposals of the necessary capital, but as this was coupled with a voice in the decision of the route, it complicated the latter question, about which a keen contest arose.
Born In 1784, And Brought Up Among Reminiscent Eye Witnesses Of The Old Regime, He Was An Eager Listener, With A Wonderful4 Memory And Whole Hearted Pride In The Glories Of His Race And Family, A Kindly Seigneur, Who Loved And 'Was Loved By All His Censitaires, A Keen Observer Of Many Changing Systems, Down, To The Final Confederation Of 1867, And A Man Who Had Felt' Both Extremes Of Fortune (Memoires, 1866).
He was entrusted with ruling powers in 1894, and in all respects continued the reforming policy of the council, while paying personal attention to every department, being a keen soldier, an energetic administrator, and fully alive to the responsibilities attaching to his position.
In 1544 Bonner gave him the living of Solihull; and Feckenham established a reputation as a preacher and a disputant of keen intellect but unvarying charity.
Its members have been keen evangelists, trusting largely to "revivals" for their success, staunch Radicals in politics and total abstainers to a man.
He had much practical common-sense, and keen sympathy for all who were in distress and for animals.
It became one of the wealthiest of central American cities, although it had always a keen commercial rival in Leon, which now surpasses it in size and importance.
Unlike the Galicians, however, they are remarkable for their keen spirit of independence, which has been fostered by centuries of isolation.
So keen was his opposition to the new learning that his oration on the occasion of taking his degree of bachelor of divinity was devoted to an attack on the opinions of Melanchthon.
Its intense pride, its fatalistic indolence and ignorance, its honesty and its bigotry, tempered by a keen sense of humour, are well-known characteristics.
He took a keen interest in the secular quarrels of the Canterbury monks with their archbishops, and his earliest literary efforts were controversial tracts upon this subject.
In character he was pure, simple, endowed with excellent judgment and a keen sense of humour, and quick to respond to any call for sympathy.
Under the influence of Seneca he became a keen student of philosophy and rhetoric, and began practising as an advocate.
In his day Foucher enjoyed considerable repute as a keen opponent of Malebranche.
Between him and his brother Caracalla there existed from their early years a keen rivalry and antipathy.
He found in 1653 his country brought to the brink of ruin through the war with England, which had been caused by the keen commercial rivalry of the two maritime states.
It is most difficult to appreciate aright this man of fervid imagination, of powerful and persistent convictions, of unbated honesty and love of truth, of keen insight into the errors (as he thought them) of his time, of a merciless will to lay bare these errors and to reform the abuses to which they gave rise, who in an instant offends us by his boasting, his grossness, his want of selfrespect.
From this allusion one cannot but think that so keen and alert a writer as Ari had given some attention to Vinland in the lost work.
Indian family who had been slaveholders for generations, he had a keen love of sport and a genuine sympathy with country-folk, but he had at the same time something of the scorn for lower races to be found in the members of a dominant race.
A type of vessel, specially designed for the rapid carrying of tea from China to England via the Cape of Good Hope, was introduced, known as the "China Clipper," and the competition was always keen as to which ship should make the most rapid passage.
He had already shown a keen interest in the explorations of Layard and Rawlinson, and during the next few years he devoted all his spare time to studying the cuneiform inscriptions at the British Museum.
It was, however, not necessary to go to extremities, for in 1881 the senate of Hamburg accepted an agreement which, after a keen struggle, was ratified by the citizens.
Lysias was a man of kindly and genial nature, warm in friendship, loyal to country, with a keen perception of character and a fine though strictly controlled sense of humour.
It is computed that some 40% of the total commerce of Italy passes through Genoa; it is indeed the most important harbourinthewesternMediterranean, with the exception of Marseilles, with which it carries on a keen rivalry.
The Hausa are keen traders and make ex cellent soldiers.
Being a keen judge of character, he filled the public offices with faithful, capable, energetic men, who were kept up to a high standard of duty by the consciousness that their work might at any time come under his strict supervision.
The young emperor was frank and cordial; Frederick was more cautious, for he detected under the respectful manner of Joseph a keen ambition that might one day become dangerous to Prussia.
An expression of keen intelligence lighted up his features, and his large, sparkling grey eyes darted penetrating glances at every one who approached him.
By the exercise of tact, discretion and inviolable good faith, the correspondents gradually won the confidence of the army, so that towards the end of the war officers of all ranks were keen to have them with their troops and to give them every facility permitted by official regulations.
His brother, Michel Augustin Thouret (1748-1810), a physician, was a keen opponent of the ideas of Mesmer and a promoter of vaccination in France.
Provincial spirit remained keen, but the white inhabitants of the eastern district, who are largely (if not mainly) of British descent, look to the Transvaal and Free State for trade, while with the people of the western part of the province (who, Cape Town apart, are predominantly of Dutch origin) they have practically no commercial intercourse.
From his autobiography, it is clear that his keen critical faculty was developed in great measure by the slender means of culture at his disposal.
Boccaccio's tales, in like manner, continue the tradition of the fabliaux, raising that literary species to the rank of finished art, enriching it with humour and strengthening its substance by keen insight into all varieties of character.
The scheme met with keen opposition from the Mussulman governing classes and the ulema, or privileged religious teachers, and was but partially put in force, especially in the remoter parts of the empire; and more than one conspiracy was formed against the sultan's life on account of it.
Pachuca was sacked in 1812, and so keen was the desire to possess its sources of wealth, in common with other mining towns, that mining operations were partially suspended for a time and the mines were greatly damaged.
The Finns are morally upright, hospitable, faithful and submissive, with a keen sense of personal freedom and independence, but also somewhat stolid, revengeful and indolent.
The literary criticisms, generally distinguished by keen and independent judgment, and t e excerpts, vary considerably in length.
He had a keen sympathy with the difficulties experienced by the ordinary lay mind in trying to reconcile the conservative element in Catholicism with the principle of development and growth, and in The Faith of Millions, Hard Sayings and Nova et vetera he attempted to clear them away.
Both she and her sister Maria (Mrs William Grey) took a keen interest in bettering women's equipment for educational work, and, in 1858, she published Intellectual Education and its Influence on the Character and Happiness of Women.
Sacked and burned time after time during the Border strife, it was inevitable that the townsmen should become keen fighters.
Thus they became at onceuniversal and capable of extension by propaganda; and, with this, of entering into keen competition one with the other.
With a fine face, of which the most remarkable features were a high nose and a keen and piercing eye,f he is said to have been below the middle height, robust, active, a sportsman, and capable of much endurance.
But his keen criticism of Hesse and Knoke is more successful than his positive explanation of the textual phenomena, and a more thorough-going process of literary criticism is necessary in order to solve the problems of the epistle.
The competition for appointments was naturally very keen; Couto mentions the case of one grantee who received the reversion of a post to which 30 applicants had a prior claim.'
His father, a keen Tory, was a baron of the Scottish court of exchequer, and his mother was connected by marriage with Lord Melville.
Yet in spite of his searching study of authorities, his keen judgment of men, and his perception of underlying principles of moral law, his view was warped by the heat of faction, which glows beneath his external objectivity.
With the exception of a few riverine tribes, such as the Wagenia who are fishers only, all are agriculturists and the majority keen traders, going long distances to buy and sell goods, but there are marked differences among them corresponding to their environment.
Of his immediate followers Joseph Bellamy is distinctly Edwardean in the keen logic and in the spirit of his True Religion Delineated, but he breaks with his master in his theory of general (not limited) atonement.
Though his favourite author was Dryden, whose prose is uniformly manly and simple, and though he had a keen eye for faults of taste in the style of others, Canning had himself a leaning to preciosity and tinsel.
A third aspect of the question must also not be desregarded, namely, the keen competition between landowners trying to attract settlers to their estates at the expense of their needy or less powerful neighbours.
He was a keen supporter of Federation and in 1900 led the delegation sent to London with the Australian Commonwealth bill.
Bunyan's works were coarse, indeed, but they showed a keen mother wit, a great command of the homely mother tongue, an intimate knowledge of the English Bible, and a vast and dearly bought spiritual experience.
The keen air, accompanied by the brilliant sunshine, renders the winter climate very enjoyable.
This reliance on its own resources was the more necessary for the Cape because of the keen rivalry of Natal and Delagoa Bay for the carrying trade of the Transvaal.
His interest in political problems of the present was as keen as in those of the past.
In the years which preceded 1853, however, France had shown more activity in asserting her claims; and the new emperor of the French, anxious to conciliate the church which had supported his elevation to the throne, had a keen interest in upholding them.
He was, like .most of his line, a keen sportsman, and, returning to Berkeley to find that a royal visit had made great slaughter among his deer, he showed his resentment by disparking Berkeley Park.
Airy then at length published an account of the circumstances, and Adams's memoir was printed as an appendix to the Nautical Almanac. A keen controversy arose in France and England as to the merits of the two astronomers.
He is one of the speakers in the Phaedo of Plato, in which he is represented as an earnest seeker after virtue and truth, keen in argument and cautious in decision.
For, though Humboldt was primarily a philosopher, he was a philosopher rendered practical by his knowledge of statesmanship and wide experience of life, and endowed with keen sympathies, warm imagination and active interest in the method of scientific inquiry.
He brought to his task an intellect of the first calibre - keen, quick, penetrating.
Amsterdam was his first Dutch home, where he lived in the house of Dr Keen, under the assumed name of Dr Van der Linden.
Stephen was a keen and circumspect politician, and for his future security contracted, during his father's lifetime, a double' matrimonial alliance with the Neapolitan princes of the House of Anjou, the chief partisans of the pope.
Henderson took a keen interest in education and gave the school at Creich a small endowment.
On the other hand, it was difficult practically to realize this alienation, and a keen sense of this difficulty induced the same hostility to the body as a clog and hindrance, that we find to some extent in Plato, but more fully developed in Neoplatonism, Neopythagoreanism, and other products of the mingling of Greek with Oriental thought.
In Plato's exposition of the different virtues there is no mention whatever of benevolence, although his writings show a keen sense of the importance of friendship as an element of philosophic life, especially of the intense personal affection naturally arising between master and disciple.
It does not, however, appear that this danger assumed formidable proportions until after the Reformation; when, in the struggle made by the Catholic church to recover its hold on the world, the principle of authority was, as it were, forced into keen, balanced and prolonged conflict with that of reliance on private judgment.
He had a most retentive memory and a very keen power of observation.
In order to accomplish the first of these two preliminaries, the department established a Faculty of Agriculture at the Royal College of Science in Dublin, and offered a considerable number of scholarships the competition for which becomes increasingly keen.
The power of superstition was greatly broken, a result partly due to the keen good sense of the king, but chiefly to the spread of knowledge and religious teaching.
As early as 1300, at Padua, Petrus Aponensis, a notable expositor of medical theories, had betrayed a heterodoxy in faith; and John of Jandun, one of the pamphleteers on the side of Louis of Bavaria, was a keen follower of Averroes, whom he styles a " perfect and most glorious physicist."
In 1 Macc. there is a keen sense of the part to be played by the Jews themselves, of the necessity of employing their own skill and valour; here they are made to rely rather upon divine intervention.
The keen sarcasm of his polished rhetoric was not calculated to soothe the susceptibilities of men already smarting under the deprivation of their most cherished illusions.
The breeding of hackneys is extensively pursued in the counties of Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Lincoln and York, and in the showyard competitions a keen but friendly rivalry is usually to be noticed between the hackney-breeding farmers of Norfolk and Yorkshire.
She helped to inaugurate the society for the prevention of cruelty to children, and was a keen supporter of the ragged school union.
The style has the simple, yet fresh and graphic, directness of all good letter-writing, and there is no lack of passages of keen observation, and even shrewd interpretation.
Colet, though never dreaming of a formal breach with the Roman Church, was a keen reformer, who disapproved of auricular confession, and of the celibacy of the clergy.
He was a good scholar and a keen student of biblical apocalyptic literature and himself "prophesied" to Queen Anne, Robert Harley, earl of Oxford, William Whiston, and John Evelyn the diarist.
Their mental capacity is considerable, though there is a great difference between the sluggish inhabitant of Great Nicobar and the keen trader of Car Nicobar.
In disposition the islanders are friendly and hospitable, brave and somewhat bloodthirsty; and, although naturally indolent and morose, they have proved industrious and keen traders.
He was a keen sportsman and would spend many days at a time pursuing chamois or steinbock in the Alpine fastnesses of Piedmont with nothing but bread and cheese to eat.
When it is remembered that at this time there was a great deal of tension between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, who were fairly evenly matched in the duchies, and that the rivalry between France and the Empire was very keen, it will be seen that the situation lacked no element of discord.
First Massachusetts, then a move, 'to a keen new house,' a background voice quoted.
It's a nice house, a keen house, complete with front porch and swing.
I later thanked Mary Beth mightily for her keen observation skills that cost me a dozen years and saved me for Jesus.
As a warrior who spent his adult life at battle, he wasn't really keen on how to comfort a woman who had seen three things she'd likely never witnessed before in the span of five minutes.
His acrimonious departure from the county last year is another area of controversy that he seems keen to clear up.
His mother was a woman of sturdy character and with a keen sense of humor and tender sympathy.
Plus, for the keen angler in the family, there is a vast Angling Center, for all your angling needs.
Among other things they are very keen to promote angling among young people in the communities along the Lowland canals.
Having been smothered by the heavily annotated Geneva version, James was keen to have a " pure " text.
There's an excellent, lengthy video interview with Munro who is keen to discuss all aspects of her career in exploitation films.
We are now keen to recruit commercially astute Sales Advisors to join our existing team.
Ravi is a keen sportsman who enjoys athletics and playing badminton and tennis and he still holds a public schools record for the 200m.
As the anniversary of VJ Day approaches, the Western ruling classes are keen to justify this barbarity.
The two men also shared a keen common interest in natural history, astronomy, and the history of religion -- particularly biblical chronology.
Mike is such a keen biker, he owns three motorcycles.
Probably best of all is his brother 'The Blue Man ', who is a keen birder in his own right.
Peter has a degree in Fine Art and is a keen amateur botanist with a wide knowledge of wildlife and geography.
Francis ' son, Richard, a keen botanist, was made Chairman in 1935.
He has a keen sense of humor without becoming a buffoon.
The cadets were very keen and Sunday mornings became as busy as any weekday.
Among other things they are very keen to promote angling among young people in the communities along the lowland canals.
If the laws broke down, the whole place would descend into utter carnage, so the Japanese are keen to obey the laws.
I am quite keen on the idea of mixing cedar wood cladding with areas of render.
Both would appear for Swindon in later years, with Keen going on to be a loyal clubman for more than a decade.
Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings.
The Arrow is likely to face tough competition from other radio groups keen to grab a rare FM license in the important area.
He is a keen conservationist with a particular interest in birds.
His Kidderminster play-off contenders instantly showed a keen spirit of adventure with three forward pushed onto Swansea's back line.
A man of enormous energy and great personal charm, Simpson was a keen controversialist and much loved physician.
Ryan is a Lance Corporal in the Slough Company of the Boys Brigade and he is a keen cook.
I approach the business end cautiously, keen to photograph the parasitic copepod that is found on each shark's eye.
I am also keen to keep a firm eye on tackling criminality.
I read poems in a dark church crypt to a small, keen audience.
Some of the members were quite keen on a little delirium.
I am keen to find information about the dockyard at Stoke Damerel circa 1820 mainly about the residences of dockyard staff.
They also worked on processes to produce other artificial dyestuffs but the board of the company was not keen to diversify at that stage.
Now, as many were keen to point out, simple does not mean boring, or low-tech, or lacking dynamism.
He's keen to avoid the elitism of a scene and says, I truly believe I'm making Pop music.
While Albini's work has been championed by rock music's equivalent of an intellectual elite, he is keen not to appear elitist.
The network is keen to expand into areas where the very lack of social cohesion prevents the emergence of a community foundation.
Horatio Nelson - British hero Unlike many of his naval predecessors Nelson was keen to experiment and test new ideas of naval engagement.
Les, a keen amateur radio enthusiast joined the Scout Movement in the 1930s.
A free trip to Ryton Organic Gardens is on offer to anyone keen to join a composting club run by Leicestershire green charity environ.
Part of the huge HBOS group and still keen to help the expatriate.
A keen eye had he for situations where a profit might accrue.
Once found you may, given keen eyesight, be able to " split " the double using just your eyes.
The MP was keen to rehome older cats as she understands the many benefits of rehoming senior felines.
There is much research still to be done into this species, and I urge any keen fly fisher to have a go.
Barry is married with two grown up children and enjoys watching most sports but is a keen fly fisherman.
The conference organizers are keen to encourage geographers from around the world to attend this meeting.
This par 3 nine-hole golf course is excellent for the keen beginner or fot those who wish to practice on a short course.
He is also a keen adventurer planning to scale the dizzy heights of Mount Everest in 2007.
I had been to several training modules at the Royal Homeopathic Hospital in London and was getting keen to do more homeopathy.
Fed up with a career in computer engineering, keen horseman Steve Almond left the UK to run horse riding holidays in Andalusia.
As well as an excellent horseman he was a keen rugby player; he also started writing poetry in his teens.
The team was put together by Vicky Munn of Sir John Lawes Physical Education Faculty who is a very keen horsewoman herself.
Who are these keen ufologists who sell videos and hold public meetings but insist on remaining incognito in the story?
We are also keen to involve amateur instrumentalists playing at a good standard in our concerts.
His keen and penetrating intellect enabled him to find a Biblical basis for every provision of the Oral Law.
I am also a very innovative creative writer with a sharp keen intellect.
Daring, utterly original and possessing a keen intelligence, Jim Sclavunos ' The Vanity Set demands your immediate attention.
Question 4 I can no longer get to Tannadice but still take a keen interest from afar.
Blair supporters would think of him as a liberal interventionist, keen on nation building, rather than a neocon.
The police input will involve a number of police motorcyclists and a collision investigator who is also a keen motorcyclist.
David says he was keen to avoid becoming a film subsidy junkie.
At present we are particularly keen to hear from any keyboard player who could help us with the children's singing.
The second supplier was very keen to do the job.
The overly keen that said yes were dropped from our list!
He has gone off on holiday but seemed keen to help on his return.
There was a code of behavior among the students which said that they should not appear keen in front of their peers.
Tho ' wi dinnae ken whit lies ahead, wi are aye keen tae work fur wur daily bread!
The area also benefits from various historic landscapes which the Council is keen to safeguard.
He is also an instantly likable and an excellent mixer, with a quiet but keen sense of humor.
Outreach network We are keen to establish links with other outreach projects in the History of Medicine, nationally or internationally.
And, staff in both the museum and the School are keen to develop these links further.
We are very keen on what is now called localism.
Residents, and Community Beat Officer Kath Jukes were very keen to make this a regular event in a bid to deter litter louts.
A keen trade unionist, in 1932 Smewin was appointed a magistrate.
We are keen to receive any reports of pine marten evidence from England or Wales.
They were also, sensibly, keen on coal-bed methane sequestration.
It is not hard to see why the parties are keen to pass off these rather miserly concessions as the height of generosity.
Swans and ducks approach the side of the boats and keen eyed visitors may see moorhens and cormorants.
Keen to avoid moral hazard, many authorities have traditionally declined to discuss their policy stance on the grounds of " constructive ambiguity " .
My name is Adrian Mc Grath I am a keen naturalist from Northern Ireland.
They must be highly numerate, organized with a keen commercial mind.
A keen oarsman, Andy rows for a club in Bath.
Equally, schools appeared keen to retain the objectivity of a multi-agency team that was not employed directly by the school.
Pratt's keen eye for the visually opulent is a sometimes dizzying feast, tho always thoroughly rewarding experience.
According to the Mirror, Geri's showbiz pal Robbie Williams is just as keen to see the baby united with her father.
I'm particularly keen on teddy suits, they're very nice, and small white panties.
I no longer teach, but I have a phalanx of former pupils keen to come and help when it gets busy here!
Or are you a keen amateur photographer needing some new skills?
A keen Rugby player, he captained Queens ' 3rd XV.
Phoenix were keen to complete their first âhomeâ win of the season and in so doing complete back-to-back wins over last seasons playoff champions.
The prevailing climate is clearly a keen interest in the 60s and/or the reinterpretation of 60s pop made in the 80s.
The HSC are keen to gather more specific information on good practice preventive strategies physiotherapists adopt to avoid injury in the workplace.
He is also patron of the host club and a keen supporter of this and other regular activities allowed on this largely private park.
The television producer Jack Good was also keen to benefit from the flow of new teenage talent provided by Larry Parnes.
However, it seems that eth proponents are not at all keen to have their evidence submitted to critical examination.
During his Oxford days, he enjoyed rowing down the Thames with fellow students, and he also became a keen rambler.
At 16, Richard, a keen Chelsea fan and aspiring rapper decided to ditch his CB radio moniker Chelsea Boy.
The RGCG is keen to promote habitat restoration on the Glaven.
He is also keen to help recently retired men and women, and those contemplating retirement, to renew their sense of vocation.
Pascal was a keen bell ringer, having rung in most of the churches in Devon.
In his spare time he is a keen sailor.
He also holds an instrument rated commercial pilot's license and has keen interest and experience flying sailplanes and hang-gliders.
What advice would you give to a young scriptwriter who is very keen on descriptive prose?
For those with a keen interest in working with sheepdogs Aled also runs sheepdog handling courses.
He is also a keen skier, plays golf and enjoys clay pigeon and rough shooting.
This seems slightly shortsighted of Nick JR as there are obviously a lot of parents keen to part with cash!
The various religious sisterhoods were also keen to be involved.
Up to 200 people, keen to get a good view, had made their way to a temporary slipway ' bridge ' .
They are high spirited, quick to react with a keen sense of hearing, which makes them good guard dogs.
Chris Chris, a keen sportsman, collided with a tree whilst snow boarding.
Sharon, a keen sportswoman, died of Toxic Shock Syndrome two months after giving birth to her second child.
John Wheatley As a young lad John was a keen plane spotter, - there were many raids by enemy aircraft over the Bay.
This is very much a family website indeed we are keen to encourage younger statisticians to get involved.
This is very much a family website indeed we are keen to encourage younger club statisticians to get involved.
Lesley had been a keen participant in - and ardent supporter of - the sport for some years.
Beverley and East Riding is a keen supporter of the LTA campaign Play Tennis 2006.
They are also keen to hear from anyone who may have seen an abandoned trolley in the area.
They have also been keen to emphasize that they are open for business during the current unpleasantness.
Are you a keen summer walker & have never been out into the hills in winter?
The author, Andrew McCloy, was a former information officer for the Ramblers ' Association and is a keen long-distance walker.
However, for individuals who are extremely keen there are even washable liners that help to reduce diaper associated waste even more.
Imogen was keen to find Richards portrait and Lisa was soon adding a little willy to his head.
Paul is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and is a keen yachtsman.
I have keen interests in animal welfare and crypto zoology.
Although a hard, stern man, he had a keen sense of justice when his selfish interests were not involved, and few of the German kings possessed so practical an intelligence.
There was much true poetry in the verse, and much sound sense and keen observation in the prose of these works; but the poetical feeling and lyrical facility of the one, and the more solid qualities of the other, seemed best employed when they were subservient to his rapid wit, and to the ingenious coruscations of his fancy.
The anonymous objections are very much the statement of common-sense against philosophy; those of Caterus criticize the Cartesian argument from the traditional theology of the church; those of Arnauld are an appreciative inquiry into the bearings and consequences of the meditations for religion and morality; while those of Hobbes (q.v.) and Gassendi - both somewhat senior to Descartes and with a dogmatic system of their own already formed - are a keen assault upon the spiritualism of the Cartesian position from a generally " sensational " standpoint.
Himself a keen bowler, he offered for competition, in 1854, a silver bowl and, in 1857, a gold bowl and the Eglinton Cup, all to be played for annually.
After the British conquest of 1763 the west became the scene of a rapidly increasing fur trade, and for many years there was keen rivalry between the Hudson's Bay Company, with its headquarters in England, and the North-West Company of Montreal.
He described him as "a companionable, brilliant soul, with piercing eyes, the body of an Aesop - a man of keen insight, exquisite taste and wide erudition.
In Queensland, where the earliest factory legislation dates from 1896, keen parliamentary conflict raged round the pro posal in 1907 to introduce the special boards system for fixing wages.
His judgment of men and things was keen, lucid and masculine, and he was alike prompt in decision and brave in action."
Telegraphic money orders were established in 1850; a cable was laid between Dover and Calais, and in November 1851 the stock exchanges of London and Paris were able for the first time to compare prices during business hours of the same day; numerous companies were formed, some of which were independent of the railways, and keen competition led to considerable extensions of wires and reduction of tariffs, with the result that a large increase in the volume of business took place.
Much dissatisfaction was felt because the larger towns where competition had been most keen were unduly benefited to the neglect of smaller towns where the business was comparatively less profitable, but it must be remembered that the telegraph lines followed the railways and that many towns were not served owing to their opposition to the railways.
The numerous outbreaks against the Jews are directed, not against their creed, but against them as keen business men and extortionate money-lenders.