Karma Sentence Examples
This is totally karma, she told herself angrily.
I hope I'm around to see karma coming back on you.
Or maybe it was all her fault, created by bad karma she built up when she was some crazy deity in a past life she had no memory of.
In India, before Buddhism, conflicting and contradictory views prevailed as to the precise mode of action of Karma; and we find this confusion reflected in Buddhist theory.
Abby was so confident in the reality of karma that she did nothing without thinking about how it could affect her in her next life.
Abusing a partner's kindness will bring back heavy karma and will be paid in full.
You may think it's nonsense, but this house feels full of bad karma.
Doing what he had done had created major karma.
Because of the good work that Scott does in his community, karma is treating him well.
Everyone who knows Kayla knows that she believes strongly in karma and reincarnation.
AdvertisementAt no stage of a human life within society can bad karma be avoided.
The doctrine of Karma is with modification common to both Buddhism and Brahminism, and in their expositions theosophists have apparently drawn from both sources.
Spread the love, energy and good karma of Life is Good.
Salvation is to the Hindu simply deliverance from the power of karma, and each of the philosophic systems has its own method of obtaining it.
Karma was a bitch, but it wasn't indiscriminate, was it?
AdvertisementHis death could, like Lennon's, have been his karma, his mission accomplished.
Then why is a crap ton of her bad karma killing me?
The word Karma, however, is often used to designate only the law's reaction to man's doings.
Barrett believes that it's just his karma for all his romantic relationships to end in ruin.
He growled, "More like Karma getting back at me for all the years I objectified women."
AdvertisementBy labeling the cause good or bad I produce dialectical karma.
I was so determined to change my karma that I decided to quit smoking and volunteer at the homeless shelter.
We Brits need to become global healers, to redeem our national karma.
The link of connexion between the various Bodhisats in the future Buddha's successive births is not a soul which is transferred from body to body, but the karma, or character, which each successive Bodhisat inherits from his predecessors in the long chain of existences.
Whence the concept of linear karma dominates the foreground of ethics.
AdvertisementWhoever has the highest karma at the end of the week gets made moderator, then their karma gets reset to zero.
Jacob's constant bad luck proves that karma is a myth because he is the kindest person I know.
But, be this as it may," the doctrine of karma is certainly one of the firmest beliefs of all classes of Hindus, and the fear that a man shall reap as he has sown is an appreciable element in the average morality.
The ancient books, preserved in the Pali Pitakas, being mainly occupied with the details of Arahatship, lost their exclusive value in the eyes of those whose attention was being directed to the details of Bodhisatship. And the opinion that every leader in their religious circles, every teacher distinguished among them for his sanctity of life, or for his extensive learning, was a Bodhisat, who might have and who probably had inherited the karma of some great teacher of old, opened the door to a flood of superstitious fancies.
In Brahminic thought Karma, the consequences of action, necessitates rebirth in a lower or higher mode of existence, according to guilt or merit.
The second question is whether abortion always generates bad karma, or in Western terms, is it ever " justified.
This is why psychological karma is different from moral karma.
In this yoga hand pose, the middle finger represents the planet Saturn, which signifies patience and karma.
Curiously, Buddhism itself is ruled by the ghost or shadowy remainder of belief in transmigration - Karma.
The last book of the Laws of Manu deals with karmaplialam, " the fruit of karma," and gives many curious details of the way in which sin is punished and merit rewarded.
Now the older school also held, in the first place, that, when a man had, in this life, attained to Arahatship, his karma would not pass on to any other individual in another life - or in other words, that after Arahatship there would be no rebirth; and, secondly, that four thousand years after the Buddha had proclaimed the Dhamma or doctrine of Arahatship, his teaching would have died away, and another Buddha would be required to bring mankind once more to a knowledge of the truth.
The soul is from the Lord, and is submitted in this life to the bondage of works (karma); " Mankind, in their obstinacy, keep binding themselves in the net of actions, and though they know and hear of the bliss of those who have faith in the Lord, they attempt not the only means of release.
So when did the karma chameleon start cultivating an interest in politics?
It will also clear a lot of accumulated karma, making space for the new order.
Bugs Bugs, bugs, now I'm at war got a bug karma, it's bed-bugs for sure.
Karma votes are a method to vote the ' karma votes are a method to vote the ' karma ' of an item.
The Indian term ' karma ' is ideal for my purpose.
Karma Sutra were given the full- on treatment by the customs ie Strip search dismantling the van all in all a 6 hour ordeal!
Sherpa team, under the leadership of our Sirdar, Karma, went ahead of us to establish the camp.
One person in particular looks like he's auditioning to be in the next karma sutra, only with clothes and on a train.
Good Karma goes to he who does his tiling and only says two swearwords.
This is the sound of your soul being purified by fire, burning away years of negative karma.
In addition, Karma points are redeemable.
You will earn one Karma Point for each $1 you spend in any retail purchase.
Earn two Karma Points for making an on-time payment each month.
There are plenty of people lying in wait for his Karma to come back to him.
Spreading good karma with their sunny disposition, organic t shirts, and earth conscious approach, Life is Good apparel appeals to all types of people.
Karma - This dog food is certified to be 95% organic.
Every positive resolution of karma brings the soul closer to that nirvana, and every negative resolution pulls your soul further away.
This article attempts to explain how the biblical idea of grace contradicts karma and reincarnation.
Still, some people believe you have no say in this process and that it's predetermined by the karma of your immediate past life, as well as the accumulation of other lifetimes.
She was working off bad karma.
These two exist in many forms more or less grotesque, and after death the soul passes to one of them and there receives its due; but that existence too is marked by desire and action, and is therefore productive of merit or demerit, and as the soul is thus still entangled in the meshes of karma it must again assume an earthly garb and continue the strife.
Denying the continuance of the soul, Buddhism affirmed a continuity of moral consequences (Karma), each successive life being determined by the total moral result of the preceding life.
In India it had already, before the rise of Buddhism, been raised into an ethical conception by the associated doctrine of Karma, according to which a man's socialpositioninlife and hisphysicaladvantages, or the reverse, were the result of his actions in a previous birth.
Thus in the story of the good layman Citta, it is an aspiration expressed on the deathbed; 2 in the dialogue on the subject, it is a thought dwelt on during life, 3 in the numerous stories in the Peta and Vimana V atthus it is usually some isolated act, in the discussions in the Dhamma Sangani it is some mental disposition, which is the Karma (doing or action) in the one life determining the position of the individual in the next.
The Indian theory of Karma has been worked out with many 1 Phaedo, 69 et seq.
For as the Arahat had conquered the cravings that were supposed to produce the new body, his actions were no longer Karma, but only Kiriya, that led to no rebirth.4 Another point of Buddhist teaching adopted from previous belief was the practice of ecstatic meditation.
We know 4 The history of the Indian doctrine of Karma has yet to be written.
Now that which binds together these elements of our nature and maintains their interrelation in their respective spheres of activity - that which determines an individual's powers, his tastes, his opportunities, advantages and drawbacks, in a word, the character - is his "Karma."
In later times, the strict adherence to caste duties would naturally receive considerable support from the belief in the transmigration of souls, already prevalent before Buddha's time, and from the very general acceptance of the doctrine of karma (" deed "), or retribution, according to which a man's present station and manner of life are the result of the sum-total of his actions and thoughts in his former existence; as his actions here will again, by the same automatic process of retribution, determine his status and condition in his next existence.
For a Hindu a person 's karma mainly affects where their soul will be reborn in a future life.
The mainstream belief is that all souls are continually reincarnated in various different bodies depending on the karma accrued in previous lives.
Our sherpa team, under the leadership of our Sirdar, Karma, went ahead of us to establish the camp.
Here is an urbane, erudite man, more likely to throw karma around the dressing room than teacups.
Newman's Own Organics is about 70% organic, and Karma is reported to be 95% organic according to a report in USA Today.
Karma Wilson-While not an organization, Karma Wilson's Bear Feels Sick is a wonderful book for any child, but particularly for a child that is sick.
Users will earn Karma points, which is a point system linked to Facebook, the social networking website.
When you make your first purchase, you will automatically earn 20 Karma Points.
Earn an additional eight Karma Points by paying your bill on time for six months in a row.
Their solution for the kitchen amounted mostly to antiquing the cupboards, painting the table and the walls, tying a bunch of twigs together to make a sculpture, and filling the room with plenty of bad karma.
The second single, Karma Chameleon, stayed at the top of the US charts for four weeks and the UK charts for six weeks and is the song most associated with the band.
The band continues to release successful records including 2005's Karma and Effect, 2006's One Cold Night, and 2007's Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces.
Karma and Effect - The complete album Karma and Effect is tabbed out in this book published by Alfred Music Publishers.
Karma has a holistic approach to pet foods and uses whole organic ingredients.
Chalk one point on your good karma calendar!
My Karma Baby has instructions and step-by-step photos for making a very simple baby sling.
Another, more astrological reason for this is that Saturn, the planet of karma, retribution and time, is "exalted" in Libra.
This is the house that governs the unconscious, the land of dreams, and according to some astrologers, karma.
For romantic Pisces, the concepts of soul mates and "having karma" with another person are given factors in romance; they don't really understand why others don't view love in this manner.
What astrologers do know is that north nodes indicate a couple growing together (the area they fall in will show where that growth will occur), while south nodes indicate past karma, and in some case, limitations.
Overall, most believers of reincarnation follow the Hindu religion principles that involve the idea of karma.
Karma forms a set of spiritual rules that define what happens whenever someone attempts suicide.
On the other hand, you would never even consider suicide once you understand the principles of karma.
Get help and find the solution that will put you on the path to better karma.
Christian Answers offers a response to the question about whether or not the Bible allows for karma and rebirth into a new life.
For starters, using the services can get you into trouble - you could be sued, your computer could become infected, and your karma could take a hit - after all, when you use a P2P network, the artist who made the song doesn't get paid.