K Sentence Examples
That the different ranks or degrees of circular groups exhibited in the animal kingdom are Nine k in number, each being involved within the other."
The tranverse electromotive force is equal to KCH/D, where C is the current, H the strength of the field, D the thickness of the metal, and K a constant which has been termed the rotatory power, or rotational coefficient.
Owing to the difficulty of determining the magnetization I and the susceptibility K with accuracy, it has not yet been possible to submit this formula to a quantitative test, but it is said to afford an indication of the results given by actual experiment.
If V is the volume of a ball, H the strength of the field at its centre, and re its apparent susceptibility, the force in the direction x is f= K'VH X dH/dx; and if K',, and are the apparent susceptibilities of the same ball in air and in liquid oxygen, K' Q -K'o is equal to the difference between the susceptibilities of the two media.
For all diamagnetic substances, except antimony and the value of K was found to be independent of the temperature.
Annexed are values of Io 6 K for the different salts examined, w being the weight of the salt per c.c. of the solution.
Thus P = kQ+R, where k is an integer.
Hence the successive remainders are successively smaller multiples of L, but still integral multiples, so that the series of quotients k, s, t,.
If the primary wave at 0 be cos kat, the effect of the secondary wave proceeding from the element dS at Q is dS 1 dS - p cos k(at - p+ 4 A) = - -- sin k(at - p).
Young corm produced from k', in autumn, which in succeeding autumn will produce flowers.
AdvertisementThe symbol e 0 behaves exactly like i in ordinary algebra; Hamilton writes I, i, j, k instead of eo, el, e2, es, and in this notation all the special rules of operation may he summed up by the equalities = - I.
If the dielectric or separating insulator has a constant K, then the capacity becomes K times as great.
The simplest method of determining it numerically is, therefore, that adopted by Faraday.4 Table Dielectric Constants (K) of Solids (K for Air = I).
He constructed two equal condensers, each consisting of a metal ball enclosed in a hollow metal sphere, and he provided also certain hemispherical shells of shellac, sulphur, glass, resin, &c., which he could so place in one condenser between the ball and enclosing sphere that it formed a condenser with solid dielectric. He then determined the ratio of the capacities of the two condensers, one with air and the other with the solid dielectric. This gave the dielectric constant K of the material.
There are very few substances, however, for which the optical refractive index has the same value as K for steady or slowly varying electric force, on account of the great variation of the value of K with frequency.
AdvertisementSuppose that the dielectric has a constant K, then we must multiply both sides by K and the expression for the energy per unit of volume of the field is equivalent to z DE where D is the displacement or polarization in the dielectric.
If we write K for the adiabatic elasticity, and k for the isothermal elasticity, we obtain S/s = ECÆF = K/k.
East of Bhutan, amongst the semi-independent hill states which sometimes own allegiance to Tibet and sometimes assert complete freedom from all authority, the geographical puzzle of the course of the Tsanpo, the great river of Tibet, has been solved by the researches of Captain Harman, and the explorations of the native surveyor "K.
Let k denote this height, and let PM be denoted by 1.
The volume u may be determined by repeating the experiment when only air is in the cup. In this case v =o, and the equation becomes (u --al l) (h - k') =uh, whence u = al' (h - k l) /k'.
AdvertisementIt also gives rise to super-acid salts, such as KHTe03 H2Te03; K 2 TeO 3.3TeO 2.
Side-shake is prevented by the screws and pieces k, k, k, k.
Pertantalic acid, HTaO 4, is obtained in the hydrated form as a white precipitate by adding sulphuric acid to potassium pertantalate, K 3 Ta0 5.
Four high roads radiate from Peking, one leading to Urga by way of Shan-hwa Fu, which passes through the Great Wall at Chang-kiu K`ow; another, which enters Mongolia through the.
Ku-pei K`ow to the north-east, and after continuing that course as far as Fung-ning turns in a north-westerly direction to Dolonnor; a third striking due east by way of Tung-chow and Yung-Ong Fu to Shan-hai Kwan, the point where the Great Wall terminates on the coast; and a fourth which trends in a south-westerly direction to Pao-ting Fu and on to Tai-yuen Fu in Shan-si.
AdvertisementThe air-ways k, k, in the fixed vanes establish communication between the cores of the vortices and the atmosphere.
A torque applied to the shaft A can be transmitted to D, neglecting friction, without change only if the central pulley K is held from turning; the torque required to do this is twice the torque transmitted.
If we draw a line at right angles to TCV, meeting TCV produced in M and parallels through A and B in K and L, the area of the triangle ATB is KL.
Similarly, for a corresponding figure K'L'BA outside the parabola, the area is lK'L'(K'A+4M'C +L'B).
If the lengths of these sides are H and K, the coordinates of the angles of the base - i.e.
If the planes of one set divide it into m slabs of thickness h, and those of the other into n slabs of thickness k, so that H =mh, K = nk, then the values of x and of y for any ordinate may be denoted by xo+Oh and yo+Ok, and the length of the ordinate by uo, 0.
The data are usually the breadths H and K and either (i) the edges of the minor briquettes, viz.
If, on the other hand, we were to take them very close to KA and LB respectively, the area of K 0 M B Z the trapezette would be the greater.
It follows from §§ 48 and 51 that, if V is a solid figure extending from a plane K to a parallel plane L, and if the area of every cross-section parallel to these planes is a quadratic function of the distance of the section from a fixed plane parallel to them, Simpson's formula may be applied to find the volume of the solid.
The integration with regard to y may similarly (in the particular example) be replaced by the operation ak(I+3E'-+3E'2+E'3), where E' denotes the change of y into y + k.
This means that, if the minor trapezette consists of k strips, v will be of degree k or k - I in x, according as the data are the bounding ordinates or the mid-ordinates.
If the data of the briquette are, as in § 86, the volumes of the minor briquettes, but the condition as to close contact is not satisfied, we have y "`x P u dx dy = K + L + R - X111010-0,0 f xo yo i'?
Either or both of the expressions K and L will have to be calculated by means of the formula of § 84; if this is applied to both expressions, we have a formula which may be written in a more general form f f 4 u4(x, y) dx dy = u dx dy.
Oliiro k?i rbotiaaor C agricultural wealth of Washington, but the raising of live-stock on ranges is less common than when large herds grazed free on government lands.
At B there is no displacement, but at K there is displacement towards B represented by KR, i.e.
He supposed that in air Boyle's law holds in the extensions and compressions, or that p = kp, whence dp/dp = k = p/p. His value of the velocity in air is therefore U = iJ (p ip.) (Newton's formula).
That is to say, instead of using Boyle's law, which supposes that the pressure changes so exceedingly slowly that conduction keeps the temperature constant, we must use the adiabatic relation p = kpy, whence d p /d p = y k p Y 1= yp/p, and U = (yp/p) [Laplace's formula].
The fundamental mode is that in which H and K represent the ends of the pipe.
The flame there is much H K' L affected by the nodal pressure changes, while the other two vibrate only slightly.
If the length of the thread be k"pt invariable, a certain tension will give but one ventral segment; the fundamental note of the thread is then of the same pitch as the note of the body to which it is attached.
It is evident that we may have tones of frequency hn 1 kn 2 hn i - kn 2 hnl+kn2, where h and k are any integers.
Let k(Wt+Wf) be the weight of main girders designed to carry We+Wf, but not their own weight in addition.
Since in designing a bridge W1-l-Wt is known, k(W1+Wf) can be found from a provisional design in which the weight W 2 is neglected.
Hence the formula is more useful in the form w = (w i +w2)1 2 / (Kd -1 2) = (wl +w 2)lr/ (K -lr) where k= (wl+w2-1-w3)lr/w3 is to be deduced from the data of some bridge previously designed with the same working stresses.
Let K be the breaking strength of a bar per unit of section, when it is loaded once gradually to breaking.
The range of stress is therefore k max.
Taking K for steel girders as 7200 to 9000, Limiting Span in Ft.
For instance, it has been held that Christ atoned for man k ind not by enduring the penalty of sin, but by identify views.
A hard-and-fast rule of pronunciation is that only vowel or diphthong sounds, or the letters" m," n," ng," k," t "and" p "are permissible at the end of words, and hence the final letter of all words ending in anything else is simply suppressed or is pronounced as though it were a letter naturally producing one or other of those sounds.
Compounds are known which may be looked upon as derived from ammonia by the replacement of its hydrogen by the sulpho-group (HS0 3); thus potassium ammon-trisulphonate,N(SO 3 K) 3.2H20,is obtained as a crystalline precipitate on the addition of excess of potassium sulphite to a solution of potassium nitrite, KN02+3K2S03+2H20=N(S03K) 3 +4KHO.
Lord Kelvin assumed as a superior limit of k, the ratio of amplitude to wave-length, the value io 2, which is a very safe limit.
The polarization itself is determined from the electric force (P,Q,R) by the usual statical formula of linear type which becomes tor an isotropic medium (.f',g',h') = c2(P,Q,R), because any change of the dielectric constant K arising from the convection of the material through the aether must be independent of the sign of v and therefore be of the second order.
Trains of waves nearly but not quite homogeneous as regards wave-length will as usual be propagated as wave-groups travelling with the slightly different velocity d(VX-1)/dX-', the value of K occurring in V being a function of X determined by the law of optical dispersion of the medium.
For purposes of theoretical discussions relating to moving radiators and reflectors, it is important to remember that the dynamics of all this theory of electrons involves the neglect of terms of the order (v/c) 2, not merely in the value of K but throughout.
After a certain discount for friction and the recoil of the gun, the net work realized by the powder-gas as the shot advances AM is represented by the area Acpm, and this is equated to the kinetic energy e of the shot, in foot-tons, (I) e d2 I + p, a in which the factor 4(k 2 /d 2)tan 2 S represents the fraction due to the rotation of the shot, of diameter d and axial radius of gyration k, and S represents the angle of the rifling; this factor may be ignored in the subsequent calculations as small, less than I %.
The product on the left-hand side may be taken to k terms only, thus if k =4, we have I I+x 2 .I+x 4 .I, I l?
It may also be prepared by heating formic and oxalic acids (or their salts) with concentrated sulphuric acid (in the case of oxalic acid, an equal volume of carbon dioxide is produced); and by heating potassium ferrocyanide with a large excess of concentrated sulphuric acid, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 -i-6H2S04+6H20=2K2S04+FeS04+3(NH4)2S04+6C0.
It Is Easily Soluble In Solutions Of The Caustic Alkalis, Provided They Are Not Too Concentrated, Forming Solutions Of Alkaline Carbonates And Sulphides, Cos 4Kho = K2C03 K 2 S 2H20.
In the oceans alone there are estimated to be 1141 X 10 12 tons of sulphate, K 2 SO 4, but this inexhaustible store is not much drawn upon; and the "salt gardens" on the coast of France lost their industrial importance as potash-producers since the deposits at Stassfurt in Germany have come to be worked.
These salts are sucked up by the roots of plants, and by taking part in the process of nutrition are partly converted into oxalate, tartrate, and other organic salts, which, when the plants are burned, are converted into the carbonate, K 2 CO 3.
Potassium sulphide, K 2 S, was obtained by Berzelius in pale red crystals by passing hydrogen over potassium sulphate, and by Berthier as a flesh-coloured mass by heating the sulphate with carbon.
Potassium sulphite, K 2 S0 3, is prepared by saturating a potash solution with sulphur dioxide, adding a second equivalent of potash, and crystallizing in a vacuum, when the salt separates as small deliquescent, hexagonal crystals.
The salt K2S03 H20 may be obtained by crystallizing the metabisulphite, K 2 S 2 0 5 (from sulphur dioxide and a hot saturated solution of the carbonate, or from sulphur dioxide and a mixture of milk of lime and potassium sulphate) with an equivalent amount of potash.
Potassamide, NH 2 K, discovered by Gay-Lussac and Thenard in 1871, is obtained as an olive green or brown mass by gently heating the metal in ammonia gas, or as a white, waxy, crystalline mass when the metal is heated in a silver boat.
The case for Caesarea is that the colophon written by K .
Bobiensis (k) of the 5th (some say 6th) century at Turin, and cod.
Palatinus (e) of the 5th century at Vienna, both of which are imperfect, especially k, which, however, is far the superior in quality; in the Acts and Catholic epistles by cod.
They decided that the two best authorities were k and B, and that when these differed the reading of B, except when obviously an accidental blunder, was probably right.
He had advanced as far as the tenth sheet, bearing the signature K, when his work was discovered by Johann Cochlaeus, a famous controversialist and implacable enemy of the Reformation, who not only caused the Senate of Cologne to prohibit the continuation of the printing, but also communicated with Henry VIII.
And,, secondly, with a laborious zeal then less common than now among, n 2 (I - K 2) = 2 n 2 = n 2 = I historians, he sought to bring to light fresh historical material by patient search for letters, diaries and other manuscripts of value which had escaped the notice of previous students.
He wrote numerous papers on photometry and spectrum analysis in Poggendorff's Annalen and Berichte der k.
Potassium ferricyanide, K 3 Fe(NC)s, red prussiate of potash, is obtained by oxidizing potassium ferrocyanide with chlorine, bromine, &c., 2K 4 Fe(NC) 6 + C1 2 = 2K 3 Fe(NC) 6 + 2KC1.
Some of the well-known beds of coal are known to be continuous for several h Ch k thousands of square miles.
The outer court, which is much the larger, contains the granaries and storehouses (K), and the kitchen (H) and other offices connected with the refectory (G).
The southern side is occupied by the "refectory" (K), from the west end of which by a vestibule the kitchen (L) is reached.
The buildings are completely ruined, but enough remains to enable us to identify the grand cruciform church (A), the cloister-court with the chapterhouse (B), the refectory (I), the kitchen-court with its offices (K, 0, 0) and the other principal apartments.
The abbot's residence (K), still partly standing, adjoined the entrance-gate.
From this cloister opened the infirmary (K), with its hall, chapel, cells, blood-letting house and other dependencies.
The abbot's house, the largest and most remarkable example of this class of buildings in the kingdom, stands south to the east of the church and cloister, from which it is divided by the kitchen court (K), surrounded by the ordinary domestic offices.
Analytically, the Cartesian equation to a coaxal system can be written in the form x 2 + y 2 + tax k 2 = o, where a varies from member to member, while k is a constant.
The radical axis is x = o, and it may be shown that the length of the tangent from a point (o, h) is h 2 k 2, i.e.
The circles intersect in real or imaginary points according to the lower or upper sign of k 2, and the limiting points are real for the upper sign and imaginary for the lower sign.
The valves of the shell have been removed by severing their adhesions to the muscular areae h, i, k, 1, m, u.
It must, however, be distinctly borne in mind that there is a fundamental difference between the eye of Vertebrates and of all other groups in the fact that in the Vertebrata the retinal body is itself a part of the central nervous system, and not a separate C E k e FIG.
Cyanogen compounds of chromium, analogous to those of iron, have been prepared; thus potassium chromocyanide, K 4 Cr(CN) 6.2H 2 0, is formed from potassium cyanide and chromous acetate; on exposure to air it is converted into the chromicyanide, K 3 Cr(CN) 6, which can also be prepared by adding chromic acetate solution to boiling potassium cyanide solution.
It is found that the lines of the same element do not all show the same shift, thus the calcium line at 4223 is displaced by 0.4 A by ioo atmospheres pressure, while the H and K lines are only displaced through about half that amount.
If the medium which contains the vibration is divided into a sphere equal to k times the molecular vibration outside of which the effects of these molecules may be averaged up, so that its Roy.
The question is complicated by the fact that in the cases which have been observed, the greater portion of the metallic vapour vibrates in an atmosphere of similar molecules, and the static energy of the field is determined by the value of K applicable to the particular frequency.
The letters r and t have been discarded in favour of 1 and k, as expressing more accurately the native pronunciation, so that, for example, taro, the former name of the Colocasia plant, is now kalo.
When conducting a deflexion experiment the de flecting magnet K is placed with its centre at 30 cm.
The magnet K is then reversed in the support, and a new setting taken.
On K nearer examination, however, it appears that kingship was intermittent in some tribes, while in others, which had no kings, we find mention of royal families.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under K to Kar.
The men of Rak k a were compelled to help `Ali, after his march across Mesopotamia from near Mosul, in getting a bridge made at Rakka to convey his men to Siffin.
The two courts are divided by the main buildings of the monastery, including the church, the sanctuary (A), divided from B, the monks' choir, by a screen with two altars, the smaller cloister to the south (S) surrounded by the chapter-house (E), the refectory (X) - these buildings occupying their normal position - and the chapel of Pontgibaud (K).
At K is the wood-house.
Cettigne owes its origin to Ivan the Black, who was forced, towards the end of the 15th century, to withdraw from Zhablia,k, his former capital.
These substances are represented by lichenologists by the signs K and CaC1 respectively, and the presence or absence of the colour reactions are represented thus, K+, CaCI+, or K -, CaC1 -.
If the cortical layer should exhibit positive reaction and the medulla of the same species a negative reaction with both reagents, the result is represented thus, K CaCI i.
If a reaction is only produced after the consecutive addition of the two reagents, this is symbolized by K(CaC1) +.
Potassium aluminate, K 2 Al 2 0 4, is obtained in solution by dissolving aluminium hydrate in caustic potash; it is also obtained, as crystals containing three molecules of water, by fusing alumina with potash, exhausting with water, and crystallizing the solution in vacuo.
This division includes three small groups, the Julie, Carnic and Karawankas Alps-each peak and pass being distinguished by one of the initial letters " J," " C " or " K."
The calcium flocculi, on account of the brilliant reversals of the H and K lines to which they give rise, and the protection to the plate afforded by the diffuse dark bands in which these bright lines occur, are easily photographed with a spectroheliograph of low dispersion.
The eyepiece is removed and the photographic plate (k) placed in position.
Photographs of the solar disk, taken with the H or K line, show extensive luminous clouds (flocculi) of calcium vapour, vastly greater in area than the sun-spots.
The piece K is parallel to G H, and both of them are furnished at their ends with small pieces of flexible wire that they may touch the pins E, F in certain points of their revolution.
The rotation, by destroying the contacts, preserves this unequal distribution, and carries B from A to C at the same time that the tail K connects the ball with the plate C. In this situation, the electricity in B acts upon that in C, and produces the contrary state, by virtue of the communication between C and the ball; which last must therefore acquire an electricity of the same kind with that of the revolving plate.
Such are the valley of Korinchi, with the river of the same name, between the peak of Korinchi and Mt Raja; the valleys of Serampei and Sungei Tenang (as imperfectly known as that of the Korinchi), in which are to be sought the sources of the Tambesi and Asei, both affluents of the Jambi; the longitudinal valley of Kedah K i?
The large massive plates of cementite which form the network or skeleton in hyper-eutectoid steels should, under distortion, naturally tend to cut, in the softer pearlite, chasms too serious to be healed by the inflowing of the plastic ferrite, though this ferrite flows around and Steel White Cast Iron 100 75 K 0 ?
To take a second case, molten hypo-eutectoid steel of 0.20% of carbon on freezing from K to x passes in the like manner to the state of solid austenite, -y-iron with this 0.20% of carbon dissolved in it.
The special cable T is now tightened again, and lifts the bottom of the bucket so as both to close it and to close the space between J and K, by allowing J to rise back to its initial place.
The bucket then descends along the hoist-track to make way for the next succeeding one, and K is lowered, dropping the charge into the furnace.
The air and gas, the latter coming from the gas producers or other source, arrive through H and J respectively, and their path thence is determined by the position of the reversing valves K and K'.
K, Air reversing valve.
K', Gas reversing valve.
In this connexion Hommel's theory 2 should be mentioned, that the word Shumer was a later palatalization of Ki-imgir, " land of Imgir "=Shiimgir, subsequently Shingi with palatalized k = sh and elision of the final r.
Joseph I K IMIiI was a native of southern Spain, and settled in Provence, where he was one of the first to set forth in the Hebrew language the results of Hebraic philology as expounded by the Spanish Jews in their Arabic treatises.
The most simple case is presented by the two platinum compounds PtC12(NH3)2, the platosemidiammine chloride of Peyrone, and the platosammine chloride of Jules Reiset, the first formed according to the equation PtC1 4 K 2 + 2NH 3 = PtCl 2 (NH 3) 2 + 2KC1, the second according to Pt(NH 3) 4 C1 2 =PtC1 2 (NH 3) 2 +2NH 3, these compounds differing in solubility, the one dissolving in 33, the other in 160 parts of boiling water.
Though not profoundly learned, he was a man of wide and various information, whose interests and sympathies k embraced many branches of human knowledge.
To take the simple case of the " wall " or flat plate considered by Fourier for the definition of thermal conductivity, suppose that a quantity of heat Q passes in the time T through an area A of a plate of conductivity k and thickness x, the sides of which are constantly maintained at temperatures B' and 8".
If Q is expressed in terms of this unit in equation (I), it is necessary to divide by c, or to replace k on the right-hand side by the ratio k/c. This ratio determines the rate of diffusion of temperature, and is called the thermometric conductivity or, more shortly, the diffusivity.
This gives an average value of the conductivity over the range, but it is better to observe the temperatures at three distances, and to assume k to be a linear function of the temperature, in which case the solution of the equation is still very simple, namely, 0+Ze6 2 =a log r+b, (3) where e is the temperature-coefficient of the conductivity.
This avoids the very uncertain correction for stem-exposure, but it is doubtful how far Cast-iron, k = o 1490 C.G.S.
Stewart found for pure iron, k = .175 (i - .0015 t) C.G.S.
No calorimetric observations are required, but the results are obtained in terms of the thermal capacity of unit volume c, and the measurements give the diffusivity klc, instead of the calorimetric conductivity k.
Since both k and c are generally variable with the temperature, and the mode of variation of either is often unknown, the results of these methods are generally less certain with regard to the actual Carves showing Cie farzalaon of Temperature wilki FIG.
The quantity of heat absorbed by the stratum (x' x") in the interval considered can also be expressed in terms of the calorimetric conductivity k.
The heat transmitted through the plane x is equal per unit area of surface to the product of k by the mean temperature gradient (de /dx) and the interval of time, T - T'.
We thus obtain the simple equation k'(de'/dx') - k"(de"/dx") =c (area between curves)/(T - T'), (4) by means of which the average value of the diffusivity klc can be found for any convenient interval of time, at different seasons of the year, in different states of the soil.
The presence of water in the soil always increased the value of klc, and as it necessarily increased c, the increase of k must have been greater than that of k/c. 13.
The heat per second gained by conduction by an element dx of the bar, of conductivity k and cross section q, at a point where the gradient is dB/dx, may be written gk(d 2 6/dx 2)dx.
Iron, k =0.1988 (1-0 00287 0) „ c= 88620.
Ang3trom's value for iron, when corrected for obvious numerical errors, and for the probable variation of c, becomes Iron, k =0.164 (1-0.0013 0), but this is very doubtful as c was not measured.
Neglecting the external heat-loss, and the variation of the thermal and electric conductivities k and k', we obtain, as before, for the difference of temperature between the centre and ends, the equation O, Tho z Go = C 2 R1/8qk = ECl/8qk = E 2 k'/8k, (11) where E is the difference of electric potential between the ends.
The one event mentioned by external sources is the battle at I K arkar (perhaps Apamea), where Shalmaneser II.
Turning to the left bank, there is the same high-level canal from the upper system irrigating the basins K, P and L, as well as the large basin E in such years as it cannot be irrigated from the main canal.
In the end the Moslem conquests in Sicily became an Aghlabite principality owning at best a formal superiority in the princes of I K airawan.
There is a central region, roughly triangular in shape, with its base resting upon the Quaternary K Triassic Tertiary Carboniferous q & Metamorphic 7 Jurassic Aegean Sea and its apex in Servia.
This frame carries two very sensitive levels, k and 1, and the whole frame can be clamped to the circle g by means of the clamping screw m.
In practice the vertical circle is adjusted once for all, so that when the levels k and l are in the centre of their run, the verniers read true zenith distances.
Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure.
The readings of the levels k and 1 and the reading of the micrometer-drum are then entered, and the observation of the northern star is complete.
Suppose now, for the moment, that the readings of the levels k and l are identical in both observations, we have then, in the difference between the micrometer readings north and south, a measure of the difference of the two zenith distances expressed in terms of the micrometer screw; and, if the "` value of one revolution of the micrometer screw" is known in seconds of arc we have for the resulting latitude FIG.
If between the north and south observation there is a change in the level readings of the levels k and 1, this indicates a change in the zenith distance of the axis of the telescope.
Vearnig /islands Continuation North Same Scale k, Ningayen_ CD tie Leyte Dinagat Siargao 6 14 0 u / ........................
As will be seen later, the fundamental i, j, k of quarternions, with their reciprocals, furnish a set of six quantities which satisfy the conditions imposed by Servois.
Hence, and in this lies the main element of the symmetry and simplicity of the quaternion calculus, all systems of three mutually rectangular unit lines in space have the same properties as the fundamental system i, j, k.
In other words, if the system (considered as rigid) be made to turn about till the first factor coincides with i and the second with j, the product will coincide with k.
This refers to the use of the x, y, z co-ordinates, - associated, of course, with i, j, k.
Here the symmetry points at once to the selection of the three principal axes as the directions for i, j, k; and it would appear at first sight as if quaternions could not simplify, though they might improve in elegance, the solution of questions of this kind.
Here, then, is a case specially adapted to the isotropy of the quaternion system; and Hamilton easily saw that the expression i d x +j - + k dz could be, like ix+jy+ kz, effectively expressed by a single letter.
Combebiac does not use K; and in place of, n he uses, u =1 7 - E, so that, u 2 = I, wµ = - µw = w, w 2 = o.
That which is, is what it is in virtue of its perpetually changing relations (z-avra pei K ai 0666, Aiv).
Symbols exactly like k, X, and (a), X, are found in the Carian alphabet, and transliterated by Professor Sayce 1 as v (and ii), h and kh respectively.
The symbol K is still in ordinary use, and not merely used for abbreviations as in the classical age.
K is still in use as an ordinary consonant, and not limited to a symbol for abbreviations as in the classical period.
K in time passed out of use except as an abbreviation, its place being taken by C, which, as we have seen, is in the earliest inscription still g.
It is clear that C must have become an equivalent of K before the latter fell out of use.
C and IC, as k was frequently written, would easily be confusedin writing, and Professor Hempl (Transactions of the American Philological Association for 18 99, pp. 24 ff.) shows that the Chalcidian form of y` - = developed into shapes which might have partaken of the confusion.
The second Umbrian symbol was d, which was the representative of an s-sound developed by palatalizing an earlier k.
So also if Kaf corresponds to the Babylonian Kappu, " hollow-hand," the Sabaean form which Hommel5 interprets as the outline of the hand with the fingers turned in and the thumb raised is a better pictograph than the various meaningless forms of k (&c.).
K need not be confined to one plane.
If, in particular, the point K coincides with A, so that the resultant vanishes, the given system of forces is said to be FIG.
Now x, x have a resultant through H, represented in magnitude and direction by 00, whilst y,y have a resultant through K represented in magnitude and direction by OO.
The displace ment of P parallel to Ox is the same K
It is to be noticed that the parameter c of the cylindroid is unaltered if the two pitches h, k be increased by equal amounts; the only change is that all the pitches are increased by the same amount.
If T be the tension, W the total weight, k the sag in the middle, and FIG.
This will have a given value Mk, provided p = (k a)X+ (k b)u1+(h2 c)v2.
The squares of the radii of gyration about the principal axes at P may be denoted by k,i+k32, k,f + ki2, k12 + k,2 hence by (32) and (35), they are rfOi, r2Oi, r20s, respectively.
If k be the radius of gyration about p we find k2 =2Xarea AHEDCBAXONap, where a$ is the line in the force-diagram which represents the sum of the masses, and ON is the distance of the pole 0 from this line.
The period is increased by an increase of the mass M, and diminished by an increase in the stiffness (K) of the spring.
If K be the radius of gyration about a parallel axis through G, we have kf=K2+h2 by If (16), and therefore i=h+K1/h, whence GO.GP=K2.
We are thus enabled to determine both I and K, viz.
When the body is twisted through an angle 0 the threads make angles aC/i, be/I with the vertical, and the moment of the tensions about the vertical through G is accordingly Kg, where K = M gab/i.
If this couple be absent, the axis will be tilted out of the horizontal plane in such a sense that the direction of the spin n approxi mates to that of the azimuthal rota- K
The linkwo; k is shown in fig.
Let the acceleration of the two points B and K therefore be supposed known.
Then tb represents the angular acceleration of the point B relatively to the point K and hence tb/KB is the value of A, the angular acceleration of the link.
Thus the accelera tion of one point K is known completely.
Even in K, the more Semitic of the two Greek versions, the dog has evidently been found an offence.
The velar tenuis q, when labialized, became qu, without labialization became k; the velar media g became b or g.
Only one waggon road leads northwards from Hu-peh, and that is to Nan-yang Fu in Ho-nan, where it forks, one branch going to Peking by way of K`ai-feng Fu, and the other into Shan-si by Ho-nan Fu.
If bl, b2, ..., k J is the cycle of recurring quotients, then b n 2a1, b, bn_1, b 2 bn_2, b 3 = bn_3, &c.
Among the changes of the sound system in New Persian, as contrasted with earlier periods, especially with Old Persian, the first that claims mention is the change of the tenues k, t, p, c, into g, d, b, 1.
See an interesting article by Sidney Colvin in the Jahrbuch der k.
The last is by far the largest of the three and extends over the districts of Wu-ch`uen, Tien-pai, Yang-kiang, Yang-ch`un, Gan-ping, K`ai-ping, Sin-hing, Ho-shan, Sin-hwang, and Sin-ning.
The Kwang-tung coast abounds with islands, the largest of which is Hainan, which forms part of the prefecture of K`iung-chow Fu.
Canton, Swatow, K`iung-chow (in Hainan), Pakhoi, San-shui are among the treaty ports.
The doubled k of the Greek form is decisive against (I) the theory that the name Maccabee was made up of the initials of the opening words of Exod.
The Celts represented Indo-European q by p, whilst the Greeks, Illyrians, Thracians, Ligurians, and aborigines of France, Britain and Ireland represented it by k, c or qu.
He thus found for the pressure at a point in the interior of the fluid an expression of the form p =K+ZH(1/R+i/R'), where K is a constant pressure, probably very large, which, however, does not influence capillary phenomena, and therefore cannot be determined from observation of such phenomena; H is another constant on which all capillary phenomena depend; and R and R' are the radii of curvature of any two normal sections of the surface at right angles to each other.
In particular he maintained that the constant pressure K, which occurs in Laplace's theory, and which on that theory is very large, must be in point of fact very small, but the equation of equilibrium from which he concluded this is itself defective.
In fact, the quantity 41rp 2 K, which we may call with van der Waals the molecular pressure, is so great for most liquids (5000 atmospheres for water), that in the parts near the surface, where the molecular pressure varies rapidly, we may expect considerable variation of density, even when we take into account the smallness of the compressibility of liquids.
As Laplace has shown, the values for K and T may also be expressed in terms of the function cs, with which we started.
That K is in all cases of the fourth order and T of the fifth order in the range of the forces is obvious from (37) without integration.
As an immediate consequence of this hypothesis we have from (28) K = Koo' 2, where Ko, To are the same for all bodies.
The wave-length of the disturbance may be called A, and is connected with k by the equation k= 271/A.
If K is the height of the flat surface of the drop, and k that of the point where its tangent plane is vertical, then T = 1(K - k) 2gp. Quincke finds that for several series of substances the surfacetension is nearly proportional to the density, so that if we call Surface-Tensions of Liquids at their Point of Solidification.
The consonants, b, d, f, k, I, m, n, p, r, v, z, are as in English; g = Eng.
At the end of words and before k and t it = Germ.
Of his numerous other Bohemian works we may mention the Postilla (collection of sermons), the treatises 0 poznani testy grave k spaseni (the true road to salvation) and O svatokupectvi (on simony), and a large collection of letters; those written in prison are very touching.
Of his many collections of lyric poems Rok na jihu (a year in the south), Poute k Eldoradu (pilgrimages to Eldorado) and Sonety Samotare (sonnets of a recluse) have particular value.
In its long history the shape of K has changed very little.
K, M, Mw, Ms, P, R2, ephyra grows in size it gradually takes on the form and structure of the young medusa.
When the wing is made to vibrate, its several portions travel through the spaces d b f, j k 1, g h i, and e a c in exactly the same interval of time.
The kite-like surfaces and angles made by the wing with the horizon (a, b) during the down strokes are indicated at c d e f g, j k l m, - those made during the up strokes being indicated at g h i.
On the contrary, he will perceive that the under surface of the wing (during the down stroke) invariably looks forwards and forms a true kite with the horizon, the angles made by the kite varying at every part of the down stroke, as shown more particularly at c d e f g, i j k l m of fig.
In what has been called, though erroneously, as we shall see, Confucius's History of his own Times, we find only 13 states of note, and the number of all the states, large and small, which can be brought together from it, and the much more extensive supplement to it by Tso K`iu-ming, not much posterior to the sage, is under 150.
The Annals of Lu, enlarged by Tso K`iu-ming so as to embrace the history of the kingdom generally, are as full of life and interest as the pages of Froissart.
His clan name was Kung, and Confucius is merely the latinized form of Kung Fu-tze, meaning " the philosopher or master K`ung."
The grave of Confucius is in a large rectangle separated from the rest of the Kung cemetery, outside the city of K`iuh-fow.
Happily Tso K`iu-ming took it in hand to supply those events, incorporating also others with them, and continuing his narratives over some additional years, so that through him the history of China in all its states, from year to year, for more than two centuries and a half, lies bare before us.
It is better then to define the coefficient of absorption as a quantity k such that kln of the light is absorbed in i/nth part of a centimetre, where n may be taken to be a very large number.
The formula then becomes I = Ioe kt (2) where e is the base of Napierian logarithms, and k is a constant which is practically the same as j for bodies which do not absorb very rapidly.
There is another coefficient of absorption (K) which occurs in Helmholtz's theory of dispersion (see Dispersion).
It is closely related to the coefficient k which we have just defined, the equation connecting the two being k= 4lrK/X,X being the wavelength of the incident light.
The method consists in comparing the intensity after transmission through a layer of known thickness of the absorbent with the intensity of light from the same source which has not passed through the medium, k being thus obtained for various thicknesses and found to be constant.
These bands Julius calls dispersion bands, and then, assuming that a species of tubular structure prevails within a large part of the sun (such as the filaments of the corona suggest for that region), he applies the weakening of the light to explain, for instance, the broad dark H and K calcium lines, and the sun-spots, besides many remoter applications.
In calcium, for instance, the g line shows in the laboratory much stronger anomalous dispersion than H and K; but in the solar spectrum H and K are broad out of all comparison to g.
K`iung-chow-hien, in which the capital is situated; Ting-an-hien, the only inland district; Wen-ch`ang-hien, in the north-east of the island; Hui-t`unghien, Lo-hui-hien, Ling-shu-hien, Wan-chow, Yai-chow (the southmost of all), Kan-en-hien Chang-hwa-hien, Tan-chow, Lin-kao-hien and Ch'eng-mai-hien.
The port of K`iungchow-fu at the mouth of the river, which is nearly dry at low water, is called simply Hoi-how, or in the court dialect Hai-Vow, i.e.
The population of K`iung-chow, including its shipping port of Hoi-how, is estimated at 52,000.
It was thus that Hai-nan-Tao, or district south of the sea or strait, came into use as the name of the island, which, however, has borne the official title of K`iungchow-fu, probably derived from the Kiung shan or Jade Mountains, ever since 1370, the date of its erection into a department of Kwang-tung.
According to the treaty of Tientsin, the capital K`iung-chow and the harbour Hoi-how (Hai-Kow) were opened to European commerce; but it was not till 1876 that advantage was taken of the permission.
The drops A and K may be readily conceived to be equally diverted by the wind, and to fall near the tops of the two hills respectively.
The general effect is that the rain falling from between G and K is spread over a greater area of the earth G'K' than that falling from the equal space between B and F, which reaches the ground within the smaller area B'F'.
If now a small weight, as a penny, be passed through the slot, H, it falls into the small box, I, and causes the lever, J, to turn; the lever, J, which turns in friction wheels at K, and is counterbalanced at 0, carries a toothed segment, L, which actuates a small pinion on the same axle as F, and is free to turn on that axle by a sleeve.
K, Engine for compressing air.
A circular arc, centre D and radius c/2, meets D E in K, and the perpendicular KL gives 2c sin a.
For a curve of the order the expression Zm(m - I) - 6 - K is termed the " deficiency " (as to this more hereafter); the equation (to) expresses therefore that the curve and its reciprocal have each of them the same deficiency.
But, as is evident, the node or cusp is not a point of contact of a proper tangent from the arbitrary point; we have, therefore, for a node a diminution and for a cusp a diminution 3, in the number of the intersections; and thus, for a curve with 6 nodes and K cusps, there is a diminution 26+3K, and the value of n is n= m (m - I)-26-3K.
It is a form of the theorem for the case D = r, that the coordinates x, y, z of a point of the bicursal curve, or in particular the co-ordinates of a point of the cubic, can be expressed as proportional to rational and integral functions of the elliptic functions snu, cnu, dnu; in fact, taking the radical to be r -0 2 .r - k 2 0 2, and writing 8 =snu, the radical becomes = cnu, dnu; and we have expressions of the form in question.
Imagine a curve of order m, deficiency D, and let the corresponding points P, P' be such that the line joining them passes through a given point 0; this is an (m - m-1) correspondence, and the value of k is=1, hence the number of united points is =2m-2+2D; the united points are the points of contact of the tangents from 0 and (as special solutions) the cusps, and we have thus the relation or, writing D=2(m - i)(m-2) - S - K, this is n=m(m - i)-23-3K, which is right.
Taking P 1 =o to have 3 1 nodes and K 1 cusps, and therefore its class n 1 to be=m 1 2 - m 1 25 1 -3K,, the expression for the number of tangents to the penultimate curve is = (a1 2 - a,) m1 2 + (a2 2 - a2)m2 2 +
A little later she is called "a regular termagant" and in 1607 "not very beautiful."' In December k 1609 she planned an escape with Sir George Douglas to Scotland, apparently with a view of arranging a marriage with Stephen Bogdan, pretender to Moldavia, and on the scheme being discovered she was arrested.
The hot producer-gas formed in V is passed round the retort E in the flues n 2 n2, and ultimately goes away through K to the furnace FIG.
The circular grate G can be turned round K by means of the crank E from the outside.
Below K the fuel is lying in a conical heap, leaving the ring channel A free.
Radlov, Nachrichten fiber die von der k.
A, Longitudinal section of the rhizome, including a node and portions of the adjoining internodes; k, septum between the two internodal cavities, hh; gg, vascular bundles; 1, vallecular canal; s, leaf-sheath.
But it was the K synthetic genius of Gustav Kirchhoff which first gave unity to the scattered phenomena, and finally reconciled what was appendages to the sun disclosed by it were such as eclipses.
The Lit de Justice of the 18th of May 1643 had proved k!ngom.
The resultant of these is = 2a cos 2 (k 2 - k i)z cos {nt - 1(k2 -Fk2)z}, = 2a sin 2 (k 2 - ki)z cos {nt - z (k i + k2)z}, which shows that for any fixed value of z the light is plane polarized in a plane making an angle 1(k 2 - ki)z = ir(X i - X7 1)z, with the initial plane of polarization, X 1 and being the wave-lengths of the circular components of the same frequency.
C, Ventral view of embryo with three pairs of mesoblastic somites, dumb-bell shaped blastopore and primitive s t r e a k.
The iris diaphragm can be regulated by the lever p; it can also be turned to one side round the pivot z, so that the condenser k can be removed or changed.
Potassium bichromate finds extensive application in organic chemistry as an oxidizing agent, being used for this purpose in dilute sulphuric acid solution, K 2 Cr 2 0 7 +4H 2 SO 4 = K 1 SO 4 +Cr 2 (SO 4) 3±4H20 +30.
He thinks that in the 4th century there were in existence three recensions of the text, which he distinguishes as K, H and I, with the following characteristics and attestations.
K corresponds roughly to Westcott and Hort's Syrian Antiochian text; it was probably made by Lucian in the 4th century.
The purest representatives are 61(52), 75 (V), 92, (461), 94, 1027 (5), 1126 (476 = scrivener's k) €179 (661).
Later recensions of K are called K' and K r, and there are also others of less importance which represent the combination of K with other texts.
They have all been influenced by K, I, and by the text of parallel passages, to a greater extent than 6 1 - 2, or than either of the two witnesses to 6 1 - 2, but some of them have less Egyptian corruption.
After establishing the text of I, H and K, von Soden reconstructs an hypothetical text, I-H-K, which he believes to have been their ancestor.
When melted the products separate on the bed (which is made of closely packed sand or other infusible substances), according to their density; the lighter earthy matters forming an upper layer of slag are drawn out by the slag hole K at the flue end into an iron wagon or bogie, while the metal subsides to the bottom of the bed, and at the termination of the operation is run out by the tap hole L into moulds or granulated into water.
In the street outside, runners were stretching and signing in for the five K race, which would begin shortly.
Inside an intricate pattern of Immortal writing was the word K R I S. His throat tightened at the sight of something he.d waited his whole life to see.
One close agnate of K lineage was living in Ankara with an Ankara wife.
This time, fully allogeneic CBA mice with the MHC haplotype H2 k were used as transplant recipients.
Some people go astral traveling, guiding their K experience.
The Dancing Men [80 k] The story of how Sherlock Holmes broke a symbol cipher.
K Kaolin group of pale colored clay minerals.
This K value is determined by analyzing an organic standard of a known elemental composition.
However, K you don't intend to do anything crafty, then you won't need this fix.
Derive the best estimate of k mod and k def.
The default value of K is 0, and the vector is placed on the main diagonal.
Kevin K Sheppard My research focuses on issues in financial econometrics.
Dr. J said he felt edgy about seeing a patient who felt the way Mr K did.
In the reign of K Edw III, William Clinton died without heirs; his lands escheated to the Crown.
Dr. K Black, from the Scottish executive 's marine laboratory in Argyll, says it's nothing to do with fish farm excrement.
Thus maintenance of top soil k fertility remains the key principle for potato manuring.
If k is too great, then there is a risk of electrical flashover.
Vitamin K is found in dark leafy greens, most green plants, alfalfa and kelp.
The ratio K o = s ' he ratio K o = s ' h / s ' z is known as the coefficient of earth pressure at rest.
If the output symmetry is a he output symmetry is a higher symmetry, then all input reflections will output, with more observations per h k l set.
While the deputy headmistress of School B believes that out of school tuition is only necessary for those average or wea k pupils.
Installed a K&N Air filter, replaced impeller on Charge Cooler pump, Installed BOV, Ordered Upgraded ECU Chip.
Consider the language obtained from 1 K = by adding a denumerably infinite stock of new individual constants c 0, c 1, .
Also let k = 1 %, a reasonable figure for a good quality loudspeaker.
Degree angles b says martin k covered by medicaid.
This choice maximizes both separability measures for any given k.
The singer Bryan Adams refuses to eat milk or cheese or any other animal product, as do k or cheese or any other animal product, as do k d lang and Moby.
The rate constant k is also dependant on temperature.
Whenever the -machine interprets as a construct for parallelism, it creates a new state with its own initial continuation variable k and store.
A positive change economic review hennessy k the health insurer.
Do the functions approach each other for large k?
If 6 k +1, 12 k +1, 12 k +1 and 18 k +1 are primes their product is such a number.
If supplied, diff (x, k ), where k is a nonnegative integer, returns the k -th differences.
Journal of health support health insurance broker arizona payments but Lucia ker arizona payments but Lucia k and.
If the output symmetry is a higher symmetry, then all input reflections will output, with more observations per h k l set.
Jim was an honorable and modest man, a hard wor k er and always willing to help anyone at any time.
A unit symbol can follow n; K, M, G represents kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte each.
M (Charter) Wed; gr 15 Feb 1327, by K Edw III to Henry de Percy, the king's kinsman.
The set of all K vectors defines the reciprocal lattice.
Top K Knocker A Cornish mine spirit, which was said to knock at the richest lodes.
Were estimated using the number of McClellan mated using the number of McClellan m and k month undocumented aliens.
K das contributor How badly did I mis quote it then?
K i values in human liver microsomes were 27, 7.5 and 7.9 mu mol/l, respectively.
Soil K index 2 is divided into a lower and an upper half denoted by minus and plus signs.
The first term, k P n reflects the reproduction tendency, which is proportional to the population.
High Impedance Mic A microphone designed to be fed into an amplifier with input impedance greater than 20 k ohms.
Once an annual celebration at King's, the first ever commemoration orator was author and poet G K Chesterton.
K knee pain - a common cause of pain in the knee in young adults is chondromalacia patellae.
Philip k clients insight into.
Rover K series 1600cc engines - provided induction is via the standard production plenum.
At a temperature of 4.2 K, the trapped positrons are an ultracold plasma, a frigid collection of charged particles.
Action for low P & K fields NOW is the time to apply potash to improve low K soils.
At soil K index 1 responses to fertilizer potash are well worthwhile.
K das contributor Yea, Van Helsing looks like CG overload but also pretty fun.
The Poisson approximation would be acceptable (q small and k q small ).
Almost all energy radiated by surfaces with a temperature beneath 6000 K is heat radiance.
The donation for CHASE will be £ 1.50 per rose sold retail from C & K Jones.
Very economical if u keep the revs below 2 k and still has loads of power down there.
In 1289, K Edw I claimed the fair and ordered the sh to proclaim it in his name.
In this paper the oxygen K edges from a variety of chromium spinels and magnesium aluminate are presented.
For example, they synthesize the vitamins B and K and metabolize bile acids and other sterols.
Is the astrological symbolism in J K Rowling's Harry Potter books, conscious, unconscious or random?
The short vertical line above the sine theta axis marks the position of the Ti K absorption edge.
The maximum torque M K is effective in the case of short circuit.
Earthquake zones [175 k] But what was the significance of the connection between earthquakes and oceanic trenches and ridges?
Now another low trump taken by West's K, East following low.
Gas Works K 1152 x 864 248K Workers in hard hats and fluorescent yellow waistcoats are milling about in front of their temporary accommodation.
M (Charter) Wed; gr 28 Jun 1251, by K Hen III to Edmund de Lacy, king's yeoman.
M (Charter) Thurs; gr 20 Apr 1251, by K Hen III to Edmund de Lacy, king's yeoman.
An example of this is the K + form zeolite Y catalyzed cracking of hexane at 500 C [4] .
The heptahydrated salt combines with the alkaline sulphates to form double sulphates of composition CoS04 M2S04.6H20 (M = K, NH4, &c.).
In alkaline solution it readily takes up oxygen and is converted into potassium cobalticyanide, K 3 Co(CN) 6, which may also be obtained by evaporating a solution of cobalt cyanide, in excess of potassium cyanide, in the presence of air, 8KCN+2Co(CN)2+H20+0= 2K 3 Co(CN) 6 +2KHO.
We learn that the light dispersed in the direction of primary vibration is not only of higher order in the difference of optical quality, but is also of order k 2 c 2 in comparison with that dispersed in other directions, where c is the radius of the sphere, and k=21r/X as before.
The stem is firm, slightly pithy up the middle, but never hollow; it bears a floccose ring near its middle, as illustrated at Q, Q; this ring originates by the rupture of the thin general wrapper K of the infant plant.
Two pins q, r, with spiral springs coiled round them, pass loosely through holes in the forks k, 1, and keep the bearings of the heads in and n firmly pressed against the ends of the micrometer box.
Two spider webs are stretched across the forks, one (t) being cemented in a fine groove cut in the inner fork k, the other (s) in a similar groove cut in the outer fork 1.
K is the clamp in position angle, P the slow motion screw in position-angle; pp is the position circle, R, R its two readers.
A signal is sent by depressing the key K, and so changing the contact from a to b, and thus putting the battery r -- to line.
The stop a of the key K is connected through a switch S with one pole of the battery B, and the stop b in the usual way with the other pole.
By dividing a line into two halves the working speed will be dependent upon the KR of the longest half, and as both K and R are directly proportional to the length of the line, the KR product for the half of a circuit is but one quarter that of the whole length of the circuit, and the retardation is correspondingly small.
K 1 and K2 are two transmitting keys; the former reverses the direction of the line current, the latter increases the strength irrespective of direction, by joining on another battery when the key is depressed.
The apparatus consists of a sending battery B, a reversing transmitting key K, a slide of small resistance 5, three condensers C1, C2, C3, an artificial cable AC, the receiving instruments I and G, and one or more resistances R for adjusting the leakage current.
When one of the levers of K is depressed, the condenser C 1 and the cable, and the condenser C2 and the artificial cable, are simultaneously charged in series; but, if the capacity of C 1 bears the same proportion to the capacity of the cable as the capacity of C2 bears to the capacity of the artificial cable, and if the other adjustments are properly made, no charge will be communicated to C3.
The actual speed or rate of signalling is given approximately by the formula, S = 120/ (KR), where S is the number of words per minute, R the total resistance of the conductor in ohms, and K the total capacity in farads.
In the primary circuit of the induction coil I he placed an ordinary signalling key K, and when this was pressed for a longer or shorter time a torrent of electric sparks passed between the balls, alternately charging and discharging the elevated con-.
If the two circuits are in tune so that the numerical product of capacity and inductance of each circuit is the same or C L, = C L +CL and if k is the coefficient of coupling then the natural frequency of each circuit is n = I /2w / (CL), and when coupled two oscillations are set up in the secondary circuit having frequencies n and n2 such that n = n0/ (i - k) and n = nh,/ (I +k).
It is seen that as the coupling k becomes small these two wavelengths coalesce into one single wave length.
The current circuit went through S, W, C, K, A, and the primary circuit of the induction coil I to the battery B, and thence to S again.
The name "cololites" (from the Greek K Xov, the large intestine, XLBos, stone) was given by Agassiz to fossil wormlike bodies, found in the lithographic slate of Solenhofen, which he determined to be either the petrified intestines or contents of the intestines of fishes.
The deists, compelled by their view of the relation of God to nature to regard miracles as interventions, disposed of the miracles of the Bible either as " mistaken allegory " or even as conscious fraud on k the part of the narrators.
If the jth column be identical with the i ll ' the determinant A vanishes identically; hence if j be not equal to i, k, or r, a 11 a 21 a31 0 =I alk a2k a3k A11.
Moreau (C. R., 1900, 130, pp. 122, 412, 562) that if K is the coefficient of the Hall effect (I) and K' the analogous coefficient of the Nernst effect (i.) (which is constant for small values of H), then K' = Ka/p, v being the coefficient of the Thomson effect for the metal and p its specific resistance.
In the case of unequal width the bands cannot be black; but if h = k, the finiteness of 2g does not preclude the formation of black bands.
On the 13th of September Barberton was occupied K ru ger.
He gave them outward signs of their faith in the five K's - which will subsequently be explained - he signified the military nature of their calling by the title of "singh" or "lion" and by the wearing of steel, and he strictly prohibited the use of tobacco.
He must from that date wear the five K's and add the word singh to his original name.
The five K's and the other esoteric observances of the Sikhs mostly had a utilitarian purpose.
In B it is also joined by a paired vagina k, k, and by the " vitello-intestinal duct " (La.urer's canal, f).
If we write K for the adiabatic elasticity, and k for the isothermal elasticity, we obtain S/s = ECÆF = K/k.
Then (see Parabola) Tc = Cv, Av = Vb, and K ab is parallel to AB, so that aC = Cb.
Suppose now an observer to be looking from a fixed point at the bead through the hole in the phonic wheel, he will see the bead as 8 bright points flashing out in each beat, and in succession at intervals of k second.
If we form all the partitions of 6 into not more than three parts, these are 6, 51, 4 2, 33, 411, 321, 222, and the conjugates are Iiiiii, 21iii, 221i, 222, 311i, 321, 33, where no part is greater than 3; and so in general we have the theorem, the number of partitions of n into not more than k parts is equal to the number of partitions of n with no part greater than k.
When the instrument has been set up and levelled (either with aid of the cross level d, or the levels k and 1), the reading of the circle p for the meridional position of the telescope is determined either by the method of transits in the meridian (see Transit Circle), or by the observation of the azimuth of a known star at a known hour angle.
K(vfµa, a motion), the branch of mechanics which discusses the phenomena of motion without reference to force or mass (see Mechanics).
The watercooled ring channel K protects the bottom outlet of the generator and causes the cinders to solidify, so that they can be easily removed.
Poinsot gave the formula E 2k = eV + F, in which k is the number of times the projections of the faces from the centre on to the surface of the circumscribing sphere make up the spherical surface, the area of a stellated face being reckoned once, and e is the ratio " angles at a vertex /21r" as projected on the sphere, E, V, F being the same as before.
Potassium bichromate, K 2 Cr 2 0 7, is obtained by fusing chrome ironstone with soda ash and lime (see above), the calcium chromate formed in the process being decomposed by a hot solution of potassium sulphate.
The Poisson approximation would be acceptable (q small and k q small).
Syringe calibration factors for radionuclides used in nuclear medicine Tyler, D K, Baker, M, Woods, M J Int.
At K Battenfeld is showing machines with both planetary and twin screw extruders as the metering stage.
Versus if their shaw k and if you had have health insurance.
A t t a c k siren control signal.
All couplers are assumed to have the same splitting ratio of k.
K 50 rows; mark on both sides using stitch markers.
Pay Adjustment Tables, Tables A Use these tables in all cases where an employe has a suffix code or K code.
We have collated data for both K + -ATP channel activators and channel blockers known to interact with the sulfonylurea receptor.
Is the astrological symbolism in J K Rowling 's Harry Potter books, conscious, unconscious or random?
The liver uses vitamin K to synthesize blood-clotting proteins.
The data are tabulated at intervals of 10 K in the range from the melting point to 0.8 of the critical temperature.
The user selects J, K, T or J DIN thermocouple input from the front panel.
You can also had Heinz tommy K for a bit of sweetness with thickening !
Chromium trioxide is acidic and dissolves in water to give the fairly strong acid, H 2 CrO 4 with p K a 0.74.
Now another low trump taken by West 's K, East following low.
Turbulence closure is by means of a low Reynolds number k - e model.
Miss J K Hutchinson The unsigned unsworn written statement of Miss J K Hutchinson was submitted.
Vitamin K is essential in the synthesis of at least six of 13 proteins needed for coagulation.
The voiceless sounds ' p, t, k, h ' are color coded green.
The bulk modulus K ' relates the change in stress to the volumetric strain.
The effect of vitamin K on warfarin dose requirements should further be evaluated.
On 12 Aug 1315, K Edw II granted a Wed market to Bartholomew de Baddlesmere (CChR, 130026, p. 282).
M (Charter) Thurs; gr 20 Apr 1251, by K Hen III to Edmund de Lacy, king 's yeoman.
An example of this is the K + form zeolite Y catalyzed cracking of hexane at 500 C [4 ].
Qualifying plans usually include pension plans, 401(k) plans, and 403(b) plans.
Borrow against an insurance policy or 401(k) plan- Either of these options can give you quick access to cash.
The I volume also contains "J," "K" and "L" words.
Digital designers have created inexpensive alternatives to papers by popular manufacturers such as Basic Grey, KI Memories, K & Company, Chatterbox, My Mind's Eye, and American Crafts.
The store's selection of scrapbooking supplies includes items by manufacturers such as Die Cuts with a View, K&Company, Making Memories, and Creating Keepsakes.
Companies such as Die Cuts with a View, K&Company, and Making Memories make patterned papers, stickers, and chipboard embellishments that already have flocking added to them.
There are many different foods containing vitamin K and this helps to ensure that people eating a well balanced diet receive an adequate amount of the important nutrient.
Although vitamin K may not be as well known as other vitamins, it also plays an important part in the good health of our bodies.
Vitamin K is essential for the clotting of blood.
Without vitamin K, wounds will not heal properly.
There is also evidence that vitamin K is helpful for building strong bones.
The most common foods containing vitamin K are green vegetables and this means that vegetarians and vegans have plenty of opportunity to consume this important vitamin.
Oats and whole wheat - other foods containing vitamin K include oats and whole wheat.
Dairy foods - small amounts of vitamin K are found in dairy foods such as cheese.
Although vitamin K is present in many dairy foods, this is a relatively small amount compared with the amount found in green vegetables.
In addition to absorbing vitamin K from vegetables and other foods, we also produce it in our bodies.
This means that the body can store any vitamin K that is not immediately needed in the liver.
However, because vitamin K is so readily available in many green vegetables, it is likely that anyone eating a healthy and well balanced diet will be consuming adequate amounts of vitamin K on a regular basis.
The good news for vegetarians and vegans is that as long as we eat a healthy and well balanced diet, adequate amounts of vitamin K should be consumed.
If anyone has any concerns about whether they are consuming enough vitamin K or has related health concerns then they should visit a health professional.
Vitamin K - although green vegetables are the best source for vitamin K, it is also found in pumpkin.
Vitamin K is used by the body to help with blood clotting.
Vitamin K isn't as well known as some of the others, but it is essential to blood health and can even protect the bones from osteoporosis.
K & H Pet Products is one of the top manufacturers of heated dog beds.
Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, K & H makes many different varieties and styles from a simple pad, to large pillows and outdoor, weather resistant beds.
A hunt on the web turns up a group of respective sites such as Dog.com where K & H dog beds can be purchased for up to 25 percent off.
The K & H Memory Sleeper comes in three sizes with either a beige or sage fleece-type cover.
The primary program for single family homeowners that is offered through HUD is the Section 203(k) program.
Today, the company is parent to a chain of dry cleaning stores, the Canadian menswear chain Moores Clothing for Men and discount retailer K&G Fashion Superstore.
In fact, studies show that when you add large amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) that it works against you, diminishing organic material in soils.
A 401 K retirement plan is a program sponsored by your employer.
The 401 K is often set up as a profit-sharing program.
You may transfer funds from another IRA or a 401(k) plan with a past employer.
They are equipped to provide and manage investments in annuities, mutual funds, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and much more.
Prudential 401(k) plan investors can download their account information in Quicken or Money format to easily keep track of their earnings.
Get professional tax advice when setting up a Keogh plan because set up is more complicated than IRAs or contributions to 401(K) plans.
Most likely, deductible IRA owners 70 1/2 or older and those who have inherited IRAs or 401(k)s will have to take mandatory withdrawals in 2010.
The Center's founder is Dr. John K Bixby who is a Fellow of the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, the world-renowned dental training center.Dr.
Just make sure you get those ROMs in a legal fashion, k?
In this mission-based game, you play either Agent J or Agent K who are assigned to stop violent or disruptive alien threats on the planet.
At any point during this review, did you chuckle to yourself at the misspelled "K" words?
K&L Wine Merchants wine clubs are consistently rated as top picks by wine lovers.
Vitamin K is an important nutrient needed to regulate normal blood clotting.
A diet deficient in vitamin K can cause prolonged blood-clotting time and easy bleeding and bruising.
If the patient is taking anticoagulant medications, vitamin K supplements are not recommended, and foods high in vitamin K are limited, since they counteract the action of the medication.
Vitamins-Small compounds required for metabolism that must be supplied by diet, microorganisms in the gut (vitamin K) or sunlight (UV light converts pre-vitamin D to vitamin D).
Most of these treatments are topical in nature and frequently include vitamin K cream can be applied directly to the site of injury.
Vitamin K promotes normal clotting in the blood and, therefore, may help reduce the tendency to bruise easily.
In this stage, (the beginning of "true" sleep), the child's electroencephalogram (EEG) will show distinctive waveforms called sleep spindles and K complexes.
Factor IX is produced in the liver and is dependent on interaction with vitamin K in order to function properly.
Acquired hypoprothrombinemia usually arises from a vitamin K deficiency caused by liver disease, newborn hemorrhagic disease, or other causes.
Vitamin K may also be given to stimulate coagulation, and in bleeding episodes, fresh plasma products may be transfused.
The vitamins include vitamins D, E, A, and K (fat-soluble vitamins), and folate (folic acid), vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (water-soluble vitamins).
One example is vitamin K treatment of newborn infants to prevent bleeding.
A deficiency in vitamin K can affect the clotting factor's performance as well as a deficiency in the factor itself.
The child may replace "t" and "d" sounds-that require the front of the tongue to brush against the teeth-with "k" and "g" sounds that come from the back of the throat.
Examples of penicillins are penicillin V (Beepen-VK, Pen-Vee K, V-cillin K, Veetids) and amoxicillin (Amoxil, Polymox, Trimox, Wymox).
A liver biopsy may also be done after clotting abnormalities are corrected with vitamin K or blood products.
The Kübler-Ross stages of grief helps terminally ill patients and those who have who have lost a loved one understand and accept the reality of death.
Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004) is a world-renown psychiatrist and author whose 1969 groundbreaking book, On Death and Dying, helped changed society's view about tragedy and grief.
Known as the Kübler-Ross model, she originally designed these stages to describe any catastrophic event in a person's life, such as a job loss, divorce, illness or death.
Nonetheless, Kübler-Ross stated that every person who deals with tragedy such as a death will go through at least two of the stages.
The Kübler-Ross stages of grief have been explored by other psychiatrists and professionals over the years.
Some feel that five stages are enough to describe how individuals grieve, while others have expanded on Kübler-Ross' model to include up to at least five more stages.
Remember, the grieving process can take years to go through, so don't expect anyone who is going through the Kübler-Ross stages of grief to get through them quickly.
They provide downloadable PDF materials for children in grades K to 12.
Homeschooling pre K children builds the skills they need when they enter kindergarten.
Much of the homeschool curriculum at the pre K age involves active exploration of the environment using the child's natural curiosity as a guide.
Even a trip to the grocery store offers lots of learning opportunities for pre K students.
A pre K child is most comfortable at home with her family.
A well-balanced pre K curriculum exposes your child to necessary topics.
Look for ways in your daily activities to create a learning experience for your pre K child.
There are many science experiments that fit the pre K age including a vinegar and baking soda volcano, growing mold on a bread slice or growing plants from seeds.
The arts are an important component in the pre K curriculum.
Homeschooling pre K aged kids is all about encouraging their exploration of the world.
Whether you only plan to homeschool for pre-kindergarten or you want to homeschool your child all the way through high school, homeschool pre k is a vital building block to future learning.
Counting - One big part of a pre k curriculum is learning to count.
In grades K to 3, the score report will give you a lexile score, which is helpful for determining your child's reading level.
That includes health, dental, disability, and contributions to your 401(k).
There are some competitive perks to working for Toys R Us in some positions, including insurance, a 401(k), paid time off, employee assistance programs, and a college savings plan.
Be sure to check with individual lenders as to what programs theyoffer - not all lenders are approved for the 203(K) program.
Contact FHA for more information regarding the 203(k) mortgage program for fixer upper loans.
Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat and are absorbed from the small intestines along with dietary fat.
If thin stripes are a little too candy cane for your tastes, then you can jump up the designer ladder and arrive at Daryl K's latest Maillot masterpiece.
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for good health, and knowing about foods high in Vitamin K can help individuals plan diets to accommodate their nutritional needs.
Vitamin K was first discovered in 1929 by a Danish scientist, Henrik Dam, who noticed the coagulatory properties associated with specific blood chemistry.
Vitamin K is manufactured by a range of intestinal bacteria, principally in the lower intestine.
In these instances, it is necessary to ingest foods high in Vitamin K to make up the recommended 65 to 120 micrograms for daily dietary intake.
Vitamin K has a range of health benefits in addition to being essential for proper blood clotting.
At the same time, an individual who consumes too much Vitamin K may be in danger of having thickened blood that could lead to heart attacks, stroke, and other vascular problems.
Individuals who are on blood thinning medication such as warfarin or coumadin should be especially cautious about their Vitamin K intake to ensure they do not have adverse reactions.
The foods highest in Vitamin K are green, leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, parsley, asparagus, lettuce, endive, okra, and mustard greens.
Many other fruits and vegetables contain moderate amounts of Vitamin K, including red cabbage, avocados, dill pickles, kiwi, lentils, kidney beans, cucumbers, leeks, celery, artichokes, peas, and plums.
Low amounts of Vitamin K can be found in tomatoes, blueberries, apricots, sweet potatoes, egg yolks, tofu, navy beans, cantaloupe, peaches, grapes, apples, bananas, carrots, and oats.
With such a wide range of foods offering varying amounts of Vitamin K, it is easy to create a diet rich in this essential nutrient.
To enjoy Vitamin K rich foods, create healthy salads from dark, leafy greens, and top the salad with other foods that also contain moderate or small amounts of the nutrient.
Because the body cannot store Vitamin K for long periods of time or in large doses, the best way to ensure a proper dosage of the nutrient is through a balanced, healthy diet that includes foods high in Vitamin K at each meal.
Add blueberries and bananas to morning cereal or enjoy a slice of cantaloupe for breakfast, include celery sticks with a healthy lunch, and enjoy a leafy green side salad with dinner to spread out Vitamin K in a varied menu.
Many foods are rich sources of Vitamin K, making this essential nutrient easy to obtain through a healthy, balanced diet.
First off, B vitamins are different from A, D, E and K in that they are water-soluble rather than fat-soluble.
Vitamin D, for example, is created when the skin is exposed to sunlight, and vitamin K can be created by the natural bacteria in the intestines.
While some vitamins such as C, E, K, A, and B are especially vital for healthy skin, all vitamins play a role in keeping the body healthy and functioning at peak performance.
Consult a vitamin K food list for ideas on what to include in your daily diet.
Getting enough vitamin K is important for proper coagulation of blood, as well as the prevention of oxidative cell damage.
Known as the "clotting vitamin," vitamin K is a biomolecule essential for proteins related to blood coagulation.
Discovered in 1935 by Henrik Dam, vitamin K is a necessary part of any diet and there are fortunately many foods that contain it.
When selecting foods, reference vitamin K food lists for ideas.
Due to its toxicity, the FDA has banned synthetic vitamin K from over-the-counter supplements.
Anyone on blood thinners should ask their physician about vitamin K intake.
According to the National Institutes of Health, daily values for vitamin K vary by age, gender, and health condition (e.g. pregnancy).