Justification Sentence Examples
I know that isn't justification for our actions.
The justification of this statement is found in the literary collection of writings known by his name.
There is no justification for Labor 's failure to remedy these injustices.
The large sacs which have been termed vagina are suggestive of the large coelomic spermathecae in Eudrilids, a comparison which needs, however, embryological data, not at present forthcoming, for its justification.
The confidence with which the great cities of Og were identified with the extensive remains of ancient sites in the Leja and Hauran has also been shown to be without justification.
I do n't care what cultural justification there might be, it is absolutely revolting.
These confirmations, as they are called, should be carefully recorded in all critical texts, inasmuch as they constitute the most striking justification of the critical method.
It was in the Roman state that military action - in Greece often purposeless and, except in the resistance to Persia, on the whole fruitless - worked out the social mission which formed its true justification.
In due course the Jewish authorities were forced to draw up a canon or book of sacred scriptures, and mark them off from those which claimed to be such without justification.
This charge was not without some justification.
AdvertisementA careful and thorough exegesis will show the hollowness of this justification.
Also, the Passover Lamb could be sacrificed on the Sabbath, and justification for this was found in Num.
His Lenten sermon to the council, on justification, caused much remark.
In spite of significant omissions (the sole authority of scripture; rejection of transubstantiation), the Confession contains nothing contradictory to Luther's position, and in its emphasis on justification by faith alone enunciates a cardinal concept of the Evangelical churches.
This sanctioned jurisdiction of Catholic bishops, and observance of certain rites, while all were to accept justification by faith (relegating sola to the adiaphora).
AdvertisementThe evidence at our disposal, however, gives little justification for such a view.
So also a justification for the doctrine of purgatory is sought in iii.
The ostensible motive for the assassination was a desire to avenge Asahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for the deed according to the moral standard of the time.
Taurellus maintained the necessity of going back to Christianity itself, as at once the superstructure and the justification of philosophy.
He soon felt that the queen's anger was not to be appeased by such a justification.
AdvertisementHe has certainly not indulged in a careful reading or point-by-point refutation of Luther, or indeed of any classic Protestant writer on justification.
First, it argues that relativism provides a plausible account of moral justification.
I don't care what cultural justification there might be, it is absolutely revolting.
Justification is not a legal fiction because one day we will be perfectly righteous.
A similar justification was used for the fatal shooting of a Brazilian.
AdvertisementThe nation thus becomes the new justification for domestic slavery.
We Russian Social-Democrats declare that we consider such justification sheer sophistry.
This alone shows the totally spurious nature of this justification.
At ohio state with what was different compensation adjustments they maintain a. have any justification stork at age reactionary we attempted.
Before each policy is a " reasoned justification " which explains the thinking behind the policy.
God has also been believed to be the ultimate justification for living a loving and morally upright life.
Furthermore, his moral justification for revision was that times had changed and in his day usury need not have such consequences.
Redemption, justification, regeneration, adoption, forgiveness, reconciliation all mean the same thing - the restoration of the broken family relationship. All depends on the Mediation of Christ, who maintained the filial relationship even to His death, and communicates it to the brotherhood of believers.
He discovered that parliamentary government after all was not the easy and plain task that Pym and Vane had imagined, and Cromwell had in the end no better justification of his rule than that which Strafford had suggested to Charles I., - "parliament refusing (to give support and co-operation in carrying on the government) you are acquitted before God and man."
Theism is an afterthought - the reply to doubt - the attempted reflective justification of what announced it s elf at first as a prophetic certainty.
The great differences between the records of the United States and the United Kingdom seem to afford justification for the view, which has often been expressed, that in America the spirit of hurry and recklessness manifest in many of the activities of the people prevails even among the men on whom rests the grave responsibility of running trains in safety.
Osiander's divergence from Luther's doctrine of justification by faith involved him in a violent quarrel with Melanchthon, who had adherents in Konigsberg, and these theological disputes soon created an uproar in the town.
Amongst these are Estat des fideles apres la mort; Sur l'oraison dominicale; Du mdrite des oeuvres; Traits de la justification; and paraphrases of books of the Old and New Testament.
For a long time the Chronicon imperiale was also attributed to Prosper Tiro, but without the slightest justification.
A genuine concern for local Christianity is the writer's justification for his work, and any idea of fraudulent aims must be dismissed at once.'
When Burghley brought against her the unanswerable charge of having at that moment in her service, and in receipt of an annual pension, the instigator of a previous attempt on the life of Elizabeth, she had the unwary audacity to cite in her justification the pensions allowed by Elizabeth to her adversaries in Scotland, and especially to her son.
He travelled secretly through Kordofan, where (with ample justification) he denounced to the villagers the extortion of the tax-gatherer and told of the coming of the mandi who should deliver them from the oppressor.
One need only admit that public tranquillity is in danger and any action finds a justification.
In addition, it provides a spurious justification for the maintenance and extension of the surveillance state.
At ohio state with what was different compensation adjustments they maintain a. Have any justification stork at age reactionary we attempted.
The Director of Quality and Standards shall decide whether there is sufficient justification in the case for presentation to an Appeals Panel.
First was the unquestioned belief that the state does not act as a terrorist, does not kill without reason or justification.
Warped logic When the whole SST project was started little real thought was given to the economic justification for the aircraft in airline service.
There is no justification for closing the entire whitefish sector.
The only justification of a sterling silver item costing significantly more than another of similar weight can be that it is "hand made".
The amount and the justification can vary significantly among issuing banks.
After the accident, police reported that Seinfeld was "…a little shaken up, with justification" after the accident.
The justification by court commissioner Reva Goetz on Jamie Spears' part is that he deserves the raise due to Britney's current career and personal success.
To add a little bit more justification to her decision to strip for Playboy is that fact that she says she's doing it not for the money, but as a wedding gift to her husband.
Further justification is easy to achieve.
The only medical justification for male circumcision is to correct a health problem or condition.
The only other justification for male or female circumcision is religious or cultural.
As of 2004 research indicated that there is no justification for such drastic actions.
People with paranoid personality disorder are untrusting, unforgiving, and often resort to angry or aggressive outbursts without justification because they see others as unfaithful, disloyal, or dishonest.
For the bully, these perceived slights serve as justification for aggressive behavior.
Escrow accounts were increased without notification or justification.
It is a good idea to include a budget justification subsection.
Some companies use premium increases without justification or may reduce coverage if you submit claims against the insurance plan.
The justification for this is simple; the less time a teen spends on the road, the less likely he or she is to get into an accident.
In explanation or justification of this it has been said that a much easier descent must be provided above this level than is needed below it.
This solution presupposes a peculiar conception of the general relation between the mind and things which in itself requires justification, and which, so far at least as the empirical theory was developed by Locke and his successors, could not be obtained from psychological analysis.
If taken in isolation this passage might appear sufficient justification for Kant's view that, according to Hume, geometrical judgments are analytical and therefore perfect.
During these stormy years he wrote his Aphorisms of Justification, which on its appearance in 1649 excited great controversy.
There is, however, no justification for this view, and ETEpos Toiros need not mean more than another house in Jerusalem.
Mahy de Cormere, published a Memoire justificatif in 1790 and a Justification in 1791.
It contains the famous maxim that purity of intention may be a justification of actions which are contrary to the moral code and to human laws; and its general tendency is to find excuses for the majority of human frailties.
Prejudice against the rule of a woman, particularly one who had made her name and figure so conspicuous, was probably the cause of this outbreak, and perhaps sought justification in the fact that, however complete was her right, she had in some degree usurped a place to which her stepson (who was also her nephew) had been appointed.
He published in 1873 Pour la verite et pour la justice, in justification of the government of national defence, and in 1879 L'Armee francaise en 1879, par un officier en retraiie, a sort of supplement to his former work of 1867.
It is not always easy to discover, putting together the trustworthy evidence of Justinian's own laws and the angry complaints of Procopius, what was the nature and justification of the changes made in the civil administration.
There thus seems to be no justification for believing, as Schmitz taught, that a second sexual act occurs in the life-cycle of these Florideae.
Hence arose that "adiaphoristic" controversy in connexion with which he has been misrepresented as holding among matters of indifference such cardinal doctrines as justification by faith, the number of the sacraments, as well as the dominion of the pope, feast-days, and so on.
In the Augsburg Confession (1530), which was largely due to him, freedom is claimed for the will in non-religious matters, and in the Loci of 1533 he calls the denial of freedom Stoicism, and holds that in justification there is a certain causality, though not worthiness, in the recipient, subordinate to the Divine causality.
In the Loci of 1535 Melanchthon sought to put the fact of the co-existence of justification and good works in the believer on a secure basis by declaring the latter necessary to eternal life, though the believer's destiny thereto is already fully guaranteed in his justification, In the Loci of 1543 he did not retain the doctrine of the necessity of good works in order to salvation, and to this he added, in the Leipzig Interim, "that this in no way countenances the error that eternal life is merited by the worthiness of our own works."
Melanchthon was led to lay more and more stress upon the law and moral ideas; but the basis of the relation of faith and good works was never clearly brought out by him, and he at length fell back on his original position, that we have justification and inheritance of bliss in and by Christ alone, and that good works are necessary by reason of immutable Divine command.
The Anabaptists were great readers of Revelation and of the Epistle of James, the latter perhaps by way of counteracting Luther's one-sided teaching of justification by faith alone.
The justification for their continued existence has been found in the climatic conditions of the Gulf, which make it difficult for the Persian Government to staff their own offices adequately, and in the fact that the rupee is the only currency common to all ports of the Gulf and to India, while the trade of these ports is mainly with India.
Still less historical justification is to be found for the vacillating Weisslingen in whom Goethe executed poetic justice on himself as the lover of Friederike, or in the women of the play, the gentle Maria, the heartless Adelheid.
The mistake was made of paying very low salaries to the officials, who took this as a justification for illegal exactions.
The first message of his first presidency had contained a severe reflection on the bank; and in the very height of this second campaign (July 1832) he vetoed the re-charter, which had been passed in 1 The charge was freely made then and afterwards (though, it is now believed, without justification) that Clay had supported Adams and by influencing his followers in the house had been instrumental in securing his election, as the result of a bargain by which Adams had agreed to pay him for his support by appointing him secretary of state.
This elaborate consciousness of inferential process is the justification of logic as a distinct science, and is the first step in its method.
A critical review of some of the chief types of logical theory, with a view to determine development, needs no further justification.
In the " dialectical " dialogues the question of method and of the justification of its postulates attains at least a like prominence with the ostensible subject matter.
There is no committal to the metaphysics in the light of which the logical inquiry is at last to find its complete justification.
If judged by his positive contribution to the theory of method he may claim to find a more than negative justification for his teaching in its success.
Its effect upon logic is rather to be seen in the rethinking of the traditional body of logical doctrine in the light of an absolute presupposed as ideal, with the postulate that a regulative ideal must ultimately exhibit itself as constitutive, the justification of the postulate being held to lie in the coherence and all-inclusiveness of the result.
With this coheres his dictum, with its far-reaching consequences for the philosophy of induction, that " the logical justification of the inductive process rests upon the fact that it is an inevitable postulate of our effort after knowledge.that the given is necessary, and can be known as proceeding from its grounds according to universal laws."
The justification of this assumption lies in the fact that the values of c found in this manner, when substituted in equation (25) for the saturation-pressure, give correct results for p within the probable limits of error of Regnault's experiments.
It has been put forward by Russia in justification of her repudiation of the clauses of the Treaty of Paris neutralizing the Black Sea, and of her engagements as to Batoum contained in the Treaty of Berlin.
Like Mary, she was reproached for showing no concern at the news of the king's flight, but her justification was that "she never loved to do anything that looked like an affected constraint."
Rejection of an intermediate state after death follows the Protestant idea of justification by faith as logically as the doctrine of purgatory results from the Catholic idea of justification by works.
Under Valdes' influence he whole-heartedly accepted Luther's doctrine of justification by faith, though he repudiated a policy of schism.
Such a real underlying unity is the reason and justification for regarding " public finance " as a distinct subject of study and as an independent division of political science.
His justification has been set aside by modern critics, not on the ground that the evidence demonstrates its falsity, 6 but because it is inconceivable or unnatural that any man should receive a present from another, and not suffer his judgment to be swayed thereby.
The burning question of the day, justification by faith, was a special subject of discussion.
Pole's own attitude to the question of justification by faith is given by Vittoria Colonna, to whom he said that she ought to set herself to believe as though she must be saved by faith alone and to act as though she must be saved by works alone.
In the excited temper of the times any defender of justification by faith was looked upon by the old school as heretical; and Pole, with the circle at Viterbo, was denounced to the Inquisition, with all sorts of crimes imputed to him.
His views on the subject of original sin, akin a it is to that of justification, were accepted and embodied in the decree.
While he was there frequent communications passed between him and the council and the draft of the decree on justification was sent to him.
His suggestions and amendments were accepted, and the decree embodies the doctrines that Pole had always held of justification by a living faith which showed itself in good works.
Only a few great doctrines are seen to have been generally held by Anabaptists - such as the baptism of believers only, the rejection of the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith as onesided and the simple practice of the breaking of bread.
But the affair caused such general indignation that Gustavus felt obliged, in May, to offer some justification of his conduct.
There does not seem to be in the story of the capture of Rome by the Vandals any justification for the charge of wilful and objectless destruction of public buildings which is implied in the word "vandalism."
Ranulph, his first treasurer and representative at Ely, had been extortionate and dishonest, and the monks accused Nigel, probably with some justification, of spending the estates and treasures of the see in maintaining knights and gaining court influence.
A section of the Dutch population was not however disposed to sacrifice the development of industries and commerce for racial considerations; while sharing the political aspirations of Kruger and Steyn the wiser among them wished for such a measure of reform in the Transvaal as would remove all justification for outside interference.
The Weight Is Sometimes Equated To The Product Of The Capillary Tension (T) And The Circumference Of The Tube (27Ra), But With Little Justification.
Though there is insufficient justification for dividing the Ebionites into two separate and distinct communities, labelled respectively Ebionites and Nazarenes, we have good evidence, not only that there were grades of Christological thought among them, but that a considerable section, at the end of the 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd, exchanged their simple Judaistic creed for a strange blend of Essenism and Christianity.
By introducing the example of Abraham he shows that the book of the law contains the doctrine of justification by faith, and through the latter, therefore, is not made of none effect.
This proof rests, objectively regarded, on a fallacy; for the law, of which the validity is threatened by the doctrine of justification, is that part of the book of the law which demands the observance of all commands, not that which relates anything about Abraham.
Besides scattered reminiscences of Romans, I Corinthians and Galatians, enumerated in the article referred to, the section devoted to a refutation of the doctrine of "justification by faith apart from works" undeniably presupposes the Pauline terminology.
There is, however, justification for referring some specimens to Arundo, Phragmites, and to the Bambuseae.
In a book issued in 1921 in justification of his own actions, Mr. Lansing explained that he disagreed with Mr. Wilson on various points, including that of incorporation of the League of Nations in the Peace Treaty; but he was overtly responsible with him for signing the Treaty, and on his return to Washington he urged that the Treaty as formulated be adopted by the Senate.
Garnet, it is true, claimed to limit the justification of equivocation to cases " of necessary defence from injustice and wrong or of the obtaining some good of great importance when there is no danger of harm to others," and he could justify his conduct in lying to the council by their own conduct towards him, which included treacherous eavesdropping and fraud, and also threats of torture.
The most acrimonious of all his works is his Defence of Justification by Faith, an answer to what Bunyan calls "the brutish and beastly latitudinarianism" of Edward Fowler, afterwards bishop of Gloucester, an excellent man, but not free from the taint of Pelagianism.
Of the progress of the malady, and the circumstances attending the death of Mirabeau, Cabanis drew up a detailed narrative, intended as a justification of his treatment of the case.
There thus arose a new form of justification by works.
First, whereas it has been assumed above that Xenophanes was theologian rather than philosopher, whence it would seem to follow that the philosophical doctrine of unity originated, not with him, but with Parmenides, Zeller, supposing Xenophanes to have taught, not merely the unity of God, but also the unity of Being, assigns to Parmenides no more than an exacter conception of the doctrine of the unity of Being, the justification of that doctrine, and the denial of the plurality and the mutability of things.
Thediffereuce in customs and culture between the dwellers on the two sides of the Channel was sufficient to make this possible; though it is hard to discern any adequate justification for the Norman attitude.
For his other arbitrary proceedings he had some show of legal justification in every case.
He was being conducted to London to be tried in parliament, when his two greatest enemies, Thomas of Lancaster and Guy, earl of Warwick, took him out of the hands of his escort, and beheaded him by the wayside without any legal authority or justification.
Hence there arose, both in and out of parliament, a violent agitation for the removal of Lancaster from power, and the punishment of the favorites, who were believed, with complete justification, to be misusing the royal name for their own private profit.
In 1441 the duchess of Gloucester had Beauforts been arrested and charged with practising sorcery d against the health of the young kingapparently not ngan without justification.
But he had committed no act of real treason since his long-pardoned alliance with Warwick, and was not in any way dangerous; so that when the king caused him to be attainted, and then privately murdered in the Tower, there was little justification for the fratricide.
It is with little justification that he has been called the founder of the new monarchy, and the spiritual ancestor of the Tudor despotism.
Such a reason could hardly be avowed, Dissoluand justification had to be sought in the condition of fionoithe the monasteries themselves.
The justification of the government in all this was the life and death struggle in which Great Britain was engaged with the power of republican France in Europe.
The distress which resulted naturally created a strong feeling in favor of intervention, which might terminate the war and open the Southern ports to British commerce; and the initial successes which the Confederates secured seemed to afford some justification for such a proceeding.
Justification by faith is a " synthetic " judgment - the sinner is righteous; it is not an " analytic " judgment - the believer is righteous.
The student of his life understands that Disraeli's claim to remembrance rests not only on the breadth of his views, his deep insight, his long foresight, but even more on the courage which allowed him to declare opinions supplied from those qualities when there was no visible likelihood of their justification by experience, and therefore when their natural fate was to be slighted.
It does not follow that justification by faith must be eliminated in spiritual matters where sight cannot follow, because the physicist's duty and success lie in pinning belief solely on verification by physical phenomena, when they alone are in question; and for mankind generally, though possibly not for an exceptional man like Huxley, an impotent suspension of judgment on such issues as a future life or the Being of God is both unsatisfying and demoralizing.
The justification of the arrangement adopted will form the substance of the rest of the present article.
Almost any system of morality or immorality might find some justification in Nietzsche's writings, which are extraordinarily chaotic and full of the wildest exaggerations.
Hence it appears difficult to reconcile what is in effect a belief in the validity of the judgments of the moral consciousness with a belief that the real source and justification of that consciousness are to be found in the very sentiments and vague mass of floating feelings upon which it pronounces.
In justification of his policy in opposition he published in 1905 two volumes of his Discours politiques.
The oration (certainly influenced but hardly composed by Calvin) was in effect a defence of the reformed opinions, especially of the doctrine of justification by faith alone.
Through faith also the believer receives justification, his sins are forgiven, he is accepted of God, and is held by Him as righteous, the righteousness of Christ being imputed to him, and faith being the instrument by which the man lays hold on Christ, so that with His righteousness the man appears in God's sight as righteous.
This imputed righteousness, however, is not disjoined from real personal righteousness, for regeneration and sanctification come to the believer from Christ no less than justification; the two blessings are not to be confounded, but neither are they to be disjoined.
The great conceptions of justification and atonement are hardly ever touched by Irenaeus.
Of course this military religious order had lost utility and justification when the Holy Philip the Land had been evacuated and the crusades were over.
Economic reformers found a moral justification for their dissatisfaction in philosophical theories; the chance conjunction of a philosopho-political idea with a national deficit led to the preponderance of the third estate at the elections, and to the predominance of the democratic spirit in the states-general.
He vehemently rejected their doctrine of justification by faith; conversion might be instantaneous, but it was only the beginning of a long and gradual process of justification.
The Nile constitutes, in the words of Lord Cromer, the true justification of the policy of re-occupation, and makes the Sudan a priceless possession for Egypt .2 The Sudan having been reconquered by " the joint military and financial efforts" of Great Britain and Egypt, the British government claimed " by right of conquest " to share in the settlement of the administration and legislation of the country.
In justification of the above statements see the correspondence of 1800-1804 passim - Works, vol.
It is clear that there is no historical justification for this; for though both college cap and biretta are developed from the same "square cap," the biretta in its actual shape is strictly associated with the postReformation Roman Church, and its actual ceremonial use is of late growth.
The general assembly has interpreted this as a justification for interference in legal matters.
In his previous essays, Kant, while likewise maintaining that such pure, irreducible notions existed, had asserted in general terms that they applied to experience, and that their applicability or justification rested on experience itself, but had not raised the question as to the ground of such justification.
The idea of killing another human being, no matter what the justification, hadn't sunk in.
Looking at Hamas websites, this very month, one finds Saudi clerics prominently featured as providing the religious justification for suicide bombings.
Justification There is no unlawful conduct where less favorable treatment or a failure to take reasonable steps is justified.
Success for Iraqi democrats does not mean justification for the war.
Some believe that the reformation doctrine of extrinsic justification has been compromised within Reformed circles by the downplaying of the objectivity of the sacraments.
It's a mildly ludicrous justification but then it's a fairly harmless hobby.
The latest justification is that ID cards would curb illegal immigration.
These relations, tho their contents are largely intangible, precede any legal rights or justification accorded to human beings.
Many law schools require students to study jurisprudence, with some justification.
The supposed justification appears to be a fear of Applicants relying on spurious medical conditions.
Chapter 3 provides a justification for the study of the classics, especially the Greeks.
The need for demolition will, therefore, require full justification.
That is not a sufficient justification for withholding information under the Code.
This is an act bereft of any moral justification.
In fact, they are probably the biggest ideological justification for the whole of civilization.
Not that man lacks ample justification for being desperate - it is simply the fact that he isn't.
It finally dawned on me that there was absolutely no rational justification for believing those stories in the Bible.
But the collapse of the cold war has removed even the theoretical justification for our possessing strategic nuclear weapons.
Forget all the pornographers, mass mailers and virus producers; one Daly is sufficient justification for the existence of the World Wide Web.
Complicity in the anthrax mailings in the U.S. would be another justification.
Activity Three They glorify militarism and war, stereotyping a 'common enemy' and providing justification for mass violence.
The concept of the free market too was understood to be a force of control, an ideological justification of class oppression.
Justification may include the fact that few part-timers actually wanted to join a pension scheme.
Moral vs. welfare paternalism The usual justification for paternalism refers to the interests of the person being interfered with.
It is an orphan specification, the prime justification is squeezing the last penny out of the cost of modem hardware.
That would seem to be a somewhat perverse justification.
Horace Walpole has drawn a picture of him at that time which Lord Holland, Fox's beloved and admiring nephew, speaking from his early recollections of his uncle, confesses has "some justification."
The weak point in Hort's theory was the suggestion that the creed was brought before the council by Cyril in self justification.
In justification of their action, and to enlist the support of the Turkish people, the Government made much of the facts that the war was against Russia, the traditional and inexorable enemy of the empire, and that Great Britain and France were in alliance with Russia.
For the justification of this enterprise, it is considered sufficient to point out that the several elements of its programme once enjoyed validity within the Church.
He felt that Luther had omitted to make adequate answer to an important practical question, how Christ's death on the cross could be brought into such actual connexion with every individual believer as to be the ground of his actual justification.
He proposed to supply the lack by the theory that justification is a real work done in the individual by the same Christ who died so many centuries ago.
Redemption, he said, was the result of the historical work of Christ; but justification was the work of the living risen Christ, dwelling within the believer and daily influencing him.
The fact that the conclusion is in " direct and total opposition" to the apparent testimony of the senses is a fresh justification of philosophical scepticism.
Its justification is relative, and its function transitional.
Neoplatonism perceived that neither sense perception nor rational cognition is a sufficient basis or justification for religious ethics; consequently it broke away from rationalistic ethics as decidedly as from utilitarian morality.
It was felt that there was no sufficient justification to make any attempt at an entire reconstruction of the text on the authority of the versions.
Some justification for the employment of the term is found in early Christian literature.
He made himself conspicuous by issuing a pamphlet in justification of the iconoclasts who devastated Flanders in 1566, and on Alva's arrival next year had to fly the country.
In the end 25 out of 53 French members voted in justification of Riel's punishment.
Thomas Aquinas based his justification of them on the idea of reverent commemoration; since we venerate the saints, we must also show reverence for their relics, for whoever loves another does honour to that which remains of him after death.
Justification by Faith alone and not by works is a confession of human impotence before the works that are demanded.
And finally, there must be no justification for the internationally wrongful act.
Appealing to ' inconsistency ' as justification for an unprincipled theoretical bloc signifies giving oneself bad credentials as a Marxist.
Wise gift givers understand that designers are a doorway to justification.
The Articles of Marburg, which thus came into being, contain the doctrine of the Trinity, of the personality of Christ, of faith and justification, of the Scriptures, of baptism, of good works, of confession, of government, of tradition, and of infant baptism.
Like others of the Reformers he had been led independently to preach justification by faith and to declare that Jesus Christ was the one and only Mediator between sinful man and God; but his construction rested upon what he regarded as biblical conceptions of the nature of God and man rather than upon such private personal experiences as those which Luther had made basal.
This may serve to show that the ideals of our youth were not without justification; but the younger generation, which does not care about our ideals, and looks to the future rather than the past, will not read annotated editions of old books, however eminent their authors.
The suspicion, not without justification, of a second attempt at a coup d'etat led on the 6th of October to the "capture" of the king and royal family at Versailles by a mob from Paris, and their transference to the Tuileries.
It was not then realized either by the public or the government how seriously, and with what considerable justification, the Boers believed in their ability, if necessary, to sweep the British " into the sea."
In India itself opinion was more divided, both among the English and among the Indians; but there was a large moderate section among both which welcomed the proposed reforms. In Dec. 1919 he had the satisfaction of passing the Government of India bill, embodying the recommendations of the report, through Parliament, and on its third reading he described it as a step in the discharge of our trusteeship for India; the ultimate justification of our rule would be in the capacity of the Indian peoples to govern themselves.
This reaffirmed the seven sacraments, transubstantiation and the invocation of saints, and declared the pope head of the Church, but adopted Luther's doctrine of justification by faith in a conditional way, as well as the marriage of priests, and considerably modified the theory and practice of the Mass.
The justification of the above methods lies in certain properties of the series of successive differences of u.
In this vote lay the justification of the acts of the First Consul and the pledge for the greatness of the emperor Napoleon.
His convictions gained weight from the simplicity, uprightness and diligence of his character; but they need a more effective justification than he was able to give them.
The comtesse de Lamotte assured the cardinal that she was making efforts on his behalf, and soon announced to him that he might send his justification to Marie Antoinette.
His powers were first brought out in controversy with Osiander on justification by faith.
His justification was the new life which he breathed into the decaying bones of the Ottoman empire.
This justification of the ancient creeds carries with it the justification of later confessions so far as they answered questions which would be fatal to religion if they were not answered.
The wide range of the American census, and the publication of uncertain figures, find a justification in the fact that the development of accurate census work requires a long educational process in the office, and, above all, in the community.
They taught the Apostles' Creed, rejected Purgatory, the worship of saints and the authority of the Catholic Church, practised infant baptism and confirmation, held a view on the Sacrament similar to that of Zwingli, and, differing somewhat from Luther in their doctrine of justification by faith, declared that true faith was "to know God, to love Him, to do His commandments, and to submit to His will."
On his return to Liegnitz he helped to spread the principles of the Reformation in the principality and in Silesia, while warning his colleagues against the abuse of the doctrine of justification by faith.
Indications are not wanting that St Paul's doctrine of justification by faith was, in his own day, mistaken or perverted in the interests of immoral licence.
The sole justification for such a claim lay in the terms of the Treaty of London, which the Yugosla y s could not adopt as a basis without stultifying their whole position against Italy.
It was a searching analysis of the financial and moral grounds on which the impost rested, and a historical justification and eulogy of it.
Augustine found a justification for these penal measures in the "compel them to come in" of Luke xiv.
While he was fundamentally at one with Luther in opposing both Romanism and Calvinism, his mysticism led him to interpret justification by faith as not an imputation but an infusion of the essential righteousness or divine nature of Christ.
But, still clinging to the groundless belief, for which British statesmen had, of late at least, afforded Turkey no justification, that Great Britain at all events would support him, he obstinately refused to give ear to the pressing requests of the Powers that the necessary reforms should be instituted.
He was against the Leipzig Interim (1548) with its compromise on some Catholic usages, and was involved in controversies and quarrels; with Georgius Merula, against whom he maintained the need of exorcism in baptism; with Osiander's adherents in the matter of justification; with his colleague, Nicholas von Amsdorf, to whom he had resigned the Eisenach superintendency; with Flacius Illyricus, and others.
Occam, who is still a Scholastic, gives us the Scholastic justification of the spirit which had already taken hold upon Roger Bacon, and which was to enter upon its rights in the 15th and 16th centuries.
The main anatomical justification of this sub-family is given by the postfrontal bones, which, besides bordering the orbits posteriorly, are extended forwards so as to form the upper border of the orbits, separating the latter from the frontals.
Sigurd himself is not mentioned by any contemporary writer; but, apart from the dragon incident, there is nothing in the story which affords sufficient justification for regarding his personality as mythical.
But Marsiglio's logical and elaborate justification for a revolt against the medieval Church produced no perceptible effects.
The accidental use of a single name, America, for the pair of continents that has a greater extension from north to south than any other continuous land area of the globe, has had some recent justification, since the small body of geological opinion has turned in favour of the theory of the tetrahedral deformation of the earth's crust as affording explanation of the grouping of continents and oceans.
And corresponding to the event its justification appears in people's belief that this was necessary for the welfare of France, for liberty, and for equality.
He fully accepted the recognized teaching of the Church of England, and publicly appealed to the Prayer Book and the Thirty-nine Articles in justification of the doctrines he preached.
A council of the army accordingly established itself in opposition to the parliament, and demanded on the 6th of April a justification and confirmation of former proceedings, to which the parliament replied by forbidding meetings of the army council without the permission of the protector, and insisting that all officers should take an oath not to disturb the proceedings in parliament.
Cardinal Pole had to leave the council because he advocated the doctrine of justification by faith.
And some years pass during which he plays a pitiful comedy to himself in solitude on his island, justifying his actions by intrigues and lies when the justification is no longer needed, and displaying to the whole world what it was that people had mistaken for strength as long as an unseen hand directed his actions.
The fact - assumed without any attempt at justification by argument - that, in spite of the multitude of logical reasons for scepticism, we do know, truth and beauty, makes Balfour a theist.
The prefaces and notes to both these expressed the view that Holy Scripture is the only rule of doctrine, and that justification is by faith alone.
The strength of the justification of the man who stands at the head of the movement grows with the increased size of the group.
People ceased to kill one another, and this event was accompanied by its justification in the necessity for a centralization of power, resistance to Europe, and so on.
Is there any collective action which cannot find its justification in political unity, in patriotism, in the balance of power, or in civilization?
He wrote a large work on the Christian doctrine of justification and atonement, Die Christliche Lehre von der Rechtfertigung and Versohnung, published during the years 1870-74, and in 1880-86 a history of pietism (Die Geschichte des Pietismus).
It deals with the Bible as the final appeal in controversy, the doctrines of God, man, sin, the Incarnation, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, " both the Son of man and the Son of God," the work of the Holy Spirit, justification by faith, the perpetual obligation of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, final judgment, the law of Christian fellowship. The same principles have been lucidly stated in the Evangelical Free Church catechism.
In 1539, urged by Bembo, he visited Venice and delivered a remarkable course of sermons, showing a decided tendency to the doctrine of justification by faith, which appears still more evidently in his Dialogi VII.
This idea was certainly entertained to some extent at the time, and derives some colour of justification from words of Defoe's, but there seems to be no serious foundation for it.
Against the Calvinists the synod of 1672 therefore aimed its rejection of unconditional predestination and of justification by faith alone, also its advocacy of what are substantially the Roman doctrines of transubstantiation and of purgatory; the Oriental hostility to Calvinism had been fanned by the Jesuits.
Scholars, like Colet, read the New Testament in Greek and lectured on justification by faith before they knew of Luther, and More included among the institutions of Utopia a rather more liberal and enlightened religion than that which he observed around him.
In the first of these books his nomenclature is unfortunate; his division of ethical theories into the " unpsychological," " idiopsychological," and the " hetero-psychological," is incapable of historical justification; his exposition of single ethical systems is, though always interesting and suggestive, often arbitrary and inadequate, being governed by dialectical exigencies rather than historical order and perspective.
Chaderton published a sermon preached at St Paul's Cross about 1580, and a treatise of his On Justification was printed by Anthony Thysius, professor of divinity at Leiden.
Without such justification there would be no reply to the simplest question that presents itself when examining each historical event.
On the 23rd of November 1600 he preached at Whitehall a remarkable sermon on justification, which gave rise to a memorable controversy.
In Ma vocation sociale (1908) he wrote an explanation and justification of his career.