Juno Sentence Examples
The Phoenician temple of Juno, which stood on the site of Fort St Angelo, is also mentioned by Valerius Maximus.
In July and August 1899 the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy was tried for the first time during British naval manoeuvres, and the two cruisers, " Juno " and " Europa," were fitted with the new means of communication.
In the year 207, when he must have been of a great age, he was appointed to compose a hymn of thanksgiving, sung by maidens, for the victory of the Metaurus and an intercessory hymn to the Aventine Juno.
The "Fortitude" and "Juno" kept up a cannonade for 22 hours and then hauled off, the former being on fire and having sixtytwo men killed and wounded.
The memory of the defeat of the Spartan king Cleonymus by the fleet of Patavium in 302 B.C. was perpetuated by Spartan spoils in the temple of Juno and a yearly sea-fight which took place on the river.
Other Italian cults introduced at this period were those of Juno Sospes and Juno Regina, Venus and Fortuna Primigenia, a goddess of childbirth who came from Praeneste.
The origin of the word " mint " is ascribed to the manufacture of silver coin at Rome in 269 B.C. at the temple of Juno Moneta.'
The idea of light being closely connected with childbirth, whereby the infant is brought into the light of the world, she came to be regarded as a double of Juno, and was identified by the Greeks with Eilithyia.
In the "Juno" his gallant rescue of some shipwrecked seamen won him a vote of thanks and a sword of honour from the Jamaica assembly.
Early in 1793 the "Juno" went to the Mediterranean under Lord Hood, and her captain distinguished himself by an audacious feat of coolness and seamanship in extricating his vessel from the harbour of Toulon, which he had entered in ignorance of Lord Hood's withdrawal.
AdvertisementBona's grace and beauty speedily fascinated Sigismund, and contemporary satirists ridiculed him for playing the part of Jove to her Juno.
The goddess Fortuna here went by the name of Primigenia (First-Born, but perhaps in an active sense FirstBearer); she was represented suckling two babes, said to be Jupiter and Juno, and she was especially worshipped by matrons.
The north end of the forum, where alone the portico is wanting, is occupied in great part by the imposing temple of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva being also worshipped here.
Remains of the ancient theatre and of the city walls exist in the modern village, and above it is an area surrounded by a portico, in opus reticulatum, upon the north side of which is a rectangular building in opus quadratum, probably connected with the temple of Juno.
The Argive Heraeum was the most important centre of Hera and Juno worship in the ancient world; it always remained the chief sanctuary of the Argive district, and was in all probability the earliest site of civilized life in the country inhabited by the Argive people.
AdvertisementSimilar honours were paid to other divinities in subsequent times - Fortuna, Saturnus, Juno Regina of the Aventine, the three Capitoline deities (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva), and in 217, after the defeat of lake Trasimenus, a lectisternium was held for three days to six pairs of gods, corresponding to the twelve great gods of Olympus - Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Vulcan, Vesta, Mercury, Ceres.
After a perilous voyage to Thrace, Delos, Crete and Sicily (where his father dies), he is cast up by a storm, sent by Juno, on the African coast.
Her oldest sanctuary at Rome was in the temple built by Tarquin on the Capitol, where she was worshipped with Jupiter and Juno.
Juno was the third asteroid to be discovered by astronomers early in the 19th century.
It is best known for assisting the allied troops to Gold and Juno beaches on the morning of D-Day in June 6, 1944.
AdvertisementIt is best known for assisting the Allied troops to Gold and Juno beaches on the morning of D-Day in June 6, 1944.
She has been a consultant to several feature films and television series, including the recent hit, JUNO.
In the meantime, maybe suggest that the two of you go see the movie JUNO.
Plays the role of Vanessa Loring in the comedy Juno, to be released in theaters in January 2008.
Ellen Page had been on the acting "scene" long before her Oscar nominated role in 2008's Juno.
AdvertisementAlthough it seems like Ellen Page suddenly burst onto the Hollywood scene after completing the critical darling film Juno, she has completed a long list of films and television series.
Contemporary music fans are likely to have come to the song via its appearance on several of the soundtracks to some of the most popular films of the last decade including Juno, Great Expectations and Mona Lisa Smile.
The Juno sports bra is another top pick by Moving Comfort.
The Juno offers encapsulation and compression features, as well as a stylish fit that is snug yet comfortable.
The Juno soundtrack is the number one album that contains the music from the film that took the world by storm.
The surprisingly sweet and funny story of Juno won hearts in the movie theaters, and the carefully selected soundtrack had a central role in tugging on those heart strings.
The soundtrack to Juno was initially intended to be a much different thing as it was originally conceived.
He scrambled to find the right sound, but it was Ellen Page, the actress who played the character Juno, who came up with the winning idea.
When asked what music Page believed Juno would listen to, she said The Moldy Peaches.
The film Juno took a little while to gather its pace.
The Moldy Peaches were over by the time Juno came out - they had been for some time.
The success of the Juno soundtrack suggests that the reason they didn't become a huge hit with the masses is that not many people got to hear them.
You can download the Juno soundtrack by visiting Amazon.com.
The head of the divine hierarchy of Mithras was Infinite Time - Cronus, Saturn; Heaven and Earth were his offspring, and begat Ocean, who formed with them a trinity corresponding to Jupiter, Juno, and Neptune.
Soon, however, she found her way on to the Capitol, and there a new Etruscan triad, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, possibly going back from Etruria to Greece, was enshrined in a magnificent new temple built by Etruscan workmen and decorated in the Etruscan manner.
Monuments of the tragic story were shown by the Romans in the time of Livy (the altar of Janus Curiatius near the sororium tigillum, the "sister's beam," or yoke under which Horatius had to pass; and the altar of Juno Sororia).
The city was burnt, we are told, with the exception of the temples of Vulcan and Juno - the massive Etruscan terrace-walls, naturally, can hardly have suffered at all - and the town, with the territory for a mile round, was allowed to be occupied by whoever chose.