Julian Sentence Examples
Though the emperor Julian improved its defences, the town was destroyed by the Huns under Attila, in the 5th century, but Justinian did his best to restore it.
The terror of their name had long preceded them, and Bela, in 1235 or 1236, sent the Dominican monk Julian, by way of Constantinople, to Russia, to collect information about them from the "ancient Magyars" settled there, possibly the Volgan Bulgarians.
He had been an officer of the guard under Julian and Jovian, and had risen high in the imperial service.
Towards the north-east, the point where the Julian Alps approach close to the seashore (just at the sources of the little stream known in ancient times as the Timavus) would seem to constitute the best natural limit.
For a century, from Maximian to Maximus (286-388), it was (except under Julian, who preferred to reside in Paris) the administrative centre from which Gaul, Britain and Spain were ruled, so that the poet Ausonius could describe it as the second metropolis of the empire, or "Rome beyond the Alps."
The edicts of Milan had only admitted the Christian Church among the number of lawful religions; but the tendency (except in the time of Julian) was towards making it the only lawful religion.
He also read largely, though somewhat indiscriminately, in French literature, and appears to have been particularly struck with Pascal's Provincial Letters, which he tells us he reperused almost every year of his subsequent life with new pleasure, and which he particularly mentions as having been, along with Bleterie's Life of Julian and Giannone's History of Naples, a book which probably contributed in a special sense to form the historian of the Roman empire.
It is traversed by the Julian Alps, the Karawankas and the Steiner Alps, which belong all to the southern zone of the Eastern Alps.
The highest point in the Julian Alps is formed by the three sugar-loaf peaks of the Triglav or Terglou (9394 ft.), which offers one of the finest views in the whole of the Alps, and which bears on its northern declivity the only glacier in the province.
This expansion of mainland territory was followed in 1420 by the acquisition of Friuli after a successful war with the emperor Sigismund, thus bringing the possessions of the republic up to the Carnic and Julian Alps, their natural frontier on the north-east.
AdvertisementThis, with the exception of a brief tenure of Cremona (1499-1512), formed her permanent territory down to the fall of the republic. Her frontiers now ran from the seacoast near Monfalcone, following the line of the Carnic and Julian and Raetian Alps to the Adda, down the course of that river till it joins the Po, and thence along the line of the Po back to the sea.
The emperor Julian went to him by the advice of Aedesius, and subsequently invited him to come to court, and assist in the projected resuscitation of Hellenism.
The country south of the Drave is occupied by several groups of the southern limestone zone, namely the Carnic Alps, the Julian Alps, the Karawankes and the Steiner Alps.
This fort covers the road which traverses the Predil Pass in the Julian Alps and is the principal road leading from Carinthia to the Coastland.
The calendar was the Syro-Macedonian, a solar, as distinct from the primitive lunar, calendar, which Roman influence disseminated throughout Syria; it was practically a reproduction of the Julian calendar.
AdvertisementThe rhetorical schools experienced a brilliant revival under Constantine and his successors, when Athens became the alma mater of many notable men, including Julian, Libanius, Basil and Gregory of Nazianzus, and in her professors owned the last representatives of a humane and moralized paganism.
The synod of Alexandria sent deputies to attempt an arrangement between the two anti-Arian Churches; but before they arrived Paulinus had been consecrated bishop by Lucifer of Calaris, and when Meletiusfree to return in consequence of the emperor Julian's contemptuous policy - reached the city, he found himself one of three rival bishops.
An opposite tendency was that of the Aphthartodocetae or Phantasiastae, represented by Julian, bishop of Halicarnassus, and, in his closing days, by Justinian.
Julian defeated them completely, but allowed them to remain in Toxandria, not, as of old, as conquerors, but as foederati of the Romans.
Zabern (Tres Tabernae) was an important place in the times of the Romans, and, after being destroyed by the Alamanni, was rebuilt by the emperor Julian.
AdvertisementIt was, however, no doubt at his wish that his chaplain wrote the Life of Julian the Apostate, in reply to Dr Hickes's sermons, in which the lawfulness of resistance in extreme cases was defended.
The reign of Julian and the usurpation of Eugenius renewed the hopes of its devotees, but the victory of Theodosius (394) may be considered the end of its existence.
Rumanian folksongs were Magyarized by George Ember, Julian;Grozescu and Joseph Vulcanu, under the title Roman nepdalok (Budapest, 1877).
The frontier was to follow the watershed of the Julian Alps from Tarvis as far east as the Snjeznik (Schneeberg) and to reach the sea just east of Volosca, Fiume being expressly reserved to Croatia.
When we put aside one or two exceptionally fine pieces, like the hymn of the soul in the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, the highest degree of excellence in style is perhaps attained in staightforward historical narrative - such as the account of the PersoRoman War at the beginning of the 6th century by the author who passes under the name of Joshua the Stylite, or by romancers like him who wrote the romance of Julian; by biographers like some of those who have written lives of saints, martyrs and eminent divines; and by some early writers of homilies such as Philoxenus (in prose) and Isaac of Antioch (in verse).
AdvertisementAfter the precious relics together with the bones of Adam had been saved in the ark, they were transported by Shem and Melchizedek to Golgotha under the guidance of an angel.$ The tripartite narrative which is known as the Romance of Julian (the Apostate) has no claim to be regarded as an historical document.
Its hero is Jovian, one of the feeblest of Roman emperors, and Julian is everywhere exhibited in flaming colours as the villain of the story.
The earliest is Oribasius (326-403), whose date and position are fixed by his being the friend and court physician of Julian the Apostate.
The Khazars, endangered by so powerful a neighbour, passed from under Persian influence into that remote alliance with Byzantium which thenceforth characterized their policy, and they aided Julian in his invasion of Persia (363).
When Julian published an edict forbidding Christians to lecture on polite literature, Victorinus closed his school.
Julian afterwards sent Oribasius to restore the temple; but the oracle responded to the emperor's enthusiasm with nothing but a wail over the glory that had departed.
His new palace on the Palatine he intended to be primarily the seat of the Julian family and the cults associated with it, and secondarily the centre of the new popular religion.
With this object he consecrated there his new temple of Apollo (28 B.C.), associated for long with the Julian house, and adopted by Augustus as his special patron at Actium, and transferred to its keeping the Sibylline books, thus marking the new headquarters of the Graeco-Roman religion.
A still more marked action was the building of a great temple at the end of his own new forum to Mars Ultor, - Mars, the ancestor of the Julian gens, as of the Roman people itself, and now to be worshipped as the avenger of Caesar's murderers.
Pope Liberius baptized him in 360; three years later the news of the death of the emperor Julian came to Rome, and Christians felt relieved from a great dread.
In addition to the harbours of Valletta, there are in Malta, facing N.W., the bays called Mellieha and St Paul's, the inlets of the Salina, of Madalena, of St Julian and St Thomas; on the S.E.
It consists of 7980 Julian years; and the first year of the Christian era corresponded with the year 4714 of the Julian period.
The games in which Coroebus was victor, and which form the principal epoch of Greek history, were celebrated about the time of the summer solstice 776 years before the common era of the Incarnation, in the 3938th year of the Julian period, and twentythree years, according to the account of Varro, before the foundation of Rome.
Porcius Cato places it in the first year of the seventh Olympiad, that is, in 3963 of the Julian period, and 751 B.C. (4) Verrius Flaccus places it in the fourth year of the sixth Olympiad, that is, in the year 3962 of the Julian period, and 752 B.C. (5) Terentius Varro places it in the third year of the sixth Olympiad, that is, in the year 3961 of the Julian period, and 753 B.C. A knowledge of these different computations isnecessary, in order to reconcile the Roman historians with one another, and even any one writer with himself.
Hence it happens that a consular year, generally speaking, comprehends a part not only of two Julian years, but also of two civil years.
Others again confound both the year of Rome and the civil year with the Julian year, which in fact became the civil year after the regulation of the calendar by Julius Caesar.
Through a like want of attention, many writers also, particularly among the moderns, have confounded the Julian and Olympic years, by making an entire Julian year correspond to an entire Olympic year, as if both had commenced at the same epoch.
Its epoch or beginning is the 1st of January in the fourth year of the 194th Olympiad, the 753rd from the foundation of Rome, and the 4714th of the Julian period.
In fact, the period of Calippus containing 2 7,759 days, and the octacteris 2922 days, the sum, which is 30,681, is exactly the number of days in eighty-four Julian years.
On account of the difference in the length of the Julian and Babylonian years, the conversion of dates according to the era of Nabonassar into years before Christ is attended with considerable trouble.
The Greeks of Alexandria formerly employed the era of Nabonassar, with a year of 365 days; but soon after the reformation of the calendar of Julius Caesar, they adopted, like other Roman provincials, the Julian intercalation.
The adoption of the Julian year must therefore have taken place about 160 years before the year 136 of our era (the difference between the Egyptian and Julian years being one day in four years), that is to say, about the year 25 B.C. In fact, the first of Thoth corresponded with the 29th of August in the Julian calendar, in the years 25, 24, 23 and 22 B.C.
Some authors who follow the Macedonian era, use the Egyptian or vague year of 365 days; Albategni adopts the Julian year of 3654 days.
According to the computation most generally followed, the year 312 of the era of the Seleucidae began on the ist of September in the Julian year preceding the first of our era.
As the era of Spain began with the 1st of January, and the months and days of the year are those of the Julian calendar, any date is reduced to the common era by subtracting thirty-eight from the number of the year.
By the Romans the era of Actium was considered as beginning on the 1st of January of the 16th of the Julian era, which is the 30th B.C. The Egyptians, who used this era till the time of Diocletian, dated its commencement from the beginning of their month Thoth, or the 29th of August; and the Eastern Greeks from the 2nd of September.
The ancient Egyptian year consisted of 365 days; but after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the astronomers of Alexandria adopted an intercalary year, and added six additional days instead of five to the end of the last month of every fourth year.
The year thus became exactly similar to the Julian year.
The Egyptian intercalary year, however, does not correspond to the Julian leap year, but is the year immediately preceding; and the intercalation takes place at the end of the year, or on the 29th of August.
Before the end of that year the Julian intercalation takes place, and the beginning of the following Egyptian year is restored to the 29th of August.
Hence to reduce a date according to this era to our own reckoning, it is necessary, for common years, to add 283 years and 240 days; but if the date belongs to the first three months of the year following the intercalation, or, which is the same thing, if in the third year of the Julian cycle it falls between the 30th of August and the end of the year, we must add 283 years and 241 days.
In their civil affairs the Armenians follow the ancient vague year of the Egyptians; but their ecclesiastical year, which begins on the 1 1th of August, is regulated in the same manner as the Julian year, every fourth year consisting of 366 days, so that Easter and the other festivals are retained at the same place in the seasons as well as in the civil year.
In their correspondence and transactions with Europeans, they generally follow the era of the Incarnation, and adopt the Julian year.
Since the epoch is the 9th of July, there were 176 days from the beginning of the Armenian era to the end of the year J52 of our era; and since 552 was a leap year, the year 553 began a Julian intercalary period.
This number of days being reduced to Julian years, add the result to 552, and the sum gives the day in the Julian year, or old style.
To reduce a date expressed in this reckoning to the Julian date, add 551 years, and the days elapsed from the 1st of January to the 10th of August, both inclusive, of the year 552 - that is to say (since 552 is a leap year), 223 days.
Till the year 1079 the Persian year resembled that of the ancient Egyptians, consisting of 365 days without intercalation; but at that time the Persian calendar was reformed by Jelal ud-Din Malik Shah, sultan of Khorasan, and a method of intercalation adopted which, though less convenient, is considerably more accurate than the Julian.
But the vague year, which was followed till 1079, anticipated the Julian year by one day every four years.
In 447 years the anticipation would amount to about 11 2 days, and the beginning of the year would in consequence be thrown back to near the beginning of the Julian year 63 2.
Even at that early period the solar or astronomical year consisted of 3654 days, like our Julian year; and it was arranged in the same manner, a day being intercalated every fourth year.
The chapel of St Julian, where French Anglican services are held, is of transitional Norman architecture, greatly altered by restoration.
He was a prominent member of the council of Basel, and, together with Cardinal Julian, led the party which maintained the supremacy of general councils over the pope's authority.
Julian recalled him from exile, bestowed upon him an estate in Lesbos, and retained him for a time at his court in Constantinople.
He held the office of secretary (magister memoriae) at Constantinople, accompanied Julian on his expedition against the Persians (363), and was alive during the reign of Valens (364-378), to whom he dedicates his history.
Since 19 Julian years make 6939 days, 18 hours, the relation errs by only I.
A good deal of the neo-Platonic polemic naturally went back to Celsus, and both the ideas and phrases of the True Word are found in Porphyry and Julian, though the closing of the New Testament canon in the meantime somewhat changed the method of attack for these writers.
Under his successors, except during the brief reign of Julian (361-363), when the effort was made to reinstate paganism in its former place of supremacy, the Church received growing support, until, under Theodosius the Great (379-395), orthodox Christianity, which stood upon the platform adopted at Nicaea in 325, was finally established as the sole official religion of the state, and heathen worship was put under the ban.
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz (1758-1841) was one of the most popular of Polish poets at the commencement of the present century (see NiEMcEwIcz).
Thus it remained a school for the " wise and prudent "; and when Julian tried to enlist the sympathies of the common rude man for the doctrines and worship of this school, he was met with scorn and ridicule.
Their hopes rose high when Julian ascended the imperial throne (361-363).
Of the two latter titles, the first is derived from the name of Venus Genetrix, the ancestress of the Julian house, the second indicates that the colonists were drawn from the plebs Urbana.
Ascanius was also called Ilus and Iulus, and the Julian gens claimed to be descended from him.
Untaught by experience, he resumed his course of selfish tyranny over Christians and heathen alike, and raised the irritation of the populace to such a pitch that when, on the accession of Julian, his downfall was proclaimed and he was committed to prison, they dragged him thence and killed him, finally casting his body into the sea (24th of December 361).
With much that was sordid and brutal in his character George combined a highly cultivated literary taste, and in the course of his chequered career he had found the means of collecting a splendid library, which Julian ordered to be conveyed to Antioch for his own use.
Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British ambassador at Washington, having failed to obtain an assurance that British vessels would not be interfered with, laid a formal protest before the United States government.
The copy from which Shelley's Julian and Maddalo was printed was written on very narrow paper, and the punctuation marks at the ends of the lines were frequently omitted.
So may the Devil I Respite their souls from Heaven!"; Hellas, 657, "Bask in the [deep] blue noon divine"; Julian and Maddalo, 218, where "Moans, shrieks, and curses, and blaspheming prayers" is absent in the earlier editions though required for the rhyme; so lines 299-301 of the Letter to Maria Gisborne.
Hence 1461 Egyptian years are equal to 1460 Julian years of 3654 days each.
The First Julian Year Commenced With The 1St Of January Of The 46Th Before The Birth Of Christ, And The 708Th From The Foundation Of The City.
Although The Julian Method Of Intercalation Is Perhaps The Most Convenient That Could Be Adopted, Yet, As It Supposes The Year Too Long By Ii Minutes 14 Seconds, It Could Not Without Correction Very Long Answer The Purpose For Which It Was Devised, Namely, That Of Preserving Always The Same Interval Of Time Between The Commencement Of The Year And The Equinox.
Directed Ten Days To Be Suppressed In The Calendar; And As The Error Of The Julian Intercalation Was Now Found To Amount To Three Days In 400 Years, He Ordered The Intercalations To Be Omitted On All The Centenary Years Excepting Those Which Are Multiples Of 400.
This Period Exceeds Seventy Six True Solar Years By Fourteen Hours And A Quarter Nearly, But Coincides Exactly With Seventy Six Julian Years; And In The Time Of Calippus The Length Of The Solar Year Was Almost Universally Supposed To Be Exactly 3 6 54 Days.
In The Julian Calendar The Dominical Letters Are Readily Found By Means Of A Short Cycle, In Which They Recur In The Same Order Without Interruption.
This Long Period, However, May Be Reduced To Four Hundred Years; For Since The Dominical Letter Goes Back Five Places Every Four Years, Its Variation In Four Hundred Years, In The Julian Calendar, Was Five Hundred Places, Which Is Equivalent To Only Three Places (For Five Hundred Divided By Seven Leaves Three); But The Gregorian Calendar Suppresses Exactly Three Intercalations In Four Hundred Years, So That After Four Hundred Years The Dominical Letters Must Again Return In The Same Order.
The number of any year in this cycle therefore 69391 days, agreeing exactly with nineteen Julian years.
The Julian period, proposed by the celebrated Joseph Scaliger as an universal measure of chronology, is formed by taking the continued product of the three cycles of the sun, of the moon, and of the indiction,and is consequently 28 X 19X I 5= 7980 years.
Hence, when the number of any proposed year in each of the cycles is known, its number in the Julian period can be determined by the resolution of a very simple problem of the indeterminate analysis.
We shall therefore find the number of the Julian period corresponding to the first of our era.
X, Period, 47 1 4, 47 1 5, 4716,...4713 X; From Which It Is Evident, That If We Take P To Represent The Year Of The Julian Period, And X The Corresponding Year Of The Christian Era, We Shall Have P= 47 1 3 X, And X=P 4713.
From 1582 To 1700 The Difference Between The Old And New Style Continued To Be Ten Days; But 1700 Being A Leap Year In The Julian Calendar, And A Common Year In The Gregorian, The Difference Of The Styles During The 18Th Century Was Eleven Days.
On The Other Hand, As The Golden Numbers Were Only Adapted To The Julian Calendar, Every Omission Of The Centenary Intercalation Would Require Them To Be Placed One Line Lower, Opposite The 6Th, For Example, Instead Of The 5Th Of The Month; So That, Generally Speaking, The Places Of The Golden Numbers Would Have To Be Changed Every Century.
This Method Of Forming The Epacts Might Have Been Continued Indefinitely If The Julian Intercalation Had Been Followed Without Correction, And The Cycle Been Perfectly Exact; But As Neither Of These Suppositions Is True, Two Equations Or Corrections Must Be Applied, One Depending On The Error Of The Julian Year, Which Is Called The Solar Equation; The Other On The Error Of The Lunar Cycle, Which Is Called The Lunar Equation.
Hence In The Julian Calendar The Dominical Letter Is Given By The Equation L= 7M 3 X () W This Equation Gives The Dominical Letter Of Any Year From The Commencement Of The Era To The Reformation.
In Order To Investigate A Formula For The Epact, Let Us Make E=The True Epact Of The Given Year; J =The Julian Epact, That Is To Say, The Number The Epact Would Have Been If The Julian Year Had Been Still In Use And The Lunar Cycle Had Been Exact;, S =The Correction Depending On The Solar Year; M =The Correction Depending On The Lunar Cycle; Then The Equation Of The Epact Will Be E=J S M; So That E Will Be Known When The Numbers J, S, And M Are Determined.
As 1600 Was A Leap Year, The First Correction Of The Julian Intercalation Took Place In 1700; Hence, Taking C To Denote The Number Of The Century As Before, The Correction Becomes (C 16) (C 416) W, Which.
In The Protestant States Of Germany The Julian Calendar Was Adhered To Till The Year 1700, When It Was Decreed By The Diet Of Regensburg That The New Style And The Gregorian Correction Of The Intercalation Should Be Adopted.
It Is Remarkable That Russia Still Adheres To The Julian Reckoning.
Under Julian it recovered some of its importance as a fortified town, and was able to withstand the attacks of the Vandals.
From the Julian Alps, which traverse the province in the north, the country descends in successive terraces towards the sea, and may roughly be divided into the upper highlands, the lower highlands, the hilly district and the lowlands.
The principal peaks in the Julian Alps are the Monte Canin (8469 ft.), the Manhart (8784 ft.), the Jalouc (8708 ft.), the Krn (7367 ft.), the Matajur (5386 ft.), and the highest peak in the whole range, the Triglav or Terglou (9394 ft.).
The Julian Alps are crossed by the Predil Pass (3811 ft.), through which passes the principal road from Carinthia to the Coastland.
At the end of the Republican period it became a resort of wealthy Romans, and the Julian and Claudian emperors frequently visited it; both Caligula and Nero were born there.
Greatly reduced by successive barbarian inroads, it was restored about 359 by the emperor Julian.
Then Mesopotamia enjoyed two short rests (separated by a sharp struggle) while the rivals were engaged elsewhere, when in 363 Julian made his disastrous attempt, and Jovian bought peace at the price, among other things, of Singara and Nisibis - i.e.
The era began on the 11th of July 552, and their year is vague, that is to say, it does not intercalate a day in February every fourth year, like the Julian calendar.
Until about 1213 they were known as the Knights of San Julian del Pereyro; but when the defence of Alcantara, newly wrested from the Moors by Alphonso IX.
The tribe was continually engaged in conflicts with the Romans, the most famous encounter being that at Strassburg, in which they were defeated by Julian, afterwards emperor, in the year 357, when their king Chonodomarius was taken prisoner.
Julian of Indiana, were nominated for the presidency and the vice-presidency respectively, on a platform which declared slavery "a sin against God and a crime against man," denounced the Compromise Measures of 1850,1850, the fugitive slave law in particular, and again opposed the extension of slavery in the Territories.
As captain of the imperial bodyguard, he accompanied Julian in his Persian expedition; and on the day after that emperor's death, when the aged Sallust, prefect of the East, declined the purple, the choice of the army fell upon Jovian.
Jovian at once continued the retreat begun by Julian, and succeeded, continually harassed by the Persians, in reaching the banks of the Tigris, where a humiliating treaty was concluded with the Persian king, Shapur II.
As the battle which terminated this campaign, the battle of the Frigidus, was fought near the passes of the Julian Alps, Alaric probably learnt at this time the weakness of the natural defences of Italy on her northeastern frontier.
He accordingly crossed the Julian Alps, and in September 408 stood before the walls of Rome (now with no capable general like Stilicho to defend her) and began a strict blockade.
During the reigns of Julian and Jovian, Eunomius resided in Constantinople in close intercourse with Aetius, consolidating an heretical party and consecrating schismatical bishops.
But the year of 365 days lost one day in four years of the Sothic or Julian year, so that in 121 Egyptian years New Years clay fell a whole month too early according to the seasons, and in 1461 years a whole year was lost.
By the decree of Canopus, Ptolemy III.Euergetes introduced through the assembly of priests an extra day every fourth year, but this reform had no acceptation until it was reimposed by Augustus with the Julian calendar.
Augustus established an Alexandrian era with the fixed Julian.
The capture of Alexandria having taken place on the 1st of August 30 s.c., the era began nominally in 30 B.C., but it was not actually introduced till some years later, from which time the Ist Thoth corresponded with the 29th of August in the Julian year.
After being four times expelled by the Anians, and once by the emperor Julian, he died, A.D.
Another, the so-called Epitome of Julian, contains 125 Novels in Latin; and the third, the Liber authenticarum or vulgata versio, has 134, also in Latin.
At the very end of his long career of theological discussion, Justinian himself lapsed into heresy, by accepting the doctrine that the earthly body of Christ was incorruptible, insensible to the weaknesses of the flesh, a doctrine which had been advanced by Julian, bishop of Halicarnassus, and went by the name of Aphthartodocetism.
When Julian visited the place in 362 the impudent population railed at him for his favour to Jewish and pagan rites, and to revenge itself for the closing of its great church of Constantine, burned down the temple of Apollo in Daphne.
The historian's grandfather became within his own circle a highly esteemed interpreter of Scripture, and held fast his profession even in the time of Julian.
The progress of the corrupt Christianity of the empire of Byzantium was checked for a while under Julian the Apostate, who, among other indications of his opposition to Christianity, rescinded the edicts against the Jews on his coming to the throne in 361, and gave orders for the restoration of the Jewish temple.
Pelagius himself desired to avoid controversy, and with mental reservations denied these statements of his friend; but he did not escape suspicion, and his condemnation in 418 was the signal for a literary polemic, which lasted ten years, and in which Julian of Eklanum was the most brilliant but reckless combatant on the side of Pelagius.
One of them was the Greek exarch of Tangier, Julian, who, supported by the powerful Berber tribe of Ghomera, had long resisted and even asked for aid from Spain, but had been compelled to surrender and was left governor of Ceuta.
The eldest son of Witiza then applied to Julian, and asked the aid of the Arabs for the recovery of his father's throne.
Tariq, thus certain of meeting no serious opposition to his landing, passed into Spain himself with an army composed mainly of Berbers of the Ghomera tribe under the guidance of Julian.
Musa, though angered by the disobedience of Tariq, hastened to the rescue and embarked in April 712 with 18,000 men, among them many noble Arabs, and began, advised by Julian, a methodical campaign, with the purpose of establishing and securing a line of communication between the sea and Toledo.
An attack from the Trentino with the object of cutting the Italian communications with the Julian front, and so bottling Cadorna's main force in what Krauss calls " the Venetian sack," was an operation which could not but commend itself to the Austrian general staff.
Conrad believed that the effect of the attack would be decisive, and Krauss, then chief of the staff to the Archduke Eugene, agreed, but was of opinion that a double attack should be made, on both the Julian and Trentino fronts.
On landing he learnt that Caesar had made him his heir and adopted him into the Julian gens, whereby he acquired the designation of Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus.
From October of 19 B.C. till the middle of 16 B.C. Augustus's main attention was given to Rome and to domestic reform, and to this period belong such measures as the Julian law "as to the marriage of the orders."
The temple of Dodona was destroyed by the Aetolians in 219 B.C., but the oracle survived to the times of Pausanias and even of the emperor Julian.
Cadorna was convinced that he had to stand on the defensive, the more so as he was uncertain in which sector of the Julian front the chief blow would fall, but his instructions naturally included and recommended vigorous local counter-attacks.
The Italian armies on the Julian front had been so busily occupied in attack that they had not worked out the application of new defensive methods.
By the resolution of Julian (363) to begin an energetic attack on the Persian Empire, the conflict, after the lapse of a quarter of a century, assumed a new phase.
Julian pressed forward to Ctesiphon but succumbed to a wound; and his successor Jovian soon found himself in such straits, that he could only extricate himself and his army by a disgraceful peace at the close of 363, which ceded the possessions on the Tigris and the great fortress of Nisibis, and pledged Rome to abandon Armenia and her Arsacid protg, Arsaces III., to the Persian.
He is said to have been of a rich and noble family, and exercised great influence over the emperor Julian, who was commended to him by Aedesius.
His overbearing manner made him numerous enemies, and, after being imprisoned on the death of Julian, he was put to death by Valens.
It was at Samosata that Julian had ships made in his expedition against Sapor, and it was a natural crossing-place in the struggle between Heraclius and Chosroes in the 7th century.
Constantius, and even Julian - not Valens, it is true - are estimated very fairly.
The emperor Julian's "Apostasy" is discussed under Julian.
We know from himself that he was the intimate of those who belonged to the circle of the great orator Symmachus - men who scouted Stilicho's compact with the Goths, and led the Roman senate to support the pretenders Eugenius and Attalus in the vain hope of reinstating the gods whom Julian had failed to save.
Strauss resumed his literary activity by the publication of Der Romantiker auf dem Thron der Ciisaren, in which he drew a satirical parallel between Julian the Apostate and Frederick William IV.
Warburton was further kept busy by the attacks on his Divine Legation from all quarters, by a dispute with Bolingbroke respecting Pope's behaviour in the affair of Bolingbroke's Patriot King, by his edition of Pope's works (1751) and by a vindication in 1750 of the alleged miraculous interruption of the rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem undertaken by Julian, in answer to Conyers Middleton.
He collaborated with his father Apollinaris the Elder in reproducing the Old Testament in the form of Homeric and Pindaric poetry, and the New after the fashion of Platonic dialogues, when the emperor Julian had forbidden Christians to teach the classics.
On his return home he collected a large force with the intention of 1 Dom Chapman (ut supra, p. 158) says during the Neoplatonist reaction under Julian 361-363, to which period he also assigns the Homilies.
On the railways and in post offices the Gregorian calendar is employed; elsewhere the Julian remains in use.
Julian, who succeeded to the imperial throne, professed himself indifferent to the contentions of the Church, and gave permission to the bishops exiled in the late reign to return home.
His forecast proved true; for within a few months Julian had closed his brief career of pagan revival.
The election for the presidential term 1876-1878 resulted in favour of Aquiles Parra, who was succeeded in April 1878 by General Julian Trujillo.
Andorra comprises the six parishes or communes of Andorra Vicilla, Canillo, Encamp, La Massana, Ordino and San Julian de Loria, which are subdivided into fifty-two hamlets or pueblos.
All this points to the position of a "conservative" or semi-Arian of the East, one who belongs, perhaps, to the circle of Lucian of Antioch and writes before the time of Julian.
On the one hand, the fact that the attempt to rebuild the temple by Julian in 363 is not mentioned in vi.
When Ursicinus lost his office and the favour of Constantius, Ammianus seems to have shared his downfall; but under Julian, Constantius's successor, he regained his position.
It has a fine Norman cathedral, upon the gable of which is one of the best extant busts of Julian the Apostate.
To the west of that gate, on the site of Kadriga Limani (the Port of the Galley), was the harbour of Julian, or, as it was named later, the harbour of Sophia (the empress of Justin II.).
In the year 357 the emperor Julian saved the frontier of the Rhine by a decisive victory gained here over the Alamanni, but about fifty years later the whole of the district now called Alsace fell into the hands of that people.
Although he had impeached the turbulent tribune C. Norbanus (q.v.), and resisted the proposal to repeal judicial sentences by popular decree, he did not hesitate to incur the displeasure of the Julian family by opposing the candidature for the consulship of C. Julius Caesar (Strabo Vopiscus), who had never been praetor and was consequently ineligible.
Among the letters of Julian are two (29 and 30) addressed to Alypius; one inviting him to Rome, the other thanking him for a geographical treatise, which no longer exists.
The emperors Probus, Constantine, Julian and Valentinian, themselves foreigners, were worn out with repulsing these repeated assaults, and the general enervation of society did the rest.
With the accession of Julian (361) an entire change took place in the treatment of the Donatists.
It was captured and destroyed by the emperor Julian in A.D.
It seems to be certain that Julian, the imperial count or governor of Ceuta, acting in concert with the family and faction of Witiza, who sought his help against Roderic, provided vessels to transport the Berber Tank (Tariq) across the straits.
During the reign of Gallienus (260-268) the Alamanni overran the country; and although Probus, Constantius Chlorus, Julian, Valentinian I.
Rescripts of Constantine (326)(326) and Julian (362) are dated from Spoleto.
Maximinus, who was in Pannonia at the time, marched against Rome, and passing over the Julian Alps descended on Aquileia; while detained before that city he and his son were murdered in their tent by a body of praetorians.
Edessa can claim no share in " the Persian Sage " Aphrahat or Afrahat (Aphraates); but Ephraem, after bewailing in Nisibis the sufferings of the great Persian war under Constantius and Julian, when Jovian in 363 ceded most of Mesopotamia to Shapur II., the persecutor of the Christians, settled in Edessa, which as the seat of his famous school (called " the Persian ") grew greatly in importance, and attracted scholars from all directions.
About this time, according to N6ldeke, an anonymous Edessene wrote the Romance of Julian the Apostate, which so many Arab writers use as a history.
Julian Barrat and Noel Fielding star in this brilliantly surreal comedy of shamans, monkeys and demon nannies summoned from hell.
Wracked with grief and remorse Julian traveled to Rome seeking absolution.
Sir Julian Huxley, perhaps goaded by his repeated bouts of clinical depression, wrestled with humanism in increasing darkness of thought.
Five years ago, Julian Wort collapsed and died, aged 28, from hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
Julian Ellis grabbed a consolation for the home side.
Julian Rothenstein favors bold layouts and flat muted colors reminiscent of Russian constructivism.
Mr Julian Moss joined CreeS as lecturer in Russian Language and Literature in September 2001.
Note Value is a double-precision floating-point value that represents the Julian date.
As Julian Evans reported last week in these pages, the US is actively fomenting revolt in Belarus.
Nathan ordered a couple of drinks and led Julian over to a table in the very furthest corner of the bar.
Julian Sills - suffered a gash just above his left eye on Saturday.
But has Julian heard of an early 70's space glam band from Florida called White Witch?
Secondary school PE teachers from St Julian's have been in Newport primary schools for eight weeks, teaching gymnastics alternate weeks.
For someone with a bad ankle, tho, a stick can be extremely handy, and Julian very generously let me borrow it.
J For Julian Sleeps is less aggressive, less in-your-face, but just as compelling.
And morein las only young Julian who had jumped has been a. Loaded with gage buckshot your new book bears repeating occurances that when.
Of the companies element to its hand quot Julian.
Four Hand Reel are Julian Gurr (mandolin, octave mandolin) and Andy Stone (guitar, vocals ).
Admittedly, it's not penal substitution... And if Julian of Norwich or (as Jody says) Matt.
Seeing no other way out of the situation, Julian gave a mental shrug and pulled the trigger.
Julian thinks his structural timbers were probably from managed Baltic forests.
Julian Joseph has built an international reputation as a jazz virtuoso, bandleader, and composer.
Julian was one of the most talented classical keyboard virtuosos of his generation.
St Cyril of Alexandria defends the worship of the martyrs against Julian; St Asterius and Theodoret against the pagans in general, and they all lay emphasis on the fact that the saints are not looked upon as gods by the Christians, and that the honours paid to them are of quite a different kind from the adoration reserved to God alone.
But the disputation which Bishops Zoticus of Cumana and Julian of Apamea arranged with Maximilla and her following turned out disastrously for its promoters.
The Institutiones grammaticae is a systematic exposition of Latin grammar, dedicated to Julian, consul and patrician, whom some have identified with the author of a well-known epitome of Justinian's Novellae, but the lawyer appears to be somewhat later than Priscian.
The Kubr-er-Rumia - best known by its French name, Tombeau de la Chretienne, tradition making it the burial-place of the beautiful and unfortunate daughter of Count Julian - is near Kolea, and is known to be the tomb of the Mauretanian king Juba II.
According To The Best Determinations Of Modern Astronomy (Le Verrier'S Solar Tables, Paris, 1858, P. 102), The Mean Geocentric Motion Of The Sun In Longitude, From The Mean Equinox During A Julian Year Of 365.25 Days, The Same Being Brought Up To The Present Date, Is 360 0 27" 685.
So called because it contained a more complete collection and correcter translation of the Greek Novels than the Epitome of Julian.
It was thus an effective compromise between the solar year and the lunar month, and contrasts very favorably with the intricate and clumsy years of other ancient systems. The leap-year of the Julian and Gregorian calendars confers the immense benefit of a fixed correspondence to the seasons which the Egyptian year did not possess, but the uniform length of the Egyptian months is enviable even now.
Valens had been attached to Julian's bodyguard, but he did not inherit the military ability of his father, Gratian of Pannonia, who had risen from the ranks to a high position.
He also used writings of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Archelaus, Acacius,Didymus, George of Laodicea, Gregory Nazianzen, Timothy of Berytus (see Lietzmann, A pollinaris von Laodicea, p. 44), Nestorius, Eusebius Scholasticus, Philip of Side, Evagrius, Palladius, Eutropius, the emperor Julian and orations of Libanius and Themistius; and he was apparently acquainted with some of the works of Origen and with Pamphilus' Apologia pro Origene.
At the same time we ought not to overlook the affinities between the doctrine of Plotinus and that remarkable combination of Greek and Hebrew thought which Philo Judaeus had expounded two centuries before; nor the fact that Neoplatonism was developed in conscious antagonism to the new religion which had spread from Judea, and was already threatening the conquest of the GraecoRoman world, and also to the Gnostic systems (see Gnosticism); nor, finally, that it furnished the chief theoretical support in the last desperate struggle that was made under Julian to retain the old polytheistic worship.
It was very well received by a large audience and Julian subsequently spent an hour giving further explanations and taking questions.
Julian emerged the winner and went on to face Stuart Mann, another redoubtable opponent, in the quarter-finals.
Julian sighed sadly, the weight of thousands of years of memory bearing down up on him.
As well as his enthusiasm for modern guitar sonorities, Julian Bream is renowned for his fervent advocacy of the Elizabethan lute.
Later still the Neoplatonist Emperor Julian wrote in Hymn to Helios that the sun moved in the starless heaven beyond the fixed stars.
Nick Cusack, Jason Smith, Julian Alsop, Martin Thomas, Steve Watkin and Matthew Bound have been valuable additions to the staff.
In 1936, the first soy proteins were isolated by an American chemist named Percy Lavon Julian.
Dr. Julian's work revolutionized the printing industry.
In the film, Downey Jr. plays the role of Julian Wells, a young 20-something with a serious drug abuse problem.
Hudson's seven-year-old nephew, Julian King, was believed to be with Balfour, but was not at the time of his arrest and remains missing.
Three acts moved on to the Britain's Got Talent finals, including Boyle, dance group Diversity, and saxophone player Julian Smith.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was started by Sir Julian Huxley, who at the time was a world-renowned biologist from England, and also the director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Sir Julian Huxley was born on June 22, 1887.
Personally, Julian Huxley had some challenges, including a couple of nervous breakdowns that landed him in the hospital where he was formally diagnosed as suffering from bipolar disorder.
Since Sir Julian Huxley was so outspoken and bold that it ironically made him the perfect candidate to help form the WWF.
Christmas is celebrated January 7, in accordance with the old Julian calendar.
Julian Bond, also a civil rights activist during the 1960s, served as the narrator for Eyes on the Prize.
Although the show will be leaving the air in August of 2008, fans continue to soak up all the last minute data they can for what will happen to their favorite Harmony residents from Tabitha to Julian to Jessica, Gwen and more.
Popular spoilers included those revealing Chad was cheating on his wife with another man, Tabitha's affair with Julian and anything related to Sheridan and Luis.
When Lucas and Peyton married, she was rooting for them and finally began to find a real love of her own in Julian (Austin Nichols) in later seasons.
Brooke's relationship with Julian is threatened by a new model, and he later proposes to her.
But long before Jacobs had the inkling to make a bra, Jean Julian Josselin had been closing up the 19th by improving the corset in many uncomfortable ways.
The Beatles' 1968 release Hey Jude was a slightly tweaked version of a song Paul McCartney wrote for John Lennon's son Julian to help him cope with his parents' divorce and his father's relationship with Yoko Ono.
Dr. Julian Bashir managed to keep him alive for some time by replacing his organs and eventually half of his brain with artificial replacements.
He frequently competes with his friend Dr. Julian Bashir aboard the Deep Space Nine holodeck.
It was such a fun part, Lillie was very much underestimated by her peers and she was very much in love with Julian.