Judas Sentence Examples
Warned by the change of his friend's manner Judas fled.
The day was known afterwards as Nicanor's day, for he was found dead on the field (Capharsalama) by the victorious followers of Judas (13th of Adar, March 161 B.C.).
After this victory Judas made an alliance with the people of Rome, who had no love for Demetrius his enemy, nor any intention of putting their professions of friendship into practice.
Whether led by this Mattathias or not, certain Jews fled into the wilderness and found a leader in Judas Maccabaeus his reputed son, the first of the five Asmonean (Hasmonean) brethren.
Judas was at Emmaus; " the men of the citadel " guided a detachment of the Syrian troops to his encampment by night.
Jonathan, who succeeded his brother Judas, was captain of a band of fugitive outlaws.
But Judas the Galilean, with a Pharisee named Sadduc (Sadduk), endeavoured to incite them to rebellion in the name of religion.
Elsewhere the occasion tempted many to play at being king - Judas, son of Hezekiah, in Galilee; Simon, one of the king's slaves, in Peraea.
The Judas legend, however, never really became popular, whereas that of Oedipus was handed down both orally and in written national tales (Albanian, Finnish, Cypriote).
The oppression of Antiochus led to a revolt of the Jews under the leadership of the Maccabees, and Judas Maccabaeus succeeded in capturing Jerusalem after severe fighting, but could not get The sites shown on the plan are tentative, and cannot be regarded as certain; see Nehemiah ii.
AdvertisementIn 163 Lysias led another expedition against these disturbers of the king's peace and defeated Judas at Bethzachariah.
But while the forces were besieging Bethzur and the fortress on Mount Zion, a pretender arose in Antioch, and Lysias was compelled to come to terms - and now with Judas.
In the Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine (13th century) and the Mystbre de la Passion of Jean Michel (15th century) and Arnoul Greban (15th century), the story of Oedipus is associated with the name of Judas.
Pope John, who had excommunicated Bruce, was addressed by the parliament of Arbroath in April 1320 in a letter which compared Bruce to a Joshua or Judas Maccabaeus, who had wrought the salvation of his people, and declared they fought "not for glory, truth or honour, but for that liberty which no virtuous man will survive."
Kennett's Schweich Lecture (1909), The Composition of the Book of Isaiah in thelLight of Archaeology and History, an interesting attempt at a synthesis of results, is a brightly written b'ut scholarly sketch of the growth of the book of Isaiah, which went on till thegreat success of the Jews under Judas Maccabaeus.
AdvertisementAmong its peculiarities is the fact that Judas Thomas is regarded as the twin brother of Christ.
It was instituted in 165 B.C. in commemoration of, and thanksgiving for, the purification of the temple at Jerusalem on this day by Judas Maccabaeus after its pollution by Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria, who in 168 B.C. set up a pagan altar to Zeus Olympius.
Montanus claimed to have a prophetic calling in the very same sense as Agabus, Judas, Silas, the daughters of Philip, Quadratus and Ammia, or as Hermas at Rome.
But he had virtu as well as fortuna; and on his tombstone it was written that he was "a second Judas Maccabaeus, whom Kedar and Egypt, Dan and Damascus dreaded."
These two grandsons of Judas thereafter " lived until the time of Trajan," ruling the churches " because they had (thus) been witnesses (martyrs) and were also relatives of the Lord."
AdvertisementFailing this, the next most imposing was " Judas, the brother of James."
Judas is conceived as cherishing the intention of discussing for the benefit of the Christian world (for no mere local church is addressed) the subject of " our common salvation " (the much desiderated authoritative definition of the orthodox faith), but diverted from this purpose by the growth of heresy.
Simon, elder brother of Judas (i Macc. xiii.-xvi.).
But the quotations and references in Aphraates, Ephraem and the Acts of Judas Thomas show that it was known, even if not often used.
At his birth Judas was enclosed in a chest and flung into the sea; picked up on a foreign shore, he was educated at the court until a murder committed in a moment of passion compelled his flight.
AdvertisementThis Judas legend, as given by Jacobus de Voragine, obtained no small popularity; and it is to be found in various shapes in every important literature of Europe.
According to Daub (Judas Ischariot, oder Betrachtungen Tiber das Bose im Verhaltniss zum Guten, 1816, 1818) Judas was "an incarnation of the devil," to whom "mercy and blessedness are alike impossible."
The popular hatred of Judas has found strange symbolical expression in various parts of Christendom.
Details in regard to some Judas legends and superstitions are given in Notes and Queries, 2nd series, v., vi.
See also a paper by Professor Rendel Harris entitled "Did Judas really commit suicide?"
Matthew Arnold's poem "St Brandan" gives fine expression to the old story that, on account of an act of charity done to a leper at Joppa, Judas was allowed an hour's respite from hell once a year.
But he qualifies this " Receptionist " position by declaring that Judas received the sacrament, as if the unworthiness of the recipient made no difference.
Dogmatik (1810), and his Judas Ischarioth (2 vols., 1816, 2nd ed., 1818), were all written in the spirit of Schelling, the last of them reflecting a change in Schelling himself from theosophy to positive philosophy.
In 137 B.C. he, along with his brother Judas, commanded the force which repelled the invasion of Judaea led by Cendebeus, the general of Antiochus VII.
In later days the Edomites held it for a time, but Judas Maccabaeus recovered it.
In the Greek Church also the Good Friday fast is excessively strict; as in the Roman Church, the Passion history is read and the cross adored; towards evening a dramatic representation of the entombment takes place, amid open demonstrations of contempt for Judas and the Jews.
The revolt under the Hasmonaean family (Judas Maccabaeus and his brethren) followed, ending in 143-142 in the establishment of an independent Jewish state under a Hasmonaean prince.
The ideal of separation descended from the Great Synagogue (Assembly) of the time of Ezra to the Synagogue of the IIasidaeans (Assidaeons), who allied themselves with Judas Maccabaeus when his followers decided to suspend the law of the Sabbath, in order that the true Jews might preserve themselves from annihilation and survive to keep the Law as a whole.
When Judas reconquered Jerusalem and re-dedicated the desecrated Temple, his work, from the Pharisees' point of view, was done.
Presently Judas arrived with a band of armed men, and greeted his Master with a kiss - the signal for His arrest.
Under Judas Maccabeus the outlaws wandered up and down re-establishing by force their proscribed religion.
But Judas did not lay down his arms, and added to his resources by rescuing the Jews of Galilee and Gilead and settling them in Judaea (1 Macc. v.).
In spite of their hostility Judas more than held his own until the regent defeated him at Bethzachariah.
Like Antiochus Epiphanes, who also had spent his youth as a hostage in Rome, he was inclined to listen to the Hellenizing Jews, whom he found assembled in full force at Antioch, and to support them against Judas, who was now supreme in Judaea.
Nicanor was appointed governor and prevailed upon Judas to settle down like an ordinary citizen.
But Alcimus complained to the king and Judas fled just in time to escape being sent to Antioch as a prisoner.
At this point (r6r B.C.) Judas sent an embassy to Rome and an alliance was concluded (r Macc. viii.), too late to save Judas from the determined and victorious attack of Demetrius.
The death of Judas at Elasa left the field open to the apostates, and his followers were reduced to the level of roving brigands.
Judas Aristobulus, who succeeded and was the first of the Hasmonaeans, called himself king and followed his father's example by compelling the Ituraeans to become Jews, and so creating the Galilee of New Testament times.
By this time (103 B.C.) it was clear that the Hasmonaeans were - from the point of view of a purist - practically indistinguishable from the Hellenizers whom Judas had opposed so keenly, except that they did not abandon the formal observances of Judaism, and even enforced them upon foreigners.
With these instances in mind, it is natural to regard (3) the curious resemblance as to the (non-historical) order in which Theudas and Judas of Galilee are referred to in both as accidental, the more so that again there is difference as to numbers.
His most striking work was Judas (1886); he has written some excellent dramas.
The Jews paid taxes on practically every business transaction, besides a special poll-tax of 30 dinheiros in memory of the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas Iscariot; and for this reason they were protected by the Crown.
Subsequently, however, it obtained a wider significance, having been applied first to the kinsmen of Judas, then to his adherents, and ultimately to all champions of religion in the Greek period.
The surname "hammerer" might have been applied to Judas either as a distinctive title pure and simple or symbolically as in the parallel case of Edward Scotorum ` malleus."
Even if maggaba does denote the ordinary workman's hammer, and not the great smith's hammer which would more fitly symbolize the impetuosity of Judas, this is not a fatal objection.
In 166 Mattathias died, after charging his sons to give their lives for their ancestral faith, and nominating Judas Maccabaeus as their leader in the holy campaign.
The military genius of Judas made this the most stirring chapter in Israelitish history.
When, however, Lysias returned in force to renew the contest, Judas had to fall back upon the Temple mount, and escaped defeat only because the Syrian leader was obliged to hasten back to Antioch in order to prevent a rival from seizing the regency.
In 161 Judas defeated Nicanor at Adasa, but within a few weeks thereafter, in a heroic struggle against superior numbers under Bacchides at Elasa, he was himself cut off.
Even this, however, did not prove fatal to the cause which Judas had espoused.
This section was written before 161 B.C., for "the great horn," who is Judas the Maccabee, was still warring when the author was writing.
Perhaps the most favourable specimen of his style is his didactic novel entitled Judas der Erzschelm (4 vols., Salzburg, 1686-1695).
He had such pains that he expected to burst asunder like Judas, whom he regarded as his prototype.
This development was hastened by the introduction of Christianity, which is said to have been brought here by the apostle Judas, the brother of James, whose tomb was shown in Edessa.
Neither did he love his brother, Gaston of Orleans, and the feeling was mutual; for the latter, remaining for twenty years heir-presumptive to a crown which he could neither defend nor seize, posed as the beloved prince in all the conspiracies against Richelieu, and issued from them each time as a Judas.
Mr Chamberlain was the object of the bitterest attacks from the Gladstonians for his share in this result; he was stigmatized as "Judas," and open war was proclaimed by the Home Rulers against the "dissentient Liberals" - the description used by Mr Gladstone.
Daub in his Judas Ishcarioth argued that a finite evil presupposes an absolute evil, and the absolute evil as real must be in a person.
If Judas betrayed Jesus he broke this rule of the community also.
Judas had been part of Jesus most inner circle of friends for three years.
Jesus convinces Judas to betray him and his own crucifixion swiftly follows.
What thou doest, do quickly, said our Lord to Judas.
In fact they are now reduced to eleven with Judas Iscariot having left the room.
Judas priest 6. what do you do to relax when on tour?
And He dipped the sop and gave it to Judas.
Afterward, he reflects on a job that involves 90 minutes of being called a Judas wanker by the best part of 20,000 people.
By their labours in the education of the youth of the nation, these rabbis, Judas and Matthias, had endeared themselves to the populace and had gained influence over their disciples.
I-3) .1 True to their antecedents, the Ammonites, with some of the neighbouring tribes, did their utmost to resist and check the revival of the Jewish power under Judas Maccabaeus (1 Macc. v.
Daub had become so hopelessly addicted to this perverse principle that he deduced not only Jesus as the embodiment of the philosophical idea of the union of God and man, but also Judas Iscariot as the embodiment of the idea of a rival god, or Satan."
Judas rejected the Lord Give me of riotous living.
The man in the moon was sometimes associated with Judas or Cain, adding to the sinister overtones of this portrait.
With Judas gone, Jesus turned to the eleven remaining disciples and gave them a valedictory address, a farewell speech.
Of course, Judas is not a common name, but one worth mentioning since it was he, a former disciple, who betrayed Jesus to the guards that led to his crucifixion.
Judas Tree (Cercis) - Flowering trees of much beauty of bloom and form of tree.
The 80s produced some great heavy metal music from righteous bands like Quiet Riot, Scorpions, Skid Row, Dio, Judas Priest and many more.
At the last supper, the thirteenth guest to arrive was Judas.
On the Friday after that supper (Good Friday), Judas betrayed Jesus and, in return for payment, turned him over to the soldiers who arrested him.
In covens devoted to the practice of black magic, the number 13 represents the apostle Judas as the ultimate bringer of evil and revenge against the light of God.
Born as an only child, it was in the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden that Marten developed an interest in becoming a musician after being exposed to bands such as Kiss, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden.
The main plot of the music focuses on the relationship between Judas and Jesus Christ.
In the play, Jesus and Judas are collaborating on a political movement, and Judas is concerned about certain changes in Jesus.
Judas betrays Jesus to stop Jesus' followers from growing any larger in number and stop what he believes will be violence caused by the followers of Jesus' splinter group.
Jesus is crucified - although notably the play does not depict the Resurrection - and Judas, consumed with guilt and angry at God, commits suicide.
Jesus Christ Superstar debuted in the 1970s, when political activism was at an all time high, and the play sought to link the relationship between Jesus and Judas to those of modern political activists.
The sympathetic portrayal of Judas, the portrayal of Jesus as an imperfect man and the suggestive nature of Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene have all also troubled some religious groups.
When an apostle was about to be chosen as successor to Judas, the people were invited to take part in the election;"and when deacons were about to be appointed the Apostles asked the people to make the choice.
This Messianic expectation had been a fermenting leaven since the great days of Judas Maccabaeus.
Apollonius, the commander of the Syrian garrison in Jerusalem, and Seron the commander of the army in Syria, came in turn against Judas and his bands and were defeated.
Judas gathered what men he could and joined battle.
The siege was raised, more probably in consequence of the death of Antiochus Epiphanes than because Judas had gained any real victory.
Judas entered Jerusalem, the citadel of which was still occupied by a Syrian garrison, and the Temple was re-dedicated on the 25th of Kislev (164 B.e.).
Judas and his zealots were thus able to maintain their prominence and gradually to increase their power.
Judas avenged them by burning the harbour and the shipping, and set to work to bring into Judaea all such communities of Jews who had kept themselves separate from their heathen neighbours.
The Jewish refugees had turned the balance, and so Judas became strategus of Judaea, whilst Menelaus was put to death.
Judas and the Asmoneans were usurpers, who owed their title to Lysias.
In response to his complaints Nicanor was appointed governor of Judaea with power to treat with Judas, It appears that the two became friends at first, but fresh orders from Antioch made Nicanor, guilty of treachery in the eyes of Judas's partisans.
Nicanor threatened to destroy the Temple if the priests would not deliver Judas into his hands.
Soon it came to his knowledge that Judas was in Samaria, whither he followed him on a sabbath with Jews pressed into his service.
They believed that Cain derived his existence from the superior power, and Abel from the inferior power, and that in this respect he was the first of a line which included Esau, Korah, the Sodomites and Judas Iscariot.
Occasionally he is didactic, as in Worek Judaszow (The Bag of Judas) and Victoria deorum, where, under the allegory of the gods of Olympus, he represents the struggles of parties in Poland, not without severely satirizing the nobility and ecclesiastics.