Joyfully Sentence Examples
He flushed joyfully yet with painful distress.
With quick steps he went joyfully up to Pierre.
All the birds sprang up joyfully.
They are devoted sun-worshippers and in the early morning, before it is daylight, they emerge from their burrows and wait in rows till their divinity appears; when they bask joyfully in his beams."
The preparations for my tea are nearly completed, and I am looking forward joyfully to the event.
She looked about with pleasure, smiling joyfully.
He was joyfully planning this new life, when Prince Vasili suddenly entered the room.
Forgive us for Christ's sake, eh? said the peasants, smiling joyfully at him.
The Swedes joyfully accepted the chances of battle and, advancing with irresistible élan, were, at first, successful on both wings.
Joyfully enlisting, By thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Savior, we are Thine!
AdvertisementOn one of them he dwelt long and joyfully.
Though he might have escaped by flight, and though he knew, as he quaintly remarked, that " Smithfield already groaned for him," he at once joyfully obeyed.
He gave the words of greeting, and the first regiment roared "Hurrah!" so deafeningly, continuously, and joyfully that the men themselves were awed by their multitude and the immensity of the power they constituted.
He sat awhile in the hut joyfully recalling the details of his expedition and vividly picturing to himself what would happen next day.
In the truth of that gospel which hitherto I have written, taught and preached, I now joyfully die."
AdvertisementContrary to Bilibin's forecast the news he had brought was joyfully received.
I said if only we waited--and so it was! was being joyfully said by various people.
The militia was disbanded in 1762, and Gibbon joyfully shook off his bonds; but his literary projects were still to be postponed.
In Kiev Pierre found some people he knew, and strangers hastened to make his acquaintance and joyfully welcomed the rich newcomer, the largest landowner of the province.
She listened joyfully (as though she had not expected it) to the charm of the notes reverberating, filling the whole empty ballroom, and slowly dying away; and all at once she felt cheerful.
AdvertisementAnd flourishing his whip he rode off at a gallop for the first time during the whole campaign, and left the broken ranks of the soldiers laughing joyfully and shouting "Hurrah!"
Natasha, who had come in during the conversation, looked joyfully at her husband.
Strands of her black hair lay round her inflamed and perspiring cheeks, her charming rosy mouth with its downy lip was open and she was smiling joyfully.
He looked up joyfully at the baby when the nurse brought it to him and nodded approval when she told him that the wax with the baby's hair had not sunk in the font but had floated.
The particular quatrain predicts the coming of a Great King of Terror and ends in Mars joyfully ruling all.
AdvertisementThough I don't know what your opinion will be, answered the princess joyfully.
Flo's customer reveals he had to sell his watch to his friend because money is tight, but once he sees how much money he can save with Progressive he joyfully proclaims he can afford to buy his watch back.
One fair-haired young soldier of the third company, whom Prince Andrew knew and who had a strap round the calf of one leg, crossed himself, stepped back to get a good run, and plunged into the water; another, a dark noncommissioned officer who was always shaggy, stood up to his waist in the water joyfully wriggling his muscular figure and snorted with satisfaction as he poured the water over his head with hands blackened to the wrists.
For example, you say, "I will love you for every day of my life," which is then followed by the bridal party joyfully chorusing in with "She will love you every day of her life!"
Retirement gifts are an opportunity to joyfully haze the celebrant as he or she switches gears in life from full-time employment to new opportunities.
The Teutonic Order, which had just been expelled from Hungary by Andrew II., joyfully accepted this new domicile, and its position in the north was definitely established by the compact of Kruschwitz in 1230, whereby it obtained absolute possession of the maritime district between Pomerania and Courland, and southwards as far as Thorn.