Jovial Sentence Examples
She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next.
She had even lost the mob popularity which she had once gained by her jovial manners.
It was hard to believe this jovial man was the same angry man she had faced earlier that night.
Brother Viktor was large, extremely jovial and waving a penguin.
The pair spent the balance of the morning emptying the washing machine and dryer, only to fill them with never-ending loads, while in between clearing dishes, brewing more coffee, and playing the jovial innkeepers.
The mood seems naturally anxious but not grim, almost jovial, with people smiling.
However, it can also be worded in a jovial, lighthearted manner.
Some are fun and jovial, while others speak more to matters of the heart.
John is described by one biographer as a " jovial opportunist with absolutely no money sense " .
Yet, in spite of all, his jovial disposition and good-humoured cynicism saved him from unpopularity, and rendered his death an occasion of mourning.
AdvertisementHe fought as a volunteer in the Franco-German War (1870-I) and then studied at different universities, retaining throughout his subsequent career a good deal of the jovial (burschikos) manner of a German student.
The cheerful, almost jovial, tone of his letters to Stella evinces his full contentment, nor was he one to be moved to gratitude for small mercies.
We still contemplate and .consider; we still speak of men as jovial, saturnine or mercurial; we still talk of the ascendancy of genius, or a disastrous defeat.
His body assured her he wasn't on drugs when she'd healed him, and she couldn't grasp that any normal party would upset the usually jovial young man.
In spite of their jovial banter they are aware that each food has a season in spite of its continual availability within our shops.
AdvertisementHe is tall and jovial and rather burly as conductors go, the possessor of almost as many curls as Simon Rattle.
Not surprisingly there was not a hint of ego to be seen anywhere, and the atmosphere was quite jovial and very friendly.
Personality Traits Sagittarians are known for their broad vision, tolerant attitude, freedom-loving philosophical air, and generally jovial spirits.
They are a jovial lot, get about by Wickham Trolley, and tend to be fairly muscular.
It is unnecessary, but provides a nice segue into the jovial " Franklin's Tower " .
AdvertisementRabelais is the incarnation of the "esprit Gaulois," a jovial, careless soul, not destitute of common sense or even acute intellectual power, but first of all a good fellow, rather preferring a broad jest to a'fine-pointed one, and rollicking through life like a good-natured undergraduate.
Ben Jonson introduces Comus, in his masque entitled Pleasure reconciled to Virtue (1619), as the portly jovial patron of good cheer, "First father of sauce and deviser of jelly."
It is unnecessary, but provides a nice segue into the jovial " Franklin 's Tower ".
It seems to illustrate the intersection between graceful designs and jovial twists.
Jovial Sagittarius will be all too happy to share his ideas with you.
AdvertisementThe very dark-haired Candy was an easy-going jovial man who worked on the Cartwright ranch with the family.
When most people think of wizards, they usually think of Lord of the Rings Gandalf, when they're not thinking of the jovial humbug of Oz, that is.
Though querulous because of his non-preferment, De Quincey tells us that "his lordship was a joyous, jovial, and cordial host."
But if he lacked the brilliant qualities of his impulsive, jovial father, he possessed in a high degree the compensating virtues of moderation, sobriety and self-control.
The influence of a particular planet has also lef t traces in various languages; but the French and English jovial and the English saturnine correspond rather to the gods who served as types in chiromancy than to the planets which bear the same names.
He now found a new friend in the Swiss adventurer, Francois Lefort, a shrewd and jovial rascal, who not only initiated him into all the mysteries of profligacy (at the large house built at Peter's expense in the German settlement), but taught him his true business as a ruler.
The Feast of St Martin (Martinmas) took the place of an old pagan festival, and inherited some of its usages (such as the Martinsmdnnchen, Martinsfeuer, Martinshorn and the like, in various parts of Germany); by this circumstance is probably to be explained the fact that Martin is regarded as the patron of drinking and jovial meetings, as well as of reformed drunkards.
He had already gained a reputation in his narrow circle as a keen debater and a jovial companion, and it is said that he had several smuggling adventures.