Joshua Sentence Examples
As regards (b), external evidence has already suggested to scholars that there were Israelites in Palestine before the invasion; internal historical criticism is against the view that all the tribes entered under Joshua; and in (a) there are traces of an actual settlement in the land, entirely distinct from the cycle of narratives which prepare the way for (b).
The story of its conquest is fully narrated in the first seven chapters of Joshua.
Only the two of us, dear Joshua and I, know our secret and so will it remain.
In this respect it reached its height in the second half of the 18th century, and is specially associated with Colley Cibber, Samuel Johnson, Cumberland the dramatist, David Garrick, Samuel Richardson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Beau Nash, Miss Chudleigh and Mrs Thrale.
When we put aside one or two exceptionally fine pieces, like the hymn of the soul in the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, the highest degree of excellence in style is perhaps attained in staightforward historical narrative - such as the account of the PersoRoman War at the beginning of the 6th century by the author who passes under the name of Joshua the Stylite, or by romancers like him who wrote the romance of Julian; by biographers like some of those who have written lives of saints, martyrs and eminent divines; and by some early writers of homilies such as Philoxenus (in prose) and Isaac of Antioch (in verse).
After Moses ' death Joshua was divinely instructed to undertake the conquest of Canaan.
His work applies the discourse grammar approach of Robert Longacre to Joshua.
Instead I ambled past the house where I am to trade a damp and soiled mattress for domestic duties when arrangements are finally made by Joshua.
She has done this deed for so many others, but I can't bear to heap more sin on my blackened soul and kill unborn this result of my Joshua's love.
I only ask this of you, my dearest Joshua; that you not tell my family how I lived, and that you mourn not my passing.
AdvertisementI'm just here to please you— Joshua.
Its treatment of the monarchy is only part of a great and now highly complicated literary undertaking (traceable in the books Joshua to Kings), inspired with the thought and coloured by language characteristic of Deuteronomy (especially the secondary portions), which forms the necessary introduction.
Pope John, who had excommunicated Bruce, was addressed by the parliament of Arbroath in April 1320 in a letter which compared Bruce to a Joshua or Judas Maccabaeus, who had wrought the salvation of his people, and declared they fought "not for glory, truth or honour, but for that liberty which no virtuous man will survive."
The most important parts are the homilies on Jeremiah, the books of Moses, Joshua and Luke, and the commentaries on Matthew, John and Romans.
Besides the New Testament, the Pentateuch and Jonah, it is believed that he finished in prison the section of the Old Testament extending from Joshua to Chronicles.
AdvertisementAccording to Joshua xviii.
The question is further complicated by the account of Joshua's overthrow of Amalek apparently in the Sinaitic peninsula.
He painted the "Battle of Joshua" in the Quirinal Gallery, the "Crucifixion of St Andrew" in the church of that saint on Monte Cavallo, various works for the Jesuits, some also in co-operation with his brother.
The beasts went of their own accord to Beth-shemesh, where it remained in the field of a certain Joshua.
Its presence at Shiloh, and its prominence in the life of Joshua, support the view that it was the palladium of the Joseph tribes, but the traditions in question conflict with others.
AdvertisementBen Sira indeed in his list of worthies mentions Zerubbabel, Joshua and Nehemiah; but Zerubbabel and Joshua he must have known from the books of Haggai and Zechariah, and he may well have been acquainted with that document relating to Nehemiah which the Chronicler incorporated with his book.
The History of the Puritans was edited, in five volumes, by Dr Joshua Toulmin (1740-1815), who added a life of Neal in 1797.
The high priest Joshua is accused before Yahweh by Satan, but is acquitted and given rule in Yahweh's house and courts, with the right of access to Yahweh in priestly intercession.
Fox was twice painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, once when young in a group with Lady Sarah Bunbury and Lady Susan Strangeways, and once at full length.
He was the son of Samuel Humphreys (1778-1846), chief constructor U.S.N., and grandson of Joshua Humphreys (1751-1838), the designer of the "Constitution" and other famous frigates of the war of 1812, sometimes known as the "father of the American navy."
AdvertisementBut how this part of Palestine came into the hands of the Israelites is not definitely related in the story of the invasion (see Joshua).
Scotland, in the 16th, is represented by George Buchanan; England by Sir John Cheke, Roger Ascham, and Sir Henry Savile, and, in the 17th, by Thomas Gataker, Thomas Stanley, Henry Dodwell, and Joshua Barnes; Germany by Janus Gruter, Ezechiel Spanheim and Chr.
Sometimes, for instance, the excerpts from the older documents form long and complete narratives; in other cases (as in the account of the Flood) they consist of a number of short passages, taken alternately from two older narratives, and dovetailed together to make a continuous story; in the books of Judges and Kings the compiler has fitted together a series of older narratives in a framework supplied by himself; the Pentateuch and book of Joshua (which form a literary whole, and are now often spoken of together as the Hexateuch) have passed through more stages than the books just mentioned, and their literary structure is more complex.
From an historical point of view it is characteristic of these additions that they generalize Joshua's successes, and represent the conquest of Canaan, effected under his leadership, as far more complete than the earlier narratives allow us to suppose was the case.
The books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel are proved much later than the times recorded in them by the numerous passages which speak of customs, conditions, &c., remaining " unto this day," and Judges in particular by xviii.
There may be some ultimate connexion between the Khabiri and the Hebrews; but the Khabiri of the Tel el-Amarna letters cannot be the Hebrews who invaded Canaan under Joshua.
Shortly after this an adventurer named Joshua Hill appeared, and, claiming government authority, tyrannized over the islanders till his removal by a British man-of-war in 1838.
According to his own statement in De vetere testamento, written about loco, he had at that period translated the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Job, Esther, Judith and the Maccabees.
Dietrich, iElfric's most competent biographer (Niedner's, Zeitschrift fiir historische Theologie, 1855-1856), looks upon the Pentateuch, Joshua and Judges as a continuation of his Lives of Saints, including as they do in a series of narratives the Old Testament saints.
The second, or Later Version, being a thorough revision of the first, is ascribed to the year 1388 by Sir Frederic Madden and the Rev. Joshua Forshall in their edition of these two versions.'
In 1818 Joshua Forman bought an interest in the Walton tract, had the village platted, and became the " founder " of the city.
Originally Caleb alone was exempt and for his faith received a blessing; later tradition adds Joshua and in Deut.
That the book of Ruth did not originally form part of the series of "Former Prophets" (Joshua - Kings) is further probable from the fact that it is quite untouched by the process of "prophetic" or "Deuteronomistic" editing, which helped to give that series its present shape after the fall of the kingdom of Judah.
Fishing was a lucrative industry at an early date, and the Jews ascribed the laws regulating it to Joshua.
Its close connexion with the end of the wanderings is shown by (a) the description of Moses as an infirm old man; (b) the role played by Joshua in contrast with xxiv.
He would have known that " Jesus " was the Greek form of Joshua; that " Christ " was the Greek rendering of Messiah, or Anointed, the title of the great King for whom the Jews were looking; he might further have remembered that " the Lord " is the expression which the Greek Old Testament constantly uses instead of the ineffable name of God, which we now call " Jehovah " (q.v.).
The Assumption or Ascension of Moses ('Avanti is Mwvo ws) is a prophecy of the future relating to Israel, put into the mouth of Moses, and addressed to Joshua just before the great lawgiver died.
The movement of the Habiru cannot be isolated from that represented in other letters (where the enemy are not described by this term), and their steps do not agree with those of the invading Israelites in the hook of Joshua (q.v.).
The parallel account in the book of Joshua of the entrance of the " children of Israel " is, in its present form, the sequel to the journey of the people along the east of Edam and Moab after the escape from Egypt, and after a sojourn at Kadesh (Exodus-Deuteronomy).
It must not be denied that the recollection of some invasion may have been greatly idealized by late writers, but it happens that there were important immigrations and internal movements in the 8th-6th centuries, that is to say, immediately preceding the post-exilic age, when this composite account in the Pentateuch and Joshua reached its present form.
The account of his steps contains details touching Judah and its relation to Israel which cannot be reconciled with certain traditions of Saul and the Ephraimite Joshua.
How very late the historical books are in their present text or form may be seen from the Septuagint version of Joshua, Samuel and Kings, and from their internal literary structure, which suggests that only at the last stages of compilation were they brought into their present shape.
This book of the Old Testament, which, as we now read it, constitutes a sequel to the book of Joshua, covering the period of history between the death of this conqueror and the birth of Samuel, is so called because it contains the history of the Israelites before the establishment of the monarchy, when the government was in the hands of certain leaders who appear to have formed a continuous succession, although the office was not hereditary.
The author of the chapter cannot have had Joshua or his history in his eye at all, and the words "and it came to pass after the death of Joshua" in Judg.
Historical Value.-The book of Judges consists of a number of narratives collected by Deuteronomic editors; to the same circles are due accounts of the invasions of Palestine and settlement in Joshua, and of the foundation of the monarchy in I Samuel.
Sir Joshua Jebb, who presided over its erection, may fairly claim indeed to be the author and originator of modern prison architecture.
In the arid portions of this and the tropic areas the indigenous plants are creosote, mesquite and alfileria bushes, desert acacias, paloverdes, alkali-heath, salt grass, agaves, yuccas (especially the Spanish-bayonet and Joshua tree) and cactuses.
He accomplished the winter journey safely, though with considerable danger and hardship; and shortly after his return was appointed lieutenant-colonel of a Virginia regiment, under Colonel Joshua Fry.
The foundation of Lampeter College was one of the earliest signs of a new era of revived vigour and better government within the Church, although it was not till 1870 that, by Mr Gladstone's appointment of Dr Joshua Hughes to the see of St Asaph, the special claims of the Welsh Church were officially recognized, and the old Elizabethan policy was one more reverted to after a lapse of nearly two hundred years.
It was supposed that it had been handed down by Ezra; that it was indebted to Joshua, David or Solomon; that it was as old as Moses, to whom it had been communicated orally or in writing, complete or in its essence.
His last work was an edition of the books of Moses and Joshua.
This is perhaps the same as the Bezer mentioned in Deuteronomy and Joshua as a levitical city and a city of refuge.
Two portraits of Granby were painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, one of which is now in the National Gallery.
Joshua, who headed the Hellenistic faction, graecized his name into Jason, contrived to have the high-priesthood taken from his brother Onias III., and conferred upon himself, and set up a gymnasium hard by the Temple.
The Pentateuch, together with Joshua, Judges and Ruth, with which it is usually united in Greek MSS., makes up the Octateuch; the Pentateuch and Joshua together have recently been named the Hexateuch.
So Cicero and Pompey paled before Joshua and Paul.
His portrait was six times painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
He may have read Joshua Barnes's description of a race of "Pygmies" in his Gerania of 1675.
The later tradition includes Joshua, the hero of the conquest of the land.
Elsewhere (b) Caleb the Kenizzite reminds Joshua of the promise at Kadesh; he asks that he may have the "mountain whereof Yahweh spake," and hopes to drive out the giants from its midst.
The latter process, which was known to Basil Valentine, was commercially applied by the quack doctor, Joshua Ward (1685-1761), of Twickenham, England, to the manufacture of the acid, which was known as "oil of vitriol made by the bell" or per campanum.
In the pre-Deuteronomic period altars are erected in any place where there had appeared to be a manifestation of deity, or under any circumstance in which the aid of deity was invoked; not by heretical individuals, but by the acknowledged religious leaders, such as Noah at Ararat, Abraham at Shechem, Bethel &c., Isaac at Beersheba, Jacob at Bethel, Moses at Rephidim, Joshua at Ebal, Gideon at Ophrah, Samuel at Ramah, Elijah at Carmel, and others.
The series began with Romans in 1540 and ended with Joshua in 1564.
Ai, near Bethel, is taken after a temporary repulse, and Joshua proceeds to erect an altar upon Mt Ebal (north of Shechem).
Moses is dead, and Joshua enters upon his task with the help of the Transjordanic tribes who have already received their territory (i).
An older account of the divine commission to Joshua appears in the archaic passage v.
This involves them in a war with the southern Canaanites; Joshua intervenes and obtains a crowning victory (x.).
All these passages are now due to D; but not only is Deuteronomy itself composite, a twofold redaction can be traced in Judges, Samuel and Kings, thus involving the deeper literary problems of Joshua with the historical books generally.'
Moreover, P in its turn shows elsewhere definite indications of different periods and standpoints, and the fluid state of the book at a late age is shown by the presence of Deuteronomic elements in Joshua xx., not found in the Septuagint, and by the numerous and often striking readings which the latter recension presents.
The value of the book of Joshua is primarily religious; its fervency, its conviction of the destiny of Israel and its inculcation of the unity and greatness of the God of Israel give expression to the philosophy of Israelite historians.
There are traces 1 The close relation between what may be called the Deuteronomic history (Joshua - Kings) and its introduction (the legal book of Deuteronomy) independently show the difficulty of supporting the traditional date ascribed to the latter.
It accords with this that the elaborate tribal-lists and boundaries prove to be of greater value for the geography than for the history of Palestine, and the attempts to use them as evidence for the early history of Israel have involved numerous additional difficulties and confusion .3 The book of Joshua has ascribed to one man conquests which are not confirmed by subsequent history.
Joshua's victory in north Palestine has its parallel in Judges iv.
But Joshua as a tribal hero does not belong to the earliest phase in the surviving traditions.
But points of resemblance between Joshua the invader and Saul the founder of the (north) Israelite monarchy gain in weight when the traditions of both recognize the inclusion or possession of Judah, and thus stand upon quite another plane as compared with those of David the founder of the Judaean dynasty.
Instead of rejecting the older stories of Joshua's conquests it may be preferable to infer that there were radical divergences in the historical views of the past.
Consequently, the parallels between Joshua and Jacob (see Steuernagel's Commentary, p. 150) are more significant when the occupation of central Palestine, already implied in the book of Joshua, is viewed in the light of Gen.
It is the first of the five books (the Pentateuch), or, with the inclusion of Joshua, of the six (the Hexateuch), which cover the history of the Hebrews to their occupation of Canaan.
According to this, Genesis is a post-exilic work composed of a post-exilic priestly source (P) and non-priestly earlier sources which differ markedly from P in language, style and religious standpoint, but much less markedly from one and another.6 These sources can be traced elsewhere in the Pentateuch and Joshua, and P itself is related to the post-exilic works Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah.
On internal grounds it appears that the Pentateuch and Joshua, as they now read, virtually come in between an older history by "Deuteronomic" compilers (easily recognizable in Judges and Kings), and the later treatment of the monarchy in Chronicles, where tie influence of the circle which produced P and the present Mosaic legislation is quite discernible.
The details point rather to a reflection of the entrance of the children of Israel, elsewhere ascribed to the leadership of Joshua (q.v.).
The trend of the two series of traditions is too close to be accidental, yet the present sequence of the narratives in Joshua and Judges associates them with the Exodus.
The former follows upon Joshua's two concluding speeches, one given by a Deuteronomic writer in xxiii., and the other incorporated by another though similar hand in xxiv.
Under a " Trespass Law " of New York, Elizabeth Rutgers, a widow, brought suit against one Joshua Waddington, a Loyalist, who during the war of American Independence, while New York was occupied by the British, had made use of some of her property.
In the opening years of the 6th century the Persian-Roman War (502-506) found a chronicler in the anonymous Edessene history known till recently as the Chronicle of Joshua Stylites.
Mrs. Martin is off to a WCTU meeting in Montrose and Joshua rented a sleigh at the Union Livery that just opened.
I'm just here to please you— Joshua.
Rev. Joshua Martin perpetuated her fabrication as she requested.
The project is part of the £ 13 million investment in a new high speed canning line at the Joshua Tetley Brewery in Leeds.
There was no " people " until the tribal confederation portrayed in Joshua 24.
Beloved husband of Sheila, loving father of Paul and Sarah, devoted grandpa to Libby, Lucy, Joshua and Oliver.
Joshua is a 15 year-old boy who has hemiplegia.
Joshua malina kane broadway and is.
Joshua tree is.
Jodie Fletcher, born in July 2005, was found to be a perfect genetic match for her then three-year old brother Joshua.
Ms Williams, originally from Wales, was 21 when Joshua died and in a long-term relationship with his father Paul Taylor.
They deny that the sun stood still which means the earth stopped revolving in Joshua 10 and nobody fell off.
The children's conkers took some thrashing too in their rounds, the overall winner for them being Joshua.
For example, Joshua 12 is viewed as a list of those kings whose holdings were successfully wrested from them.
What he afterwards became has been made more vividly familiar by the clever silhouette prefixed to the Miscellaneous Works (Gibbon himself, at least, we know, did not regard it as a caricature), and by Sir Joshua Reynolds's portrait so often engraved.
When the Israelites, under Joshua, invaded Canaan, the Gibeonites by a crafty ruse escaped the fate of Jericho and Ai and secured protection from the invaders (Joshua ix.).
The first section relates events which are said to have taken place after the death of Joshua, but in reality it covers the same ground with the book of Joshua, giving a brief account of the occupation of Canaan, which in some particulars repeats the statements of the previous book, while in others it is quite independent (see Joshua).
In its more restricted connotation, denoting the district to which it is usually applied or a part thereof, it is found in Joshua xx.
His argument that "the circumstantiality, local knowledge and evidently full recollection of the narratives (in Joshua) give confidence in the truth of their statements" is one which historical criticism in no field would regard as conclusive, and his contention that a redactor would hardly incorporate conflicting traditions in his narrative "if he believed they contradicted it" begs the question and ignores Oriental literature.
Wright, The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite (1882); Bayer, Historia Osrhoena et Edessena (St Petersburg, 1784), collects the references in classical authors; for the coinage see references in von Gutschmid (see below).
Now it only refers only to Joshua in all known Jewish versions and must be an early redaction.
It is the same name with Joshua (who was a type of him) which properly signifies, The Lord, Salvation.
The children 's conkers took some thrashing too in their rounds, the overall winner for them being Joshua.
Joshua 12.9 Back to top Jerimoth was an assistant of Conaniah; overseer of the tithing organized by Hezekiah, according to the Chronicler.
She has described her Dawson's Creek costar, Joshua Jackson, as her first love.
Overall, Dr. Joshua Perper determined that "there were no findings that would indicate continuing drug abuse."
Dr. Joshua Perper also said that Anna Nicole Smith also died from a combination of a bacterial infection from injecting medication in her buttocks and the flu.
Joshua Tell Warner - Warner briefly appeared on the reality show Deadliest Catch in 2009, and viewers recognized him as the burglar who had previously robbed three Oregon banks.
It is frequently said that Joshua Reynolds developed the first ring in 1975, but the ring was actually developed in the 1960s by a man named Marvin Wernick.
Joshua Reynolds created the famous line of mood rings that was so popular in the 1970's.
Joshua Tree Climbing Salve is a salve made for active people.
Joshua Allen won the fourth season, winning $250,000 and a part in the movie Step Up 3D.
The witch hated Betsy Bell's fiancé, Joshua Gardener, and tormented the young couple so much that Betsy eventually broke her engagement to him and married a man the witch approved of, Robert Powell.
Egglesfield was hired as a replacement to Scott Kinworthy as Joshua Madden, the long-lost biological son of Erica Kane and had no problem getting the attention of AMC's female devotees.
It launched a number of careers, including those of Katie Holmes, Michelle Williams, James Van Der Beek and Joshua Jackson.
Erica's son Joshua Madden is the product of her marriage to Jeff Martin.
The site is well known for its in-depth interviews with popular soap stars, such the Young and the Restless' Joshua Morrow, who plays Nick Newman.
During one separation, Phyllis embarked on a tempestuous affair with Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) who was mourning the loss of his daughter Cassie.
You know who Joshua Radin is - you just might not know you know him.
Singer/Songwriter/folk artist Joshua Radin has slowly but surely built up a large fan base, thanks largely to the use of his music in many TV shows and movies.
Joshua Radin's story is rather unique among music career stories in that his entire career has been propelled by the use of this music in the media and advertising.
Four years later, when they felt the time was right, their son Joshua was born.
In fact, after the birth of their first child, Joshua, they went on birth control.
The two eldest Duggar sons, Joshua and John David, installed a studio room and sound system throughout the house.
Right before the finale between Rory Schepisi and Joshua Adam "Jag" Garcia, it was discovered that the latter contestant had lied on his application.
Shortly thereafter Michelle conceived the couple's first son Joshua, and in subsequent years has added an astonishing 17 additional kids to the tight-knit Duggar clan.
On September 26, 2008, the couple's eldest son, Joshua, married Anna Keller.
Joshua's daughter will be five months older than her future aunt or uncle, the Duggar's 19th child.
The Duggars estimate that they have changed more than 90,000 diapers since eldest son Joshua was born.
Joshua Wurman - Wurman is the head of the team and is well known in meteorological circles.
The show follows Joshua Gates and his team as they travel around the world in search of the paranormal.
Joshua Gates, born on August 10, 1977, is from Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts.
He acted as a mentor to many greenhorns on board his vessel, including his sons Joshua and Jacob.
He leaves behind his sons, Jacob and Joshua, who are both part of the Cornelia Marie's crew and continue to appear on Deadliest Catch.
In her 25 years of experience, she has worked with many celebrities including Janeane Garofalo, Ben Stiller, Jeanne Tripplehorn, and Joshua Rexford.
All my dreams and longings have come to fruition in a single instant when dearest Joshua held me close and my world was sunshine.
So many have come to my bed, but never have I been so unnerved by a nocturnal visitor than when first dear Joshua visited me in the darkest part of the night.
My Joshua gave it to me last night, when he came a-visiting!
I am sure now that I carry my beloved Joshua's child in my womb.
Joshua visited me last evening though he stayed just long enough.
My dearest Joshua has been absent for near a week now, bound to the duties of his calling, and those of his wife who is much involved in the charities of our city.
With loving hands, dear Joshua, I did the same.
I'm not Joshua Martin!
Love is so strange, my dearest Joshua.
The Tell el-Amarna letters show that, long before the invasion by Joshua, it was occupied by the Egyptians, and was probably a stronghold of considerable importance, as it formed a good strategical position in the hill country of southern Palestine.
Another historian living also in Italy was Joseph ben Joshua, whose Dibhre ha-yamim (Venice, 1 534) is a sort of history of the world, and his `Emeq ha-bakhah an account of Jewish troubles to the year 1575.
The documents underlying the Pentateuch and book of Joshua, represented by the ciphers J, E, D and P, are assumed to have been drawn up in the chronological order in which those ciphers are here set down, and the period of their composition extends from the 9th century B.C., in which the earlier portions of J were written, to the 5th century B.C., in which P finally took shape.
Of this second division of John's History, in which he had probably incorporated the socalled Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, considerable portions are found in the British Museum MSS.
The former, however, is based upon the account of victories by the Ephraimite Joshua over confederations of petty kings to the south and north of central Palestine, apparently the specific traditions of the people of Ephraim describing from their standpoint the entire conquest of Palestine.
The traditions of the Ephraimite Joshua and of Saul the first king of (north) Israel virtually treat Judah as part of Israel and are related to the underlying representations in (a).
As by rights the Messianic kingdom should follow immediately on the exile, it is probable that the prophet designs to hint in a guarded way that Zerubbabel, who in all other places is mentioned along with Joshua, is on the point of ascending the throne of his ancestor David.
Beside a lighted golden candlestick of seven branches stand two olive trees - Zerubbabel and Joshua, the two anointed ones - specially watched over by Him whose seven eyes run through the whole earth.
To the men who fought against the rising truths of physical philosophy, it seemed that if they admitted that truth it would destroy faith in God, in the creation of the firmament, and in the miracle of Joshua the son of Nun.
This involves the view that the historical traditions are mainly due to two characteristic though very complicated recensions, one under the influence of the teaching of Deuteronomy (Joshua to Kings, see § 20), the other, of a more priestly character (akin to Leviticus), of somewhat later date (Genesis to Joshua, with traces in Judges to Kings, see § 23).