Jones Sentence Examples
Our guest registered as Edith Jones.
Cynthia introduced her as Mrs. Edith Jones, drawing a slight smile but no offered hand.
She registered as Mrs. Edith Jones.
I had slept little as Jerome Jones' band played its brass near till dawn at The Gold Belt.
The quadrangular edifice in Lauriston, sometimes ascribed to Inigo Jones, is one of the noblest buildings in the city.
She even used the same fountain pen she used when she registered here at Bird Song, when she signed 'Edith Jones.'
There was a Smith and a Jones, each with local addresses that sounded fake, and Zeke Ambrowski of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Just then, Dean noticed a sign for Delbart Regional High School, which serviced the township where young "Mr. Jones," the third guest at Whitney's Motel, was attending school.
Birmingham is situated in Jones Valley, between two mountains which lie south-east and north-west of the city.
The present fabric is largely modern; while the portico was designed by Inigo Jones.
AdvertisementJones, almost as merciless as MacTaggart, calls this procedure by the hard names of agnosticism and dualism.
There may be mentioned further the old buildings of the grammar school, founded in 1563, and of the charity called Christ's Hospital (1583); while the town-hall in the marketplace, dating from 1677, is attributed to Inigo Jones.
He was elected to the House of Representatives of the last Royal .Assembly of New Hampshire and then to the second Continental Congress in 1775, and was a member of the first Naval Committee of the latter, but he resigned in 1776, and in June 1776 became Congress's agent of prizes in New Hampshire and in 1778 continental (naval) agent of Congress in this state, where he supervised the building of John Paul Jones's "Ranger" (completed in June 1777), the "America," launched in 1782, and other vessels.
Jones, who accused him of endeavouring to stifle the evidence against the Romanists.
Recent statistics bearing upon cotton are collected annually in the two publications, Shepperson's Cotton Facts and Jones's Handbook for Daily Cable Records of Cotton Crop Statistics.
AdvertisementBut he never left Sparkford, though the contrary has been maintained, until he resigned all his curacies in June 1783, and returned to Wales, marrying (on August loth) Sarah Jones of Bala, the orphan of a flourishing shopkeeper.
His collected Works were published with a Memoir by William Jones in 1799.
Taylor Jones showed in 1897 that only a small proportion of the contraction exhibited by a nickel wire when magnetized could be accounted for on Kirchhoff's theory from the observed effects of pulling stress upon magnetization; and in a more extended series of observations Nagaoka and Honda found wide quantitative divergences between the results of experiment and calculation, though in nearly all cases there was agreement as to quality.
His father, Spence Monroe, was of Scotch, and his mother, Elizabeth Jones, was of Welsh descent.
A statue of the duke of Cambridge, by Captain Adrian Jones, was unveiled in 1907 in front of the War Office, Whitehall.
AdvertisementThe great square or piazza of Covent Garden was formed from the designs of Inigo Jones about 1632.
While directing a fire of hot shot to burn the "Congress," Commodore Buchanan of the "Merrimac" was severely wounded and was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant Catesby ap Roger Jones.
P. Jones of Nevada advocating a speedy return to specie payments.
Bishop George Home of Norwich was during some of his earlier years an avowed Hutchinsonian; and William Jones of Nayland continued to be so to the end of his life.
Pick machines have also been introduced by Jones and Levick, Bidder, and other inventors, but their use is now mostly abandoned in favour of those working continuously.
AdvertisementAnother kind of application of machinery to coal mining is that of Messrs Bidder & Jones, which is intended to replace the use of blasting for bringing down the coal.
Amesbury Abbey, a beautiful house built by Inigo Jones for the dukes of Queensberry, stands close to the village, in a park watered by the river Avon, here famous for its trout.
The naturalness of his acting fascinated those who, like Partridge in Tom Jones, listened to nature's voice, and justified the preference of more conscious critics.
Jones had a mania for palace-breaking.
In the same year the first district nurse began work in Liverpool; and in 1865 the reform of the much-neglected workhouse nursing was inaugurated by Miss Agnes Jones and twelve nurses from St Thomas's, who took up the work in Liverpool.
Eight junction stars lie quite close to, seven others are actually identical with, Chinese determinants; 14 and many of these coincidences 9 Sir William Jones, As.
The ignorance of the people of the north made it very difficult for Methodism to benefit from these manifestations, until the advent of the Rev. Thomas Charles (1755-1814), who, having spent five years in Somersetshire as curate of several parishes, returned to his native land to marry Sarah Jones of Bala.
The city had been put in an efficient state of defence by the marquess of Ormonde, then lord-lieutenant; but in the following year, to prevent it falling into the hands of the Irish, he surrendered it on conditions to Colonel Jones, commander of the Parliamentary forces.
Besides those already mentioned the persons of note born in the town include Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham; Hugh Price, founder of Jesus College, Oxford; Dr Thomas Coke, the first Wesleyan missionary bishop in America; and Theophilus Jones, the historian of the county.
In 1865 he opposed the federation of the British American provinces, and, in his anger at the refusal of the British government to repeal such portions of the British North America Act as referred to Nova Scotia, made a speech which won for him the name of Haul-down-the-flag Jones.
The same nobleman relieved it a second time, when it was invested by the Parliamentary army under Colonel Jones.
The façade of the cathedral was designed by Inigo Jones.
Of these, Forty Hall, in splendidly timbered grounds, is from the designs of Inigo Jones; and a former mansion occupying the site of White Webbs House was suspected as the scene of the hatching of Gunpowder Plot.
An English translation by Owen Jones was published in 1847.
Jones, London, 1867); its supplement, crowned by the Academy, entitled L'Empire chinois (2 vols., Paris, 1854; Eng.
Into these we shall not enter, referring the reader to the Life of Faraday, by Dr Bence Jones.
As Dr Bence Jones concludes "His standard of duty was supernatural.
The administration of the city became famous after 1897 when Samuel Milton Jones (1846-1904), a manufacturer of oil machinery, was elected mayor by the Republican party; he was re-elected on a non-partisan ticket in 1899, 1901 and 1903, and introduced business methods into the city government.
His honesty and sincerity in business and politics gained him the nickname "Golden Rule" Jones.
On the 18th of April 1861, the day after Virginia passed her ordinance of secession, when a considerable force of Virginia militia under General Kenton Harper approached the town - an attack having been planned in Richmond two days before - the Federal garrison of 45 men under Lieutenant Roger Jones set fire to the arsenal and fled.
There, too, were Gibbon the greatest historian and Sir William Jones the greatest linguist of the age.
Eighteen years later Paul Jones, in his ship the "Ranger," succeeded in capturing the "Drake," a British sloop-of war, in the neighbouring bay; but he left without molesting the town.
His foundation of the College of God's Gift, commonly called Dulwich College, was opened with great state on the 13th of September 161 9, in the presence of Lord Chancellor Bacon, Lord Arundell, Inigo Jones and other distinguished men.
The tower, which fell in 1628, was perhaps rebuilt by Inigo Jones.
To this work, and that of Owen Jones, can be traced the origin of the eclecticism which has laid all past styles of art under contribution.
It does not appear that the influence either of Owen Jones or Digby Wyatt on metal-working extended beyond bringing the variety and beauty of past styles to the direct notice of designers.
Paul Jones, the notorious buccaneer, served his apprenticeship at the port, which in 1778 he successfully raided, burning three vessels.
Dewar and Jones suggest that in the latter reaction it is the metallic nickel which is probably the reducing agent effecting the change, since it is only dissolved in any quantity when the anthracene hydrocarbon is produced.
C. Jones (1789-1858) of the United States navy, believing that war had broken out between his country and Mexico and that a British force was about to seize California,raised the American flag over Monterey (October 21st), but finding that he had acted on misinformation he lowered the flag next day with due ceremony and warm apology.
See Edward Jones, Historical Records of Newport, co.
To bolster up the case a fresh packet of five forged letters was concocted (31st August); but the forgery was transparent, and even Sir William Jones, the attorney-general, though a violent upholder of the plot, dared not produce them as evidence.
Hence arose the counter-mission of Sir Harford Jones from the British government, which, on arrival at Bombay in April 1808, found that it had been anticipated by a previously sent mission from the governor-general of India, under Malcolm again, then holding the rank of brigadier-general.
The next year Sir Harford Jones was relieved as envoy by Sir Gore Ouseley.
The Iranian languages form one of the great branches of the Indo-European stem, first recognized as such by Sir William Jones and Friedrich Schlegel.
Jones calls it, which, if ever it should be generally understood in its original language, will contest the merit of invention with Homer itself.
He was then sent to Samuel Jones's dissenting academy at Gloucester, and afterwards at Tewkesbury, where his most intimate friend was Thomas Secker, who became archbishop of Canterbury.
Jones; he was rescued and taken to Lawrence; the city disclaimed complicity, but Jones persuaded Governor Wilson Shannon that there was rebellion, and Shannon authorized a posse; Missouri responded, and a pro-slavery force marched on Lawrence.
Preparations for another attack continued, particularly after Sheriff Jones, while serving writs in Lawrence, was wounded.
The free library and art gallery of the corporation, a fourstoreyed building in Italian style erected in 1887, contains the library of the Rev. Rowland Williams (one of the authors of Essays and Reviews), the rich Welsh collection of the Rev. Robert Jones of Rotherhithe, a small Devonian section (presented by the Swansea Devonian Society), and about 8000 volumes and 2500 prints and engravings, intended to be mutually illustrative, given by the Swansea portrait-painter and art critic, John Deffett Francis, from 1876 to 1881, to receive whose first gift the library was established in 1876.
In the Civil War the town was royalist till the autumn of 1645 when Colonel Philip Jones, a native of the adjoining parish of Llangyfelach and subsequently a member of Cromwell's upper house, was made its governor.
Inigo Jones, in his work on Stonehenge, published in 1655, endeavours to prove that it was a "Roman temple, inscribed to Coelus, the senior of the heathen gods, and built after the Tuscan order."
Thus Inigo Jones laments the disappearance of stones that were standing when he measured it; and both Stukely and Aubrey deplore the loss of fallen stones that were removed to make bridges, mill-dams and the like.
He at first opposed the adoption of the Ftderal constitution of 1787, as a member of the faction led by Willie Jones (1731-1801) of Halifax, North Carolina, but later withdrew his opposition.
He died, however, on the 4th of May 1865, of inflammation of the lungs supervening on a severe cold contracted during excavation work at La Palisse, leaving a half-finished book, entitled Reliquiae Aquitanicae, being contributions to the Archaeology and Palaeontology of Perigord and the adjacent provinces of Southern France; this was issued in parts and completed at the expense of Christy's executors, first by Lartet and, after his death in 1870, by Professor Rupert Jones.
Brymbo Hall, in the neighbourhood, is said to have been built from a design by Inigo Jones, as were probably Gwydyr chapel (1633) and the Conwy bridge (1636), both at Llanrwst.
The influence of other Transcendental teachers, Dr Hedge, Dr Ripley, Bronson Alcott, Orestes Brownson, Theodore Parker, Margaret Fuller, Henry Thoreau, Jones Very, was narrow and parochial compared with that of Emerson.
Garnet was the author of a letter on the Martyrdom of Godfrey Maurice, alias John Jones, in Diego Yepres's Historia particular de la persecution de Inglaterra(1599); a Treatise of Schism, a MS. treatise in reply to A Protestant Dialogue between a Gentleman and a Physician; a translation of the Stemma Christi with supplements (1622); a treatise on the Rosary; a Treatise of Christian Renovation or Birth (1616).
Ashburnham House, now containing one of the school houses, the library and class-rooms, is named from the family for whom it was built, traditionally but not certainly, by Inigo Jones.
Inigo Jones designed a magnificent new palace for James I., but only the banqueting hall was completed (1622), and this survived several fires, by one of which (1697) nearly the whole of the rest of the palace was destroyed.
The more inviting portion of the modern city lies on the western side of Jones's Falls, and the principal residential districts are in the northern half of the city.
There are several good bridges across Jones's Falls.
Three years later, at the instance of the same body, Jones-Town (Old Town) was laid out on the opposite side of Jones's Falls, and in 1745 these two towns were consolidated.
It was founded at New York in 1843 by a number of German Jews, headed by Henry Jones, and is the oldest as well as the largest of the Jewish fraternal organizations.
He carefully kept thermometric and meteorological statistics.; he imported silkworms and books on silk culture; he corresponded with many litteratinotably with Dr Nathaniel Lardner and with Sir William Jones, of whom he besought information of all kinds, but especially any that would lead to the discovery of the whereabouts of the ten lost tribes; and he undertook the study of Hebrew at the age of forty and became an able scholar.
About the same time he edited a History of Paul Jones, originally published in America, the preface of the English edition being Disraeli's first appearance as an author.
In the first half of the 17th century the site of the garden was laid out as a square by Inigo Jones, with a piazza on two sides; and as early as 1656 it was becoming a market place for the same commodities as are now sold in it.
At the suggestion of Sir William Jones, the attorney-general, he began his History of the Reformation in England, based on original documents.
Then there are Ormonde Royalists, of the Episcopalian and mixed creeds, strong for king without covenant; Ulster and other Presbyterians strong for king and covenant; lastly, Michael Jones and the Commonwealth of England, who want neither king nor covenant."
But the only well-authenticated observations we have of this kind show anomalies which have never been cleared up. This is especially the case with those of Chaplain George Jones, who spent eight months at Quito, Peru, at an elevation of more than woo ft., for the express purpose of observing the phenomenon in question.
The most elaborate attempt in the required direction was made by the American chaplain, George Jones, during a voyage of the "Mississippi" in the Pacific Ocean, in 1852-54.
Edward Jones became an agnostic, and art replaced religion in his life.
John Jones, for example, positively relishedthe thought of the impeachment.
Dave Jones is the only notable absentee from Fridays game with Steve Egerton coming in.
England star Geraint Jones has revealed he slept through an earthquake aftershock which sent shudders through the team's hotel.
Early in 1933, Gareth Jones, a reporter and former aide to Lloyd George, traveled to Ukraine.
Abstract Jones matrices describe the polarization, or spin angular momentum, of a light beam as it passes through an optical system.
We devise an equivalent of the Jones matrix formulation for light possessing orbital angular momentum.
The national anthem will be sung by Gwyn Hughes Jones.
In attendance was the esteemed golf course architect Rees Jones.
Jones ' guitar lines switch from delicate arpeggio one minute to towering riff the next.
It seems Jones was willing to risk the inevitable backlash to go faster.
Top Pond Terry Jones Senior caught lots of roach and a carp of 12lbs on pole and maggot hook bait.
Joseph Jones, together with his brother John, became benefactors of the Library classes.
And there were new personal bests for Beesley, Nick Crawford (60m and triple jump ), Langowski, Jones and Pierpoint.
Indiana Jones is about to make a pretty big comeback.
Jones's CV includes creating zombified sailors for Pirates of the Caribbean and battle wounds for the forthcoming blockbuster Alexander the Great!
Jerry jones a children a son usual bon mots.
Sophie gets married - June 05 Pop diva Sophie Ellis-Bextor has secretly wed longtime boyfriend, guitarist Richard Jones.
Terry Jones Senior had a good day on Thursday catching big bream ending his day with a net well in excess of 200lbs.
Its original designer, Sir Horace Jones, wanted red brick.
Bridget jones is fictional?
Luke Jones ran an outstanding race in the intermediate boys championship where he took the bronze medal just 10 seconds behind the race winner.
I don't think that this is malicious, tho Toby Jones ' story may suggest otherwise, but it is definitely cackhanded.
A natural on screen, Jones officially retired from soccer in 1999 to pursue his acting career.
The bonus also catapulted Jones into second spot in the pay rise league.
Cathy jones the five station to a future was heading for.
It's a slot recently vacated by everyone's favorite former choirboy Aled Jones, who quit the station to move to the BBC.
Mr Jones, 37, was arrested for smoking a hand-rolled cigarette containing cannabis outside No 10 Downing Street last month.
Bryn Jones works on wide-field and spectroscopic and imaging surveys of galaxies, particularly for dwarf galaxies and compact galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters.
July 29 th 1818 Robert Bareham for stealing 2 coombs of malt from Thomas Jones at Sudbury.
The following day, Ernest Jones (who, like Anna Freud, had an interest in gardens) noted early crocuses.
In a career spanning three decades, Jones has brought a wide range of keenly etched characters to the movie screen.
Steve Jones sent a fierce drive sliding across the slippery surface drenched by a downpour which keeper Lee Butler saved.
Forget pop drivel or nu metal, Norah Jones ' arrival is helping to revive the music industry.
Professor Chris Jones has taken up a chair in nonlinear dynamics in the school of mathematics.
Written by RJ Jones and LF Grand, this fact sheet provides information on the fungal disease ' Dutch elm disease ' .
Tamara Jones Unfortunately, you appear to be dealing with building control officers that are not particularly enlightened with regard to conservation issues.
We were royally entertained this evening by our President Peter Jones.
Seedhouse, meanwhile, was successfully fending off Robertson with Tim Jones struggling along behind, still short on traction.
Jones squared Lee with another jaffa and Flintoff, plunging low to his right, just got fingertips on the way down.
Peter Jones ' Fashion advisor, Penny James will be holding fashion advice workshops on the 2nd floor.
Jones edits the footage himself using Avid Express DV on his laptop.
The film then cuts sharply to a sterile mortuary and the rough face of ranch foreman Pete Perkins (Tommy Lee Jones ).
Mr Jones felt a frisson of fear descend his spine.
Why cannot Mr Jeremy Jones [of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry] show us or draw us a homicidal gas chamber?
Also missing will be reserve goalkeeper Jason Jones, who will be out for a couple of weeks with a sprained ankle.
In the first case, Smith hears some malicious gossip about the past career of Jones.
Jones is buried in an unmarked grave in the nearby St Mary's churchyard.
McCallum's boss at the top of the Alchemy tree was Kevin Ronald Jones, a one-time local hairdresser.
In the evening, Mr Jones can also play the harmonium or the banjo, recently introduced from America.
Penelope Wilton as Harriet jones Or Don Warrington as Mr President i`d say harriet jones, were not a democratic country.
Three minutes into injury time Jason Jones magnificently turned a close-range header away for a corner.
We all had a great time, but I say this about Geoff Jones in particular, who was probably a little hoarse afterward!
Chris Jones uncovers the hidden hand of neo-liberal ideology.
Having been often importuned to preach at Cowbridge, this morning I set out with sister Jones and others.
The trip also left a lasting impression on Laura Wyn Jones.
Catherine Jones, the protagonist of Second Skin, undergoes a similar initiation.
Charlotte Jones's new play follows a Halloween party which is hijacked by interference from the past.
Jones lived with Mary Gilbert in a house they shared with another man, of whom Jones was intensely jealous.
In sugar has jones expected them best satellite observations the wealthy patrons.
Sense that we're when you get jones and you.
Upwards of do jones who should moved into the.
Iglesias tom jones certain information included are supposed to repped by doc.
It was brill when FACT showed the 70mm Indiana jones trilogy one Sunday and I've been awaiting more.
On the historic boardwalk iglesias tom jones A1casino expected to draw way still is.
Dave Jones has still got to sit down with Sir Jack to find out how much is in the transfer kitty.
Young Jones looked very lively in the few minutes he was on.
In later years even great architect Inigo Jones was employed to produce lavish sets accompanied by various mechanical devices for the Jacobean masques.
Dr. Hannah Jones from The Eden Project, Cornwall, whose interests include powdery mildew.
Jenny Jones was about a welsh miner with 18 children who wanted to make it 21!
Return to text We will be discussing Jones's notion of " reductive modernism " below.
Jones was justly awarded a best supporting actress Oscar for her performance as the double murderess Velma Kelly.
We've got the Saracens - sitting next to the Jones Street Boys.
After a delightful nutmeg on Rochdale's Gary Jones, the Swansea midfielder was unlucky to see his shot rise above the Rochdale crossbar.
Ernest Jones, " master of his own time, " had to pick oakum, or spend his days in a dark cell.
However, this cameo from Jones is starting to remind this observer of the NatWest Series final when England managed to scramble a draw.
Wales were totally outclassed by Italy in Bologna, were it not for Paul Jones we could have conceded a lot more.
Jones Bootmaker has established an enviable reputation as one of the leaders in fashion footwear with shoes to complement every outfit and every occasion.
Mr. Percival Jones wiped the perspiration from his brow.
After leaving school she went to University College, London to read English, where she later studied phonetics under Daniel Jones.
Barlow and Jones (1999) found that soprano pipistrelle nursery roosts were significantly larger than common pipistrelle nursery roosts were significantly larger than common pipistrelle nursery roosts.
Ceri Jones Food companies are looking to each other in the relentless quest for growth and higher margins.
Godfrey has no quinine, so he gives Jones a bottle of tonic wine.
Jones, who was making only his fifth league start for the Swans since joining in 1997, also criticized the referee 's decision.
The donation for CHASE will be £ 1.50 per rose sold retail from C & K Jones.
Houseplant occasional roadie whose haircut looked like Howard Jones ' houseplant.
He turned down an opportunity to play the lead in Lawrence of Arabia, and chose instead the bawdy romp Tom Jones.
In 1885 he was appointed sheriff for Jones County.
That was the day when Alun Jones opened his butcher's shop with the aim of providing high-quality local meat to the local market.
It was shortish and wide and Harbhajan threw everything at it, but he only got a healthy snick through to Geraint Jones.
Morris went ahead once more, but with his back to the wall Jones produced his best snooker.
Bobby Jones is one of several social workers employed by the Hospice.
Eric Jones tells us what to expect this August when parts of South West England will experience a total solar eclipse.
They were without injured captain Michael Vaughan, fast bowler Simon Jones and left-arm spinner Ashley Giles whose absence opened the door for Panesar.
Verpakovskis would cost more after his recent goal spree but is Jones ' number one choice.
Marion Jones has won two gold medals in the 100m and 200m sprints and bronze in the long jump.
Raymond looks quite fetching in what I always think of as being the Sophie Rhys Jones - tall and brown and quite stately.
Dave Jones and Simon Marshall had other ideas and working well in tandem they exerted a stranglehold on the league leaders.
One of Jet Li's biggest opponents in Fearless is a character called Hercules O'Brien, played by former world strongman Nathan Jones.
The quintessential ladies man, welsh superstar Tom Jones has enjoyed a successful music career spanning five decades.
Referee Rowan Kitt had handed out the first yellow card to Dominic Jones for a late tackle in the 24th minute.
Both good, but Howard Jones made some excellent techno tracks Eddie Grant or Billy Ocean?
In 1843 another Chester architect, Thomas Jones, added the south transept, west tower, and perhaps two galleries.
Malcolm Wright, 41, said he suffered trauma in the accident in which Richard Jones, 18, of Dyserth, died.
Mrs Jones was presented with a smaller commemorative trophy to keep by the Speaker of the Council, Councilor Muhammad Khan.
Kevin Jones continues the brake van repairs at Darley Dale also.
Ryan Jones Ryan is our " up front " male lead vocalist who also doubles on percussion.
There Peter acquired such arcane arts as the proper pronunciation of Daniel Jones's cardinal vowels.
He is a miles better wicketkeeper than Jones and a better batsman.
He never winced - never moved a muscle, but went down as tho Martha Jones had not touched him.
Comedy was provided by the ever youthful Tony Jones who only has to walk on stage to receive spontaneous laughter from the audience.
From June to October the inundations of the Mekong cover most of the country, portions of which, notably the Plaine des Jones in the north and a large tract of the peninsula of Ca-Mau, are little else than marshes.
From April 1799 to December 1801 six numbers of a Welsh magazine called Trysorfa Ysprydol (Spiritual Treasury) were edited by Thomas Jones of Mold and himself; in March 1809 the first number of the second volume appeared, and the twelfth and last in November 1813.
Its beginnings may be traced to the labours of the Rev. Griffith Jones (1684-1761), of Llanddowror, Carmarthenshire, whose sympathy for the poor led him to set on foot a system of circulating charity schools for the education of children.
In striking contrast to the general apathy of the clergy of the period, Griffith Jones's zeal appealed to the public imagination, and his powerful preaching exercised a widespread influence, many travelling long distances in order to attend his ministry.
Griffith Jones, preaching at Llanddewi Brefi, Cardiganshire - the place at which the Welsh Patron Saint, David, first became famous - found Daniel Rowland (1713-1790), curate of Llangeitho, in his audience, and his patronizing attitude in listening drew from the preacher a personal supplication on his behalf, in the middle of the discourse.
This was Howell Davies of Pembrokeshire, whose ministry was modelled on that of his master, Griffith Jones, but with rather more clatter in his thunder.
In 1736, on returning home, Harris opened a school, Griffith Jones supplying him with books from his charity.
In 1790, the Bala Association passed " Rules regarding the proper mode of conducting the Quarterly Association," drawn up by Charles; in 1801, Charles and Thomas Jones of Mold, published (for the association) the " Rules and Objects of the Private Societies among the People called Methodists."
In the work of the former, as Sir William Jones remarks, "the Tartarian conqueror is represented as a liberal, benevolent and illustrious prince"; in that of the latter he is "deformed and impious, of a low birth and detestable principles."
The façade of the cathedral was designed by Inigo Jones.
Some efforts to remedy this dark condition of things had already been made by Thomas Gouge, with the assistance of Stephen Hughes, and also by the newly founded " Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge "; but it was Griffith Jones (1683-1761), rector of Llanddowror in south Carmarthenshire, who was destined to become the true pioneer of Welsh education, religious and secular.
This educational system, invented by Griffith Jones and supported by the purse of Mrs Bevan, in 1760 numbered 215 schools, with a total number of 8687 contemporary scholars; and by the date of Jones's death in 1761 it has been proved that over 150,oco Welsh persons of every age and of either sex, nearly a third of the whole population of Wales at that time, were taught to read the Scriptures in their own language by means of these schools.
In spite, however, of the marked improvement in the conditions and behaviour of the Welsh people, owing to this strictly orthodox revival within the pale of the Church, Griffith Jones and his system of education were regarded with indifference by the English prelates in Wales, who offered no preferment and gave little encouragement to the founder of the circulating schools.
During the lifetime of Griffith Jones the course of Welsh Methodism had run in orthodox channels and had been generally supported by the Welsh clergy and gentry; but after his death the tendency to exceed the bounds of conventional Church discipline grew so marked as to excite the alarm of the English bishops in Wales.
So strained had the relations between the English rulers of the Church and the Methodists themselves now grown, that in 1811 the longexpected schism took place, much to the regret of Charles of Bala himself, who had ever been a devoted disciple of Griffith Jones.
The system of the Welsh circulating charity schools, set up by Griffith Jones, rector of Llanddowror, in the 18th century, undoubtedly gave an immense impetus to the spread of popular education in Wales, for it has been stated on good authority that about one-third of the total population was taught to read and write Welsh by means of this system.
As a result of Griffith Jones's efforts there quickly arose a vigorous demand for Welsh books of a pious and educational character, which was largely supplied by local Welsh printing-presses.
First, Tommy Jones whispered to Billy Brown and was at once called out to stand on the floor.
The clock ticked loudly, and Tommy Jones, who was standing up for the fourth time, began to feel very uneasy.
Then, suddenly, an awkward half-grown boy who sat right in front of the master's desk turned squarely around and whispered to Tommy Jones, three desks away.
Little William Jones was always asking questions.
And so William Jones went on reading and learning.
Sir William Jones lived nearly two hundred years ago.
Jones AC, Chuck AJ, Arie EA, Green DJ, Doherty M. Diseases associated with calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease.
Jones was then forced to make three crucial saves in quick succession.
Dominic Matthews, Sam Green, Lewis Reeves and Stuart Sadler all went close and Lewis Jones rattled the crossbar.
Houseplant Occasional roadie whose haircut looked like Howard Jones ' houseplant.
Jones Christopher 1927 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s) Jones Reginald Granville 1930 KPM DC Also MM.
City boss Dave Jones kept faith with the side held to a scoreless draw by Derby.
Apart from the chief engineer, Jones was the only professional seaman on board.
That was the day when Alun Jones opened his butcher 's shop with the aim of providing high-quality local meat to the local market.
The popular Frenchman has been handed the skipper 's armband by manager Dave Jones.
I 'd like some spiky blond hair, like Howard Jones.
No luck so far - Jones strays onto leg stump and is clipped to fine leg for four.
One of Jet Li 's biggest opponents in Fearless is a character called Hercules O'Brien, played by former world strongman Nathan Jones.
Sir Digby Jones, director general of the CBI, said the government has succumbed to pressure from the unions.
The quintessential ladies man, Welsh superstar Tom Jones has enjoyed a successful music career spanning five decades.
I noticed you and Cliff Jones swopped positions just after the kick-off at Wembley.
We are also delighted to recommend Jones Hire for fabric table linen and chair covers.
Plain honest talking Look Jones, it 's not working out, I think it 's better you leave.
Steve Jones is the criminally attractive Welsh television presenter who certainly has an eye for the ladies.
The purse shuts with a metal twist clasp and is lined inside with a smaller Grace Jones print.
Thelma Jones was featured on two tracks on the uptempo CD, both slick uptown productions.
Charged with murder, Roxie goes to jail where she meets her idol, the vaudeville singer Velma Kelly (Jones).
Jones was also responsible for the original cinema at Madame Tussaud 's waxwork museum on Marylebone Road.
Ann Jones was last seen wobbling off up the hill into the darkness.
Letters home from an advertising wolf cub, read by Griff Rhys Jones.
Jones was found guilty only by association and always denied any wrongdoing in relation to current rules and testing procedures.
Dr. Jones has prescribed a topical cream as treatment for Randy's skin condition.
Mr. Jones has now won four consecutive championships in our annual county tractor races.
Following the birth of America's first IVF baby, the Jones Institute in Norfolk, Virginia emerged as an international IVF center offering research and collaboration with the world's leading fertility experts.
That Darn Cat features Hayley Mills and Dean Jones in a comedy/mystery adventure that the entire family will love.
The Jigsaw Jones Mysteries by James Preller are the perfect combination of funny, slightly intriguing and good clean fun.
Particularly popular with boys, this series follows sleuth Jigsaw Jones as he seeks to unravel various mysteries.
Most notably, author Susan Nanus transformed the work into a two-act children's play in 1977, and producer Chuck Jones created a combination live-action and animated film based on the novel in 1970.
Do not get caught up in keeping up with the Jones'.
There is no cell phone reception in Davy Jones' locker.
Ben, what you've gotta do is be like Martha Jones in Doctor Who.
And watch the 3rd season of Dr Who, because I am officially naming this situation "Martha Jones Syndrome."
If you simply get cards for your buddies, or make something to eat, or buy something (small) or just give a hug, there's no need to keep up with the Jones and outspend people just to "look good."
Country crooner Kenney Chesney and Bridgette Jones actress Renee Zellweger caught the world by surprise when they successfully pulled off a secret beach wedding in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Jones request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Meredith Anne Jones to Jonathon Francis Wade on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at five o'clock in the afternoon at Calvary Baptist Church, Rockport, Indiana.
Wade, cordially invite you to witness the marriage of their respective children, Meredith Anne Jones and Jonathon Francis Wade, on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at five o'clock in the afternoon at Calvary Baptist Church, Rockport, Indiana.
You have shared in our joys and triumphs, so we, Meredith Anne Jones and Jonathon Francis Wade, ask you to share in our love.
Please honor us, Meredith Anne Jones and Jonathon Francis Wade, with your presence as we join together in holy matrimony on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at five o'clock in the afternoon.
It was her role as Samantha Jones in the television show Sex and the City that really brought her the attention she deserved.
Did Star Jones stain her hosts' couch while partying in the Hamptons?
According to Celebrity Justice, a "very heavily professionally made up" Jones may have left trails of body makeup behind.
Beyoncé plays Deena Jones, a character inspired by Diana Ross.
Former America's Next Top Model hopeful Toccara Jones, who shed 32 pounds.
Brandy and Shannen Doherty are rumored to be possible replacements for Star Jones on The View.
Tom Jones has been captivating fans with his music for over forty years.
Thomas Jones Woodward was born to a coal miner and his wife in Wales, England.
From 1969-1971, Tom had his own television variety show, This is Tom Jones.
Looking to appeal to a younger audience, Tom Jones began recording hits by other artists, including Prince's Kiss and Talking Heads' Burning Down the House.
Other entries for December 2006 discussed the name choices of Kevin Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, and Matt Damon.
Mad Men star January Jones is aptly named, as she was born on January 5, 1978.
One honors a silent film star, and the other is for the actor who is famous for playing Indiana Jones.
The show was created by British businessman Peter Jones, who is also one of the judges, and produced by American Idol judge Simon Cowell, among a few others.
Besides Jones, Foreman will join judges Sara Blakely, creator of Spanx shapewear, and Pat Croce, a former NBA executive.
He has been romantically linked to actresses Rashida Jones and Kirsten Dunst.
Starring in big screen hits like Disturbia and Transformers is only the beginning - with a role in the next installment of Indiana Jones, LaBeouf has secured his place in film history.
In 2007, Shia LaBeouf was cast in the fourth installment of the Indiana Jones film franchise.
With the success of his recent releases, casting him in Indiana Jones was a match made in box office heaven.
Her popularity declined on The View and after she was fired from the show in 2006, Jones Reynolds, an attorney, went on a one-year hiatus.
Production was put on hold, probably for various reasons, but rumors surfaced about the ongoing squabble between Sarah Jessica and co-star Kim Cattrall, who played the role of saucy Samantha Jones.
Cate Blanchett began acting while she was attending the Methodist Ladies College in Melbourne, Australia, appearing in many productions including The Odyssey of Runyon Jones.
In the Valley of Elah (2007) - In this film, Brolin worked with Oscar winning director Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby, Letters from Iwo Jima), Charlize Theron (Oscar for Monster) and Tommy Lee Jones (Oscar for The Fugitive).
Ward has worked with many singers and musicians, among them Norah Jones, Cat Power, and the band Bright Eyes.
Most actresses shed and gain weight for roles, such as the weight Renee Zellweger famously put on for the filming of Bridget Jones' Diary.
One victim, 21-year old Antwione Jones, was reportedly trying to leave the club with his fiancé when he heard the fighting and turned around.
Jones was allegedly stabbed at that time.
Her most popular voiceover role so far, however, has been in the 2009 release Coraline, in which she does the voice for the lead character, Coraline Jones.
Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford - With the hit series Brothers and Sisters and Harrison Ford's deal for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the two earned around $70 million.
January Jones plays Don Draper's wife, Betty, and mother of their three children.
Jones has had supporting roles in several films, including Anger Management and Love Actually.
Tommy Lee Jones, a Texas native who still has a home there and frequently shines in cowboy roles, won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the tense cat-and-mouse thriller The Fugitive.
Action hero Harrison Ford, who made a name for himself in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series' of films, is one of the most well-known Jewish actors.
The actor is well-known across generations for roles in The English Patient, Pride and Prejudice, Shakespeare in Love, Bridget Jones' Diary, Love Actually, Mamma Mia and What a Girl Wants.
On February 24, Sheen appeared on a radio broadcast hosted by Alex Jones and made several derogatory remarks about series creator Chuck Lorre.
Bob Jones University is not just a seminary.
The School of Religion for undergraduates and the Bob Jones Seminary for graduate students and doctoral candidates are only two schools within the university as a whole.
In March 2000, the Bob Jones University opened a seminary adjacent to the school's main library.
This Robert Trent Jones Jr.-designed golf playground snakes its way along the Caribbean coastline and through lush tropical gardens.
Passengers then sail back to California or Vancouver, but must stop in a place like Mexico's Ensenada, in order to fulfill the foreign flag Jones Act requirements.
As the show superintendent, Roy Jones Dog Shows receives the pertinent information from a kennel club's show secretary, prints it into a premium list and distributes it to all exhibitors on it's mailing list.
As exhibitor entries are received, Roy Jones Dog Shows compiles all the information to be printed into a show catalog.
The night before the show, Roy Jones Dog Shows pulls in to set up all ring fencing and floor mats, numbered ring signs, steward tables, and ring grooming/examination tables.
Once the show is over, Roy Jones deducts their recording fees and expenses from the entry fees, and gives the host kennel club a check for the rest of the proceeds from the show.
Otto was a small Dachshund/Terrier mixed breed dog that had been owned and loved by Lynn and Peter Jones of Shrewsbury, England since he was just six weeks old.
Guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones are two of the most original, talented, expressive and colorful musicians in the history of rock music.
Led Zeppelin was formed in the late 1960s in England and featured guitarist Jimmy Page, vocalist Robert Plant, drummer John Bonham and bassist/keyboardist John Paul Jones.
Can you imagine Led Zeppelin without John Paul Jones, or The Who without John Entwistle?
Bluesette has been recorded by such greats as Ray Charles, Robert Conti and Hank Jones.
Here, you'll see brand names such as City of London, Jones New York, and more.
Available lines include Bobby Jones, Greg Norman, Callaway Golf, Nautica, Polo, Chaps and many more.
If you do not wear a suit often, choose a more traditional style such as the Jones New York Black Suit made from 100% wool.
The Jones New York Grey Stripe Suit has a lapel jacket with six buttons and is made from 100% wool.
Proctor Jones has a few styles of pants available including elastic waist pants and bibs.
If you are looking for clothing with career chic and easy mix and match pieces, take a look at the items in the Jones Studio Suit Separates section.
Jones of New York plus size dresses offer flattering and affordable choices for full-figured women.
Jones of New York is a sophisticated and well-tailored line that delivers all kinds of attire for work, weekend and going out.
Expect to find dresses in the Jones of New York brand that work for your professional environment as well as for nights on the town.
For times when dressier dresses are called for, Jones of New York does not disappoint.
Bloomingdale's and Macy's are two upscale stores where you'll find Jones of New York plus size dresses, along with other fashionable pieces from the line, such as jackets, slacks, blouses, coats and suits.
The V-necks and soft, draping fabrics that are commonly featured on Jones of New York dresses make them easy to wear and accessorize.
Regardless of cost, adding a Jones of New York dress to your wardrobe is a smart way to add sophistication and timeless style.
According to Sarah Jones, the website manager, "if some of the major fashion houses see this type of backing they will surely reconsider how they give out work and to who."
Macy's carries suits and separates for plus size women from designers such as Jones New York, Tahari, Calvin Klein and AK Anne Klein.
Toccara Jones first appeared on America's Next Top Model where she came in seventh.
Jones has been on the cover of Black Men, Be, Black Hair, Braids, King and The Next Level magazine.
Toccara Jones - Toccara Jones is an American model who participated on the third season of America's Next Top Model, where she placed seventh.
Operated by Holiday Retirement Corporation, Englewood Estates is an independent living retirement community on Jones Road in Austin.
The first is Disneyland, where you can catch the Indiana Jones Adventure, It's a Small World, and the Remember… Dreams Come True fireworks spectacular.
If you are a fan of Indiana Jones video games, then you've probably followed the game series throughout the years.
Every generation, there's a new version of the Indiana Jones series of games.
The release of so many games through each generation, and a growing cult following of fans of the movie series, implies that every future Indiana Jones video game release will be just as popular as the last.
From the 1980s through 2010 and beyond, the Indiana Jones movie series has developed a huge community of fans.
From the moment Dr. Henry Jones first hit the movie screen as Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark, movie fans flocked in droves to the game consoles every time a new Indiana video game release came out.
The following list are the ten most popular Indiana Jones game releases throughout the generations.
It was based off of the very first Indiana Jones movie just released in theaters.
Therefore, it's little surprise that the 2003 version of this Indiana Jones game was intended for those three platforms.
This game was based on a 1935 archaeological trip by Dr. Jones to Ceylon to search through the Emperor's Tomb.
In this version, up to two players could collaborate in a LEGO world representation of the popular original Indiana Jones movies.
Whether or not you're a fan of the original Indiana Jones movies, you'll love the intrigue, suspense and adventure you'll find within every generation of this popular game series.