Jonathan Sentence Examples
You and Jonathan wanted to go.
At ten years old, Jonathan was almost as tall as she was.
Alex had promised the foal to Jonathan and he had already named it Eureka.
She would soon be ready for Jonathan to ride.
It will be so much fun to work on it with Jonathan and Destiny.
Jonathan separated himself from the other children.
Can I talk to Jonathan?
Jonathan was in his room, practicing the violin and she was folding towels on their bed when Alex returned.
Right now Jonathan needed their undivided support.
Later, when the people of Antioch rose against the king, Jonathan despatched a force of 3000 men who played a notable part in the merciless suppression of the insurrection.
AdvertisementA plan was arranged by which Jonathan should draw from the king an expression of his feelings, and a tremendous explosion revealed that Saul regarded David as the rival of his dynasty, and Jonathan as little better than a fellow-conspirator.
Thus it was quite in keeping with the romantic attachment between David and Saul's son Jonathan that when he became king of Israel he took Jonathan's son Meribbaal under his care (ix.).
Dayton's site was purchased in 1795 from John Cleves Symmes by a party of Revolutionary soldiers, and it was laid out as a town in 1796 by Israel Ludlow (one of the owners), by whom it was named in honour of Jonathan Dayton (1760-1824), a soldier in the War of Independence, a member of Congress from New Jersey in 1791- ' 799, and a United States senator in 1799-1805.
The township of Saint Johnsbury was granted to Dr Jonathan Arnold (1741-1793)" and associates in 1786; in the same year a settlement was established and the place was named in honour of Jean Hector Saint John de Crevecoeur (1731-1813), who wrote Letters of an American Farmer (1782), a glowing description of America, which brought thither many immigrants, and who introduced potato planting into France.
In August 1814, however, these gentlemen, with Henry Clay and Jonathan Russell, began negotiations with English commissioners which resulted in the signature of the treaty of Ghent on the 24th of December of that year.
AdvertisementJonathan's voice interrupted her thoughts.
Alex glanced at Jonathan and then rubbed the top of his head.
Jonathan grinned and Carmen glanced at Alex.
Why hadn't it occurred to her that Jonathan might feel he was being replaced?
Do you think Jonathan might feel left out when the new baby comes?
AdvertisementDid I give Jonathan his fair share of attention?
When she reached Destiny's room, Jonathan was already dressed and was helping Destiny.
Thank you so much for helping, Jonathan.
When they finally got on the plane, she and Jonathan had a window seat - Jonathan in front of her.
Well, he did say he would go because she and Jonathan wanted to.
AdvertisementJonathan and I will make sure we fill her in on anything she missed.
Alex introduced Jonathan and their welcome to him was equally warm.
He probably didn't realize that his hostility toward Señor Medena was being transferred to Jonathan as anxiety.
Jonathan and Destiny's room had two twin beds in it, as well as a television.
Alfonso looked to be a year or so older than Jonathan.
When Jonathan spoke, the distraction was welcome.
Jonathan leaned forward so that he had a full view of Señor Medena.
Later, as they walked back to their room, Jonathan looked up at Carmen.
Jonathan wants a little brother, not a little sister.
Jonathan looked confident atop a Welch gelding.
She urged her mount a safe distance away, motioning for Jonathan to follow.
She still held Jonathan's hand.
Jonathan slipped under the covers.
Jonathan said you were taking him to some kind of horse race tomorrow.
Jonathan was up early and ready to go, so Alex hurriedly showered and dressed.
How could he do such a thing in front of Jonathan... and where was Jonathan?
The smile faded from his lips and he motioned for Jonathan to join him.
Jonathan came into the room, fully dressed.
Jonathan was watching them intently.
Jonathan was watching them, his mouth hanging open.
Jonathan found a stick larger on one end than the other to use for a bat.
Jonathan tugged on Carmen's arm.
No doubt he told them that Alexia had died, because after Jonathan's statement, that would be easiest.
Jonathan and Alfonso were playing with the sticks as if they were swords.
Jonathan knocked a lamp off the table and it shattered.
Jonathan froze, staring at it.
Jonathan glanced up at Alex, who met his gaze sternly.
Jonathan turned to Señor Medena.
Alex nodded, still watching Jonathan.
Jonathan asked, his eyes large.
That evening after Destiny and Jonathan were asleep, Carmen was picking up in their room.
Destiny stared at Alex over Carmen's shoulder and Jonathan was so focused on Alex that he nearly ran into Alondra.
After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores.
He and Jonathan are my cheerleaders now.
Sometimes Alex and Jonathan play soccer, and sometimes we all go for a ride in the buggy.
Señor Medena glanced at Jonathan and then smiled.
Jonathan shook his head.
Then he shrugged and followed Jonathan out the door.
Part of it, of course, was Jonathan's nature.
She immediately told him about the incident with Jonathan and Alfonso and he simply nodded.
He might never say anything to Jonathan about it, but Jonathan would know in other ways how he felt.
His attitude toward her did an about face so obvious that even Jonathan noticed.
After breakfast, Morino arrived and took Alex and Jonathan out to see the mares.
Jonathan was in his room watching television.
The door to Destiny & Jonathan's room was closed.
I'm going to take Destiny and Jonathan down to say good-bye.
Finally she turned to Destiny and Jonathan.
Carmen picked her up and turned as Jonathan joined her.
By the time she finished bathing and dressing Destiny, Jonathan was in bed.
Alex wore a light blue sweater that accentuated his dark complexion and Jonathan was dressed likewise.
Jonathan was staring out the window and Alex was playing with Destiny.
With Alex back at work and Jonathan at school, her attention turned to the nursery.
Alex and Jonathan wanted to help decorate, but there were some basic things that could be done.
When Alex came home that evening, Jonathan was in his room painting and Destiny was topping off her nap.
Jonathan put the last fork beside a plate and smiled up at her.
Something drew her attention to Jonathan, who was watching Alex intently.
When her attention came back to Alex, he was watching Jonathan.
Jonathan came into the room and watched until he finished.
Jonathan, help your mother put the food up and I'll get Destiny into her coat.
Someone will have to pick her up at the airport, but she can stay with Jonathan at the house.
Jonathan would be home soon so she started supper.
She was putting plates on the table when the school bus dropped Jonathan off.
Jonathan helped her feed and water the animals and then she took him to the hospital with her.
Jonathan and I did the chores.
She was out, dressed and fixing supper when the bus stopped to let Jonathan out.
You go on home with Jonathan.
Alex said something and Jonathan conveyed it to Carmen.
Jonathan, you take care of your Dad, alright?
Most things had returned to normal, but the trip to Texas had given Jonathan an idea.
As soon as Daddy and Jonathan finish getting dressed, we'll go to church.
Jonathan was no more blood relation to them than Destiny, but neither child could have been loved more deeply nor considered more a family member.
She gets lonesome when Jonathan is gone.
Jonathan was one of those children people dream about having.
I saw Jonathan headed for the house.
Right now Destiny and Jonathan need someone strong to lean on.
The only thing that kept her from breaking down was the fact that Jonathan and Destiny needed her.
She gawked at Jonathan like a freshman cheerleader at a senior quarterback as he gave her a smile that melted her heart.
Lori turned and ran into the house, leaving Carmen and Jonathan to face Josh.
After supper, Alex and Jonathan were sitting on the couch reading a book while she did the dishes.
We love you too, Jonathan.
Jonathan grinned and handed him the potatoes.
Natalie, Matthew and Destiny are all in bed asleep and Jonathan is practicing his violin.
Jonathan hasn't said anything, but I think he knows.
Jonathan was solemn and, for the most part, silent.
Carmen, Felipa and even Jonathan worked for almost two hours before they established something close to a normal atmosphere.
It was Destiny this time, and Jonathan stood beside her, holding Matthew.
Jonathan quietly went to his room.
She was in the floor with Jonathan, Destiny, Matthew and Natalie playing with the puppy when Alex came home.
Despite the fact that with the exception of the period of the "Great Awakening" (1740-1742), when he preached as an itinerant in several neighbouring colonies, his active labours were confined to his own parish, his influence on the religious thought of his time in America was probably surpassed only by that of his old friend and teacher Jonathan Edwards.
He was descended in the sixth generation from Jonathan Dickinson, first president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), and his ancestors had been closely connected with the Presbyterian church.
Hutchinson Field, another public park, is a part of the estate of the last royal governor, Thomas Hutchinson; Governor Jonathan Belcher also lived in Milton for a time.
For the other books, the recognized Targum on the Prophets is that ascribed to Jonathan ben Uzziel (4th century ?), which originated in Palestine, but was edited in Babylonia, so that it has the same history and linguistic character as Onkelos.
An ardent admirer of Jonathan Edwards, whose great-grand-daughter he married, Park was one of the most notable American theologians and orators.
This he accomplishes with the help of his son Jonathan.
Jonathan, who succeeded his brother Judas, was captain of a band of fugitive outlaws.
But on the death of Alcimus Bacchides retired and Jonathan with his followers settled down beyond the range of the Syrian garrisons.
The Hellenizers still enjoyed the royal favour and Jonathan made no attempt to dispossess them.
This failure seems to have convinced Bacchides that it would be well to recognize Jonathan and to secure a balance of parties.
In 158 Jonathan began to rule as a judge in Michmash and he destroyed the godless out of Israel - so far, that is, as his power extended.
In 153 Alexander Balas withdrew Jonathan from his allegiance to Demetrius by the offer of the high-priesthood.
In 147 Jonathan repaid his benefactor by destroying the army of the governor of Coele-Syria, who had espoused the cause of Demetrius.
Jonathan was summoned to Antioch, made his peace and apparently relinquished his attempt in return for the addition of three Samaritan districts to his territory.
Characteristic of the omitted portions are the friendship which sprang up between Jonathan and David and the latter's appointment to a command in the army.
David appears to be still at court, and Jonathan is even unaware that he is in any danger, whereas the preceding verses represent him as already a fugitive.
He betook himself to Jonathan, who thought his suspicions groundless, but undertook to test them.
Royal pensioners, of whom Jonathan's son Mephibosheth was one, were gathered round a princely table.
There were men of stronger build than the weak Ishbaal and the crippled son of Jonathan, the survivors of Saul's house, and it is only to be expected that David's first care must have been to cement the union of the north and south.
As it was written by a Pharisee, it could not have been composed after the breach arose between John Hyrcanus and the Pharisees towards the close of the 2nd century B.C. Thus the period of composition lies between 153, when Jonathan the Maccabee assumed the high-priesthood, and the year of the breach of John Hyrcanus with the Pharisees; some time, therefore, between 153 and 107.
On the 2nd of February 1829 the woodwork of the choir was set on fire by Jonathan Martin, a madman.
He has written a play in three acts, Dr. Jonathan (1919).
In 1766 the region was visited by the Connecticut traveller Jonathan Carver (1732-1780).
His father belonged to one of the noblest priestly families, and through his mother he claimed descent from the Asmonaean high priest Jonathan.
The prophecy must, therefore, be regarded as anonymous; the title was added by the compiler 1 A Hebrew tradition given in the Targum of Jonathan, and approved by Jerome, identifies Malachi with Ezra the priest and scribe.
Meanwhile, in America the Puritan tradition, adapted to the new conditions, is represented by Cotton Mather, and later by Jonathan Edwards, the greatest preacher of his time and country.
But there is no historical continuity between the two situations, and the immediate prelude to the achievements of Saul and Jonathan is lost.
This classification of the members into those who were in full communion and those who belonged only to the " Half Way Covenant " was vigorously attacked by Jonathan Edwards, but it was not abolished until the early years of the 19th century.
It was not until 1734 that a new outburst of zeal was aroused by the " revivalist " work of Jonathan Edwards, followed in 1740-1742 by George Whitefield.
The first owed its origin to Jonathan Edwards (the elder) and was carried on by Samuel Hopkins (17 2 I-1803), Joseph Bellamy (1719-1790), Nathaniel Emmons (1745-1840), Jonathan Edwards (the younger) and Timothy Dwight (1752-1817).
An equally important school, though numerically smaller, came into existence in eastern Massachusetts under the leadership of Charles Chauncy (1592-1672) and Jonathan Mayhew (1720-1766).
But the earliest forms of Hebrew priesthocd are not Canaanite in character; the priest, as he appears in the older records of the time of the Judges, Eli at Shiloh, Jonathan in the private temple of Micah and at Dan, is much liker the sadin than the kahin.
The priest of Shiloh is a much greater person than Micah's priest Jonathan; at the great This appears even in the words used as synonyms for " priest" rnvn, p ion 'Dr, which exactly corresponds to sadin and hajib.
But between the priesthood of Eli at Shiloh or of Jonathan at Dan and the priesthood of the Levites as described in Deut.
To put down the Zealots he favoured an even more violent sect, the Sicarii ("Dagger-men"), by whose aid he contrived the murder of the high-priest Jonathan.
His father, the Rev. Aaron Burr (1715-1757), was the second president (1748-1757) of the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University; his mother was the daughter of Jonathan Edwards, the well-known Calvinist theologian.
The word "awakening" in this sense was frequently (and possibly first) used by Jonathan Edwards at the time of the Northampton revival of 1734-1735, which spread through the Connecticut Valley and prepared the way for the work in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut (1740-1741) of GeorgeWhitefield, who had previously been preaching in the South, especially at Savannah, Georgia.
His views were ably presented in his sermon Enthusiasm and in his Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England (1743), written in answer to Jonathan Edwards's Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of Religion in New England (1742).
Zanesville was first platted in 1800 by Ebenezer Zane (r 747181 r) of Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia), his brother Jonathan, and John McIntire, his son-in-law, of Alexandria, Va., who under an act of Congress of 1796 surveyed a road from Wheeling to what is now Maysville, Kentucky, and received for this service three sections of land.
Jonathan Zane and McIntire selected the land at the point where the new road crossed the Muskingum river.
The priests remained behind in Jerusalem, and their sons Jonathan and Ahimaaz served as his spies.
Their first appearance in history is in the time of Jonathan the Maccabee (161-144 B.e.).
His father, Joseph Dalton, was a weaver in poor circumstances, who, with his wife (Deborah Greenup), belonged to the Society of Friends; they had three children - Jonathan, John and Mary.
There he passed the next twelve years, becoming in 1785, through the retirement of his cousin, joint manager of the school with his elder brother Jonathan.
From this place he proceeded to Constantinople, where he received similar civilities from Sir Thomas Bendish, the English ambassador, and Sir Jonathan Dawes, with whom he afterwards contracted an intimate friendship. While at Constantinople he read and studied the works of St Chrysostom, whom he preferred to all the other Fathers.
The Corwin or "Witch" house, so called from a tradition that Jonathan Corwin, one of the judges in the witchcraft trials, held preliminary examinations of witches here, is said to have been the property of Roger Williams. The Pickering house, built before 1660, was the homestead of Timothy Pickering and of other members of that family.
The excitement spread rapidly, many more were accused, and, within four months, hundreds were arrested, and many were tried before commissioners of oyer and terminer (appointed on the 27th of May 1692, including Samuel Sewall, q.v., of Boston, and three inhabitants of Salem, one being Jonathan Corwin); nineteen were hanged,' and one was pressed to death in September for refusing to plead when he was accused.
In 1839 he built the house which he called "One Ash," and married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Priestman of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
The burying-ground includes the tomb of Robert Treat (1622-1710), commander of the Connecticut troops in King Philip's War, leader of the company that founded Newark, New Jersey, governor of Connecticut (from 1683 to 1698) at the time its charter was demanded by Governor Andros in 1686-1687, and deputy-governor in1676-1683and 1698-1708; and also that of Jonathan Law (1674-1751), governor of Connecticut from 1742 to 1751.
The interest of the narratives clings around north Judah and Benjamin, and more attention is given to the rise of the Judaean dynasty, the hostility of Saul, and the romantic friendship between his son Jonathan and the young David of Bethlehem.
In 153 B.C. there appeared another of the series of pretenders to the Syrian throne, to whose rivalry Jonathan, and Simon after him, owed the position they acquired for themselves and their nation.
Jonathan was recog- and Simon.
The king for whom he fought was defeated; but his successor acceded to the demands of Jonathan, added three districts of Samaria to Judaea and freed the whole from tribute.
Jonathan was gazing up at Felipa with an adoring expression.
Jonathan was sitting on his bed, watching TV in his pajamas.
Felipa guided them to Alex and Jonathan.
Jonathan asked Alex excitedly as they joined Carmen and Felipa.
That night after Jonathan was in bed, Carmen turned to Alex.
Very. I'm so glad we have you and Jonathan.
Jonathan would be disappointed if we left before Christmas.
It rang three times and then Jonathan answered.
After a few moments Jonathan answered.
As proud as she was of Jonathan, it was Alex who stayed on her mind for a long time after the phone call.
He's at home with Jonathan and he can't come in because Destiny might catch what he has.
Jonathan rarely asked for anything and the idea of having someone in the house playing music was appealing.
Fortunately, Jonathan had already gone to bed.
He didn't bring it up again - not even when Jonathan was unable to get his short arm into a comfortable position to play the guitar.
Maybe he was impressed with how quickly Jonathan improved.
School was out and Jonathan was scheduled to start camp next week.
The day Jonathan went to camp, she began working on her plan.
She was slicing some left over pork roast for a recipe tomorrow when Alex walked in and announced that Destiny and Jonathan were asleep.
Everyone was watching her with a horrified expression - even Jonathan and Destiny.
June leaped into July and Random gave birth to a little filly for Jonathan.
Jonathan was so excited that he couldn't stop talking about her.
Alex was in the family room and Jonathan was still in his room, so she went searching for Alex to help her with the zipper.
They had already made arrangements for Katie and Bill to watch Jonathan and Destiny while they went to pick up the babies.
Katie arrived an hour later to pick up Jonathan and Destiny, and thirty minutes later Carmen and Alex were in the car headed for the airport.
We didn't have Jonathan when he was an infant, and there was so much sadness at the time Destiny was born.
Down the hall, he opened the door to Jonathan's room and smiled.
Jonathan was enthusiastic enough about his chores.
Unlike Jonathan, though, Destiny had natural grandparents to spoil her – and they did.
The expression on his face when he took her from the nurse was one Carmen had never seen on his face before – not even with Jonathan.
With Jonathan, it had been instantaneous as well.
It had been Alex who convinced her to take the risk and adopt Jonathan.
But Jonathan's mother had passed away, and his father didn't want a cripple.
She stopped at Jonathan's door to make sure he was ready.
Whatever Alex was wearing, Jonathan was usually dressed the same.
In jest, he stated that Jonathan was merely seeking the best fashion example he could find.
He appreciated the adoration Jonathan bestowed on him.
The suit jacket had not been altered to accommodate Jonathan's short arms.
Jonathan wasn't much of a talker.
Warm fingers clutched Carmen's hand and she looked down to find Jonathan watching her anxiously.
For the first time Lori acknowledged the presence of Jonathan.
Alex glanced at Jonathan pointedly before his attention returned to Carmen.
Her life revolved around Alex, Jonathan and Destiny.
Alex and Bill had wandered off with Jonathan and the twins, as usual, which left Carmen with Katie and Destiny.
Alex had already set aside a trust fund for both Jonathan and Destiny, and Carmen was listed as an equal partner in everything.
Alex refused to let her attach his name to that, so she had made provisions for it to be left to Jonathan and Destiny.
There were only three things that mattered to her – Alex, Jonathan and Destiny.
Destiny had finally reached the point that she would tolerate being held by Lori, but after a few minutes she was ready to get down or go to Alex, Carmen or Jonathan.
I know you have a teacher's conference tomorrow and Jonathan has that field trip.
Later that evening, Carmen was reading a book to Destiny and Jonathan was sprawled out on the window seat, reading a book about horses.
It's time for bed, Jonathan.
Jonathan gave him no argument, but he took the book with him.
Katie wants to keep Destiny today, so I'll drop her off and then take Jonathan to the school for his field trip when I go for the conference.
Spooning eggs into a plate for Jonathan and a bowl for Destiny, she returned the pan to the stovetop.
Jonathan walked into the kitchen fully dressed and looking refreshed.
It took exactly one hour to take Destiny over to Katie's and drop Jonathan off at the school before meeting with his teacher.
Yet Jonathan had adjusted quickly to his new family.
Well, Jonathan will be home in a couple of hours.
After he left, she turned the heat down and wrote a note to Jonathan.
I wish Jonathan had been here.
On Saturday Carmen left Alex with Jonathan and Destiny, heading for the old house.
Where are Jonathan and Destiny?
Bill dropped Katie and Jonathan off at their house before he took Carmen to the hospital.
Jonathan would stay with Katie for the night and the Reynolds would keep Destiny.
They still hadn't caught the red-headed man, but they had a regular patrol, so Carmen took Jonathan and Destiny home with her.
Jonathan tried to tell Destiny that Alex wasn't there, but she continued to look anyway.
By the time she finally fell asleep, both Carmen and Jonathan were crying.
Only after both Destiny and Jonathan fell asleep did Carmen take her shower and go to bed.
As May gave way to June, the lengthening daylight hours gave her more time to be with Jonathan and Destiny and still complete taking care of the animals before darkness.
Jonathan was out of school now, but he was going to camp weekdays.
Each morning she took Jonathan to camp before dropping Destiny off at Katie's house and returning to the hospital.
One night after chores, Carmen, Jonathan and Destiny were eating supper when Brutus started barking.
As Carmen turned back to the kitchen, Jonathan looked up at her, his eyes large with fear.
I hope not, Jonathan.
She glanced at Jonathan and shrugged.
Jonathan stared at her, obviously confused.
And then there was the fact that it might frighten Jonathan.
One day, when Destiny was with Grandma Reynolds and Jonathan was at staying with a friend, she decided to go down to the house before she went to the hospital.
That night she and Jonathan picked up Destiny and then headed home.
At Jonathan's inquiring look, she merely said, "Something doesn't feel right."
Jonathan wasn't one to question intuition.
She could do nothing without endangering both Destiny and Jonathan.
Early the next morning after taking Jonathan to school, she went back to the house and took care of the animals.
Destiny no longer mentioned Alex, and even Jonathan seemed resigned to living without him.
She thought about bringing Jonathan to see him, but it might frighten him.
Jonathan wanted to come see him, but she told him to wait until Alex was better.
Later, after Destiny fell asleep and Jonathan went to his room, Lori regarded her thoughtfully.
That evening, when she picked Destiny and Jonathan up, Katie had an interesting perspective on the incident.
I wonder what Destiny and Jonathan will think.
Jonathan will know how you feel, don't you think?
Are you still worrying about Jonathan and Destiny?
Jonathan will be home from school soon and it would be nice if someone was here for him.
She left him there, wishing she could stay and yet knowing he could use the time alone with Jonathan.
Alex and Jonathan had a relationship that required few words.
As she entered the house, Jonathan was headed for his room.
A few hours later Alex and Jonathan were out doing chores and Carmen was in the kitchen fixing supper.
Carmen was setting the table when Alex and Jonathan came in.
Alex turned to Jonathan and pointed at him, then drew a cupped hand down his chest, thumb and fingers toward him.
Jonathan lifted his hand, thumb toward Alex and fingers curled down and rocked it forward and back.
Jonathan had taken the time to learn sign language so that he could talk to Alex and she had kept him away from the hospital.
She smiled at Jonathan.
Jonathan frowned as he calculated it out, and then signed.
Jonathan disappeared around the corner and Alex started after him.
While their relationship was strained, his relationship with Jonathan and Destiny had returned to normal.
The issue came to a head one day when he was standing in the living room signing with Jonathan.
Instead of his usual pleased smile, he simply turned back to Jonathan.
The back door shut as Jonathan and Alex left the house.
Jonathan was out of camp now, so he was at the house all day.
Jonathan was watching a movie and Alex was nowhere in sight.
Jonathan hurried off to bible class and it was Carmen's turn to help out with the infants, so she took Destiny with her.
Jonathan joined him and they both walked away.
With Destiny buckled in safely and Jonathan sitting beside her, he climbed behind the wheel and started the car.
Jonathan begged Alex for the key and ran ahead of them.
The minute he released her on the ground, she ran after Jonathan.
Untangling her arms, he stepped into the hall and looked into the living room where Jonathan was watching a movie.
Destiny wasn't awake yet when I left and Jonathan is watching her.
Jonathan and Señor Medena hit it off from the minute they met, and by the time he left, Jonathan was calling him grandpa.
Destiny hugged him and kissed him goodbye, and Jonathan shook his hand.
Jonathan Winston never flinched and his smile remained in place as he moved very close to Vinnie, nearly touching him.
The look on Baratto's face showed he bought every word Jonathan Winston was saying.
Jonathan Winston was sure to ask.
Rita would convey the message to Jonathan Winston as well allowing Dean to temporarily duck having to explain to the FBI why he played cowboy and lost the tail instead of getting the plate number.
When Dean replaced the phone and glanced up, the tall figure of Jonathan Winston was standing next to his desk, smiling down and, as usual, impeccably dressed.
Jonathan Winston pulled Baratto away, and turned to give Dean a scathing look that said It's your fault for not keeping your mouth shut.
He was already topping Jonathan Winston's list by even suggesting a connection between Byrne and the money.
Jonathan Winston said there wasn't a forwarding notice on file under Cleary or Corbin.
There was no stopping the chaos that reigned over the entire Parkside Police Department until Wednesday when in rode federal agent Jonathan Winston.
Jonathan was a prince to behold, suave beyond description, and with silver-tongued oratory, he calmed the fears of an entire city.
Jonathan Winston accepted the thanks of the officers with his usual grace and dignity.
Jonathan continued, We called Atherton's partner, your friend Ethel Rosewater—ran her down at a house party in the Hamptons.
Dean located Jonathan Winston and related what Fred had seen but it was clear the FBI officer doubted the identification and gave only a cursory nod and a promise to look into it.
Jonathan Winston will be getting a medal.
There, standing silhouetted in the brightness behind him stood the pride of the FBI, Jonathan Winston.
Jonathan Winston looked at Dean for a long minute before continuing.
You really are a bastard, Jonathan.
Jonathan sighed and shook his head.
Jonathan looked at him for several moments, recognizing Dean was serious.
Jonathan dangled a second pair of handcuffs in front of Dean.
Jonathan secured his wrist, shook a pillow from its case and pulled the cloth over Dean's head.
If Jonathan Winston is still around, tell him where I went.
Aren't you afraid Jonathan Winston might show up?
I'm a bit fuzzy on some of the details but I'm sure Jeffrey Byrne is dead and you played his part so well, even Jonathan Winston never considered he was chasing someone else.
I spoke with a lot of people who knew Jeffrey Byrne— Jonathan Winston didn't.
Jonathan Winston burst into the room and both men fired simultaneously.
Mr. Jonathan Winston had to back up a step or two and wipe the egg off his face when he realized I saved his bacon after he nearly let a killer get away.
Their house guest turned out to be a sandy-haired boy named Jonathan.
Jonathan's interest in horses was genuine.
As they walked down the hill, Jonathan made a detour to the Oak tree and she called him back.
They crossed the field, stopping at the pond when Jonathan insisted on watching the wild ducks.
Turning from the window, she spotted Jonathan climbing the stairs.
If she had been alone, she might have taken a chance crossing the field, but not with Jonathan.
Carmen looked away and Jonathan climbed up on the porch, lowering himself into the swing.
Jonathan slid off the swing and took a short cut through the house to the chicken coup.
Jonathan burst through the door and stopped abruptly on the porch, staring at Josh.
Carmen tried to put herself between Josh and Jonathan, but before she realized what he was doing, Jonathan darted between them and pushed Josh.
Carmen sat down on the swing with Jonathan, and Lori turned to watch the drive again.
Carmen put an arm around Jonathan.
They joined Jonathan on the porch and headed for the barn.
He glanced down at Jonathan and covered the boy's eyes.
Alex shook his head no and spoke for Jonathan's ears.
Jonathan pealed Alex's hands off his eyes.
Alex squeezed Jonathan's shoulder.
Jonathan was supposed to go back to his foster family next week.
They were both going to miss Jonathan, but especially Alex.
Father and son couldn't have been closer than Alex and Jonathan.
It was Jonathan who finally named the foal.
It came as no surprise when Alex approached her about adopting Jonathan.
They were feeding the horses and Jonathan was out exercising Dawn.
Jonathan has to go back day after tomorrow.
Anyway, there was the matter of being able to keep Jonathan.
I want to adopt Jonathan, but I'm afraid of losing him.
We've lost one child already and I don't think I could stand losing Jonathan as well.
Who's going to watch Jonathan?
If she didn't face that nagging fear, she was going to lose the two people she cared about most — Alex and Jonathan.
Jonathan didn't know what to think, but he was picking up on Alex's concern.
Vaguely, she was aware when Alex lay the book aside and left Jonathan.
Jonathan reached out and handed her the tiny booties.
Let's not let them take Jonathan away.
Jonathan climbed onto the window seat with them and wrapped his arms around them.
Alex and Jonathan were asleep when she left the house.
Retracing her steps to the house, she found Alex and Jonathan preparing breakfast.
She left the table, wondering if it was something about Jonathan.