Joking Sentence Examples
I'm not joking, I'm talking sense.
Maybe he was only joking – or trying to see how I would react.
Her friend hadn't been joking about her being considered petite and unique.
Was she joking or not?
He wasn't joking about keeping her.
They were all joking, of course, but how much would Alex change once they exchanged vows?
He was joking, of course.
You've got to be joking - the house overlooking yours.
She relaxed some over dinner, even joking with her cousins.
Yes, he was joking, and she had referred to him as a Texan many times.
AdvertisementHe was joking, of course, but it was nice to think someone enjoyed her weird sense of humor.
Katie almost laughed at the oddity of his words. He didn't seem to be joking, but she couldn't see his face to tell one way or another.
She prayed he was joking about GPS tracking.
He was joking about the fact that you don't accept joint ownership of anything.
They'd been joking and sparring and having a good time.
AdvertisementThe three of them were laughing and joking while they put the stanchion together when Alex came into the barn.
That he was joking, she had no doubt.
You're only joking, I'm afraid-- Just wait till I am bigger.
I say, Father, joking apart, is she very hideous?
Despite their pale swollen faces and tattered uniforms, the hussars formed line for roll call, kept things in order, groomed their horses, polished their arms, brought in straw from the thatched roofs in place of fodder, and sat down to dine round the caldrons from which they rose up hungry, joking about their nasty food and their hunger.
AdvertisementAll these conversations, especially the joking with the girls, were such as might have had a particular charm for Petya at his age, but they did not interest him now.
She was just joking around, you know.
He thought she was joking but when she returned with a full pint of vodka, he realized she was serious.
You weren.t joking.
When she first said it, he thought she was joking.
AdvertisementI was joking about being afraid of assuming his debts.
She laughed then realized he wasn't joking.
Tell me you're joking!
Maybe he was only joking – or trying to see how I would react.
He was laughing and joking about the events on the Friday and has remained cheerful during his illness.
As soon as he sank into his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margaux he was surrounded, and talking, disputing, and joking began.
Joking is one way to relieve tensions and show how ridiculous some jokes are.
Avoid joking about anything that might be mistaken for an insult.
In addition to these affronts upon the state religion, he insulted the intelligence of the community by horseplay of the wildest description and by childish practical joking.
Joking aside I found it an interesting read, especially in how he manages his tasks and overcomes issues like staying focused.
He had mood swings, some days he was a model patient joking with the nurses.
Becky wore red tights, which gave me ideas about future Park stage shows... Only joking.
He was one of the executors of Edward IV.'s will in 1483, and the story of the future Richard III., while preparing Morton's arrest, joking with him about the strawberries the bishop grew in his garden at Holborn is well known and apparently authentic. Oxford University in vain petitioned for Morton's release, and after some weeks in the Tower he was entrusted to the duke of Buckingham's charge at Brecknock.
I answered that I was very sure I liked it passably well; I was not joking.
It was all my fault, and Andrew was only joking.
Natasha, I don't believe you, you're joking!
Two young citizens were joking with some serf girls who were cracking nuts.
However, MTV was forced to retract the story, noting that Spiegel had failed to mention that he was joking.
The act of venting, communicating or simply joking with a friend can relieve stress, provide a different outlook and simply relieve the mind.
I'm not sure if he actually got the hint or he just thought that I was joking.
I took a chance to go on the show when a bunch of my friends and I were watching last season and just joking around; we were saying that we could do a better job than the girls on the show.
Well, when asked about her promise, not so much as smooch a boy (or girl) and only her cat, Kitty Purry, she replied that she was just joking.
All joking aside, you can bet Tiger wishes it was five years from now and this whole scandal was nothing but a nightmarish memory.
She even mentioned getting lipolysis before the Oscars, yet when she followed it up saying she was also embarking on a rigid diet regime along with a light English accent and eyeglasses, it was clear she was joking.
At first I thought he was joking and I laughed.
All joking aside, spiral perms are still in style and making a major comeback thanks to pop starlet Taylor Swift.
It does not refer to normal teasing or joking around between employees, nor does this label apply to incidents that are isolated in nature.
The flipside of this is that not every birthday boy or girl is in the mood for joking.
Even the executives who presented the show when the news first came out were joking about the concept.
Then I say five positive affirmations, walk widdershins three times around the desk and meditate before my potted plant . . . OK, I'm joking.
At first I told them I couldn’t take on this job because people would think I was joking, because here is Uhura from the future and I am gonna tell these kids to join NASA.
We have a Justice League vibe, we are always joking.
I'm joking about that. Not about the quick death, though.
I was only joking.
If he is more vindictive than joking about it, he may not.
Be careful not to take any sign of joking as a sign of interest.
While a lot of fun is poked at men and women who reach middle age, cheating because of it is no joking matter.
Scary videos of authentic ghosts shatter all of those things that used to bring us comfort as children, so many people resort to belittling the evidence or joking about the phenomenon.