Joins Sentence Examples
Here the road joins the railway line through the tunnel, which is 124 m.
The Ballycastle railway joins the main line here.
The Nera, which rises in the lofty group of the Monte della Sibilla, is a considerable stream, and brings with it the waters of the Velino (with its tributaries the Turano and the Salto), which joins it a few miles below its celebrated waterfall at Terni.
The Am, the, Sane (which rises in the Faucilles and in the lower part of its course skirting the regions of Bresse and Dombes, receives the Doubs and joins the Rhone at Lyons), the Ardche and the Gard are the affluents on the right; on the left it is joined by the Arve, the Isre, the Drme and the Durance.
The principal affluents are the AriCge, the Tarn with the Aveyron and the Agout, the Lot and the Dordogne, which descends from Mont Dore-lesBains, and joins the Garonne at Bec-dAmbez, to form the Gironde.
Its affluents are, on the right, the Aube; the Marne, which joins the Seine at Charenton near Paris; the Oise, which has its source in Belgium and is enlarged by the Aisne; and the Epte; on the left the Yonne, the Loing, the Essonne, the Eure and the RUle.
If the owner is a married man, he cannot sell or mortgage it, except for the purchase money, unless his wife joins him in the execution.
It collects nearly all the drainage of the Udaipur plateau with that of the eastern slopes and hill-tracts of the Aravallis, and joins the Chambal a little beyond the northeastern extremity of the Bundi state, after a course of about 300 m.
The conditions permit of the circulation of the alternating currents of low periodicity, which are used for operating the bells, but in respect of the battery the circuit is open until the subscriber lifts the receiver, when the hook switch, thus released, joins the transmitter with one winding of an induction coil in series across the circuit.
The east and north parts lie in the basin of the river Fulda, which near the north-eastern boundary joins with the Werra to form the Weser.
AdvertisementIts principal tributary is the Sieve, which joins it at Pontassieve, bringing down the waters of the Val di Mugello.
Musselburgh joins with Leith and Portobello (the Leith Burghs) in returning one member to parliament.
In other cases the trace passes inwards and joins the central hydrom strand, so that a connected water-conducting system between stem and leaf is established.
Sometimes in such cases the cambium ceases to be active round these bays and joins across the outside of the bay, where it resumes its normal activity, thus isolating a phtoem strand, or, as it is sometimes called, a phloem -island, in the midst of the xylem.
The Phoenicians are the earliest Mediterranean people in the consecutive chain of geographical discovery which joins prehistoric time with the present.
AdvertisementHere the Belikh (Bilechas) joins the Euphrates, flowing southward through the biblical Aram Naharaim from Urfa (Edessa) and Harran (Carrhae); and from this point to el-IKaim four days' below Deir, the course of the river is south-easterly.
The Nahr Malk or royal river, modern Radhwaniya, leaves the Euphrates five leagues below this and joins the Tigris three leagues below Ctesiphon; while the Kutha, modern Habl-Ibrahim, leaving the Euphrates three leagues below the Malk joins the Tigris ten leagues below Ctesiphon.
At Nasrieh the Shattel-Hal, at one time the bed of the Tigris, and still navigable during the greater part of the year, joins the Euphrates.
The point where it joins the other part is marked by a piece of bunting, and the line from this point towards its other end is marked at known intervals with "knots," which consist of pieces of cord worked in between its strands.
The Duobe rises at the back of the Satro Mountains and flows nearly parallel with the Cavalla, which it joins.
AdvertisementFrom this an equally slender tube proceeds, which joins its fellow of the opposite side, and the two form a thick, walled tube, which opens on to the exterior within the bursa copulatrix through which the penis protrudes.
In this Annelid later the sac in question joins its fellow, passing beneath the nerve cord exactly as in the leech, and also grows out to reach the exterior.
The united river flows north to Grimma and thence past Wurzen, Eilenburg and Bitterfeld to Dessau, where it joins the Elbe.
This, with the exception of a brief tenure of Cremona (1499-1512), formed her permanent territory down to the fall of the republic. Her frontiers now ran from the seacoast near Monfalcone, following the line of the Carnic and Julian and Raetian Alps to the Adda, down the course of that river till it joins the Po, and thence along the line of the Po back to the sea.
Among the Zulu the spirits of the dead are held to be friendly or hostile, just as they were in life; on the Congo a man after death joins the good or bad spirits according as his life has been good or bad.
AdvertisementIn the breeding season the male spins a bell or thimble near that of the female and joins the two by means of a silken passage.
After approaching its south-west extremity it abandons the broad valley which leads to the lake, and makes its way northwards through a narrow gap in the mountains and joins the Angara at Irkutsk.
It takes a north-easterly course as far as the city of Ninguta, at which point it turns northward, and so continues until it joins the Sungari at San-sing.
From the slopes of the Maluti descend many streams, the largest being the Kornet Spruit, which joins the Senku and other torrents from the Drakensberg to form the upper Orange.
A railway joins it to Alexandria.
Borrowdale is joined on the east by the bare wild dale of Langstrath, and the Greta joins the Derwent immediately below Derwentwater; the town of Keswick lying near the junction.
A separate stratum in the Gilgamesh epic is formed by the story of Eabani - introduced as the friend of Gilgamesh, who joins him in his adventures.
Ruysch (1508) returns to the old idea, and even joins Greenland (Gruenlant) to eastern Asia.
Suez is supplied with water by the fresh-water canal, which starts from the Nile at Cairo and is terminated at Suez by a lock which, north of the town, joins it to the gulf.
A still more vital contrast occurs concerning the place of sacrificing the Passover; as enjoined in Deuteronomy this is to be by the males of the family at Jerusalem, whereas both in the presumably earlier Yahwist and in the later Priestly Code the whole household joins in the festival which can be celebrated wherever the Israelites are settled.
This range sends a branch northward which joins the Mejerda range of the Maritime Atlas, and another branch runs south by Gafsa to the Gulf of Gabes.
East of the Allier is the Bebre, which joins the Loire within the limits of the department; and on the west the Cher, with its tributary the Aumance.
Beyond Khush Yailak (meaning "pleasant summer quarters"), with an elevation of 10,000 ft., are the Kuh i Buhar (8000) and Kuh i Suluk (8000), which latter joins the Ala Dagh (1r,000).
Then it diverges northwards into the lateral valley of the Raka, until the Raka joins the Brahmaputra below Janglache.
On issuing from the Lake of Zurich the Linth alters its name to that of "Limmat," it does not appear wherefore, and, keeping the north-westerly direction it had taken from the Walensee, joins the Aar a little way below Brugg, and just below the junction of the Reuss with the Aar.
The Windrush I joins from the north (left).
Of these southern rivers the chief are the Kraai, which joins the Orange near Aliwal North, the Stormberg and the Zeekoe (Sea Cow), the last named having a length of 120 m.
At Little Dunkeld, almost opposite to Dunkeld, the Bran joins the Tay, after a run of 11 m.
It takes its rise at Manoharpur in the territory of Jaipur, and flowing eastward passes through the heart of the Bharatpur state, and joins the Jamna below Agra.
The Ingwangwane rises in the Drakensberg south of the Umzimkulu, which it joins after a course of some 50 m.
On the other hand, as the first to formulate the ontological argument (in his Proslogion) for the existence of God, he joins hands with some of the profoundest names in modern philosophy.
In its lower course it meanders through pleasant pastures, bogland and pine forests in succession, receives the waters of various mountain streams, passes close by Bunzlau and through Sagan, and finally, after a course of 160 m., joins the Oder at Crossen.
The main deposits of alluvium occur below Lambeth and Westminster, and in the valley of the Wandle, which joins the Thames from the south near Putney.
The straight highway from the northwest which as Edgware Road joins Oxford Street at the Marble Arch (the north-eastern entrance to Hyde Park) is coincident with the Roman Watling Street.
The Umgavuma which rises in Swaziland and also pierces the Lebombo, joins the Pongola about ten miles above its confluence with the Maputa.
The Tonj, the most westerly of these rivers, joins the Jur a little above its confluence with the Ghazal.
The Rohl (or Yalo), farther east, empties into a wide channel known as Khor Deleb, which joins the Ghazal some 9 m.
The Egyptian pilgrim route from Cairo, across the Sinai peninsula and down the Midian coast to El Wijh, joins the Syrian route at Badr Hunen.
The second railway connects the capital with the frontier of Algeria, where, at Suk Ahras, it joins the main line to Constantine, Algiers, &c. This line was built by the Bone-Guelma Company.
The Pozuzu, flowing eastward from the Knot of Cerro Pasco, joins the Pachitea, which is the most important northern affluent of the Ucayali.
The south-west line of the Madras railway runs through the district, and the South Indian railway (of metre gauge) joins this at Erode.
A branch from Omagh joins the Dublin line to Goraghwood, and from this line there is a branch to Newry in Co.
Having returned to its predominant direction, it turns W.N.W., and passing FUrstenwalde and KUpenick threads Berlin in several arms, and joins the Havel at Spandau.
On the south of the plateau we find a similar succession of narrow valleys dividing parallel flexures, or anticlinals, formed under similar geological conditions to those which appear to be universally applicable to the Himalaya, the Hindu Kush, and the Indus frontier mountain systems. From one of these long lateral valleys the Hari Rud receives its principal tributary, which joins the main river below Obeh, 180 m.
Continuing southwards the rise joins the Azores Plateau, which has in parts a very marked relief, and runs thence southward almost exactly in the middle of the ocean, becoming gradually lower as it goes.
For convenience in reading, the tube is graduated inverted, and when it is restored to its original position the mercury thread joins again and it acts as before.
The Sure or Sauer, the most important stream in the duchy, rises at Vaux-les-Rosieres in Belgian Luxemburg, crosses the duchy, and forms the eastern boundary from the confluence of the Our till it joins the Moselle after a course of 50 m., during which it receives the Wiltz, Attert, Alzette, White and Black Ernz, &c. The soil of Luxemburg is generally good; the southern districts are on the whole the most fertile as well as the most populous.
It is the centre of the whole northern and eastern canal systems, and by means of the short canal, the Willemsvaart, which joins the Zwarte Water and the Ysel, has regular steamboat communication with Kampen and Amsterdam.
The principal exception is the Zatas or Sorraia, which, rising in the Serra d'Ossa, flows westwards across the plateau of Alemtejo, and joins the Mar de Pedro.
Hollingbourne come Westwell, Eastwell, Boughton Aluph, Godmersham, Chilham Castle, and then at Harbledown, where are the remains of the Hospice of St Nicholas, the road joins Watling Street, by which came the main stream of pilgrims from London, the North and the Midlands.
To the west of this stream and almost parallel with it is the James or Dakota river, which rises in North Dakota and follows a general course southward until it joins the Missouri river near Yankton.
Of the rest, whose personalities are less known to us, Papias shares Polycarp's qualities and their limitations, the anonymous homilist and Hermas are marked by intense moral earnestness, while the writer to Diognetus joins to this a profound religious insight.
From Okla the canal follows the high land between the Khari-nadi and the Jumna, and finally joins the Banganga river about 20 m.
From Saalberg the Saale enters the dreary limestone formation of Thuringia, sweeps beneath the barren, conical hills lying opposite to the university town of Jena, passes the pleasant watering-place of Kosen, washes numerous vine-clad hills and, after receiving at Naumburg the deep and navigable Unstrut, flows past Weissenfels, Merseburg, Halle, Bernburg and Kalbe, and joins the Elbe just above Barby, after traversing a distance of 226 m.
It has many affluents; the largest, the Isser (70 m.), joins it on the east bank about 30 m.
Chimay is situated on a stream called the White Water, which in its lower course becomes the Viroin and joins the Meuse.
The New Testament joins on not to the post-exile prophets, who are only faint echoes of earlier seers, but to Jeremiah's great idea of the new covenant in which God's law is written on the individual heart, and the community of faith is the fellowship of all to whom He has thus spoken.
In this patchwork the joins are everywhere still clearly to be recognized.
It is an important left bank tributary of the Danube, rising in the Franconian plateau (Frankische Terrasse), and after a tortuous course of 116 m., at times flowing through meadows and again in weird romantic gorges, joins the Danube at Kelheim.
This is well shown in the falls of the Potomac a few miles above Washington; in the rapids 01 the lower Susquehanna; and in the falls of the Schuylkill, a branch which joins the Delaware at Philadelphia, where the water-power has long been used in extensive factories.
Syracuse is served by the New York Central & Hudson River, the West Shore, and the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railways, by the Erie Canal and the Oswego Canal, which joins the Erie within the city limits, and by several electric inter-urban lines.
The right and left hepatic ducts, while still in the transverse fissure, unite into a single duct which joins the cystic duct from the gall bladder at an acute angle.
A pair of genital apertures, connected by genital ducts with the paired gonads, are found right and left near the nephridial pores, except in a few cases where the genital duct joins that of the renal organ (Spondylus).
Aperture by which the left auricle joins the ventricle.
The valley of the Irwell, now largely occupied by factories, separates the higher ground of Broughton from that of Pendleton, and is flattest at the south where it joins the Manchester boundary.
At the other extremity of Salford it joins the borough of Eccles.
The "line of apsides" is that which joins them, forming the major axis of the orbit.
The fifth is that known to the English as the Fosse, which joins Lincoln and Leicester with Cirencester, Bath and Exeter.
It is an important stream, which, running south-west, joins the Orinoco about 90 m.
An important trade road starts from Likiang Fu in Yunnan, and by way of Chung-tien (Guiedam of the French missionaries) joins the Gyalam at Batang.
Thence it curves southwest, past Potsdam and Brandenburg, traversing another chain of lakes, and finally continues north-west until it joins the Elbe from the right some miles above Wittenberge after a total course of 221 m.
It joins the Kabul river a few miles below the city of Kabul.
This ebb continues, and, combined with the progressive narrowing of the molten lake as more and more of it solidifies and joins the shore layers, gives rise to the pipe, a cavity like an inverted pear, as shown at C in fig.
If the colour were less motley and the joins between the skins could be made less noticeable, it would be largely in demand for stoles, ties and muffs.
This, like its other affluents, the Byelaya (155 m.), Urup, and Great and Little Zelenchuk, joins it from the left.
The Hindus assert that the stream joins the other two rivers underground, and in a subterraneous temple below the fort a little moisture trickling from the rocky walls is pointed out as the waters of the Saraswati.
The Pilica, which joins the Vistula from the left 30 m.
On issuing from its south-eastern or Lecco arm, it crosses the plain of Lombardy, and finally, after a course of about 150 m., joins the Po, 8 m.
Its total length is I 750 m., and the Bavarian frontier at Passau, where the Inn joins it, is only 350 m.
It is doubtful whether the ancient Arachotus is to be identified with the Arghandab or with its chief confluent the Tarnak, which joins it on the left about 30 m.
Two bridges, opened in 1908, connect Old Cairo with Roda, and a third bridge joins Roda to Giza on the west bank of the river.
They are the termination of a stony plateau, containing several small oases, which southward joins the more arid and uninhabitable wastes of the Libyan Desert.
But at the foot of the mountain this stream bifurcates in the swamps which lie to the west of Chakmaktin, and part of its waters find their way eastwards into the lake, and part flow away westwards into the Ab-i-Panja, which joins the Pamir river from Lake Victoria at Kala Panja.
Eighty-five miles north of Ishkashim, at Kala Wamar, the river which rises in the Little Pamir, and which is called Aksu, Murghab, or Bartang, joins the Oxus from the east.
Another of about equal length, starting from the same, central water-parting of this mountain block, and included within the Oxus bend, follows a transverse direction at almost right angles to the Shiwa, and joins the Oxus valley near its debouchment into the more open Kolab plains, where the course of the Oxus has again assumed a direction parallel to the mountain strike.
In 1890 the Sanitary District of Chicago undertook the construction of a canal from Chicago to Joliet, where the new canal joins the Illinois & Michigan canal; this canal is 24 ft.
It derives its importance from the river, which is navigable and joins the Oginsky canal, connecting the Niemen with the Dnieper.
The chief valleys of this region are the Nahr Na'aman and its branches, which runs into the sea south of Acre, and the Wadi Mukatta`, or Kishon, which joins the sea at Haifa.
From Nushki it crosses the Helmund desert, touching the crest of a well-defined mountain watershed for a great part of the way, and, leaving Chagai to Baluchistan, it strikes nearly west to the Persian frontier, and joins it on the Koh-i-Malik Siah mountain, south of Seistan.
The latter joins the Ghorband close to Charikar.
Retiring on the night of May 29, the troops that were to fall back upon Pria Fora lost their way in the dark and kept too far south, halting on Monte Ciove, the ridge that joins Pria Fora to Monte Novegno and Monte Brazome.
Subject and predicate not already seen to be conjoined must be severally known to be in relation with that which joins them, so that more than one direct conjunction must be given.
After a low interval it springs up again at its southern extremity in the lofty sharp-peaked ridge of Ala Dagh (11,000 ft.), and finally joins Taurus.
Its tributaries are the Pursak Su (Tembris), which has its source in the Murad Dagh (Dindymus), and, after running north to Eski-shehr, flows almost due east to the Sakaria, and the Enguri Su, which joins the Sakaria a little below the junction of the `Pursak.
The line of the equinoxes is the imaginary diameter of the celestial sphere which joins them.
It may be remarked that since this line joins homologous points of two similar rows it will envelope a parabola.
The railway from Sulmona follows the Pescara valley and joins the coast line to Brindisi at Pescara.
The stream next in importance is the Pecos river, which rises in Mora county and flows southward into Texas, where it joins the Rio Grande.
The Usk (56 m.) flows through Breconshire, and joins the Bristol Channel at Newport in Monmouthshire.
The population is about 11,000; 8000 being Moslems, the remainder Christians, Jews, &c. It was long regarded as the "Key of Palestine," on account of its commanding position on the shore of the broad plain that joins the inland plain of Esdraelon, and so affords the easiest entrance to the interior of the country.
It runs north from Stockholm roughly parallel with the east coast, throwing off branches to the chief seaports, and also a branch from Bracke to Ostersund and Storlien, where it joins a line from Trondhjem in Norway.
At Boden the main line joins a line originally built to connect the iron-mines of Gellivara with the port of Lulea; the system is continued past Gellivara to Narvik on the Ofoten Fjord in Norway, this being far north of the Arctic Circle, and the line the most northerly in the world.
In England every constable when he joins the force makes a declaration and swears that he will serve the sovereign loyally and diligently, and so acquires the rights and privileges of a peace officer of and for the Crown.
The principal rivers of the province are the Si-kiang, the Pei-kiang, or North River, which rises in the mountains to the north of the province, and after a southerly course joins the Si-kiang at San-shui Hien; the Tung-kiang, or East River, which, after flowing in a south-westerly direction from its source in the north-east of the province, empties itself into the estuary which separates the city of Canton from the sea; and the Han River, which runs a north and south course across the eastern portion of the province, taking its rise in the mountains on the western frontier of Fu-kien and emptying itself into the China Sea in the neighbourhood of Swatow.
The Wanje or upper Kittam joins this creek, and is also connected with Lake Mabessi, a sheet of water adjacent to Lake Kasse.
It joins the Moa within Sierra Leone.
Finally it joins the Jhelum at Trimmu.
Here, again, Butler joins issue with his opponents.
The northern tributaries of the Gilgit river, which joins the Indus near its south-westerly bend towards the Punjab, take their rise from a glacier system which is probably unequalled in the world for its extent and magnificent proportions.
From this lake issues the Biya, which joins the Katun at Biysk, and then meanders through the beautiful prairies of the north-west of the Altai.
The Kwei-kiang, on the other hand, takes a southerly course, and passes the cities of Kwei-lin, Yang-so Hien, ring-le Fu, Chao-Ong Hien, and so finds its way to Wu-chow Fu, where it joins the waters of the Si-kiang.
The stream Colwyn joins the Gwynnant.
The east coast faces the shallow North Sea, which widens from the point where it joins the Channel to 375 m.
Subsequently an alternative route out of London was constructed between Neasden and Northolt, where it joins another line, of the Great Western railway, from Acton, and continues as a line held jointly by the two companies through Beaconsfield and High Wycombe.
The new building, the shell of which was completed in 1906, faces the Rettifilo, a new wide street which leads from the Borsa in a straight line to the railway station; at the back it joins the former building, which is at a higher level.
The northern flows almost due west, and joins the Lek (Rhine) above Rotterdam, and enters the North Sea at the Hook of Holland.
Andorra is surrounded by mountains, and comprises one main valley, watered by the Gran Balira, Valira or Balire, a tributary of the Segre, which itself flows into the Ebro; with several smaller valleys, the most important being that of the Balira del Orien, which joins the Gran Balira on the left.
The Komsberg range, which joins the Nieuwveld on the east, sweeps from the south to the north-west and is followed by the Roggeveld mountains, which face the western seaboard.
The Doom, a stream with a somewhat parallel but more easterly course, joins the Olifants about 50 m.
The tale, as told in the 1476 chronicle, is clearly an interpolation, for it comes immediately after a distinct statement that "God had helped the Confederates, and that with great labour they had defeated the knights and Duke Leopold," while the passage immediately following joins on to the former quite naturally if we strike out the episode of the "true man," who is not even called Winkelried.
The main portion consists of the valley of the Arkavati river, which joins the Cauvery on the southern frontier.
The guns of Gallipoli command the Dardanelles just before the strait joins the Sea of Marmora.
The Nive, a beautiful river of the Basque country, takes its rise in Spain; after flowing past St Jean-Pied-de-Port, formerly capital of French Navarre and fortified by Vauban to guard the pass of Roncevaux, it joins the Adour at Bayonne.
Even in our own time, popular Protestant evangelicalism joins with the newer emphasis upon conversion the two great early Protestant appeals - to Atonement and to infallible Scripture.
It was probably at one time an island; this was Strabo's opinion, and at the present day the ground which joins it to the mainland is low and swampy, and seems to have been formed by alluvial soil brought down by the Cephisus.
The Tauber in the north-east joins the Main; the Argen and Schussen in the south enter the lake of Constance.
Siena stands on a branch leaving the Florence-Pisa line at Empoli and running through the centre of Tuscany to Chiusi, where it joins the Florence-Rome railway.
In the south it joins the Peak of Bonthain, or Lompo-battang, a great volcanic mass 10,088 ft.
Each tiny alveolus is surrounded by a network of capillaries that joins veins and arteries.
Gilbert Vincent, very young at the time, joins the army to serve in India.
The 4 Marys withdraw as Darnley joins Mary, walks down the center, he showing arrogance, she displeasure.
The enzyme DNA polymerase joins the new nucleotides to each other by strong covalent bonds, forming the sugar-phosphate backbone.
You will often see a barracuda or three patrolling the bottom of the reef where it joins the sand.
All the cars ' ceiling panels have been fitted, and a start has been made on fitting the aluminum beading over the joins.
The Born Free Foundation joins the RSPCA call for captive breeding programs to end.
Kiania's tortie cat With a deft leap, Sier joins you in the fountain!
Pons - the part of the brainstem that joins the hemispheres of the cerebellum and connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum.
To be a you everyone for the last weekend bill Clinton joins.
Page 387, fourth paragraph, lines 3-4 The earlier query did not lose it's joins predicate tho transitive closure - so.. .
Back into the band comes Jonathan Hammond, previously our soprano cornet player, who now joins on the front row.
The main contractor joins the project team, working closely with the design team, prior to construction during the design team, prior to construction during the design phase.
Graham joins from TBWA London where he has been deputy creative director since 2004.
Loop line A secondary railroad route which diverges from a main route, and then joins the main route again at another location.
A new enthusiastic young writer joins the staff of jaded hacks each with their own eccentricity.
The grinder quot show based on adobe joins a by wpt enterprises.
Richard joins Whitburn from Bon Accord Band in Aberdeen, where he played principal euphonium for a number of years.
And now the new Focus ST joins them with its own special brand of driving exhilaration.
A bouncing, rhythmic text with an irresistible refrain joins forces with wildly exuberant illustration to create a jolly romp of a picture book.
And as sportswear brands face flack from Oxfam over labor issues, budget clothing retailer Primark joins the Ethical Trading Initiative.
Most fish have gill slits on the sides where the head joins the body.
The workings occur all along the base of the downs, where the narrow strip of upper greensand joins the chalk.
It joins historic Sherwood Forest in the Northeast and curves round to Attenborough in the southwest.
En route, an old acquaintance joins the train, carrying a holdall full of stolen goods.
Mark Stallard joins The imps on a two year contract from League Two rivals Shrewsbury Town.
The joins are virtually invisible on the playing surface.
She joins their Raughton herd at the end of her 2nd lactation and sold in calf to a sexed Principal service.
The road then descends slightly to where a narrow lane joins from the left.
Weedy barber joins Keep Fit campaign to impress pretty manicurist.
August 2002 Global Web Limited joins the e-Learning Alliance Global Web Limited is pleased to become a founding member of the Scottish e-Learning Alliance.
The bypass makes its way downhill where the A417 joins us from the left for a short multiplex.
The religious believer joins in similar communal rites, thus accepting the " universal neurosis " of religion.
A 64-bit os for Your 64-bit Machine The dual-core PowerPC G5 joins forces with Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger to enable 64-bit computing.
To aida cruises joins built pacific of simply seven.
In the autumn, Europe's smallest sea bird, the storm petrel, joins the throng.
By the time she joins the pilgrimage, she is on the lookout for number six.
It joins the newly established UGC complex on St Mary Anne Street drawing the punters away from the bay.
For a circle of radius r a circle of radius r we wish to locate it so that it smoothly joins the straight sections of the corner.
The Childrenâs Theater Group joins with members of the Senior Theater Group to present this razzle-dazzle musical with a bright, infectious score!
Feb. 5, 1891 - Rhodes joins his group from Oxford with a similar group from Cambridge headed by ardent social reformer William Stead.
The path soon joins the river bank where you will find quaking grass, betony and common restharrow.
Trace Goldsmith joins our growing roster of Cornish artists.
Despite her parents ' opposition, Jess joins a ladies football team and gets spotted by a talent scout.
When Van Meter's nephew, Bobby Keogh joins sis and becomes Perry's partner, the stakes are raised.
Adam joins us after a brief spell at London Welsh.
The internal urethral sphincter is found where the urethra joins the base of the bladder.
The 24-year old joins former teammate Gareth Taylor at Prenton Park and becomes Tranmere's ninth signing of the summer.
American Airlines joins these four on the shortlist for the prestigious title of ' Airline of the Year 2003 ' .
Everyone who joins this round-the-world yacht race has a reason for doing it.
The other, which begins where the earthwork stops, is a wall, though not a very formidable wall, of stone, the Teufelsmauer; it runs roughly east and west parallel to the Danube, which it finally joins at Heinheim near Regensburg.
In its descriptions of the various courts on their way to the palace, and of the poet's adventures - first, when he incautiously slanders the court of Venus, and later when after his pardon he joins in the procession and passes to see the glories of the palace - the poem carries on the literary traditions of the courts of love, as shown especially in the "Romaunt of the Rose" and "The Hous of Fame."
A point of great importance is to be noted in the attachment of the gills near the stem at 0, P; the gills in the true mushroom are (as shown) usually more or less free from the stem, they never grow boldly against it or run down it; they may sometimes just touch the spot where the stem joins the bottom of the cap, but never more; there is usually a slight channel, as at r, all round the top of the stem.
This portion, morphologically the original, was named the " accessory semitendinosus " with the symbol Y; the other portion descends on the hinder aspect of the leg and joins the fascia of the inner femoral head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
The division of Dacca occupies the delta of the Brahmaputra, where it joins the main stream of the Ganges.
The principal centres in the Lake District are Keswick (Derwentwater), Ambleside, Bo*ness, Windermere and Lakeside (Windermere), Coniston and Boot (Eskdale), all of which, except Ambleside and Bowness (which nearly joins Windermere) are accessible by rail.
The Barry line from Barry dock joins the Great Western and Taff Vale railways at Cardiff, and the Cardiff Railway Company (which owns all the docks) has a line from Pontypridd via Llanishen to the docks.
The Woking, Aldershot and Basingstoke canal joins the Wey, but is little used.
The united stream now turns east and joins the Ghazal through a lake-like expansion (see below).
To these the lark, hibari (Alauda japonica), joins its voice, and the cooing of the pigeon (hato) is supplemented by the twittering of the ubiquitous sparrow (suzume)
Its station is a terminus on the Barry railway, which starts at Hafod in the Rhondda Valley, where it joins the Taff Vale railway, having also junctions with the same line for Aberdare and Merthyr at Treforest, and for Cardiff and Penarth at Cogan, and with the Great Western main line at Peterstone and St Fagans.
Either husband or wife may hold, manage and dispose of his or her separate property independent of the other, but property which they hold in common is under the management and control of the husband except that he cannot devise by will more than one-half of the community real or personal property, or convey, mortgage or encumber any of the community real estate unless his wife joins him.
The Little Stour joins the Great Stour in these lowlands from a deep vale among the Downs.
Another road starts from Sung-pan in north-western Szechuen, and, by way of the sources of the Yellow River, joins the Gya-lam at Chiamdo; it is little used, as it passes through the country of the wild marauding .Golok.
On the last day, which should be that terminating with the eve of Friday, or of Monday, the bride is taken in procession to the bridegrooms house, accompanied by her female friends, and a band of musicians, jugglers, wrestlers, &c. As before stated, a boy about to be circumcised joins in such a procession, or, frequently, a succession of such boys.
Some of the larger tributaries of these rivers, whose economic value has been equally great, are the Mapocho, which flows through Santiago and enters the Maipo from the north; the turbulent Cachapoal, which joins the Rapel from the north; the Claro, which waters an extensive part of the province of Talca and enters the Maule from the north; the Nuble, which rises in the higher Andes north of the peaks of Chillan and flows entirely across the province of Nuble to join the Itata on its western frontier; the Laja, which rises in a lake of the same name near the Argentine frontier in about lat.
If Prussia joins the Allies, Austria's hand will be forced and there will be war.
Wheels creak on their axles as the cogs engage one another and the revolving pulleys whirr with the rapidity of their movement, but a neighboring wheel is as quiet and motionless as though it were prepared to remain so for a hundred years; but the moment comes when the lever catches it and obeying the impulse that wheel begins to creak and joins in the common motion the result and aim of which are beyond its ken.
For a circle of radius r we wish to locate it so that it smoothly joins the straight sections of the corner.
The Childrenâs Theater Group joins with members of the Senior Theater Group to present this razzle-dazzle musical with a bright, infectious score !
When Van Meter 's nephew, Bobby Keogh joins SIS and becomes Perry 's partner, the stakes are raised.
Simply cut back all the previous season 's growth to the lowest pair of buds where it joins the main stubby framework of branches.
The 24-year old joins former teammate Gareth Taylor at Prenton Park and becomes Tranmere 's ninth signing of the summer.
The M56 terminates at a roundabout which joins with the A5117.
American Airlines joins these four on the shortlist for the prestigious title of ' Airline of the Year 2003 '.
About 10 km behind the front, a tributary ice stream joins.
You can hand stitch or machine sew a seam which joins the outer edges.
Pull the sleeve out straight from the arm to see if any folds appear at the corners where the arm joins the torso of the shirt as these folds will not be apparent when the shirt sits flat.
Consider playful touches, such as using a 2-inch decorative tile of a cricket placed just at the place where your fireplace surround joins your hearth.
We'll just have to wait to see how things play out in court, but lawyers are asking for triple damages for each member who joins the suit.
She leaves her fiancé dentist at the altar and joins the Friends cast at the Central Perk coffee shop in her wedding gown.
One of America's "50 Greatest Players in NBA History" joins the cast to fill one of the jock spots.
McCartney joins other notables such as Bonnie Raitt, Paul Simon and BB King in helping with this cause.
Hayden joins the ranks of Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff as she tries to translate her television and movie success to the radio airwaves.
Ellen DeGeneres joins fellow comedian Jeff Foxworthy as a greeting card writer.
Ty Pennington joins other celebrities who recently have been arrested for driving under the influence.
Phillips joins other 80's entertainers like Tawny Kitaen and Robert Downey Jr. (though he's made a comeback) who have been arrested for the same crime.
Kelly Osbourne joins Dr. Phil as a special correspondent.
Jennifer Aniston - This former Friends star joins the ranks of aviophobic celebs who are crippled by a fear of flying.
Upromise joins forces with many of America's leading companies to provide members college savings on nearly everything they buy or do.
With more than 20 ships, Carnival Cruise Line joins Holland America Cruises and Cunard Cruises in the Carnival Corporation lineup.
Final Fantasy 7 for PS1 is about a soldier named Cloud Strife who joins a group of resistance fighters, known as Avalanche.
Destined to become the ruler of the Kingdom and the Element of Power, her sister becomes jealous and joins forces with Thorn, the King of the Trolls.
Radius-The bone of the forearm which joins the wrist on the same side as the thumb.
Ductus-The blood vessel that joins the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
Ureterovesical junction-The point where the ureter joins the bladder.
Referential language development-A style of language development in which a child first speaks single words and then joins words together into two- and three-word sentences.
Suture-A "seam" that joins two surfaces together, such as is found between the bones of the skull.
From the French 'to slide', one foot slides out and the other foot joins it, closing in fifth.
While it is true that there are homeschool support groups throughout the United States and abroad, not every homeschooling family joins them.
In particular, the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that joins the left and right sides, may be abnormally small or even missing.
Brody joins older sister Reece Viola, 4, and step-sister Izabella, 12, from Hamilton's previous marriage.
When the second X joins the egg, you will have a girl.
It joins the likes of Clue, Monopoly and the Game of Life.
Most important, everyone who joins has their single-parenthood verified, so you can take comfort in knowing that everyone you meet understands what you are going through.
Minter of the husband and wife team joins LoveToKnow for an interview about their unique line of handcrafted titanium wedding bands.
The Cullen family is not the only one that is hiding a secret; Jake joins what Bella thinks is a cult and when an unexpected visitor brings her some horrifying news, Bella must choose between the two families.
Nathan and Lucas come to blow when Lucas joins the Tree Hill basketball team.
Sean eventually joins the military and is shipped off to Afghanistan.
Stefan irks Tyler Lockwood when he joins the football team and Damon uses Caroline to get closer to Elena.
Lucas Scott joins the high school basketball team and creates a relationship with Nathan Scott, who is not just his teammate, but also his recently discovered half brother who has a.
Just like the bracelet, the watch case is made from two-toned stainless steel, with gold metal encircling the face and silver toned metal where it the case joins the bracelet.
On May 18, 1996, Jim Carrey joins the Spartan squad as Lochmiel, a super spirited foreign exchange student.
Later in the movie Britney (Hayden Panetierre's character) joins the Crestview squad and develops her own cheer as well.
Lucy Pearl joins Q-Tip and Snoop Dogg in a nice relationship song.
Sophie joins Gene for the filming of a sexy exercise video during Career Day at school, which infuriates Shannon.
Lauren Conrad from The Hills joins the show for this episode.
On the The Private Chef episode, the target joins a cooking competition to become the private chef for a millionaire family.
Calvin Klein model, soap star and Lifetime Movie Network go-to guy Antonio Sabato, Jr. joins the ever-growing line of slightly past their prime celebrities to look for love on VH1 with his show My Antonio.
When Manny joins the rebels, he brings his mysterious friend 'Mike' in with him.
Representing the dwarves, Gimli comes from the mountain kingdom, and for the elves, Legolas joins the company; with Gandalf the wizard, the nine represent the free races in opposition to the Dark Lord Sauron of Mordor.
He eventually joins Angel's firm in Los Angeles.
She joins the rebel Cylons and calls out the Final Five to join them.
Combat Information Center - This is a circular room found in the belly of Galactica's alligator head at the point where the main hull joins the midship section.
Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman return to script the movie and Ehren Kruger joins them as a new writer.
When he joins the defense team for Gaius Baltar, he stands in direct conflict with his father and the President.
Eventually, Aragorn joins the Rangers of the North and takes up Gandalf's charge to protect the region where The Shire is located.
Later, when someone new joins, be as helpful to them as the group was to you.
Restaurant City, Cafe World, and now Farm Town joins the ranks.
For many parents, when their daughter joins the Brownies they find themselves wondering, Where can I buy a Brownie uniform online?
The more important of the suburbs lie towards the east, where the promontory joins the main plateau, of which it forms the north-western extremity.
On the right the Loire receives the waters of the Furens, the Arroux, the Nivre, the Maine (formed by the Mayenne and the Sarthe with its affluent the Loir), and the Erdre, which joins the Loire at Nantes; on the left, the Allier (which receives the Dore and the Sioule), the Loiret, the Cher, the Indre, the Vienne with its affluent the Creuse, the Thouet, and the Svre-Nantaise.