Jephthah Sentence Examples
Jabneh (name of a city), Jabin, Jamlek, Jiptah (Jephthah), &c. Most of these really are verbs, the suppressed or implicit subject being 'el, " numen, god," or the name of a god; cf.
Jephthah, one of the Israelite "judges," delivered Gilead from Ammon, who resumed the attack under its king Nahash, only to be repulsed by Saul.
After a brief notice of two "minor judges" (see below), follows the story of Jephthah.
The story of Jephthah's fight with Ammon is linked to the preceding introduction by x.
There is a general resemblance between the victories of Gideon and Jephthah, which is emphasized by the close relation between viii.
See further Jephthah.
Stories of successful warfare and of temporary leaders (see Abimelech; Ehud; Gideon; Jephthah) form an introduction to the institution of the Israelite monarchy, an epoch of supreme importance in biblical history.
A somewhat wild Bedouin disposition, fostered by their surroundings, was retained by the Israelite in habitants of Gilead to a late period of their history, and seems to be to some extent discernible in what we read alike of Jephthah, of David's Gadites, and of the prophet Elijah.