Jealous Sentence Examples
She doesn't have any reason to be jealous of me.
But how could he be jealous, agree to send her away and make out with another woman?
What made a man act jealous when he had no cause to be?
The emperor Maximilian failed to make good his hold on Padua, and was jealous of the French.
The Habsburg kings were as jealous of the political as of the religious liberties of their Hungarian subjects.
She was jealous of Dulce, but she had no reason to be.
Mary had never been the jealous type, but then, where love was concerned, people changed.
Rhyn felt suddenly jealous, wishing he could taste what smelled so wonderful.
In what proportion zeal for the ancient canons and the rights of others, and jealous fear of encroachment upon his own jurisdiction, were mixed in the motives of Leo, it would be interesting to know.
He'd claimed her, whether in a fit of jealous fury after hearing Kris's name or for some other purpose.
AdvertisementNo need to be jealous, Gabriel said, bristling.
I have no reason to be jealous.
Yes, I'm nervous and jealous when you're around her, but I do trust you.
Now who's the jealous boyfriend?
Though whips and chains wouldn't have gotten him to admit it, he was so insanely jealous of his brother's moment of glory he would have sold his soul and auctioned wife Ginger to have done the same damn thing.
AdvertisementFor the first time in my life, I was insanely jealous.
Josh was so jealous.
I think she's jealous.
All children become jealous of the love and attention that siblings receive from parents and other adults.
At least I admit I'm jealous - and I have every reason to be.
AdvertisementShe gritted her teeth and turned to go, trying not to think of how jealous the idea of another woman made her.
I'm not jealous or something; besides, it's her life, but I know she's really messed up right now and she needs someone she can count on—and trust.
Probably the bishop was jealous of the high reputation of the teacher; and a coolness arose between them which led, fifteen years later, to an open rupture.
Like all misers, he was a jealous man, and his jealousy became a frantic mania.
If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous.
AdvertisementI think he's trying to make you jealous.
I tend to get jealous when he is interested in other girls or when those girls are interested in him because it brings me to question myself and ask, "why not me?"
Feeling jealous of their popularity or want them to stop being like you?
Perhaps you have always been naturally thin, continually receiving jealous glares from those with a little more meat on their bones.
Try not to come off as the jealous, paranoid jerk (she'll respond better!).
A Scorpio in love can be jealous and possessive.
Fine. Just tell me I have no reason to be jealous.
Will you try to tell me now you weren't jealous?
The men are brave and not treacherous, but ambitious, jealous and extremely revengeful.
The jealous bitch wouldn't hesitate to kill off the competition, along with probably everyone else within miles.
I had been slightly jealous, I told her.
I'm also somewhat jealous of the evening you had.
Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another Blues way to die.
However, he decides to break things off with her when she becomes too needy, controlling, and jealous.
Do not give air to the smoldering fire within them by making them jealous.
Jealous of her friend's trip to Hawaii, Jessica was living vicariously through her by constantly requesting pictures.
Animals can get jealous, which can also lead to unwanted behavior.
By telling on her, it only makes YOU look bad and like a jealous desperate girl.
He enjoys being around me when I'm less of a girlfriend because then my jealous side starts to unravel.
And now I'm jealous because now he just starts to sit next to this girl who I think he likes and she likes him back.
When we talk, I get jealous when he talks about the girls he likes.
A guy your dad would approve of, or a guy your girl friends would be jealous of?
Or that fighting with a date, waiting by the phone, or acting jealous is appropriate behavior?
They can give you insight on your relationships without being jealous if you're happy.
I have even lost touch with many of my friends because she is overly jealous and freaks out when I talk to anyone.
He still likes his old girlfriend and he knows how to make her jealous.
Although I got jealous, I allowed it, as did she.
Has she given you a reason to be jealous?
But I'm so jealous with my time with him.
The jealous partner recognizes that the feelings and thoughts are unreasonable, but has difficulty controlling them.
Resist engaging in jealous talk or thinking.
The more you do to reduce your jealous behaviors, the better your relationship will be with your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend acts extremely jealous when you talk to friends of the opposite sex, even when it is completely innocent.
And why is he trying real hard to make me jealous??
This will help the new guy to see that your old fling is jealous of the new relationship.
If you are constantly jealous your partner might pick up on it and eventually get tired of your behavior and end the relationship.
Taurus can become jealous when around either one.
It's not difficult to discern just why Scorpio makes the most jealous and fitful lover of the zodiac.
The personification of Scorpio being a jealous lover is no exaggeration.
Both partners can become very jealous of the other with the slightest look at another.
On the other hand, you should note that Taurus is often a jealous sign, but not a vocal one.
Aries can be a jealous and possessive lover, which may be stressful for a free spirit like Aquarius.
Nonetheless, be prepared to feel jealous and resentful at times of those bonds.
This blonde southern girl claims her breasts as her best feature and that other girls are mean to her because they're just jealous of her beauty…and she wonders why people think she's shallow.
This passion finds its clearest expression in the Latin poems. Faustine was guarded by an old and jealous husband, and du Bellay's eventual conquest may have had something to do with his departure for Paris at the end of August 1557.
The Lord also is jealous of them, if any one attempt to combine their cult with his, for to do so is to doubt the supremacy of his name above all names.
Nureddin was jealous of his over-mighty subject, and his jealousy bound Saladin's hands.
The great feudatories did not even respect the lives of the royal family, for Andrew was recalled from a futile attempt to reconquer Galicia (which really lay beyond the Hungarian sphere of influence), through the murder of his first wife Gertrude of Meran (September 24, 1213), by rebellious nobles jealous of the influence of her relatives.
Jealous possibly of a too brilliant general, certainly averse from costly and fruitless campaigns and needing the Legio II.
That service to Protestantism was performed by Catholic powers jealous of the preponderance of the Habsburgs.
Barbara brought him a dower of ioo,000 gulden and the support of the Magyar magnates, but the match nearly brought about a breach with the emperor Maximilian, jealous already of the Jagiello influence in Hungary.
The distinction with which he was received on his journey, the royal honours paid to him in Venice, and the jealous interference of the English ambassador in regard to his reception by the grandduke of Tuscany, show how great was the respect in which the exiled house was held at this period by foreign Catholic powers, as well as the watchful policy of England in regard to its fortunes.
In the following century a new enemy appeared in the Hanseatic league, which was jealous of its rivalry, but their invasion was frustrated by Queen Philippa.
Three months later Stilicho himself and the chief ministers of his party were treacherously slain in pursuance of an order extracted from the timid and jealous Honorius; and in the disturbances which followed the wives and children of the barbarian foederati throughout Italy were slain.
Farnese first won by promises and blandishments the confidence of the Walloons, always jealous of the predominance of the " Flemish " provinces, and then proceeded to make himself master of Brabant and Flanders by force of arms. In succession Ypres, Mechlin, Ghent, Brussels, and finally Antwerp (17th of August 1585) fell into his hands.
Between Kandahar and India the road is comparatively open, and would be available for railway communication but for the jealous exclusiveness of the Afghans.
Hobbes was more eager to bring forward his own philosophical and physical ideas than careful to enter into the full meaning of another's thought; and Descartes was too jealous, and too confident in his conclusions to bear with this kind of criticism.
For a thousand years the various German states were so jealous of any curtailment of their individual rights as to prevent the formation of an efficient federal government; in Austria-Hungary the larger states still jealously guard their liberties.
They were intensely jealous of the princes, and it occurred to Hutten and Sickingen that the Reformation might be used to improve the condition of the knights and to effect a total change in the constitution of the Empire.
The small states, though jealous of their sovereign independence, found it impossible to hold out.
Bismarck, knowing that nothing would more impede the consolidation of the empire than an outbreak of local patriotism, always so jealous of its rights, generally used his influence to avoid constitutional disputes, and discouraged the discussion of questions which would require an authoritative interpretation of the constitution.
His temper and life seem to have been remarkably free from all that was jarring, jealous and fretful; unless, indeed, we are to accept as true the account of his wife's character which represents her as having been no fit mate for him, but an incorrigible shrew and skinflint.
Chilperic, brother of Sigebert, and king of the west Frankish kingdom, jealous of the renown which this marriage brought to his elder brother, hastened to ask the hand of Galswintha, sister of Brunhilda; but at the instigation of his mistress Fredegond, he assassinated his wife.
The country, ever jealous of its independence, found at last that France threatened her freedom even more than did England, the apparent enemy; and thus, partly from Protestantism, partly from patriotism, the English party in Scotland proved victorious, and the Reformation was accomplished.
Darnley being a Catholic, as far as he was anything, the jealous fears of the Brethren under Knox reached a passionate height.
A scheme .for complete union of England and Scotland, promoted by James and by Francis Bacon, was unwelcome to and rejected by the two jealous countries (1604-1606).
The marriage was unhappy; James was eternally occupied with the business of his cause and the feuds of his adherents; Clementina lost her gaiety and became causelessly jealous; and her retreat to a convent in 1725 was a greater blow to the cause than the failure of Atterbury's plot (1720), the alleged treason of Mar and the splits in the Jacobite party.
Though an improvement on the old constitution, it was unacceptable to the estates, jealous of their old privileges and suspicious of the king's intentions.
From the days of Protagoras, when this hostility was triumphant and contemptuous, to the days of Isocrates, when it was jealous and bitter, the sophists were declared and consistent sceptics.
The jealous Portuguese threw them into prison at Ormuz, and again at Goa.
According to Plutarch she urged her husband to take vigorous action against Catiline, who had compromised her half-sister Fabia, a vestal virgin; also to give evidence against Clodius, being jealous of his sister Clodia.
Not a few were jealous of their greatness and sought for opportunities of instilling distrust against them into the mind of Harlan, and of making him feel that he was caliph only in name.
But John, joined by William des Roches and other lords of Maine and Poitou, jealous at the increase of Philip's power, defeated and took Arthur prisoner at Mirebeau.
This tendency of calling in state help marks a most striking difference as against the policy followed by the German towns, where all classes appear to have been always far too jealous of local independence.
Too jealous of each other to combine, and too demoralized by luxury to resist, they fell an easy prey to Lydia; and when the Lydian kingdom ended with the capture of Sardis by Cyrus, 546 B.C. they passed, almost without resistance, to Persia.
Before 1622 there was a population of more than 4000 in Virginia, and the many tribes of Indians who were still the proprietors of the soil over a greater portion of the country naturally became jealous, and on the 22nd of March of that year fell upon the whites and slew 350 persons.
Nothing, indeed, is more remarkable in the whole development of the caste-system than the jealous pride which every caste, from the highest to the lowest, takes in its own peculiar occupation and sphere of life.
The earl still continued his usual course of dealing with the queen, depending solely upon her supposed affection for him, and insanely jealous of any other whom she might seem to favour.
Sometimes one Erinys is mentioned, sometimes several; Euripides first spoke of them as three in number, to whom later Alexandrian writers gave the names Alecto (unceasing in anger), Tisiphone (avenger of murder), Megaera (jealous).
This God he could not discover in the Old Testament; on the contrary, he saw there the revelation of a just, stern, jealous, wrathful and variable God, who requires from his servants blind obedience, fear and outward righteousness.
Of this nature was the foreign policy of the Dutch company at the Cape of Good Hope; modified, indeed, in some degree from time to time, but governed by principles of jealous, stringent monopoly until the surrender of the colony by Commissioner Sluysken in 1 795.
The Transvaal thus became an independent of the state, or rather it formed a number of mutually jealous communities, and it was not until 1864 that they were all united.
The match was an unhappy one, owing partly to incompatibility of temper, but still more to the mischievous interference of the jealous queen-mother.
Driven out of Crete by his brother, who was jealous of his popularity, he fled to Boeotia, where he wedded Alcmene.
But the lines originally written on Paris, having been inserted in one of his new satires, excited the jealous anger of an actor of the time, who was a favourite of the emperor, and procured the poet's banishment under the form of a military appointment to the extremity of Egypt.
Milan was rebuilt, with the help even of its jealous rivals, and at Legnano (1176) Frederick was utterly defeated.
He preferred his literary leisure at Vaucluse, at Parma, in the courts of princes, to a post which would have brought him into contact with jealous priors and have reduced him to the position of the servant of a commonwealth.
The speculations as to primitive man connected with these stories diverted the British public, headed by Dr Johnson, who said that Monboddo was " as jealous of his tail as a squirrel."
The child was brought up secretly, watched over by Curetes; but the jealous Hera discovered where he was, and sent Titans to the spot, who, finding him at play, tore him to pieces, and cooked and ate his limbs, while Hera gave his heart to Zeus.
The Rumanian Academy keeps jealous watch over the treasures it has accumulated, and few have had access to the riches entombed in its archives; nor has any private or public collection been catalogued.
The latter, pursued by the jealous Hera, after long wandering found shelter in Delos (originally Asteria), where she bore a son, Apollo, under a palm-tree at the foot of Mount Cynthus.
Spain and the bishop of Urgel are very jealous of French encroachments, and claim to have a better right ultimately to annex the little state.
A jealous feeling soon sprang up between him and Huascar, who insisted that Quito should be held as a dependent province of his empire.
The Yorkist magnates who did not belong to the clan of the Nevilles were not unnaturally jealous of that house, and Edward IV.
Somersets own brother, Thomas Seymour, jealous of the protector, intrigued against the government; he sought to secure the hand of Elizabeth, the favor of Edward VI.
It was seen that the French were still able to wage war, and that the revolutionary spirit had permeated the adjoining countries, while the old governments of Europe, jealous of one another and uncertain of the loyalty of their subjects, were ill qualified for resistance.
The Commune of Paris, which had overthrown the Girondins, was jealous of the Committee of Public Safety, which meant to be supreme.
Men of good birth (nearly always, too, of Celtic blood on one side at least), they leave Iceland young and attach themselves to the kings and earls of the north, living in their courts as their henchmen, sharing their adventures in weal and woe, praising their victories, and hymning their deaths if they did not fall by their sides - men of quick passion, unhappy in their loves, jealous of rival poets and of their own fame, ever ready to answer criticism with a satire or with a sword-thrust, but clinging through all to their art, in which they attained most marvellous skill.
Finally, a complete rupture took place in 1904 between the Prince and Venizelos; the Venizelist party were defeated at the polls by the personal canvassing of the Prince and the united efforts of the other Cretan party leaders, already jealous of Venizelos' rising star.
It might have been anticipated that the purity of a text so widely read and so renowned would, from the earliest times, have been guarded with jealous care.
It is fairly certain that the Turkish government, jealous of his power, had laid a plot to prevent him and his troops from returning to Egypt.
The communes of Flanders, rich, hard-working, jealous of their liberties, had always been restive under the authority of their counts and the influence of their suzerain, the king of France.
This second Florentine, at once jealous of power and incapable of exercising it, bore little reseniblance to her predecessor.
Owing to Mazarins exile and to the kings attainment of his majority (September 5, 1651) quiet was being restored, when the return of Mazarin, jealous of Anne of Austria, nearly brought about another reconciliation of all his opponents (January 1652).
All the ties of caste, class, corporation and family were severed; the jealous despotism of Louis XIV.
Lnited Provinces and England, jealous and disquieted by this near neighborhood, formed with Sweden the triple alliance of the Hague (January 1668), ostensibly to offer their mediation, though in reality to prevent the occupation of the Netherlands.
His sole arm of support amidst all his allies was not the English monarchy, sold to Louis XIV., but Protestant England, jealous of France and uneasy about her independence.
But the duc de Richelieu, a rou who had joined hands with the sisters of the house of Nesle and was jealous of Marshal de Noailles, soon regained his lost ground; and, under the influence of this panderer to his pleasures, Louis XV.
The old courtier Maurepas, jealous of Turgot and desirous of remaining a minister himself, refrained from defending his colleague; and when Turgot, who never knew how to give in, spoke of establishing assemblies of freeholders in the communes and the provinces, in order to relax the tension of over-centralization, Louis XVI., who never dared to pass from sentiment to action, sacrificed his minister to the rancour of the queen, as he had already sacrificed Malesherbes (1776).
At the head of the former type Robespierre, without special knowledge or exceptional talent, devoured by jealous ambition and gifted with cold grave eloquence, enjoyed a great moral ascendancy, due to his incorruptible purity of life and the invariably correct behaviour that had been wanting in Mirabeau, and by the persevering will which Danton had lacked.
His boldness succeeded (March 24, 1794), and then, jealous of DantOns activity and statesmanship, and exasperated by the jeers of his friends, he rid himself of the party of tolerance by a parody of justice (April 5).
The victory of Marengo (June 14, i8o0) momentarily in the balance, but secured by Desaix and Kellermann, offered a further opportunity to his jealous ambition by increasing his popularity.
The expedition to San Domingo reduced the republican army to a nullity; war demoralized or scattered the leaders, who were jealous of their comrade Bonaparte; and Moreau, the last of his rivals, cleverly compromised in a royalist plot, as Danton had formerly been by Robespierre, disappeared into exile.
Frontenac, however, was a man of dominant spirit, jealous of authority, prepared to exact obedience from all and to yield to none.
The political references in this book are marked by jealous hostility to the British.
The two brothers, jealous of the athletic prowess of their step-brother Phocus, slew him; but the crime was discovered, and Peleus and Telamon were banished.
Zamoyski was undoubtedly most jealous of his dignity; his patriotism was seldom proof against private pique; and he was not always particular in his choice of means.
He lost the two days' battle of Kossovo (October 17th-19th) owing to the treachery of Dan, hospodar of Wallachia, and of his old enemy Brankovic, who imprisoned him for a time in the dungeons of the fortress of Semendria; but he was ransomed by the Magyars, and, after composing his differences with his powerful and jealous enemies in Hungary, led a punitive expedition against the Servian prince, who was compelled to accept most humiliating terms of peace.
But practical organization was not among his gifts, and the bishops became jealous of his influence, so that after four years he retired, the best outcome of his stay there being a volume of lectures entitled Idea of a University, containing some of his most effective writing.
His letters to Congress, in which he expressed his suspicion of Deane's business integrity and criticized his accounts, resulted in Deane's recall; and other letters impaired the confidence of Congress in Franklin, of whom he was especially jealous.
And the rest of us are jealous of this industry in a group of people who are very clannish.
We may have conceit, we may find ourselves important or we may be jealous.
The clarity of the water would have made any gin distiller jealous.
We also saw turtles, penguins, crazy colored marine iguanas - jealous yet?
Therefore, as it flees from guilt the infant uses imprinting as its route to jealous love.
Yesterday it rained with but little intermission, but I was jealous of news.
Know some tricks that would make the pros jealous?
Will's jealousy problems escalate when he gets stoned and in a jealous rage, tries to force himself on Sam at a party.
The crime was probably committed by a jealous boyfriend or a jealous boyfriend or a jealous husband.
Had I not got an insanely jealous German Shepherd Dog at home, I would have bundled her straight into my car!
Jones lived with Mary Gilbert in a house they shared with another man, of whom Jones was intensely jealous.
Clive made Des feel extremely jealous by munching his biscuits in his ear all the way home.
These communities might be highly self-contained and deeply jealous of each other; they might overlap in friendly competition.
Glad you are enjoying the mud I am feeling jealous.
The god of wine grows jealous of his art, He only fires the head, but Hyde the heart.
Matt seems jealous that Geoff had been talking to Pixie in the rec room.
I'm not jealous of something I find looks kitsch, gimme a break!
From jealous rivals, to witch hunters or insane elders; the night is fraught with peril even for the undead.
My friend around the corner rode a tricycle which I was very jealous of.
Blimey, there must be nearly forty of them he thought, no wonder Golightly's got the willies, he's probably jealous.
La Fayette, jealous of his popularity, persuaded the king to send the duke to England on a mission, and thus get him out of France, and he accordingly remained in England from October 1789 to July 1790.
In 920 the barons, jealous of the growth of the royal authority and discontented with the favour shown by the king to his counsellor Hagano, rebelled, and in 922 elected Robert, brother of King Odo, in place of Charles.
In 67 disturbances broke out in Judaea, but Nero, jealous of Corbulo's success and popularity, ordered Vespasian to take command of the forces and summoned Corbulo to Greece.
The Andamanese are, indeed, bright and merry companions, busy in their own pursuits, keen sportsmen, naturally independent and not lustful, but when angered, cruel, jealous, treacherous and vindictive, and always unstable - in fact, a people to like but not to trust.
After the death of Eurydice, Orpheus rejected the advances of the Thracian women, who, jealous of his faithfulness to the memory of his lost wife, tore him to pieces during the frenzy of the Bacchic orgies.
There is also this further disadvantage, that in the gradual progress of consolidation railway companies take upon themselves the aspect of large monopolies, of whose apparently unrestricted power the public is jealous.
To complete her misfortunes, the European powers, the church and the small states of Italy, partly from jealous greed of her possessions, partly on the plea of her treason to Christendom in making terms with Islam, partly from fear of her expansion in north Italy, coalesced at Cambrai in 1508 for the partition of Venetian possessions.
The man who could manage to rule a congeries of jealous factions, including Irish Catholics and Orangemen, French and English anti-federationists and agitators for independence, Conservatives and Reformers, careful economists and prodigal expansionists, was manifestly a man of unusual power, superior to small prejudices, and without strong bias towards any creed or section.
They were encouraged by the Bavarian court, which maintained the Febronian tradition and was jealous of any encroachment of the Papacy (see FEBRONIANISM); but besides this the Protestants throughout Germany and all opponents of the Papacy joined in the agitation.
In literature, from the times of Homer and Hesiod, she played an important part, appearing most frequently as the jealous and resentful wife of Zeus.
He shortly afterwards divorced Publilia, who had been jealous of Tullia's influence and proved unsympathetic. To solace his troubles he devoted himself wholly to literature.
He was then a mere lad, amiable, well-meaning, but entirely under the dominion of his mother, a woman of many virtues, who surrounded him with wise counsellors, watched over the development of his character and improved the tone of the administration, but on the other hand was inordinately jealous, and alienated the army by extreme parsimony, while neither she nor her son had a strong enough hand to keep tight the reins of military discipline.
Purchas says that Yaqub himself, jealous of the multitude of Aidars disciples and the greatness of his fame, caused him to be secretly murthered; but Krusinski attributes the act to Rustam a few years later.
The Aeneid of Virgil, the Fasti of Ovid, suited well with his own restoration of the ancient temples, his revival of such ancient ceremonies as the Ludi Saeculares, his efforts to check the unRoman luxury of the day, and his jealous regard for the purity of the Roman stock.
The importance assigned by these decretals to the bishops and the provincial councils, as well as to the direct intervention of the Holy See, tended to curtail the rights of the metropolitans, of which Hincmar was so jealous.
He was the very opposite of Richelieu, as wheedling in his ways as the other had been haughty and scornful, as devoid of vanity and rancour as Richelieu had been full of jealous care for his authority; he was gentle where the other had been passionate and irritable, with an intelligence as great and more supple, and a far more grasping nature.
Blimey, there must be nearly forty of them he thought, no wonder Golightly 's got the willies, he 's probably jealous.
The neighbors invited me over to watch the game on their new TV. I have to admit that I was jealous their TV's much bigger than mine!
Jealous of her friend's trip to Hawaii, Jessica was living vicariously through her by constantlyrequesting pictures.
Be sure you tell her that it is alright for her to feel jealous, and help her learn how to express those feelings in a positive way.
It is natural that your child may feel insecure and jealous at the attention this unborn child is already receiving.
The older child or children may become jealous and full of resentment towards the new baby.
The second Joseph is the one who was sold as a slave by his jealous brothers but grew up to become a great man in Egypt.
Follow the below advice and you'll have a snazzy, wonderfully decorated lawn that will make the neighbors jealous in no time at all.
I do suspect that Dazzling is still jealous of Monet, and it is evident that Dazzling does not like having Monet around me or on the bed.
Although it may seem like it, a cat doesn't usually urinate on your bed or elsewhere because he is mad at you, or because he is jealous.
The same goes for a jealous neighbor who may know your pet's name.
And don't worry what your friends say -- at 13, OF COURSE they're going to tease you (be honest, you'd probably tease them) but they're probably just jealous of your hot girlfriend.
The thing is, open relationships are tricky and it's hard for couples not to get jealous and fall apart.
I'm guessing, though, that the ex-girlfriend will resent your daughter at least a little bit, because she'll be jealous (especially if the ex-girlfriend was the one who got dumped).
Do you feel jealous of people who seem to be able to stop playing when they want?
In 1996, she was praised for her role in No One Would Tell with Fred Savage (The Wonder Years), where she played the girlfriend of a controlling teen boyfriend who was ultimately murdered because of his jealous rages.
It's important to restore family harmony, but how do you do it without making your dog feel even more jealous and alienated?
Destined to become the ruler of the Kingdom and the Element of Power, her sister becomes jealous and joins forces with Thorn, the King of the Trolls.
If you guess "Star Swing", then I'm jealous of your association skills.
Jealous of all the Guitar Hero players out there and you don't have it?
Good luck finding the time to play them without making the other jealous.
Paranoid personalities are often jealous, guarded, secretive, and scheming, and may appear to be emotionally "cold" or excessively serious.
Non-dyslexic siblings may be jealous of the attention, time, and money the dyslexic child receives from the parents.
They may also be jealous of the children they are bullying or may be getting bullied themselves.
Indeed, their precision, timing, and uniformity are enough to make corps de ballet dancers jealous.
Women may become jealous of their friends or other female acquaintances with thicker hair.
Now, Ashley Paige sports a client list, including Lindsay Lohan, Fergie and Jessica Alba, that would make any fashion designer jealous.
It's jealous and insipid comments like these, some would argue, that contribute to the unhealthy attitude towards food and body image so prevalent in our culture today.
Jack Frost is jealous and tries to ruin their wedding, but of course, things work out in the end.
Once the infatuation stage of the relationship has ended and the 'real' jealous, controlling, unhealthy, self starts showing up, each partner puts their head in the sand to what is happening.
The complicated part is that she's almost sure that he's gay, and I completely believe her on this, yet I still find myself feeling very jealous anyways.
So, given how you feel about him, you become the perfect person to make his girlfriend jealous.
Although it would be easy to blame her, by saying she does things to make you jealous, this type of thinking is wrong.
I don't really care if he goes out, but there are times that deep inside I get so jealous and I don't know why.
I understand that, I just don't understand why deep down I get so jealous.
Wanting to stop the jealous behavior is one thing, controlling the thoughts is quite another.
You sound as though you resent him and are even jealous of him.
Naïve because you knew your intentions, thoughtless because you didn't think about how the behavior would look to someone (your girlfriend) who is not mature enough to not get jealous.
I am guessing that part of your girlfriend's hurt comes more from feeling foolish, jealous and betrayed.
Good, old-fashioned communication works wonders for taming a jealous mind.
Some legends attribute the puzzle ring design to a Turkish king who was jealous about his wife's activities.
A Virgo woman, although not necessarily the flirt of the zodiac, should be aware that a Cancer man can be the jealous type.
A Virgo woman's loyalty and dependability will do well to quell the Scorpio man's tendency to get jealous.
Wanting to fully possess someone and flying into jealous rages is very common with this aspect.
This woman may find it quite difficult to talk about her feelings, particularly when she feels jealous, and it's in instances like these that you'll see that legendary temper erupt.
This is why it often seems as if a Virgo man won't fight for the love he wants or why he often refuses to partake in typical love games like making his partner feel jealous.
Often it is those jealous feelings that make you do so.
Cinderella, star of Disney's Cinderella, is rescued from her wicked stepmother and jealous sisters by her Fairy Godmother and Prince Charming.
Very scary Ouija stories detail experiences with the occult that drove one town mad and sent a woman into a jealous rage, resulting in her death.
Cale was hesitant as first to take the role, but shined as the jealous sister who made her older sister feel guilty.
Christina struggles with her pregnancy and more internal office politics, including a jealous Marc who is annoyed that he is passed over in favor of Betty.
Crossword puzzle-- Work on a crossword puzzle while you ponder if Phyllis' jealous manipulations will push Nick and Sharon together.
That first love - so in love with them, you get angry and jealous - you love them and hate them and can only play it and hope that camera picks it up.
But when Nick refused to marry her, Erica was devastated and pursues Tom Cudahy to make Nick jealous.
Oliver then threw himself into his relationship with Layla, but when Kyle flirted with newcomer Nick, Oliver became jealous.
Unfortunately, he was already married, and the Queen became extremely jealous over his attraction.
Eventually, tales of the beautiful butterfly reached the ears of the jealous Queen, who quickly sparked another storm to blow Etain away once more, but this time Etain was far more fortunate.
If you're in Toronto, scoop them up and make your friends jealous.
Their shemale stocking selection is vast and the prices are so reasonable, a lot of women who like good lingerie will be very jealous.
Since the Rock & Roll life isn't for everyone, the girl that Bret picks needs to be someone who can rock, drink, have fun and not get jealous.
On one episode of her show, she was attached to a lie detector and asked "Are you jealous of Oprah Winfrey?"
Len, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous.
Why Julie, I do believe you're jealous!
Are you complaining about the help, or are you jealous?
Why would they be jealous?
I figured his sister started it because she was jealous of him.
The perpetrator proved to be a thirteen year old girl, scarcely known to the victim, jealous of an older boy's changing affections.
Are you jealous this Youngblood guy is stealing your thunder?
She couldn't help wondering about the two of them and why she felt suddenly jealous, even though Jenn could give Dusty something she wasn't willing to.
I have no right to be jealous.
I just signed their death warrants, and you think I'd stoop so low as to point the gun at someone because I'm jealous?
He really did feel affection for her, if he was jealous.
Both lost their wives to cancer and I think my father was a tad jealous but pleased our marriage made his friend and his daughter both so happy.
You thought I'd be jealous?
Jealous. She never used silk with me.
The fact that he worshiped the ground Evelyn walked on and took care of her made Kiera jealous.
He hated himself for it, yet still felt jealous.
Josh Reynolds, you can march your jealous carcass right out that door and don't you come back until you can talk to me like I'm a reasonably intelligent and decent person.
Why David darling, you're jealous!
She smiled and then asked, "You're not jealous?"
Jumping to conclusions wasn't going to solve anything and she didn't want to be a jealous wife.
I thought the nobles were jealous that I took her as my bride, instead of a daughter from a more prominent family.
She was jealous as a lover of the child's affection, and the struggle between the mother and grandmother was one of the bitterest of Aurore's childish troubles.
His rule was most energetic; but while he favoured the barbarians in the imperial service, and appointed them to high office, Valentinian, openly jealous of his minister, sought to surround himself with Romans.
It excited also the animosity of the nobles jealous of their privileges, and of the monasteries, which were called upon to furnish the revenues for the new sees.
He was not jealous of brother friars because of their funds, instruments and materials for copying and their ability as skilled copyists.
He founded the Congregation of the French Oratory in 1611 and introduced the Carmelite nuns into France, notwithstanding the opposition of the friars of that order, who were jealous of his ascendancy.
First, the emperor's wrath was stirred by the influence of France in the counsels of the republic; then Cosimo, who was no less jealous of the French, conceived the design of annexing Siena to his own dominions.
Jealous, however, of the preference shown by the Dutch farmers in Natal to another commandant (Gert Maritz), Potgieter speedily recrossed the Drakensberg, and in November 1838 he and his followers settled by the banks of the Mooi river, founding a town named Potchefstroom in honour of Potgieter.
Voltaire was not humble enough to be a mere butt, as many of Frederick's led poets were; he was not enough of a gentleman to hold his own place with dignity and discretion; he was constantly jealous both of his equals in age and reputation, such as Maupertuis, and of his juniors and inferiors, such as Baculard D'Arnaud.
But no such model city was destined to be built; the necessity for haste and the jealous guardianship of rights to old foundations resulted in the old lines being generally followed.
About this time he was hampered by the persistent opposition of the vicechancellor Mikhail Vorontsov, formerly his friend, now his jealous rival, who was secretly supported by Frederick the Great.
In Greek art Leto usually appears carrying her children in her arms, pursued by the dragon sent by the jealous Hera, which is slain by the infant Apollo; in vase paintings especially she is often represented with Apollo and Artemis.
The other Arab tribes became increasingly jealous of the Koreish, while among the Koreish themselves the Hashimite family came to hate the Omayyad, which now had much power, although it had been among the last to accept Islam and never was very strict in its religious duties.
Fesal may well have watched with jealous anxiety the growing strength of his neighbour's state as compared with his own, where all progress was arrested by the deadening tyranny of religious fanaticism.
Indeed his dominion became an object of uneasiness to the jealous statecraft of Byzantium, and Constantine Porphyrogenitus, writing for his son's instruction in the government, carefully enumerates the Alans, the Petchenegs, the Uzes and the Bulgarians as the forces he must rely on to restrain it.
He had long been identified with the rigorist party in the church, and as president of the Council of Trent had incurred the anger of the emperor by his jealous defence of papal prerogative.
The fickleness of Philip and the jealous temper of Olympias led to a growing estrangement, which became complete when Philip married a new wife, Cleopatra, in 337.
He had valued more than anything else a teacher's influence over other minds, and as he began to feel that he was losing it he grew jealous of the success of those who had outgrown this influence.
In April 1732 the leading metropolitan publishers, jealous of the interloper Cave, started the London Magazine, or Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer (1732-1784), which had a long and prosperous career.
Jealous of the exclusive claims of the Roman Church, he procured a further condemnation at Rome of the "Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom," which advocated prayers for the accomplishment of a kind of federal union between the Roman, Greek and Anglican Churches, and in a pastoral letter he insisted on the heretical assumption implied in such an undertaking.
The Holy See, jealous of the growing power of the house of Luxemburg, attempted to set aside the decrees of the congress of Visegred, by urging Casimir to take up arms against the knights once more; but Casimir prudently refrained from hostilities, and ultimately compensated himself in the southeast for his losses in the north.
In his dispute with his brother, in his controversies with the English and Scottish mathematicians, and in his harsh and jealous bearing to his son Daniel, he showed a mean, unfair and violent temper.
As an administrator Philip had all the vices of his type, that of the laborious, self-righteous man, who thinks he can supervise everything, is capable of endless toil, and jealous of his authority, and who therefore will let none of his servants act without his instructions.
With these qualities Fichte himself combined a certain impetuosity and impatience probably derived from his mother, a woman of a somewhat querulous and jealous disposition.
The Roman people, who had accepted imperial rule as a fact, were very jealous of the employment of its emblem on the part of their rulers.
Jealous of their " sharing the State with the king," Richelieu twenty-five years later reduced the exceptional privileges of the Huguenots, and with the advent of Louis XIV.
He took the part of the nobles against the burghers, but Duke Charles of Gelderland, jealous of the growing power of the house of Habsburg, intervened, put an end to the strife, and, in 1527, himself occupied the city.
The city proved indeed a refractory member of the new league; and, after the death of William the Silent, the Utrechters, jealous of the influence of their old enemies the Hollanders, refused to recognize the authority of the council of state, and elected a stadtholder of their own.
The English colonies, though divided by interest or character, were all alike jealous to defend, and eager to extend, their freedom of self-government, based on charters granted by, or extorted from, the crown.
His correspondence of this year shows him jealous of the growing influence of Luther.
That large party which advocates a strict and jealous construction of the constitution would certainly oppose any independent legislation by the national Congress for providing a registration of births, marriages and deaths, or for obtaining social and industrial statistics, whether for the satisfaction of the publicist or for the guidance of the legislature.
But their kings were incompetent, their chiefs jealous and their tribes divided.
Federal rights were to be safeguarded against the provincial governments, always jealous of their privileges.
Those that remained were divided into several parties intensely jealous of one another.
The murderer was instigated by Prince Selim, afterwards Jahangir, who had become jealous of the minister's influence.
Lord John Russell and Lord Palmerston were naturally jealous of the prince's interference - and of King Leopold's and Baron Stockmar's - in state affairs; but Lord Melbourne took the common-sense view that a husband will control his wife whether people wish it or not.
Only by way of the Hudson and Mohawk valleys, and round about the southern termination of the system were there easy routes to the interior of the country, and these were long closed by hostile aborigines and jealous French or Spanish colonists.
Yet when Richelieu died in December of the same year he allowed himself to speak of him in a jealous and satirical tone.
Had Reshid at once advanced over the Isthmus, the Morea also must have been subdued; but he was jealous of Ibrahim, and preferred to return to Iannina to consolidate his conquests.
Etienne Dolet calls him "enemy of Cicero, and jealous detractor of the French name."
His uncle receives him with joy, but the barons of the court are bitterly jealous and plot his destruction.
Meliadus marries again, and the second wife, jealous of Tristan, tries to kill him.
This did not make Mary Tudor any more friendly,and,although the story that Elizabeth favoured Courtenay and that Mary was jealous is a ridiculous fiction, the Spaniards cried loud and long for Elizabeth's execution.
The same may be said of the many, often absurd, accusations subsequently brought against him by jealous rivals or ignorant contemporaries who hated Godunov's reforms as novelties.
Each was jealous of the other and deadlocks frequently occurred.
His supervision of the law courts was close and jealous; he transacted a great amount of judicial business in his own person, even after he had formed a high court of justice which might sit without his personal presence.
The opposition came from the Agrarians and extreme Conservatives, who feared that it would enable foreign corn to compete on better terms with German corn; they were also jealous of the attention paid by the government to commercial enterprise in which they were not immediately interested.
She was a jealous and resentful wife.
Maria Theresa had never given up hope that she would recover Silesia; and as all the neighbouring sovereigns were bitterly jealous of Frederick, and somewhat afraid of him, she had no difficulty in inducing several of them to form a scheme for his ruin.
They never forgot that he was a " new man," and were jealous of the great house upon the Palatine which he acquired at this time.
After a time, however, the colonists, attributing the shortage of slaves and the consequent diminution in their profits to the Jesuits, began actively to oppose Vieira, and they were joined by members of the secular clergy and the other Orders who were jealous of the monopoly enjoyed by the Company in the government of the Indians.
Heloise, not yet twenty, consummated her work of self-sacrifice at the call of his jealous love, and took the veil.
At the same time it provoked the animosity of the French, who were naturally jealous of the increase of British influence on the Nile, and it also threw new responsibilities on the British nation.
The old party-leader could never forget that he had once been a power in the state, and it is evident, from his Historiska Skrifter, how jealous he was of Gustavus's personal qualities.
The marshals were jealous of each other, and Napoleons plans were not approved by his brother.
This hypothesis at least explains all myths of fire-stealing by the natural needs, passions, and characters of men, "a jealous race," whereas the philological theory explains the Greek myth by an exceptional accident of changing language, and leaves the other widely diffused myths of fire-stealing in the dark.
It makes Dulce jealous.
So jealous, Past-Death added.
I'm not jealous or something; besides, it's her life, but I know she's really messed up right now and she needs someone she can count on—and trust.
The crime was probably committed by a jealous boyfriend or a jealous husband.
She was surprised to find herself feeling a little bit jealous.
Dogs can become very jealous with the arrival of a new baby.
At times God sounds like a jealous, jilted lover.
She nestled herself comfortably in Dorothy's lap until the kitten gave a snarl of jealous anger and leaped up with a sharp claw fiercely bared to strike Billina a blow.
I guarded both doll and cradle with the most jealous care; but once I discovered my little sister sleeping peacefully in the cradle.
Why, if he was so jealous, as I see things he should have shown it sooner, but he lets it go on for months.
Nicholas and his wife lived together so happily that even Sonya and the old countess, who felt jealous and would have liked them to disagree, could find nothing to reproach them with; but even they had their moments of antagonism.
That happened only when, as was the case that day, her husband returned home, or a sick child was convalescent, or when she and Countess Mary spoke of Prince Andrew (she never mentioned him to her husband, who she imagined was jealous of Prince Andrew's memory), or on the rare occasions when something happened to induce her to sing, a practice she had quite abandoned since her marriage.
Children may also come to feel jealous of the attention paid to the infant who has died or resentful of the disruption the death has caused in their family's life.
There was another blonde--a rather sexy one--and I think the wife was a little jealous of her.
Joanie resents her sister and is often jealous of her success.
These magic users are secretive, jealous of their knowledge and prone to cryptic utterances and encoded notes.
He dismissed them as the idle talk of jealous nobles at court, who'd wanted him to marry one of their daughters instead.
Now it happened that Androgeus, son of Minos, had been killed by the Athenians, who were jealous of the victories he had won at the Panathenaic festival.
The orthodox Conservatives and some democrats who were jealous of his influence, while afraid to beard the great statesman himself, combined to assail his nearest friends.
He was exceedingly jealous of foreign interference, and quarrelled with France on questions connected with the rights of foreign residents.
Whether through jealous y of the ascendancy which Turgot had acquired over the king, or through the natural incompatibility of their characters, he was already inclined to take sides against Turgot, and the reconciliation between him and the queen, which took place about this time, meant that he was henceforth the tool of the Polignac clique and the Choiseul party.