Java Sentence Examples
During the same year in which De Torres sailed through the strait destined to make him famous, a little Dutch vessel called the " Duyfken," or " Dove," set sail from Bantam, in Java, on a voyage of discovery.
In Java and other Dutch possessions in the East cotton is cultivated.
The two which drain the largest basin are the Chi Manuk and the Chi Tarum, both rising in the eastern end of the province and flowing northeast and north-west respectively to the Java Sea.
Perry commanded the "Java" in the Mediterranean expedition of 1815-1816, and he died at Port of Spain in Trinidad on the 23rd of August 1819, of yellow fever contracted on the coast of Brazil.
He was in the Persian Gulf, India and Java, and resided for more than two years in Japan, of which he wrote a history.
The oldest tradition they possess refers to a time shortly after the overthrow of the Majapahit dynasty in Java, about the middle of the 15th century; but it has been supposed that there must have been Indian settlers here before the middle of the 1st century, by whom the present name, probably cognate with the Sanskrit balin, strong, was in all likelihood imposed.
On the mountains of Java there appears to be no truly alpine flora; Saxifrage is not found.
In 1595 the first Dutch expedition sailed from the Texel, but it took a more southerly course than its predecessors and confined its operations to Java and the neighbouring islands.
The rivers of the province belong to the basins of the Indian Ocean and the Java Sea respectively, the water-parting being formed by the western and eastern ends respectively of the northern and southern lines of mountain peaks.
Among them was Nicolo Conti, who passed through Persia, sailed along the coast of Malabar, visited Sumatra, Java and the south of China, returned by the Red sea, and got home to Venice in 1444 after an absence of twenty-five years.
AdvertisementThe ships touched at Achin in Sumatra and at Java, returning with full ladings of pepper in 1603.
In 1882, for administrative purposes, Bali was separated from Java and combined with the island of Lombok to form the Dutch residency of Lombok and Bali.
Bali belongs physically to Java; the climate and soil are the same and it has mountains of proportionate height.
The geological formation includes (like that of Java) three regions - the central volcanic, the southern peninsula of Tertiary limestone, and alluvial plains between the older formations.
It has a population of about 5000, almost wholly occupied with the manufacture and sale of rose-water, which is largely exported to many parts of Persia as well as to Arabia, India and Java.
AdvertisementIt has a wide geographical distribution, being found in Europe (including England), Asia Minor, Burma, Straits Settlements, Java, China, Formosa, Egypt; west, south and Central Africa; Australia, South America, West Indies, United States and Canada, but is generally confined to local centres in those countries.
Java is the most thickly peopled, best cultivated and most advanced island of the whole Eastern archipelago.
The highest land does not rise to a greater height than 10,250 ft.; the climate is well suited for agriculture, and the islands generally are fertile and fairly cultivated, though not coming up to the standard of Java either in wealth or population.
At Batavia in Java the fall is about 78 in.; at Singapore it is nearly 100 in.
The liquidambar and nutmeg may be noticed among the former; the first is one of the most conspicuous trees in Java, on the mountains of the eastern part of which the casuarina, one of the characteristic forms of Australia, is also abundant.
AdvertisementThe south-eastern portion of Asia, with the adjacent islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines, form his Indian region.
The occurrence of mammals of the Marsupial order in the Molucca Islands and Celebes, while none have been found in the adjacent islands of Java and Borneo, lying on the west of Wallace's line, or in the Indian region, shows that the margin of the Australian region has here been reached.
Indian alphabets have spread to Tibet, Cambodia, Java and Korea.
At present it occupies the extremity of the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, the Philippines and other islands of the Malay Archipelago as well as Madagascar, while the inhabitants of most islands in the South Seas, including New Zealand and Hawaii, speak languages which if not Malay have at least undergone a strong Malay influence.
It would seem from this distribution that the Malays are not continental, but a seafaring race with exceptional powers of dispersal, who have spread over the ocean from some island centre - perhaps Java.
AdvertisementIn the second, Hindu civilization reached the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra and other islands.
At the present time the Arabic alphabet is used on the mainland, but Indian alphabets in Java, Sumatra, &c.
The extensive Sanskrit literature, which has reached in translations China, Japan and Java, is chiefly theological and poetical, history being conspicuously absent.
At the end of the Napoleonic wars Portugal had Macao and Goa, Holland Java, Sumatra and other islands, France some odds and ends in India, while England emerged with Hong Kong, Singapore, Ceylon and a free hand in India.
The range of the genus extends from the southern bank of the Bramaputra in Assam to southern China, the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra and Borneo.
The former of Systems. is not only employed in the United States, but is in use in Upper Burma, Java, Rumania and elsewhere.
Broadly speaking, all the brown races which inhabit the portion of Asia south of Siam and Indo-China, and the islands from the Philippines to Java, and from Sumatra to Timor, may be described as belonging to the Malayan family, if the aboriginal tribes, such as the Sakai and Semang in the Malay Peninsula, the Bataks in Sumatra, and the Muruts in Borneo, be excepted.
These people inhabit the whole of the Malayan Peninsula to the borders of lower Siam, the islands in the vicinity of the mainland, the shores of Sumatra and some portions of the interior of that island, Sarawak and Brunei in Borneo, and some parts of Dutch Borneo, Batavia and certain districts in Java, and some of the smaller islands of the archipelago.
The best cotton cloths are those manufactured by the Bugis people in Celebes, and the batek cloths which come from Java and are stamped with patterns.
The area over which it is spoken comprises the peninsula of Malacca with the adjacent islands (the Rhio-Lingga Archipelago), the greater part of the coast districts of Sumatra and Borneo, the seaports of Java, the Sunda and Banda Islands.
Hindus appear to have settled in Sumatra and Java as early as the 4th century of our era, and to have continued to exercise sway over the native populations for many centuries.
This has its origin in the names Great Java and Lesser Java, by which the medieval Java and Sumatra were called, and it accordingly means the language spoken along the coasts of the two great islands.
Java coffee has been grown with success in Porto Rico.
In the southern chain is found a limestone formation analogous to that in Bali, Lombok and Java.
Between these two chains are round hills consisting of lavas or sometimes of volcanic tuffs, covered with the long silvery grass which also clothes vast prairies in Java and Sumatra.
There are no navigable streams. The climate and productions are not unlike those of Java, though the rains are heavier, the drought more severe, and the fertility less.
It furnishes most of the lubber of India, Sumatra and Java.
Successful plantations of Hevea have also been established in Java, Sumatra and Borneo.
It has been found that although the tree grows well in many different countries and different localities, it only furnishes a satisfactory yield of rubber in mountainous districts, such as those of Assam and certain parts of Ceylon and Java.
Bulls of the typical bantin of Java and Borneo are, when fully adult, completely black except for the white rump and legs, but the cows and young are rufous.
Tame bantin are bred in Bali, near Java, and exported to Singapore.
Thus although the rocks of the southern coast of Java in their general character and succession resemble those of Christmas Island, there lies between them an abysmal trough 18,000 ft.
From India he sailed in a junk to Sumatra, visiting various ports on the northern coast of that island, and thence to Java, to the coast (it would seem) of Borneo, to Champa (South Cochin-China), and to Canton, at that time known to western Asiatics as Chin-Kalan or Great China (Mahachin).
Though cultivated in sub-tropical countries such as Natal and the Southern states of the Union, it is essentially tropical in its requirements and succeeds best in warm damp climates such as Cuba, British Guiana and Hawaii, and in India and Java in the Old World.
Extraction of cane juice by diffusion (a process more fully described under the head of beetroot sugar manufacture) is adopted in a few plantations in Java and Cuba, in Louisiana Etr cti o n and the Hawaiian Islands, and in one or two factories y f i in Egypt; b u t hitherto, except under exceptional conditions (as at Aska, in the Madras Presidency, where the local price for sugar is three or four times the London price), it would not seem to offer any substantial advantage over double or triple crushing.
The best results from extraction by diffusion have been obtained in Java, where there is an abundance of clear, good water; but in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Cuba and Demerara, diffusion has been abandoned on several well mounted estates and replaced by double and triple crushing; and it is not likely to be resorted to again, as the extra cost of working is not compensated by the slight increase of sugar produced.
In Java and Mauritius, where very clean canes are grown, double-bottomed defecators are generally used, and to them, perhaps as much as to the quality of the canes, may be attributed the very strong, fine sugars made in those islands.
Of the 178 factories at work in Java in 1908-1909, nearly all had most efficient plant for treating the excellent canes grown in that favoured island.
The whole of the sugar produced in India is consumed in the country and sugar is imported, the bulk of it being cane sugar coming from Mauritius and Java, and about 85% of the import is of high quality resembling refined sugar.
Java and Borneo tobacco is very similar to that of Sumatra.
Bushire carries on a considerable trade, particularly with India, Java and Arabia.
This species has a more extensive geographical range than the last, being found in the Bengal Sundarbans near Calcutta, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra and Borneo.
It is the smallest of all the species, and its geographical range is nearly the same as that of the Javan species, though not extending into Java; it has been found in Assam, Chittagong, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo.
In November 1692 he left Japan for Java and Europe, and in October 1693 he landed at Amsterdam.
The Austral-Asiatic or Malay Sea is occupied by a great shelf in the region west of Borneo and north of Java, while in the east there are eight abruptly sunk basins of widely different size.
By 1642 they had spread to South Island, for there Abel Jansen Tasman found them when, in the course of his circuitous voyage from Java in the "Heemskirk," he chanced upon the archipelago, coasted along much of its western side, though without venturing to land, and gave it the name it still bears.
The cubeb is cultivated in Java and Sumatra, the fruits are gathered before they are ripe, and carefully dried.
Sumatra is about equal in extent to Great Britain; Java, Luzon, and Celebes are each about the size of Ireland.
In Sumatra and in the islands between Sumatra and Borneo the former direction is distinctly marked, and the latter is equally noticeable in Java and the other southern islands.
Running south-east through Sumatra, east through Java and the southern islands to Timor, curving north through the Moluccas, and again north, from the end of Celebes through the whole line of the Philippines, they follow a line roughly resembling a horseshoe narrowed towards the point.
An important fact in the physical geography of the archipelago is that Java, Bali, Sumatra and Borneo, and the lesser islands between them 1 For more detailed information respecting the several islands and groups of the archipelago, see the separate articles Borneo; Java; Philippine Islands; Sumatra, &C.
The most notable fact in the geological history of the archipelago is the discovery in Java of the fossil remains of Pithecanthropus erectus, a form intermediate between the higher apes and man.
Petroleum is a valuable product of Sumatra and Java, and is also found in Borneo.
A Hindu strain is evident in Java and others of the western islands; Moors and Arabs (that is, as the names are used in the archipelago, Mahommedans from various countries between Arabia and India) are found more or less amalgamated with many of the Malay peoples; and the Chinese form, from an economical point of view, one of the most important sections of the community in many of the more civilized districts.
The islands are often described as of two groups, Java and Madura forming one, and the other consisting of Sumatra, Borneo, Riouw-Lingga Archipelago, Banka, Billiton, Celebes, Molucca Archipelago, the small Sunda Islands, and a part of New Guinea-the Outposts as they are collectively named.
In Surakarta and Jokjakarta in Java, and in many parts of the Outposts, native princes preserve their positions as vassals; they have limited power, and act generally under the supervision of a Dutch official.
Large sums have been voted in Holland for the establishment of primary and secondary schools, and the government has undertaken to assist in the establishment of parochial schools, the object being that every village, at least in Java, should possess one.
For European justice the High Court of Justice is established at Batavia; there are councils of justice at Batavia, Semarang and Surabaya,with authority not only over Java but over parts of the Outposts; there is a resident court of justice in each residency.
The Java Bank, established in 1828, with headquarters at Batavia, is the only bank issuing notes, two-fifths of the amount of which must be covered by specie or bullion.
The principal private agricultural estates are in the west of Java, in which island the greater part of the soil is government property.
Such estates have increased greatly in number and extent, not only in Java but elsewhere, since the agrarian law of 1870, under which it became possible for settlers to obtain waste lands on hereditary lease for 75 years.
The average annual production of tobacco is about fifty million pounds from each of the islands of Java and Sumatra.
There are upwards of 3000 miles of railways and steam tramways in Netherlands India, but these are almost entirely in Java; elsewhere only Sumatra has a few short lines.
It visited Madura, and came into conflict with the Portuguese at Bantam in Java, returning to Holland in 1597.
At this period a civilization, largely of Hindu origin, had flourished and decayed in Java, where, as in all the more important islands, Mahommedanism had afterwards become the dominant creed.
But the smaller islands and the remoter districts, even of Java and Sumatra, remained in a condition of complete savagery.
The explorers reached Amboyna and Ternate, after gaining some knowledge of Java, Madura, Sumbawa and other islands, possibly including New Guinea.
Though the Portuguese traders frequented the coast of Java, they annexed no territory either there or in Sumatra; but farther east they founded numerous forts and factories, notably in Amboyna, the Banda Island, Celebes and Halmahera.
Rebellions in Java (1629) and the Moluccas (1650) were suppressed with great severity, but in 1662 the company suffered a heavy reverse in Formosa, all its colonists being expelled from the island.
The hardship inflicted on the native races provoked an insurrection throughout Java, in which the Chinese settlers participated; but the Dutch maintained naval and military forces strong enough to crush all resistance, and a treaty between the company and the Susuhunan in November 1749 made them practically supreme throughout the island.
In 1811 a strong fleet was equipped by Lord Minto, then governor-general of India, for the conquest of Java; a British force was landed on the 4th of August; Batavia was captured on the 26th, and on the 1 8th of September Janssens and the remnant of his army surrendered.
Various disputes between Great Britain and the Netherlands, arising chiefly out of the transfer of power in Java and the British occupation of Singapore (1819), were settled by treaty between the two powers in 1824.
In 1825-30 a serious rebellion in Java involved the despatch of a large military force from the Netherlands, and was with difficulty suppressed.
They reformed the judicature, introduced elementary education for the natives, and abolished slavery in Java as from the 1st of January 1860.
The extension of Dutch political power - notably in Java, Sumatra, Celebes, the Moluccas, Borneo, the Sunda Islands and New Guinea - proceeded simultaneously with the reform movement, and from time to time involved war with various native states.
The exports from Batavia to the other islands of the archipelago, and to the ports in the Malay Peninsula, are rice, sago, coffee, sugar, salt, oil, tobacco, teak timber and planks, Java cloths, brass wares, &c., and European, Indian and Chinese goods.
The principal establishment for monetary transactions is the Java Bank, established in 1828 with a capital of 50o,000.
In 1811 a British armament was sent against the Dutch settlements in Java, which had been incorporated by France, and to this force Batavia surrendered on the 8th of August.
It is a regular constituent of the atmosphere, and is found in many spring waters and in volcanic gases; it also occurs in the uncombined condition at the Grotto del Cane (Naples) and in the Poison Valley (Java).
Amongst the islands of the Malay Archipelago are a number of enclosed areas - the Sulu, Celebes, Java, Banda and Arafura seas.
The geographical range of the leopard embraces practically all Africa, and Asia from Palestine to China and Manchuria, inclusive of Ceylon and the great Malay Islands as far as Java.
In these conditions the fate of the "Java" was soon sealed.
It was at first intended that these troops should act against Java or Mauritius; their destination was, however, altered to Egypt, with a view to co-operation with Sir Ralph Abercromby's expedition, and Baird was placed in command.
The mezankoorie moth of the Assamese, Antheraea mezankooria, yields a valuable cocoon, as does also the Atlas moth, Attacus atlas, which has an omnivorous larva found throughout India, Ceylon, Burmah, China and Java.
Ongtong Java, a coral reef of many islets, lies considerably north of the main group to which, geographically, it can hardly be said to belong.'
The great chain of volcanoes which runs through Sumatra and Java is continued eastwards into the Moluccas, and terminates in a hooklike curve which passes through the Damar Islands to the Banda group. Outside this hook lies a concentric arc of non-volcanic islands, including Tenimber, the Lesser Kei Islands, Ceram and Buru; and beyond is still a third concentric arc extending from Taliabu to the Greater Kei Islands.
It comes, however, within the great volcanic zone which stretches from the north of Sumatra, through Java and the other Sundanese islands, round to Amboyna, Tidore, Ternate, Halmahera and the Philippines.
In Java the new-born babe is placed in a hen-coop, and the mother makes a clucking noise, as if she were a hen, to attract the child's soul.
On the 2gth of December, when off Bahia, he fell in with the British frigate "Java" (38), which was carrying General Hislop, the governor of Bombay, to India, and took her after a sharp action.
A good deal of work was done by Dutch evangelists in Java, the Moluccas, Formosa and Ceylon, but it was not permanent.
In Java the government has favoured Mahommedans (there is active intercourse between the island and Mecca), but there are some 25,000 Christians and a training school and seminary at Depok near Batavia.
The northern half runs roughly parallel to the Malay Peninsula, from which it is separated by the Strait of Malacca, and the southern end is separated by the narrow Sunda Strait from Java.
Unlike Java, Sumatra has a series of considerable islands (Nias Islands, Mentawi Islands, &c.) arranged like outworks in front of the west coast, which faces the open Indian Ocean.
Though Sumatra is separated from Java by so narrow a strait, both the zoologist and the botanist at once find that they have broken new ground on crossing to the northern island.
Rank grasses (lalang, glaga), which cover great areas in Java, have an even wider range in Sumatra, descending to within 700 or Boo ft.
Among the orders more strongly represented in Sumatra than in Java are the Dipterocarpaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, sclerocarp 1Vlyrtaceae, Melastomaceae, Begonias, Nepenthes, Oxalidaceae, Myristicaceae, Ternstrbmiaceae, Connaraceae, Amyridaceae, Cyrtandraceae, Epacridaceae and Eriocaulaceae.
Many of the Sumatran forms which do not occur in Java are found in the Malay Peninsula.
The distribution of species does not depend on elevation to the same extent as in Java, where the horizontal zones are clearly marked; and there appears to be a tendency of all forms to grow at lower altitudes than in that island.
Whereas in Java tall timber on the mountains keeps to altitudes of not less than 3000 f t., the tall timber on the mountains of Sumatra commonly descends below moo ft., and in many cases right down to the coast.
In Sumatra, as in Java, the vegetation of the lowlands up to nearly moo ft.
In these inscriptions Sumatra is called the " first Java."
The traces of Hindu influence still to be found in the island are extremely numerous, though far from being so important as those of Java.
At a later period the Hindu influence in Sumatra was strengthened by an influx of Hindus from Java, who settled in Palembang, Jambi and Indragiri, but their attachment to Sivaism prevented them from coalescing with their Buddhist brethren in the north.
The bulk of trade is carried on with Germany and England; then follow Java, Belgium, Russia, the United States, &c. In the last half of the 19th century the total value of the foreign commerce was more than trebled.
The Malay badger (Mydaus meliceps) is confined to the mountains of Java (where it is called the teledu), Sumatra and Borneo.
It also comprises a number of small islands in the Java Sea, including the Thousand Islands group, with a total area of 24 sq.
It was not till the middle of the century that the English began to use tea, and they also received their supplies from Java till in 1686 they were driven out of the island by the Dutch.
The first direct purchase in China was made at Amoy, the teas previously obtained by the Company's factors having bean purchased in Madras and Surat, whither it was brought by Chinese junks after the expulsion of the British from Java.
A beginning was made in Java in 1826, but probably because of the even more marked influence of Chinese methods and Chinese plant, the progress was slow and the results indifferent.
The Assam Indigenous, in its two sub-races of Singlo and Bazalona, and the Manipur, originally found wild in the jungles of the native state of that name, have, with various intermixtures and crossings, been used to cover the greatest areas of all the more modern planting in India, Ceylon and Java.
It exists in greater percentage in Indian and Ceylon teas than in those from Java, and is lowest in China and Japan teas.
In 1877, except to the initiated, tea meant China tea., India and Java were producing a little, but practically for use only in Great Britain and Holland.
The Russians have themselves established several important factories at Hankow, which is the chief seat of this industry, and to which place they import in large quantities tea-dust and small broken tea from India, Ceylon and Java.
As the planting, productive and manufacturing processes of India may be taken to be generally representative of Indian tea Ceylon and Java also, and therefore of the tea of modern trade.
Holland, in Europe, comes next to England, and uses principally the product of her dependency Java.
The Australian demand is fed by steamers from Calcutta and Colombo, with some additions direct from China and Java.
Cool, With the Dutch in the East (Amsterdam and London, 1897), in Dutch and English, is a narrative of the events sketched above, and contains many particulars about the folklore and dual religions of Lombok, which, with Bali, forms the last stronghold of Hinduism east of Java.
The slow loris (Nycticebus tardigradus) is a heavier built and larger animal, ranging from eastern Bengal to Cochin China, Siam, the Malay Peninsula, Java and Sumatra.
The tree is grown at Tellicherry, in Java, the West Indies, Brazil and Egypt, but the produce of none of these places approaches in quality that grown in Ceylon.
A black variety, as beautiful as it is rare, is sometimes found in the extreme south of the peninsula, and also in Java.
The total import of sugar in1905-1906was valued at £5,182,000, chiefly from Java and Mauritius.
In 1603 and 1639 the Dutch blockaded Goa; during the first half of the 17th century they routed the Portuguese everywhere in India, Ceylon and Java.
In 1618 they laid the foundation of the city of Batavia in Java, to be the seat of the supreme government of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies.
In the great French war from 1781 to 1811 England wrested from Holland every one of her colonies, though Java was restored in 1816 and Sumatra in exchange for Malacca in 1824.
His only military exploits were the occupation of the island of Mauritius, and the conquest of Java by an expedition which he accompanied in person.
When he does not wear a skull-cap his amamah is made after the arched Arab form, or is a Kashmir scarf wound round a skull-cap made of Java straw.
Cheribon has been for many centuries the centre of Islamism in western Java, and is also the seat of a fanatical Mahommedan sect controlled from Mecca.
Surabaya is the principal mercantile town in Java.
It is also the headquarters of the military authorities for East Java, and has artillery workshops.
In Bali near Java, where the Naga-cult flourishes, a serpent is carried at the funeral ceremonies of the Kshatriya caste and burned with the corpse.
Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Banka and Billiton, with their adjacent islands - and the Little Sunda Islands, of which the more important are Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba and Timor.
Sunda Strait is the channel separating Sumatra from Java and uniting the Indian Ocean with the Java Sea.
Some places, such as Bidi in Sarawak, for instance, are notoriously unhealthy; but from the statistics of the Dutch government, and the records of Sarawak and British North Borneo, it would appear that the European in Borneo has in general not appreciably more to fear than his fellow in Java, or in the Federated Malay States of the Malayan Peninsula.
Ferns are abundant, but not so varied as in Java.
During the occupation of Java by the British an embassy was despatched to Sir Stamford Raffles by the sultan of Banjermasin asking for assistance, and in 1811 Alexander Hare was despatched thither as commissioner and resident.
On the restoration of Java to the Dutch in 1816, all these arrangements were cancelled, and the Dutch government was left in undisputed possession of the field.
The outbreak of war in Java caused Borneo to be more or less neglected by the Dutch for a considerable period, and no effective check was imposed upon the natives with a view to stopping piracy, which was annually becoming more and more unendurable.
Confirmation of this is afforded by the occurrence in the mountains of Java of a pariah-like dog which has reverted to an almost completely wild condition; and likewise by the fact that the old voyagers met with dogs more or less similar to the dingo in New Guinea, New Zealand and the Solomon and certain other of the smaller Pacific islands.
The mountain sparrow (Passer montana) is abundant in Java and Singapore in a uniform equatorial climate, and also inhabits Britain and a considerable portion of northern Europe.
Thus, the species inhabiting Sumatra, Java and Borneo are almost always much smaller than the closely allied species of Celebes and the Moluccas; the species or varieties of the small island of Amboyna are larger than the same species or closely allied forms inhabiting the surrounding islands; the species found in Celebes possess a peculiar form of wing, quite distinct from that of the same or closely allied species of adjacent islands; and, lastly, numerous species which have tailed wings in India and the western islands of the Archipelago, gradually lose the tail as we proceed eastward to New Guinea and the Pacific.
The so-called Java sparrow (Munia oryzivora), although a destructive bird to rice, has been widely distributed by accident or design, and is now found in several East Indian islands besides Java, in south China, St Helena, India, Zanzibar and the east African coast.
Its most northern range is the territory of the Amur, its most southern the islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali.
He travelled in Mexico, under a commission from the French ministry of education, in 1857-1861; in Madagascar in 1863; in South America, particularly Chile and Argentina, in 1 875; and in Java and Australia in 1878.
Four species of the genus are now recognized, whose range includes the Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes and some of the Philippines.
In the environs of Kashan and in Fars, chiefly at Maimand, much rose-water is made, and a considerable quantity of it is exported by way of Bushire to India and Java.
The chief markets for the soft or shipping varieties of opium are, China, Korea, the West Indian Islands, Cuba, British Guiana, Japan and Java; the United States also purchase for re-exportation as well as for home consumption.
He visited Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, the Moluccas, Timor, New Guinea and the Aru and Ke Islands.
After the restoration of Java to the Netherlands in 1816, a good deal of weight was attached by the neighbouring British colonies to the maintenance of influence in Achin; and in 1819 a treaty of friendship was concluded with the Calcutta government which excluded other European nationalities from fixed residence in Achin.
Typically from Java, this deer is also represented in the Moluccas and Timor, and has thus the most easterly range of the whole tribe.
A black coat with white spots distinguishes the Philippine spotted deer, C. alf redi, which is about the size of a roe-buck; while other members of this group are the Calamianes deer of the Philippines (C. culionensis), the Bavian deer (C. kuhli) from a small island near Java, and the well-known Indian hog-deer or para (C. porcinus), all these three last being small, more or less uniformly coloured, and closely allied species.
Since the cultivation of cinchona trees was commenced in Java, India, Ceylon and Jamaica, several other species, as well as varieties and hybrids cultivated in those countries, have been used.'
The first importation from India took place in 1867, since which time the cultivated bark has arrived in Europe in constantly increasing quantities, London being the chief market for the Indian barks and Amsterdam for those of Java.
The yield of quinine has been ascertained to increase annually until the eleventh year, at which it seems to reach its ' In Java, C. Calisaya, vars.
Of public institutions there are baths, ribats, or hospices, for poor pilgrims from India, Java, &c., a hospital and a public kitchen for the poor.
They range all over India and Ceylon, thence northward to Tibet, and eastwards to China, Japan, Formosa, Borneo, Sumatra and Java; while by some naturalists the black ape of Celebes (Cynopithecus ',tiger) is included in the same genus.
For that reason, and also on account of its excellent horses and numerous buffaloes, Saleyer is often compared with Madura, being of the same importance to Celebes as is Madura to Java.
Another work on what has sometimes been termed the metaphysics of language appeared from his pen in 1828, under the title of Ober den Dualis; but the great work of his life, on the ancient Kawi language of Java, was unfortunately interrupted by his death on the 8th of April 183 5.
In 1629 he was able to beat off a formidable attack of the sultan of Mataram, sometimes styled emperor of Java, upon Batavia.
Ross, who had commanded a brig during the English occupation of Java, settled with his family (who continued in the ownership) on Direction Island, and his little colony was soon strengthened by Hare's runaway slaves.
Certain tribes in Java " believe that women when delivered of a child are frequently delivered at the same time of a young crocodile."
Brunei, at this time, was a dependency of Majapahit (Java), and paid a yearly tribute of a jar of areca juice obtained from the young green nuts of the areca palm, and of no monetary value.
The Hindu kingdom of Menjapahit was destroyed by the Mahommedans in 1478, and Brunei is mentioned in the history of Java as one of the countries conquered by Adaya Mingrat, the general of Angka Wijaya.
Sultan Bulkeiah was otherwise known as Nakoda Ragam; he was the greatest warrior of Brunei and made military expeditions to Java, Malacca, Luzon and all the coasts of Borneo.
Coco-nut oil and copra, both for edible and technical purposes, are largely shipped to Great Britain from the East Indies and Ceylon, Java and the West Indies.
Vascular Cryptogams still include one or two large horsetails with stems over an inch thick, and also 37 species of Fern, amongst the most interesting of which are 5 species belonging to the climbing Lygodium, a genus now living in Java.
Some of the animals are probably descendants of specimens introduced by man; others are allied in species, but not identical, with mammals of Java and Borneo; others again, including the three just mentioned, are wholly or practically confined to Celebes.
The horses are in high repute in the archipelago; formerly about 700 were yearly exported to Java, but the supply has considerably diminished.
It is held that in the Miocene and Pliocene periods there were land connexions with the Philippines, Java and the Moluccas, and through the last with Australasian lands to the east and south-east.
Some of these selections come from Java and other parts of Indonesia via the fm airwaves of Sumatra's major cities.
Now researchers in the US have discovered that good old cup of java may help to boost the brainpower of such people.
Thanks to Jack Fitch, Dave Carlson and Alex Jacobson, property names for reflected Java Beans now use standard capitalization transform.
You need to be aware of this so that style settings in c-mode-common-hook do n't clobber your Java style.
We create the parent compositor that will contain the background image, ripple effect, Java text, and the spaceship compositor.
The module provides an introduction to Java and object oriented programming concepts.
You might wonder why these methods, now deprecated, were included in Java in the first place.
Java has no destructor or similar concept, so you must create an ordinary method to perform this cleanup.
Portals are aimed at human end-users using common Web ' standards ' such as HTTP, HTML, Java and JavaScript ' .
Consult the Java 1.2 security documentation for further details regarding how to write extension and application code to use the new security features.
Because MS is not being very forthcoming about their support of Java - Linux has embraced it quite happily.
Chapter four introduces Java's own pseudo-random number generator, plus programming for key seeds from keyboard timing.
I recently noticed a book on computer graphics in Java, by the same author.
The trees was formerly planted about the palace harems in Java.
Age of earliest known hominids in Java, Indonesia.
None of the major development environmentsâand this includes Java idesâhave integrated unit testing directly into the development IDEs.
Wizards simplify the installation, set up and administration of applications written for both Solaris and Java environments.
A number of papers were presented, and demonstrations given including learning objects produced at LondonMet for teaching introductory Java programming.
Java installed, your browser should offer you the option to download it.
Java based chat rooms for your.. .
The interactive puzzles require Java to run and may take a few seconds to load on your computer.
Fun with powers of 2. This program needs a Java enabled browser.
The web site will be created using Java, javascript.
I assume you have a Java 1.3 or later installation.
How does JSPWiki compare to other Java based Wikis?
On the one side you have relative mediocre Java based games, struggling with the phone platform and yielding sometimes awful results.
Java applets on pages can have similar problems.
You can check whether Java is already installed on your machine by typing the command java -version at the command prompt.
Java runtime An command line XSLT implementation An XSL implementation A couple of command line scripts.
Java fern growing on it.
When -debug is specified on the command line Java displays a password which must be used when starting the debugging session.
Many online portscan Java retailers offer rebates that can save you a bundle of money.
Java enterprise technologies Microsoft got a jump-start with integrating Web services into the.NET framework.
It contains an interactive Java applet showing the effects of changing lambda, distance and theta values, which can be altered.
The disaster followed landslides in neighboring East Java province earlier this week that killed at least 77 people.
Returns the location of the main Starlink java directory which contains the lib, bin, etc, source directories and others.
Java programs are not assigned a single global locale.
The new STX specification provides the prospect of being able to write SAX filters without needing to do low-level Java coding.
I use no java or frames, wanting fellow monastics on low budgets with old programs to have equal access.
I forwarded the note on to my friend Josh Engel, who just finished writing a large monograph on Java.
We decided to generate mutants for real Java programs.
Or to put it another way, Java has pointers, but no pointer arithmetic.
Languages like java are designed to give you a heavily pruned search space.
Daily SuDoku - Offers daily printable puzzles of varying... a Java applet.
The most important aspect of Java, and it's a comparatively recent one, is the J2EE edition.
In the Java side, add rollovers and sounds to your Applets with just one click.
Despite the population density, Central Java is predominately rural with an agricultural-based economy.
Java has also had a similar principal from day one - applets were always run in a secure sandbox.
The publisher or the webmaster inserts a Java script into a certain website.
The Java Sparrow, in my opinion, can only be described as spectacular.
The VRML model of the 9th-century Buddhist stupa on the Borobudur island, Java took two years to build.
News ticker We are now offering a free Java based news headline ticker for any website.
In previous releases, Java supported only top-level classes, which must be members of packages.
In June 1994, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Java triggered a tsunami that killed 200.
We use turmeric from Java, Indonesia, which is an extract of pure curcumin.
It's perhaps unfortunate that Sun has not defined a unique naming system such as the Java package naming system for tag library prefixes.
An instance of this class is created every time a Java program is run or an applet viewer is started.
December 1812 The US warship Constitution sinks the British warship Java off the coast of Brazil.
The difference is that Java is a fully fledged programming language whereas Javascript is simply part of a normal Web page.
Java went even better than expected, so woo hoo for that.
A theory, which seems to have some probability in its favour, is that these mines were worked by the Khmer people during the period of power, energy and prosperity which found its most lofty expression in the now ruined and deserted city of Angkor Thom; while another attributes these works to the natives of India whose Hindu remains are found in Java and elsewhere, whose influence was at one time widespread throughout Malayan lands, and of whose religious teaching remnants still linger in the superstitions of the Malays and are preserved in some purity in Lombok and Bali.
In the light of present knowledge concerning the trade-routes of Asia, which had been in existence for thousands of years ere ever Europeans attempted to make use of them, it is safe to identify Ptolemy's Sinus Perimulicus with the Gulf of Siam, the Sinus Sabaricus with the Straits of Malacca from their southern portals to the Gulf of Martaban, the Aurea Chersonesus with the Malay Peninsula, and the island of Iabadius or Sabadius - the reading of the name is doubtful - with Sumatra, not as has often been mistakenly attempted with Java.
The literary language has embodied many of its ingredients from the Old Javanese, as spoken in Java at the time of the fall of Majapahit (15th century), while the vulgar dialect has kept free from such admixture.
There are good roads, and railways connect the chief town with Batavia, Samarang, Surakarta, &c. The town of Jokjakarta (see Java) is the seat of the resident, the sultan and the Paku Alam princes; its most remarkable section is the kraton or citadel of the sultan.
He did much to justify the trust placed in him, for the period of Frederick Henry is the most brilliant in the history of the Dutch Republic. During his time the East India Company, which had founded the town of Batavia in Java as their administrative capital, under a succession of able governorgenerals almost monopolized the trade of the entire Orient, made many conquests and established a network of factories and trade posts stretching from the Cape of Good Hope to Japan (see Dutch East India Company).
Indonesian quake survivors pray at a temporary shelter in Klaten, central Java, May 29, 2006.
The most important aspect of Java, and it 's a comparatively recent one, is the J2EE edition.
This is a problem that Java applets simply do n't have, because they run within the restricted sandbox environment.
Fact of the week The Java security model is called a sandbox model.
The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website.
Handwritten signature capture [download] - it is a handy Java program to capture handwritten signature and build your own database.
This can be achieved by setting the environment variable classpath to specify where Java tools should look for the classes.
News Ticker We are now offering a free Java based news headline ticker for any website.
In west Java workers toil in the onion fields under armed police guard.
It 's perhaps unfortunate that Sun has not defined a unique naming system such as the Java package naming system for tag library prefixes.
The difference is that Java is a fully fledged programming language whereas Javascript is simply part of a normal web page.
An interactive Java tutorial is provided to explore how a ruby laser is excited by a xenon flash tube to produce coherent red light.
Tired of going to the supermarket or your local coffee shop on foot or by car to pick up your java?
However, if you are a power coffee drinker, or if you are making coffee for two or more people, you will likely want a coffee maker that can brew up to 12 cups of java.
That said, most contemporary handsets will come with rudimentary Java environment support.
A very easy way for you to check if your phone comes with Java is to go into the main menu, and then into the "Games" or "Applications" section.
Most mobile phones will come pre-loaded with a small number of sample titles, and if you boot one of these up (and it happens to be Java-powered), you will see a start-up screen with the Java logo.
Depending on the programming behind a game, you may receive an error message from your browser saying that you need to upgrade to the latest version of Java or Flash.
Most websites that let you play free fun games online now usually host Java, Flash or Shockwave-based games.
Before you start clicking on games, ensure you have the Flash, Shockwave and Java plugins installed.
The games play in a Java window, so ensure you have Java installed; otherwise, you need to wait another minute or two to install it.
Some games are also available in Java, so it really just depends on what is available on your computer.
Keep in mind that some games are only in Flash, Shockwave or Java so your best bet is to have all three technologies installed.
Retro Nintendo Games uses Java to deliver Nintendo games to your computer.
This website is very easy to navigate and uses Java to send you the games.
Typically, free online crossword puzzles use Java or Flash programming that allows you to enter letters in separate squares.
The puzzles are in Java format, so ensure you have Java installed and enabled on your computer.
Most of the online puzzles are created with Flash or Java, so that means you can simply use your mouse to click and drag the cursor to select the word.
Since online word searches are in Flash or Java, you can usually play timed or untimed puzzles.
Flash, Java and Shockwave are the three most common vehicles for posting older games.
The only items you should be downloading are Flash, Shockwave and Java because your computer needs them to run the online, browser-specific games.
Many of the online calculators use Java and Flash so ensure you have both of those already installed on your computer.
Be forewarned though, using this website requires a java download.
All you have to do is accept the Java script, enter a nickname, and enter the room.
Featuring rushed sides and a tabs at the shoulders, the top is available in white, java, estate blue and Amazon rose.
The cost is $415.00 and they are available in horn with java polar, noir with platinum polar, olive tortoise with midnight express, and tungsten with chrome sapphire.
One of their most popular programs, a simple roller coaster java applet, illustrates that philosophy perfectly.
An internet connection is required to use the Funderstanding coaster simulation, but can be disconnected once the java applet has loaded successfully.
The kids section of Download-Free-Games only features 28 games, but they aren't simple Java games like most sites offer.
Many of the online games use Java Technology, developed by Sun Microsystems; Java can be run on any mainstream computer operating system.
The Falling Sand Game is free and plays right in your browser using Java.
Some PS3 Internet browsing problems have arisen, however, over the use of Java and Javascript on websites.
Triplet Sand offers many 80's games in Flash, Shockwave, Java , DOS and Windows.
They don't use either Java or Flash, ensuring that even the lowest of the low-end computers can play them.
The Java applet takes a few minutes to load, so be patient.
Written entirely in Java, it's platform-independent and runs on almost any computer.
However, when you try this online version, make sure you have Java enabled on your PC to get it to work.
When you select the free "play online" option, a new window will open, activating the Java engine.
Cardew Concentration is an online Java based game of matching up Cardew Teapots.
No longer are they satisfied with simple WAP mobile web, because they want the same HTML and Java experience that they have on their desktop computers.
Even though it may not be the first option that comes to mind for phone app development, taking a look at the Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) might be a great option.
If coded properly, Java apps can run on a Symbian S60-based Nokia smartphone, for instance, as well as a Windows Mobile smartphone.
Certain Java apps will also run on regular, conventional phones like the Motorola RAZR.
Official information regarding Java ME for mobile devices can be found at
When you want a fun distraction without having to break out your wallet, free Java games for Nokia cell phones just might be the way to go.
In general, most contemporary Nokia handsets are equipped with Java functionality, but there are some games that will only work on certain resolutions or within certain operating systems.
There are also different versions of S40 and S60, which can be a big cause of confusion when trying to find compatible free Java games for Nokia phones.
With that in mind, what are some of the best free Java games for Nokia phones?
The development community for free Java games for Nokia phones may not be as big as some other platforms, but you've still got a lot of options if Nokia is the way you went.
Java-enabled phones offer some additional means to do the fun and games that everyone loves, particularly when you add mobile phone Java applications into the mix.
Some of the best Java apps for mobile phones are easily downloadable, many for free, from sites like
There are all kinds of different mobile phone Java applications, so no matter what your needs, you're probably covered.
Some of the best that are out there are listed for you here, along with download links for the mobile phone Java applications that you want most.
Available to nearly any Java capable mobile phone, you can download Paccyman online.
Available for nearly every Java enabled phone going, Facebook Mobile is a must-have free Java application for your mobile phone.
Free mobile phone java application makes it easier to satisfy your craving for the printed word.
It is compatible with more than 500 different java capable phones and downloadable here.
Most of those which you see featured here are available for nearly any of the phones which are Java capable.
Check out a few of them and see how much more useful you can make your own mobile phone with the addition of a few mobile phone Java applications.
If you're on a budget but love your java, this model can't be beat.
AsoBrain Games- All you need is a Java player and sense of adventure to play this version of Settlers of Catan on the Internet.
At NTL World you can type in two to seven letters for the Java program to scramble into words.
Free Java Chat has a map of the United States.
Some of the games require that you have Java on your computer.
However, they are divided between Java and non-Java games so you can find what you need easily.
Children's Storybooks Online has a large library of printable coloring pages, as well as many interactive Java pages for coloring online.
The game is Java supported, and kids use the computer arrow keys to move swimmers through the channel, trying to avoid being eaten by sharks nearby.
Kids will enjoy the Java supported interactive shark word search puzzle and the "Back to Shark School" links.
You'll need to download Java if you don't already have it.
Books are offered through a simple Java applet and a free bookmarking feature lets you save your screen preferences as well as your place in the book.
You'll need to install Java Runtime on your computer first, but then it works with Windows, Mac, and Linux.
For a shoe that makes it easy to kick back and relax, try the Men's Java.
Automatically attempts to heal/remove infected files and other threats such as Trojans, worms, and java applets placing these quarantined files in an AVG Virus Vault.
Not everyone is a computer wizard, but if you're pretty good on the computer, there are many web design packages out there that allow you to create beautiful websites without the need to know much HTML or Java.
You will need to have Java installed and enabled in your browser, but most people already have this option available by default.
If your Windows computer does not support Java, LimeWire will also install Java Runtime Environment 1.5 (JRE).
They will also tell you whether javascript, java, perl, or other web effects like rollovers are used.
Even though the script for an ASP page can be written in VB or Java, the files are saved as ".asp" files, which means that the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) should be configured with the ASP feature.
This was nothing very special since you could do the same things with java scripting.
Just like any other scripting language, like C, Visual Basic or Java - PHP uses the same basic programming operators and comparators such as if-then statements, while loops, for loops and other standard statements.
Many of the applications that use