Jar Sentence Examples
She handed the jar to Rob and grinned.
I may jar us loose.
Even the sound of the door shutting did nothing to jar him.
For this purpose a small Leyden jar is connected as usual.
His response was a strike hard enough to jar her to the bone when she blocked it.
Let one jar be initially FIG.
She folded the form and stuck it under the cookie jar.
Jackson laughed, "You're like a kid who got caught in the cookie jar."
Looking into that stern face, she felt like a child caught with her hand in the candy jar.
The instrument known as a Leyden jar consists of a glass bottle coated within and without for three parts of the way up with tinfoil.
AdvertisementThe experiment is usually performed, in a more striking manner, with a bell-jar and a number of small light wooden balls suspended by silk strings to a fixed frame above the jar, so as to be just in contact with the widest part of the glass.
But as the pitch of the one rises the beats become a jar too frequent to count, and only perhaps to a trained ear recognizable as beats.
The fact that a comparatively brittle material like concrete can be subjected not only to heavy loads but also to the jar and vibration from the blows of a heavy pile ram makes it appear as if its nature and properties had been changed by the steel reinforcement.
The jar will hold the volcano shape and hold the gungy goo too!
In the next experiment the air was compressed as before, and then allowed to escape through a long lead tube immersed in the water of a calorimeter, and finally collected in a bell jar.
AdvertisementThe electromotive force of each cell is i 07 volts and the resistance 3 ohms. The Fuller bichromate battery consists of an outer jar containing a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, in which a plate of hard carbon is immersed; in the jar there is also a porous pot containing dilute sulphuric acid and a small quantity (2 oz.) of mercury, in which stands a stout zinc rod.
The mind will pursue knowledge without the wasteful jar and friction of conflicting methods and mutually hostile conceptions; education will be regenerated; and society will reorganize itself on the only possible solid base - a homogeneous philosophy.
If chlorine be bubbled up into a jar of acetylene standing over water, a violent explosion, attended with a flash of intense light and the deposition of carbon, at once takes place.
The study of electricity he took up in 1746 when he first saw a Leyden jar, in the manipulation of which he became expert and which he improved by the use of granulated lead in the place of water for the interior armatures; he recognized that condensation is due to the dielectric and not to the metal coatings.
The bleached rhubarb, which has a very delicate flavour, is altered by covering the young leaves, as they sprout from the soil, with loose stones or an empty jar.
AdvertisementDuring the procession a chant (also called eiresione) was sung, the text of which has been preserved in Plutarch (Theseus, '22) "Eiresione carries figs and rich cakes; Honey and oil in a jar to anoint the limbs; And pure wine, that she may be drunken and go to sleep."
In its modern form the Leyden jar consists of a widemouthed bottle of thin English flint glass of uniform thickness p. 512.
A wooden stopper closes the mouth of the jar, and through lon.
The energy stored up in the jar in joules is expressed by the value of CV 2, where C is the capacity measured in farads and V the potential difference of the coatings in volts.
The size of jar commonly known as a quart size may have a capacity from 4 o 0 th to s 00 oth of a microfarad, and if charged to 20,000 volts stores up energy from a quarter to half a joule or from -ths to Iths of a foot-pound.
AdvertisementAll the lugs on one side are connected together, and so also are all the lugs on the other side, and the two sets of tin foils separated by sheets of mica constitute the two metallic surfaces of the Leyden jar condenser.
For the purposes of wireless telegraphy, when large condensers are required, the ordinary Leyden jar occupies too much space in comparison with its electrical capacity, and hence the best form of con denser consists of a number of sheets of crown glass, each partly coated on both sides with tin foil.
Owing to the variation in the value of the dielectric constant of glass with the temperature and with the frequency of the applied electromotive force, and also owing to electric glow discharge from the edges of the tin foil coatings, the capacity of an ordinary Leyden jar is not an absolutely fixed quantity, but its numerical value varies somewhat with the method by which it is measured, and with the other circumstances above mentioned.
The principles of telegraphy (land, submarine and wireless) and of telephony are discussed in the articles Telegraph and Telephone, and various electrical instruments are treated in separate articles such as Amperemeter; Electrometer; Galvanometer; Voltmeter; Wheatstone'S Bridge; Potentiometer; Meter, Electric; Electrophorus; Leyden Jar; &C.
Sir William Watson (1715-1787) in England first observed the flash of light when a Leyden jar is discharged, and he and Dr John Bevis (1695-1771) suggested coating the jar inside and outside with tinfoil.
Watson carried out elaborate experiments to discover how far the electric discharge of the jar could be conveyed along metallic wires and was able to accomplish it for a distance of 2 m., making the important observation that the electricity appeared to be transmitted instantaneously.
In the case of the charged Leyden jar, he asserted that the inner coating of tinfoil had received more than its ordinary quantity of electricity, and was therefore electrified positively, or plus, while the outer coating of tinfoil having had its ordinary quantity of electricity diminished, was electrified negatively, or minus.
Hence the cause of the shock and spark when the jar is discharged, or when the superabundant or plus electricity of the inside is transferred by a conducting body to the defective or minus electricity of the outside.
A Leyden jar was charged at the key, and by the electric fire thus obtained spirits were inflamed, and many other experiments performed which had been formerly made by excited electrics.
The observation that certain animals could give shocks resembling the shock of a Leyden jar induced a closer examination of these powers.
He added definiteness to the idea of the self-induction or inductance of an electric circuit, and gave a mathematical expression for the current flowing out of a Leyden jar during its discharge.
The positive and negative electrifications of the two coatings of the Leyden jar were therefore to be regarded as the result of a transformation of something called electricity from one coating to the other, by which process a certain measurable quantity became so much less on one side by the same amount by which it became more on the other.
A hundred or more jars were coupled in series, the cathodes of one to the anodes of the next, and were so arranged that with the aid of side-pipes with leaden connexions and india-rubber joints the electrolyte could, once daily, be made to circulate through them all from the top of one jar to the bottom of the next.
Let this potential be denoted by V, and let v be the potential of the guard plate and the aluminium flap. This last potential is maintained constant by guard plate and flap being part of the interior coating of a charged Leyden jar.
By giving a charge to this Leyden jar the needle can thus be maintained at a certain constant high potential.
The formula indicates that the sensibility of the instrument should increase with the charge of the Leyden jar or needle, whereas Hopkinson found that as the potential of the needle was increased by working the replenisher of the jar, the deflection due to three volts difference between the quadrants first increased and then diminished.
Finally, these observers traced the variation to the fact that the wire supporting the aluminium needle as well as the wire which connects the needle with the sulphuric acid in the Leyden jar in the White pattern of Leyden jar is enclosed in a metallic guard tube to screen the wire from external action.
All the working parts of the instrument were supported on the base, so that on removing a glass shade which serves as a Leyden jar they can be got at and adjusted in position.
In churches of the Greek rite a little of the old year's chrism is left in the jar to communicate its sanctity to that of the new.
The spark may be obtained from the secondary of an induction coil, whose terminals are in connexion with the coatings of a Leyden jar.
In 1822 he showed that when a mass of platinum black, supplied with alcohol by a wick is enclosed in a jar to which the air has limited access, acetic acid and water are produced; this experiment formed the basis of the Schiitzenbach Quick Vinegar Process.
An early observation of the diffusion of gases was recorded by him in 1823 when he noticed the escape of hydrogen from a cracked jar, attributing it to the capillary action of fissures.
When a child, while playing at ball or pursuing a mouse, he fell into a jar of honey and was smothered.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under J to Jar.
Another advantage of membership is the use of a " county label " for affixing to each section of honey in comb, a or jar of extracted honey, offered for sale by members.
Brunei, at this time, was a dependency of Majapahit (Java), and paid a yearly tribute of a jar of areca juice obtained from the young green nuts of the areca palm, and of no monetary value.
He slapped her backside to jar her into gear, and she bolted forward.
He moseyed to the kitchen to bolster his sparse lunch where he found Fred eating sauerkraut, a gift from a neighbor lady, directly from a jar.
Soon it will be the year 2002 I wonder how many people today remember the Star Cinema and the acid jar two volt accumulator?
In dry atmospheres it's advisable to cover the whole thing with a glass bell jar.
Also jar me of jack benny much of them.
Water was still scarce, so the white chrysanthemums in the jar she held were no doubt drinking part of her personal ration.
Mash the egg yolks and crushed garlic clove and place in a screw top jam jar.
An acoustic enclosure was put over the conveyor at a cost of £ 2,000 and the conveyor speed was changed to reduce jar clashing.
The number the last person calls out is the total number of cookies in the cookie jar.
Maybe that'll help jar me out of my creative doldrums.
Titley then excised the heart, which was sealed in a jar of alcohol.
James saw Guy Fawkes standin ' there And feelin ' rather frisky, Offered ' im a pewter jar Full of Highland whiskey.
They also had the ever-present giant jar of pickled eggs and turkey gizzards sitting proudly on the counter-top.
For a store cupboard hoummus, process a drained jar of artichoke hearts and a drained can of borlotti beans.
Its weaver wants a jar of wild forest honey in exchange.
The horseradish mousse served with it provided an interesting alternative to the usual horseradish mousse served with it provided an interesting alternative to the usual horseradish sauce straight out of the jar.
Current museum projects include investigating the contents or a New Kingdom canopic jar through CT scanning and the creation of a virtual museum.
An Arab peasant, digging around a boulder, chanced upon an old, red, earthenware jar.
The marmalade Man was roughly the size of a marmalade jar, and shook his head as he walked over to Willie's bowl.
Store in a tightly lidded jar, away from heat and sunlight.
I am afraid they will eat me and put my dead brother in a pickle jar.
A third sphere contained a small charge of gunpowder which could be set off by a spark from an external Leyden jar.
Pour the mixture into a glass jar - a coffee jar is ideal.
Now look at the picture of Horace with his hand in the cookie jar.
Expect to hear everything from ' Whiskey in the Jar ' to traditional jigs & reels.
Put into the jar 3 lb Demerara sugar, the rind of 2 sliced lemons.
She pours that tincture over a new jar of fresh lemon balm leaves.
It also contained a golden jar having the manna and the rod of high priest Aaron.
A jar of Seville orange marmalade produced by Charles's lot costs pounds 1.95.
I eat marmite every day, often straight out of the jar.
Oh, they did find a jar - containing mementos left by a previous excavation.
The best way to achieve this is to use methylene blue solution to darken the water in the jar.
I placed the mouthpiece above in a jar containing Hydrogen Peroxide.
To store fresh parsley in the fridge, place the stems in a glass jar of cold water.
I can fight patriarchy one pickle jar at a time.
To go with these we also prepared some finally chopped chives and drained a small jar of soft green or pink peppercorns.
Roses and Rose petals jam pink 51 roses A round bouquet with a jar of rose petals jam pink 51 roses A round bouquet with a jar of rose petals jam.
Itâs all good, but I particularly enjoyed the reverie of âSunday Jam Jar Daysâ with its dragon and damsel flies.
Perpetual cookie jar and a complete with private bathroom talks cruise dinner river seine about the.
You stuck a sticker on the front of the jar to indicate what was in the jar.
Misha tells us that many believe that Lenin had the tsar 's head cut off and kept in a jar in his study.
She was spooning a brownish looking mixture from a big stone jar into a silver tureen.
We also have daily living aids for sale, such as tap turners, jar openers and sock aids.
The next morning, I pour off (and drink) the wintergreen flavored tea, leaving the twigs in the jar.
Thus, the Koreans go far beyond the Eskimo and number their demons by thousands of billions; they fill the chimney, the shed, the living-room, the kitchen, they are on every shelf and jar; in thousands they waylay the traveller as he leaves his home, beside him, behind him, dancing in front of him, whirring over his head, crying out upon him from air, earth and water.
The shingle therefore stood some feet higher than it does now, and it is supposed that a shock or jar, such as that of an earthquake, broke up the stalagmite, and the pebbles and sand composing the shingle sunk deeper into the fissures in the limestone.
In a subsequent year he gained both the tragic and dithyrambic prizes, and in honour of his victory gave a jar of Chian wine to every Athenian citizen (Athenaeus p. 3).
Such a pair of concentric spheres constitute a condenser (see Leyden Jar), and it is obvious that by making R2 nearly equal to R 1, we may enormously increase the capacity of the inner sphere.
Trans., 1876, 166 [ii.], P. 489, where it is shown that tapping the glass of a Leyden jar permits the reappearance of the residual charge; " On the Residual Charge of 2 See Faraday, Experimental Researches, vol.
The suction may be derived from any form of air-pump; a form often employed where water at fair pressure is available is the jet-pump, which in consequence is known as a filter-pump. Another method of filtering into a vacuum is to immerse a porous jar ("Pukall cell") in the liquid to be filtered, and attach a suction-pipe to its interior.
The phenomena of beats may be easily observed with two organpipes put slightly out of tune by placing the hand near the open end of one of them, with two musical strings on a resonant chest, or with two tuning-forks of the same pitch mounted on their resonance boxes, or held over a resonant cavity (such as a glass jar), one of the forks being put out of tune by loading one prong with a small lump of beeswax.
Zeus gave her a jar (7rLOos), the so-called "Pandora's box" (see below), containing all kinds of misery and evil, and sent her, thus equipped, to Epimetheus, who, forgetting the warning of his brother Prometheus to accept no present from Zeus, made her; his wife.
One large class of electrostatic voltmeters consists of a fixed metal plate or plates and a movable plate or plates, the two sets of plates forming a condenser (see Leyden Jar).
The jar has a certain capacity C which is best expressed in microfarads or electrostatic units (see Electrostatics), and is determined by the surface of the tin foil and thickness and quality of the glass.
At length every jar and vase was cracked or broken, and the precious stones they contained were melting, too, and running in little streams over the trees and bushes of the forest.
Put the raisins into a jar with the walnut bits.
I guess i'll have to ransack the office 's cookie jar again.
Close the jar with the lid and and store it at room temperature for 10 days, then in a cool place.
Lemon and ginger tea, fresh fruit smoothie blended in my blender jar and grape nuts.
Keep covered in the fridge or in a sterilized jar.
This fragment of a brown stoneware jar lies on the earth among the emerging brassica seedlings.
It was a tremulous motion, more than a sudden jar.
At that moment Cormac turned the corner of the hut, bearing an earthen jar of water on his shoulder.
Or, is the zoomorphic form of the jar its main selling point?
There wasn't even a scintilla of flour left in the jar, so Adriane wasn't able to bake muffins for breakfast.
Your baby may only eat a few bites from the baby food jar during one mealtime, but she may inhale the entire jar the next time.
Many baby showers include a frugal game where guests are asked to predict the quantity of an item, such as cotton balls, cotton swabs, or pink and blue jelly beans, stuffed into a clear jar.
Use a clean baby jar and fill it with small shells, buttons or colored rice.
Place super glue underneath the rim of the jar lid and seal it down tight so the items won't spill.
Just choose small glass votives or jar candles in a color that matches the bear of choice for the shower theme.
These include, but are not limited to back massagers, lava lamps, and a cow-shaped cookie jar that moos when you open it.
The mooing cookie jar will stop being funny and just start being annoying.
It can be frozen in a glass jar for longer storage, or you can use an ice cube tray, and take out cubes as you need them.
Donovan's Word Jar by Monalisa Degross is a heart warming story about a boy who loves words.
Add two 1.75L bottles of vodka or PGA to the jar, and be sure to allow for at least an inch of airspace at the top.
Cool the mix to room temperature and add the syrup to your jar.
One glass bottle or jar manufactured from recycled glass saves enough energy to power a 100 watt light bulb for four hours.
Make sure that the jar is sparkling clean.
Spices do not last forever, even if they are kept out of sunlight and in a tightly sealed jar.
When the mixture is finished, cap it carefully with a clean jar lid and store in a cool, dark place.
To get a feel for the true color of sand, go to your local beach or at the very least a local playground, fill a jar with sand and bring it home with you.
Whether it's a classic shiny brass lamp or an Asian ginger jar lamp, decorative table lamps will add instant elegance and refinement to a traditional, eclectic, or modern room.
These delicate lamps are commonly seen in a ginger jar shape.
They come in sets of four, representing the four sons of Horus, and each jar is decorated with a different god charged with protecting the organs of the dead so they could be used in the next life.
No internal organs involved in modern canopic jar versions - they essentially resemble Egyptian inspired Russian dolls and are exceedingly popular.
Jar candles are also perfect compliment for a cottage inspired room.
The countertops - Scented candles, soft stacked guest towels or a decorative apothecary jar filled with brightly colored ornaments (or better yet, little soaps shaped like ornaments) will add some pop and interest.
Do you really need two fruit bowls, a candy dish and an apothecary jar on display?
The Bare Naturale foundation arrives in a small one-ounce jar.
The brush is actually attached to the lid of the jar and is used by simply turning over the lid during application.
This is one of the main attractions for the Loreal mineral makeup, as the competition sells for $20 to $60 a jar.
Due to the petite sized jar sold in a drugstore, skin color matching can be slightly difficult.
When buying your first jar, double check the store's return policy and save your receipt.
It is in a style that comes in a hard plastic type of jar with a built-in brush.
Once you remove the clear top off, there is your sifter jar with the mineral makeup.
I paid $12.50 for a 10 gram jar with the brush included.
Start with a little on the brush, swirl it on the top of the sifter jar, then hold the brush facing upward towards the ceiling and tap it on the bottom of the jar or bathroom counter.
If you spill one little jar, you're not out the whole twenty bucks.
Buy an extra jar in the crafts section of any store and divide it up.
I don't think I'll have to, though, since I still have most of the jar in my possession (I didn't split it with a friend).
Caron Paris has a touch of a romantic story inside every bottle of fragrance and every jar of powder they produce, as many of the products were inspired by Daltroff's unrequited love to a young woman named Felicie Wanpouille.
You'll love the unique feel and gorgeous scent every time you open the jar.
Instead, I grab a jar of Laura Mercier Face Tint.
While that's a drawback, the upside is that this little jar will probably last you a lifetime with regular usage.
Just shake the closed jar, unscrew the lid and run your brush in a swirling fashion over the powder that sits in the lid.
Laura Mercier's Secret Brightening Powder looks alarmingly white in the jar.
Grab a small size foundation jar at Everyday Minerals for just $5, test out a blush for $8 or try a small eye shadow for $2.50.
Purchase a jar of foundation that will last you months for $7 or satiate your taste for adventurous colors with a $5.25 jar of eye shadow.
Packaged in a small glass jar, Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow is a dual eye shadow and liner with a creamy, almost whipped consistency.
It looks dark and vibrant in the jar, but when applied looks much more natural.
Since almost all mineral foundations are packaged in a small jar, sift a small amount of product into the lid.
While glittery shadow is pretty in the jar, using it will overwhelm the soft eye look that you are trying to create for bride eye makeup.
Perfumed Body Crème comes in a jar form and is a rich and moisturizing lotion, but also absorbs quickly.
With just a little effort, you can fill that jar or bottle with home made goodness and turn it into a heart felt gift any foodie would cherish.
Many options exist for finding the right jar for your gifts in jars recipes.
The old Mason jar is always a good standby and is usually found at your local store.
Some people like to collect the jars and later think of things to put in them; others get an idea for a gift jar and then seek the proper container.
If you want to give a gift of preserves or jam then a jar is the only way to go.
If you go with the Mason jar option, you won't be able to sterilize the lid.
If you choose the rubber stopper kind of jar, you can drop the rubber ring into boiling water briefly, but it best to find a replacement if it has been used before.
The gift jar or bottle can be sterilized.
A gift jar isn't a gift until you fill it.
Pour it into the jar, and then add the flavoring ingredient.
Pour into the jar and let the mixture settle until the liquid is clear and the spices have settled to the bottom.
Put them in the jar, pressing them as tightly as possible.
A bit of ribbon around the jar is usually enough to showcase your gift.
Parmigiano Reggiano - Popular food shows have taught the difference between the real thing and the stuff in the green plastic jar.
You can either use pre-cooked chestnuts from a jar or use fresh chestnuts.
Generally, the canned goods, pre-made frozen foods, dry goods like beans and rice, and just about anything else that comes in a jar or bottle like jams or sauces is delivered by a company like MBM Food Distributor.
If you happen to have dry sun-dried tomatoes on hand (by which I mean they are not packed in a jar with oil), place the dry tomatoes in a bowl and pour at least a 1/2-cup of olive oil over them.
When the meat has cooked until reduced to shreds or drops from the bones, strain the stock into the stock jar of earthen or stone ware.
You don't want to find that your child has mistaken a jar of buttons for candy or that your precious kitty has become hopelessly tangled in a basket of ribbons.
Place a sheet of paper under your work area, so you can scoop excess flocking powder back into the jar for another project.
Pour the excess powder back into the jar and wait for your embellishment to dry.
A popular idea in recent years has been a jar filled with slips of paper with reasons why one partner loves the other.
Raw unsalted kimchi is an excellent probiotic source, and you will know your food is alive and flourishing by the way the sauerkraut expands and pours out of the jar upon opening.
For a more rustic or western themed wedding, put a single stem into a glass canning jar and tie with raffia.
Be sure each type of candy has the appropriate scoop or tongs that will fit into the bowl, jar, or other container.
Check out David's Cookie Jar and David Cook Bracelets to find out more about his efforts.
He had a guilty look on his face, like a child who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Follow the simple directions on All Free Crafts to make Layered Dog Cookies in a Jar.
Simply layer all the ingredients needed to make delicious dog treats into the jar and decorate it with a square of pretty material and ribbon.
I'm sure at one time or another you have either seen or gotten a jar layered with different ingredients in it.
You layer the jar with the dry ingredients, and the recipient of your gift adds the fresh ingredients.
Just make sure you add the layers slowly because this makes it look nicer, and be sure to attach an easy-to-read instruction card to the jar.
As for the fabric on the top of the jar, I use the scraps I have saved throughout the year.
I took a few carob chips, ground them up, then mixed them with the dry milk to add a light tint, just so we could see the layer in the jar.
Write the directions on an index card to attach to the jar, and be sure to cut the fabric and use a rubber band or ribbon to tie the index card to the top of the jar so it looks pretty on top.
To my delight, they really did get dried out and looked great in my jar!
Pack a quart jar full of the desired herbs.
After filling the jar with soil, a strawberry plant is placed in each little pocket so that it hangs out the side.
Make a funnel out of the newspaper and tap the seeds into a jar or container.
Simply gather the harvested seed and store in a jar or container in a cool, dry location.
You will need three for the top section and one for each pocket, so count up the available space in your individual jar and estimate the number of crowns or plants based on the holes available.
Jar or container - the seeds need somewhere to sprout.
A glass jar is an excellent container for growing sprouts.
Simply cover the jar with a piece of cheesecloth or another material that protects the jar without sealing it.
Put the seeds into a clean jar and cover the jar with cheesecloth.
Rinse the seeds twice a day in fresh water, making sure that they are well drained before returning them to the jar.
Once the seeds are completely dry, the best place to store them is in an airtight glass jar.
Just make sure the seeds are completely dry before putting them in the jar.
This unique sound was both commercially and critically successful; they sold over 17 million copies in the 1990s including the Billboard number one's Jar of Flies and the self-titled Alice in Chains.
Whether you like the acoustic touches of Sap or Jar of Flies or the heavy metal touches of Facelift, there are some great Alice in Chains bass tabs available free of charge for bassists to get their hands on.
If you wish to use agitation to speed up the process time, then place the water in a canning jar with several strips of aluminum foil.
Once you've placed your jewelry inside, you can screw on the ring and lid and shake the jar.
Transfer the mixture in a pretty bowl or a jar, cover, and place in the refrigerator.
Test jar lids by pressing down in the center.
If the lid gives and moves, the jar did not seal.
Place the seeds and accompanying liquid into a clean mason jar.
Put a small amount of water into the jar with the seeds and mix it around.
Cover the jar with plastic wrap and poke a few holes in the top to allow the mixture to breathe.
Place the dry seeds in a clean, dry envelope or jar and label with the date and name of cultivar.
Leave the tea bags in the jar overnight.
In order to get the breathing area open again, the brain will jar the body awake just enough to readjust the airway.
Remember that the Wiimote is a sensitive item even with the covers and that internal parts can still jar loose if slammed into something.
Every time I saw a Gungan that looked like Jar Jar Binks, I just wanted to blast him!
Bombs, boomerangs, swords and shields are his staple, but a Gust Jar and Picori Stick are two new items that stir things up quite a bit.
The tannins ring too loud and jar the balance.
The site also has lids for a variety of jars; a great help to those who have a cookie jar that has a cracked or broken top.
Although there are a variety of reasons it boils down to how desirable the cookie jar is to other collectors.
All of these resources can provide pictures of the items, maker's marks, retail and wholesale prices as well as giving you ideas on where to find the cookie jar of your dreams!
Always check for chips around the mouth of the jar and hairline cracks as these lower the value of any jar.
Cookie Jar Collector and Cookie Jar Net are two of the primary clubs on the Internet, however there may be some clubs in your area.
The McCoy Indian Head cookie jar is one of the most collectible McCoy cookie jars on the market.
McCoy created some of the most popular, beginning with their first, the Mammy cookie jar in the late 1930s.
The Indian head jar was produced from 1954 through 1956, a time when Western themes were at their most popular.
Although there were a few variations, the Indian Head jar is easy to identify.
Other than a few small details the jar will be the same basic color all over.
The basic jar is the head of a Native American, with sharp cheekbones and nose.The features are realistic and the eyes seem to be staring straight ahead as if the figure was in deep thought.
The Indian Head cookie jar has been reproduced, but the savvy collector will check measurements carefully.
The original cookie jar is 11 1/2 inches high while reproductions tend to be 11 inches even.
If you are unable to locate the Indian Head jar, keep in mind that new items may come in often and keep checking back.
Whether you are collecting the McCoy Indian cookie jar or a Fitz & Floyd Santa sleigh, you will find those with similar interests in a collector's club.
The thrill of the hunt is almost as much fun as finally finding the perfect jar for your collection.
The original Baby Cuddles comes with a signature pink outfit, a pink teddy bear, baby bottle and pink jar.
They also look wonderful displayed in a beautiful glass jar on a kitchen counter, hung on a Christmas tree or in groupings on a wall or arranged into a decorative wreath or swag.
Displaying antique cookie cutters can be as easy as filling up an old pantry jar with different cutters, or hanging them on ribbon from a curtain rod.
Add an already prepared jar of spaghetti sauce.
For example, young children will say that when trying to reach a forbidden cookie jar, breaking 10 cups is worse than breaking one.
The second category is savings, money put in a special jar, where its gradual accumulation is visible.
Instead, bacteria may reproduce inside the can or jar, releasing the deadly neurotoxin.
If you are not so much interested in pickling your own beets, or if you just don't have the time, you can buy a large jar of pickled beets at the store and go from there.
Once they are completely cooled, take half of the beets out of the jar and add the eggs.
How many eggs you add really depends on the size of the jar.
If you are using a mason jar, you will only get about 3 eggs in each jar.
But, if you bought a large jar of pickled beets at the store, you could probably get a half dozen or so eggs in the jar.
Some people like to peel the eggs before putting them into the jar of beet juice, but I like to leave the shells on.
Yet a single jar may contain ingredients from dozens of different suppliers in third-world countries.
Suddenly, the jar of 200 that is cheaper than the other kind with just 100 doesn't seem like such a good deal anymore when you realize the daily dosage is four capsules instead of just one.
Salton products distributed and marketed under the Black and Decker ® brand include the complete line of SpaceMakerTM appliances and the LidsOff TM Automatic Jar Opener.
Some of the blender's parts (such as the jar) could break or they may become worn out.
Oster blenders come equipped with a plastic jar that includes a lid and filler cap.
The plastic jar, lid, and filler cap are all break-resistant and machine washable.
However, in extreme circumstances, the plastic jar or component lid have been known to break, especially in the dishwasher.
Some types of Oster blenders come with a glass jar.
The glass jar includes a plastic lid and filler cap.
The glass version of the jar is more prone to breaking then the plastic version due to the nature of glass.
You can also choose to purchase the glass jar as an upgrade to your plastic jar.
All blenders are equipped with a rubber or plastic cap that holds the glass or plastic jar in place on the blender.
Most people do not ever remove the bottom cap from the jar; however, it can still become damaged.
If the threads that hold the cap on to the jar are loose, replace the cap.
For example, the glass jar may come in different sizes for different blenders.
If the jar, lid, or filler cap needs replacement, all one needs to do is order a new part and swap this out with the old part.
Make sure you discard of the broken jar properly.
The blender jar is used to hold food and liquids for blending.
The jar can break or become warped in the dishwasher and need replaced.
This piece can be purchased as an upgrade to a glass or plastic blender jar.
The stainless steel blender jar can be purchased as an upgrade, or to replace a lost jar.
Recent KitchenAid Blenders use a push-on, heavy-duty rubber lid for the blender jar.
These lids are no longer sold individually by KitchenAid, and a replacement jar assembly must be purchased if the lid is lost or broken.
These stores often have common replacement parts, such as the blender jar.
To replace the jar, lid, or feet all one needs to do is remove the broken part from the appliance and replace with the new part.
Unlike other breakable carafes, the Pro series utilizes a polycarbonate container and a dishwasher safe removable jar lid.
It comes with a glass jar and has a one-year limited warranty.
Made for the cordless maker are the shatter proof jar and an extra 18-volt battery.
Both will allow you to continue making drinks without stopping to rinse a jar or charge your battery.
Take a glass mason jar and place the two sides of the grinder inside of it.
Fill the mason jar with isopropyl alcohol (90 percent or higher) and screw the lid on the jar.
Gently shake the mason jar to help loosen up any debris and then let the grinder sit in the alcohol for ten more minutes.
Remove the grinder from the jar and use a Q-tip dipped in the alcohol to remove any debris that's still on the grinder.
The blender replacement parts pack contains a base, gasket, jar nut and stainless steel cutter blades.
Available replacement parts include the blender replacement parts package, bottom screw cap, blender gasket, blender jar and food processor blade post.
Available replacement parts include water filters, blender gaskets, blender screw cap, coffee maker carafe, blender motor brush, blender jar and blender O-ring seal.
In blenders the parts that most often need to be replaced include the jar, the blades, and the gaskets that seal the blades into place.
The main compartment, where food is mixed, is called the blender jar.
The blender bottom cap connects the base to the jar.
You also need sealant rings to keep the blender jar from leaking.
The last part available is the Oster mini-blend jar, a smaller version of the large blender jar.
These problems involve leakage, problems with the plastic jar and that the motor has a tendency to run hot when used for frozen items.
The next easy problem to fix is a cracked plastic blender jar.
This is an easy fix; simply purchase a new jar and use it instead of the old one.
Please note that you should replace the jar as soon as a crack is spotted.
Avoid future cracking by purchasing a glass blender jar, if available.
So what happens if your beloved Hamilton Beach blender stops working or if the glass jar breaks?
In addition to replacing parts due to them breaking, you may wish to keep an extra jar on hand for times when you want to make more than one item, such as drinks, and don't want to stop and clean up in between.
An extra jar saves time and is an added convenience.
Why not purchase an additional travel jar so you can make a treat for you and a friend?
Does the lid of your jar not seal tightly?
Try to hand wash the plastic jar if possible.
Only fill it to the fill line indicated on the jar.
Additionally, if your blender jar fell and broke, you can purchase a new one for around $20.
You may even want to consider investing in an extra jar to keep on hand.Having an extra jar cab be convenient when you plan on making more than one type of drink.
There is no need to stop your drink-making when you need to switch the type you are concocting if you have an extra jar to use.
Another accessory is the Oster Mini Blender Jar.
This mini jar is great for single servings or whenever you need to make anything in small amounts.
Sealing Ring (Model number - 4900-003) - The sealing ring is a rubber gasket that fits around the base of the blade assembly to prevent liquids from leaking out of the jar.
Plastic Jar with Lid (Model number - 4917-008) - Oster's plastic jar holds six cups of whatever it is you're mixing or blending.
Order this item to replace a broken jar or have it on hand as a back up.
It comes with everything you need to perform a wide variety of blending, food processing and juicing tasks, including a 40 ounce blender jar and a four cup food bowl.
Some rings are even suitable for jar candles or votive sizes.
Small candles may need to be used in greater quantities to have the same visual effect as fewer large pillar or jar candles.
If you are handy with your hands, then it is very simple to decorate a glass jar or tumbler with some heart shaped motifs.
Gel candles, sometimes known as jelly candles or jelly jar candles, are a new type of container candle that's becoming a very popular home décor accent.
If you shop online you can find wick that is suited to the width of your candle (HTP 105 is ideal for a mason jar candle).
Using a tab on your wick will help the wick adhere to the bottom of the jar.
Mix all together well, make sure your wick is straight and pour the melted wax into your jar.
Place a pencil or a wooden skewer across the mouth of the jar to support the wick as the candle hardens.
The smaller holder is meant to hold a votive candle, while the larger holds a jar candle.
Discount soy jar candles can be found online, at craft sales, and in retail stores.
The most popular types of wax for jar candle making are paraffin and beeswax; hard waxes that burn quickly and create black soot on the inside of the jar.
Soy wax is a softer medium that burns more slowly and creates a small amount of white soot, which will not be easily visible inside the jar.
While all candle retailers will have sales on their products, there are certain times of the year when it's more likely that you'll find soy jar candles at a discount.
You can easily hunt for discount soy jar candles online by doing a search.
Retail stores have the same types of seasonal sales as online shops do, so be sure to stop by after a holiday or just before a change in season to get some great deals on scented jar candles.
Soy jar candles can take a while to burn and melt enough wax to disperse their scent.
Soy jar candles are a fun and practical addition to your home.
Jar candles often use core wicks, as do votive candles.
Buying pre-tabbed wicks is often the easiest option for beginners, since the tab will help the wick adhere to the bottom of the jar.
When searching for candle making information online, keep in mind that gel candles are sometimes referred to as jelly candles or jelly jar candles.
Dip the tabbed end of the wick into the melted wax and center it on the bottom of the inside of the glass jar.
Slowly and carefully pour the scented and colored wax into the jar, making sure that the top of the wick stays dry.
Once the wax is poured, center the wick and hold it in place with a clothespin laid sideways across the mouth of the jar.